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Episode 8: Goku Shows Up!  A Last Chance from Lord Beerus!?



Recap:  With Beerus now turning violent, Piccolo, Tien, Android 18, Gohan, Gotenks, and Majin Buu all attempt to stop him, with all of them failing.  Beerus seems unstoppable.  In a fit of rage, Bulma comes up and slaps him.  Furious at the insult, Beerus slaps her away and severely hurts her.  Vegeta, in a fit of rage at seeing Bulma hurt, goes Super Saiyan and powers up to fight Beerus.


No flaming, hating, trolling, spamming, etc.


I recall hearing somewhere



that even though Vegeta loses this fight supremely, Beerus Says he's actually stronger than Goku is and that it surprised him



yep, he said he was better than Goku right there

...weird  considering what  a comic relief character Vegeta is this whole arc


interesting note, Goku used to use Rock-Paper-Scissors as an attack when he was a kid


if he chose rock he'd punch you, paper he'd chop you and Scissors he'd poke you in the eyes


note: there is a retcon at work here



in the classic series Planet Vegeta was destroyed right after Goku was born


in Super it has now been retconned so that it wasn't destroyed until 3 years later, this is to explain how vegeta knew about Beerus, since the scene shown where Vegeta was seeing him threaten King Vegeta would not be possible otherwise, because Vegeta would have already been off-world with Freiza at the time



Toonami time.  Everyone ready to  :fap: ?


Just saw the new smiley and had to try it.

Oh wow I thought he was scratching his chin until just now! :D

Why do we have Head Cha-la recap music but not in the actual show? D:


"It's time for you to get destroyed, Beerus!" 8)


More entertaining than Goku?  I'll take it!


No matter how many times they pop up, I still think Pilaf and his crew are wastes of air time and poor examples of comic relief.



Yes, I'm aware of the woman/girl's significance according to the plot.



what I wanna know is why Pilaf and Shu sound the same but Mai's voice is a baby voice

Well, Pilaf was always a childlike Emperor *rimshot*, and Shu is a dog.  Mai is human.  And maybe they thought it would be cute.

This most important Oolang has been in years.


Oh hey Eric Vale-voiced Dave & Buster's commercial! :-D They have to be putting these ads in intentionally...


How is SS Vegeta stronger than SS3 Goku?

several canonical reasons


1. when Vegeta says he and Goku are different "Breeds" he means it literally, Saiyans came in specifically bred varieties, with Goku's breed being dumb wall-of-meat soldiers and Vegetas being built to be a leader class and excelling in speed and attack strength as well as intelligence

2. all of Vegeta's transformations are of equivalent power to the form that comes after Gokus, and he skips past several forms because of this. I.e. he cannot use Super Saiyan 3 and his version of Super Saiyan 2 has the same equivalent power as Goku's Super Saiyan 3 form

3. vegeta is in general a more competent fighter than Goku, Vegeta has legitimate honest to goodness Saiyan Warrior training, Goku's strength comes from directionless aggression, so the real reason for Goku's victories is a complete disregard for safety, Vegeta knows how to focus his attacks on an opponant thus delivering ALL damadge to the opponant, Goku just blows up everything around him and that usually works


At first, I assumed that Beerus wanted to eat Oolong. Instead, it's a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors....a universal past time.

I thought so, too.  "Give your life to save this planet, piggy!" :D
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