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If that would cause it to get cancelled explain how Big Bang Theory is still on.


big bang theory is awesome. all the things that make sheldon awesome are under emphasized and underwhelming in the spin off sheldon. it does not hit its comedic marks at all and leaves you wanting more while you are NOT laughing. its depressing and boring.


Big Bang Theory is the nerd equivalent of blackface.


no its not ....anybody can be a nerd. being a nerd is not a race.


and im pretty sure nerdy people are writing for the show.. do you need REAL nerds to be in big bang theory in order to watch it or something? what kind of retarded shit are you trying to say


All CBS sitcoms are terrible. Doesn't stop them from getting renewed multiple times.


big bang theory is actually pretty good.. and funny.. and cute.. .young sheldon is like.. a bunch of nothing. it has nothing going for it


Sounds right.  Pretty much all sitcoms except the new Will and Grace are trash and have been trash a year or two after the first Will and Grace show started.

The Big Bang Theory looks okay but I wouldn't watch it.  It's not nearly as good as the classics like Frasier and Cheers.


no its not ....anybody can be a nerd. being a nerd is not a race.


and im pretty sure nerdy people are writing for the show.. do you need REAL nerds to be in big bang theory in order to watch it or something? what kind of retarded shit are you trying to say

All that show is, is every stupid overplayed "nerd" stereotype turned up to 11. Just like they used to do in minstrel shows, but instead of "LOL look at the funny black man," it's just "LOL look at the funny nerd." There's no subtlety or nuance. It's just "HA HA REFERENCE! HA HA SCIENCE ANALOGY! HA HA AWKWARD AROUND GIRLS! HA HA SHELDON HAS ASPERGER SYNDROME AND IT HAS LED TO A COMEDIC MISUNDERSTANDING!" Get that shit outta here.


Johnny Galecki is kinda cute, though. Not gonna lie.


it does not hit its comedic marks at all and leaves you wanting more while you are NOT laughing. its depressing and boring.

Still not seeing the difference between this and Big Bang Theory.
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