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Another half hour down...

11:30 - Dr. Stone #24 - Voices Over Infinite Distance - TV-14L - SEASON FINALE
12:00 - Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld #6 - Battle of the Knights - TV-14V

12:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #17 - You Must Master a Single Thing - TV-MAV

1:00 - Food Wars! The Second Plate #6 - Morning Shall Come Again - TV-MAS

1:30 - Black Clover #106 - Path of Revenge, Path of Atonement - TV-PGLV

2:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #15 - The Grateful Dead Thankful Death, Part 1 - TV-MAV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #285 - User of the Scorch Style: Pakura of the Sand! - TV-PGV

3:00 - The Promised Neverland #8 - 021145 - TV-14LV

3:30 - Attack on Titan #15 - Special Operations Squad: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 2 - TV-14V

14 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

You Must Master a Single Thing

For some reason, I read this and just think of Uncle from the Jacky Chan cartoon saying "One more thing..."

Dr Stone- Maybe those monkeys will respect him now. Oh my god they forgot to make another phone. Yaaaay it works. Oh shit, it's bees. Oh my god he left a message for him in the gravestone. MAGMA SMASH. It's a tiny record! Ohhhh I'm gonna cry. "Chrome was right all along" is a sentence that's probably never been said in this village before. I wouldn't know how to explain records either. And now they can make records. Way to spit on his grave, son. Russian Seitz has no time for your shit. RIP razor. Poor shield. Awww she sacrificed her wedding ring. Its gonna be so terrible if that thing just shatters immediately. IT WORKS AND I'M CRYING. Oh my god just tell your son that you love him. Here's your great great great great grandma singing, kids. I'm more impressed that the astronauts turned out ot be talented musicians. I mean, you could have just sang Queen or something but this is fine too I guess. Just wait until you people learn about the porn. Oh right, we're supposed to make another phone. Joke's on you, there's no room for guilt in the kingdom of science. YES, FINALLY. :D I love my screaming idiot. How are these people surviving they don't even have soap.

Sword Art- My stream crashed twice out of sheer protest during this and goddamn I am not putting more energy into this. Just use your dragon to set them on fire, you idiots.

Demon Slayer- You okay there pig boy? And then he was eaten by spiders. Oh jesus that's right out of The Thing. Oh god it keeps getting worse. I DON'T LIKE THIS. Even the bird is scared. I'd be pissing myself right now. You gotta cut your hand off. Oh hey, his hair. :D He got hit so hard by lightning it changed his hair. Once he passes out from the pain he'll be doing great. Sweet, we're in business now. I wonder if he's always done this sleep thing or if it's something his master trained into him. Who's this douchebag. He beats the shit out of you because he cares. Oh god I don't want to see this. Dang look at him go. Eat shit, you creepy spider  fuck. He needs medical attention. At least the bird's okay. :( Oh no bird is sad. Pig boy's fine, just let him go. This won't end well. Oh god that is terrifying.

Food Wars- You don't garnish with bacon, you choke that dish out with it. The bros want that meat in their mouth. I hate this show. Yeah I'm really worried that the main character will lose and never lift a fork again. This boy is a fucking idiot. I don't want to go to his meat amusement park. How does this guy even sneak aorund he's like seven feet tall. Enjoy having that meat in your mouth, ladies. This barnyard wrestling match is definitely someone's fetish. You fool, this whole time you were just watching Megumi in a wig. That meat is ramming into her. Yes, this is the Disneyland of having thick, juicy meat shoved in your mouth. Wow what a surprise, I never expect him to win. So then, he was just an unlikable bastard as a child and never learned his lesson. Now, everyone stab him. You're terrible and you should leave forever. He's never getting that goddamn thing back. No, that's not what being a chef means at all! Erina is still the fucking worst.

Clover- I hope that bull falls off a cliff. HEY KOOLAID MAN. Oh god now they're all screaming in unison. I'm genuinely surpised wheneve Mumbles speaks at an understandable volume. Yeet the annoying one out of the building. Nobody cares, dimestore Griffith. I'm gonna assume that this is just how puberty works with elves. Man what a hard decision, betray literally everyone you care about to help your evil split personality commit genocide or just not do that. Oh jesus what the fuck now. Oh good, they're all alive again. Yeah trusting them seems like a great idea. I'm so tired, show. I hate everyone. All of you, please just shut the fuck up.

Jojo- Goddammit Mista. You gotta cut your arm off. And then Mista shot himself. I love my stand babies. YEE HAW. There goes your ice. In a perfect world, Koichi would have stayed around so we could have Echoes and the bullets screaming at each other. I don't trust this old man. I wonder how long he had to practice to load his gun like that. :D Mista gets the best lines. AW SHIT HE'S THE GUY. This can't be good. NOOOO MY BABIES. This is not my fault. Shut up, radish man. Are...are they gonna make out? Whelp, Mista's twice as dead now. Meanwhile, Narancia's also dead and Bruno looks perfect. You leave that turtle alone. No, Pesci's dumb as shit don't listen to him. GET AWAY FROM MY TURTLE. Aw shit who escaped. Awwwww #5. I love my stand babies. Aw shit yeah Bruno has entered the ring. Bruno's so goddamn cool. God this music is so good. Quick, get naked. If we know anything from this show it's that old age doesn't mean shit. Bruno doesn't fuck around.


Okay, so my DVR's been acting screwy again regarding what they consider "new episodes" of stuff, so I'm gonna have to root around in other places for this week's SAO and Food Wars. I'll get to those later, so for now, here's the other five.

DR. STONE - God this show is great. If Toonami doesn't pick up season 2 immediately, I might just start watching the simuldub all on my own. Regarding episode specifics, full opening is a welcome one-week-only surprise, not sure if Chrome's as dense as everyone thinks he is, I'm amazed at how well Senku's dad planned ahead with communicating to him long after his natural lifespan, Taiju and Yuzuriha have been gone so long I forget how the latter sounded for a moment, and was that a Goku I saw for a second there?

DEMON SLAYER - Great, an episode (mostly) focused on Zenitsu. For what it's worth, I appreciate him a little more now, even though I assure you he'll still get on my nerves more often than not. (Because he is the true Benji-kun.) And also because I watched this after Dr. Stone and not SAO, so things may change once the course it's taken starts making my blood boil again.

BLACK CLOVER - You don't have to like it, you don't have to admire it, you don't even have to appreciate it, but you can't deny that the Black Bulls have some high-level teamwork going on when it comes to fighting. I'm surprised that guy whose ass and identity Zora kicked and stole respectively is still alive. Okay, show, you're starting to make me like Sally again, even if she isn't wearing her glasses right now.

VENTO AUREO - Is it safe to say Giorno isn't even the main character of his own part at this point, because he had literally no lines this episode. I figured that random old guy was Prosciutto based on his pants. Bruno's my favorite for reasons both obvious and non to you.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - God, that random mist ninja who killed Pakura is a Karma Houdini if I've ever seen one. He probably got unceremoniously killed off-screen before the show began, knowing the mortality rate of faceless ninja in this show. Also holy shit this episode was literally nothing but minor characters, unless you count that random pseudo-flashback Sai cameo.

Also, I passed the first half of the grad school exit exams needed to get one of my two Master's degrees, so that's something worth mentioning.

Posted (edited)

And now the rest.

FOOD WARS! - I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if the scene with Tsunozaki messing with Sonoka's tits out of frustration was cut for the Toonami broadcast, it's superfluous and sexual enough to rattle Demarco, or at least the goons in S&P, into cutting it. I'm a little disappointed that the extra beef Soma used as garnishes were all stuff he bought that morning. (So much for Meat-Meat's gift having any importance outside of inspiration...) On the flipside, I'm surprised the dub chose to refer to it as "honeycomb" instead of its more common name of "tripe". Whatever matches the lip flaps, I guess... Forget Disney Land, I'd rather go to Yukihira Land. [sees Clown-Mascot!Soma] On second thought, I'm better off staying home. Huh, never expected Mimasaka to be a former rich kid with cute meidos. I eagerly await the moment Erina quits refusing to acknowledge that maybe Soma's actually kinda good at what he does. Really, I'm just glad Hisako isn't there to make things worse.

SAO ALICIZATION - Not even gonna bother watching this in fullscreen like I did with Food Wars (hence the protracted review), so it's going straight to picture-in-picture, like Flayaway before it. For starters, neither side's worth rooting for in this battle. The "good guys" side is all meh and boring, while none of the obvious bad guys, obviously, are remotely likeable, not even the ones who look like they could have at least a little bit of humanity in them. (Here's looking at you, Pugilist Boy.) "What's this 'Final Load Test' the gate speaks of?" Wrath and the STL: the Hollywood SFX industry's greatest enemy. We get it, you're evil, quit flaunting it like all your dicks are out at once. The transition to the OP was oddly appropriate-looking. Hate to break it to you dude, but your wife was a hentai protagonist, she wasn't worth it. THE ONLY GOOD GOBLIN (male) IS A DEAD GOBLIN (male). I'll give her credit, she was smart enough to aim for the biggest guy first. Shut up, murder lolis. They're gonna stab him again aren't they. Was his weapon always a whip? Oh no, stereotypically shaped smoke bombs! An Ethan Murray/Ezra Weisz character and purple smoke? Sounds familiar... Wait, that green-haired knight's a dude? 😮 RECYCLED ANIMATION NO JUTSU. Who knew goblins vs. a fire guy could look so boring, even with a Yuki Kajiura soundtrack to back it up? Oh hey, that guy finally speaks! This guy's fluctlight looks like it's about to go haywire. AND IT DID, WHAT A SHOCKER. I'll admit, seeing him glitch the absolute fuck out like that is honestly a cool scene. Yes, kill the cute girl with the freckles literal seconds after she gets facetime, that'll win me back for sure. >_> She looked prettier with pink lips, if I'm being honest. And then he was half the giant he used to be. Meanwhile, more goblins and humans killing each other like I'm supposed to care. Welcome to Namek Time, we hope you enjoy the next several weeks you'll be staying here the rest of today. I prefer the Council of Ten from that one cooking school in Japan, myself. And that one was half the goblin he used to be. Welp, Eugeo's mentor is doomed as fuck. Using your sword as an arrow is also too cool a move for this show. FAIYUR. Meanwhile, Bercouli's just standing around looking cool. I wish I was rewatching this week's JoJo right now. What is that she's making up there, a giant pinball? You suck, Green Zenitsu.

Edited by PokeNirvash
On 2/24/2020 at 1:46 PM, PokeNirvash said:

Also, I passed the first half of the grad school exit exams needed to get one of my two Master's degrees, so that's something worth mentioning.



  • Thanks 1

...and another hour bites the dust.

11:30 - My Hero Academia #77 - Bright Future - TV-14V
12:00 - Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld #7 - Stigma of the Disqualified - TV-14V

12:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #18 - A Forged Bond - TV-MAV

1:00 - Food Wars! The Second Plate #7 - Beasts That Devour Each Other - TV-MAS

1:30 - Black Clover #107 - The Battle for Clover Castle - TV-PGLV

2:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #16 - The Grateful Dead Thankful Death, Part 2 - TV-MAV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #286 - Things You Can't Get Back - TV-PG


Posted (edited)
On 2/28/2020 at 10:14 PM, PokeNirvash said:

...and another hour bites the dust.

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #286 - Things You Can't Get Back - TV-PG

Strangely appropriate.

Hero- I could watch Overhaul get wrecked all day. Eat shit, bird fucker. NOT TODAY, TIME BOY. Oh hey, there's the swordfish snack and also he saved my boyfriend. Well, that can't be good. Shit ain't good here, dragon waifu. Thank you Aizawa. Now you two kiss. Awwwww Fatgum is best dad. Ohh that's a real large spike jutting out of his torso. Deku honey he's a little busy dying here. I genuinely can't tell if I find Dabi attractive or if it's just my inherent thirst over fire powers. I hope they kill him. Oh no, it's...sand. You'd think that burning people to death would be the deal breaker but nope, how far down do those horrific burn scars go you BBQ'd motherfucker? RIP Sandstache. Overhaul: disarmed. Okay as much as he absolutely deserved all of this, it doesn't seem any better that Fuckhands has the quirk bullets now. Oh right, Aizawa got stabbed too. Get Fatgum some food. AWWWW ROCK LOCK. Oh no my baby. Can't you just give her like, a cactus or something to practice on? Things are not looking good for Nighteye. This is not my fault. :( Oh no Mirio. Slutty Vault Boy's so strong that my curse bounced right off his rock hard tits and took out his mentor instead. OH THIS HURTS. Come here Mirio let me hug you, put your face in my boobs.

Sword Art- Every week brings fresh hope that everyone will die. Kill the Shining twins. I almost didn't recognize this bitch with clothes on. FUCKING CLOWN. Why did we have to be reminded that the rape clown exists. Yeah, the warzone sure was the best place to bring the defenseless coma patient. Did y'all miss the part where he just said he turned tail and ran away at the first sign of danger? Kill all four of them, creepy goblin thing. Are they gonna get assaulted again? Nah, at this point he's just developed an automatic response to rape happening around him. Oh hey, the pussy did something. I genuinely hope no one comes to help him. Why does Shrek here talk like an old timey pirate. Kinda rooting for Shrek on this one. Goddammit, the children still live. I gotta hand it to them, those creepy twins get shit done. Okay definitely rooting for the titty witches here. This man is definitely going to die and he's the luckiest one here. No, they're too stupid to remember to use their dragons. Yes yes, we're all the same inside and shouldn't hate each other, fuck you. Oh hell no, you give those titty witches their fire power back right now. Did she just kill off all the titty witches, what is this bullshit?

Demon Slayer- Well at least she's having fun. Use Boarkugo as a shield. Release the sister box, it's your only hope. Oh hey, he survived. Sorry Tanjiro it's too early in the episode for him to die. There he go. And then the pig died. Meanwhile, the other one is dying. Oooh her coat's a butterfly, I like it. Uh no I don't think he's alright. Just cut off spider boy's head already. Sounds like an average Thanksgiving. Some families just smell like hate and revulsion. Man this redshirt is doomed. Quick, freak him out with your weird contortionist movements. It's a spider, just throw a shoe at it. "Wait a minute, I'm supposed to be stupid as fuck!" :D Okay using two swords is a great lesson here. Every week I hope for another Nezuko fight and every week I'm disappointed. How did you miss him, he's right above you. No, I'm pretty sure he's just furious and in pain. Ohhh this can't be a good thing. And then he died. Awww look at the baby pig boy. SAVED. Man, you kids really suck in comparison. Kick his ass, Tanjiro! FUCK.

Food Wars- This is definitely some kind of weird sex thing for these two. Go away, worst Sasuke. You're all terrible. Tanjiro is better. Yeah sure, this sounds like western food. Talk him up all you want, he's still the worst Sasuke on the block. The bros make this show tolerable. And then they played Yugioh. ATTENTION DUELISTS. Sexy ducks aren't gonna do it for me, show. Plums with eel sounds disgusting. "Cram it in your mouth holes." And for a second there, it was Cats. "Malestrom of manly flavors" sounds right up Kirishima's alley. Brochacho. Well just for that, vote for the other guy. I don't care, show. I hope the theme is broken glass. You could always just poison your opponents.

Clover- I'm already burning for hatred for all of them, get on my level. Do you dumb bastards not notice the pointy ears and face tattoos? Please just kill them all, Yami. Oh good, it's Jack the Ripper. Use Jack the Ripper as a human shield. Remember, murder is always a valid option. Let's just let them kill the rich bastards. Kill her family, you'll be doing everyone a favor. And nothing of value was lost. I forgot all these people were coming. Hey there, Dimestore Hisoka. At least if you die you don't have to be in Black Clover anymore. I don't care, show. So there's exactly one person in this family that's not a whiny bitch.

