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i find this youtube video hard to believe about interactions between ancient Rome and China

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I find this hard to believe how did the Han Empire able to contact the Roman Empire 

I understand yes the historic Silk Road one theoretically travel from China to the Italian peninsula but a journey like that could take months or even years if I'm correct I am not saying this is possible I'm just saying it's hard to believe or practical 

Is there anyone here that has a degree in history or something that can research this stuff better than I am just asking



Edited by ghostrek

I find this hard to believe how did the Han Empire able to contact the Roman Empire 

I understand yes the historic Silk Road one theoretically travel from China to the Italian peninsula but a journey like that could take months or even years if I'm correct I am not saying this is possible I'm just saying it's hard to believe or practical 

Is there anyone here that has a degree in history or something that can research this stuff better than I am just asking



Shut the fuck up ghostrek. Just shut the fuck up. If you are too fucking stupid to understand how an advanced civilization could contact the Roman empire than that is your fucking problem.

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I don't understand why you're incredulous.  Humans have always been naturally inclined to migrate.  Instinctually, some of our hunter/gatherer traits continue to persist, particularly the desire to expand outside of known range in order to do any number of things including to propagate and locate resources.  It seems only logical that they would be predisposed to travel long distances solely for the purpose of exploration.

10 minutes ago, stilgar said:

Like, does ghostrek think the Chinese just appeared in Asia from nothing?

I have no fucking clue.  Maybe he has no idea what those two long things on either side of his dick are use for.


It's not really a stretch to say that ancient China was familiar with roman civilization. The two were major global powers at the time, and China's naval history was pretty well established even as far back as 722 BCE.China traded Silk to the Roman empire through the historical Silk Road pretty frequently. The silk was in high demand since romans initially knew very little about how it was produced, but silk clothing was pretty luxurious at the time. As for this historians description you have to realize this was translated from chinese, and even then it's a description of roman culture coming from someone that was alien to greek and roman culture and customs. It seems to me when he's describing things like "They could breathe fire from their mouth, and juggle bulls" someone probably witnessed a big roman celebration or performance with trained performers and didn't know enough about the culture to know it was a massive celebration..

He mentions at the end that he's never even seen the regions himself, and that his notes are all second hand accounts anyway. 


46 minutes ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

It's not really a stretch to say that ancient China was familiar with roman civilization. The two were major global powers at the time, and China's naval history was pretty well established even as far back as 722 BCE.China traded Silk to the Roman empire through the historical Silk Road pretty frequently. The silk was in high demand since romans initially knew very little about how it was produced, but silk clothing was pretty luxurious at the time. As for this historians description you have to realize this was translated from chinese, and even then it's a description of roman culture coming from someone that was alien to greek and roman culture and customs. It seems to me when he's describing things like "They could breathe fire from their mouth, and juggle bulls" someone probably witnessed a big roman celebration or performance with trained performers and didn't know enough about the culture to know it was a massive celebration..

He mentions at the end that he's never even seen the regions himself, and that his notes are all second hand accounts anyway. 


@PhilosipherStoned thank you explaining this out  so it is not unbelievable ok   


As for how they would get there.. China was king of the maritime scene for quite sometime, their modern navy isn't exactly a pushover either. Since you enjoy history I suggest you read up on ancient Chinese ship designs and battle tactics. Even in the days of the Roman empire China had some pretty formidible warships on the waters.  Also later on in Chinese history there's Ching Shih. One of the most succesful pirate leaders in history.. It's pretty interesting stuf..


Ching Shih


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