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(this thread is a joke)


just follow these simple steps and you'll produce an anime that young anime fans will go WILD for


1. copy minor plot details from a show that came before it, basically just look at the last big hit and make a version of it

2. don't waste time Designing characters, lift designs from another one, it worked for Akame Ga Kill ::]::

3. Unique character arcs?, NO! :) , just read the anime character types pages on TV tropes and pick your fave! ;)

4. Be as Edge as you can possibly Edge!, angsty Hot topic teens will MESS THEIR PANTS WITH EXCITEMENT!

5. show your support for the LGBT community by adding a single Gay character, but make sure you make him THE worst character in the show, give him an off model purposefully ugly Design, make him a sexual deviant, added points if he wears women's make-up and self identifies as an Attack Helicopter Okama!

6. ENOURMOUS TITS THAT DEFY THE LAWS OF TIME AND SPACE!, but make sure you show you aren't sexist by giving the male characters a single nipple-less shirtless scene

7. is the main character boring?, don't make him interesting just make every girl in the show get wet at the mention of his name!



(this thread is lampooning SAO AGK and Tokyo Ghoul)



What would you say if I followed all your instructions (or at least all but the Puri-Puri Prisoner one) for the first episode, but made the second actually good?


Like Gungrave, only more Tumblr-friendly.


What would you say if I followed all your instructions (or at least all but the Puri-Puri Prisoner one) for the first episode, but made the second actually good?


Like Gungrave, only more Tumblr-friendly.

it would be an amazing bait-and-switch if you made a show that awful



then ep 2 onwards was a deconstruction making fun of literally everything wrong with modern anime



someone needs to actually do that


it would be an amazing bait-and-switch if you made a show that awful



then ep 2 onwards was a deconstruction making fun of literally everything wrong with modern anime



someone needs to actually do that


Master of Martial Hearts tried.


It fell flat on its face.


Master of Martial Hearts tried.


It fell flat on its face.

based on what I've heard I'm pretty sure that just was a fanservice show, albeit a fucked up one


the best way to deconstruct one of these Grimdark Akame ga kill replicas would be to do something like


1. have the Tatsumi expy and the Bulaut expy end up as a couple, to shoot down the "every girl wants to bone the protagonist" trope

2. cleverly bait and pretend there's gonna be giganto-titty fanservice....then bait and switch and have tons of male fanservice

3. coyly make a mockery of the "edgy on purpose" nature of the show somehow, like make the death's super crazy, like have a character just randomly explode after seeming like they were fine and have the character who made them explode even seem shocked by it like they thought their attack wasn't supposed to do that (basically make the deaths comedic rather than serious)

4. make the Gay characters more likable than the straight ones (since the opposite is usually true in anime with the Straight ones being tollerable and the token gay being an ugly rapist)

5. make the girls actually do epic shit and not just stand around while their tits fly around the room


Or just show hot girls with huge breasts fighting each other until they end up naked. Freezing anyone?


In addition to getting better ratings than TG it has a better plot as well.


Boobs, blood and EDGE = Ratings.


It's that or your show resonates with American audiences like OPM did as a superhero satire.

or Yuri on Ice did with Gay people

Your favorite character was a sadomasochist. That's pretty edgy right there.


Yeah but it didn't take itself as seriously as Akame did.


Then again Akame could give a guy whiplash.


Your favorite character was a sadomasochist. That's pretty edgy right there.

Gamagoori kinda stopped being my favorite when he turned out to be straight


my new faves are Mako and Ryuko because



I often fantasize after the events of Kill la Kill as aired on Toonami (perhaps before the OVA Episode 25 set 6 months later) that Ryuko and Mako are indeed a lesbian couple but they both use Gamagoori for the "designated dick" that gives both ladies what they can't physically give each other. One would expect something like this out of someone who is such a stickler for the rules on the street! He apparently likes Mako but would seemingly tolerate Ryuko. Don't know if he would hit it on Ryuko, but he definitely would on Mako while she eats Ryuko out or something. Those three would be quite freaky!


