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It's really practically like there's no event, I don't get what's going on


Second Larvi hatch in a row, if this is the new streak I'm fine with this


I feel u now raptorpat, it's like the stops know what u need and don't give it to you


I have 27 revives. But if it makes you feel better, I haven't been to a gym since before I complained, so it's taken me this long to collect enough to revive all my fainted guys and start building up a reserve.


It's really practically like there's no event, I don't get what's going on


Second Larvi hatch in a row, if this is the new streak I'm fine with this


I feel u now raptorpat, it's like the stops know what u need and don't give it to you

This event clearly was a bust and only announced to keep people playing, which I'm sure most casual players stopped after realizing there was no event ::]:: >:D



I hardly ever get what I need from egg hatches or Pokestops.  I still never hatched a Lapras and I've only hatched 2 Chanseys and I've been playing 10 months ::spin::


I would trade three Upgrades for a King's Rock right about now


Yeah I only have the one Chansey so far, walked her a bit to build candy because she's not the best Chansey to evolve but who knows if I'll ever hatch another one >:[


I would trade three Upgrades for a King's Rock right about now


Yeah I only have the one Chansey so far, walked her a bit to build candy because she's not the best Chansey to evolve but who knows if I'll ever hatch another one >:[

This might explain a lack of grass types


Lucky for me I wasn't one of those banned for dropping lures and catching stuff  S:


I made Chansey my buddy cuz I have a pretty decent one. 15 attack 15 defense 13 stamina


Huh, curious.. my brolaw was seeing plenty of Grass in Ohio, but us East Coasters were perhaps affected by this..

What's a soft ban?  Do you know you're banned or are you playing but nothing spawns?

I'm thinking I would've been pretty mad to be accused of cheating just for playing.  S:


No idea.. indeed that would suck


With that new Promo code thing (waiting to see what they do with that, hoarding coins for now) they could offer something to players who got unfairly booted.. but then there's the rest of us who basically experienced no event


No idea.. indeed that would suck


With that new Promo code thing (waiting to see what they do with that, hoarding coins for now) they could offer something to players who got unfairly booted.. but then there's the rest of us who basically experienced no event

lol I know but I'm used to this game screwing me :D


Oh vell, Larvitar streak broken by Skarmory (first one with amazing stats, though my strong one has the better moveset, though Skarmory is pretty much useless in battle anyway)


Man if Wobbuffet could have not garbage CP he could be a pretty decent gym defender


Oh vell, Larvitar streak broken by Skarmory (first one with amazing stats, though my strong one has the better moveset, though Skarmory is pretty much useless in battle anyway)


Man if Wobbuffet could have not garbage CP he could be a pretty decent gym defender

My Wobbuffet isn't great but he's the only one I have 608CP 255HP .  I would think if you had a super good one and maxed it out, it should still be annoying to face and cause some people to run out of time


According to one source Wobb's max CP is just over 1000, which would only give low level players a hard time.. if his HP and CP could be in proportion to Blissey then he'd prob have more HP than Blissey, but as a water type he'd have more weaknesses. I think that could be balanced, in a way, but sadly they'd rather nerf him


It's interesting, I never noticed how when you sort Pokemon by HP it doesn't go by raw numbers, but seemingly by HP relative to the Pokemon, or combat, not sure which


According to one source Wobb's max CP is just over 1000, which would only give low level players a hard time.. if his HP and CP could be in proportion to Blissey then he'd prob have more HP than Blissey, but as a water type he'd have more weaknesses. I think that could be balanced, in a way, but sadly they'd rather nerf him


It's interesting, I never noticed how when you sort Pokemon by HP it doesn't go by raw numbers, but seemingly by HP relative to the Pokemon, or combat, not sure which

I have no idea how the listing by HP works. Chansey is my highest HP Pokémon but it seems to stay where it is according to CP S:


Wild Miltank!




Yay! :D


I caught a wild Snorlax last night. It's only the 2nd time I caught a wild one.

