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Which anime adaptation do you think has it worse? One Piece or Naruto?

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We all know that these two are among the last of the standing 'long-runners' still premiering new episodes. And we all know their adaptations leave a little to be desired and cause mostly fatigue at this point, which is a shame in One Piece's case since the source material is so good (Naruto I feel jumped the shark ages ago).


That being said... which series do you think has the shittier adaptation? Naruto's endless amount of filler that often interrupts the canon arcs midway thru.... or One Piece's veryyyyyy slow pacing.


And also you have to answer conserning these two. No mentioning of the newer seasonal method or other newer series that go by that method. We all know that is how we would prefer it, but that's not on the cards with these two.


I'd have to say Shippuden.  While I definitely have a problem with One Piece's terrible pacing, I can always marathon episodes of the show to get through the stuff quicker.  Shippuden has filler that interrupts so regularly that I can't even do that.  I also want to watch the whole series, so I can't just skip the filler.


I'd have to say Shippuden.  While I definitely have a problem with One Piece's terrible pacing, I can always marathon episodes of the show to get through the stuff quicker.  Shippuden has filler that interrupts so regularly that I can't even do that.  I also want to watch the whole series, so I can't just skip the filler.

I agree but for different reasons


namely that while One Piece's adaption is good,

Naruto's source material was awful. and a lot of the anime's filler is better than it's Canon....so it's adaption ends up being better than it's manga due to the stuff the anime writers made up being more entertaining than the canonical chapters


With Shippuden, it's very easy to tell that the producers give zero fucks about their product (and that's all it is...a product). Toei looks to at least somewhat give a shit with One Piece.

one of the villains in Naruto's filler was a magical talking wig that ate people....and I eagerly await Naruto's filler arcs to see just how INSANE they will be

I might be the only person to vouch for the Naruto adaptation being better, and even then it's only on the merits of technical direction for a handful of their episodes.


[toshiyuki tsuru forever]


I might be the only person to vouch for the Naruto adaptation being better, and even then it's only on the merits of technical direction for a handful of their episodes.


[toshiyuki tsuru forever]


The one episode with Shikamaru mourning had zero business being in Shippuden.


Well I will say this... One Piece does not have a single episode that matches the animation of the final Naruto vs Sasuke fight (or a handful of other episodes) and that makes me a sad moose.  :(


The thing with Naruto is... let's say I want to own the series. The way the filler is distributed, dvd boxsets will almost always contain some filler that I don't want, making the canon episodes the set does have minuscule at best. At least with OP most of its episodes are canon and the pacing can be somewhat remedied by marathoning.


I just honestly can't stand filler interrupting canon. Bleach freak'n did this too and it was annoying.


I will take Toei's horrible OP pacing a thousand times over Naruto screwing off canon material for two goddamn years straight.  And yeah I know that was the original series, but still, just think about that.  Two. Years.  And then like 30 episodes into Shippuuden, they somehow need to launch straight back into more filler.  It's pathetic.  As glacial as OP can be these days, at least you're always getting a steady trickle of new content, albeit sometimes one agonizing droplet at a time.


The only real thing Naruto's adaptation has in its favor is that Toei usually looks like they're making OP on a shoestring budget, and even its best moments are just 15-second flashes of good animation.  Both the original Naruto and Shippuuden have a few select episodes with almost movie-budget animation that are a fantastic watch.


Anyone who doesn't say Naruto is a damn liar. :D


Well there is the argument that Naruto handles itself better because you can skip the filler arcs, whereas in One Piece you can't really skip the padded canon.


The thing is Naruto is so chock full of filler, that if you combine OG Naruto with Shippuden (as you should, they're the same overall series) it may actually contain more filler than canon. That's just crap.


Naruto also ended.


This is strictly the animes, not the manga. Naruto is basically continuing into Boruto so it's still ongoing.


It's like separating OG Naruto from Shippuden, which is stupid, because even though the official episode count resets, it's still the same show.


Meh. Both anime adaptations suffer in a lot of ways. It's mostly due to their pacing. Naruto, once it gets to Shippuden, is just all over the damn place in terms of quality. One Piece's only major problem is that it's slow as all hell. Otherwise, it would be a much better show.


As much as I do enjoy One Piece, I can't really pick either of them. Sure, One Piece has that awesome source material to work off of, but it just stretches and stretches until it pops you back into the damn eye. Shippuden can produce some pretty damn good episodes at times, but it's just so inconsistent. Neither of them are really all that impressive.

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