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More like the Toonami audience isn't ecstatic about it. That doesn't make the show bad.


I've already explained how Toonami isn't the end-all-be-all of a shows true success.


Clearly being on Toonami makes shows worse because the original airing had a decent amount of slower episodes but worked.


Okay I'll bite. What are the redeeming qualities of Gundam: IBO in your opinion?


The pro's IMO

- Mika isn't a typical mopey Gundam protagonist

- The emphasis on family and brotherhood

- Some side characters are likable despite how little we got to know most of them

- The space mafia stuff has a certain charm to it

- At least Kudelia isn't Relena Peacecraft

- The battles are not poorly choreographed


The con's IMO

- Far too much meandering in the middle of the series

- A sense that very little gets accomplished in the first season

- All that talking yet characters aren't more fleshed out?

- Kudelia taking so long to "do something"

- Arguably poor attempts to make you care about some characters right before they die

- When interesting things are happening they tend to rush through them, it's very "hurry up and wait" most of the series

- Over the top / cartoonish enemies like Carta and Tiger Pants that feel very out of place in a serious drama and not in a good juxtaposition type way

- Occasionally jumping ahead weeks into a battle not allowing viewers to experience the battle first hand


Bottom line, it has it's moments but it meanders way too much while rushing through "the good stuff" to meander some more and doesn't get much done in 25 episodes. Considering it's not an adaptation of a novel or a manga the pacing should be considerably better and from what I've seen of season 2 it has only marginally improved in that regard. I do hope it manages to make good on everything that has happened thus far but I get the feeling it wont.

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