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Yowamushi Pedal 29

Maki chan and Toudou are the second best sports couple behind Yuri and Victor  >:D. I felt so bad for that Nagano dude. He gets past Toudou for a minute and then gets easily defeated by the BURNING SPIRIT OF RIVALS! Looking forward to the battle of the aces in the next episode.


Urara Meirochou 12(END)

Final Thoughts:


Having successfully passed the 9th rank exam our girls partake in some yurilicious hot springs hijinks to end the series. And really, yurilicious is probably the one word I would use to describe this show. The girls, mostly thanks to Chiya, were all over each other! :D It wasn't a particularly flashy or standout series, but it was very consistent in what it set out to do, and did it well. All the girls were adorable, though I was most partial towards Nono. I wish Chiya had met her mother, but oh well. I'll miss this one, solid 7/10.


Minami Kamakura High School Girls Cycling Club 12(END)

Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu Season 2, 12(END) - Final Thoughts to come in the thread.


Minami Kamakura High School Girls Cycling Club 12(END)


Final Thoughts:


Riding near Mt. Fuji. And of course Sandy wasn't leaving for good!

:D Anyway a pretty cute if unremarkable little series. I enjoyed Long Riders! much more. Still, this wasn't bad. 7/10




3-gatsu No Lion 22 END - 10/10.

Absolutely loved it.  I think it was the best show of 2016 and so far it's my favorite show of 2017 too.

I'll miss it a lot. 

Mr. Hayashida was awesome this episode and every episode he was in.  The sisters were a lot of fun in the beginning.

Momo saying Rei's sister was a witch is still one of my favorite moments of the series.  Smith with his cat was another.  I just loved Smith in general.



March Comes in Like a Lion 22


I, for one, think an assignment on why those other kids were excluding Rei would've been a good idea. Childhood ostracization is fucked up, yo, and I'd like to know why that is.





BanG Dream! 9

Rewrite: Moon and Terra 11(END)

Final Thoughts:


So...I guess the world was saved and they all lived happily ever after? Whatever, that made about as much sense as anything else did this season. Thank Christ that's finally over. You know, I'm sure fans of the source material probably liked this just fine. Hell maybe anime-only viewers like me did too, and if so more power to ya. However, I didn't! As someone who went in blind I liked Rewrite's first season well enough. I mean, it was nothing great or anything, but competent enough. This though...this spent four episodes on the moon making little sense while effectively undoing(or rewriting) everything from the first season. Suddenly Kotaro's older than all the other girls(and I don't care if they previously established that as normally being the case) and treating Kotori like shit,. While barely interacting with the other now children girls and doing his own random ass, gratuitously edgy/violent but also somehow boring at the same time crap. What...what? ::D:: About the only relationship he still had was with Kagari, and that "love" did nothing for me. It's been awhile since a second season of a series has been this different, this jarring, and so much worse than the first. I had to force myself to finish this. 4/10, worst anime I watched from the winter season. The sooner I forget it the better.



Minami Kamakura Cycling Club 12 END



I generally dislike finale plots where a character (generally the transfer student) has to go back to their homeland and usually ends up staying anyway. But thankfully this was just a misunderstanding and they can still make memories together. Sandy is my favorite character and all, but if her grandmother were actually sick, I'd be pretty annoyed if she decided to stay in Japan rather than be with family.


Anyway, this show wasn't anything terribly exciting, but I was definitely way more into it than Yowapeda, which got old during its second season for me. I hope to see a second season in the future! :)



Kuroko no Basket 14

Awww, there's a puppy with Kuroko's eyes, and I'm laughing after that whole restaurant scene because this now feels like a reverse harem with Kuroko at the center of it. I'm okay with that.


In case anyone was wondering about why all the sudden anime binges, my back went out on me last week, so I'm stuck in bed a lot.  :-\


Kuroko no Basket 17


I really liked Kagami and blue hair dude blocking each other's dunks. This is the first time I've seen sliced lemons in honey though. I didn't even know what that dish was until I read the comments.



BanG Dream 8


Great episode with well written drama that's not nearly over the top dramatic like Love Live! However that scene after the credits made me roll my eyes. Let's see how this plays out.


Idol Jihen 12(END)

Final Thoughts:


So effectively option 2 I predicted last week happened with another vote to reinstate the idols after some goofy shenanigans. Well I thought they bungled the buildup to the finale, but considering this show was never meant to be taken seriously I guess it doesn't matter. It was an incredibly stupid, or perhaps silly series, but the girls were cute and had plenty of fun moments. That's all I really expected going in anyway. 7/10




Final Thoughts:


And so Chuta captured/saved Vega the traitor while combining powers with Misuzu in preparation for them combining in another way in a few years. :D What? Literally the entire cast agrees with me! :D Anyway for a buildup of a whopping 2 episodes that finale wasn't bad. "Tonally jarring" was how I constantly described this show, and I stand by that. Alotta the humor and goofy alien designs made it feel like the most young kid-centric audience series I'd watched in a long time. The astoundingly high amount of blood, violence, and dark moments? Not so much. It wasn't a particularly good series. It probably doesn't even deserve the 7/10 I'm giving it. But...I dunno, something clicked right with me and I had fun. I definitely don't ever see this getting a season 2 though.



Gabriel DropOut 12(END)

Final Thoughts:


Damn, Gabriel's sister shoulda stayed. :( Anywho this show was alright, but got stale/repetitive all too fast. Best-girl Satania suffers: the series. It's not the worst show this season, but it's probably the most disappointing one. Going in I figured I would enjoy it, but it pretty much immediately went in a completely different direction from what I'da preferred. 7/10, I'll never watch it again.



Kuroko no Basket 34


I'm watching this series on Crunchyroll, and the comments describing how they want to murder Daiichi's players for the cheating mess they are is soothing my anger. And Kiyoshi has so much damn heart! If Kuroko gets hurt though, I really need blood to be spilled.



Nobunaga no Shinobi 26(END)


...except not really the end because season 2 literally begins in like 10 days! Dunno why they even bothered with that break, but I'm guessing if MAL's right it'll be airing on a different day of the week now. No final thoughts, but a 6/10 to this point.


Rewatching eps of Interviews With Monster Girls only this time in Funimation's broadcast dubs.


I love their occasional flair for reworking a line to make it more amusing than in the original scripts. Ex- in one ep a woman is drunk and says "don't be a mud in the stick."  :D :D :D


Rewatching eps of Interviews With Monster Girls only this time in Funimation's broadcast dubs.


I love their occasional flair for reworking a line to make it more amusing than in the original scripts. Ex- in one ep a woman is drunk and says "don't be a mud in the stick."  :D :D :D


I like that funi does casual up some of the dialogue in most shows they do. It does annoy some people because they also do it with their subs, or changes the context of the character.


Got my sentai copy of Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?.  Gotta see if the dub on that will be any good, as sentai is really hit or miss with their casting.


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