Jojo- Goddammit Pesci, stop helping! Don't fuck with Grandpa Bruno. Mista can't die. Yes you did it now reel him in and don't look out the window. Stop thinking and reel him in! That extra weight is the size of Bruno's balls. Aw fuck he's not dead. Oh my god just die already. Him suddenly becoming a competent assassin seems like a bad thing. Unzip your arm! Shit. Bruno is having a bad day. I refuse to believe the dumbass with a fishing pole is the bigger threat. Bruno what the fuck. You're scaring the bullets. Well this could be going better. BRUNO NO. Great job smart guy now how are you gonna put your heart back together? And then he died. That right there is some insanely good luck. Kill him so I don't have to look at his ugly face again. How are you still alive there's more of you on the tracks than in your body right now!? Killed him with his own stupid, stupid stand. Ohhh necks aren't supposed to do that. GET AWAY FROM MY TURTLE. Arrivederci, you son of a bitch. Oh good, they're all okay. Oh shit, Trish has a stand! This man makes me uncomfortable.

Edited by EmpressAngel

MY HERO ACADEMIA - Granted, I saw Nighteye's death coming from a mile away thanks to my addiction to spoilers, and I'm almost tempted to call him coming around to Deku in the very end "predictable", but I still got misty-eyed during his final moments. (The lack of audio for the flatline really drove it home.) Still, I think I'm gonna wait a while before I start linking to the Endeavor roasting fic I read a while back that mentions his demise (hence why I haven't posted it before now).

SAO ALICIZATION - Green Zenitsu may be objectively worse than Regular Zenitsu - him accidentally killing his bestie (ironically voiced by Regular Zenitsu) doesn't help - but at least he doesn't scream at the top of his lungs as much. Dee Eye Ell's too tryhard sexy for me to see her as attractive. (That and her evilness being way more blatant and one-dimensional than my other murder-waifus'.) And I get Alice's laser attack was supposed to be amazing, but it really lacked the proper oomph.

DEMON SLAYER - Nice of you to rejoin us, Demon Slayer JYB. Not a whole lot for me to say otherwise, but I am enjoying this show more, now that Zenitsu's stopped screaming for five minutes. Still wish Nezuko was more than just a mostly-offscreen plot device/meme.

FOOD WARS - I like how Erina was initially stand-offish towards Soma when he joined her in the VIP section, but gradually got used to it. Under-the-radar character development, maybe? I just noticed that Meat-Meat's wearing an American flag bikini today, which is fitting considering the theme is Western cuisine. Hayama "defeating" Ryo in their metaphorical children's card game was missing a life force counter going down, so I imagined one instead. TRUMP CARD COUNT: 1. I'd say something involving a custom name for the three-person championship round, but I can't think of one right now. Those girls Hayama passed by at the end are scar-oused.

BLACK CLOVER - I get these people getting killed on the castle grounds don't know that elves are possessing them explicitly, but can't they see the ears or the markings or the glowing auras? Can't say I or anyone is bummed to see that one noble get killed for trying to Hero Shield his way out of harm's way. Same for Noelle's sister getting stabbed in the abdomen.

VENTO AUREO - Bruno is the goddamn best. Arrivaderci, indeed.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - I can't watch Tsunade angst about her brother and lover dying without being reminded that both those deaths were responsible for Orochimaru going down the path of immortality-seeking science guy. And this one's looking to be a two-parter, that's different.


Rare-rating Food Wars episodes are the best Food Wars episodes, because they're the least awkward to watch around family members passing through.

11:30 - My Hero Academia #78 - Smoldering Flames - TV-14V
12:00 - Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld #8 - Blood and Life - TV-14LV

12:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #19 - Hinokami - TV-MAV

1:00 - Food Wars! The Second Plate #8 - The Battle That Follows the Seasons - TV-MA

1:30 - Black Clover #108 - Battlefield Dancer - TV-PGLV

2:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #17 - Babyface Babyhead - TV-MALV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #287 - One Worth Betting On - TV-PGV


The funny thing is, Babyhead is also a legitimate musical group name. But Araki doesn't know that.


Hero- Someone get this crusty bastard some chapstick. This OP slaps. Hi Granpa. Kurogiri has custody of the League's brain cells. It's great that the cops' main hero support is this one old man in his seventies. Oh shit is that the big guy from Kirishima's flashback? I hope Vault Boy's okay. Someone please hug Eri. :D I love this idiot. I think someone put Red Bull in his IV. Mirio needs a hug and I volunteer. Oh shit. Awww Mirio's such a good dude. Just let my kids go home. Oh hey, are we gonna see their extra classes? Cake is also how I comfort people. Iida is best dad. Momo's hair is so pretty. Awww Uraraka. Sorry Iida, Aizawa is best dad. BUNNY. Yeah, because Todoroki is normally such a party animal. I hope these two have a scream-off. Oh good, they caught Dapper Hexxus. Heyyyy there Garbage DILF. WINDY BOY RETURNS. Oh hey it's the one girl. Oh my god she's ditzy as shit, I love her. I hate that they cut half this OP because we missed out on the best pictures from it:



Sword Art- RIP titty witches. Oh yeah, I'm real scared of the pugilists. Dragon is the best character because it doesn't talk. I'd also rather die than be in this show if I were him. I hope this werewolf slaughters them. Aww he's a nice werewolf. He was too good for this show. Ass. At least queen titty witch is having a good time. I fucking love bread. She's got a fucking dragon, she'll be fine. Just dig that grave deeper, sir. Shut up pig guy, you know it's because you're ugly. Oh no, he's got a cute pig girlfriend. All pigs go to heaven. Sorry lady you missed your last chance to fuck him. You must die so the titty witches may life. I also giddily fondle myself when people I don't care about die for my benefit. Whelp, this douchebag's definitely about to die. I don't care, show. He's missing half a body, the hell are you gonna do for him now? Don't worry, your death has no impact on me at all. How many titty witches must I watch die in this show? Okay the talking skull phone is pretty great.

Demon Slayer- RIP sword. JYB is just better than you. :D Pig boy sparkles. And then he was a pinata. Meanwhile, dying of poison. Gramps sent you a cute girl to mock you while you die. Oh sweet, there's an antidote. Release the sister box already. NEZUKO AHOY. Oh no my daughter's hurt. Good job you sent him into an existential crisis. This is why your family doesn't like you, spider boy. This is creeping me out. YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY BABY. Good luck with that, Nezuko fears nothing. I'm about to beat the shit out of this guy myself. Aim for his dick. MY BABY NO. Kill him, Nezuko. STOP HURTING HER. Where's JYB boy when you need him. Oh fuck you can't cut his neck. Tanjiro might be dead. This douchebag needs to die now. Time for bed, Nezuko. Oh shit he just summoned a Gyrados. Ohhhh fuck. OH MY GOD LOOK AT THE TODDLERS. So that giant forehead scar's just genetic, huh? Dad's got some sweet moves. You gotta master hamon, Tanjiro. Oh SHIT it turned into fire. If you have the chance to murder the fuck out of a giant spider with a flamethrower, absolutely take it. Awwww it's their mom. HOLY SHIT NEZUKO. Aaaand I'm crying.

Food Wars- Shut up, Megumi. I miss your hot dad. Shut up, Sasuki. Everyone point and laugh at his small, flaccid fish. He must smell awful if he spends that much time around dead fish. Everyone's thirsty for that guy. Hi, hot dad! This is how Megumi feels all the time. He's definitely fucking that teacher. Waste that time, show. And the he was a tiger furry. I don't even like fish. Oh right, that one kid exists. Look at the boobs, goddammit! I hope he fails. Use the forth way of rapidly aging, just watching the painful fanservice in this show. You could just poison them before the finals. Granny knows when to start drinking. I'm just here for the bros. I like her dress. She looks creepy. Well the important thing is you tried. You've heard of Baby Yoda, now get ready for Titty Yoda. You could just stab them. That looks horrifying.

Clover- I know their mom was dying at the time, but could she really not think of a name for her baby that wasn't almost exactly the same as her other kid? Am I supposed to wish they don't all die painfully? You have shields, just walk up and beat the shit out of her. Asta would just scream and run forward with no plan at all. Fail your way to victory. Now throw your bitch siblings out the window. "I was a piece of shit to you for your entire life because I actually loved you!" And then the only competent one in the family died. You can just go ahead and kill them all, please. This seems like it'll be stupid. Her outfit looks stupid. Just kill each other already. You should probably behead her just in case. Maybe one of them will get killed now. Goddammit Dimestore Hisoka just let someone die now. "You won't have to work for these assholes anymore" seems like the worst motivation for helping them. Do they not have a dad or what. Yes, plug your wounds with mercury. I'm gonna be so disappointed if that wizard king is the only one who dies in this arc.

Jojo- I immediately distrust this man. I don't like this. Ohhhh I'm uncomfortable. I got a bad feeling about this. OH I'M UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THIS. This is the worst stand in the entire franchise. Meanwhile, turtle. Narancia all of you almost died. I love the bullets. :D Oh my god they stole a burger. And then the truck crashed. I don't like where this is going. Babies are fucking terrifying. I hate this. This episode kickstarted my period as an act of self defense. Steal ALL the cars! And then the cars were frogs. That is actually a very good question. Bruno no. Aw shit where's Trish. What the fuck. Whelp, you're screwed. Oh, there goes your throat. It's fine, Giorno's just waving. This is a very good argument for never having kids. And nobody notices that Giorno's dying like ten feet away. Oh cool, he can repair himself now. I want him and Josuke to hang out. :D The hand is now a piranha. Maybe should have skipped the ED for the rapist computer episode.

Posted (edited)

MY HERO ACADEMIA - Watching the new OP made me realize I love all of the Class 1-A kids except Mineta. He peaked in the practical exam and it's been a sharp decline ever since. They captured Kurogiri - speaking of whom, I'm surprised FUNi's still letting Chuck Huber work for them after all the stuff he said about the mythical casting couch - but at what environmental cost? To honor the return of Endeavor to the series - and also because the big spoiler inside has finally passed - I present to you all this series of Endeavor roasting fics that I read up on a while back. Of all the Millennial/Zoomer slang I've grown to despise after months of browsing Buzzfeed during my work breaks, "snacc" is easily in the top three. Camie's VA doing another character who recently used the word "misogynistic" wrong doesn't really help matters.

SAO: ALICIZATION - Normally I'd complain about Eldrie hanging on after reaching negative levels of durability - something only Kirito should get away with, and even then - but the cute pig orc girlfriend wins my "hot bullshit" award of the night.

DEMON SLAYER - Hot damn, the anime community wasn't kidding when they said this episode was the literal best, because HOT FUCKING DAMN WAS IT SO GODDAMN GOOD. Bonus points for making me actually give a shit about Nezuko after her spending most of her screentime after episode 1, her peak prior to the badass moment she pulled off this week, doing nothing but being either a plot device, a meme, or both.

VENTO AUREO - I'm deeply ashamed to admit on several levels that I see a bit of myself in Melone. The constant keyboard usage, the strange-looking mask, the incidental masochism... I could do without the rape-puter, though, but it's just so ridiculous that I couldn't help but laugh when it happened. :D

BLACK CLOVER - On the other hand, I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a little proud of Noelle for her continuing improvement as a Magic Knight. Now if only she'd learn to tone down the tsundere act whenever Asta's within a 20-foot radius of her...

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - That two-parter ended more disappointingly than I imagined.

FOOD WARS - I'm such a sucker for randomized yet sensible partnerships between characters who don't get enough screentime together. (More screentime for best girl Meat-Meat is just a bonus. ;)) Apparently strange accents run in the Nakiri family. Let's hope Ian Sinclair managed to rectify that in season 3.

Edited by PokeNirvash
Posted (edited)

This week on JoJo, Kubo's favorite character goes apeshit over idioms as a concept.

Meanwhile, Bakugo fights a bunch of elementary schoolers. I honestly don't know who to root for.

11:30 - My Hero Academia #79 - Win Those Kids' Hearts - TV-14L
12:00 - Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld #9 - Sword and Fist - TV-14LV

12:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #20 - Pretend Family - TV-MAV

1:00 - Food Wars! The Second Plate #9 - The Sword That Announces Fall - TV-MAS

1:30 - Black Clover #109 - Spatial Mage Brothers - TV-PGLV

2:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #18 - Verso Venezia (Head to Venice!) - TV-MALV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #288 - Danger: Jinpachi and Kushimaru! - TV-PGV

Edited by PokeNirvash
On 3/11/2020 at 3:01 PM, PokeNirvash said:

I'm deeply ashamed to admit on several levels that I see a bit of myself in Melone.

That's just a mean thing to think about yourself.

Hero- Camie is the best and I love her. I missed this wind dumbass. Goddammit garbage dilf. Everyone hates Endeavor and I love it. Oh my god, I love her. YEET. YEET AGAIN. ONE MORE YEEET. Gang Orca is the best. Bakugo's about to murder some kids. I hate that one child in particular. :D Five Wiener Hero. Camie loves kids. :D Mic has the best commentary. Meanwhile, garbage dilf sucks. One day I'll kill him. :D They really stole his gauntlets. Children are indeed the hardest challenge of all. I agree 100% with Bakugo's plan. Start with this little brat. :D They broke Windy Boy. Stop trying to seduce me, garbage dilf. We really didn't deserve All Might. Camie is 100% my spirit animal. It's okay Todoroki, you tried. Just let Bakugo fight them. Mic makes a friend. I hate these kids.

Sword Art- I am the terror that flaps in the night. FLUCTLIGHT. Kira would look at this guy and say he's a little too much. Keep digging that grave, buddy. Go away, green boy. The fuck kind of character trait is that? Who the fuck are you? I can't tell if either of these characters are boys or girls. That arm was just holding you back. I also want to kill everyone in this show but you don't see me crying about it. The hash-slinging slasher! Oh, girl I guess. Oh hey, somebody remembered that dragons can burn things. I didn't realize these were two different guys. Looks like somebody's in a fistin' mood tonight. Oh something's hard alright. I hate this show. Just fuck already. Cockblocked. Why aren't you setting him on fire with your dragon. Oh christ is it time for more rape. You're all idiots. That's a nice grave you've made for yourself, old man. Well that's new. Oh, did Asuna remember she's in this show? How dare you insult Kira like this.

Demon Slayer- I love my kids. Nezuko needs a nap. Tanjiro needs a medic. Aw fuck he's not dead. You stay away from my children. Oh thank god, JYB is here to save us. KICK HIS ASS. Eat shit, spider douche. Thank you, finally. And now, a bad decision in action. That is way too many spider monsters. That ain't right. Jesus christ. I can't stop staring at Spider Mom's boobs. This is some fucked up shenanigans. Ohhhhhh that's not right. I'd like to get off this ride now, please. I like her. This girl is serious about friendship. Yikes. Hey uh what the fuck. She may be crazy as hell but her butterfly attack is cool. I mean at this point death is probably a mercy for you. I don't know if she's awesome or terrifying. Get this boy some pants. He died as he lived, being a creepy asshole.

Food Wars- I hate you all. Or you could just use a clock like a normal person. I miss you, hot dad. This entire family is insufferable. Nothing iffy about the rich, entitled white girl forcing an unwilling foreigner to be her personal slave. They fucking or what. You're gonna make me upwrap my own food like some peasant? Grandpa's definitely got a boner. Shut up, worst Sasuke. Serving your dish a solid hour before the competition seems like a great way to make the judges forget about you by the time the others finish. "None of this makes any sense, it's weird" is a pretty apt description of this show in general. Just gonna set this shit on fire real quick. Milf is having a great day. Ah yes, the Japanese ketchup. Did you steal that sword from Guts, you bastard? Oh right, Soma's here too. That looks disgusting. Milf is begging you to spoon her. I have the ultimate sympathy for whatever poor janitor has to disinfect the place every time anyone cooks. The real pickled fish were the friends you made along the way. My tits aren't out, you lose. Too late, they already announced it's over.

