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I have removed all of the air bag stuff from my car...


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except for some wiring and a now unplugged air bag (since it is literally the middle of the steering wheel).

I got curious and looked to see how much the three crash sensors behind the headlights go for.... thinking maybe like $15 or whatever.

People are buying that shit for like $50-$100. Damn I should have saved the (probably bad) module from behind the stereo.

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27 minutes ago, AstroCreep said:

Good.  Air bags kill.


If you want to stay safe, always drive drunk.  They always come out of wrecks without a scratch.

In newer cars that won't fold in half when slammed into at 80mph, they are a good thing.

Ford airbags from 1990-1993 are pretty scary imo. So it's a win-win.


Also, ragdoll affect. xD


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