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i'm gonna reach dirty 30 in a couple of years

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I was disapointed no one got it......I can usually rely on Doom_Metal to get these references, but he wasn't around...


anyway, looks like you watch the same "hack" shows I do, bruv  :L


I have no dignity.....I seek out those like me.


I shall erect a statue in your honor....the modest sized statue of a working man, not one of those grotesquely large statues that just make no sense -_-'


will it be naked?


AARP card?  Please tell me you didn't fall for their scam - you'd really drop a few pegs in my eyes.

Actually, no - I'm waiting until I'm eligible for Medicare, because they have some pretty good supplemental plans. My step brother did, though, the day he turned 55, and goes off every morning for his free cup of Dunkin. I'd rather pay, and get a decent cup at the local 7-11 equivalent, where they've got good coffee.


you have any ideas?


well, virgin blood has been tried and true, but they eventually burn your castle down with you in it...there's always the good ol' deal with the devil, but you can never see the sun again and, personally speaking, I'm afraid of the dark....what that leaves us with is



the fountain of youth latest?cb=20090715223335 results may vary >.>


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