Clover- I forgot that mushroom guy existed. He's definitely trying to kill you. I don't care about any of this. Kill the king, nobody gives a shit. I hate this show. Oh right, that one girl exists too. Hey there, captain sexy. Thank god, it's Jack the Ripper. Slaughter him, Yami. You could always just let your douchebag parents die. Yeet. Just kill your jackass brother. You're all terrible except Yami. I'm not gonna complain if Jack the Ripper dies here. Somebody just punch im in the dick. Well I'm sure glad we made the magic serial killer a captain. Great job dumbass, you let him evaporate half your ribs. Fucking elves and their bullshit second wind. He's gone full screaming Bakugo. You should have hit him in the dick. No just let him die. Yami has had enough of this bullshit. I hate everything. Oh christ please somebody kill the sister fucker now. I am 100% here for Yami just wrecking their shit on his own.

Jojo- Nice car. Ouch. Kars would be proud of that hand piranah. No, you absolutely deserve the turtle shit. This week's theme is children being terrible. God I love this music. Nice bike, jackass. Setting things on fire is always the best plan. There goes your kid. This guy sure is irrationally angry and I can respect that. Oh hell no you stay away from those women. Snaaaaake. And nothing of value was lost. Shit, this has all been one day? Oh hey, the old guy. This is one convoluted plan. Old guy noooo. Hi, mysterious boss guy. Sure is getting suspiciously foggy in here. Mista he's literally a child. Ohhhh that can't be good. SHIT IT'S YOUR FINGER. Aw shit. And then Mista died. MY BABIES. :( Noooo my babies. Goddammit Mista. Y'know Avdol sure would come in handy right now. This could be going better. :D He's so angry. Oh sweet, teamwork! HONEY, WHERE IS MY SUPER SUIT?  :D Freaky the Snowman, this dub is a gift. Son of a bitch just die. Whelp, you're screwed. Fire, set something on fire. Uh Giorno plunging the entire car into the sea may not have been the best idea.


MY HERO ACADEMIA - Dear lord these kids are just terrible. Hell, even Endewhore's more likeable than those brats. I can't wait for Bakugo to beat the everloving crap out of all of them (as much as he's allowed to, anyways).

SAO ALICIZATION - I like to believe Sheyta wasn't always about slicing up people, just that Administrator put those thoughts into her head when she forged her weapon. He's cooler now than he was back when the Council of Ten lacked personality, but I still hate looking at Pugilist Boy's face. Please don't remind me of Dark Knight Blum, show. "Aurora Borealis!? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of Underworld, located entirely within Asuna Yuuki?" "Yes."

DEMON SLAYER - Shinobu's fun, though I was getting worried that she had forgotten about the token survivor minor character while taking care of that one girl.

FOOD WARS - Huh, so that's how herb butter works. I should try that sometime. On the downside, the Alice/Ryo flashback was a little too fast-paced for my liking, even by the standards of this season's breakneck speed.

BLACK CLOVER - The Black Bulls are way too good for their dickwad families (except for Gauche, whose sister is too good for, well, him).

VENTO AUREO - HOW CAN YOU HIT OR MISS IF YOU NEVER MISS!? Also, way too many people dying in this show, even if it is technically about the mafia.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - I'm just waiting for literally the best filler arc in only two episodes, so don't expect any in-depth comments next week either.


Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, PokeNirvash said:

"Aurora Borealis!? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of Underworld, located entirely within Asuna Yuuki?" "Yes."

Someday I will stop laughing at these.  It is not today.

Edited by Top Gun
  • Thanks 1

One week of quarantine and I feel fine.

11:30 - My Hero Academia #80 - Relief for License Trainees - TV-14D
12:00 - Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld #10 - Stacia, the Goddess of Creation - TV-PGV

12:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #21 - Against Corps Rules - TV-MAV

1:00 - Food Wars! The Second Plate #10 - A New Jewel - TV-MAS

1:30 - Black Clover #110 - The Raging Bull Joins the Showdown!! - TV-PGL

2:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #19 - White Album Ice - TV-MAV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #289 - The Lightning Blade: Ameyuri Ringo! - TV-PGL


Hero- I love watching Bakugo suffer. Shoutout to that one kid whose power is just MOUTH CANNON. Well that sounds terrifying. :D I'm losing my shit at Shojo Todoroki. :D:D Oh my god, Shojo Bakugo. I hate this child so much. Ooooh I wanna slide. Endeavor has no idea how to react to happy children. I still vote for Bakugo murdering this one particular child. No, let them do the exploding roller coaster. Maybe Endeavor is just a bad person. I'm with Camie, shut up for a minute. Hey there, Garbage Dilf.  One day I swear I'll kill him. :D Windy boy. :( RIP Nighteye. Someone please hug Mirio. Awww Eri. That math is the most terrifying thing of all. :D:D:D Oh my god what. "Aoyama was force-feeding me cheese" is the best sentence of the episode. Well this is creepy. CHEESE! Hi Midnight. Fuck off, Mineta. Mina no that sounds like a war crime. :D Kirishima. Gettin' real creepy there, Sparkle Boy. AWWW SPARKLE BOY. Nothing like surprise midnight balcony cheese. Eww.

Sword Art- And now for some bullshit. FLUCTLIGHT. No you're literally their goddess, weren't you listening to the nerd? Son of a bitch, he's awake. Good job you pulled him out of what, like four layers of coma here. And now you have to explain that their entire universe is a shitty simulation, that'll go over well. Maybe they'll kill each other. Old man's definitely got a boner for this. This is stupid. Booze is the proper response to having to be in this show. The catfight is already getting on my last nerve. I feel like it would have been so much easier to say that "Yes I'm the goddess and I came to save your world from destruction." It seems short-sighted to assume that they'll just leave if Alice isn't there instead of destroying everything out of spite. This is stupid. Bryce really earning that paycheck for the week. Buddy stop trying to make sense of this, it's not gonna work. Again, YOU'RE IN A VIDEO GAME. Oh my god shut up. Oh my god stop throwing girls into the harem. Oh christ are we about to get a recap of the entire goddamn show?

Demon Slayer- Well that's depressing. And then Michael Jackson showed up at this defenseless boy's bedside. I like that the "devour humans" part isn't the first downside that comes to mind with him. In their defense, you did eat people. I bet you feel like a real asshole now, huh? Oh my god just die already. Are...are they going to hell with him then? Tanjiro's a good kid and also he should probably get to a hospital. NO. Bitch leave my daughter alone. Everyone is bald now. Don't worry I still like you. Fuck you, girl. RUN. You're gonna have to kill her. Aw fuck who are you. DON'T TOUCH MY DAUGHTER. Oh my god, the tiniest Nezuko. CAW. Okay at least they're not killing her on sight anymore. Owww his jaw. :D Pig boy still tied up. Bird! Y'all better put Nezuko back in her box now. Tanjiro might be dead. Hi there, boobs.

Food Wars- Shut up Soma it's over you lost. This is cheating you can't slip extra in after they call time. I don't care, lady. Don't worry, I still hate him. I miss you, hot dad. This is bullshit. BOOOO. This would be depressing if I gave a shit at all about these characters. So he's definitely banging his surrogate mother figure. I'm just happy that Soma lost. I hate you, Alice. Fuck off losers, you lost. You're all terrible. HI HOT DAD. I'd rather what whatever dad is up to. Oh hey, Meat Meat's become less of a total bitch. PUT ON PANTS YOU GROSS WEIRDO. I hate you all. Okay I laughed at "Bromigos" there.

Clover- Look at all these people I would have rather seen die painfully. Because nothing says peace like mass genocide. Why the fuck are tese two back. Please get the naked teenagers some clothes. Go ahead and kill them all, see how many fucks I give. Kill them all, Yami. Oh goddammit Asta's here. I hate you all. This cat deserves a better show. Ohhh, it's that girl who's always asleep. Oh fuck you don't kill Charmy I like her. Get away from that small child, sister fucker. Maybe I'll get lucky this time and they'll all kill each other. Just let the sister fucker die. NO YOU IDIOTS.

Jojo- And then they died. Owww god his hand. Yes Giorno, driving the car into freezing water was a bad idea. Whelp, so much for the plant. Mista what are you doing. :D Oh my god it's a snowboard. So much for that. This fight is ridiculous. Godddamit Mista move. Mista can breathe underwater now. RIP fish. They did it! Oh goddammit. How many times has Mista accidentally shot himself so far. Well thank god ice boy is stupid as hell. Mista is absolutely going to shoot himself again before the episode's over. :D Chuckleschmuck. Jesus christ Giorno what the fuck. Bruno is still best mom. He's the top customer in this Oliver Garden. Back in the day before Fugo's suit was completely god awful. YEEEE HAWWW. Oh my god just die already. POCKET BLOOD. Ohhhh god pipe in the spine. Holy shit Mista stop shooting yourself. Stop it if you die my stand babies die. That sure is a lot of blood. HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE. God I love this song. Finally! Mista's gonna need a hospital. :D Oh my god. This is the best episode to use this ED on. I got a bad feeling about this.

Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Hero- That math is the most terrifying thing of all.

Sword Art- Oh christ are we about to get a recap of the entire goddamn show?

Food Wars- This would be depressing if I gave a shit at all about these characters.

Clover- Just let the sister fucker die. NO YOU IDIOTS.

I got as far as combining the integrand into ((e^x - e_hat^x)/2)^14 before deciding "fuck it, I need a paper and pencil and scientific calculator for this". Even for a soon-to-be-licensed-EIT like myself, mental integrals are torture when you get the chain rule involved.

I checked the episode list and apparently no, but I wouldn't be surprised if they threw in a recap there during the original broadcast. Not that we'd have seen it, anyways...

It's still depressing even if you don't care for Hayama personally. One of my dad's Indian co-workers told him once that the whites enslaving the blacks in America's early years was nothing compared to the persecution against the second-class citizens and untouchables of India's super-outdated caste system. That makes Hayama's tragic backstory of being mistreated by everyone until he was taken in by the Japanese surprisingly grounded in reality, a detail which produces some of the tear-jerkiest moments out there.

Because the one thing better than just killing Gauche outright is letting him know how much you want to.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - Neat, they didn't have to beat up any of those kids to win them over. Just another great thing about AURORA BOREALIS. Character development for everybody, even the characters nobody likes! HELLOOOOOOOO MIDNIGHT~. 😍 I must be the only one who remembers Deku's first interaction with Aoyama during the UA entrance exam, I'm glad to see them finally getting along after that.

SAO ALICIZATION - Amazing how I'm starting to like the show again after Asuna finally came back into relevance. Probably because she reminds me of the days when I actually liked SAO in spite of its flaws, as opposed to Alicization dragging for so long and making so many questionable decisions - I still won't forgive them for murdering Dark Knight Blum before he got to do anything of consequence. Lawlharems are at their best when the haremettes are getting along like they are here (surprisingly). On that note, my hot opinion of the moment: Tenchi Muyo! GXP has an objectively better lawlharem than Infinite Stratos. Trust me on this one.

DEMON SLAYER - Oh fuck, I actually felt something during Rui's backstory there. Shed a single tear during him reuniting with his parents in the afterlife. I don't really like Shinobu's disciple, though I do appreciate her coming back after the early bird cameo that also introduced us to Zenitsu (now currently mummified). I bet one of the Hashira will be voiced by Crispin Freeman, my money's on the guy with the fire-colored hair.

FOOD WARS - He had me with the soy milk, but lost me when he said he added parmesan to it. Being dairy-free is even more of a pain than being gluten-free, and not just because the emotional side effects that come with ingestion last longer. I knew Hayama would win thanks to spoilers, but I'm glad that Soma took his loss in stride, at least compared to Worst Sasuke (Barring the Original). At least nobody cried over it. I also really liked the post-credits sequence, between the girls-only cooking session at the Kyokusei dorm (Meat-Meat and Yuki are best girls and I'm happy to finally see them interacting outside of crowd reaction scenes), Soma hanging out with his rivals, and the tease for this show's internship arc. Having worked the line before, I'm confident Soma's got this.

BLACK CLOVER - So many people and my own personal instincts are telling me I shouldn't like this show, but I really can't help but enjoy it at times, especially here where so many of the characters are finally gathering in one place. I do like that none of the Black Bulls actually like Gauche as a person, further supporting the popular claim of him being the objective worst.

VENTO AUREO - Great teamwork and creative thinking between Giorno and Mista there, even if a lot of blood had to be spilled in order for them to win out. I'm curious how long Mista spent in the slammer before Bucciarati bailed him out. And that "blowjob" scene... damn, playing Freek'n You after that had to be the most fitting thing ever.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Surprisingly a decent one, between JYB having a semi-prominent role and the titular Ameyuri being a better sharktoothed female swordsman minor villain than the next one to take up her swords.


Edited by PokeNirvash
1 hour ago, PokeNirvash said:

I got as far as combining the integrand into ((e^x - e_hat^x)/2)^14 before deciding "fuck it, I need a paper and pencil and scientific calculator for this". Even for a soon-to-be-licensed-EIT like myself, mental integrals are torture when you get the chain rule involved.

This reads as complete gibberish to me.

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

That was partially my intention. 😈

If you know me (and I doubt some of you really do), then you know that Toshiyuki Tsuru is one of my favorite anime directors. He may not have the name recognition of Hayao Miyazaki or Hideaki Anno, the impact of Satoshi Kon or Masaaki Yuasa, the cult followings of Shinichiro Watanabe or Kunihiko Ikuhara, or even the extensive repertoires of Seiji Kishi or Akiyuki Shinbo, but his works are among my favorites, even if it's mostly just Gungrave and the fictional work of mine I imagined him directing that's in there. Those that are aware of Tsuru's greatness know him from his involvement in two of the biggest manga-to-anime adaptations of our day, Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. His contributions to the franchise included two of the final episodes of the Land of Waves Arc, part 1 of Gaara vs. Rock Lee, Shikamaru coming to terms with Asuma's death (which was what got me to start keeping a close eye on his industry presence), and the story of how Hinata got her crush on Naruto while defending him against Pain in the present day, not to mention countless opening and ending theme animations, a movie, and an official "greatest hits" AMV. I bring him up now because tonight marks the beginning of a six-part filler arc directed by the man himself, under his current pseudonym of Yasuaki Kurotsu (a double-portmanteau of Yasujiro Ozu and Akira Kurosawa). It was originally going to be a movie, but circumstances led to it being restructured as an anime-original storyline to pad for time in favor of your garden variety Naruto filler. You might not be as excited for it as I am, be it because of your unfamiliarity with Tsuru or your dislike of Naruto and/or its filler material, but you should know that I am PUMPED for this, and if you see me gushing about it over the next month and a half - maybe two or more if the rumor of FLCL nights after the DBZ Kai marathon turn out to be true - just know that my above rundown is the reason why.

11:30 - My Hero Academia #81 - School Festival - TV-14V
12:00 - Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld #11 - Heartless Choice - TV-14LV

12:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #22 - Master of the Mansion - TV-MAV

1:00 - Food Wars! The Second Plate #11 - The Stagiaire - TV-14L 😲😲😲

1:30 - Black Clover #111 - The Eyes in the Mirror - TV-PG

2:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #20 - The Final Mission from the Boss - TV-MAV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #290 - Power: Episode 1 - TV-PGV

Edited by PokeNirvash

I'm glad you have something to enjoy. I've been staring at that picture of Mirio for hours.


Hero- Dang look at her go. :D You tried, kids. Shut up and party, rock boy. Oh god what is Mei planning. Sleepy teacher is best teacher. Mineta continues to be the worst. Let's go with Froppy's idea. Let's go with Tokoyami's banquet of darkness. I volunteer for sitting in a room with Aizawa. I like that nobody knows what a fun house is. :D Oh my god, the disco boys. Hell yeah, dance party. Sometimes I forget that animal boy can talk. MY BABY. MY BOYFRIEND. Someone hug my baby. Mirio is best dad. :( She can't even smile. Give her surprise midnight balcony cheese. :D His light bulb broke, he's so goddamn stupid I love him. Get that kid a candy apple now. Awwwwww Mirio. WOOF. I love the Fancy Youtube Villain. CHEESE IT. Anybody else hear Roundabout playing in the distance? That's a damn Powerpuff girl. Oh fuck you, leave my kids alone.

