BUU8800 Posted February 10, 2018 Author Posted February 10, 2018 (edited) Slow Start 6 Study session sleep over! My goodness the yuri levels were off the charts this week! We got nipple discussion, ass slaps, and bathing together! Though unfortunately the only girl we didn't get to see bathing was Shion and her massive tits. Such a missed opportunity. I'm curious though...were they implying Tama's grannies are an item or do they really just live together? Either way Tama certainly took the spotlight, showing off cooking and comforting skills. So glad the mystery of the small screw was solved. Edited February 10, 2018 by BUU8800 1 Quote
The1gairon Posted February 11, 2018 Posted February 11, 2018 Darling in the Franxx 5 One Piece 477 and 478 Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 11, 2018 Author Posted February 11, 2018 (edited) The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 4 Poor new girl Imu, how could she possibly hope to surpass Goddess Teruhashi? Oh well, at least Saiki helped in the trash contest and when Kaido decided to overdo the April Fools. And yeah, who knew a piano took up so much room? Mitsuboshi Colors 6 The Colors try some edible plants, debate Kotoha's gaming skills, and take pictures in an attempt to set history and become statues this week. The overcast and rainy weather for the first two sections felt appropriate as that's how it is where I live today. It was fun to see the normally cool Kotoha caught off guard for once. Guess she channeled her inner Mario when it was her turn to don the mustache...or maybe Luigi? The Colonel taking those pictures in his vehicle was too adorable, but that Nonoka one came off as slightly risque. Good job getting that chu-chu-cabrilla Colors! It's too bad there's one foe they can't defeat: their curfew! Kokkoku 6 Another engrossing episode. Mostly herald hunting, but first, Tsubasa. Turns out we were indeed faked out yet again and he managed to pull through. He even managed to kill his attacker. That scene where he vacated his bowels before dying was something. And then Juri, Gramps and the Dad were even able to put Tsubasa back in stasis before he became a herald. Immediately after that happened though I thought it might end up sealing his fate. In stasis, assuming all the heralds are gone, he'd be completely defenseless. And sure enough, the bad guys find him judging by the next episode preview. Guess we'll see it they decide to kill him or not. They might not know the heralds are gone yet like we do which might end up saving him we'll see. But on that note, ARE all the heralds really gone? Juri took out the massive one this week, and definitely released all of Majima's family members, but unless they fused off screen or something weren't there three last week? I definitely remember the baby one but we didn't see that here. So either the baby was someone else unrelated, or they really did just fuse off screen or something. Either way Majima's parents were too far gone but what about her brother? He looked in much better condition and I think I saw tears in his eyes. For her sake I hope he can somehow be saved. It would be better than nothing for her. That aside the only other really interesting thing of note this week, besides Juri just being badass as usual, was the Dad's ability to summon heralds seemingly at will. I'm not sure how much that will matter anymore though if there really are none left, but it's the first time he's actually been shown being useful and if he's still active I gotta think there's a reason for it that'll get played out at some point. Guess like I said with Tsubasa earlier we'll see. err....ignore this. Edited February 11, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
Delaclease Posted February 11, 2018 Posted February 11, 2018 Sanrio Danshi 6 Mahoutsukai no Yome 18 Citrus 6 Kokkoku 6 Gakuen Babysitters 6 Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens 5 One Piece 825 1 Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 12, 2018 Author Posted February 12, 2018 (edited) Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 6 Summer Vacation! And Nishikata ain't the only student who hates homework. Well enjoy more Takagi teases instead then! So how rich must Takagi be if she has her name embroidered on her handkerchief? My goodness, but still it was sweet of Nishikata to try and break her potential fall. I swear, the romantic overtones grow ever stronger each episode. They seem made for each other! Edited February 12, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
