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Dragon Ball Super Episode 103 Discussion

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Good on Toonami running that promo for Alicization episode 6 before the block starts.

Please get those reject Teletubbies out of the ring.

After all that, they just leave?!

Are they actually treating Winnie the Pooh as a serious threat?

Gohan you cheap-ass.  That was like a cheap move out of a fighting game. :D

Nice new Toonami music video.

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Just now, mochi said:



feel like they might've thrown that promo together because they can't find any anime that aren't homophobic (or so Says Demarco) and feel bad about it

I wasn't watching completely. What exactly reminded you what was homophobic?

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Just now, elfie said:

... does EVERYTHING remind you of that problem?

lately yes, but only because just this month suddenly I'm seeing a bunch of companies suddenly get less homophobic and it's been a pleasant and unexpected surprise

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