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Fairy Tail is ending - On it's last arc.

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Interesting, I plan on watching it one day. I have heard it is a poor man's One Piece so it must be decent.


Eh... it starts off promising but it kinda dismantles into itself halfway through.


But if you have no problem with in-your-face fanservice, even during serious moments and endless asspulls, then you might enjoy it.


Figures I waited around so long for Fairy Tail to air on ASA and then Toonami, by the time I finally start watching it, it's about to end in the manga.  Ah well, at least I know it will have a definite ending!


Pffft.  I've already taken everything you said on this series with a grain of salt.  You said that Fairy Tail never loses which was total bullshit.  I kept a whole log of losses of Fairy Tail characters, and Fairy Tail itself losing, and there were many.  Plus a good deal of what else you said was wrong, like there being no inter-connectivity between arcs, no overarching plotline, no continuous storylines...  So yeah, you're full of shit, as usual, Moose.


Interesting, I plan on watching it one day. I have heard it is a poor man's One Piece so it must be decent.

I have yet to see that, personally.  But that's one of the reasons why Moose rags on it.  You'd think he would want other series to follow One Piece's example, since he lauds it so much.  Tch.


I mean, online, I see a lot of One Piece/Fairy Tail mash-ups, so clearly there's some overlap with the fan bases...


Pffft.  I've already taken everything you said on this series with a grain of salt.  You said that Fairy Tail never loses which was total bullshit.  I kept a whole log of losses of Fairy Tail characters, and Fairy Tail itself losing, and there were many.  Plus a good deal of what else you said was wrong, like there being no inter-connectivity between arcs, no overarching plotline, no continuous storylines...  So yeah, you're full of shit, as usual, Moose.


You act as if I'm the only one who says this stuff. There's a big vocal community complaining about how Mashima handles FT and how he squandard it's potential. Feel free to disagree if you want, but this isn't just my word or even a couple people's words. It's a big glaring problem most people see FT has and they either just accept it or use it as an example for why it's a badly written shonen.


I never said any of that of it's story-line either, don't put words in my mouth.


I have yet to see that, personally.  But that's one of the reasons why Moose rags on it.  You'd think he would want other series to follow One Piece's example, since he lauds it so much.  Tch.


I mean, online, I see a lot of One Piece/Fairy Tail mash-ups, so clearly there's some overlap with the fan bases...


Just because it's really similar to OP doesn't mean it executes those same similarities competently, which is the problem.


Not to mention it's still just badly written. You won't care because you pick and choose your shows when you wanaa talk about badly written (like you do with HxH and OP when you wanna get under my skin) but ignore the plethora of problems series like Bleach and FT have, simply because you like them a lot.


I suppose you'll tell me how I'm wrong and list some problems now, but my point is that you're not as adament with listing said problems unless it's a show you don't like or are only mildly invested in.


Just because it's really similar to OP doesn't mean it executes those same similarities competently, which is the problem.


Not to mention it's still just badly written. You won't care because you pick and choose your shows when you wanaa talk about badly written (like you do with HxH and OP when you wanna get under my skin) but ignore the plethora of problems series like Bleach and FT have, simply because you like them a lot.


I suppose you'll tell me how I'm wrong and list some problems now, but my point is that you're not as adament with listing said problems unless it's a show you don't like or are only mildly invested in.

It's just that some things bother me more than others.  I've repeatedly stated that Bleach is not perfect, neither is Fairy Tail.  I have given my problems with them.  But they've not done anything to make me start disliking them or turn against them.  And you know when something bothers me, I don't let it go, so if a series did something that I didn't like, you'd hear about it.  Also worth noting that for shows I like that aren't well-liked on this community, my criticism of them won't be as noticeable, since there won't often be someone there to disagree with me, thus causing me to repeat, reiterate, and argue those criticisms.  I mean, I don't expect you to tracker stalk me or anything, but if you've followed my commentary even at a glance, you'd know I had my complaints and disappointments with Bleach, that I didn't get everything I wanted, even if I still loved the series.