Sword Art- Yeah let's spend more time with this bitch. Oh dammit is he gonna be evil. I would have offed myself after spending the night with all four of them but good for him I guess. I like that their plan here is just sending one dude out on a tight rope. Yeah because your enemy definitely isn't gonna notice that. What a shock that this plan went awry. Oh what the fuck now. Why does their virtual daughter still exist. They're collecting the entire harem, I'm gonna flip a table. Fucking teenage girls, ruining everything. Was nobody in this building staying awake to monitor this shit? Klein is the only one here who makes sense. THIS IS STUPID. Oh hey, Black Seitz gets to be in the show again. Every word out of their mouths just makes this whole thing sound dumber. No, they're literally NPC's, they're not actual real life human beings. It's only been ten fucking days here!? Just like now, where I'm experiencing loads of anguishing mental pain. Oh no, you might lose your fake online character forever! It makes me happy that everyone hates them. Wait, you don't pay taxes? This is the worst goddamn motivational speech I've ever heard. Look at this point I odn't care who wins I just want it to be over. Okay so genuine question, why did they go to the trouble of creating the entire Underworld to cultivate Alice, when Yui's existed for years already, as a fully functional AI with free will and total devotion to her owners?

Demon Slayer- I hope somebody here is a doctor. Well at laeast the girl with the pink hair seems nice. All of you get away from my son. Hi there, Crispin. Snaaaake. :D This bitch is me. Lady this is gonna be a bit of a long story. Don't drink anything she gives you. Yeah that's definitely poison. Mention that your master put some hypnosis on her. No really, somebody check with his master. Hi there, Bakugo. Put that box down. NO. You earned that, douche. Oh good he brought the Shining Twins with him. You uh, you got something on your face. She's so thirsty, I love her. You could have just told them that, you didn't have to drag them all the way here. Oh good, they did check with his master. Eat shit, douchebags. Chill the fuck out, dude. LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE. Please stop hurting my daughter.

Food Wars- I hope somebody interns with Fatgum. I was half-expecting Erina but at least her minion is somewhat more tolerable. This is gonna be unbearable. Could you maybe stop being an insufferable bitch for ten minutes an get your shit together? Okay I can actually understand Soma having a good grasp on all this considering his background. Get over yourself. No don't praise her, she did terrible. Fucking Megumi. Erina, still the goddamn worst. Should you really be trusting your financial information to a fifteen-year old kid that's working there for like a month? Shut up, Megumi. Time for some Gordon Ramsay action. All Megumi can do is fish. Just change every single thing about the restaurant. Fuck the train people, I guess. This is a weird way to evaulate your students. You're both terrible and I hate you. Now go find your girlfriend and spin around with her. I miss you, hot dad.

Clover- This is gonna be unbearable. She sounds like a female Gilbert Godfried and I hate her. You can kill all of them except Charmy. So she's a shittier version of that creepy baby from Jojo, got it. Wow, that was way dumber than I expected. Thanks, Jack the Ripper. Are his powers just D&D? Oh right, they're still trying to rescue the sister fucker for some reason. Who am I supposed to wish death on when I hate them both so much? Ahahahaha you dumbass. I do enjoy seeing the idiots suffer and fail. I still don't care about his backstory, show.

Jojo- I don't remember the last time I saw a floppy disc. Oh good, you're almost there. You could just blow up the tower now and be done with him. Mista's shot himself 47 times at this point. Squid ink pasta, you say? Abbacchio's irrational hatred for Giorno still cracks me up. I request one of your ladybug nipple clamps. Fugo's suit continues to fill me with unstoppable rage. You could just pin the thing to Trish as a gift and follow her. This is definitely going to end well. Please give Trish a hug. Awwww Bruno is best dad. OH FUCK. Oh shit he wants to kill her. Whelp, time for a tragic childhood flashback. Tiny Bruno is a good kid. I got a bad feeling about this. Just fill the hole, hole filler! Oh no. Remember kids, don't do drugs. Tiny Bruno doesn't fuck around. Someone give Bruno a hug. I like that he has a fancy black mourning version of his regular suit. Drugs are bad. Y'know if he'd just waited like five minutes for Bruno to leave, he could have killed Trish in peace and won. Well, shit. This could be going better. Surprise phone, bitch! Oh shit he got Kakyoin'd.


MY HERO ACADEMIA - Shows you how inconsistent Mineta's perversions are if he thinks one-piece swimsuits are A-OK but spats in place of panties aren't. I am looking forward to seeing Jiro get some well-needed focus, though. I'm a little weirded out by Eri speaking more than a sentence or two at a time, though that's probably because I haven't gotten used to her voice yet. Oh boy these next two "villains" look like they're gonna be fun. 😁

SAO ALICIZATION - As assholish as the ALO randos this episode were - and boy were they assholish - it was nice seeing all the characters from the previous two seasons again. Y'know, for being a guild consisting exclusively of terminally ill gamers, it's amazing the Sleeping Knights haven't lost anyone since Yuuki.

DEMON SLAYER - So, thoughts on the rest of the Hashira... Lovey-Dovey Girl is great, Spacey Boy is meh, and everyone else are kinda dicks. At least Scar and Snake Guy are entertaining in their dickishness, and Tengen has Ray Chase's voice, which automatically makes him a joy to watch. But Flame-Haired Guy and the Crying Giant, whose whole characters to this point appear to be "hey, let's kill Tanjiro and be done with it!"? Fuck them sideways until they get some development.

FOOD WARS - It's amazing how the Hisako-centric episode of Food Wars made me like her more, while Hououmaru's episode (technically, OVA) of Kill la Kill made me like her less. Really, it comes down to the people they toady for. Ragyo's that special combination of world-dominating and child-molesting evil, while Erina's just a stuck-up bitch with the world's most sensitive tastebuds, so naturally Hisako's more likeable than Hououmaru.

BLACK CLOVER - Science saves the day once again!

VENTO AUREO - If I hadn't said it before, I'll say it now. Bruno is the best character in this part, and as one of his "stans", as you internet people like to refer to diehard fans as, I feel the most justified in saying that this episode definitely ended on a down note. We in the Court of the Crimson King now, fellas.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Dear god, Tsuru is a master at what he does. Easily the most underrated director in the entire anime industry. Wavy-haired Kabuto is easily my favorite of the liberties he's taken with the original material thus far.

In other things [as], I'm sickened yet curious about Beef House. Looks more worth my time than Three Busy Debras, that's for sure.


I'd make another LOGH reference here, but after much consideration, I've decided against it, even with the spoiler tag employed.

11:30 - My Hero Academia #82 - Prepping for the School Festival is the Funnest Part - TV-14
12:00 - Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld #12 - Ray of Light - TV-14LV - MIDSEASON FINALE

12:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #23 - Hashira Meeting - TV-14V

1:00 - Food Wars! The Second Plate #12 - The Magician Returns - TV-MAS

1:30 - Black Clover #112 - Humans Who Can Be Trusted - TV-PGL

2:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #21 - The Mystery of King Emperor Crimson - TV-MAV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #291 - Power: Episode 2 - TV-PGV




Okay that song's a goddamn banger.

Hero- I'm loving this guy. La Brava is my spirit animal. Gentle is the hero we deserve. She's right, the internet is fucking terrible. Just leave my kids alone. Meanwhile, Bakugo's going to kill some people. Wait, Bakugo has a talent beyond being angry and violent? He's got a point, fuck those guys. MURDER THEM...with music. Oh goddammit, don't attack my kids again. Score, you got Momo. DISCO, GO. Oh my god yes turn him into a living disco ball. My vote goes for Kirishima. Vote withdrawn, she's amazing. :D He's too short to play. Holy shit bird friend. No goddammit don't encourage him. Have you considered...a gun? Time for some broken limbs, kiddo. Fuck these trees in particular. Haven't his fingers suffered enough? Hi boyfriend! LOOK AT MY BABY. Goddammit fancy man!

Sword Art- Oh god here we fucking go. I know I beg for everyone I hate to jut kill each other basically every week but this time I really mean it. I hope all these gamers are at least feeling excruciating pain. Oh yeah, a bunch of you aren't about to be stabbed. Oh god his eye. Good luck with that imaginary bridge. This is gonna be stupid. That arm was just holding you back. So they're friends now, because fuck gamers I guess? I'm gonna laugh really hard if this is a trick and they're all just that stupid. And that's how Asuna wasted all her power and was completely useless for the rest of the battle. THis seems like it'll backfire. You goddamn idiot. You have a sword, just stab it in the leg. Buddy you don't even wanna know what's going on here. He ripped out his eye, he doesn't give a shit. I've never seen Braveheart but I assume it goes exactly like this. Y'all gonna fuck now? "Horrible and pathetic" is exactly how I describe this show. This is stupid. Joke's on you, Kirito is pointless here. How did a horse catch up to a pack of dragons? I hate everything. Oh fuck me what is this.

Demon Slayer- I'm going to kill you, scar boy. Maybe she's just pissed off because you stabbed her, jackass. Let Tanjiro beat his ass. Oh dang. I love my box daughter. All humans are you family except this one specific asshole. Your blood is trash, douche. I mean, that's kinda what they've been doing this whole time. Maybe Tanjiro could get some medical attention now. To be fair, they did try to kill his sister. Don't trust her. Heeee look at her. Let him do it. Ain't no rule against headbutting. I love the pink girl. Don't trust those butterflies. Oh, she's creepy. Oh no, an annoying child. Stop screaming and take your meds. Please restrain him. Hey there, Boarkugo. You okay there, pig boy? Nezuko's gonna need some sleep now. Awwwwww sleepy Nezuko. Well I'm sure the spider massacre didn't help your numbers there. Y'all gotta kill Michael Jackson soon. I'm not gonna remember any of these names. I don't think you're gonna be seeing much of anything, buddy.

Food Wars- Pan down, camera. I don't even remember this guy. I don't care, show. I don't give a shit about any of these people. This is gonna be a long, boring episode. I do like quiche. I do enjoy seeing Soma screw up and fail. I also don't care about any of these other kids either. He has to sleep on a couch in the back room? Of course he's here early, he goddamn lives here. This is just how French people are. Yeah, not sleeping at all for a week is definitey the best idea here. This student keeps asking us questions, how the fuck dare he. It's not that weird tentacle shit again is it.

Clover- Okay but do you really want normal Gauche back though? Oh, this might be slightly less stupid than I initially assumed. Are those dream tapirs? False alarm, this is exactly as stupid as I assumed. Does this bitch ever wake up? Oh hey, she might just be a tolerable character. Still rooting for sister fucker to just die. And nothing of value was lost. I'd kill myself too if Asta was my closest friend. Racism is bad, kids. Okay but they definitely killed that one human who loved the elves and was your friend, so it seems like your beef should just be with those pecific humans. Saving his creepy ass sure was a waste of time. I sure am glad we wasted the episode on this and not the giant snake dream fight. I hate you all.

Jojo- Oh he's not playing, he's just that stupid. Well that's not normal. You can't prove that Bruno's not a Zeppeli. You overdramatic son of a bitch. Yikes that is a lot of blood. This all could have been avoided if the boss had just remembered to wear a condom. Saved via turtle. I think Bruno needs a doctor. Is this just The World only more complicated? Thanks Giorno. Y'all better run now. Hey Bruno you, uh, you okay there? This is not my fault. I don't know what's going on, but I'm not gonna question it. YEET. Kids this is gonna be a real long story just get in the boat. Get in losers, we're going traitor. Y'all should probably talk about this later. Ohhhh, that's a bad omen. Surprising amout of support here. Get in the robot, Narancia. Well at this point Bruno's dead either way so why not. Fuck you, cheese suit. AWWWW MY IDIOT SON. Arriveerci, cheese suit. Oh no I don't like that.

Posted (edited)

MY HERO ACADEMIA - Gentle and La Brava are easily the most likeable villains this series has had so far, and I say that objectively. (Toga and Twice are still fun for being the less comical kind of whackjobs, though.) I still can't believe I like Bakugo now, even moreso after that speech he gave concerning how much general studies hates Class 1-A's guts for being protagonists. Between the uptick in hardassiness and his talk about pushing past limits (not to mention Sabat's voice), I'm thinking All Might's finally tapping into his inner Yami.

SAO ALICIZATION - Goddamn, the pugilists turned out to be real bros. Still, their in-the-moment siding with the protags isn't enough to push this season past the 7/10 I'm giving it on MAL (which translates to a 5 for most people). To be fair though, it's a higher 7 than Infinite Stratos 2, which isn't a tough bar to clear. Still, a season finale without Kirito (even though he does get mentioned here and there) is a good one, by SAO's average standards.

DEMON SLAYER - Shut up, Zenitsu. On the contrary, Shinobu's assistant needs to talk more, she clearly isn't a mute so that makes her aversion to speaking really creepy. 😖

FOOD WARS - And so Hilary Haag finally makes her franchise debut, it's up to you whether that's a good thing or not. Yes, Soma's laidback attitude can be easily mistaken for cockiness, but at least he's got enough of a desire to improve to offset those negatives. I find it interesting that Erina didn't show up in the montage of everyone else's Stagiaires (plus the obligatory minor character flunk-outs), that means either she's too good for a round 2 or they're saving it for next episode, whenever we get it.

BLACK CLOVER - As I said over 100 episodes ago, Dorothy is best girl. I've actually gotten used enough to the Black Bulls' character tics that they don't give me as bad a series of ulcers as they did early on, but don't take that as meaning the ulcers have stopped.

VENTO AUREO - A lot of people (read: Random Curiosity) claimed that Fugo opting not to join the crew in their mission against the boss and his banger of a STAND (it just works!) was him betraying them, but really, it felt less like he was siding with the boss and more like him not wanting to get killed by the boss. Besides, Araki considered having Fugo properly betray the group in the manga, but decided against it in the end. Fugo's no traitor, he's just too sane for his own good.

POWER - The next village over has some surprisingly Western-influenced building designs. I wonder if Tsuru influenced that too. I now ship Dokku/Shiseru, which means one of them is gonna die by the arc's end. :(

Edited by PokeNirvash

P is for Priceless, the look upon your faces
E is for Extinction, all your puny races
R is for Revolution, which will be televised
F is for how Fucked you are, now allow me to reprise

E is for Eccentric, just listen to my song
C is for Completion, that I've waited for so long
T is for the Terror upon you I'll bestow
My name is Perfect Cell, and I'd like to say...

11:30 - Dragon Ball Z Kai #78 - Cell on the Verge of Defeat! Krillin, Destroy Android 18! - TV-PGLV
12:00 - Dragon Ball Z Kai #79 - The Battle Turns for the Worst! Cell Attacks Android 18! - TV-PGLV
12:30 - Dragon Ball Z Kai #80 - The Tables Are Turned! Witness the Power of Perfection! - TV-PGLV
1:00 - Dragon Ball Z Kai #81 - Vegeta's Final Push! Defeat the Invincible Cell! - TV-PGLV
1:30 - Dragon Ball Z Kai #82 - The Strongest Super Saiyan! Trunks' Power Unleashed! - TV-PGLV
2:00 - Dragon Ball Z Kai #83 - Cell Invades the Airwaves! Announcing, "The Cell Games!" - TV-PGLV
- Dragon Ball Z Kai #84 - Training Complete! Goku Sizes Up the Competition! - TV-PGLV


  • Like 2

Here we are. A structually sound, streamlined, and even-ended programming block. Let us pray it doesn't shrink any further.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #83 - Gold Tips Imperial - TV-14L

12:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #24 - Rehabilitation Training - TV-14DL

1:00 - Food Wars! The Second Plate #13 - Pomp and Circumstance - TV-MAS - SEASON FINALE

1:30 - Black Clover #113 - Storming the Shadow Palace - TV-PG

2:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #22 - The "G" in Gozzo - TV-MALV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #292 - Power: Episode 3 - TV-PGV

  • Like 1

I have been staring at Mirio's sweet ass for weeks now.


