QueenoftheDorks Posted June 26, 2018 Posted June 26, 2018 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 14 My Hero Academia 2 10 Quote
BUU8800 Posted June 26, 2018 Author Posted June 26, 2018 The Ancient Magus' Bride 1- 24 + OVAs(END) ... ... ... sigh. You know, like 3-gatsu no Lion I had intended to watch this as it aired before some real life stuff got in the way last year. I was honestly even planning on keeping up with a weekly thread I made for it similar to the one I've done with My Hero Academia. I was pretty confident that this would place high on my Top 10 Anime of 2017. But, having just watched it all over the last week or so, now I'm not sure I even want it to crack that top 10 at all. I feel conflicted, about as conflicted as when reading the manga itself. At least the portion of it I really don't enjoy. I have been reading the manga for this as it released every month since very early on. I loved it enough to buy the English release volumes, but at a certain point my opinion of it began to sour. And I figured reliving those feelings in animated form probably wouldn't be too helpful. And unfortunately I'd say my feeling was correct. So I'll just state it plain: I really dislike the story as it plays out from roughly when Chise gets the dragon curse until the end of this arc. I own up to Volume 7 of the manga which literally ends with the reveal of her cursed arm getting out of the water with the dragon and Ruth...and I dunno that I can bring myself to purchase Volume 8 and on. I dislike Chise's actions, and Elias'. Though it must be noted I actually tend to side with him more than her, even though he is certainly the objectively wrong one trying to sacrifice Stella. Things like running off with Joseph and letting Elias know she's still mad at him after the meet again make me find Chise awful in those moments...even though they probably shouldn't. It's probably an indictment on my character that I feel this way, but I just can't help it. Which is frustrating and unpleasant. So how can I make a series that makes me feel this way crack my Top 10 for a year? Regardless of how good everything before then was. How beautiful it looked. I dunno. Even ignoring that arc for a moment I will say watching the anime made me realize how repetitive some of the things in this story get in a way that I hadn't really noticed just reading it. I hadn't really realized how it seems like Chise gets grievously injured, passes out coughing up blood once every other episode or so. It gets pretty annoying and tedious after awhile. The issues with her mom are mentioned over and over too. And understandably so, but I never really liked revisiting her unpleasant backstory. So much so that I actually skipped large chunks of episode 22 because reading it in the manga was bad enough. Again, does a show I can't even bear to watch 100% of belong in my top 10 even if it is in other ways better than some of the shows on it? I don't think I can bring myself to answer yes. As odd as it sounds I found myself wishing we had some filler episodes to try and break up the repetitiveness a bit. I also gotta mention that fuck Joseph. Boy I hated him in the manga since waaaay back during the cat arc. What he ultimately got was waaaaay too good for him getting to sleep in that well. He's one of those villains that are technically good. In the sense that a villain is someone you're supposed to hate, but the vast majority of the time they're one of the best, most charismatic characters. Think how in alot of the Disney movies the villain's the best character. Nope, here I just hate his guts and want him to die. Which is good in a sense, but bad in another when I get annoyed every time he's on screen. A couple of cosmetic notes now. First I was sad they didn't show Angelica celebrating with her family during Christmas like they do in the manga, albeit for really only a panel. Btw boy was she a dumb fuck yelling at Chise and even smacking her for acting on her own after telling her earlier on in the series she should stop depending on Elias so much and learn to become independent. Contradictory at all maybe? God I hated that arc! And I don't actually remember the end with Chise in the gown and the ring exchange from the manga. It might have been there, but if it was I already forget. I've only read the later chapters through once. Right now in the manga Elias and Chise are at the college mentioned in the middle portion of the anime as a teacher and student respectively, starting what is effectively the second major arc. I can understand why the anime opted to not even really hint at this again and give us the ending it did considering this is a monthly series and will probably take 3 or 4 years before enough material is out for anymore anime. Assuming this even did well enough to get more anime in the first place which I honestly have no idea regarding. I will say I did like that little anime original scene though. It was probably one of the only things I really enjoyed out of the last 4 or so episodes. But I'm rambling now. What I'm left with is a show I enjoyed most of with an obnoxious final arc. I'm going to leave it off my top 10 of 2017 list for now. Maybe I'll revisit it someday and change my mind. I don't know. I'm still willing to give it an 8 out of 10 on the whole. Quote