Jman Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 Saw a bit of Ninja Slayer, which is NOT #1 in da hood G, despite really wanting to be Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Maybe 4 or 5. Quote
Blatch Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 Pop Team Epic #6 Laid-Back Camp #1 and #2 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 (edited) Inuyashiki Last Hero 8 The town whose school district I went to for all 13 years of my pre-college days just had its first ever on-duty police fatalities this weekend. Would watching Shishigami shoot up a station days later be considered insensitive? Edited February 12, 2018 by PokeNirvash Quote
Delaclease Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 6 Yowamushi Pedal: Glory Line 6 Quote
Jman Posted February 13, 2018 Posted February 13, 2018 Mazinger Z Infinity. That was a lot of fun. 1 Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 13, 2018 Author Posted February 13, 2018 Dennou Coil 1 - 26(END) Well that was certainly an emotional ending. That damn goodbye with Densuke got me good, and I'm not even a dog person, not at all really. So this was a pretty good show. It certainly looked much better than I expected it would for a series from 2007. That aside though I'm afraid I don't have too much to say about it. At times, especially in the final run, it did become somewhat hard to follow. Not that I was unable to understand the overarching story, but the later twists and turns felt like they sometimes came out of nowhere or too fast and got explained away with Star Trek-esque technobabble. Maybe a slower re-watch, I speed-blitzed through this in around 3 days, would help alleviate that issue. Honestly I don't expect I'll ever watch this again though. It was good but not that good. Those seemingly one-off episodes near the middle like with the nessie-esque creature or with the beards that reminded me of the episode of Futurama where Bender played God were probably my favorites, and they had nothing to do with the main plot. Not that the main plot was bad or anything, it was just 7 out of 10 level good. Maybe an 8 if I were feeling more generous, but I'm not with this show so I'll keep it the 7. 1 Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 13, 2018 Author Posted February 13, 2018 (edited) A Place Further Than The Universe 7 Checking out their vessel, a bit of backstory, and the crew's morale. Or lack thereof. Well at least Shirase's self-introduction got a nice response. Good luck girls! Overlord II 6 Purely a setup episode for what I assume will be our second and final arc this season. Sebas and about 7 different blonde haired girls, along with the bald brute, appear to be our key players so far. Man the tits on the one in the Eight Fingers were fucking fantastic! The one who kept questioning Sebas had nice ones too. That aside I definitely enjoyed watching Sebas take control and help that girl. Finally getting some long overdue focus and I like how he just oozes power and confidence despite being all prim and proper. He never feels not in control of himself or the situation. Assuming it happens (I haven't read the source material) I'll probably love watching him destroy all who would oppose Ainz with little effort. Speaking of, Ainz was barely even mentioned this week. Also, while I certainly enjoyed this week's episode, and intend to keep watching weekly, I get the sense that this arc will probably be more enjoyable to watch all at once instead of weekly. At least assuming it lasts as long as I expect it to. Edited February 13, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 14, 2018 Posted February 14, 2018 (edited) Evil or Live 4 Well this was definitely aggravating. Between Hibiki being an idiot who doesn't know when to shut up and everyone else shitpiling on him and Shiori during the middle portion, it was really hard to sit and watch this without wanting to punch at least six different people. Things got a little better at the end, with Hibiki growing a spine and taking advantage of what little pros he has, but man... I think I'm gonna need some booze for the next episode, just in case. That said, with all the unlikeables and sorta-likeables-but-not-really littering the cast, I think it's safe to say that Headmistress Jean is the best character, in spite of her not actually doing anything this episode. I mean, look at that face. She knows she's the best, and she's flaunting it for as much as the animators will allow. Edited February 14, 2018 by PokeNirvash Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 14, 2018 Posted February 14, 2018 Initial D: Fourth Stage 2 The character drama that made First and Third Stage so good may be done, but the races are still exciting as fuck, especially with the increase in CGI quality. Quote
