MEXobiologist Posted November 29, 2016 Posted November 29, 2016 sure, fear is a natural reaction to the dangers posed against ones person. i fucking get that. but for the love of whatever, please stop selling the idea that people are afraid and that they should be. that is a crippling sentiment that is all the rage right now. fuck that. keep educated and aware of the dangers posed against yourself, then be prepared to defend against them. anyone else feeling this these days?
Guest The Hound Posted November 29, 2016 Posted November 29, 2016 What triggered you to come to this conclusion and make this post if I might ask?
Skiles Posted November 29, 2016 Posted November 29, 2016 I agree. People should not have their guard up so much, because then they won't listen to authority without asking questions. And that's wrong. Thank you for saying that.
MEXobiologist Posted November 29, 2016 Author Posted November 29, 2016 What triggered you to come to this conclusion and make this post if I might ask? i've never been one to believe its right to allow fear to control ones thoughts and actions, it is counter productive and debilitating. the unknown factors of life are uncomfortable and potentially dangerous to ones livelihood and so the natural reaction is to fear them. that is biological. fortunately, our brains are so complex that we are given the ability to apply rational thought and common sense to those fears, if only people would take a minute to think about why it is they are afraid to begin with, learn about it, and arm themselves with the best knowledge available to defend themselves against the subject of those fears, should they ever come to face them. simply telling people over and over that they should be afraid of something because xxx happens/will happen, just spreads irrational panic resulting in irrational behaviors. as a female, i've basically been told my whole life to fear men because they rape women. rape. what an awful and scary experience to go through... and one that is not so uncommon. so what should i do then? do i fear and dismiss all men as rapist pigs because there are those whom are deplorable human beings that prey upon others? or is that an irrational (also sexist) response and maybe if i recognized the reality of the existence of such a thing, i could educate myself on how to properly defend, if givin the chance during such an encounter. or if not, as is the case frequently, i can at least do the best to educate myself on the psychological aftermath. trust me, i know first hand that kind of shit isn't easy... but it certainly can help make a world of difference to mentally equip myself in an effort to stave off the harm to both myself and innocent others which arise from irrational ideas. now thats how i feel about the subject in general, its not a new conclusion by any means. where it is coming from in this post is that lately, whether from the mouths of family, friends, strangers, social media, television, radio, magazines, or newspapers due to the recent political state of things, i keep hearing the phrase over and over and over "people are afraid and they should be" or other versions of the same damn thing. i should be afraid because i'm a half latina female that lives more or less paycheck to paycheck.... among many other things, and as such have all the odds stacked up against me. but i'm over here like, no, fuck you. you think any of this shit is new? i see how that fear mongering bullshit is warping common sense and thought processes. its the same as anything else, packaged with a different label. i'm just sick of hearing it and watching it be beat into peoples heads until they are convinced they should be and spread it like a disease to others, effectively disabling their ability to work forward productively. i'll be aware, i won't be afraid.
MEXobiologist Posted November 29, 2016 Author Posted November 29, 2016 I agree. People should not have their guard up so much, because then they won't listen to authority without asking questions. And that's wrong. Thank you for saying that. i... i am unsure if i am reading/interpreting this correctly.
Master-Debater131 Posted November 29, 2016 Posted November 29, 2016 Meh. Fear can be good, but constantly being in fear isnt good at all. Its healthy to have a good balance of fear though. Like, "what the hell made that sound when Im home alone? Thats not a person.....the fuck was that?!" When people tell you to constantly live in fear its probably becasue they live in constant fear or are worried you are going to become stronger than they are.
MEXobiologist Posted November 29, 2016 Author Posted November 29, 2016 Meh. Fear can be good, but constantly being in fear isnt good at all. Its healthy to have a good balance of fear though. Like, "what the hell made that sound when Im home alone? Thats not a person.....the fuck was that?!" When people tell you to constantly live in fear its probably becasue they live in constant fear or are worried you are going to become stronger than they are. its the difference of being aware and prepared in the event that someone should be in your home when no one should be vs. never allowing yourself to be alone because you know there are people out there who break into homes. i fully understand the reasons we fear and the necessity of it for survival to an extent. just the same as i understand the necessity of pain to survival. unfortunately, both are easily used in manipulative manners in order to motivate others into getting a specific desired result. that is what i detest and reject most.
