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I felt kinda dumb for not asking about a 40 lol


Could say it's for the future


Though I'm goin on level 33, if I was 35 or above I totally would've asked


Raid friend picked up a few 30s from another store, I got dibs on one :)


Maybe it's to get people to keep doing nonlegendary raids now that they've been outclassed

Well, I mean people playing on free pass only aren't going to waste the freebie on anything other than the Legendaries right now and it didn't say Legendary didn't count

it's just another way to get people to spend money on the game which isn't bad in and of itself but Niantic always fucks everything up and this will just encourage more spoofing


The guy looked at my level before he gave me


He appreciated my Golem friend

I went yesterday they didn't have them yet.

I wound up buying a mobile battery. This is why I don't like going into stores  :catlol


I like this Anker battery I have, works much better than this lightweight Duracell I tried before


these badges are no joke, I think someone made a quick $30 on ebay with them  >:D


I like this Anker battery I have, works much better than this lightweight Duracell I tried before


these badges are no joke, I think someone made a quick $30 on ebay with them  >:D

lol, I'm going back today to get a lvl 40 badge cuz I'm closer to 40 than 30 (250000 away from 36)


Nice, get something for free make 100% profit


Before I go on vacay I'm gonna get 2 from Amazon, the Anker, I'm keeping this battery I have but it's big, not heavy, just big :catlol


Had a poop week last week, but I first balled a meh Moltres today, which made me realize I have now first balled each Legendary at least once ::spin::

Still only one Zapdos it doesn't wanna be my frand  :catsad


Side note and this worked but not for me did a raid of 18 people for Zapdos and no one hit ok once catch was made. 15 out of 18 caught it


Heard about that 'ok' thing though ppl discredit it all the same, ppl say Zap just got a higher catch rate, or it's coincidence


Is it reported to only 'apply' to Zapdos? Been focusing more on Molt and Lug, want dat 90+


There is no way Zapdos has a higher catch rate as out of 9 Zapdos raids I only have one.

Where I have 3 of each of the other Legendaries working out to a much better catch rate



I'm not sure if it's Zapdos or all of them.


Yeah I'm still inclined to believe it's all luck, lol


And anyway that 'ok' trick could only possibly work if the first person who catches it catches it before anyone else doesn't catch it, if ya get my meaning


Oh also I saw something about the Japanese PoGo Twitter saying this is the last day for the special boxes, dunno


I buy the small box. Imo best value I already have enough incense and lures

that's exactly how we did it no one hit "ok" I got salty af when I caught Zapdos for

my bf but not myself. He's been sick so I played2 phones at same time


Yea me too small box both cuz coins and I don't need lures


I always wanna think they gotta announce shit, I'm expecting the boxes to go til the 31st when the birds leave, dunno bout Mewtwo


Also hearing about supposed events in Philly and San Jose, no regionals tho


Kinda seems like the philly event is a fan initiative that Niantic agreed to up spawn rates.

I was confused reading about it. I got the impression it was a non official but backed by official event


I would check it out. For me it's not that far.


Oh crap the boxes really are gone


Got the one more I was able to get yesterday


Reports are that Gen 3 names and a special incubator are in latest data mine

Yeah I bought one last one jic too :catlol


Hopefully they let us upgrade our PokéStorage


Same, hope storage is on sale again let alone givin us some extra for free


If Gen 3 rollout is a jamboree like w Gen 2 but it's not freezing outside that'd be neat


Save a lucky egg for the dexing


Same, hope storage is on sale again let alone givin us some extra for free


If Gen 3 rollout is a jamboree like w Gen 2 but it's not freezing outside that'd be neat


Save a lucky egg for the dexing

Thanks for reminding me about the lucky egg  ::spin::


I'm really curious about the special incubators, wonder what that's about


Also dreading DST when the map goes to night at like 5 or 6, I'll never be able to raid outside of the weekends as it is now it's changed from 8 to 7:45 S:


So far the conjecture is it reduces distance, which would basically make it the new 10k incubator, unless..we can hatch legendaries..


Yeah still wondering how they're gonna handle raiding in fall when it gets dark early, cuz like, ppl get outta work and wanna raid


I hope we can hatch Legendaries I heard rumors of them hatching from 25k eggs but you're probably right, it's a half distance incubator that they'll charge 300 coins for


In your expert opinion can 2 people over level 30 take down a charizard?  I took down an Arcanine alone, but that's lvl 3 and it wasn't that easy, I had a hard time not dodging, cuz that's kinda key, you dodge you waste time, so I had to do it a few times :catlol


I hope we can hatch Legendaries I heard rumors of them hatching from 25k eggs but you're probably right, it's a half distance incubator that they'll charge 300 coins for


In your expert opinion can 2 people over level 30 take down a charizard?  I took down an Arcanine alone, but that's lvl 3 and it wasn't that easy, I had a hard time not dodging, cuz that's kinda key, you dodge you waste time, so I had to do it a few times :catlol


I'd probably say two players lvl 35 and up with good Golems could probably wipe out Charizard, given that Moltres doesn't take much more than that


I'd probably say two players lvl 35 and up with good Golems could probably wipe out Charizard, given that Moltres doesn't take much more than that

We didn't try. I thought we could but my bf been sick and didn't wanna. This morning I was between 2 Zapdos raids and I had to go to work, besides no one could come help  ::D::


Scored a 91 Zap to add to squad



At some point I wanna try soloing a Vaporeon, wondering if I power up my Zaps n such if I can do it

Power up zaps jolteons and Ampharos but don't dodge.  You'll get it done.


Me too, was away last week so at this point I might have to resign myself to no additional birds


Sadly my brother in law has kinda given up on the game, not many gyms close to home though I think Niantic did add a couple


Caught this convenient rest stop on the road yesterday at least



OH I also hatched a perfect Pichu, not shiny tho





I'm not getting any more birds, just been a lousy summer for me and didn't get to play as much as I woulda liked.

By the time I get off work the birds probably will be gone and replaced by Raikou, but I can't raid anyway, need new glasses, that's more important.



lol, Niantic gave me one lucky egg, appreciated but kind of insulting if you think too much about it, so I don't >:D


Eh, ended up fitting in a last Articuno, got an 84 w regular Razz


I figured the birds would hang all day today but Raikou no go til tomorrow I guess


The month lead on the dogs does not give me hope for catch rate.. let the Raikou-thon begin..




Eh, ended up fitting in a last Articuno, got an 84 w regular Razz


I figured the birds would hang all day today but Raikou no go til tomorrow I guess


The month lead on the dogs does not give me hope for catch rate.. let the Raikou-thon begin..

lol I only caught 2 Zapdos and I'm goin up to Cape Cod in October off season so it might be impossible for me to do any legendary hound raids up there.



West Coast got some Rai action today, pleh


Enjoy Cape Cod, dunno how long you be there but hope you can get a special doggo

lol I was schooled. "Raikou isn't a hound. He's a saber tooth tiger"

Know I like learning shit but the way this kid said it made me wanna punt him across the street  :catlol


Don't have one yet. Did a raid with only 5. 3 of 5 were over lvl 30. If the other 2 were stronger we might have done it.

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