PokeNirvash Posted November 11, 2016 Posted November 11, 2016 Rewatched March Comes In Like a Lion 3 Rewatched Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor 2 Quote
Stardust Whispers Posted November 12, 2016 Posted November 12, 2016 Drifters 6 Haikyuu!! S3 6 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable 33 Bungou Stray Dogs S2 6 Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 12, 2016 Author Posted November 12, 2016 Lupin III: Part II 121 In which Lupin faces the descendants of his grandfather's old rival for possession of a mutually sought after opal statue of Venus! Silly was right for this episode. Counting sheep? Random baseball playing kids? Hypno-butterflies? But it wasn't a bad silly like with certain other episodes, for me anyway. I did wonder how Goemon and Jigen got their weapons back, but oh well. Maybe they were only hypnotized into thinking they were gone or something, I dunno. Either way in the end Lupin proves once again he is not one to be trifled with. Lupin III: Part II 122 In which Lupin and Fujiko search for Napoleon's lost treasure! Yet another episode where Fujiko betrays Lupin only to then be betrayed herself and need Lupin to bail her out. Lupin's lucky he has Jigen to call her out on her shit. I laughed when he suggested a toast over finding out she was kidnapped. And his reaction to discovering her betrayal: Well at least Lupin didn't let her off completely for once...I guess...and this was kinda sweet: No comment on the Zenigata pie stuff. Lupin III: Part II 123 In which a young girl, Francois, asks Lupin to help her return a jewel she switched with a replica! Boy for her age that girl seemed to have access to a metric ton of thieving equipment and skills! Imagine her when she's older! She kinda reminded me of Rebecca from Part IV only younger. Been awhile since our last kid-centric outing too. That end teased a reappearance by her, but I doubt it with only 30ish episodes left. Also, poor Zenigata this episode. Of course he decides not to eat the food fearing it to be drugged when it wasn't, choosing just to drink water...that was drugged. Guy can't win. He seemed so happy blushing like that when Francois asked for his autograph too. Oh well. Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 12, 2016 Author Posted November 12, 2016 Lupin III: Part II 124 In which Lupin kidnaps a scientist and his wife who created a machine that creates giant popcorn kernels hoping to solve world hunger, hoping the scientist can harness this "popcorn power" to get Fujiko and himself to the moon so she will finally kiss him. In other words, a completely batshit insane episode. This literally breaks the fourth wall in the first five minutes: By these episode's standards though, this one was pretty good. Much better than the transformation gum episode with plenty fun absurd moments like: Watching this high must be fun. My favorite moment though? Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 12, 2016 Author Posted November 12, 2016 Lupin III: Part II 125 In which Lupin is tasked with fulfilling a dying young princess' final request: bring snow to her desert country. Not much to say on this one, until the end. I'll admit it, they had me fooled right along with Lupin. Totally bought the fakeout somber ending with the princess dying. Thinking about it more though, given Fujiko's heavy involvement, was deceiving him even necessary to getting his help? Probably not, but I can't be mad with scenes like this: Or Goemon here: If anyone shoulda been pissed it was Zenigata for being jailed unjustly. Shoulda thrown all his ICPO authority on their asses. But then the episode conveniently forgets about him halfway through. Lupin III: Part II 126 In which Fujiko makes a bet with Lady Black over Lupin's life! Eh an alright episode, but nothing great. Certainly not the best of the recent batch. The traps Lupin and Jigen endured were meh, and Lady Black's motivation as a jealous mama's boy was extremely weak. There were a few nice Jigen moments playing off Lupin's relationship with Fujiko, but nothing we haven't already seen in better episodes. This one will be quickly forgotten. 3-gatsu no Lion 6 Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari 6 Quote
Stardust Whispers Posted November 12, 2016 Posted November 12, 2016 3-gatsu no Lion 6 Shuumatsu no Izetta 7 Quote
EyeOfPain Posted November 12, 2016 Posted November 12, 2016 These are the things I'm watching: -Girlish Number -Drifters -Ninja Girl & Samurai Master -Kaijuu Girls: Ultra Kaijuu Gijinka Keikaku -Scorching Ping Pong Girls -Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars -Sound! Euphonium 2 -Brave Witches -Magical Girl Raising Project -March Comes in Like a Lion -Izetta: The Last Witch -JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable -Keijo!!!!!!!! -Flip Flappers -Yuri!!! on Ice -Natsume's Book of Friends Five Quote