Maybe it's just the self-deprecation in me, but Puri-Puri Prisoner is one of the few characters to make me laugh in an anime in the last 5ish years. I don't mean that as, I never laugh at stuff in animes, I mean that it was such an obvious stereotype that it actually made me giggle. I don't think anyone viewing One Punch Man, took that character seriously.... I mean its a comedy making fun of shonen's that.... well include characters like that all the time. So you could say in effect it's making fun of the people making fun?


Either way, the presentation was so over the top ridiculous I couldn't stop laughing. I gotta say though, even if he was super Uggo he was deffinitely in good shape. No one can really fault him for not fitting the idealized super hero body.


Maybe it's just the self-deprecation in me, but Puri-Puri Prisoner is one of the few characters to make me laugh in an anime in the last 5ish years. I don't mean that as, I never laugh at stuff in animes, I mean that it was such an obvious stereotype that it actually made me giggle. I don't think anyone viewing One Punch Man, took that character seriously.... I mean its a comedy making fun of shonen's that.... well include characters like that all the time. So you could say in effect it's making fun of the people making fun?


Either way, the presentation was so over the top ridiculous I couldn't stop laughing. I gotta say though, even if he was super Uggo he was deffinitely in good shape. No one can really fault him for not fitting the idealized super hero body.


Can't tell if conspiracy or just really bad fan-fiction....


I often fantasize after the events of Kill la Kill as aired on Toonami (perhaps before the OVA Episode 25 set 6 months later) that Ryuko and Mako are indeed a lesbian couple but they both use Gamagoori for the "designated dick" that gives both ladies what they can't physically give each other. One would expect something like this out of someone who is such a stickler for the rules on the street! He apparently likes Mako but would seemingly tolerate Ryuko. Don't know if he would hit it on Ryuko, but he definitely would on Mako while she eats Ryuko out or something. Those three would be quite freaky!




KLK wasn't actually that edgy


it was more comedic


I would hope so, it was originally intended as a lampoon of most modern Shonen anime. The whole reason the powers are acquired by worn garments that look like something from the cover of a hentai should make that obvious. Never the less, it's still a great show, I wouldn't call it so much edgy as I would true to it's original intent with nice art and amazing action scenes. It manages to drive home a concise point while still being very entertaining.


I often fantasize after the events of Kill la Kill as aired on Toonami (perhaps before the OVA Episode 25 set 6 months later) that Ryuko and Mako are indeed a lesbian couple but they both use Gamagoori for the "designated dick" that gives both ladies what they can't physically give each other. One would expect something like this out of someone who is such a stickler for the rules on the street! He apparently likes Mako but would seemingly tolerate Ryuko. Don't know if he would hit it on Ryuko, but he definitely would on Mako while she eats Ryuko out or something. Those three would be quite freaky!


Maybe it's just the self-deprecation in me, but Puri-Puri Prisoner is one of the few characters to make me laugh in an anime in the last 5ish years. I don't mean that as, I never laugh at stuff in animes, I mean that it was such an obvious stereotype that it actually made me giggle. I don't think anyone viewing One Punch Man, took that character seriously.... I mean its a comedy making fun of shonen's that.... well include characters like that all the time. So you could say in effect it's making fun of the people making fun?


Either way, the presentation was so over the top ridiculous I couldn't stop laughing. I gotta say though, even if he was super Uggo he was deffinitely in good shape. No one can really fault him for not fitting the idealized super hero body.

it only really bothered me because people kept acting like I should like Puri Puri Prisoner just because I'm Gay


it basically intensified my hatred for him


like, if I found him to be a homophobic joke why should I like him just because he's a Gay character?


I didn't like the character, I thought he (the concept) was hilarious and ridiculously over the top.... like full mania type of over the top. There is a big difference for me with finding something funny and liking the thing I find funny (in the traditional sense).... as odd as that may sound.