It has lick and earthquake. I didn't even know a Snorlax can have ghost skills.  ::spin::


I need halp!  I don't know which machop to turn all the way to 'champ S:


I have one that's equal in all attributes but not perfect. It's 14/15 in HP Att Def

but I have ones that are perfect in at least one area.


Should I go for less than perfect but balanced or the one that's perfect in one area?


Or should I continue to wait?  I've been hatching a lot of 'chops lately anyway  S:


Halp it's been almost a year and I still don't get all the nuances of the game! ::]::


::spin:: me and my boyfriend too. It's welcome after hatching so many 2 eggs

But lately my tens have sucked mantine and pineco like crazy.



I'd prefer it to a Lapras at this point. It's become sort of a running gag between my boyfriend and I that I don't have one.


There were two scythers outside the capitol building on my way home from work. One was a wonder with attack/defense/HP that exceeds calculations.


That's perfect stats right? Because I have exactly 50 candy and a metal coat.


Sounds like it, nice go for it


My only perfect Pokemon so far is my Wigglytuff (from a perfect Iggly)

That woulda been awesome if not for the nerfing of wigglytuff, I have a perfect Arcanine.

My boyfriend has a perfect Gyrados and it's way stronger than any Gyrados I've got, it's like not even close >:D


I might make another Gyarados if I catch a perfect Karp (have one with every stat but attack) but until then I'm still waiting for shiny  :fap:  >:(

I never saw a shiny but I know they're out there cuz I see red gyrados in gyms from time to time.....I'm like, "You big show off"

Imma hypocrite cuz I'd do the same thing :D


Yeah same here, I see them in gyms


My brother in law caught a shitty one before we even knew shinys were a thing, literally like the moment they went live, I was on the phone with him at the time


I know two areas around me that are good for karp, but annoyingly neither of them is a quick walk, like I have to commit a chunk of my day to hang out there


Stupid karp don't show up at the closer water area


I'm pretty sure there is a Scyther nest behind the state capitol building now. I didn't keep count, but had to have caught at least 7 or 8 of them while at work. I started this morning with the single candy I got from evolving the perfect one, and have enough to evolve another if I weren't going to use it to power up perfect guy.


I know a great spot for Karp but it's all about being there at the right time, something I don't have a knack for >:D


I've never seen a shiny on sightings either. I'm also crossing my fingers for an N shaped Unown to appear : o


Important - Shiny karp do not appear on sightings or even on screen,  only when you tap on a flopping karp and enter battle will you discover if it is shiny or normal


Yeah next time I visit my brolaw one plan is to go Unown hunting :D


Important - Shiny karp do not appear on sightings or even on screen,  only when you tap on a flopping karp and enter battle will you discover if it is shiny or normal


Yeah next time I visit my brolaw one plan is to go Unown hunting :D

Damn that makes finding them even harder >:D


Hm, which pics? Either they changed it so that gold karp actually pop up, or something was bullshiz

I couldn't find them again so it was most likely bs S:


Sometimes I ignore Pokémon I'm not in the mood for. I guess I won't be doing that anymore  ::spin::


It kinda sucks they took karp outta 2k eggs


Also is annoying when karp show up when it's shitty out, 'do I walk in the rain to feel stupid catching a shit regular karp, or maybe it won't be...'


It's always a shit normie  S:


Until it isn't..


This game is very smart, in an evil way, cuz it makes you go outside even when you don't wanna  >:D

Yeah and on the flipside that's the con of working from home, when it's nice and all I wanna do is go out and play but I have shit to get done,but nothing else is stopping me from going out :D


Though at the same time it's best to take a break and get outside at least a little bit, which thanks to the game I'll almost certainly do


Have you had any problems with incubating eggs or having no sightings for minutes at a time?

No but it was giving me GPS issues by my desk earlier


Supposedly I think when you have no tracker is a good time to use Incense, but if it's a technical problem I dunno if it'd work


The randomness of evo items is getting on my nerves, have four Upgrades and four Metal Coats when I just need another fucking King's Rock


I'd be up for a Catan style 3 for one trade

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