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Many things can mess up your pimp game as a hoe.

Thinking back to my hoe days, the following things ruined my mojo and were as welcomed as bed bugs:

Bleeding outside perioding days (altho if a motherfucker wont fuck u cuz you bleeding, hes a weak ass pussy bitch)

Having a bad cold 

Phone acting up..not getting all your text messages or getting them late (getting the 3am "u up?" message during the day when the dick has moved on. Goddamn!)

Leaving phone at home and seeing your favorite fuckbuddy messaged you when you obsessively check your call logs thru the tmobile website. Fuck! Im horny, too.

Being out of town when the fuckbuddy wanna hit it. Dammit baby i will be back Sunday nite!

Birthdays and holidays. Altho the hoeist of hoes will not care...i am not in service on holidays.

Missing a hair appointment or a bad hair day. The fuckbuddy MUSNT SEE YOU SLIPPIN. ESPECIALLY IF THE MAIN BITCH IS ALMOST CUTE AND NEVER SLIPS

Car trouble. Altho if yo pussy good he should offer to fix your car. Or at least try.

Male friends. Especially messy ones who will check your text messages when you in the bathroom. LOCK YOUR PHONE. Turn off the message preview, damn.

Bitches who are nastier than you. (Shes been licking his ass. He likes it and now wants you to do it. Eewww . That nasty ass hoe.)


45 minutes ago, 🍬Candy🍬 said:

My pussy smells like lillies bitch. Febreeze u putrid hairy weenus motherfucker 

Bitch, you da one who said you use pussy spray.

Clorox that shit, hoe.

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