Delaclease Posted February 14, 2018 Posted February 14, 2018 (edited) Overlord II 6 Edited February 14, 2018 by Delaclease Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 14, 2018 Posted February 14, 2018 Kuroko's Basketball 16 Freezing 2 I was gonna drop a rant here about how Momoi's data analysis/potential reading abilities are total bullshit, but as I managed to take it better than I thought I would - the complete opposite of Evil or Live #4 - I decided "fuck it" and wrote this up instead. So sorry about not telling you how much I want to smack Momoi in her smug face. Quote
Blatch Posted February 15, 2018 Posted February 15, 2018 The iDOLM@STER #18 My Wife is the Student Council President #4 and #5 (uncensored version) Because I don't hate the idea of hentai on principle. But, somewhat insanely, neither of these episodes were TV-MAS. They did have a fair amount of sexual content, but nothing a typical TV network couldn't handle. And wouldn't you know but they actually had some solid comedy, whether sexually tinged or otherwise. The EDs apparently tell a complete storyline in sequence involving Ui, and then the start of one episode had the text in Russian for some reason, but I liked the gag. I only started watching this one again because... well, it was an ultra rare example of a show I put on permanent hiatus (as in, taking six month breaks between episodes), but then the director of a show I'm watching turned out to be an actual Nazi, so I decided that I couldn't watch that one in good faith for a while and brought this one back... and yet I probably could've stuck with it the first time if I had watched beyond the third episode, because I thought there'd be forced softcore in every episode. So I like how this has turned out. Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 15, 2018 Author Posted February 15, 2018 (edited) Bokura ga Ita 1 - 26(END) Ah, another shoujo was a bittersweet opened ending. With Nana watching as Yano leaves, the two steadfast in maintaining their long distance relationship. Well I suppose I figured as much after checking MAL before even starting this and seeing the source manga went another 6 years or so after this adaptation ended. And considering it's over 10 years old now I will just consider this the end. No interest in seeking out the manga. Well this was fine. You know, it's funny, I just so happened to end up watching over half the episodes of this on Valentine's Day so...certainly thematically appropriate. I swear I didn't plan it out that way either, just kinda happened. And it took pretty much less than 3 days to speed-blitz past it too. I gotta say, first the early kiss and then the early naked together in bed this certainly made more progress much quicker than many other shoujo series I've watched....and then spent the rest of its time in a drama quagmire. Much more indicative of standard shoujo fare. Let's see....the only two characters besides our leads who really seemed particularly noteworthy were Yamamoto and Takeuchi. Maybe Nana's friends too but...eh. Yamamoto was just a bitch the whole time, never liked her. Takeuchi was awesome, often better than Yano. Kinda reminded me of Suwa from Orange only not as cool. I mean Suwa was better than literally every other character in Orange combined. The leads both had their flaws. Moreso Yano in the beginning and Nana in the end. On the whole I think Yano came off looking worse ultimately but eh, whatever. It was all more or less expected. All the drama anyway. We also had two Christmas episodes to add to my ever growing list, though I probably wouldn't ever wanna replay these. And that goes for this whole series actually it was...really just fine. I don't think I regret watching it but I'm good with leaving it alone now. 6 out of 10. EDIT: Oh yeah! I almost forgot, how bout those no eyes or one eye throughout the whole damn show huh? God that was odd. Was it a stylistic choice or budgetary? I'll guess the former but...really, odd. Edited February 15, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 15, 2018 Author Posted February 15, 2018 (edited) Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san 7 Summer Vacation! Geez first Takagi-san and now this series this week! Anyway Yuu sure was busy this week. First with Misa and Jun having fun, nice yukatas girls btw. Then traveling all around Japan via ramen with Koizumi-san and learning some history along the way. Funny that I imagined Koizumi-san as a ramen CEO last week and Yuu imagined something similar this week. More importantly though...did they imply a beach episode next week? Hell yeah if so! Yuru Camp 7 Oh ho, so the elderly gentleman was Rin's grandfather all along! Interesting...but for now, more camping by the lakeside with Nadeshiko and Rin. And more barbecue too! So nice of them to repay the help they received with food. But was that one camper really a dude? Looked like a girl to me, and was definitely voiced by one. Drunk big sis got Rin good, unintentionally, but it was nice to see her and Nadeshiko sleeping side by side. Nadeshiko on the lake made for a nice ending, though admittedly my mind did wonder what might happen had Jason Voorhees suddenly emerged. Well lucky it's not a horror series, eh girls? Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody 6 Hmmm....well I remembered the beginning with the play and the end with Mia but somehow the ant attack had completely left my mind. Well, regardless a good job by all! And now to watch the plot thicken regarding Mia's plight... Edited February 15, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 15, 2018 Author Posted February 15, 2018 (edited) Lupin III: Part III 1 Well here we are at last. Of the Lupin television series released to date, including Fujiko Mine, this is the only one I still haven't seen. (There are tons of specials and movies I haven't seen yet either for the record.) And with Lupin Part V set to begin airing in April I figured I'd see if I could manage to finish this off in the 40+ days I have left. Considering that's around one episode a day it shouldn't be that tough, provided I maintain interest, but we'll see. So yeah, Part III: the Pink Jacket Lupin. Sort of a black sheep of the franchise no? Well let's start with Lupin going after the lost treasure of Al Capone! Hopefully he has better luck than Geraldo did! Oh but wait! First, the opening! It was pretty catchy I have to say, with some nice visuals: It was pretty refreshing to see Fujiko working with Lupin to start, the two even having enough time for a bite while being pursued by Zenigata: Of course it didn't take long for her to get captured: But at least it wasn't after her betraying Lupin first for once. I'll touch on the art style in a second, but first I see Part III decided to let us know it wouldn't be shy about revealing Fujiko pretty freely: And I see they're going with that flesh colored nipple bump thing like they sometimes did in Part II with her, though not always: Now the art style, primarily the character designs, is certainly different from the previous series. Not in a huge way, but noticeable. It's the chins primarily, I think. The guys seem to cleft where they really didn't before. At least for Lupin and Goemon. With Lupin it isn't a constant thing, but with Goemon it seems to be. He and Fujiko probably look the most different from their earlier incarnations for me: The others are noticeable, except maybe Zenigata who really looks pretty much the same besides his trench-coat being aquamarine colored now. Guess the outlandish nits matches the Pink on Lupin pretty well though. Jigen probably gets off the easiest considering his beard and hat cover his face for the most part, though the difference is still there: And that's pretty much it. The episode itself was standard Lupin fare. Not bad for a re-introduction. As I said it was nice to see Fujiko fully cooperative, though the fact that they left off with everyone still diving for the treasure and not yet actually finding it did seem kind of odd to me. I almost expected this to turn out to be a two parter because of that except it seems like the next episode will be totally unrelated. Oh well I guess, just a bit strange. The butterfly ending theme was fine, not as good as the opening and not really memorable. Oh, and for the record I will try not to post as many images as I go along, but seeing as this was the first episode I decided to go a bit on the excessive side. Edited February 15, 2018 by BUU8800 1 Quote
J.M. Matthews Posted February 15, 2018 Posted February 15, 2018 (edited) My Hero Academia 21. The episode that's old enough to drink. Edited February 15, 2018 by J.M. Matthews Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 16, 2018 Author Posted February 16, 2018 (edited) Koi wa Ameagari no You ni 6 Damn I'm late this week. Anyway a very beautiful episode visually. The backgrounds were stunning, moreso than usual even it seemed. The library aquarium, the moonlit night, the city landscapes, etc...and we have more Haruka screentime this week. Wishing she were closer with Akira, nice of her to get her that keychain. Even if she doesn't understand the full meaning Akira was longing for regarding it. And then Kondo again. Just