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Mika's hardcore as fck...Orga's made a deal with the devil, man


well they are Palate swaps of Ban and Meliodas



(Meliodas is a demon)



00 did it. personally, i felt like the Kill la Kill mecha crab was a Gundam 00 joke.

Gundams are different.  You know that.  Didn't watch 00 but I could see a Gold Mecha Crab pop up in G Gundam.

She grew up behind the iron curtain and speaks 5 languages.  She's not dumb.  Neither is Trump, but you fell for his goofball showman routine and let him manipulate you just like he did Hillary, Obama, and the Republicans.  But, keep on underestimating them, it'd done great for you so far.  ;D


You're right.  I shouldn't underestimate them.  I never figured we'd have this level of hate crime violence after he was elected.  Nor that he would elect Steve Bannon, head of the White Nationalist site, Breitbart, to a cabinet position, thereby legitimatizing the violence.  Nor did I figure he'd follow Hitler's path to the letter: extreme rhetoric during the campaign, backing off and actually scolding those who supported that same rhetoric after he was elected, slowly replacing posts within the govt. that could oppose him if he went too extreme with subservient lackeys. 


Smiley face all you want.  Your smiling at this:




You're right.  I shouldn't underestimate them.  I never figured we'd have this level of hate crime violence after he was elected.  Nor that he would elect Steve Bannon, head of the White Nationalist site, Breitbart, to a cabinet position, thereby legitimatizing the violence.  Nor did I figure he'd follow Hitler's path to the letter: extreme rhetoric during the campaign, backing off and actually scolding those who supported that same rhetoric after he was elected, slowly replacing posts within the govt. that could oppose him if he went too extreme with subservient lackeys. 


Smiley face all you want.  Your smiling at this:



Invoking Hitler against everyone you disagree with trivializes Hitler's crimes and has made that comparison all but meaningless.  It's laughable at this point.  Trump may have some racist supporters but so has every candidate.  It means nothing.  I don't see you complaining about the protesters rioting or the fire bombing of an RNC HQ.  In fact, you called for the protesters to burn down Trump Tower with him in it.  So, might want to look at yourself and your side's actions first before you start throwing around laughable HITLER!!! narratives.


By the way all candidates pivot more to the center once they win the primary and then the election.  Did you really think he'd keep being Troll Trump as president?


I also was unaware that words and symbols could physically harm someone...


Invoking Hitler against everyone you disagree with trivializes Hitler's crimes and has made that comparison all but meaningless.  It's laughable at this point.  Trump may have some racist supporters but so has every candidate.  It means nothing.  I don't see you complaining about the protesters rioting or the fire bombing of an RNC HQ.  In fact, you called for the protesters to burn down Trump Tower with him in it.  So, might want to look at yourself and your side's actions first before you start throwing around laughable HITLER!!! narratives.


By the way all candidates pivot more to the center once they win the primary and then the election.  Did you really think he'd keep being Troll Trump as president?


I also was unaware that words and symbols could physically harm someone...


I don't use Hitler against everyone I disagree with.  If Jeb! or Rubio or Cruz had won, I'd be disappointed, but I would think "Oh well, differences in tax policy".  And I would get over it.  I did for Dubya.  But Trump has courted and energized a portion of the country that wishes violence upon anyone who is not their race or religion.  As a non-Christian, it is kind of threatening to me.  And I know several people who are scared shitless about leaving their house right now due to their race.  And  I can't say they're wrong.  Hate crimes have skyrocketed. 


I am simply reporting history.  When Hitler ran for President, he was extreme.  He backed off after elected until he got control.  Then the extreme came back.  Horribly.  Will you defend Muslim Internment Camps?  Because the suggestion is now being put forth..


Do I think he will keep being Troll Trump?  Yes.  Because that's who he is.  Even if he doesn't believe the racist, hate-filled rhetoric he fostered, he is still a narcissistic egotist who can't take criticism. 


Words and symbols can hurt more than you think.  Just because you haven't experienced it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. 


