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What is your favourite animal to consume?


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Beaver. *rimshot*


But for real though; what creature brings you the most joy to devour?


Of all the beasts I've sampled, I'd have to say the best individual flesh I've tasted has been the Dolphinfish; though the freshness of the fish and expert preparation of the dish in that particular instance heavily bias that judgement.


Ducks are about the best birds I've ever shoved into my mouth, but then there's not really a whole lot of other species for it to compete with. I mean chicken, yeah... Had a pheasant down the gullet once, it was all right.


Beef is pretty dope, but cows are too "standard" to be the favorite eaten. Pigs are nowhere near the list. Deer are okay but have a very iron flavor. Had squirrel once, it was okay.


There are just so many animals; so many variations in flavor and consistency, so much flesh out there to be devoured.


I wonder how rhinoceros tastes. Or penguin. Imagine the steak from a Komodo Dragon, or a panther.


The taste of manflesh has been likened to veal...

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I've pretty much only eaten animals that literally ever other person in this country has eaten (cow, pig, chicken, turkey, fish)... So I think my answer would be chicken. Steak I get a lot of pleasure out of, but I think that is due mostly to how its cooked. Other types of beef can be mediocre. Chicken can be made or broke depended on how its cooked too, but Chicken without much seasoning/sauce/breading still tends to taste really good while steak without much of the above tends to taste too plain.

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Cow ribs are super dope.  It's like nature combined my two favorite foods into one,steaks and ribs.

Naw that with a side of Chinese diabetes noodles and I am good for life. Oh yeah, I can't forget to to mention that you gotta wash it all down with a carton of real ass ornage juice with extra pulp!

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