Hero- Oh god Mirio what are you doing. :D Oh my god his ass jiggles. I like that Aizawa's right there and he just assumes Eri is Mirio's kid. Eri's so cute I love her so much. Mineta, still the worst. Mirio confirmed for best dad. Shut up, Douche Rogue. :D Okay that play sounds fantastic. DANG. Meanwhile Tamaki has a nervous breakdown. I love Mei so much. Hi there, random Shinso. SHE'S SO CUTE. Awwww I love Nezu. I like Mina's suit. WAIT WHAT. Oh no you're gonna disappoint Eri. Oh good he still gets to dance. And we're back to breaking fingers. Dang he snatched that right out of the air. Mei's so great. Hiiii buff Might. I could go for some tea. Calm down kiddo. I goddamn love the fancy Youtube man. La Brava is my spirit animal. Surely this plan won't go awry. His soul AND his mustache! I feel like we need a reminder here that she's 21 and just really short.

Demon Slayer- No, you should probably fear for his safety. Maybe they'd like you better if you shut up. Inosuke being surprisingly quiet here. Oh hey, he's awake. I fear her. Even his mask is crying. Huh, is he finally becoming competent while awake? Spoke too soon, false alarm. Shut up. Beat his ass, girls. This is his fetish. She kinda creeps me out. Aww, they're so cute. Good luck. kiddo. Where is my daughter. Here, have some gourds. That's one big fucking gourd. She scares me. Well that's depressing.

Food Wars- I still don't give a shit, show. I don't remember who any of these people are. Correction, I only remember the French guy. Because French food is tasty as shit, simple answer. I don't know what you're talking about, I will literally never turn down carrots. Gee I'm sure he'll lose to all these scrubs that we'll never see again. I miss you, hot dad. Nothing would make me happier than to see him fail. Goddammit. What IS it with this kid and eggs? I can only understand about half of what this French guy's saying. Haaaa, eat shit Soma. Goddammit just let him suck. I'm not lucky enough for anyone I hate to have failed. What in the fuck. The bros are still the best characters. I'm rooting for Wolverine here. I hate Soma.

Black Clover- I will hate them forever for saving the sister fucker. Oh right, these two exist. You're all terrible except Charmy. Noelle continues to be fucking unbearable. Hey look, two people I don't hate! Your name is Nozzle you don't have the right to be shitty to anyone. Shut up Noelle you're awful. Have some fucking standards, Mimosa. Oh good, douche brother's coming too. You can go ahead and kill this little bastard too. There are exactly two people here I don't want to see die painfully. That is just a walrus in disguise. At least angry fire lady is having fun. Hold up they had their own pet lion? Aww, they really do love each other.

Jojo- My babies! Oh sweet, new OP. Mista is a man of my own heart. :D I love these idiots. :D:D Even Abbacchio gets involved. You okay there Bruno? Aww Narancia is a good kid. Boss has always been a deadbeat I guess. Y'all can go ahead and kill him. Oh no what now. :D SOUP SHARK. Ouuuch. Oh no, they're stupid. OUCH. This is gay and I'm here for it. Well that can't be good. I love my idiot son. Yeah his tongue just fell off on its own. Fugo must have taken the team's brain cells with him. Thank god we've got Bruno. Whelp, they're screwed. Oh, that's how that works. I like that none of them realize he's acting weird at all. :D Oh my god. Abbacchio you pissed in a teapot you don't get to judge anyone else. Jesus christ Narancia. Thank you Giorno. Goddammit. Oh fuck yes this ED slaps.

8 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Hero- Mineta, still the worst.

Food Wars- I don't know what you're talking about, I will literally never turn down carrots.

Yes, there's no arguing that, but on the bright side, his saying Eri will be attractive when she's older is a slight step up from the sub's translation, in terms of interpretation. (Or maybe it's worse, I don't have a keen eye for these sorts of things.)

This was definitely one of the more questionable claims Food Wars has made. While I can buy the whole "Americans don't appreciate burdock" thing, as someone who's eaten carrots and potatoes all their life, I have to argue Shinomiya's claim that they're "forgotten vegetables".

MY HERO ACADEMIA - This episode had more festival prep than I was expecting. Still a fun time. Midnight's still the greatest (in bed), but I'd be open to a threesome with Gentle and La Brava.

DEMON SLAYER - I honestly dislike those "chibi faces going across the screen" scene transitions. Kinda clashes with the rest of the show. Zenitsu is still insufferable, but it's more tolerable here since he isn't actively preventing Tanjiro from explaining that Nezuko's his sister. Shinobu is surprisingly pleasant, but I think it'll take me a while to come around to Kanao. Maybe having her actually speak would be a good first step.

FOOD WARS! - Between its faster pace compared to the first, its surprising adherence to the same "it's all the ingredients and how they're prepared" method of justifying the foodgasms, the shake-ups in character interactions, and Soma's continued growth in skill at the absolute least, this season was an improvement on the first. I wouldn't complain if this was where it ended, but as I know there's three more seasons coming (assuming Demarco manages to strike that deal), I'll settle for it being an appropriate end to the first stretch. 9/10, could use a little more refining.

BLACK CLOVER - The Vermillions are the best royals, between Fuegoleon and Mereoleona's inherent awesomeness and Mimosa's mimosas. Though even with the loud kid and narcissistic douchewad in your lineage, it's not hard to be better than the pompous jerks with superiority complexes that comprise Noelle's family.

VENTO AUREO - Holy shit I love this fucking opening theme. Same deal with Abbacchio randomly joining in on beating down that one guy. I'm not sure if my uncle will point towards the characters' sudden stupidity or the homoeroticism of this week's enemy STAND users in his justification of this week's "the less said about JoJo, the better".

POWER - Another thing I like about Tsuru's directorial style is the focus on the common man that you never get to see in your average show about superpowered beings. Which in itself is another reason he was the right man I chose to credit for Kunoichi... The crying kids are definitely an acquired taste, though, so I made sure to keep them out of my scripts. (There's only one little kid, and her 18 year-old brother is the one who cries instead.)

PARANOIA AGENT PROMO - It was a good Toonami-style promo, but it doesn't even come close to the original. The fact that it grabs from all thirteen episodes and not just the first four helps.


Almost 15 years after the start of its original broadcast, the greatest classic to ever grace ACTN that didn't fit either the block's motif or audience in the slightest has finally returned.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #84 - Deku vs. Gentle Criminal - TV-PGL

12:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #25 - Tsuguko, Kanao Tsuyuri - TV-14LV

1:00 - Paranoia Agent #1 - Enter Lil' Slugger - TV-MAS

1:30 - Black Clover #114 - The Final Invaders - TV-PG

2:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #23 - Clash Crush and Talking Head Mouth - TV-MALV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #293 - Power: Episode 4 - TV-PG

19 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

Almost 15 years after the start of its original broadcast, the greatest classic to ever grace ACTN that didn't fit either the block's motif or audience in the slightest has finally returned.

That is such a specific award.

Hero- I love these kids. FRIENDSHIP ROPE. Shut up, Mineta. WORK SON. I love Hatsumei. Let that girl sleep. Nothing to see here, just two random bystaners. This is going well. You gotta kill them, Deku. Do it for the views, Gentle. :D His face. Oh, he's reverse Luffy. You can't beat his mustache. "That's the kid who blew up his own fingers." God I love Mirio's stupid ass. Awww Jiro. You could always call Bakugo and let him murder them. FINGER BLAST, GO. Stay inside, old man. And pose! :D I love the fancy Youtube man. It's just a prank, bro. Okay the bouncy construction site looks fun as hell. Just casually dropping a steel beam at an old man, no big deal. Those dresses are cute. Oh no what does her quirk do.

Demon Slayer- "Hey kids, hit me with these sticks!" This needs the Mulan song. Well, you almost did it. Fuck this gourd! I love this bird. You suck, kid. She scares me. That's one angry pig. STOP SCREAMING. I like her, she's quiet. Oh boy, time for a tragic backstory. Well that's ominous. This shure is depressing. Crazy girl's sister sure looked a lot like Nezuko. Make it rain, girls. She's our urchin now! So then, she's depressed loli Two Face. STOP SCREAMING. And then they got stabbed. Swords are his fetish. The fuck, pig boy? Good job, make your swords weaker for the aesthetic. Oh hey, he caught her. Still needs the Mulan song. I feel like they should give new slayers this kind of training before they start going off to fight demons. MY DAUGHTER. Meanwhile, demons.

Paranoia Agent- I love this OP. This is also how I feel with math. I still kinda want a Maromi plushie. This show really nailed the "nervous woman getting off the bus in a secluded area at night" vibe. My boss would just tell me to get back to work because we're understaffed. What a douche. I would assume that she just misrembered some details verses made the entire thing up. Titties. They're right, goddamn kids should just play Fortnight. Man I hate that guy. Ohh that's creepy. Fuck off, guy. The old woman fleeing after seeing a violent assult isn't that surprising, creep. Big deal, I hate my coworkers too. That guy is the worst. Kids are terrible. Yeah just keep harassing the injured woman, jackass. He got what he deserved. I could go for some BBQ too.

Clover- Boy I sure am glad that we're not gonna run out of Black Clover episodes. Maybe these two will kill each other. "The Hateful" as a title that definitely belongs to me. Don't apoligize when you're fighting for your life, you moron. Tits out and trying to kill someone I hate, that's living the dream right there. MECHA SHIVA. Oh right, Yuno's in this show. I forget tht Charmy's not actually like 10 years old. I fucking hate Tinkerbelle. "Oh, I'm in hell" is also how I feel 90% of the time I watch this show. Draw girls with big titties like a normal weeb. MY FOOD. Oh now she's pissed. At least if she dies she doesn't have to be in Black Clover anymore. Well that's new. This show actually has a good idea for once? Oh thank god, it's Jack the Ripper. So have they explained what the fuck's up witn Yuno or nah? Oh right, he had that necklace. What is this bullshit?

Jojo- Last time, Giorno got maimed by a toilet shark. They have a point, killing Giorno first is the smartest move. They're as gay as their fashion sense is bad. Great job on shooting Giorno, kiddo. Huh, did he figure out how to trick the tongue? :D Fishtank. The others are trying but they're dumb. Meanwhile, Giorno's drowning. Watching Giorno pop in and out of tiny pots and bowls is hilarious. How's he saying it? Aw shit it's a trap. And then they blew up. I'm sure the abandoned ladybug won't be immportant. Well, this could be going better. Just look for the people in the ugliest clothes. Narancia isn't smart enough to pull a trick like that. Jesus christ orange boy. Ohh, Giorno gave him a new tongue. Aww, that's actually really sweet. Oh fuck it was a trap. Man, the rest of these people are surprisingly chill about all this. Oh hey Giorno. NO DON'T GET ON A PLANE.


Considering there's six shows on the block now and I'm a week away from technically graduating and going full NEET until the engineering firms start interviewing again, I'm going back to the "write-as-I-watch" reviews I used to do in the past full-time. How fitting that I suspended them with Food Wars and they're back after it finished.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - Neat, they opened the episode up with a "recorded from home" disclaimer. I wonder if Iida knows how awkward and off-key his moves look. If anyone knows about Mina's dance skills, it's the guy whose flashback half-episode featured her breakdancing. KILLING THEM SOFTLY WITH OUR SONG. I thought she was talking to Bakugo moreso than Kaminari. Wheeeeeee :D All these times watching the full OP, and it's only now I noticed Jiro was wearing a literal chain-link choker. Really, my biggest fear for them is how many students are gonna boo them before they even start playing their song(s). Correction: unashamedly perverted men get no respect. Oh shit, I recognize that hardware store! 😮 You're facing the wrong way, Aoyama. SUDDENLY HATSUME. What is it with the Japanese and random moai? You have acquired ROPE. What an appropriately pandemic-ready disguise you have there, Gentle. I love how the two of them are gradually realizing who they're talking to at the same time. Hiiiii flashback Midnight. "La Brava... get the camera." I have no idea who Ori is - even if the name of the first game sounds familiar - and I really don't care. Deku's gonna be an accidental YouTube star at this rate. MIME CURTAIN, GO. The air's made of rubber, how did that happen? SUPER RUNAWAY. Okay, so we know what Gentle's quirk is now, but what's La Brava's? I can't hear the phrase "get excited" anymore without thinking of Senku. Dammit Bakugo those drumsticks cost money. 20 bucks says his wind blast deflects off one of their rubberized air launch pads. OH FUCK RIGHT IN THE BACK. And a tackle too! Fighting in a construction site with the structure already up, just like in my GKA-verse anime concepts. Maybe he just wants to break into UA just to prove he could, you ever thought of that? WHAT CHANNEL? As I thought. Deku's a little too far on the white side of "white vs. gray morality" this week. This is the craziest Shigotoba Game I've ever seen. Yeah, I can only hope that beam's strong enough to take whatever load equivalent Gentle's imposing on it. And then Deku was Atlas. Exit stage crane. Bakugo has no need for your dress codes. Those are some cute-ass dance dresses. Okay, you've got me with that cliffhanger. 69 minutes remain until Mahoro shuts down the performance begins.

DEMON SLAYER - It never occurred to me how tiny those girls' eyes are on the regular. Any dominatrix could do that sort of thing for $50 an hour, but they'll do it for free. BEAT THE SNORING OUT. It always bothers me that Nezuko stands around and does nothing during the whole "main characters do cool moves" part of the OP, and that only further supports my claim that she's a plot device first and a meme second. Cool, her name has the "wo" character in it. The tsundere in this one is strong. Fuck, I hate the rope-climb challenge. Kanao's aversion to even making the slightest noises creeps me out. There we go, much better. "Almost grazed me that time." Good, Zenitsu doesn't deserve your help, and it's not like Inosuke needs it. That's some serious air pressure coming out of his lungs there. Either he's training or he's out buying rope. I like how Zenitsu sucks so hard his Kasugai crow's actually a sparrow. Looks like green tea, tastes like raw sewage. Inosuke has risen, and in more ways than one. Does anyone else feel the urge to start breathing manually after hearing all this? "Calm State of Mind" is right. Zenitsu's girl-craziness is best when he isn't speaking like a child with a minor speech impediment. FOR FUCK'S SAKE, SAY SOMETHING! Toss a coin to your demon slayer. Minimalist tragic backstory time! Fuck I love cuts to black followed by dialogue snippets. The "turning into your parents" series of Progressive commercials needs to be brought out back and shot in the face like Old Yeller before it. Oh wow, Shinobu looks surprisingly tomboyish and bratty. Punch this dude in the face already. Or slap his hand away, that works too. :D Grand theft child, successful. She's like a basic computer algorithm, she only does things if you provide input. (That sounded wrong.) Is that Bridget Hoffman voicing the sister? I'd assume she's just incapable of speech, but that wouldn't explain why she spoke to Tanjiro that one time at the end of the Rui arc. "What a bunch of idiots." LET'S GO LET'S GO (Kattobashite). Apparently with this guy, the worst case scenario reaction is the only reaction. At least he's more justified in his attempted murder than those cunts in Infinite Stratos. "Haganezuka is very passionate." "Yeah, a little too passionate..." Kanamori, you say? :D Like master, like disciple. PROGRESS! Three balls. The difference between "flame" and "fire" is as distinct and miniscule as 1 and .9 repeating. I guess that explains part of why fire-hair guy's the focus of the sequel movie. Was that a telepathic conversation? Nezuko is at her best when she actually has lines. Fuuuuuuuck that's an ugly demon. I was right, it was Bridget Hoffman.

