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Hi m and Ryan (before his untimely passing) were, in my opinion the two most talented musicians in this community.


Now all we have is me playing crappy noodle tunes n my bathroom.


Maybe I just don't know a lot of the other musicians around here but if you dabble I'd like to give your stuff a listen. I know Bouvre[/member] is pretty talented and would like to hear more from him.


Also for as much crap as I've given the guy crapshoot was a pretty interesting composer in his own right.


And I know for a fact that NeurocideVibekillah[/member] can rock out with his cock out.


In summation I'd be interested in seeing what the other musically inclined members have been up to recently.


didn't chocalate-soda pop by recently just to plug his music then left again.

u should post some noodling.


Fat guy noodling an unamplified electric doesn't make for very thrilling viewing.


Maybe soda did pop by but I can't seem to find it.


I might start posting more if I can finally crawl out of this debt hole and reinvest in some hardware.


diphenyl oxalate[/member]


I've been summoned ~


But I'm still here and I still fiddle with music, but I don't post enough now for anyone to care, I think. It was one thing to share when I was an active member but now I don't get on as much so I don't feel it's pertinent, I guess.

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