what meaning does the book he took really have? Lupin III: Part III 2 In which Lupin assists a downtrodden and jobless Zenigata: uncover the truth after he's setup by a superior officer in a botched attempt at capturing him. The faces are starting to stand out to me more, they seem more jarring than in the first episode, but I'll probably get used to them eventually. It's the noses right now I think, especially Lupin. His hair line too come to think of it. The episode itself was fine. We've had Lupin helping Zenigata before. I'm not sure if I'd say Fujiko inherently betrayed Lupin this time as it doesn't seem like she was in on his plan from the beginning. If anything she was just an opportunist after everything went down. A mild betrayal by her standards anyway if one at all. Pretty outlandish and over the top displays of power from everyone in capturing Aran too, but then I remember Part II got silly often too. And while Lupin was nice to Zenigata we should never forget he's usually got an ulterior motive: Lupin III: Part III 3 In which Lupin chases after a collection of art related to a young girl wanting his help. Boy the tonal shifts in this one were jarring. We went from Lupin pretending to sexually assault young Flora so she'd leave: To the townspeople and police at a small bank thrilled that Lupin was robbing them: To the reveal of Flora's terminal illness and immediate sacrifice to save Lupin's life. All in about 20 minutes. Not even enough time to feel properly sad for young Flora. Slow down show! Still, it was a nice gesture on Lupin's part to use the paintings that way, to be with her. Lupin III: Part III 4 In which a group of female pirates: after the same gold as Lupin, kidnap Fujiko: hoping to forcefully use her knowledge to lure Lupin over to their side permanently. Boy four episodes in and already Fujiko's been kidnapped twice and gratuitously nude for the vast majority of an episode! She even had visible nipples this time! Well it wasn't a bad idea to try and seduce Lupin, but of course it would never work. And in the end he managed to save Fujiko and embarass a particularly-shoehorned in cameo from Zenigata at the same time: Lupin III: Part III 5 In which Lupin and crew are tangled up with Nazis and a map to their lost treasure. You know, I might have been annoyed that Zenigata just let a Nazi war criminal go to get Lupin, or that Fujiko was trying to deal with him, but eh. The whole thing was played of as a huge joke. Plus I'm a sucker for seeing Lupin come to Fujiko's aid: And yet another outing with female nudity! Not Fujiko this time, but the young woman who attacked Goemon, urging him to try and get over his fear of naked women. Pretty silly premise for the proverbial straight man of the cast, especially him just flying around with that condor so much, but hey at least he and that young girl had a cute little moment in the end: Lupin III: Part III 6 In which Jigen meets up with Gallanco, an old friend who taught him to shoot, while caught in a revolutionary warzone: Well the Jigen episodes always do tend to be on the serious side. Zenigata antics aside I'd say this followed that formula. It's funny though, I'm pretty sure someone else was Jigen's teacher in a Part II episode so is this a retcon? Probably, but eh, no big deal. Gallanco's betrayal wasn't exactly surprising, but watching Jigen and the gang in the tank to sort of avenge him was nice: As was Lupin not going after the treasure, honoring Jigen's request on behalf of his fallen friend: Lupin III: Part III 7 In which Lupin and friends face off against "Death" Gurve, a man capable of seeing bullet trajectories who Fujiko once betrayed(big shock) out to take her life in revenge. Wasn't there a Bond villain from a movie after this who got super powers from a bullet stuck in his head? Hmmm....I'm not entirely sure what went on with the ending there, and how Lupin and Jigen were able to see through it, but a win's a win I guess. I probably just missed it. Lupin trying to attack Fujiko in the shower reminded me of the iconic boxing glove bed opening. Considering it was literally the entire point of the episode I won't harp about another Fujiko betrayal. Besides, it wasn't even Lupin this time anyway. Edited February 16, 2018 by BUU8800 1 Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 16, 2018 Author Posted February 16, 2018 (edited) Lupin III: Part III 8 In which an Alaskan criminal cult, led by two bozos who have a personal grudge with Lupin kidnaps Fujiko: Only to have Lupin and crew save her: and make off with their gold Mary statue. Fujiko kidnapped again! I can't decide if she gets kidnapped or