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a follow up to that Riverdale thread **spoilers**

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the blonde boy madly in love with the bearded man in the foreground is Kevin Keller

he is very Gay in the comics,

width=600 height=334http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Y29jOVPTmu0/UgYN_2goo1I/AAAAAAABRb0/nf2Gdhfz7HU/s1600/KK_10_03+001.jpg[/img]

very much so

width=600 height=378http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-jmFhKzi7sWU/UgYOMzX5cRI/AAAAAAABRcM/YOhahneOROY/s1600/KK_10_19+001.jpg[/img]


in the show however


first of all he's a brunette which is only mildly annoying

and second of all,


he spends the first 3 episodes


he is asking her on a make-out date to a movie in this scene


basically being Veronica's boyfriend


despite telling everyone that he is gay



he does nothing Gay (aside from claim to be Gay) until episode 4, when he gets cock-blocked on his date with Veronica...and a Gay Gang member aggressively makes out with him behind the movie theater



none of this makes sense


either he's Bi but calling himself Gay for some arbitrary reason, or he's the most unconvincing closeted gay man in the world (he's dating Veronica but literally telling everyone he meets he is gay the second they say hello to him)



Wasn't he about to bang the jock at the end of the first episode,  right before they found the dead guy? I mean, that seems pretty gay to me.


Anyway, haven't gotten to watch episodes 3 or 4 yet. Been watching with a friend to laugh at, but our schedules haven't matched up well enough these last couple weeks.


Wasn't he about to bang the jock at the end of the first episode,  right before they found the dead guy? I mean, that seems pretty gay to me.


Anyway, haven't gotten to watch episodes 3 or 4 yet. Been watching with a friend to laugh at, but our schedules haven't matched up well enough these last couple weeks.

he almost hooks up with Moose


then spends the two episodes following more or less either whining that's he's forever alone or casually flirting with Veronica



then he shamelessly flirts with her and asks her on a date to the movies


Kevin's dad asks why he hasn't found a boyfriend yet and he yells that he hasn't found one because he's the only Gay person in riverdale and he's taking Veronica to a movie


then he and Veronica cuddle at a movie, and Cheryl breaks it up with her whining and  kevin goes to get food, and meets the gay gang member who calls him out on trying to re-closet himself with veronica and violently makes out with him and gives him his number



I mean, this is what I was talking about in those other threads.

except Kevin is actually supposed to be Gay






I think...........the writers are just really really bad at it


I think...........the writers are just really really bad at it


Well, yeah. But there's a lot of that in society and you always make threads turning it into a big thing.


Also, you imply it's malicious when a lot of the time it isn't.


Well, yeah. But there's a lot of that in society and you always make threads turning it into a big thing.


Also, you imply it's malicious when a lot of the time it isn't.

in this case I hardly think it's malicious because two of the writers are actually gay




they're just god awful writers and must have never read a single Archie Comic in their lives


in this case I hardly think it's malicious because two of the writers are actually gay




they're just god awful writers and must have never read a single Archie Comic in their lives


I'm confused....Are you upset that the show isn't true to the comic or that the gay writers are writing this gay enough.


I'm confused....Are you upset that the show isn't true to the comic or that the gay writers are writing this gay enough.


These are pretty annoying stereotypes, but I learned a long time ago that gay writers can be just as bad as straight ones.


I'm confused....Are you upset that the show isn't true to the comic or that the gay writers are writing this gay enough.

I'm upset because it's not true to the comic and that they more or less seem to have retconned him as a confused Bisexual boy rather than a well adjusted Gay boy

These are pretty annoying stereotypes, but I learned a long time ago that gay writers can be just as bad as straight ones.

actually....in my experience Male gay writers are some of the worst possible people to write Gay characters, and I have no idea why


it's like every male Gay writer currently in hollywood adores stereotypes and doesn't want good LGBT representation to ever become a thing

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