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I'm starting to get annoyed with all the "One Piece is gone! Toonami is over!  Shippuden should have been cut!" bullshit.  Perhaps it's because I get annoyed easily, but it seems like that's all the discussion has been about the past week.  One Piece wasn't cutting it in ratings, and now it's gone from Toonami. Tokyo Ghoul might not be the best replacement for it, but it's what we got, and at the very least should make for a good hate watch.  One Piece is still being streamed online, and it can still be watched.  One Piece is leaving Toonami after tonight.  Get over it, and move on.


Shippuden...well yeah, it isn't very good.  And it's gonna get worse

one Naruto defeats pain and the clusterfuck after that.

  But it WAS good at one point, back when Sasuke was still a leaf ninja and Tsunade just became the Hokage.  At this point, the only reason I still follow Shippuden is to finish the series.  And I honestly think that's why a lot of other people are following it, too.

We've already got a good hate/riff watch in Naruto!


Yeah it used to be good many moons ago.


That and also experience the train wreck as it's well-known Naruto only gets exponentially shittier from here.


Honestly, the reason Naruto is so popular is because teenagers love the hell out of brooding wangst, and Sasuke is the living physical embodiment of such.  Like I would wager a pretty fair guess that a decent chunk of the fanbase doesn't really give a shit about Naruto himself.

Sasuke is the worst.  It couldn't have been more disappointing when the show took the turn of having Sasuke not getting brought back to the village after one arc and continued with that storyline, making Sasuke such a focus of the series.  I actually find Naruto somewhat likable.  And at least he gets reprimanded for his shitty behavior.  Naruto and Sasuke never came off as best friends, either, which is what makes the "SAVE SASUKE" goal even more idiotic and nonsensical.

actually Naruto does have some minor obliviousness towards women


he likes Sakura.....but if any other girl expresses an interest in him, he completely misses it


however, he IS capable of noticing (or rather making knee-jerk assumptions) that guys are expressing an attraction to him (when they aren't)


Basically Naruto is a male preffering Bisexual but he's super closeted and ends up marrying


just to escape his gay thoughts


as far as I'm concerned

Naruto being so obsessed with Sasuke would actually make sense if he was gay or bi, as they never came off like best friends.  It's like getting upset that someone you were friendly with at some job left.  They weren't "best friends" at all.


Makes you wonder what issues Kishimoto has.


at least when the straw hats risked their lives to help out brook or save robin it was for a good reason and didn't make the main character look like an idiot like naruto does when he's chasing after sasuke


sasuke the guy who is more or less a super villain at this point...nowhere near what I'd call a hero and yet naruto wants to risk his life to bring him back to the village




at least when the straw hats risked their lives to help out brook or save robin it was for a good reason and didn't make the main character look like an idiot like naruto does when he's chasing after sasuke


sasuke the guy who is more or less a super villain at this point...nowhere near what I'd call a hero and yet naruto wants to risk his life to bring him back to the village

It's fucking retarded.  Sasuke is a traitor and villain, as you said.  Yet Naruto and the others want to "bring him back."  I fail to see what makes Sasuke any better than Orochimaru or various other traitors and rogue ninjas the Leaf Village attempts to capture or outright kill.  Naruto even says at one point that he's going to put Kabuto in a jail cell back at the village.  But not Sasuke because... Sasuke.

it just seems so ironic that the show all about a friendly gang of pirates fighting against crazy warlords and a corrupt government is shelved while naruto continues it's "Let's Save Sasuke even though he's evil!" schtick


The Straw Hats love and care for each other  Luffy Might not be the brightest tool in the shed but he's willing to help out any innocent person who needs his help and recruits those that have nowhere else to go


Naruto just seems to do stupid shit without realizing what he's even doing to begin with......


One Piece never had that appeal. The designs, the plot, the characters were too goofy, and they clashed with the endless attempts at drama and waterworks.


