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Slowpoke is pretty common, he's also a normal 2k egg


My brolaw hatched Miltank from a 2k earlier

Damn...your brother in law is killing it with the 2 eggs. I'm hardly getting any 2 eggs ::]:: >:D


Boyfriend hatched Lapras and Girafarig out of 2 egg.

I only started getting a lot of eggs today prior to today I wasn't

getting much.  I hatched a Miltank and I got a dragon scale on a spin that had nothing to do with any streak


My cousin apparently has four Miltanks o_0


Yeah 7 day guarantees one but you can spin an item at random whenever, got my third Metal Coat last night


My only 10k 2k so far was a Skarmory, still need another King's Rock for Politoed (evo'd Slowking), got one each of the rest (Bellossom, Scizor, Steelix, Sunflora, Kingdra; named my female Seadra Queendra). Hatched a duplicate Lee Tyrogue last night and added it to my first Lucky Egg mass evo, now my only remaining [regional] Kanto Pokemon is Aerodactyl. Recently dexed Sneasel and Elekid from the 2ks as well. Freakin' Granbull has been on my tracker like five times, for various reasons haven't been able to catch it yet, Snubbull isn't as common around here.


It's annoying when evos get weird moves. Charizard with no fire moves, Arcanine with dark/electric.. also kinda crazy when wild Pokemon you've caught are still largely better than evo'd ones with high stats.


I think people are cheating I've seen every regional including Heracros and corsola

Maybe they weren't cheating but I'm skeptical. I read down south you may be able to get corsala and heracross but that's not a confirmed thing


I haven't seen Mime, Corsola or Farfetch'd in a gym, my brolaw saw a Mime in a gym in Ohio. He may or may not get a chance to go to Florida in the summer


I still think there could be some interesting ways they could make like, a regionals event.. supposedly down the line the way to obtain legendaries will require teams of players to fight in a specific spot at a specific time, like that time they showed Mewtwo in Times Square in that promo. Maybe regionals could be similar, or you obtain a Passport item or some such. I liked the idea of regionals spontaneously being unlocked during April 1st, but of course that didn't happen lol


Other commento- it's annoying when you get a low CP high stat Pokemon, much of the time I feel like it's better to choose a strong (as opposed to amazing) Pokemon with a high CP to evolve.. waiting on Typhlosion, still need candeh and better Cyndaquil. Cannot seem to hatch an amazing Rhyhorn, very annoying


Also wanna power up my Dragonite but I have almost enough candy for another one, current one only has Dragon moves (Tail/Outrage).. prolly end up walking with her. Got three Upgrades sitting around, almost enough Porygon candy to evolve another P2..


also might help if they told us exactly how much longer the current event is gonna last.. (edit, seems like maybe it ended around a quarter to 9 or so)


I made sunflora meganium and kingdra I turned a decent stat chikorita. I figured why not I probably won't leave it in a gym anyways although I

do leave differ things at gyms leaving myself at great risk for being sniped. I often leave politoed charizard and gengar and kabutops.


But wait if it's done in groups who gets to keep the legendary and I don't know a lot of people  >:D

So, would you play with me and my bf if that happens? >:D ::HMM:: >:D


I think at a certain point everybody gets a shot at it would be the idea


Yeah I'm wondering how the players mechanic would work, what if somehow you're the only one that shows up :o


But I've also heard they wanna overhaul the game to be more like a traditional Pokemon game, like this year, guess we'll see what hapon


Also, it appears Johto starters are finally hatchable, from 5k eggs..


I think at a certain point everybody gets a shot at it would be the idea


Yeah I'm wondering how the players mechanic would work, what if somehow you're the only one that shows up :o


But I've also heard they wanna overhaul the game to be more like a traditional Pokemon game, like this year, guess we'll see what hapon


Also, it appears Johto starters are finally hatchable, from 5k eggs..

Oh! I was wondering why I never hatched any :D


You do the dump, whatever you need least; non-max potions, pokeballs, non Pinaps, etc


I for one ain't gonna sacrifice all the XP of a 7 day streak for nuthin


plus evo item


Man gym activity can be so unpredictable, would not have guessed I coulda claimed four defenders instead of just two today


Cool they finally (recently) fixed the eggs so you know when/where you got them


I tried it. It's kinda meh. I caught a few pokemon, got me my slowpoke. He's a heifer

When the game first started Slowbro was a pretty good gym piece. I see Slowking in gyms but I'm not sure it's any stronger than the 'bro.