PARANOIA AGENT - I miss the old Geneon USA logo that used to come on at the start of both this and Champloo. This opening is my personal top pick for the Winter 2004 anime season in pretty much all respects (though GITS 2nd Gig is a worthy challenger with the coolness of its OP animation). I could go into an entire paragraph about how great it is, but for now, I'll just say that I'm pleasantly surprised that they're using the Japanese-language credits for this one. That gives me hope they'll play it in full every week. 🙃 It's an endless cycle of apologies and complaints about said apologies. This is some schizophrenic-level mathematics we're witnessing here. I absolutely love how they manage to integrate the episode titles into the setting; that, combined with GITS's interchangeable titles and Eureka seveN's all-katakana titles were major influences I may have ripped off back when I used to assign episode titles to NIBAI MUGENDAI. Maromi's the cutest-looking out of all those mascots, but that blue capybara-thing's my personal runner-up. DELETE DELETE DELETE. Weird, I remember Hatomura being much less pudgy. "Hey Maromi, can you make a miracle?" "Don't ask me, I'm just a toy dog." Homeless old lady don't trust nobody. Shit, I almost forgot how cute Tsukiko could look during some of these scenes. (Paranoia Agent is [as]'s most moe anime, indeed.) NANANANA NANANANA SHONEN BATMAN. Is this broadcast a 720p upscale? Looks like it might be. Ikari's my favorite character, in case you didn't know already. PTSD comes faster and faster these days. SHIT COUNT: 1. Even the slimier characters voiced by Doug Stone are enjoyable in their own weird way. :D I can't believe I missed that bit of innuendo the first couple times I watched it; at least, back before I could appreciate such things. It's time to get excited. ;) Whoa, a little too much excitement there. (Small asides: I can understand why they rated this one MAS, even with the pixellation they aren't even trying to hide her nipples; and I remember for the original [as] broadcast, they actually redrew part of the image so her outfit was covering her breasts.) Smoke effects + dangerous looking objects = obvious anti-smoking commercial. Bitchy high school girls are the worst. [points at Infinite Stratos again] :DThat Di Gi Charat knock-off poster looks so out-of-place compared to the rest of this show, and I'm not even getting to what lies in the rest of that otaku's apartment. (That comes later.) I don't think citizen policing is a thing in Japan, at least it wasn't in 2004. Sweet, she has her own text message board. I always found it strange that Tsukiko looks like a brunette in this scene but has black hair the rest of the time. Bleeping trolls, and flamers too. She looks oddly calm for someone having a panic attack. MAROMI LIVES! I love that tune that plays at Japanese crosswalks, and I still don't know what the name of it is. That parfait looks so over-the-top, it fits his character perfectly. Oh, so he thinks the homeless woman did it. No pantyshot for you, viewers. Those impressions freaked me out way back when, especially with his face changing to match each one. Oh hey, I can see her bra through her shirt. How people are able to tie cherry stems into knots, I'll never know. And so the legend grows. Lil' Slugger, like the baseball bat manufacturer. Friendly reminder not to speedwalk while using a crutch for your permanent severe limp. HE'S BAAAAAACK. Great, now I'm in the mood for Korean BBQ too, it's a shame Bibibop's closed to even delivery. FUN FACT: I thought Maniwa's VA for the first four episodes wasn't Liam O'Brien because he was still using an alias for some strange reason. Also, Lil' Slugger and Hatomura are miscredited in the English, something Geneon failed to rectify by the time the first DVD went out. Next week, young JYB bullies fat kids.

That ad with "Once in the Lifetime" playing in the background is kinda funny, since I saw a Paranoia Agent AMV with that same song way back when.

BLACK CLOVER - Check it out, radioactive sperms. You gotta love the elder Vermillion siblings. QUOTE TO MY DAD: "Yeah, that's Black Clover in a nutshell, just a bunch of screaming." We return you to Noelle's battle, already in progress and lazily animated to boot. Control is good, but yes, go crazy. "Shit, I didn't mean to go that far!" It's amazing how this show can get away with pseudo-topless scenes and still come out as PG, no subratings. Meanwhile, THEY'RE GONNA COMBINE!!! Meanwhile still, Luck's fighting a Titan, apparently. Yuno's back, and with reinforcements too! Even the narcissist is in love with him. :D He's a Gary Stu, that's how. That beef and vegetable bowl actually looks like something I could have. Now she can die happy. I'm not too surprised that Yuno made his own entrance. "I'll be his dessert!" Exqueeze me? 🤨 "Hell" is this show, this room is more "Shadow Shadow Bo Badow". ...Was that a fucking Wilhelm Scream? Even as an elf, Rill is still super autistic about his art. This looks like a bold and insane move, let's see how it plays out. WASTE FOOD, GET WASTED. A literal wolf in sheep's clothing, ya get it? There, now she looks as legal as her age (19) suggests. :D Even she had no idea she was a hafu. Okay, so are dwarves still around but in secret, or did they die out like the elves before them? He'll disappear you like the government. WTF I like Charmy's one-note character quirk now. (Still a tough sell next to Luck and Gauche, tho.) You were expecting Asta, but it was I, Jack the Ripper! [presses Easy Button] That one guy has hentai protagonist hair, I'd be careful around him. "He's dodging our attacks with the least frames of animation possible!" And so Yuno's necklace finally sees importance. (My uncle actually predicted that would be important.) Patry has no idea what's going on. Whoops, looks like you're gonna need a new stomach.

Damn, girl, if anyone was reading a script, that was it!

VENTO AUREO - READING THE CABLE DESCRIPTION: "Squalo and Tiziano double-team the gang..." Wait say what? 😆 NECK SHARK! These two are so gay for each other. It's official, Golden Wind has the best shortened-for-Toonami TV sizes. For being this season's JoJo, Giorno's acting surprisingly useless this episode. Or maybe not, as to be expected from the guy whose STAND can do whatever it damn well pleases. "My arm, my STAND power!" Even the smart things Narancia does are all thanks to somebody else. Quick, retreat to the kitchen! Oof, right through the chest this time. Ah yes, the silent killer. :D Thank god for bladed weapons am i rite? If only there was four of something in that room, only then would Mista think to hesitate. Silent killer no more. Yes, take the mute route, it's done wonders for Kanao. BACKGROUND CHARACTER OF THE MOMENT: Little boy with the T-rex plushie whose mom is apparently friends with a secret prostitute. Those watermelon gummies may taste intense, but they ain't nothing compared to Sour Watermelon Peeps. [shudder] I dunno guy, your breath sounds pretty traceable to me. And you look like you don't have any faith in what you're trying to reassure yourselves with. Cut out his own tongue, now that's true gangsta. Thanks for the spare tongue, GioGio. "That guy's a maniac!" Well he is mafia, same as you. Okay, I'll be honest, that sacrifice was bold as hell. Yes, fuck the Boss (but not in that way). SHIT COUNT: 5. VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA. I can only imagine what context the people watching this aftermath are trying to come up with, if any at all. Abbacchio's just jealous that Giorno's more useful in battle than he is. Next stop, the birthplace of the sardine.

POWER - DYNAMIC ENTRY TIMES TWO! Nice of you to join us, Team Guy. And the rest of the former Rookie 11, too. God this show's action sequences really draw you in when they're done well. So what number of open gates is this? KENICHI FUJISAWA SAKUGA SPOTTED? UNLIMITED POWERRRRRRR. Good thing the scene cut before their house got destroyed, so there's a chance it might've survived. It's amazing the noises that can be produced when you throw stuff really hard. It's a better looking Tailed Beast Bomb than what we get in the actual show, that's for sure. Welp, those two are casu-never mind, thanks Kakashi. At this point, evacuation efforts are all that can be done. She's still a little sour about being slapped last episode. SURPRISE SAVE VIA SNAKE. (Or so we think...) I bet you anything Kabuto killed the chief. But hey, at least the civilians minding their own business are all right! 😁 Oh hey, I think I remember this room. Sure does suck, getting eaten by a bad CG snake. Careful, you'll get worms too! As I thought, the house is safe. More crying kids, easily my biggest nitpick with Tsuru's works. He's not in a good place right now, it's best to leave him alone. Vaping's all a matter of nipples and dimes... Uh, I mean nickels and boobs... Money. Sometimes a firm hand helps, but this wasn't one of those times, in hindsight. Dude, I think she's into you. NOW KISS. Wow, that got heavier than I expected it to. Getting rendered infertile due to a fall really sucks, more than being infertile for no reason at all like Robin Scherbatsky. Ignore that, it's just his dark half speaking. We're going to... THE HOLE. [dun dun] And, of course, Sasuke's the most important one. Thanks for the quick fix, Minato. I'm expecting the fat kid to die first. Ohhhhh that's gonna trigger some PTSD in most of them. The chief's on Kabuto's side, close enough to my earlier guess. The mystery summon... will be revealed next week!

[pokenirvash out]


Can you believe the animated canon of Demon Slayer after the first season continues in a movie Toonami will never air because Demarco hates fun, even if it's for admittedly correct reasons?

12:00 - My Hero Academia #85 - School Festival Start!! - TV-14

12:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #26 - New Mission - TV-MAV - SEASON FINALE

1:00 - Paranoia Agent #2 - The Golden Shoes - TV-14LV

1:30 - Black Clover #115 - Mastermind - TV-14V

2:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #24 - Notorious B.I.G. Chase - TV-MALV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #294 - Power: Episode 5 - TV-PGV

It's like he wants us to watch it outside of Toonami when he inevitably picks up the equally inevitable season 2.


They could always just cut it into 3-4 episode length chunks and air it as a couple of special episodes.

Hero- Sorry Deku you can't beat that mustache. Douche Rogue is dressed like a Hobbit. Okay I kinda love Bibimi. MY BABY. Don't worry about him, he's just fighting the oldest 30-something year old man. Oh shit, did he beat that mustache? Oh, that's a depressing backstory. Her thirst is her will to live and I respect that. Awww, nothing says love like bad eyeliner. La Brava's power is the exact opposite of mine. GENTLY SANDWICH. Everybody gets a sad backstory! His backstory is the firt part of The Incredibles. Oh this is depressing. I do like that he just took up that accent for the aesthetic. :( I miss Nighteye. Now I just feel sad. YEET. I might go cry now.

Demon Slayer- I got a bad feeling about this. Never trust a creepy lady playing a sitar. Oh shit, it's Michael Jackson. Aw crap he can read minds now. I'm more afraid of the butterfly lady. I'm not sure how wise it is to kill a bunch of your top fighters all at once. Kinda hard to misunderstand things when he can read your mind. This is his fetish. Oh, I guess he won. Goddamn demon musicians and their weird Inception houses. CAW CAW MOTHERFUCKER. Where is my box daughter? I don't trust that guy. If that con lands on heads she's gonna kill you. Oh shit, she can talk! This is just a trick to steal your money. I choose to be indecisive as fuck. :D I like the girls. Shit, it's the cops. I kinda love Boarkugo. I love my box daughter.

Paranoia Agent- This boy is a douche. This child  has a very punchable face. He's just a poor boy from a poor family. Leave the fat kid alone. Well all her coworkers are bastards, let's start there. I hope he's brain damaged. Maybe don't go rollar blading aroun town now. At least there's one rational adult here. Oh yeah this is gonna go great for you. It's been like fifteen years and kids still don't know how to turn off their phones. This could be going better. Sucks to be this kid. Why would you bully someone if you already think he's attacking people on the street with a bat? What's with the tree? And then shit got real. Just listen to the weird talking plushie. Well, that ain't normal.

Black Clover- Oh right, this guy turned into Killua's sister. "I'm a douchebag." Oh jesus what the hell now. I don't think that's supposed to happen. Is it Satan? Hell there, Twink Ryuk. Surprise, you were a fucking idiot all along. Nah, you can go ahead and just kill him. Use the screaming dumbass as a human shield. And nothing of value was lost. I'm definitely rooting for the devil here. Wow, he really was stupid as fuck. He might be my favorite character. Stop screaming you jackass. Wait, is THAT what's up with Yuno? He's got a dead baby elf soul in him? Kill them, weird giggling devil guy. This seems like a really unnecessarily convoluted plan but okay. Oh, shit got dumb again. Just kill everyone, demon. "I'm begging you, please stop" is exactly what I say to this show every week. 

Jojo- Planes never go well in this show. Moody Pilot kinda cracks me up. Wow that is one ugly bastard. Oh hey, Mista finally beat someone without hurting himself. That random suspicious guy sure was easy to take down. :D YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT. This is why you wear a condom. Well that noise sounds ominous. OH, THAT'S NOT NORMAL. You might wanna put Trish back in the turtle. I got a bad feeling about this. Show, I can't read Italian. Ohhhh that's nasty. Isn't that what almost killed Joseph that one time? You're gonna wanna start growing another arm now. Man that is the worst stand. Fuuuck. NO MY BABIES. Oh god he's so dumb. Get in the turtle. Owww that's horrifying. Again, never take a plane in this show. Aw shit he got Overhaul'd. Trish needs a hug. Oh fuck it's not gone. SHIT. Nice, it's turning into an arm.

Posted (edited)

Let's hope ufotable takes that suggestion to heart, then.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - YO HO HO HE TOOK A SIP OF GUM GUM. Since Gentle Criminal's quirk relates to rubber, until it's revealed, I'm just going to assume La Brava's relates to glue. Nobody likes you, Monoma. Now those are some illegal (but not in Paraguay) eyelash implants. I don't really understand Power Loader's helmet. Is it part of his natural body, or just a decoration he never takes off? HELLOOOOOO MIDNIGHT. 😍 Depends on if you call fighting potential trespassers "naughty". I worry that crane's gonna crash into someone's house, given what he said. Aw boo, we have to wait for her quirk to show up. The secret word of the day is "strategery". Oh shit backstory time. I understand stalking is weird and kind of criminal, but calling it "gross" just reeks of modern-day FUNi script changes. (Even if it isn't as bad as some of their other alterations...) And then a YouTube video saved her life. The dark circles are actually kind of attractive, very domino mask-esque. 🥰 God these two make the best couple. That is a very specific quirk, but surprisingly useful too, just like a STAND. Even Present Mic knows this reveal is too serious and surprisingly heart-felt for him to shout about it at the top of his lungs as he normally does. JUDO CHOP. I don't know whether to think of this as impressive or contrived that he's still awake after that hit. When I see Bummer TOM, my initial thoughts are less "oh no Coronavirus" and more "oh no Toonami's gonna die soon". :D I like how they integrated the school logo into the custom "FESTIVAL" sign. The Nezu and Cementoss balloons too. SANDWICH METAPHORS. Oh shit second backstory time. Judging from his age and rank, it looks like he was held back a year. Wait, did he say his last name was "Togata"? 😮 Random giraffe man. Oof, no amount of "it's the thought that counts" can possibly make up for how bad a fuck-up that was. Oh, "Tobita". I understand you're mad at him, but that's no excuse to throw things at him! I'll be honest, being forgotten IRL is a fear of mine too, one I didn't even think to consider until now. Considering everything, I'm not surprised he took to supervillainy like a midair fish to water. Gentle approves of your resolve. Ah, the one flaw of these types of write-ups: paying so hard attention that no comments come to mind. As someone with a parent from St. Louis, I'll admit Deku's finisher there got me excited. It's almost adorable watching her pound her fists against him like that. At least this way, Deku won't get as caught up in whatever aftermath follows. He has a villain's seal of approval, a higher honor than it actually is. But seriously though, Gentle's mom throwing things at him as he was leaving home was a little much, even for the show where Bakugo unironically told Deku to kill himself in the first episode.

It's strange seeing these Trolli commercials so early in the block.

