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Didn't see that one girl today


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I guess tall girl wasn't working today, but I did see a cutie from across the hall who also didn't introduce herself to me, so I introduced myself while drunkenly breaking up her conversation with another teacher because I couldn't stand her rudeness for another second. Who does she think she is? She's probably single and then when she finds some lesser boyfriend in two weeks, she'll suddenly break out of her mood and get all talkative with me, "Hey there, Zeni! How's your class? :) " and I'll say, in a way that doesn't get me fired, "It's fine. You sure are more talkative than you were a few weeks ago. Seems as if something "happy" happened in your life, as opposed to this being a genuine part of your personality."





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So she was "rude" for minding her own business and talking to a coworker but your drunk ass interrupting her isn't rude? OK there bud.


You know what? You do you, bud. The more you act like yourself the sooner you get fired/arrested.


I'm waiting to see him in the news dead

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So she was "rude" for minding her own business and talking to a coworker but your drunk ass interrupting her isn't rude? OK there bud.


You know what? You do you, bud. The more you act like yourself the sooner you get fired/arrested.



Well I said rude because we'd seen each other for the past three days, and she kept cold shouldering me (much like the other girl) until I finally broke through and introduced myself today. Why is she doing this to me?  : (

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I told you, restraining order.

Protip: Try not to be drunk when the Deputy shows up to serve you....



I really hope not. Then the deputy's gonna get KO'ed and I'll have to go to the office I always see her in (She's an admin assistant), and say, "Why'd you do that, babe? He's a good cop and didn't have to meet my fists of fury. You have so much to learn, but as your faithful boyfriend I'll lead you back onto the right path." *takes her hand romantically*

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