betrays them with greater frequency. Well it was nice to have a snowy region for once, and the kidnapping last all of a third of the episode. I expected this one to take a weird, supernatural twist with the statue, but instead it just turned into a mini action movie. With Lupin surviving point-blank range explosions and prolonged electrocution with no trouble...because of course. Lupin III: Part III 9 In which Dr. Budweiser(seriously) hires an unwitting Fujiko to give Lupin athlete's foot so he can get a sample of his skin to use in his plan to make Lupin clones! So yeah, this was a silly episode, or at least should have been. When I read the outlandish premise I was anticipating some craziness like we'd see in Series 2 Lupin such as when those giant pop corn kernels were all over earth. I figured we'd see the clones of Lupin causing havoc, but we got none of that. Instead this was probably the dullest, most boring episode so far. Definitely some missed potential. The entire second half where they destroyed the clones before they were even ready felt lazy, especially with how stupid Zenigata had to look to fall for it all and make everything go exactly as planned. It also felt extremely kiddy with the forced dialogue explaining what Lupin was doing. Which I guess is fine theoretically as I'm sure kids watched this, but here I found it grating. The only slightly interesting note I found here was some eerie parallels with the Cell Arc from Dragon Ball. Fujiko's bug recording and the incomplete clone Lupin destroys felt extremely reminiscent of stuff from that arc. Did Toriyama happen to watch this episode before writing it? But yeah, no screengrabs this time, this one's not worth it. Edited February 16, 2018 by BUU8800 1 Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 16, 2018 Author Posted February 16, 2018 (edited) Lupin III: Part III 10 In which Lupin is challenged to a contest: Steal his grandfather Lupin I's hidden treasure or face life in prison! Well it's boy's night out this episode as Lupin has sent Fujiko on a vanity-driven wild goose chase and she doesn't appear. I did enjoy that car scene of Lupin and Jigen talking about it. What I didn't really enjoy was how fuckin' creepy they made Jigen look in this one! The man's not a gremlin for crying out loud but you wouldn't know it from this episode. Sheesh, that's gonna haunt my nightmares. I did enjoy the long Goemon runner leading to his collapse from starvation and ultimate victory: In the end it was a team effort. Good showing all around everyone! Lupin III: Part III 11 In which Lupin tries to recover Dracula's Heart, a ruby ring said to produce blood granting eternal youth once every 100 years. Well not quite eternal, it hasta be redone every hundred years to maintain the effect. You know, I only took one screengrab from this one, but it was because I got pretty absorbed in it. The general idea behind the plot, plus its significance with regards to Lupin and Fujiko was surprisingly interesting. Plus I'm a suck for horror imagery such as in the last section. I almost feel like this coulda made for a decent Lupin film or something. They've certainly done weirder ones. Also interestingly it was our second episode with someone tied up to a cross! Oh well Fujiko, you lost eternal youth, but got the ring. And in a sense you have eternal youth anyway, considering you've existed since the 60s and 70s and continue to be young and beautiful...the benefits of animation I suppose. Lupin III: Part III 12 In which while trying to steal a painting of his grandfather's lover, Lupin happens across a young woman and her father, both of whom he knew years ago, being held captive. It's always interesting to see a much younger Lupin, even if it was just a brief image. Fairly well done non-Fujiko damsel in distress episode. Although she did briefly show up at the end just to cause trouble, as usual. I'm a sucker for these chivalrous Lupin episodes. Another one that, had the villain not been such a pushover, might've made a decent film. Maybe it already has been though with Castle of Cagliostro...I'll know some day. As an aside, Sophie's dad definitely seemed to be a bit van Gough-esque in design, which makes sense. I really enjoyed the switcheroo reveal, which I didn't see coming. Especially on Zenigata's side, the perv. Lupin III: Part III 13 In which...a lot of dark and weird stuff happens. Seriously this episode threw more for a serious loop. I was as dumbfounded as Lupin. Even the ending, I didn't really get any of it except it took way too long to realize that the real Fujiko only appeared at the very end...I think? I dunno, here's a