Delaclease Posted June 26, 2018 Posted June 26, 2018 Captain Tsubasa (2018) 13 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou 12 (Final) Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted June 26, 2018 Posted June 26, 2018 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 15 My Hero Academia 2 11 Quote
blueraven1999 Posted June 27, 2018 Posted June 27, 2018 The Seven Deadly SIns: Revival of the Commandments ep 4 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 27, 2018 Posted June 27, 2018 Blade 12 Spoiler I'll come clean. Though I am a /co/-browser and get plenty of enjoyment out of reading some of the comic-related threads - the recent one about childhood misconceptions about superheroes is my current favorite - I don't read comic books. The closest I've gotten to reading them are through video media, most recently Guardians of the Galaxy and Gotham's first four seasons. Hell, I don't even know that much about Blade's movie characterization outside of Wesley Snipes being near-impossible to work with on Trinity, let alone in the comic books. Even so, I felt the Marvel Anime adaptation of Blade was a solid introduction to the character of Eric Brooks and what he does best: killing vampires of any and all manner. Sure, there it had its share of flaws - unexceptional sakuga, predictable outcomes, that weird skipping of a scene in episode 8, and the presence of a blood moon every night being unrealistic if you care about moon phases in your fictional works - but apart from the directorial hiccup in the list, I didn't mind any of them, and enjoyed the show for those aspects plus those more indicative of positive quality. Action was plentiful and indicative of our protags' strengths, the stories told across the series and from episode to episode felt complete and in some cases interesting, the ending did what it had to do and didn't try to make it any more bittersweet than Makoto's eleventh-hour demise, and the music made thee aforementioned action all the more engaging. (Bonus pro, Hidetoshi Kaneko's expert background design, particularly that for Madripoor in episode 7, inspired me to give him a background design credit for the last four chapters/episodes of Kinky Kunoichi season 1!) I would recommend this show to anyone interested in getting acquainted with Blade without having to read or put up with Wesley Snipes, though because I'm not the most reliable of reviewers, thanks to my inability to see things as completely bad, I'd approach it with caution regardless. 8.5/10. Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted June 27, 2018 Posted June 27, 2018 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 16 My Hero Academia 2 12 Free! 11 (rewatch) Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted June 28, 2018 Posted June 28, 2018 Free! 12 [END] (rewatch) Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 17 My Hero Academia 2 13 On to Eternal Summer before the new season starts. Quote
BUU8800 Posted June 28, 2018 Author Posted June 28, 2018 Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai 13(END) Phew....well alright. They avoided the "realistic bittersweet bad end" at least. Though at the last possible moment because of course. Tada-kun and Teresa will presumably make several babies together and all is well as it should be. And that embrace/kiss was satisfyingly sweet, but on the whole my feelings haven't much changed from the very beginning when I and many others called out most of the plot back during that very first episode. This was a show with excellent characters and chemistry between said characters totally marred by an incredibly cliche, needlessly frustrating overarching plot. To put it bluntly: the plot sucked big donkey dick. I'm sorry it just did. Seeing these characters interact and fall in love without the damn princess drama would have been so much more satisfying, And time could have been made for Pin-senpai and whatsherface idol girl with the big tits to get together too! And maybe even Alec with Ijuin instead of Charles which I woulda liked more. Though honestly Ijuin was too good for her anyway, being second only to Nyanko Big in the whole cast, so that I don't care so much regarding. But still! Wasted potential. That's what this series had to a frustrating degree. I'll give it the 7 based solely on that last 30 seconds or so. But it deserves less. I know I'll never rewatch this and had the plot been different with the exact same main cast this could have been anime of the year material. Certainly top 10 at least. Ah well. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 28, 2018 Posted June 28, 2018 Boys Over Flowers 10 Spoiler To think this episode took place two decades before #MeToo became a thing... Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 28, 2018 Posted June 28, 2018 Rewatched Naruto Shippuden 207 and Inuyashiki Last Hero 5 Spoiler Whenever I'm rewatching a random selection of episodes, it's a sure sign of the obvious. Time for me to write yet another episode of Kinky Kunoichi! This #9, I chose to have storyboarded by one Shinji Satoh, who hasn't really done any chief directorial work outside of a miscredit for an OVA adaptation of a manga from the authoress of Saiyuki. Since this week's Toonami Shippuden was done by him, I thought I'd take advantage and rewatch for the added directorial analysis bonus. With it, I included his Inuyashiki episode, one of among several of his MAPPA credits. Both episodes had consistent tics: facial close-ups, camera angles from a height, partial reliance on establishing shots, and scenes showing extreme close-ups during episode-ending moments of action (i.e., Kisame post-Double Lariat beheading, Hiro getting tackled by a group of policemen). That gives me plenty to work with. Next comes the analysis for unit director Nobuyoshi Nagayama. And seeing how Happy Sugar Life isn't premiering until the middle of next month, I'll be taking a gander at his other director's chair position before then. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 29, 2018 Posted June 29, 2018 Dorei-ku the Animation 12 Spoiler I'll be frank. From a technical, non-armchair critic's perspective, this was not a good show. Its animation was unexceptional, its backgrounds were sometimes obviously scanned in, some of its plot developments were admittedly dumb, and on a more personal level, I'm seriously disappointed that it didn't go all-in on the fetish route the blindfolded and ring-gagged Julia from the manga cover and the domino mask-wearing, candle-holding Eia from the first anime promo pic led me to believe it would be. But dammit, I liked it! I liked that everyone had their own reasons for using the SCM, both honest and otherwise. I liked that both before and after the SCM game, the characters were all connected in various ways. I liked all the crazy shit the show pulled once it hit the ground running with its plot. I liked how the scene at the start of episode 1 demonstrating an example of SCM usage wound up foreshadowing the surprise final boss. And I liked how it ended with little to no loose plot threads and no stupid catches to piss off the handful of dedicated viewers left. It may not have been "good", but it was fun, which to me is as good as being "good". I'm confident that the ten or twenty other shows I didn't watch this season were better than this, but even so, Dorei-ku is my favorite of the seasonal anime I did choose to watch, and for that it has all the respect it previously lost when it failed to go "all BDSM all the time" like my inner deviant hoped it would. 9/10. Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted June 29, 2018 Posted June 29, 2018 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 18 Quote
Blatch Posted June 29, 2018 Posted June 29, 2018 Megalo Box #11 and #12 Girls' Last Tour #7My Wife is the Student Council President #10 to #12 Be honest... did porn ruin my list? I'm not even sure what's going on in this show anymore. Both of Ui's parents look younger than she is, someone else in the high school also looks illegal, and the last episode had merely half of a nipple, rather than the whole package. The show also doesn't focus on high school much anymore, and the ending unknowingly predicts BanG Dream!'s existence. It's weird, and in my book, just a little worse than the show with magical dudes. 5/10, and I still have another season to go. Also, regarding my Squid Girl rewatch, I found that one of the characters said "sucks" in S1E6, and I forgot about it in my initial run-through of the show. Of course, it doesn't really matter since I don't give shows PGLs just for a single use of that word anymore, but I did during the second season. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted June 29, 2018 Posted June 29, 2018 3-gatsu no Lion S2 ep 22 I hope there's a season three someday. This episode felt like filler. Kind of a weak way for a great anime to end. Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted June 29, 2018 Posted June 29, 2018 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 19 My Hero Academia 2 14 Quote
