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9 hours ago, Sandstone said:

Wtf is wrong with you guys. xD

I just watch stuff like:

And this:



I'm such a nerd.... weirdest thing I am subscribed to is probably:


I like Jim Sterling a lot, too.

Today's ep was kind of weak imo, but sometimes he talks about what he wants to talk about.

Personally I was hoping for more EA bashing but everyone needs a break once in awhile.

Idk what it is about his content that I enjoy so much. But I appreciate his sincerity in going after big name publishers, and the fact that he genuinely seems to care about players and the abusive and manipulative tactics game publishers employ to nickel and dime players, seduce and coerce them into spending more money on shit that should just be a part of the game and not something you can just buy.

His copyright deadlock thing was a stroke of genius.

And I just love how he tears into publishers that overstep their bounds, driven by greed and the constant scheming and plotting of new ways to siphon as much money as possible from people that just want to play decent video games that don't constantly harass them into spending more money on a game they've already spent 60 or more dollars on.

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16 hours ago, Elle_Eccentric said:

I’m not sure how I spent 2 hrs doing that but.... it is what it is.  I’m going to hate myself in the morning.  

They're fascinating for a few different reasons.

Morbid curiosity, empathy and, imo, catharsis.

You see someone with a huge boil, or a sebaceous cyst, massive blackhead patches and so on. While some things, like blackheads and pimples are more just eyesores, the more serious afflictions like boils and cysts are much more serious conditions. That's why watching a boil get lanced, or a cyst excised is fascinating, and fulfilling to observe. They are maladies and watching a fellow human being be treated, and helped, and seeing the release and elimination of their ailment(s) feels good to watch.

That's what I think, anyway.

Now if you want to dip your toes into the pond beyond popping... And flirt with actual parasite removal... take a gander at videos involving botfly, mango worm and jigger excision...

I'm gonna tell you upfront that these videos are generally very graphic, grotesque, intense and often times difficult to watch without feeling nauseous...

So, fair warning.

Like I said, though. They can be some of the most fascinating videos to watch when it comes to excision videos.

21 minutes ago, katt_goddess said:

Sometimes you just end up on the weird side of youtube watching someone milk cheese out of grandpa's back boob. O.o

The part I don't like about be those vids is those are usually sebaceous cysts being drained.

And it's all well and good to drain them... But what a lot of these people don't understand is that those types of dermatological maladies really need to be addressed by a professional skin doctor.

Especially in the case with sebaceous cysts. These cottage cheese volcanoes on grandpa's back are not being addressed properly.

Sebaceous cysts have a "coating", if you will (dermatologists refer to as "sacks"). And if these cysts are drained without removing the sack, eventually the sack will refill and require to be drained again and again.

1 minute ago, pail said:

The part I don't like about be those vids is those are usually sebaceous cysts being drained.

And it's all well and good to drain them... But what a lot of these people don't understand is that those types of dermatological maladies really need to be addressed by a professional skin doctor.

Especially in the case with sebaceous cysts. These cottage cheese volcanoes on grandpa's back are not being addressed properly.

Sebaceous cysts have a "coating", if you will (dermatologists refer to as "sacks"). And if these cysts are drained without removing the sack, eventually the sack will refill and require to be drained again and again.

Oh I totally agree about that. If you don't get the entire root of that thing out, you are just prolonging things. 

Animal cysts are the same way. If they aren't cleared the right way the first time, it just gets worse. 

[word of warning for the curious - do NOT look up vet popping stuff unless you have a really strong stomach or used to do vet stuff because its...bad]

6 minutes ago, katt_goddess said:


[word of warning for the curious - do NOT look up vet popping stuff unless you have a really strong stomach or used to do vet stuff because its...bad]

Kitten with mango worms was one of the hardest things for me to watch...

And that's, comparatively, not even that bad in terms of animal skin conditions.

When they get into their feet though... oof... that is just heartbreaking to watch.

2 hours ago, pail said:

They're fascinating for a few different reasons.

Morbid curiosity, empathy and, imo, catharsis.

You see someone with a huge boil, or a sebaceous cyst, massive blackhead patches and so on. While some things, like blackheads and pimples are more just eyesores, the more serious afflictions like boils and cysts are much more serious conditions. That's why watching a boil get lanced, or a cyst excised is fascinating, and fulfilling to observe. They are maladies and watching a fellow human being be treated, and helped, and seeing the release and elimination of their ailment(s) feels good to watch.

That's what I think, anyway.

Now if you want to dip your toes into the pond beyond popping... And flirt with actual parasite removal... take a gander at videos involving botfly, mango worm and jigger excision...

I'm gonna tell you upfront that these videos are generally very graphic, grotesque, intense and often times difficult to watch without feeling nauseous...

So, fair warning.

Like I said, though. They can be some of the most fascinating videos to watch when it comes to excision videos.

I’ve never seen anyone dissect pimple popping videos like that.  Pun intended. 

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