And, I say again, don't compare me to anyone else.  I'm not a Democrat or a liberal.  I'm me.  And that's all I can be.  I support social equality.  I also support the death penalty.  I support a stronger approach to ISIS.  Put 50,000 troops down and eliminate them permanently.  I know innocents will be killed but it's reached the point where some losses have to be accepted.  Sad but true.  Cut off the source and the rest will fall.  I'm against tax cuts for billionaires without regulations, with regulations: OK.  I say add and enforce rules that force them to use that saved money to enhance their company by either adding jobs or increasing wages or both.  Don't let them pocket that money and still ship jobs overseas. 


And I made my choice long ago.  I chose to defeat evil rather than let it run rampant.



I don't use Hitler against everyone I disagree with.  If Jeb! or Rubio or Cruz had won, I'd be disappointed, but I would think "Oh well, differences in tax policy".  And I would get over it.  I did for Dubya.  But Trump has courted and energized a portion of the country that wishes violence upon anyone who is not their race or religion.  As a non-Christian, it is kind of threatening to me.  And I know several people who are scared shitless about leaving their house right now due to their race.  And  I can't say they're wrong.  Hate crimes have skyrocketed. 


I am simply reporting history.  When Hitler ran for President, he was extreme.  He backed off after elected until he got control.  Then the extreme came back.  Horribly.  Will you defend Muslim Internment Camps?  Because the suggestion is now being put forth..


Do I think he will keep being Troll Trump?  Yes.  Because that's who he is.  Even if he doesn't believe the racist, hate-filled rhetoric he fostered, he is still a narcissistic egotist who can't take criticism. 


Words and symbols can hurt more than you think.  Just because you haven't experienced it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. 


And, I say again, don't compare me to anyone else.  I'm not a Democrat or a liberal.  I'm me.  And that's all I can be.  I support social equality.  I also support the death penalty.  I support a stronger approach to ISIS.  Put 50,000 troops down and eliminate them permanently.  I know innocents will be killed but it's reached the point where some losses have to be accepted.  Sad but true.  Cut off the source and the rest will fall.  I'm against tax cuts for billionaires without regulations, with regulations: OK.  I say add and enforce rules that force them to use that saved money to enhance their company by either adding jobs or increasing wages or both.  Don't let them pocket that money and still ship jobs overseas. 


And I made my choice long ago.  I chose to defeat evil rather than let it run rampant.


That's because you and those people are overreacting and going into convulsions over nothing.  There's no reason for minorities or non-Christians or gays or anyone else to be concerned or afraid.  You're all acting like a bunch of irrational ninnies.  Trump isn't a bigot.  He simply wants to put America and its citizens first.  I know, a shocking stance for the fucking President of the United States of America to have, right?  Treat veterans better than illegals.  Stop crime.  Crush ISIS.  Evict all illegal immigrants.  Perhaps we should stop all immigration for a time to let the current generation assimilate, like was done in the past.  That will keep enemies out as well.  Close all our bases across the world.  We're not wanted there.  Stop being the police of the world and use our military to protect our OWN country.  Illegals won't try to sneak past Seal Team Six, Drones, and masses of our Army, Marine, Air Force, and Naval Forces.  So, there is no issue with anyone that you mentioned, but rather - illegals, criminals, and enemy foreign nationals.  Trump is going to raise taxes on the rich and eliminate loopholes as well.  No more shipping jobs overseas.


What's more, the Republican Congress must enact his policies.  If they don't, they will be voted out of office, like  most of the Republicans who didn't support Trump this election.  So no matter what happens, it plays into Trump's hands and the GOP congress must comply.  He's like a chessmaster, I tells ya!


Finally we will see an end to the stagnation and degradation of America.  Our honor, respect, relevance, economy, security, lack of crime, and military might will finally be restored to the glory days not seen since Reagan was in office.  The world won't laugh at us and tell us what we should do anymore.  We'll do what we want with our country.  They'll respect us.  Or don't.  Don't really care what the rest of the world thinks.


By the way, I wanted Rand Paul.  But like Trump's theme says, you can't always get what you want.  I'll gladly take Trump over a crooked war monger like Hillary.


ROFL CODE GEASS.  Good God you did not just invoke that racist garbage that casts FUCKING JAPAN as the innocent victim of Imperialism!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D



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