I didn't like the character, I thought he (the concept) was hilarious and ridiculously over the top.... like full mania type of over the top. There is a big difference for me with finding something funny and liking the thing I find funny (in the traditional sense).... as odd as that may sound.

I was fine with some homophobic joke characters in other toonami shows, mostly because nobody was telling me I was supposed to like them

PPP just rubbed me the wrong way **shrug**


from what I understand Tokyo Ghoul has an equally bad character except nobody is telling me he's supposed to be likable so I imagine my experience with him will be more like my experience with Akame ga Kill, namely that I'll be having too much fun razzing on the show to take him personally


I think the reason I find PPP to be funny is probably akin to why alot of my black friends in highschool found Chappele Show and Boondock's to be hilarious when I was in highschool. Not because it's an accurate representation or even that the character is loveable, rather it is that it is a lampoon of caricatures. It is basically a more comfortable way for people to recognize that such stereotypes exist, are extremely ridiculous and even comical, while not having to directly engage in the actual conversation about such things. Let's face it, talking about such things is a bit of a buzz kill and when you're trying to relax and be entertained, you're not exactly looking for a deep and meaningful dialogue on the sad state of nature that is prejudice against minorities.


I look at it as a form of acceptance, in that it is something they know is obviously ludicrous and that they know I know is obviously ludicrous so we can have a good time laughing together instead of hating eachother, and/or feeling extremely awkward and uncomfortable having to broach the subject constantly.


I think the reason I find PPP to be funny is probably akin to why alot of my black friends in highschool found Chappele Show and Boondock's to be hilarious when I was in highschool. Not because it's an accurate representation or even that the character is loveable, rather it is that it is a lampoon of caricatures. It is basically a more comfortable way for people to recognize that such stereotypes exist, are extremely ridiculous and even comical, while not having to directly engage in the actual conversation about such things. Let's face it, talking about such things is a bit of a buzz kill and when you're trying to relax and be entertained, you're not exactly looking for a deep and meaningful dialogue on the sad state of nature that is prejudice against minorities.


I look at it as a form of acceptance, in that it is something they know is obviously ludicrous and that they know I know is obviously ludicrous so we can have a good time laughing together instead of hating eachother, and/or feeling extremely awkward and uncomfortable having to broach the subject constantly.

I'll say this.....if OPM had had another Gay character that was not as repulsive as PPP, I'd have laughed at PPP, but it's only other Gay character is equally as bad

which makes it look like ONE actually thinks Gay people are like that


What other gay character? It must have been someone that wasn't even that important cause I don't remember....

so far the character is manga only


it's another character named "Okamaitachi"


Also, I don't think anyone that would make such a detailed lampoon of everything else prevalent in modern shonen anime, would then also throw in a caricature of a gay person in the same exact fashion as is represented by the types of anime it is meant to make fun of (and then actually believe whole heartedly that that depiction is realistic). That wouldn't make any sense to me. I think it is what it tries to be, a light hearted poke at over the top repeat themes driven home by most shonens airing in today's market. I don't think he thinks gay people are actually like that, just like I don't think he thinks you have to work out for 6 months to become the strongest man in the universe, or that a cyborg boy can survive being crushed to a pulp like 10 billion times and still live lol.


Also, I don't think anyone that would make such a detailed lampoon of everything else prevalent in modern shonen anime, would then also throw in a caricature of a gay person in the same exact fashion as is represented by the types of anime it is meant to make fun of (and then actually believe whole heartedly that that depiction is realistic). That wouldn't make any sense to me. I think it is what it tries to be, a light hearted poke at over the top repeat themes driven home by most shonens airing in today's market. I don't think he thinks gay people are actually like that, just like I don't think he thinks you have to work out for 6 months to become the strongest man in the universe, or that a cyborg boy can survive being crushed to a pulp like 10 billion times and still live lol.

it wasn't that detailed


the ORIGINAL version of  OPM looked like this


the version that the anime was based on was a heavily altered re-drawing by a different artist


that said you have a point....I still would preffer an awesome gay character as opposed to a revolting one in my anime

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