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Episode 10 - SSSS.Gridman - Anime News Network

Friggin' amazing episode, as this show just seems to keep outdoing itself week after week!

However, the reviewer only gave it an A, not the A+ I thought it deserved!

What the hell is gonna happen in the next 2 episodes, and, perhaps more importantly, how in the hell is Yuta going to survive apparently being mortally wounded?

I guess we'll find out next week!

Oddly enough, this show's spinoff/sequel series, SSSS.Dynazeon, premieres in Japan on April 2nd, one week before SSSS.Gridman's thrilling conclusion on Toonami on April 3rd. So, it will be interesting to see if Toonami can manage to pull off an AOT-style dub premiere of SSSS.Dynazeon after AOT concludes its current 16-episode run most likely on May 1st. Is this show doing well enough in the ratings for its sequel to take 12:30? If not, the 2 AM timeslot vacated by Fire Force might be a better target...

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