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Finally <3


because my stress levels are through the roof and I still have a furnace install to do. -_'


Plus  my project snowmobile-powered golf cart isn't done due to a frame rail being in the way and me being busy with everything else. At least I have a running ATV to pull it onto the truck with.


Annnd at least I can drive the Mustang on to the car trailer since I got the 5-speed back in last month.


AANNNDDDD I have most of my small things packed already.


These next 10 days are gonna go so slow yet so fast  S:


You and @railroadengine






Anyway you and he will get your thanks in glorious amounts of drunkenness.


Good question, I'm sure I mentioned it to him at least once. At any rate we'll have plenty of time to discuss it on the way to road island..


Good question, I'm sure I mentioned it to him at least once. At any rate we'll have plenty of time to discuss it on the way to road island..


I will drill it into his head the whole time we sit in NYC traffic.


I wish you luck. on to bigger and better things..  Man I've been thinking of trying to relocate..or swing around.


Hell it'd probably feel awesome just to get out of the states and mess around a bit..I was looking at a few


programs earlier that are designed to help you do this..but from what I found GlobeKick is not worth the


money.  MAybe if you knew a bunch of people but Im not in contact with half the people I used to be


and it seems like you really gotta know what you're doing to make something like that actually work.


I wish you luck. on to bigger and better things..  Man I've been thinking of trying to relocate..or swing around.


Hell it'd probably feel awesome just to get out of the states and mess around a bit..I was looking at a few


programs earlier that are designed to help you do this..but from what I found GlobeKick is not worth the


money.  MAybe if you knew a bunch of people but Im not in contact with half the people I used to be


and it seems like you really gotta know what you're doing to make something like that actually work.


Thanks  :brownbottle:


I only wish. But alas I am only moving to Rhode Island. luckily I know a good amount of people up there :D



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