DEMON SLAYER - At this point it's just some kind of genitalia measuring contest between these two. Centered and against a black screen, how fitting for the final episode. Okay, I'm unironically loving this super-detailed and extensive CGI setpiece. It looks like a one-off promotional/music video, this whole scene is great. 😁 Presenting, Rule 63 Kibutsuji. (I'd have called him something else, but apparently it's hateful language even if the subject is completely fictitious. ¬¬) Huh, I thought you were just predicting what he was going to say. :S Shiiiiiiiit that's a lotta blood. The lesson here is, don't fuck with Trap!Kibutsuji. Good luck trying to find the exit there, buddy. He got you the same way he teleported you to him in the first place. The more I hear Kibutsuji speak, the more I hate his guts. $20 says pseudo-Vic over here dies the most brutally because he's clearly sucking Muzan's dick with his words. Scratch that, it's a fate that just feels worse than the others' deaths. Meanwhile, in the present, we're going westward bound. What's so great about Microsoft Teams? Because it's new? Thanks for the recommendation, Shinobu. Those veins on the blind dude's face make him look like a melon rind. Heyyyy, it's the "when do we get our freaking swords" guy! That girl's face looks like it's stuck on permanent tsuntsun mode. Kanao's aversion to speaking still disturbs me something fierce. AT LAST SHE SPEAKS! What a progressive interaction. Welcome to the world of being a sad Natsuki Hanae-voiced anime boy admirer, Kanao. TRAINING COMPLETE. Demon Slayer JYB is a man of few but important words. To the west, everybody! Now that I think about it, trains are kind of like mechanical dragons. He's not dense, he's appealing to Inosuke's line of reason to convince him to stand down. Goddammit, Zenitsu, shit like this is why you're the worst. Fuck off, train station attendants. It's easy to forget that Demon Slayers are more or less supposed to be secret agents. Okay, now to the west, everybody. Yes, the bond between Tanjiro and Nezuko is an important one, but that doesn't make her any less of a non-character in the episodes where she doesn't have any legitimate lines. TO BE CONTINUED IN THE THEATERS (ENDANGERED SPECIES). Considering the Lower One's VA replaced Vic as his character in Bungo Stray Dogs, my earlier comment totally makes sense. Overall, it was a good show with great action setpieces, though it needed less Zenitsu and more Nezuko being consistently more than just a plot device, meme and demon burrito daughteru all in one. 9/10, you better believe I'm watching that sequel movie once it's dubbed.

PARANOIA AGENT - Damn, should've guessed they'd shorten the OP. (And it's nice to see that FUNi's visual shortening methods still suck. 9_9) Hey, remember back when JYB used to occasionally voice act under a fake name? This boy is a future narcissist in the making. :D He's practicing his smile like it's a trademark. It looked kinda off there, so no wonder they rushed past you. Considering the color of his skates and that bat he was using, I'm not surprised they think he's Lil' Slugger. Damn, that graphic artist's render looks exactly like him. No one ever suspects the friendly fat kid. "It must be the pig!" But he's a cow, at least that's what the name suggests. Ah yes, the classic "desk graffiti" method of bullying. I had a background character in one chapter of Kunoichi throw his desk out a window over that sort of thing. Aren't nosy co-workers annoying, even when they're subtle? :D I love Ikari's endless frustration. No, he's just sarcastic. This reminds me of my brief stint in pee-wee soccer where I kept chasing after the ball because no one kicked it to me. "Everyone is manipulated by the media, what a bunch of idiots." Easily the most relevant statement in today's climate. There's the cow comparison. Who needs peers your age when you have a tutor who could easily be a MILF with or without children of her own? Adult intervention is likely to backfire, even if the chances of it turning out that way are scant. Pig, cow, weasel, make up your mind what animal he is! Politics: not even once. The biggest mystery in this show is who photographed their one-sided confrontation. Kids not turning off their cell phones during class is something I can see happening in the real world. It is suspicious he'd still defend him after that hostile confrontation earlier. I think Maniwa and Ikari are the reason why I like detectives as protagonists. Why are anti-tobacco commercials so shit at being tolerable? To be fair, this kind of is a TV cop show, at least half the time. Come to think of it, you never really get a good look at Lil' Slugger's eyes, do you? Well that roots out any possibility of it being a 100% personal deal. It's kind of hard to arrest the real assailant when you don't even know who it is. If it looks too good to be true, then it usually is, especially when it's a straight-up scenario. All that food, and no one to share it with. Elementary school kids aren't exactly the best at accepting things at face value. I never noticed that award name was altered to say "golden bat" before. The things you pick up on the second watch, I guess. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "What's with the tree?" I'm guessing it's his school craft project, like the robot was Yuuichi's. Turns out he was genuine after all. It's amazing how his inner thoughts are making him out as worse than the gossip around him being Lil' Slugger actually are. That "sad face" shot makes him look like a younger Maniwa. And just as suddenly as he appeared, he was gone. It's like looking into the world's most twisted funhouse mirror. Appparently Tsukiko's hair is only brown whenever she's in her apartment. And so the police's suspicions arise even further. The "1" is obviously symbolic, by the way. At the distance he hit that ball, it might actually go into traffic. Heh, even the video recorders in this show captured his tooth sparkle. And then things got way too psychedelic. YASUNORI MIYAZAWA SAKUGA SPOTTED. I like to think all the out-of-focus ambiguous cheering and screams is the people who witnessed Yuuichi getting attacked reacting with concern for his safety, as people normally do on impulse.

Dang, I didn't even know the Old Spice Guy had a son.

[one brunch, a televised graduation ceremony, and most of a bottle of strawberry hard cider later]

BLACK CLOVER - I'm not seeing where the lie is in his statement. "I knew this all along, but I didn't tell anybody." Not exactly lying, but definitely disloyalty. And I assume that "Grimoire of Despair" was Asta's? IT BEGINS. That's honestly the gayest looking devil I've ever seen, and I include Him in that statement. Leave it to the new guy to be completely overpowered. FUCK YEAH ASTA. I wonder how long he knew he was gonna show up. As OP as his Word Soul Magic is, I like the smash cuts to black and music cutting out whenever he says something to turn the tables. THREE FREEZE. Speaking of whom, where is Licht? This is how it felt for all of you when Aizen did literally anything isn't it. Even Rades is getting freaked out by all this bullshit. An "ugly, stupid piece of trash" defines this Him wannabe perfectly. With good rivalries comes good teamwork. Oh great, now the devil's a commie. I prefer my dark elves purple, TYVM. Not just light, but black light! When you've gone full demon, who needs ki? He's going to the nearest gay bar, I'm guessing. I do love the webgen effects they bust out for these action sequences. There is no understanding dark elves with gray skin, even if they are just as attractive in female form as the purple variety.

VENTO AUREO - A Joestar on a plane? That can't be good... 😰 I do like the sound of that acronym. That's two people suspicious of Bruno's sudden lack of proper response to normally painful wounds. This dude makes Pesci look like he has a neck. [presses the Easy Button] "Fact is, he sucks and we don't." "You're goddamn right!" :D I love Mista and his STAND(s). Narancia looks like he's wondering what there is to do on this long and boring plane ride. So your mother banged the boss while on a resort trip, that doesn't really tell us anything other than she may have been a THOT. I have a feeling this is gonna turn into Tower of Gray 2: Italian Boogaloo. STICKY FINGERS. My dad was in here brushing the cat and he assumed the gang was some type of "futuristic Village People" based on their flamboyant manner of dress. (And now I wanna see the gang actually dressed like the Village People, that's just terrific...) I'M TIRED OF THESE STUPIDFRICKING FINGERS ON THIS STUPIDFRICKING PLANE. [presses the Easy Button again] Sweet, window graffiti. If only I could read Italian, then all this would make sense (sort of). Oh wow they actually physically changed the lettering to match dub name change. Turns out it was Empress 2 all along. That's what you get for touching the suspicious-looking guy's corpse before you boarded the plane, Giorno. I'm actually sort of glad I didn't watch Season 4 of Rick & Morty because it really doesn't look all that appealing. Oh good, they realized it was a STAND, no funny business. Trust me, I've forgotten everything I know about STANDs the moment yours started pulling all sorts of powers out its butt. Oh, so it's also Cheap Trap 2. And it's also the Thing. I still can't get over the fact that Narancia's STAND is just a model airplane with real bullets. If only Fugo weren't such a coward. Of course it makes sense it's after Trish. 😮 Badass as the other JoJos are, I don't think any of them are as hardcore as Giorno is when push comes to shove. Who'd have thought this would be the team's darkest hour? I can imagine how that conversation would go... "Giorno's lost both of his arms!" "Good!" I don't trust that reflection. Oh god this is just as tense as your average horror movie. I'm expecting the scare chord any moment now... OH JEEZ THAT WAS FAST. She isn't screaming her lungs out, that puts her steps ahead of all other horror movie victims of the female persuasion. Giorno Giovanna always plans ahead! We have no other choice, it's time to awaken your hidden abilities.

POWER - This episode was directed by a staff member at Pierrot who wound up dying at the office in 2017 due to what was believed to be overwork. He only had two series under his belt but numerous theme song animations, including Bleach OP10. I'd have probably used him as staff in Kunoichi, if not for circumstances. As for what's actually happening in-episode, I honestly didn't expect the neighboring village chief to be the villain this whole time. Looks like Kabuto's destined to be an accessory no matter what he does. Shit, those scars look like they hurt when he got them. He's only a nobody in your eyes, you filler villain. Welp, so much for them being stealthy about it. Ohhh, is he gonna do what I think he's gonna do? It ain't exploding snakes, but it's close enough. Oh yeah that's that tune she was humming. This giant cylinder is very Neo Ranga-esque. Which only begs the question of how a wanted mass murderer wound up becoming a village chief to begin with. UNLEASH THE CLONE. You advertise HBO's new streaming service, and not a single second of the Sopranos? That just ain't right. Hidan looks a little snakier now. "Naruto..." You better believe it. ;) You'd think ninjas would be immune to smokescreens, but I guess not. When the Juggalo makeup goes on, you know shit's gonna get real. Or maybe it's when all the clay stuck to the enemy corpses starts glowing, it's hard to tell which one's more dangerous. He's finally curing his dark side of his bad case of worms. Wait, so does this mean I can reasonably give rank this episode as THE HEART level? Suicide bombing... unsuccessful. You suck, Hidan. Never underestimate one's ability to headbutt their way to victory. Oh shit, the Neo Ranga cylinder is evolving! And there goes all the water. I'm a real sucker for CGI setpieces like this, even if they don't make a whole lot of sense. His arm, his jutsu! Crap, Hidan, you really do suck. :D I do love Shikamaru's ability to think ahead in more ways than most people. I'm not sure what all this is leading up to, but I just know it ain't good. Now kick him off the tower, Naruto. Now that... is freaky as shit.

At least Fairy Tales looks better than King Star King, but that still won't make me want to watch it.

Edited by PokeNirvash

Due to the unfortunate events in Hawaii this week, the MHA simuldub has hit a snag and will be postponed until further notice.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #85 - School Festival Start!! - TV-14

12:30 - Paranoia Agent #3 - Double Lips - TV-MAS
1:00 - Mob Psycho 100 #1 - Self-Proclaimed Psychic: Reigen Arataka ~And Mob~ - TV-14V

1:30 - Black Clover #116 - The Ultimate Natural Enemy - TV-14V

2:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #25 - Spice Girl Spicy Lady - TV-MAV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #295 - Power: Final Episode - TV-PGV

I'm gonna feel like shit if it turns out there were events in Hawaii responsible for the holdback...


I don't understand the reference.

Hero- I know they're villains and all but I genuinely hope these two somehow have a happy ending.

Paranoia Agent- I hate the ugly hentai bastard trope. Things never go well for hookers in basically any media. Whelp, that took an unfortunate turn. To be fair, that little bastard kind of deserved it. Sorry doc but that sounds way nicer than Maria. Wow, getting engaged is easy as hell. I hope she's at least getting paid well for these guys. Well, that's uncomfortable. This is going too well for this early in the episode. Hey some of those clothes are cute you should keep them. Oh no. You should probably get that therapist on the phone right now. And then shit got awkward. This guy seems nice, it's really gonna suck for him. No shit you should tell him about your secret split personality prostitute. I don't think this is gonna end well. Girl just burn the stuff instead of hauling it to the dump. WHELP. Running through the deserted streets, screaming and slathered in clown makeup is kind of a real mood right now. I hope she lucked out and he beat the crazy out of her. Thanks, Maromi.

Mob- Remember, never fuck with Mob. Goddammit I love this dumbass conman. POCKET SALT. This OP didn't need to go so fucking hard and yet it does. Mob is my son and I love him. There's a stand in that tunnel. Goddammit Reigen, get better salt! Mob is the best.

Clover- What fresh bullshit will this week bring. This OP is way too good for this show. Big deal, my hatred for these people is way stronger than that. Oh great, the douchebag is here. Look I'll forgive you for being a piece of shit if you just kill the elf and move this arc along already. Buddy I've been saying "DIE DIE DIE" at them since the beginning and it doesn't work. Everyone wants to be wizard hokage. No you stupid idiot why are you healing him, the entire point of that original mission was to destroy that group! Just let him kill him you dumb bastards. This seems like it'll be stupid. "HATE HATE HATE HATE" is also the entirety of my brain when I watch this show. Yep, you're dumb as fuck and this is all your fault. I spend every epsidoe pleading "SHUT UP" and it never works. This is a really bad motivational speech. This is stupid. Still rooting for Satan here. You suck, elf guy. Oh it's her again. Hey there Cap'n Sexy.

Jojo- Props to Trish, I would have already pissed my pants. That is the proper response to someone around you on a plane reclining their seat. Aw shit it didn't work. Well that's new. Hi there. Oh my god I love her stand. Great job now get in the closet. RIP shirt. Aw fuck it's oozing through. Boing. Thank god for the rubber clock. Man her stand isn't fucking around. It's still too early in the episode for this to have worked. My 90s kid heart is elated at this name. Now get that hand in the turtle. This is why you DON'T TAKE PLANES in this show. Ohhhh that can't be good. OH FUCK. Can you try setting that thing on fire? Oh my god, her attacks are Spice Girls songs. Oh cool she rubberized the plane. :D Bitchmeat, this dub is a gift. I fucking hate this thing. Joke's on you he's already dead. Note to self, don't go sailing in Italy. This all could have been avoided if you'd just remembered to wear a condom. Whelp, this maid's getting murdered. Huh, pleasant surprise.


South Park, "AWESOME-O". They were originally gonna air a sequel to the "Death Camp of Tolerance" episode centering on the class gerbil Lemmiwinks, but production fell through for reasons I can't recall, so when it came time for Comedy Central to air it, they cooked up a simple episode where Cartman pretended to be a robot to mess with Butters and had it air instead, with an on-screen disclaimer blaming unexplained "events in Hawaii" for Lemmiwinks 2 not seeing the light of day.

MOB PSYCHO 100 - This rerun may be a mere message that Toonami's starting to weaken to the point where no amount of positive spin from Demarco can make the doomsayers sound as ridiculous as they have been, as a fan of Mob, I still think it's a welcome addition to see its return. (And also a fitting excuse to headcanon some justification behind [as] "producing" season 2 of Kunoichi; don't ask if you don't wish to know how deep that specific rabbit hole goes.) Reigen is the goddamn best, hopefully Niosi gets welcomed back into the industry at some point, I'd hate for him to be blacklisted for life like Vic, Scott and Illich before him.

