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12 hours ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Damn, I guess this really IS airing with limited commercial interruptions!!

Mostly there were no AS promos or Toonami goodies so they could fit enough real commercials in. No time to shill RickAniMorty till later in the block.

14 hours ago, Sketch said:

Mostly there were no AS promos or Toonami goodies so they could fit enough real commercials in. No time to shill RickAniMorty till later in the block.

There was an Uzumaki promo in the first commercial break of Demon Slayer, IIRC.

And I think there were still 3 internal commercial breaks, the usual amount for an hour of programming, just at VERY unusual times. And One Piece started about 5 minutes late.

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