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1. I was just watching this promo on youtube a while back. god bless toonami throwbacks.


2. I can't wait until we get some more reruns on Toonami. hopefully of some good stuff.


god. all these old promos in HD and shit. god bess


hm. my memory must behazy. i feel like i remember that ening with spopovitch breaking her arm or something. guess i was wrong

you're thinking of

Tien breaking Yamcha's leg in dragonball



My mind is being overwhelmed by terrible feelings!


Toonami hasn't had to worry about reruns since weekdays. Now it's all about which show is going to get pulled before completion.


Poor Videl. T__T This is painful to watch! 


I'm struggling to remember a beating this brutal.  Maybe Frieza's on Vegeta?


Again, why the hell isn't Mr. Satan watching his daughter's fight?!


Spopovitch you bastard!


Ah, so the other guy with him just had Spopovitch end the fight.  But how in the hell did Goku know that would happen?


The reruns speech.  Wasn't this the point Toonami moved away from showing all the classic stuff and started getting new shows, anime on?  By the way if you haven't watched it in forever, the old ThunderCats series really doesn't hold up.


Got my copy of Rogue One with the lithographs yesterday.  By the way, the TIE fighters are shooting red lasers on the cover!  DISNEY DUN GOOFED!


By the way if you haven't watched it in forever, the old ThunderCats series really doesn't hold up.


Yeah that was back when they kept rerunning the same pre-Ginyu Force DBZ eps. Thundercats is one of my top 10 favorite cartoons ever honestly.


I kinda wanna Punch Krillin



he's being a real dick in this arc


maybe he's getting revenge for all the teasing Gohan and the others gave him over Android 18 during the Cell Saga.



the public does't have the right t know about a private citizen's medical condition....


I don't get why they call this the Final Chapters while the rest of DBZ Kai is just DBZ Kai. The Buu Saga isn't good enough to be its own series lol.


It's pretty much because originally they weren't going to make a Kai version of Buu Saga, so they had to name it something when they later decided to bring it back.


Yeah that was back when they kept rerunning the same pre-Ginyu Force DBZ eps. Thundercats is one of my top 10 favorite cartoons ever honestly.


Yeah, it was a great show, though I haven't seen it in a long time it still was pretty fun last time.


I also quite liked the new one (even if Tygra/Lion-O gradually overcoming their rivalry should have gotten way smoother development over the course of the season), wish it had gotten a second season.



Reduced to just sunglasses.  Well, it's a good thing no one is paying attention to Saiyaman right now.


Mr. Satan looking back and forth.  Now he gets it. :D


Why is insisting Videl skimped on her training when he clearly saw earlier that Spopovitch had changed quite a bit?  At least I think he did.  Now that I think about he wasn't there for the drawing was he?  Still Hercule should have more sense than this.


Why did they make old Spopovitch sound like such a sissy in this dub?


I don't think you have to worry about shouting "Gohan", since no one knows who that is.  Well, besides Videl's classmates I guess.


Korin's always has a good sense of what's going on.


The far side of the world of which we have no idea what the map looks like. :D


Yeah, it was a great show, though I haven't seen it in a long time it still was pretty fun last time.


I also quite liked the new one (even if Tygra/Lion-O gradually overcoming their rivalry should have gotten way smoother development over the course of the season), wish it had gotten a second season.


The new one was OK, but the old one was good for so many reasons that the new couldn't recreate (atmosphere, voice acting, wide variety of fantasy- characters, locales, etc). To me, the Thundercats have definitely stood the test of time and aren't just good for nostalgic reasons lol.


The new one was OK, but the old one was good for so many reasons that the new couldn't recreate (atmosphere, voice acting, wide variety of fantasy- characters, locales, etc). To me, the Thundercats have definitely stood the test of time and aren't just good for nostalgic reasons lol.




I really liked what the new one was going for as well though, it went for a different atmosphere but it still created a setting that had a really nice feel to it and still a good mix of fantasy and sci-fi and also looked gorgeous.


Woah, did that Super promo just say that Toonami is running new shows Easter weekend?  NICE!!! O0


But of course! They haven't switched that up since like, ever!


Anyhoo, glad you finally got it later in the night!


can this even be called a Kai series? seems like they're not cutting out a ton of filler-esque scenes.


They cut an episode and a half worth of material involving Sharpner attempting to reveal Saiyaman's identity and woo Videl.


Some other scenes cut


Saiyan man arc

- gohan forced  on a date with a orange haired girl cause he thought she find out he was great saiyan man but instead she wanted to tell him about his teddy bear underwear roffl


-great saiyan man performing in a skit for a movie


Tourney arc

-  the fighters hitting a punching machine that determines their strength


That's all I can remember off the top of my head atm


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