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3 minutes ago, Poof said:

wrestling is softcore porn

ufc/mma is hardcore porn

they actually fight

we actually fuck

Pro Wrestling is all about taking someone people are predisposed to like, and someone people are predisposed to hate, stick them in the ring and see what happens. Porn is all about taking someone people are predisposed to be attracted to, and someone people are predisposed to imprint themselves on (think like a player character in a video game), and stick them on screen and see what happens. The main goal is either butts in seats, or eyes on the screen. It means money. They're body based businesses. I'm sure there's body shaming in both, but there's also certain body types that are welcomed. You either have your monster heels, and your big heavy hitters, or you have BBWs or bears or whatever they're called. Because both can be stressful, and there's a lot of heavy drug abuse to cope with the stress. Both can be heavily scripted with bad acting. Both can have talent that are screwed by carny promoters or directors. Both can rely heavily on gimmicks. You have your pizza guys, sons of plumbers, and cops. I'll let you figure out which is which. There's been wrestlers with porn gimmicks, like Val Venis, and Joey Ryan (who might still be sponsored by YouPorn). And there's been wrestling based porn.

Now where they contrast is you either have a story about a fight, or a story about love or lust. It's either a deep personal issue, or just a contest; sometimes it's over a belt, or it builds to a bigger angle. Or there's two people who want to fuck for one reason or another, be it temporary lust, or a build to a bigger love. But they're both stories, and they build to a big climax. You either have a hard fought title win, or a huge orgasm.

But what you touched on here is a bit true, but you can't sit there and tell me every orgasm is real. And I'm not gonna sit here and tell you every match is real, obviously that's not true at all. But sometimes, wrestlers go into business for themselves. There was the Mass Transit incident, where this kid, Mass Transit, told ECW promoter Paul Heyman that he was trained by Killer Kilwalski (he wasn't). Well he got put into a match with New Jack, who proceeded to carve the kid up with a blade and damn near killed him. New Jack has also stabbed a guy in a match. There was a match in Japan with Mr. Pogo where he either got stabbed or had stabbed a dude with a scythe. Shit gets crazy. And I guarantee you, while horrible, girls have been raped in porn scenes. Just because there's a system in place, doesn't mean it gets followed. And I'm sure fucked up shit has gone on when cameras got turned off. It did in wrestling. Bruiser Brody got stabbed in a locker room in Puerto Rico. And I'm sure something equally horrifying happened in porn.

There's a ton of amateur stuff. Whether we're talking camgirls, or guys jumping off of roofs through flaming tables. And often times, this is where they learn from their mistakes. Either they learn they don't need to take these bumps, or they learn they don't need to please this fetish. But in many cases, a body can take a beating. But they also work a LOT to get to even a portion of what a big star makes.

There's been a lot of crossover between MMA and wrestling. Matt Riddle, Ronda Rousey, and a few others have crossed into wrestling from MMA, and Brock Lesnar and CM Punk went to MMA from wrestling. Then there's guys like Minrou Suzuki, Dan Severn, and Ken Shamrock who kinda did both for a while. I can only imagine how much crossover there is between hard and soft core porn. End of the day, on all sides, the talent hustles. They work their asses off to make money, and they really aren't that different.

On 9/7/2018 at 4:03 AM, inhumanrampager said:

Bring me your spammiest spam to ever spammed spam. Bring your spam, eggs, spam, and spam,  your sausage, eggs, and spam, and your spam, spam, spam, and spam.

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