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What was that one British song westpark once posted?

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Spice Girls? Electralane? Elastica?


Just naming some British bands with girls, I don't really remember westpark that much besides the shades on stuff. He liked My Bloody Valentine.




It was nothing mainstream, and the song was quite recent, like 2 or 3 years ago. I really don't know the genre. It starts like an annoying love song, but then the tempo changes.


you know ever since i was 15 and found out what a chav was, i always wanted to be british so one of them could tease me and then it turns out it's cause she's into me or some shit. the realization that this never happen upsets me a bit.


you know ever since i was 15 and found out what a chav was, i always wanted to be british so one of them could tease me and then it turns out it's cause she's into me or some shit. the realization that this never happen upsets me a bit.


I wanted to be British just so I could perhaps get accepted into Hogwarts. :|


I still want to visit the country one day.


I've never seen that before in my life.  You paid WP way too much attention


Well, the sheer number of crap he posted means there was bound to be one or two things that not everyone saw.


Well, the sheer number of crap he posted means there was bound to be one or two things that not everyone saw.

Thank God. He was one stupid motherfucker.


I've never seen that before in my life.  You paid WP way too much attention


Not really. You probably paid more attention to him than me, as I wasn't always in babling. This was just one of the things that stuck out, I suppose.

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