Dark_Cloud_Overhead Posted November 12, 2016 Posted November 12, 2016 Sigh, I register for the new board, then it moves and I have to register again. LOL I was like, what's going on here! Took me a little while to figure things out. Sheesh. This is it though, right? We're done warping around now I hope? ~crosses fingers~ Anyway, what anime have I been watching lately? Well... none. Too much fall TV keeping my anime viewing time to a minimum unfortunately. Outside of Toonami, seeing Trolls the other day is about as close to anime as I've gotten lately. Should have some time carved out soon, so I can hopefully pick back up where I left off with Aria and finish that pretty quickly. Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016 Sigh, I register for the new board, then it moves and I have to register again. LOL I was like, what's going on here! Took me a little while to figure things out. Sheesh. This is it though, right? We're done warping around now I hope? ~crosses fingers~ Anyway, what anime have I been watching lately? Well... none. Too much fall TV keeping my anime viewing time to a minimum unfortunately. Outside of Toonami, seeing Trolls the other day is about as close to anime as I've gotten lately. Should have some time carved out soon, so I can hopefully pick back up where I left off with Aria and finish that pretty quickly. Yes, this is it. Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016 Lupin III: Part II 127 In which a vengeful mob boss hypnotizes a baseball team to attack Lupin every time he touches his hand to his face from a painful toothache! I thought for sure the 10:00 time limit for the hypnosis would come into play at the end since it was specifically mentioned, but no it never did. In the end this one felt like a public service announcement for dental care. Ironic then that I was eating Captain Crunch while watching it. Dragon Ball Super 66 One Piece 764 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 13, 2016 Posted November 13, 2016 Yesterday's watches: Dragonball Xenoverse Let's Play 19 Infinite Stratos 2 8 I shot Charlotte and Laura the bird with both my fingers and I do not regret it. Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor 3 #TIBA Finalists 11-16 plus Honorable Mention 3 "Does your head hurt?" [WAP] "Now it does..." Today's watches: Dragonball Z Kai 92 Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 20 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 3 [say no to pointless cancellation] Quote
CAC Posted November 13, 2016 Posted November 13, 2016 My first weekend to start catching up on anime this month. Tomorrow I really need to pick up the pace, I can do better. Today I watched: Bloodivores ep. 2 - 7 Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 2nd Season ep. 2 - 6 Keijo!!!!!!!! ep. 1 - 6 Quote
Blatch Posted November 13, 2016 Posted November 13, 2016 Space Ghost Coast To Coast: "Chambraigne" to "King Dead" and too many other episodes to name Off the Air: "Work" BAKUON!! #5 Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016 Lupin III: Part II 128 In which Lupin and company get wrapped up in helping an old lady save her failing newspaper by going along with her suggested stories. Not much of an episode. There were some brief non-speaking cameos by characters from earlier episodes like the transformation gum guy, and Goemon's girlish shriek when Lupin burst into his room while he was sleeping was fun, but not much else of note. I've begun to notice in more recent episodes some one-off characters have freakishly grotesque character designs like the scientist and his wife in the popcorn episode or the old lady and her ogreish son in this one. They tend to stand out, and not in a good way. In a "How are these creatures in the same universe as Lupin?" sort of way. Lupin III: Part II 129 In which Jigen aids a beautiful young revolutionary in her quest to recover a cherished painting on the night of revolution. Another nice Jigen episode. Much more serious than most other recent episodes, Zenigata antics aside. I always love to see Jigen as the silent badass, aiding beautiful women for no self-gain other than perhaps satisfaction. So the ending was right up my alley: Also enjoyed seeing Jigen knock a guy out with a dart from his wristwatch. Conan would be proud. Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 4 Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 21 Hunter x Hunter (2011) 27 Girlish Number 6 Lupin III: Part II 130 In which Lupin becomes a living weather-vane work of art! So...yeah, a very strange episode. I appreciate that they attempted to explain how Lupin survived 5 days of being smoked but it seemed...kinda implausible. Two kisses for Lupin this episode: Wonder which he enjoyed more. Quote
