PhilosipherStoned Posted January 5, 2020 Posted January 5, 2020 I picked up this chick.. She's my mother's boyfriends daughter. I was worried when she called me because I already knew my parents, and hers had already kicked her out. She was on drugs, and was really hopped up spouting religious shit the first night because apparently she read a bunch of jehova's wtiness shit recently too. I have to go to work in a bit, and she found someone to pick her up. I feel bad because I didn't exactly want to kick her out, but at the same time I know it's probably not wise to leave her in my house alone..
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 5, 2020 Author Posted January 5, 2020 Maybe that's a little bit too crazy of a scenerio to talk about over the interent, but I'm just trying to say I'm still trying to organize all this shit in my head. I'm not sure if I've ever met anyone with more problems before in my life. I wonder if there's away for me to get her to go to rehab or something like that. 1
lupin_bebop Posted January 6, 2020 Posted January 6, 2020 You wanna know why no one posted in this? Because we all know what’s up. Stay the fuck away from that shit. NEVER stick your dick in crazy. 1
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 What? Obviously you don't know what's up, but I guess dirty minds think alike..
lupin_bebop Posted January 6, 2020 Posted January 6, 2020 I read everything that was there. My statement stands. It doesn’t have to be your literal dick. It could be metaphorical dick, too.
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 She's never called me before so just the fact she called me I figured something bad had happened or it was going on.. I think she got in an arguement with whoever she was doing drugs with. I can only make assumptions myself though, I mean I dis ask..reluctantly but she started screaming at me too in some kind of religous code.. Slept the shit off at least, She sounded way better after she slept. I was definitely ready to see her gone though I can't lie.
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 1 minute ago, lupin_bebop said: I read everything that was there. My statement stands. It doesn’t have to be your literal dick. It could be metaphorical dick, too. Can I buy pot from you? 1
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 14 minutes ago, lupin_bebop said: The Hell are you on about? Lol nothing. Now I'm wondering how big my metaphorical dick is though. I'm also fighting myself because you are right or at least half right.. She's a fucking adult, and her problems shouldn't be mine. I think of her as more of a sister also just so you know.. 1
lupin_bebop Posted January 6, 2020 Posted January 6, 2020 Even if you think of her that way, let the adult be an adult and figure things out for themselves first. 1
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 (edited) I actually did that last time. She looked fucking horrible man. I'm sorry for bringing this shit here though it's just like I said. She scared the fucking shit out of me. Neither of her parents are going to be there for, and I understand.. a little, but they are also hypocritical as fuck.. Especially the ones she was staying with I think.. This can be somed up as family drama anyway I guess. Don't worry though I mean I've been a cop a correctional officer, and worked all kinds of positions where I've dealt with crazy people... Just hard to see people you care about like that man.. 😞 Edited January 6, 2020 by PhilosipherStoned
lupin_bebop Posted January 6, 2020 Posted January 6, 2020 I know that. Still, you can help and be out of the way, but don't let people drag you down with them while helping. 2
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 I definitely wouldn't. That goes without saying with me... I'm just wondering after seeing her how long she's gonna make it like that. She's probably already been sent to rehab at least once...don't know for sure, but Her father's told me already that she's no angel, and she's been screwed up like this for years so.. I just wonder familiy wise who would help her. Her father is basically my stepfather. He used to be such a drunk even though he's pretty much quit for years. His health probably isn't that great. Her mother is... I don't want to get into any MORE details, and I guess I don't even really know, but she's definitely not better by comparison. That one needs some rehab if I've ever seen it though. uggh.