random double Zenigatas screengrab, he hasn't had one in awhile: Hakumei to Mikochi 6 Well well, Hakumei got a haircut! I actually prefer longer hair on girls but still, she looks nice. And Mikochi joined her and Master Iwashi for some clothes shopping too! Seemed like a nice, relaxing day on the town. Dramatic haggling and coin tossing aside. Don't worry Konju, you'll get that haircut someday, just don't go too short, alright? Toji no Miko 7 Way to go Sayaka! Rebelling like that, and best-girl Mai helping her out. Honestly this was exactly what I hoped would happen. Best episode so far. Now all 6 girls are united and it's on with the story! Also, holy fuck Ellen's big beautiful tits! Just....holy fuck. Edited February 16, 2018 by BUU8800 1 Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 16, 2018 Author Posted February 16, 2018 (edited) Lupin III: Part III 14 In which Lupin becomes entangled in a bet between Fujiko and an elderly billionaire and her momma's boy son. Yeah, I had it figured out right away that Lupin hypnotized the son into thinking he was him and switched places, but Zenigata being Jigen fooled me. And here I was about to post about how I wasn't sure if Zenigata would actually go along with executing Lupin too. That bedroom scene with Fujiko also becomes a bit different knowing it was Lupin all along. Well it may or not be due to the hypnotism, but it was nice to see Fujiko shed tears for Lupin's well being once again. It's such a once in a blue moon occurrence after all. Killing Bites 6 So hippo really did save tiger, as I figured. Now there's even more chaos in that section though with this mysterious hooded opponent. Meanwhile cobra rapist got what he deserved. Poor sexy gecko though, about to get crushed 2 on 1. Damnit, cheetah girl isn't sexy take her out at least! Bah, it won't happen. Fan girl is getting better each episode too. And best-girl Ui needs a spinoff where she digs tunnels all day! Edited February 16, 2018 by BUU8800 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 17, 2018 Posted February 17, 2018 Neo Ranga 16 Soul Buster 4 I was thinking it'd take me 'til season 2 to see the moment that got on /m/'s yuri-based recommendation chart, but I'm pleased it came this early regardless. [the joys of underage drinking] Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 17, 2018 Author Posted February 17, 2018 (edited) Lupin III: Part III 15 - 17 In which Lupin teams up with a "pure" girl named Lori to search for a camel's bones that will lead to treasure. Well I gotta be honest, I did not see Lori being the bad guy all along coming, though nothing really ended up coming from it. All Lupin did was knock her out. There's been more serious betrayals by one-off characters before. That aside not much of an episode. The bone dragon was cool visually, brief as it was. Lupin III: Part III 16 In which Lupin boards a ship in search of the golden Eve's Apple, under the protection of Zenigata's watchful eye: Well it's been awhile, but finally we've got an episode with Zenigata as the main threat. He still had his goofy moments, but he definitely seemed much more competent here than usual. Seeing through Fujiko: And whatnot. Not as sharp in the second half in New York though. Honestly the only thing I liked with that part was the little marathon payoff at the end. It was cute. Lupin III: Part III 17 In which Fujiko promises to marry Lupin...provided he steal a large amount of gold guarded by Zenigata. Despite the twists and grandiose exploits, in fact partly because of them even, this felt like more of a simple episode meant to show off the main 5 characters and their personalities. Almost like a refresher episode. No one was really surprised by the behavior of anyone else. Jigen accepting and expecting Fujiko's first betrayal, Lupin tracking the gold knowing she'd steal it, then Zenigata tracking it, twice, and Goemon's honorable acceptance of the situation as he plummeted into the ocean with his friends at the end. These character know each other so well. No new one-off characters to interact with, just our main cast doing what we'd expect them to, which may sound bad or tired, but it's kinda nice every once in awhile actually. I did enjoy the volleyball runner too, and Zenigata once again being able to keep up with everyone throughout the episode. Lupin III: Part III 18 In which Lupin meets Jenny, a broadway hungry young girl while stealing from a mob boss on his birthday. Standard Lupin caper for the most part. Not sure Fujiko was even needed in her one brief scene, and apparently Goemon can tie alligators into knots somehow. The highlight was definitely