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  • Knight's & Magic #6
  • Girls und Panzer #7


Now that was an off-putting Offscreen Moment of Awesome. I have to wonder if people originally denigrated it as hard as that one guy did for Mega Man 9's ending many years ago.


But I liked the actual episode, believe it or not. And at least Anzio got an entire Blu-ray's worth of shorts later on to make up for this.


  • Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita. #6


Hunter x Hunter 1999 9-10


Part of the fun of watching the old and busted version is figuring out the differences between it and the new and way-too-shiny 2011 version. Between the two, I'd say 1999 did the Second Exam better than 2011 in spite of spending two episodes on it. Lotta fun moments there that were added, from Hisoka catching a fish in his mouth (like a cat!) to Gon just nonchalantly taking the phone from Menchi to suggest a "time out". :D



I'm just about to start on episode 3 of my personal anime writing project, so in correlation with the assigned storyboard artist and episode director (Satoshi Saga and Hiroshi Tamada, respectively), I decided to watch two anime episodes I watched in the past to get a basic first idea of their styles. The episodes in question are listed below:


Is This a Zombie? 5

Ghost Hound 6


[maggot count: 4]


Diamond no Ace Season 2 episodes 27-30

I picked this back up because Major annoyed me so much, and it's nice to watch a stable team again.


The intra-squad game was a lot of fun to watch, and I loved Miyuki leading that 'Roar' chant. I wish the coach would stay on because he really is good for the team.



Mahoujin Guruguru (2017) 1 - 2


I wasn't sure after the first episode but I guess I got used to its style/tone, or it grew on me, or something else because the second actually managed to make me laugh out loud which really doesn't happen much anymore, and twice no less. :D A very Bobobo-esque random series, but with a more cutesy general tone and character designs. Also slightly reminiscent of Goma-chan and Mainichi Kaasan. Which makes sense considering this is a remake of a 90s series and Goma-chan is too. Will certainly check out more whenever the desire comes.


Mobile Suit Gundam Episodes 42-43


I thought that it was a pretty good show, though the dub could be a bit hammy at times, and some of the music cues and scene cuts seemed really abrupt.  I'll just attribute that to it being a 1970s anime and give it a pass.  I've been trying to finish this series since high school, so actually getting around to doing it really makes me pleased.


Revolutionary Girl Utena replaces Mobile Suit Gundam.


Revolutionary Girl Utena Episode 1


I'm not entirely sure what I expected going into this show, but I'm pleased with it so far.  The animation and music definitely speaks of the 90s, which is always a plus to me.  The aesthetic of the show is a bit hard to pin down: surreal maybe, but I think that may be going to far.  I think dreamlike describes it better.  But I've enjoyed the first episode, so on to the next one tomorrow.


Made in Abyss 6


While I will admit that her height and standard appearance make her an unconventional sort of attractive, Ozen's deep voice and creepy demeanor are off-putting enough to make me not really like her. Marulk, on the other hand, is very cute and I have a strong feeling Blatch would like him.





A very strong feeling.



  • Birdy the Mighty: Decode 02 #12
  • Akame ga Kill! #5






  • Knight's & Magic #1 (dubbed) and #7


We're now over halfway through the show, and yet it's still not clear who the villains are... or if there are even supposed to be any. Ho hum. |::


  • Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita. #7


Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita 6

Your Lie in April 2


In regards to the former, I wasn't expecting Ryo's reasons for crossdressing to be so... non-trashy. Wearing women's clothing to have someone like you for your personality is definitely a first.


As for the latter, while Kaori's performance of the Kreutzer Sonata was by far the best part, Keith Silverstein's performance as the judge who disliked it was a very close second. I swear, I came very close to hearing his quote "She's dragged Beethoven into a back-alley brawl!" in the Cockney accent he used for Speedwagon. :D



Diamond no Ace Season 2 episodes 27-30

I picked this back up because Major annoyed me so much, and it's nice to watch a stable team again.


I just recently marathoned the whole thing again (and got so hooked I had to actually go read the manga  :o where it left off).  I just love how Miyuki's eyes look like a rottweiler's when he'd deadly serious and thinking hard, whereas Sawamura's gold looks more like a panther.  If the whole show was about Miyuki I wouldn't complain.  :D  The other thing that struck me anew was how awesome the OST is, especially the Gloves on the Bench and Grow Stronger Day by Day themes.  It really is effective at heightening the drama and exhilaration of many scenes.  Although it's kinda weird when the music just cuts off because the scene ended and the music wasn't finished. :)


I also applaud all the older anime I'm seeing people list!  Yay!  I am however detecting a serious dearth of Tsuredure Children in people's posts!  If you're not watching it, you should be!  It's absolutely hilarious (and short).  The first episode is not a major hook, though it's no less funny than the rest.  It's just that everything becomes funnier as you gradually get to know all these people.  Watch eeet...


Youkai Apartment is turning out to be pretty good too, sort of a poor-man's Natsume Yuujinchou.  I've not been too enthused about Welcome to the Ballroom, but I'm enjoying Touken Ranbu and Saiyuki Blast for all the eye candy.


Revolutionary Girl Utena Episode 1


You should head over to ANN and have a look at their episode reviews of Utena.  They're currently doing  weekly (sorta) reviews of the eps and there are a lot of good insights about what's going on and what some of the symbolism means and stuff I never picked up on watching it before.  Stay away from the discussion thread though, you won't get anything much more than thinly veiled spoilers from people who've watched it a dozen times.


I also applaud all the older anime I'm seeing people list!  Yay!  I am however detecting a serious dearth of Tsuredure Children in people's posts!  If you're not watching it, you should be!  It's absolutely hilarious (and short).  The first episode is not a major hook, though it's no less funny than the rest.  It's just that everything becomes funnier as you gradually get to know all these people.  Watch eeet...


I watched the first 2 episodes a few days ago, but wasn't planning on mentioning it here. It's cute. Glasses dude/smoking girl is easily the best couple so far.


I also watched episode 1 of Konbini Kareshi last night. It was extremely boring with imo ugly fujoshi-bait male character designs. I wanted to at least watch episode 2 as well but haven't been able to bring myself to do so yet. Probably will at some point though.


EDIT: Just watched episode 2 and it was...slightly better? Definitely less boring and kept my attention more, though I'm unsure how much of that was simply due to me being less tired when I started it than when I started episode 1. Fujoshi elements remain strong with a scene that could have been in Free! I did however appreciate that they were aware enough to lampshade it with the little brother walking in on them and calling them gay, Three's Company style. Plus I guess the actual relationship progress was nice. But if just 2 couples are moving this slowly I do wonder how the show intends to cram in 4 more plus still focusing on these 2 in just 10 more episodes. Guess I'll see.

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