Master-Debater131 Posted November 29, 2016 Posted November 29, 2016 its the difference of being aware and prepared in the event that someone should be in your home when no one should be vs. never allowing yourself to be alone because you know there are people out there who break into homes. i fully understand the reasons we fear and the necessity of it for survival to an extent. just the same as i understand the necessity of pain to survival. unfortunately, both are easily used in manipulative manners in order to motivate others into getting a specific desired result. that is what i detest and reject most. Well the first one was less about someone breaking into my place and me watching a horror movie and not being able to sleep Fear has been turned into a weapon that a lot of people use to try to make you change your ways. Its also used as a tool to keep people down. For people who arent successful or powerful they use fear to try to drag people down to their level. Its a very base instinct, and one thats easily manipulated.
Admin Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 you know how - like a four-year-old will try to heighten everything to get what they want? so - people are four years old now. just - everyone. it's because of the internet. because of the internet, everyone is four.
Admin Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 people place way too high a premium on fight of flight, which generally speaking can indeed save one's life in a given set of situations that become narrower and narrower as we progress as a species. they allow those instincts to govern them at inappropriate times, when other paths would serve them, and their continued existence, better. a disagreement isn't life threatening. but people will jack it up to that, and be proud of themselves for doing so. Even as it erodes their ethical selves and creates a generally more fearful, and less prepared, psyche. common sense is perhaps that ability to look for that one simple strand in an otherwise complicated issue and begin to untangle and make sense of it. too many people I think substitute fight of flight for common sense. Which causes them not to look for anything, or try to untangle anything, but rather to attack it or run from it.
MEXobiologist Posted November 30, 2016 Author Posted November 30, 2016 people place way too high a premium on fight of flight, which generally speaking can indeed save one's life in a given set of situations that become narrower and narrower as we progress as a species. they allow those instincts to govern them at inappropriate times, when other paths would serve them, and their continued existence, better. a disagreement isn't life threatening. but people will jack it up to that, and be proud of themselves for doing so. Even as it erodes their ethical selves and creates a generally more fearful, and less prepared, psyche. common sense is perhaps that ability to look for that one simple strand in an otherwise complicated issue and begin to untangle and make sense of it. too many people I think substitute fight of flight for common sense. Which causes them not to look for anything, or try to untangle anything, but rather to attack it or run from it. see now, you get it, i get it, there seems to be plenty of people who DO get it.... so how in the world is it that so many do not? or is it just that we are simply not as loud as the power players who seem to stoke the fires and affirm peoples fears? when it comes to the internet, i simply just do not get involved in arguments with strangers because it seems to me a waste of time and energy. like trying to convince a brick wall that it should move or become a doorway because they are blocking peoples path. its just not gonna happen. who or what has to come along in order for these manipulated people to see what they are doing to themselves and others by not applying rational thought and common sense to that which they fear? i dunno. its just frustrating and really it's my own fault. i know better but i still let it offend me that someone should assume to tell others that they should be in fear. like i'm some feeble minded creature that should cower or lash out irresponsibly instead of pressing forward productively or at least tirelessly attempting to do so, as has always been the case of man in face of adversity. our brains give us an advantage over instincts which should not ever be taken advantage of.
Ginguy Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 People need to be aware of who it is that is warning them, and what their motivation for doing so is. I know, I've used fear and seen how effective can be, and while I'm not terribly proud of doing so, I can attest that it works, so people will use it because it works. I've seen and used it in campaigns, sometime it is fully supported and justified by facts, sometimes it isn't. I'd say that a good 85% of the fear climate these days is pure bunkum and balderdash. It is being used in an abusive manner to advance scurrilous dissimulation. The sole motive is reclaiming lost power or preventing the erosion of power structures which benefit parties who otherwise would not notice the average person. As far as what I worry over, personal safety is relatively low, then again I'm a big guy, and I'm taking firearm training courses so I'll be able to effectively use the pistol I plan on buying. If you are worried about that kind of thing, and it isn't an unfounded worry, then I'd suggest you take the appropriate training courses and purchase a firearm. Failing that, a folding lock-blade, if legal, is a good alternative. Policy worries are a different nature, but I tend to ignore the media in favor of reading the actual proposed regulation or law. Having learned how to do this, I find that I don't have to worry about most things that are proposed, and worry even less about what finally gets passed, as it is often so diluted with exceptions as to be relatively meaningless, the legislative equivalent of "Kittens are cute, and so are puppy dogs, birds, some baby snakes, and anything else sold at pet stores." This can vary depending on the situation, but as a general rule, learning to find the original source legislation, regulation or report is a much better option in terms of staying informed and allaying groundless fear-mongering than allowing yourself to be triggered or burying your head in the proverbial sand.