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 (edited) 7 minutes ago, Vamped said: Well .... this sounds like a mistake This thread? Is it wrong for me to care about her? Idk. I think maybe you're right either way. I mean I am fine and sober if you are thinking different. I didn't do drugs with her.. Just who would give her an intervention? Seemed like she was begging for it a little.. She might even be drifting now. I don't know for sure. Elaborate how I made a mistake. By saving her from jail maybe? For all I know I could've saved her from something far worse the way she was acting.. She wasn't physically attacking me or anything by the way just... out of her fucking mind. Edited January 6, 2020 by PhilosipherStoned
Mix Posted January 6, 2020 Posted January 6, 2020 You're a good guy..... my brain shut off when you said "the daughter of my mom's boyfriend"... 1
Vamped Posted January 6, 2020 Posted January 6, 2020 7 minutes ago, PhilosipherStoned said: This thread? Is it wrong for me to care about her? Idk. I think maybe you're right either way. I mean I am fine and sober if you are thinking different. I didn't do drugs with her.. Just who would give her an intervention? Seemed like she was begging for it a little.. She might even be drifting now. I don't know for sure. Elaborate how I made a mistake. By saving her from jail maybe? For all I know I could've saved her from something far worse the way she was acting.. She wasn't physically attacking me or anything by the way just... out of her fucking mind. Just seems like you volunteered for extra stress 1
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 (edited) 10 minutes ago, Mix said: You're a good guy..... my brain shut off when you said "the daughter of my mom's boyfriend"... My stepsister? She is I guess.. Technically our parents have never been married, but common law I'm sure. Good enough for me anyway. Even with his problems her fathers a good guy too... HE's just done with her.. and about everybody.. I can call him a stepfather because I know for sure he cares about my mother.. He just doesn't give a fuck about his kids or their mother or anything else in this world for sure... He's old school. Edited January 6, 2020 by PhilosipherStoned
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 I don't feel stressed though just worried. 😅
lupin_bebop Posted January 6, 2020 Posted January 6, 2020 21 minutes ago, Vamped said: Just seems like you volunteered for extra stress THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS TRYING TO SAY TO HIM. 1
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 (edited) I feel you LB... I havent related a lot of her feelings either.. I believe she's been crying for help for a while, and I actually have helped people atleast try to seperate themselves from these type of drugs before. I scared one guy I knew WAY less into leaving this whole area because he was trying to stop at least... Whether he did or not. The Tarot, and coincidences scared the fucking both out of us though when that happened, and I tell this story a lot.. He left happy with people I knew where coming from an area about a state (Good old Texas here) and a half away from this. Thinking he might be able to stop... All I can say because I am a pessimist. MY cards definitely worked their best that night though, AND I AM A SCEPTIC. It's nice to be able to scare someone as dependant as he was though.. I don't think she's even worse than him when it comes to dependancy but... Her mind definitely seemed permafried..It was clinging to every shred of...christian religion it could. This thread should probably be done. I still feel I may be able to help her get her mind right at least though. Edited January 6, 2020 by PhilosipherStoned
Mix Posted January 6, 2020 Posted January 6, 2020 45 minutes ago, PhilosipherStoned said: My stepsister? She is I guess.. Technically our parents have never been married, but common law I'm sure. Good enough for me anyway. Even with his problems her fathers a good guy too... HE's just done with her.. and about everybody.. I can call him a stepfather because I know for sure he cares about my mother.. He just doesn't give a fuck about his kids or their mother or anything else in this world for sure... He's old school. I thought old school was staying in a loveless marriage for the kids or for appearances sake........or religion 1
Mix Posted January 6, 2020 Posted January 6, 2020 22 minutes ago, PhilosipherStoned said: I feel you LB... I havent related a lot of her feelings either.. I believe she's been crying for help for a while, and I actually have helped people atleast try to seperate themselves from these type of drugs before. I scared one guy I knew WAY less into leaving this whole area because he was trying to stop at least... Whether he did or not. The Tarot, and coincidences scared the fucking both out of us though when that happened, and I tell this story a lot.. He left happy with people I knew where coming from an area about a state (Good old Texas here) and a half away from this. Thinking he might be able to stop... All I can say because I am a pessimist. MY cards definitely worked their best that night though, AND I AM A SCEPTIC. It's nice to be able to scare someone as dependant as he was though.. I don't think she's even worse than him when it comes to dependancy but... Her mind definitely seemed permafried..It was clinging to every shred of...christian religion it could. This thread should probably be done. I still feel I may be able to help her get her mind right at least though. I had to read this twice.... As I understand it, you used magic cards to scare a guy into leaving the state to quit his drug habit? 1
