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14 hours ago, viperxmns said:

..were they using Aggron xD

Rayquaza, Dragonite, Gardevoir, Palkia, Salamence are what ppl should be using vs Palkia

😆 I was. It’s possible not everyone was though. I was to busy thinking “holy shit I’m on my 5th Pokémon” 😆



I want another shiny meditite for medicham. 

Lol it was funny, when I got the ponyta I was  telling my bf about the LNY event and shiny Spoink. 

“Oh look a ponyta they’re part of the event too but maybe not increased shi-  oh shit it’s shiny”


  • Haha 1

I was bored so I decided to evolve my Combusken into Blaziken.

Now it's cp1107 with Counter and Brave Bird.   It also has 118 Torchic candy so I'll probably power it up once or twice

this weekend for fun.


Caught a couple new pokemon last week Combee and Glameow.  Also I think I forgot to mention that I got my first Zapdos from

Special Field Research a couple weeks or so ago.

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Posted (edited)


Every Palkia raid I do is so difficult. No good fairy Pokémon and its Dracometeor just faints my dragons in one move. Shit, out of desperation I used Slaking with play rough and one hit it was gone. 

12 Pokémon to fight 1....no bueno amigos, no bueno 😆

edit: Palkia was weather boosted too 🤦‍♀️

Edited by 1pooh4u

I took my perfect togepi and gave it 3rd attack before evolving to Togekiss. It got air slash ancient power and flamethrower 

swapped out ancient power for dazzling gleam. I’m wondering why there’s no fast fairy attack. I looked it up which is good cuz I woulda wasted fast TMs 😆

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Save Torchic candy for community day. Blast Burn Blaziken would be best Blaziken.


Yea Palkia hits hard, you'll have a lot of time left but you'll faint a lot. Still worth it to do damage for those sweet balls

  • Haha 1

I still haven't done any raids yet because there's no gym in safe walking distance, and the gyms with raids near me are mostly at street intersections. Georgia is also very stingy about sidewalks. Might have enough money midway into the year to waste on Uber rides to gyms with raids in more practical areas.

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Posted (edited)

I was bored so I decided to evolve my Roselia into Roserade.  It's cp2625 with poison jab and solar beam.

I have 144 candies on it so I can power it up a lot in the future.  I'm going to power it up a couple times over the weekend.

Also I got a badge for registering 30 Pokemon first discovered in the Sinnoh region to the Pokedex.  Got my second Sinnoh stone from training yesterday.


Edited by blueraven1999
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Just an FYI jic, like me, you were under the impression you had to wait for cd to start to get the battle sinnoh stones. 

You can get them now. Just got b2b from team leader battle 


I’m glad for that. I have an appointment that will take up most of the event. Even if I get a task it’s likely I wouldn’t be able to complete it before 5, assuming they have something to do with krabby and wailmer 😬

I really wish they would go back to switching between Saturday and Sunday 


I emailed them again about making things like community day both Saturday and Sunday because this shit routinely fucks me and buncha other ppl over

Making it the whole weekend hurts no one but they don't wanna do it

Also Meltan still hates me, 5 boxes in no shiny, ppl have spares for me at least

Picked up a third Luvdisc a few nights ago though lol

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Have any of you linked with pokemon let's go for the switch? I'm playing through it and it gives you free pokeballs and berries that might be able to be used on Pokemon Go. I'm prepared for this game to be a quick play through for me at best, but from the looks of it there's a lot of hope for improvements and future games. 

I don't even have the app on my phone any more or know if I can get in my account atm. The game seems to have combined Pokemon Go mechanics with traditional ones pretty smoothly though.

  • Like 1
On 2/22/2019 at 8:13 PM, Professah Tex said:

Have any of you linked with pokemon let's go for the switch? I'm playing through it and it gives you free pokeballs and berries that might be able to be used on Pokemon Go. I'm prepared for this game to be a quick play through for me at best, but from the looks of it there's a lot of hope for improvements and future games. 

I don't even have the app on my phone any more or know if I can get in my account atm. The game seems to have combined Pokemon Go mechanics with traditional ones pretty smoothly though.

I linked go and let’s go. I don’t think you can get ball and berries from one game to use for the other. You can do a one way transfer of gen 1 Pokémon to let’s go through 

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