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By StarPanda November 7, 2016 in Free-For-All
Goodbye Boards, Hello
retarded president trump
and goodbye America
is actually smart
never said that
butter replaces lube
when Hillary fucks
nothing up and
Her ass gets
pounded by the
big Bill train
that cheated on
his income tax
Taxation is theft
of sparkly donuts
between your thighs
trying to escape
The Prison, Azkaban.
Prison break succeed
I muttered softly
between the legs
of Alicia Keys
. But just then
I wet farted
And everyone knew.
How embarrassed I
was at the
prom that night.
Prom dumpster baby
stole my cheese
, that evil mastermind.
Fuck me running.
is what he
was not advocating.
when he said
what he said
What deja vu
it tastes like
chocolate covered chicken.
And dry sex
with my sister.
And Sometimes mom
Don't judge me
Accept me dammit
and love me
[glow=#4400ff,2,300]in the butt[/glow]
there is treasure!
Which got stolen
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