Mr_Batou Posted June 29, 2018 Posted June 29, 2018 (edited) FLCL : Progressive. Honestly just found time to watch it. I have been digging into stuff on Netflix ( Bring more Castlevania damn it ) and what's on the Funimation site. Ancient Magus Bride too, because I can. Shut up. Edited June 29, 2018 by Mr_Batou No. 1 Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted June 30, 2018 Posted June 30, 2018 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 20 My Hero Academia 2 15 Free! Eternal Summer 5 (rewatch) Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 30, 2018 Posted June 30, 2018 Yesterday: Ghost Stories 6 Today: My Girlfriend is Shobitch 1 Spoiler This series, I'm watching partly for ratings consideration, and partly for directorial analysis. And judging from this first episode, I think it's gonna stay that way for the most part. On that note, I eagerly await the intro episode for the chick with the eye-concealing bangs. She a cute. Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted June 30, 2018 Posted June 30, 2018 Free! Eternal Summer 6 (rewatch) Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 21 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 30, 2018 Posted June 30, 2018 Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online 12 Spoiler One rating album ends... Quote
Delaclease Posted July 1, 2018 Posted July 1, 2018 Boku no Hero Academia S3 13 Darling in the FranXX 23 Persona 5 the Animation 13 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted July 1, 2018 Posted July 1, 2018 Aquarion 1 Spoiler ...and another steps up to take its place. Quote
Blatch Posted July 1, 2018 Posted July 1, 2018 21 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: On that note, I eagerly await the intro episode for the chick with the eye-concealing bangs. She a cute. Wait, why is there a Mars symbol there? It doesn't look like they're a crossdresser, unless those boobs are actually breast padding. I'm going to assume she's just into dudes, rather than this being an inexplicable Himegoto reference. Megalo Box #13 (END) You know, I feel like I haven't really enjoyed this show as much as other people have, but it's still fucking fantastic, and I'd recommend it to anyone who likes the medium. The finale toyed with my expectations so much, but it ended up finishing on a note that reaffirmed what I liked about it. In case Joe was too much of a Gary Stu for anyone (and yes, some people thought this, at least on the ANN forums) who could down extremely powerful enemies with just one or two punches, the finale made him work hard for the title in more ways than one. The climactic shot of him and Yuri exchanging uppercuts at the same time is the kind of thing that could become iconic in a few years' time. I sincerely hope it does. And yes, Joe did end up winning it all. He even manages to survive the fight along with Yuri, although the latter was presumably rushed to the hospital and got paralyzed. I was wondering if the show would go back and reference the immortal finale shot from its spiritual predecessor, and I wasn't wishing it did or didn't, but I ultimately do prefer the happy ending. It's nice to see a show end on a note so free of cynicism, especially since the title of every episode had a reference to death or dying. I was peeved by that choice in the early parts of the show, but now I think it makes perfect sense. In the end, it's definitely up there with the best anime I've watched. 9/10. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted July 1, 2018 Posted July 1, 2018 Well, Shobitch is apparently about high school girls who are way oversexed, even for standard LN fare, so you're probably right about the heterosexuality thing. Joker Game 11 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted July 2, 2018 Posted July 2, 2018 My Girlfriend is Shobitch 2 Spoiler I'm starting to think these "next episode previews" are a piecemeal play-by-play of what will eventually be Haruka and Akiho's first time. Quote
BUU8800 Posted July 2, 2018 Author Posted July 2, 2018 (edited) The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 24(END) Huh? So...are we actually gonna get another season??? God I hope so! So far, this was easily the best anime of 2018! Overall roughly on par with season 1. My favorite new character was best-girl Aiura and her big, beautiful tits! But a close second was the hamster. Really wish that hamster appeared more, and the cat from season 1, maybe then I'd remember their names! But uhhhhh yeah, strong 9/10. Edited July 2, 2018 by BUU8800 Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted July 3, 2018 Posted July 3, 2018 On 6/30/2018 at 8:33 PM, PokeNirvash said: Aquarion 1 Reveal hidden contents ...and another steps up to take its place. Such a good series! Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 22 My Hero Academia 2 16 Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted July 4, 2018 Posted July 4, 2018 My Hero Academia 2 17 Free! Eternal Summer 7 (rewatch) Quote
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