MEXobiologist Posted November 30, 2016 Author Posted November 30, 2016 People need to be aware of who it is that is warning them, and what their motivation for doing so is. I know, I've used fear and seen how effective can be, and while I'm not terribly proud of doing so, I can attest that it works, so people will use it because it works. I've seen and used it in campaigns, sometime it is fully supported and justified by facts, sometimes it isn't. I'd say that a good 85% of the fear climate these days is pure bunkum and balderdash. It is being used in an abusive manner to advance scurrilous dissimulation. The sole motive is reclaiming lost power or preventing the erosion of power structures which benefit parties who otherwise would not notice the average person. As far as what I worry over, personal safety is relatively low, then again I'm a big guy, and I'm taking firearm training courses so I'll be able to effectively use the pistol I plan on buying. If you are worried about that kind of thing, and it isn't an unfounded worry, then I'd suggest you take the appropriate training courses and purchase a firearm. Failing that, a folding lock-blade, if legal, is a good alternative. Policy worries are a different nature, but I tend to ignore the media in favor of reading the actual proposed regulation or law. Having learned how to do this, I find that I don't have to worry about most things that are proposed, and worry even less about what finally gets passed, as it is often so diluted with exceptions as to be relatively meaningless, the legislative equivalent of "Kittens are cute, and so are puppy dogs, birds, some baby snakes, and anything else sold at pet stores." This can vary depending on the situation, but as a general rule, learning to find the original source legislation, regulation or report is a much better option in terms of staying informed and allaying groundless fear-mongering than allowing yourself to be triggered or burying your head in the proverbial sand. i honestly don't believe my situation in life will ever be so dire and dangerous as to warrant me wanting or needing to use a firearm. even if such were the case, i've never believed myself as someone who could safely carry one. maybe a lot of that is in my own believing but i am a highly clumsy individual who make mistakes frequently because i simply do not consider my own safety first. it is really more of an afterthought. even if i've never been seriously injured as a result, i've been in a number of situations where i have come dangerously close to easily ending my life or becoming paraplegic, if it weren't for other people around me acting quick.
MEXobiologist Posted November 30, 2016 Author Posted November 30, 2016 No you should be afraid very afraid afraid of the dark?
1pooh4u Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 you know how - like a four-year-old will try to heighten everything to get what they want? so - people are four years old now. just - everyone it's because of the internet. because of the internet, everyone is four. Because of the Internet there is no four.
1pooh4u Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 Ascared people are easy to control. Fuck that, I say.
MEXobiologist Posted November 30, 2016 Author Posted November 30, 2016 Because of the Internet there is no four. clever girl....
1pooh4u Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 clever girl.... I'm allowed one clever thing a year. ;D
MEXobiologist Posted November 30, 2016 Author Posted November 30, 2016 I'm allowed one clever thing a year. ;D LIES! i saw your version of wrecking ball pure genius
1pooh4u Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 LIES! i saw your version of wrecking ball pure genius Lol, you saw that terrible thing. Kinda flew off the rails on that one ;D
MEXobiologist Posted November 30, 2016 Author Posted November 30, 2016 Lol, you saw that terrible thing. Kinda flew off the rails on that one ;D no way, i fucking loved it <3 <3 <3 i was 100% entertained and singing along best i could in my head i mean, it entirely seemed to be pointed at someone and even if it wasn't, thats the beauty of music interpretation. i gave it a subject because it made it that much more entertaining, sing along, happy fun time to me. like deep in the cruel pits of my black heart, woah pooh, did you ever know that you're my hero? hahahaha
MEXobiologist Posted December 1, 2016 Author Posted December 1, 2016 I was gona say anal but that too lol i'm convinced the only people that are afraid of anal, are those that haven't tried it or those with bowel health concerns
Distortedreasoning Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 is it because youre latina? i hope trump doesnt deport you 8) if not you can stay with me thats a sanctuary home but seriously i do think the fear is a bit overblown. personally i think it has to do with the unknown.
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