Well, I do have high standards, and I have more tolerance for some problems than I do others, which is why when series do things that get on my nerves, I'm going to jump on whatever that thing is.  That's why I complained about the villains getting away in One Piece (especially since this wasn't always the case).  You probably didn't notice because you probably didn't care, but the same complaints I've had with the majority of Gundam series since the very beginning, I brought tonight because Unicorn is doing the same shit those old shows used to do, with the obnoxious, pretentious WAR IS BAD preaching, and having a whiny crybaby bitch protagonist - who is typically the one doing the obnoxious childish preaching.  Seriously, someone needs to slap the shit out of Banagher.  So, that's three pet peeves in one night.  I was agrro'd three times.  What is it the kids call it these days?  Triggered?  Sure, that kind of shit triggers me, if you want to put it in such terms.


So, you can say that Bleach and Fairy Tail are badly written, and maybe they don't have the best writing, but they haven't done anything to infuriate me, like Hiatus has.  In the case of One Piece I wouldn't say I am infuriated, per se, but the thing I brought up does piss me off, and it's arguably worse to have an issue with a show you like, than one you hate.  What do I care if Hiatus does more shit that's retarded and nonsensical?  I don't like it.  It can keep doing more shitty shit and I won't care because fuck that show and that's why I dropped it.  With One Piece, I'm not ever going to drop it, and I love it, so it pisses me off when it does shit I don't like, especially when they are major pet peeves.  And to be fair, some things about the Bleach ending pissed me off a decent amount as well.  So there's that.  I'm not going to hold it against the series, though.  For the most part, I was satisfied with it.  But the issue with the villains in One Piece... it's recurring and obviously not going to go away, and it's something that wasn't always done in the show, which nullifies the whole argument of IT HAS TO BE THIS WAY.


Good, to hell with Fairy Tail. I'm glad I dropped it before that alternate universe arc and didn't get suckered into wasting my time with it. The manga was decent until that point but I got the feeling of fatigue from the plot redundancy.


Eh... it starts off promising but it kinda dismantles into itself halfway through.


But if you have no problem with in-your-face fanservice, even during serious moments and endless asspulls, then you might enjoy it.

Eh too many shows do this now. Even One Piece is guilty of the hey let's be stupid and goofy at this important part, at times. It annoys me when an anime flaunts fan service or acts goofy or both in the middle of serious times. I see that more and more.

Eh too many shows do this now. Even One Piece is guilty of the hey let's be stupid and goofy at this important part, at times. It annoys me when an anime flaunts fan service or acts goofy or both in the middle of serious times. I see that more and more.


FT basically takes many of those same tropes and expands on them greatly. For example, the firendship powerup is common in shonen but none do it as ass-pullingly and as frequent as Fairy Tail.


And if the fanservice levels are bothering you in One Piece, then no way will you survive FT's level.  :D


I remember one of my old highschool friends got the anime club to play this every week until we got 16 episodes into it. It wasn't good, but at least we got some nice Erza Scarlett hentai out of it.


Oooo, good >.>

I mean FT is okay, but eh.

Hopefully it ends on a strong point.


Gintama is also ending.

I'm more sad about that one ;_;


Oooo, good >.>

I mean FT is okay, but eh.

Hopefully it ends on a strong point.


Gintama is also ending.

I'm more sad about that one ;_;

Mewn[/member] you could also pick up Osomatsu-san when Gintama ends. It is by the same director.


It's amazing. Forewarning, you have to use less than legal means to watch the masterpiece of the original first episode. Not sure if that matters to you. >.>


Odd that we're getting a second movie after like 2 years with no Fairy Tail animation of any kind whatsoever.  The life of a mangaka is never a smooth one. 



Yes, I'm here.  :P


Mewn[/member] you could also pick up Osomatsu-san when Gintama ends. It is by the same director.


It's amazing. Forewarning, you have to use less than legal means to watch the masterpiece of the original first episode. Not sure if that matters to you. >.>


Oooo I shall add this then to my list! Thank you!

I'll probz get to it next, actually, since I finished watching Barakamon, minus the prequel.


And nah, I'm all good with finding shit. :D



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