Yeah man the plot about an oppressive overbearing world government so obsessed with hiding the truth of its own founding that it murdered entire islands' worth of innocents was totally lighthearted and goofy.


Yeah man the plot about an oppressive overbearing world government so obsessed with hiding the truth of its own founding that it murdered entire islands' worth of innocents was totally lighthearted and goofy.


Skull jokes and all of Luffy's wacky antics clashed horribly with that.


Um, no?  The series has always drawn a pretty firm line between its dramatic and comedic moments.  Even otherwise great series like FMA: Brotherhood struggled mightily with that concept.


Um, no?  The series has always drawn a pretty firm line between its dramatic and comedic moments.  Even otherwise great series like FMA: Brotherhood struggled mightily with that concept.

I was gonna say


One piece was like the only anime I've ever watched that did a good job balancing humor and drama


every other anime (like FMA brotherhood) would do things like have a character go chibi and crack a joke while they were actually being murdered


pretty sure the appeal is basically gone and they are trying to grind through it

naruto did have potential if it had 0 filler

the filler is the only good part


there was a character in the filler who was a FUCKING LIVING WIG THAT ATE PEOPLE!




Naruto is my absolute least favorite show on the block. Aside from when I get too tired, it is the one show on the block I consistently always SKIP.  I understand why it has a big fanbase, but I don't get why it has to be this big and why the fans have to be so obnoxious (the bad ones).  And now I hear Shippuden finished its last 500th episode and they're immediately segueing in to a Borato series!?!? I feel like Aku! "I mean I thought I'd wait it out until I assumed he would just die! But he hasn't aged!  It seems like he'll go on forever!  I don't know if I can handle it!"


Naruto is my absolute least favorite show on the block. Aside from when I get too tired, it is the one show on the block I consistently always SKIP.  I understand why it has a big fanbase, but I don't get why it has to be this big and why the fans have to be so obnoxious (the bad ones).  And now I hear Shippuden finished its last 500th episode and they're immediately segueing in to a Borato series!?!? I feel like Aku! "I mean I thought I'd wait it out until I assumed he would just die! But he hasn't aged!  It seems like he'll go on forever!  I don't know if I can handle it!"

meanwhile it's the last show on the block that's not a rerun so I'm forced to  tune out


At this point, I figure it's mostly nostalgia for people who grew up watching the original Naruto series.


Honestly I still think the original Naruto anime before 136 is holds up rather well. It has some painfully childish antics from time to time and young Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura are more insufferable than their Shppuden counterparts but it's a pretty well constructed story that builds and interesting world and a lore and goes places at a reasonable pace. It's a pretty solid adaptation of a decent manga up to that point but Shippuden's long stretches of filler and slower pacing for canon in the first 70 or so episodes instantly killed my enthusiasm.


People are invested enough to overlook Shippuden's downsides (excessive filler, obnoxious moody characters, how useless Sakura is). US TV viewers never got invested in One Piece to that degree because the dub was hot garbage for 104 episodes and then not long after Cartoon Network dumped all non-toyetic anime. One Piece fans and anyone who could stand watching subs watched it subbed and have continued to do so. A lot of people ditched Naruto dubs once it was taken off Cartoon Network if not before that but enough the general audience still like watching Naruto dubbed while considerably less viewers took a liking to One Piece.


I figure a large percentage of the Adult Swim viewership rejected One Piece because it wasn't drawn like Bleach or Naruto Shippuden and I'm sure the Foxy arc and the filler right after it did not help make a good first impression. They saw it as the same goofy show that 4Kids dubbed in 2004. The Adult Swim viewers they did enjoy One Piece probably switched to watching it on Hulu at some point so they could watch the series at their own pace. For others, the episode count was simply too much to bother with.


Naruto was only entirely off the air about one year IIRC and Dragon Ball was only off the air for about two years and got a HUGE push when it returned and didn't leave the air again since. Meanwhile One Piece was off for about 5 years and in that time people simply moved on to watching it however they prefer and had little reason to go back to watching it once a week on Toonami.

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