So far there have been two Mr. Mimes in gyms around me this week.. plus another Unown


I was wondering, it wouldn't surprise me if Unown is intentionally programmed to only spawn at random spots and not at Pokestops


I've never even seen an Unown sighting.  There's a lot of Pokémon I've simply never seen in the wild. Miltank and Dragonite being two I can think of off the top of my head


Oyeah I got a long list of Pokemon I've never seen in the wild


I caught Venusaur and Blastoise long ago but to my knowledge Charizard has never appeared around here


Others include-

Every Eevee evo other than Flareon one time

Miltank, Dragonite, Omastar, Dewgong, Pupitar, Tyranitar, Typhlosion, Meganium, Ninetales, Dugtrio, Primeape, Machamp, Cloyster, Snorlax


Some other pokemon I've only briefly seen on my tracker once, never actually encountered, like Aerodactyl (only cuz of Paul Brown stadium in Cincinnati), Arcanine, Alakazam, Chansey, Flareon as mentioned, Rapidash I think


Oyeah I got a long list of Pokemon I've never seen in the wild


I caught Venusaur and Blastoise long ago but to my knowledge Charizard has never appeared around here


Others include-

Every Eevee evo other than Flareon one time

Miltank, Dragonite, Omastar, Dewgong, Pupitar, Tyranitar, Typhlosion, Meganium, Ninetales, Dugtrio, Primeape, Machamp, Cloyster, Snorlax


Some other pokemon I've only briefly seen on my tracker once, never actually encountered, like Aerodactyl (only cuz of Paul Brown stadium in Cincinnati), Arcanine, Alakazam, Chansey, Flareon as mentioned, Rapidash I think

Tyranitar spawned in my apartment the day the Johto region was released, it escaped and fled, never saw it again.  Hatched tons of 10 eggs, no lapras, no lavitar :(


das cold


I figure Larvitar is Gen 2's Dratini, but so far Larvitar has been rarer than I've ever known Dratini to be. And yet so many players around here sport Tyranitar in gyms. Lucky hatches I guess, or lucky finds.


edit- also never seen Jumpluff or Togetic


das cold


I figure Larvitar is Gen 2's Dratini, but so far Larvitar has been rarer than I've ever known Dratini to be. And yet so many players around here sport Tyranitar in gyms. Lucky hatches I guess, or lucky finds.


edit- also never seen Jumpluff or Togetic

I dunno what's up with the rarity of fire Pokémon. With the dratini at least I knew of a fairly frequent spawn site but not so with Tyranitar. That's like  Lapras everyone has one around here but me >:D


On that note for me Charmander is still the rarest wild starter, rarer than Cynda on average


But Larvitar is Rock/Ground which kinda makes its rarity more lulz

Tyranitar has a lot of CP but it must not have a lot of HP cuz I beat them easily

Rhydon is pretty rare out here geodude I see a little more often. I don't know why larvitar is impossible to find


So yeah, The Simpsons did Pokemon Go in the latest episode ("Looking for Mr. Goodbart") hard to find clips at the moment

lol, I saw that, they called it Pikeman Get and they called it enslavement when you caught one, something like that, it was kinda funny


lol, I saw that, they called it Pikeman Get and they called it enslavement when you caught one, something like that, it was kinda funny

lol yeah, and the Comic Book Guy in me wanted to comment that you can't purchase Pokemon in Go  :P


lol yeah, and the Comic Book Guy in me wanted to comment that you can't purchase Pokemon in Go  :P

:D I thought he meant he bought an account from someone that caught them all until he said something about the cheats costing 600 bucks and I too was like, that's not how the game works :D


That's true, even with Solar Beam Jumpluff's combat power is inherently low, just like so many other Pokemon in Go, rendered useless by default


Wanting good stats is kinda more on principle than anything else


Wish Ninetales had a bit higher CP, she's the only fire Pokemon I currently have with the best fire moves


6 hour lures are back as part of the event


coolest thing they could do during this event is secret rollout of Celebi


Shiny Bulbasaur lol

6 hours is a long time to attract Pidgeys and rats -_'




Cool, congrats man, those bitches are rare as hell to hatch.

I made my Donphan he had a 93% perfection rating and me, being impatient said, "Good enough"


Dropped a lure and they really are for 6 hours ::spin::



Oh yeah, also me and my boyfriend made Slowking and it's weird, we each turned the exact same Slowpoke

and this has happened before but not often, they each had different skill sets. I dunno it's one of the little things that makes me like the game

that same same but different aspect of it :)


There's always an ideal moveset for each Pokemon though, so it sucks when you've been workin and got great stats but you end up with a less tjan optimal moveset.


According to my tracker you wouldn't know there's a Grass event going on..


Man I badly need Revives rite na


There's always an ideal moveset for each Pokemon though, so it sucks when you've been workin and got great stats but you end up with a less tjan optimal moveset.


According to my tracker you wouldn't know there's a Grass event going on..


Man I badly need Revives rite na

Yeah I have a Dragonite with steel wing and hyper beam, I hate it. It's too slow.

Same I'm not really noticing more grass types than usual. Other than the six hour lures this event is beat.

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