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Besides the first one, my fav alien movie is actually ressurection


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24 minutes ago, SwimModSponges said:



Alien 3


My own XvAvP



Fucking watching a walrus suck its own dick

Alien resurrection.

Seriously; how do you defend the boxing glove scene?

AvP movies don’t even count. Your list is garbage no offense. And she was just bored as fuck w/the boxing gloves (or pretending to be) and screwing around.

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There were other, less ridiculous ways to accomplish her goal rather than trying to drink booze while wearing boxing gloves and watching the home shopping network.

Then theres the newborn, goddamn. How can you justify calling it a good movie after that abomination? 

Also i didnt thrown the prequels into my list.

Prometheus goes right between the avp movies, and the second one goes just below aliens.

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Just now, SwimModSponges said:

There were other, less ridiculous ways to accomplish her goal rather than trying to drink booze while wearing boxing gloves and watching the home shopping network.

Then theres the newborn, goddamn. How can you justify calling it a good movie after that abomination? 

Also i didnt thrown the prequels into my list.

Prometheus goes right between the avp movies, and the second one goes just below aliens.

Ppl do stupid shit when they’re bored.

i love the newborn. Seriously. Tell me it didn’t bother you deep inside.

Dont even say the word Prometheus to me unless you’re talking about Prometheus and Bob from Kablam

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Oh it bothered me all right. "What the fuck is this shit in my alien movie? Would that crazy scientist motherfucker just shut the fuck up already? Oh, finally, she killed it and the movie is over."

Seriously, bad movie.

And Prometheus would have been so much better if they hadnt brought the guy from Lost into it to just fuck the whole thing up.

The second one was fucking great though.

Edited by SwimModSponges
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7 minutes ago, Zenigundam said:

Aliens - while I  personally disagree, many people rank this film very high. Top of the list is maybe a stretch, given the original...

Alien - but you put it in 2nd place, which is again cool enough for me.

Prometheus - Now you're just trolling. It had just a ton of potential, but they fucked up the execution on it so goddamn badly. It's not a good movie, unfortunately

Alien: Covenant - actually deserves 3rd place on your list.

Alien vs. Predator - PG-13 and kind of dumb at points, but it stayed close to the source material in the comics while still telling its own story. Still kind of bummed that we won't see Machiko Noguchi on the big screen because of that though.

Alien 3 - You know, this is actually where most people put it. I rank it highly because of personal tastes; same reason I think Mechanical Animals was Marilyn Manson's best album and everybody else hated it. Fake tits.

Alien Resurrection You know where most people put this one? Right in the ass. Right in the goddamn ass where it belongs with all the other shit.


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1 hour ago, Poof said:

Dude fuck u. You wrote who knows how many pages of pointless fanfic shit bc u we’re bored and you’re taking up arms over someone trying to drink something wearing boxing gloves? You’re the worst.

Also, about the amount of pages...

Well I usually write sized 10 and single spaced, so that might affect overall page count.

Word count for the complete works including unreleased stories and outlines for future work is currently somewhere near 63,000 at last estimate, if I remember correctly.

*googles it*

Ok, so it says 1 page is going to be about 500 words, so doing the math on that puts me at... Only 126 pages.

Damn, thought it'd be longer. 

That's what she said.

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