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 (edited) Huh.. lol. He's an oldschool John Wayne wanna be then probably. If it wasn't for him being the closest thing to a father I've ever had I'd have cut him out of life years ago. Meeting his children.. Seeing what all he's done, and how he did it though.. Not a bad dude. He's worked a lot of crazy jobs from agriculture to oil, and more... He's kind of like this to everybody, but these days we have been thinking a like... Lol... He's not black either... and both of us probably arent sure what she's been on. Edited January 6, 2020 by PhilosipherStoned
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 (edited) 27 minutes ago, Mix said: I had to read this twice.... As I understand it, you used magic cards to scare a guy into leaving the state to quit his drug habit? lol.. I never saw such A bad reading come out of those cards either... and insects came out of this ... guys lighter he left in my house for seconds. not spiders I love spiders. HE was trying to light a cigarette I gave him... That was a first to me though. Some how.. nah. Creatures of the night right. Whatever. Lol I havent seen one of those little guys in ages either.. Nor had I seen one until that night. dumbass I swear he almost pissed himself..and how and why did one go inside a lighter lol. I don't do drugs.. I might drink a bit reflecting on all this though lol. Alcohol is drugs though. Yup. Edited January 6, 2020 by PhilosipherStoned
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 A Centipede.. That was an awesome coincedince though lol. I'm a bit of insect guy though so I just continued the reading.. It scared the fuck out of him more. A house centipede reared itself out of the lighter head... lol. HE was probably at least coming down or something so I just thought his reaction was awesome... The cards made me tell him to leave this place though... Believe that or not.
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 11 minutes ago, Mix said: Same.exe
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 If I see her again I shouldn't need the cards anyway... Meh. I'd love to see that honeslty still... Another Same.exe. She worried me more than someone I've never met of course though. I am guilty of trying to scare her ass straight already probably. At least that night. lol... MAybe this can exist better in rants at least... Idk. I still need to make sure she isn't going to devolve into more stupidity.. Then I might feel some solace out of this.
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 We just talked via text.. It sounds like she understands I'm not going to facillitate her, but she understands I am here for her. That's all I wanted/ 1
cyberbully Posted January 6, 2020 Posted January 6, 2020 I'm not going to read all these replies righ off because I feel like they too k the wrong path, and I'm just going to reply to the OP. Care about her all you want, but nothing you do is going to fix what she is. Kicked out people don't look for rehabilitation....They look for shelter. People who have honestly evaluated their problem seek rehabilitation.....ANd forced rehab, just to have somewhere to sleep rarely works either. I will read more after I finish getting shit ready for tomorrow since I'm not even sure what drug (s) she's on....But if you're dealing with meth, heroin or crack, you are definitely in over your head. 1
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 (edited) I think not... When I scared a fool like probably three states away that was on meth... Didn't expect to.. I think we really through the drugs were able to connect. I am a weirdo I guess. I even expirimented with the shit after trying to talk since to the few I love.. (NOT RECENTLY) BAd mojo for sure, don't get me wrong... The worst thing family can do is probably completely shut out those fallen to it if you ask me. I've seen some that could've made it die for dumber reasons than overdose or whatever some might think. MAybe I am just a ///dumbasss for trying to help some like that.. Idk. I don;t try to help them all either, but I think I know people that LEGIT want to stop from the others too. Edited January 6, 2020 by PhilosipherStoned
PhilosipherStoned Posted January 6, 2020 Author Posted January 6, 2020 I was of course sober at the time lol. Curiousity has gotten the better of me with that though, and I'm no one that promotes any sort of beliefs... She needs help though. I hate drugs like that with all my being... Still.. I need her to come back before I really dig into her head, and she needs to be.. a lil better at least. 🙂 I hope she will be. I don't know though.
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