EyeOfPain Posted November 13, 2016 Posted November 13, 2016 Instead of catching up on the current season, or getting through my backlog, I rewatched Good Luck Girl (Binbogami ga!) ant that is still a good show. Definitely fits in the same place as Gintama. I also started rewatching Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, because it's been a number of years. Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016 Instead of catching up on the current season, or getting through my backlog, I rewatched Good Luck Girl (Binbogami ga!) ant that is still a good show. Definitely fits in the same place as Gintama. I still wish that got a second season over Twin Star Exorcists, the author's current work they gave 50 episodes, over half anime-only. Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 13, 2016 Author Posted November 13, 2016 Detective Conan Movie 12: Full Score of Fear Pretty fun movie. Loved Genta's little arc and there wasn't much, but a few nice little action scenes. The truck chase comes to mind. The focus on music was nice, as were several of the songs played. It was FAR more enjoyable than this season's currently airing music-themed series that shall remain nameless. *coughsound!euphoniumseason2cough* It felt great to finally watch some Conan again after several months away. Getting the old tropes felt so nicely nostalgic. Unfortunately my guess of the culprit was wrong. Reiko came off as a huge bitch initially, but turns out she was just tsundere. Loved the Ran x Shinichi flashback. Highlight of the film for sure. Even as Haibara is gushing to herself about she and Conan being partners he's off doing something romantic for Ran. Take that Haibara ship fans! Ahem, anyway...pretty good stuff, boat scene felt a bit too implausible, even for this series. Floating between a 7 and 8 for score, I'll stick with a solid 7/10. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted November 13, 2016 Posted November 13, 2016 Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou: Hajimete no 1 The cross dressing was great. Loved it. I wish there was a second season. Quote
Blatch Posted November 14, 2016 Posted November 14, 2016 I technically haven't watched anything new, but here are my first KanColle snaps for the people (if there are any, other than Poke of course) who want them: Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 14, 2016 Author Posted November 14, 2016 Detective Conan 505 - 506 Another howdunit instead of whodunit case, and what better case to come back on than a Kogoro x Eri one? Probably my second favorite ship after Ran x Shinichi. Eri looks even more beautiful with her hair down. That ending was so sweet...until it eventually wasn't because status quo is god. I was so hoping we'd learn Kogoro was faking the phone call all along but oh well, he heard and we all know it. They're both too damn tsundere for their own good! Conan meanwhile was being a little creeper from the first minute. He jumped on the killer like a bloodhound! Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 14, 2016 Author Posted November 14, 2016 Detective Conan 507 - 508 Some deadly karaoke: Oh geez that gay couple reaction. Even in 2008 when this aired that could have been handled better. Well no surprise at the assumption anyway, those female bodybuilders can look pretty manly. Well the killer had a damn good motive and was far more sympathetic than the victim yet again. Guess this is the last we'll see of Eisuke, for now anyway. I do like how he brought out Shinichi's inner protectiveness regarding Ran, and seeing a jealous Conan's always fun. Also, damnit Takagi! Detective Conan 509 Bourbon's first mention eh? Hmmm....Haibara had quite the little freakout, and Mitsuhiko paid the price. Somehow I doubt he minds though: Quote
EyeOfPain Posted November 14, 2016 Posted November 14, 2016 I still wish that got a second season over Twin Star Exorcists, the author's current work they gave 50 episodes, over half anime-only. Wait, Twin Star is from the same author? I did not get that impression at all. Quote
Stardust Whispers Posted November 14, 2016 Posted November 14, 2016 Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans S2 7 Trickster 7 Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 14, 2016 Author Posted November 14, 2016 Wait, Twin Star is from the same author? I did not get that impression at all. Yup, best-girl Mayura does vaguely resemble Girl's mc too but it is pretty easy to miss I suppose. Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 15, 2016 Author Posted November 15, 2016 Detective Conan 510 The arsonist seemed obvious. Meanwhile Okiya Subaru takes center stage in the second half, and his face takes Ran's kick! Ouch! Maybe ease up a bit on that trigger foot eh Ran? Then again she does think she's met him before... Quote
