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Goo jah on Thundercat


Went to Central Park karp nest today, no shiny :(

Then later on a Raikou raid the game wouldn't let a bunch of us get back into the damn gym, kept freezing

Sent Niantic yet another report


Goo jah on Thundercat


Went to Central Park karp nest today, no shiny :(

Then later on a Raikou raid the game wouldn't let a bunch of us get back into the damn gym, kept freezing

Sent Niantic yet another report

Niantic don't care. They'll throw you a lucky egg as a "fuck you"

Not even kidding  ::]::


I have no shinies.  :catsad


Players I know have actually been given legit refunds and passes at times, so there's always hope I guess lol :barf:


1891 Rai jus gave me the middle finger hard

Lol all I got was the lucky egg and rage. lol Raikou is hard af to catch


Raikou #2 at 87



Hearing about Gen 3 supposedly on Oct 27th, the EX beta pics are goin around, they send you a black EX Pass for a set time to raid Mewtwo


M2 reportedly has 6% catch rate


Raikou #2 at 87



Hearing about Gen 3 supposedly on Oct 27th, the EX beta pics are goin around, they send you a black EX Pass for a set time to raid Mewtwo


M2 reportedly has 6% catch rate

6% is pretty high. I saw somewhere in Seattle. I doubt I'll get an invite. Chances slim.  ::D::


I'm guessin it'll be a while til it rolls around here, like until it'll be official like with the tracker. So it'll only be slightly broken when we get it.

I'm guessing that a few weeks after the EX raids roll out they will drop them and make mewtwo a regular lvl 5 raid




Maybe the most annoying aspect I can expect is not being able to raid during the time of the invite



So then I'd wonder if we can get multiple invites in a relatively short span, as I'm guessing an EX Pass goes in the garbage once that specific raid is done


Watched a live Mewtwo raid from Japan, Mewtwo is pretty far away when catching and has two attack patterns, jumping and swatting, so I can foresee him fucking me up a bit




Maybe the most annoying aspect I can expect is not being able to raid during the time of the invite



So then I'd wonder if we can get multiple invites in a relatively short span, as I'm guessing an EX Pass goes in the garbage once that specific raid is done


Watched a live Mewtwo raid from Japan, Mewtwo is pretty far away when catching and has two attack patterns, jumping and swatting, so I can foresee him fucking me up a bit

I'm hoping a mewtwo raid will be many hours long giving working folks and school aged kids the chance to battle it.


From what I've seen so far it looks like you'll get 2 days to get a squad together and hopefully until the next morning once the egg cracks.


I just saw a black egg someone posted on FB chat but I don't know where it's located

actually not sure if that pic is an indication of an EX raid or reggie legendary one

It's a reggie legendary raid egg  hatched at 11:13AM today....you notice black eggs?


Nope, I'm actually kinda glad I didn't raid in the city the other day, I'd hate to get an invite and then not be able to make the raid lol

I'm guessing a lot of people will be taking time off work :catlol


Find it odd that the mons I catch in SI say NYC but when it comes to EX NYC is only Manhattan :catlol


The black eggs are Raikou, guessing Mewtwo raids are invisible if you don't have the pass


That'd be funny, the gym looks regular but there's a secret raid going on


Though if that's the case how would team/gym control work


Now I wonder *confuses self*


The black eggs are Raikou, guessing Mewtwo raids are invisible if you don't have the pass


That'd be funny, the gym looks regular but there's a secret raid going on


Though if that's the case how would team/gym control work


Now I wonder *confuses self*

welp, you just blew my mind, would be nice for all to see it so peeps don't bother going there for nothing to take it out and whatever


Ah someone had the idea that there would be a regular raid at the gym at the same time, that could work lol

How would that work? 


Still calling nonsense that the EX raids are only hittin Manhattan when Niantic didn't know the difference between NY, NY and the other boroughs prior to this :catlol


Ah on the other had it might just say the gym is closed for the raid, going by one screenshot or another that's I think what happened at the Japan event

I saw a screenshot like that it said, "Exclusive raid battle in progress.  Gym will reopen at 8AM"


That's why I think the mewtwo once it hatches will last longer than 2 hours


Looked at the invite pic, EX raid also an hour

I'm telling you the EX raid will get dropped, working people will be unable to do them |::


You get an invite to something you can't even attend, that's ridiculous


lol one of our players reported that too, what a random thing for them to throw in, it should be a good luck charm xD


It's also nice how they fixed the Pokemon it automatically gives you, for Raikou it's been loading my ground types by default, even when going back in


lol one of our players reported that too, what a random thing for them to throw in, it should be a good luck charm xD


It's also nice how they fixed the Pokemon it automatically gives you, for Raikou it's been loading my ground types by default, even when going back in

lol I actually did catch that Raikou wasn't that great but better than not catching it :catlol


I thought that was kinda random too


Have you been having any issues doing your charge move?  I've been having all sorts of issues with it

lol I'm glad they fixed something though  :catlol


Yes, so many times I am trying to do charge move and it's seemingly not doing it so I keep doing it til it works

Exactly what I'm experiencing before at least the screen would change so even if it didn't show you were doing it you knew it happened now the bar doesn't even go empty.


That's cool, hate to go after that 44% Dratini across town for no reason


Still have no Unown cuz when they spawn in SI they spawn either on bridges or the middle of the ocean :catlol :catlol :catlol :catlol


From what I've seen the EX Raids have been happening like, Friday eve/Sat, dunno bout you but this would actually be limiting for me


Hopefully once it's a normal thing there can be all sorts of days and times


From what I've seen the EX Raids have been happening like, Friday eve/Sat, dunno bout you but this would actually be limiting for me


Hopefully once it's a normal thing there can be all sorts of days and times

I haven't seen or heard of any happening and that wouldn't be a terrible time for me but it sucks for people that work at that time :catsad

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