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Wanna come over for candy breakfast?

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I imagine that I eat the egos with candies on them like Elle in Stranger Things sometimes. Also, that I then go into diabetic comma immediately afterward.


I imagine that my dad could have been this cool.



wut? im sugar free, gluten free, free range and organic, bitch!


Do you have gluten allergies or something? Also, most things labeled "organic" are not really organic in terms of what they are trying to pass it off as. There is no actual regulation about labeling food organic or anything else as long as they include disclaimers in fine print and nutritional information that few people actually read. Organic stuff is mostly a scam. Sugar-free stuff is kind of questionable too depending on whether or not its got artificial sweeteners in it as a replacement, several recent studies have shown they can actually trigger insulin release from the pancreas which is ultimately not good. It is better to simply get drinks and food that avoid specific things, such as avoiding foods with high-fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin, and high concentration of nitrates, and msg, among other things. Granted this is also limiting but ultimately more effective in terms of overall health in my experience, and on average much less expensive, unless you're talking about buying stuff like cane-sugar sodas.


it was just a joke  :|


Oh... I actually took that seriously. xD


Man, I need more coffee. But if you ever want to actually buy healthier stuff the above is still not bad advice. I do some of that though I admit restraint is sometimes hard....


Breakfast is not a good meal for me to eat socially.


I cant have eggs without violently voiding my bowels for the next hour, and i find the various pig-based breakfast meats equally nauseating.


Ham is the worst, sausage is tolerable in small doses, and bacon is for putting on a burger. Eating it on its own would be like, eating just carmelized onion. Its a condiment, damnit.

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