blueraven1999 Posted November 15, 2016 Posted November 15, 2016 Dragon Ball Super 66 Terrible animation as always, but that fight was really cool. Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 15, 2016 Author Posted November 15, 2016 Detective Conan 511 Ran to the rescue! So adorable seeing Shinichi freak out thinking she might be in peril. Subaru drinking Bourbon eh? Hmmmm.... Detective Conan 512 That guy was the one I found least sympathetic anyway so I was hoping it was him from early on. Poor Ran, can't stop worrying about Shinichi. Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 15, 2016 Author Posted November 15, 2016 Detective Conan 513 - 514 Such a fun opening scene: Takagi and Megure seemed especially genre savvy in this one, first the comment on Kogoro always being there and then jumping on him and Conan to reveal the outcome as usual. But said outcome itself was my least favorite kind in Conan: senselessly tragic. Pretty obvious that he was covering for her from early on, but I wasn't sure if she actually killed herself until the end. And now because of a dead prick and a lack of communication they can never be together. Shame. Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 15, 2016 Author Posted November 15, 2016 Nobunaga no Shinobi 7 Detective Conan 515(Hour Special) Another Kaitou Kid episode! The thing about Kid cases that immediately put me off of them from the very first one around episode 75 was his perfect disguise skills. At the time it seemed too outlandish to me, but then other characters like Vermouth showed up with the same powers and I just gave up and got used to it. So stuff like the police and no one in the crowds noticing him running around no longer bothers me, just comes with the territory. You'll go with it or you won't just as you go with Kogoro not dying from drug overdose by this point. Anyway I figured out he was using the electrical sign as cover the same time Conan did. Not in the same way though as it required reading Japanese which I can't do. Just noticed the text was going up and put 2 and 2 together. We got a new op and ed this case too. Feels surprisingly early. I preferred the previous op, but the new ed is probably on par with the previous one. Seems they were hinting at a Hattori case next too, let's see... Quote
EyeOfPain Posted November 16, 2016 Posted November 16, 2016 Yup, best-girl Mayura does vaguely resemble Girl's mc too but it is pretty easy to miss I suppose. Looking back on the first couple episodes, it kinda makes sense. Both leads are kinda terrible to each other. Scorching Ping Pong Girls 7 Yuri!!! on Ice 4 Flip Flappers 4 Nanoha A's 8-9 Quote
Megiddo Posted November 16, 2016 Posted November 16, 2016 Sangatsu no Lion - 6 Ping Pong Girls - 7 Izetta 6 - 7 All Out!! 5 - 6 Great Passage 4 - 5 Such a nice variety of a solid titles this season. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted November 16, 2016 Posted November 16, 2016 Kiss Him, Not Me 6 The shipping war was pretty stupid imo. Quote
BUU8800 Posted November 16, 2016 Author Posted November 16, 2016 Detective Conan 516(Hour Special) - 517 So as expected, we got a Heiji case. Odd that they divided it this way, but oh well. A pretty complicated case what with the family rivalry, but I did begin suspecting the culprit from the way she reacted to Kansuke telling her to back her horse away. She was quite the evil bitch. Pretty fun little beat'em up climax too. Ran, Kazuha, one day you'll tell them, or vice versa...one day. Twin Star Exorcists 32 So let me get this straight. For the first 15 or so minutes of this episode every scene Rokuro and Benio are in contain multiple mini-flashbacks, effectively a mini-clipshow. And the rest of the episode is spent on the return of the rock-concert Basara...and...they...dance along? I couldn't believe what I was watching. This may have reached self-parody levels of bad. How did they okay this instead of even trying to adapt the next manga arc? I just...I can't. The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 91 Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara Season 2, 7 Nazotokine 7 Sound! Euphonium Season 2, 7 Quote
EyeOfPain Posted November 16, 2016 Posted November 16, 2016 Jojo DiU 31-33 Izetta 5 Mahoiku 5 Nanoha A's 10 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 16, 2016 Posted November 16, 2016 Rewatched Kuromukuro 3 In regards to P.A. Works lolis voiced by Momo Asakura, Koharu Shirahane >>> Ayumi Otosaka. Fuck you, jar of pizza sauce. Oreimo 2 11 Quote
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