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Can someone plz explain the apeal of HeroAca?

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22 hours ago, Gina Szanboti said:

no water is worse than quiet water

I thought that meant that having something is better than nothing. You usually at least try to only ever drink running/loud water. Quiet water is stagnate however if you're dying of thirst you'll gladly drink it even if it's not what you wanted. I felt like that describes him in many ways. He knows that the hero people want would be someone like the others. However people who are really in need will be happier that he helped them in their time of need than did nothing. 


If you look around, you'll find that French phrase is almost always translated as "still waters run deep."  The literal translation though doesn't mean, "no water" as in not having any water, but rather "there are no waters worse (more dangerous) than quiet waters," because deeper water in a river will often have dangerous currents while appearing calm on the surface, while shallow water will have eddies and white water so you can see what the current is like and avoid crossing if it's too strong.

Shakespeare said, "Smooth runs the water where the brook is deep, And in his simple show he harbors treason... No, no, my sovereign, Gloucester is a man Unsounded yet and full of deep deceit."

Also this fable: "A Country-man that was to pass a River, sounded it up and down to try where it was most fordable: and upon Trial he made this Observation on't: Where the Water ran Smooth, he found it Deepest; and on the contrary, Shallowest where it made most Noise. There's More Danger in a Reserv'd and Silent, than in a Noisy, Babbling Enemy."


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