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Place I interviewed at a few weeks ago called me back today


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To ask if I was still interested in the position.

It wasn't the place that e-mailed me last week that I've been waiting to hear back from, though. I was surprised this place called me back because I thought I bombed the interview pretty badly. I also don't think I want to work there because I'd have to be on-call a lot including on my off days and when I'm on call I may have to drive over an hour to go respond to the call. Also I might have to do a 4 to midnight followed by a 5 am shift. So I don't think I want that shit.

Hopefully the place I'm waiting on calls me tomorrow they said "early next week"...

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I remember going to a place and applying for full-time, interview went well, etc etc, come back later for orientation or whatever, now it's only part time suddenly.  Oh.  Ok, well, I'm desperate, when do I start?

So I might have to start at a 6am shift, but they aren't sure yet.  Oh, you'll call me tomorrow before 10pm?  Oh, then they didn't call.

So I called them, and they still didn't know if I would need to be there the next day.  This was for $11 an hour.  This is America.

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1 hour ago, Lasty said:

Aw, you don't want to be a night owl? You could drink coffee and read bad newspapers very loudly in a late night cafe!

I work second shift now and hate it. I'd hate having to go in first thing in the morning after working second shift even more. 

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14 hours ago, Athena 92 said:

I work second shift now and hate it. I'd hate having to go in first thing in the morning after working second shift even more. 

Don't take a job if it'll mess with your circadian rhythm. You need that flowing right to be able to work effectively at all. :P

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You may have bombed the interview.  But once they interviewed the other candidates, they decided you were better than what they saw afterward.

It happens.  The last time I interviewed candidates, the one that looked the best on paper spent almost the entire interview telling us we needed to buy some software she used at her previous job.  After 5 minutes, I was ready to walk out - but I put up with the remaining 10 min, until my boss got there for her turn.  The candidate did the same thing to her.

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