the dancing scenes with the insert song. Such 80s cheesy goodness, reminds me I still need to finish Cat's Eye! Good luck Jenny! Lupin III: Part III 19 In which Lupin Jigen and Fujiko break a not-so-trustworthy man named Parker out of jail to lead him to a treasure. Well the highlight this time was definitely the bickering going on between Jigen and Fujiko about her constant betrayals. Nice to see the guys one-up her in the end. No Goemon though oddly. Cheer up Fujiko, you lost the treasure, but managed to be badass while nude beating up all those prisoners: Lupin III: Part III 20 In which Lupin tries to recover a diamond he was tricked into stealing and losing in his youth. So was that little gaunlet of fighters Lupin had to face in the end there supposed to be a movie reference? I feel like it was but I missed something. That aside the only other thing of note for me was how grotesque some of the faces are getting in these more recent episodes. Especially Fujiko's increasingly thin, triangular, pointy chin face. Paint her green and she could be the wicked witch! Lupin III: Part III 21 In which Lupin seeks out gems hoping they will lead him to a lost city of gold. Ehhh this episode was alright. Had an Indiana Jones-esque quality to it. Overall nothing really stood out about it though, not even enough for a screengrab. Lupin III Part III 22 In which Lupin's crew are tricked into trying to steal fake diamonds, only to then go after the real ones. Huh, I didn't know diamonds were flammable either. I dunno why Lupin didn't just cut the diamonds go when he had all that money already instead, but I guess it was just to ensure he'd lose it all. That aside another forgettable episode. We're hitting a lull and the ugly facial designs aren''t really helping things: Lupin III: Part III 23 In which Lupin takes on the Beirut Mobile Bank, said to be impregnable while on the move. It's funny that this ended up being the second episode in a row that involved burning up the loot that Lupin was after. Poor guy can't catch a break. And....that's all I got. Lupin III: Part III 24 In which Lupin goes after a Chinese treasure guarded by Goemon's old friend Seiryu, who has been manipulated by the man responsible for killing his family. Yeah this was definitely a step up from the past several outings, as I figured it would be just from the description. Goemon vs Seiryu was pretty nice: It's just a shame Seiryu had to die in the end, but I guess it made sense all things considering. I'm glad Goemon was at least able to avenge him and his family, truly badass. Lupin III: Part III 25 In which Lupin and the gang try to recover some gem eggs stolen from a church by a corrupt Prime Minister for the sake of the local children. This was a fairly fun episode. Hatcher must have been a pun reference to Margaret Thatcher. I enjoyed how Lupin used the kid's drawings to guilt Fujiko and Goemon into helping. The car hopping Zenigata scene was fun as well: And the magnet trick was right out of Bugs Bunny. Cheer up guys, the good deed might not have turned out as you expected, but for once your better angels prevailed. Edited February 17, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 17, 2018 Author Posted February 17, 2018 (edited) Takunomi 6 Geez even I'm hungry after seeing that fish. Such cute little otters too. The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2 5 Alright, finally 5 episodes in to every series I planned on watching this season, ironically this was the last to reach that mark, and so I feel comfortable saying this: This is the best anime of the Winter 2018 season. I'm sorry it....it just is! My god, this episode might have been the best yet. I loved the first 4 segments and the fifth was definitely good too. Imu finally getting dirt on Teruhashi was great. Just be careful what you wish for Saiki as your plan seems to have backfired and given you another love interest! Then a humorous twist on the Christmas magi story with Saiki's adorable parents. At least I think the original was at Christmas. Then that fucking hamster. Holy fuck, that hamster needs to show up as often as possible! And Amp too for that matter, we need both those adorable little guys around all the time! And who knew Nendou of all people would be a caring and responsible pet owner? I love it! The last segment was fun. I said out loud the floor was gonna cave in about a second before it did. Glad Saiki got his back problem sorted out, now just make sure to fix the house again! God I love this series! Edited February 17, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
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