PARANOIA AGENT - All these anime figurines watching the fat otaku have sex with that hooker always crack me up for some reason. :D (I think I used the meido as an icon once during the ASMB years.) S&P looks like they're doing better with the pixelation this episode around. Pimps in Japan sound so much friendlier than the American equivalent. Turns out it was the student counselor from last episode this whole time. (I personally love how her presence is used as the bridge between last episode and this one.) Yeah, finding a connection between Kawazu and Ushiyama will be tough, if not downright impossible without running the risk of fat-shaming. MARILYN MONROE~. "By the way, nice bag 'cause it's mine now." I actually saw The Three Faces of Eve a while back, so I can't say the doctor calling forth the split personality is totally ungrounded. Ah, graduate school; a place I have no intention of returning to post-graduation, despite not suffering as much under it as one would think I'd be. That proposal was awfully casual. 😰 Oh Hirukawa, you're incorrigible. I remember when they added steam to that scene to censor her ass. The pigtails look works for her. Well that period of peace didn't last as long as I'd thought it would. CAW CAW. "Marrying yourself off behind my back is one thing, but boxing up all my stuff? Fuck that noise!" :D I much prefer the Progressive staff interactions to the stupid "becoming your parents club" ads they've been doing on the side. Only Japan would have extremely budget-conscious weddings be a common thing. "I wish I was at the office grading papers right now." You had me at spankings. I have a feeling that necklace is gonna wind up in a trash bin sometime later. In theory it's a smart move, but it all depends on how well he takes the fact that your split personality is a literal whore. Out of the mouths of narcissistic babes. Not gonna lie, I love that the sky looks like someone spilled magenta printer ink all over and called it a day. And here I thought Japan burned all their trash. Dang, Maromi sure is popular with taxi drivers. You know the problem's bad when your alter ego starts throwing out your stuff in turn. It was oddly nice, yet also bitchy, for her to leave the necklace out where she could find it like that. The katakana in place of hiragana means she's extra deranged. Yes, but has getting cleared made you any less self-centered? I always did find this one of the more distressingly strange episodes of PA back when I watched it the first couple of times. But damn is it a good at showing the struggle between two split personalities at each other's throats. Here it is, the beginning of Maniwa's descent into madness. Parking lot must've been full that day. (Note how the cow is missing from the chain of representative victims.) That's right, the guy who has girls call him "Daddy" during sex is a policeman. And here's the obligatory sentient Maromi cameo. NEXT WEEK: Forget Hirukawa's problems, let's focus on this random couple who found Harumi after her mental breakdown!

The Rick Dance seems less out-of-place and forced in this HBO Max ad than it did in the R&M episode it came from.

BLACK CLOVER - The Devil looks like Ryuk and Ulquiorra (Segunda Etapa mode) had an ugly bastard child. Oh good, the captains are here. OH FUCK YEAH BLACK CATCHER TIME. Dark elves look better in purple than they do in any other color. Well, at least you stopped his self-detonation, that's worth celebrating even if you still have to fight him a little extra. Never mind, he's charging up again. Oh yeah, Mimosa's here. Mercury makes for a shitty mirror, but it's still a mirror, at least in this universe. "I'm the greatest", they say about the guy who got stabbed three times at once several episodes ago. Time to turn this into a literal cage match. I remember back when Asta thought he could only have one rival, I do like how he's more open to the competition of it now. Meanwhile, Rhya's regretting everything. "If there's one thing I hate, it's selflessness." If not for the context, Patry's screaming face wouldn't be out of place in one of the comic relief moments. And then he got swallowed by the edge. Thank god Asta's so dumb, the worst it's doing to him is giving him migraines. Great, now he's saying the same thing over and over again. He's so conflicted right now. "BARK!" "NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" Hate begets hate, or so they say. It's a miracle that I enjoy this show as much as I do despite its obvious flaws, guess that meme bell curve that says only the really smart and really dumb unironically like Black Clover has some truth to it. SUCCESS! Kick his ass, regular Licht. He says concrete, yet he produces iron instead. 😞 Nice of you to join us, Elf!Char. :D Yami, still the greatest. ANIME CLICHE #161: The more tumultuous the relationship, the better their teamwork is. Yeah, so there's actually a post-credits scene that Toonami cut and probably won't acknowledge on account of being Black Clover, but the gist of it is, the bird that's always hanging around Asta pecks Finral awake while he's being healed and tells him, in human words, to take them to "the demon bones". Normal words, but an anti-bird. (Bullhorn.)

VENTO AUREO - To be useful or not to be useful, that is the question. Useful it is! Lucky for you, there are plenty of seats left to recline. Oh shit, it's getting smarter! Or maybe it was just the booze. [presses Easy Button] Huh, so some STANDs don't even know that's what they're called. You can't not love rubber-based abilities. Finally, it bleeds! 😁 Welcome to the bizarre, Foley-repelling world of STAND abilities, Trish. Use them wisely. That's right, she has the ability to make things both soft and hard. ;) SHIT COUNT, ACT 1: 2. There are no weak STANDs, only weak users. :D These sound effects are cracking me up. If only all targets of strong female characters were as genderless and deserving of death as Notorious Chase. "Weird, but in a good way." Like all STAND names, basically. Does something count as failing the Bechdel Test if a man's mentioned in conversation even once? Aw shit, don't tell me... JOESTARS + ENEMY STANDS + BEING ON A PLANE = COMPLETE DISASTER. Ohhhhhhh fuck it's huge as hell now. SHIT COUNT, ACT 2: 1. If even a single cell survives, it'll always come back. GO TRISH GO. I bet "Wanna-Be's" is a reference to something too. Oh don't act like you didn't suspect she had these abilities ten episodes ago. EAT IT, BITCHMEAT. :D It's official, this STAND is too OP. Thank god Araki is creative in how they get taken down with certain characters in play. This part sure has a thing for characters losing limbs. And then it became the Kraken. Ironic how the straightest episode has the gayest group pose. Just another thing that makes this show so... bizarre. 😉 That maid's gonna die. IT JUST WORRRRRKS! Oh damn, the boss is entering the game now. I guess leaving the maid confused is better than leaving her dead.

POWER - I like to think of Toshiyuki Tsuru's distinct directorial footprint beyond mere visuality to be a mix of two factors. The first is a bait-and-switch; taking a hook that'll draw your average viewing audience in and surprising them with something deeper and greater executed than anything suggested in the promotional materials. The second is a marriage of contrasts, balancing epic clashes you wouldn't see in real life with tales of the human toll that comes as a result of those clashes that are all too familiar in the world today. Tsuru is a director of contrast. His work is underappreciated, and he's lucky that he has several fans, myself included, there to appreciate all he's done in his few works as a chief director. That said, this arc could've used a little less crying kids. 9.95/10. It was great, but it still ain't no Gungrave #14.

Funny thing is, we did get Lemmiwinks 2 eventually... in the form of "Bass to Mouth".

[or maybe it was ass to trout]

Posted (edited)

"If You Wanna Be My Lover" is as far as my off-hand knowledge of Spice Girls songs goes, but hey, the more you know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

EDIT: Turns out "Wannabe" is the name of that very song. I really don't know shit for having two master's degrees.

Edited by PokeNirvash

"Having girls call you Daddy during sex is gross."
"Stop kinkshaming me!"
"Kinkshaming is my kink."

12:00 - My Hero Academia #86 - Let it Flow! School Festival!! - TV-PG

12:30 - Paranoia Agent #4 - A Man's Path - TV-MALS
1:00 - Mob Psycho 100 #2 - Doubts About Youth ~The Telepathy Club Appears~ - TV-14DS

1:30 - Black Clover #117 - Breaking the Seal - TV-PGL

2:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #26 - A Little Story from the Past: My Name is Doppio - TV-MAV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #296 - Naruto Enters the Battle! - TV-PGV


Posted (edited)

Hey what I think while I look at Endeavor porn is...oh wait, that's not what that intro was talking about. Never mind.

Hero- Gentle is the hero we deserved. IT'S HIGH NOON. Fucking youtubers. Run faster Deku don't disappoint my daughter. Oh good he made it. Me too, Mic. Eat shit, you two kids in particular. Plot twist, Bakugo just murders the entire gym Carrie style. Okay this is a bop. :D Iida does the robot. DAB. Look at my kids I'm so proud of them all. THE TINIEST JIRO. Okay for a second there I thought that Overhaul thing was Tokoyami. LOOK AT MY BABY. SHE'S SMILING! Don't worry Mirio I'm also crying. :D Oh my god this play is fucking beautiful. I kinda love Hound Dog. MY BABY. She's so happy I love her so much. Awww, Mirio is mimicking her flailing in the background. Mirio confirmed for best dad. Smug Bakugo is great. Okay I'm rooting for Bibimi. Awwww she looks so pretty! :D Goddammit douche boy. This is the best day. SHE GOT HER APPLE! Show if you ever hurt Eri again I'm going to fight you. You're a good dude, Gentle.

Paranoia Agent- Goddamn is this gonna be some mood whiplash. Oh no save the plushie. I refuse to be afraid of someone on roller blades. I don't trust this guy. I got a bad feeling about that fancy new house. Ohh I don't like where this is going. I'm kinkshaming. I hate that this comic looks genuinely cool. Yeah this is gonna go just great. Ohhh yeah this is going just perfect. I hope you get hit with the bat, you creepy weird man. Oh come on how is this guy of all people not getting caught. Suffer, fat man. Don't do drugs, kids. Oh I'm uncomfortable with that. This poor man does not get paid enough for this shit. Alright Lil Slugger this one basically counts as a public service. Goddammit, hit him harder. Well, that was unexpected.

Mob- Puberty is a harsh mistress. Goddamn porn sites. "I'm worried about the stairs" is the best excuse not to do something. I enjoy Reigen so much more the second time around. Valley Girl Reigen still sounds better than Erina. Mob is a good boy. He could have dated that entire school. I GODDAMN LOVE THE BODY IMPROVEMENT CLUB.

Clover- Oh what the fuck. The bird is a waifu isn't it. This demon can't really think of that many things. Goddammit just let Yami kill something. If Cthulhu shows up I quit. Meanwhile, this seems real stupid. At least if you die you don't have to be in this show anymore. I'm on board for all existence getting wiped out here. Of course I'm not lucky enough for him to die. Yep, this is stupid. This sure is a thing that's happening in front of me. I really don't care about their backstory, show. Oh his sister was the elf fucker. Yeah this is gonna go well. Twink Ryuk strikes again. Oooh, I get to pick whatever insulting name I want for you? This is dumb. I'm always filled with an overwhelming amount of negative energy, big deal. What a twist, he was the original monster.

Jojo- Now here's a batshit crazy backstory that we can get behind. Jesus that's a creepy looking baby. All this started because these two losers liked frogs and couldn't figure out a condom. So hey what the fuck. This fortune teller makes me miss Avdol. Okay he is slightly adorable but I don't trust him for a second. Well this man is going to die. RIP in peace. Sooo, that happened. This cab driver's gonna get murdered. Oh god, eye. :D What. Well that driver lucked out. Risotto's kinda hot and therefor I fear for his life. This is not gonna be a fun time for anybody. Piss your pants, that'll lull him into a false sense of security. Whelp, he's doomed. Jesus christ what the fuck? Well I'm having nightmares tonight. :D FROG PHONE.

Edited by EmpressAngel
Posted (edited)

MY HERO ACADEMIA - I'm gonna be real with you, I don't really like Hound Dog all that much. That's a... strange way to throw yourself under the bus. I'm not entirely sure if it was smart for Deku to return to the scene like he did. Apparently it wasn't. Huh, so being honest really did work this time. You're a pretty cool guy, Ectoplasm. Yeah, just imagine how easy it would've been for Deku to go full villain if he was put down for being quirkless any more than he already was. I do like how Aoyama's been looking out for Deku lately. Fuck off, background assholes. At least everyone else is enthusiastic about the show. :D You can't not love Present Mic. "There are some students who blame Class 1-A for the school's current situation, but who gives a shit about them?" The fact that there's only two of them (that we know) is just gonna make their forced hate look even more pathetic. All I can say about the performance is, they absolutely sold it, even with Iida still doing robot moves and the most subtle of Mineta's pervy reactions yet. Bonus points for the only two haters in the building being won over not even a minute in! 😁 Also, Jiro's parents are cool af, and I'm not sure what was up with Hagakure getting all super-shiny but I approve. Say what you will about Flo and Jamie, but Mara is literally the worst of the Progressive agent OCs. Class 1'B's trainwreck of a stage play is pretty fun too. :D Geez, All Might, you gotta know when too many calls are just too many. Please get out of his face, Hound Dog, you're distressing me more than you are him. (Still, that loss of human speech is always good. :D) Her smile and optimism: restored and (hopefully) here to stay. Shut the fuck up, Mineta. It's still hard to believe that I'm taking Bakugo's side on this one all the way. Okay, maybe not that far... Huh, so that explains his weirdly intense work ethic. Holy shit this bitch is ridiculous. 🙃 Kirishima and Tetsutetsu: the best of bros. A lot of these background characters look wackier than usual. I like the look on #8. That "You're in the Picture" setup for the twin towers doesn't look quite right. Shinso looks like he was born to play a bit part in a haunted house. I do like the tried and true trope of the previous multi-time winner taking their loss in stride. It's not the most perfect-looking candy apple I've seen, but I'm sure it tasted great. Meanwhile, at the police station... I'd be cool with them both doing a reluctant Heel Face Turn, even if it's ultimately offscreen.

PARANOIA AGENT - Poor girl's wearing a knock-off Maromi necklace. Oh hey, connections are finally being made (public). Yes, it's strange seeing yourself on TV out of nowhere like that. Welp, there goes her security blanket. That "beating around the bush" phrase always stuck with me for some reason, probably the same reason I remember hearing the word "inept" in Naruto, or "qualms" in Death Note. Even looking at his new residence-to-be, he looks like he's up to no good. Wait, so is he bribing them into bribing him, or what? "...You're not coming on to me again, are you?" It really is the kink that made kinkshaming one of its own. You gotta love montage-supported hypocrisy. UNIMPORTANT YET INTERESTING FACT: Patrick Seitz's first ever anime role was as a mutant clone of Jesus in this anime here. Certainly spelled out his future career as a go-to for anime badasses, wouldn't you say? I don't trust this guy or his forehead dot. That is a pretty fucked thing to do to him, no matter what he's done before now. (Or maybe I'm just mis-gauging it, as I tend to do.) He gonna rob that old lady. Ah yes, the downslope, the place where they're least to expect or prevent it. "I have altered the deal, pray I don't alter it further." It's almost brilliant how these two commercials show the sharp contrast in quality of [as]'s originals. Oh right, he was the one who saw Joker!Harumi walking with the umbrella. (And I forgot about that blink-or-you'll-miss-it slasher grin. [shudders]) "I'm glad it's not happening in our territory." Yeah, 'cause he'd be found out if it did. Again, hypocrisy montages are the best. The yakuza sure love extorting people for as much cash as they can. Happiness and suffering are two sides of the same coin, like passion and indifference. At this time in my life, I'm just wondering how he figured out this specific couple was holding onto that much money. I'm also at the time in my life where I can't see even basic bondage as anything but a sex thing. Now this... This is a different kind of sex thing entirely. 😰 Of all the things for Ikari to see on his walk back from work... To quote one of my OCs, "there’s a reason behind every crime, even if it’s as simple as self-amusement." To add to that, "no reason" is also a reason, as lazy as that sounds. Maromi is watching you, even when it isn't really Maromi. YASUNORI MIYAZAWA SAKUGA SPOTTED. SHIT COUNT: 2. Of all the people to have taken down Lil' Slugger, it's almost comical that it was this guy who did it. Heyyyy jealousy. Next week, Ikari channels his inner Jurgens and picks the wrong year to quit smoking.

MOB PSYCHO 100 - It's also a time for unleashing your inner chuunibyou while it's still acceptable. :D All these early bird character cameos. These OPM cameos wouldn't mean as much if we didn't have it on the block first. Porn sites are no problem if you've got AdBlock, it's the church forums you've gotta worry about malware-wise. He may be a lousy psychic, but he's a talented masseuse! Is it the nature of takoyaki to taste hot to people who can't handle spicy food? Or is it an all-around deal like with horseradish and wasabi? KISS!Mob or Chaplin!Mob, that is the question. I can safely say that I spent the good portion of my time in middle school watching anime and not doing any after-school activities like my well-meaning social skills teacher wanted me to. I can no longer hear the word "pissant" without thinking of Jingai's portrayal of Yammy. I still don't get what's so "creepy" about the Telepathy Club as a concept, unless they're leaving out something. Heh, All-the-Way Tome. :D "It's shady as hell," says the equally shady guy. In a way, they're both right. The hairy legs are what's giving Reigen away as an obvious crossdresser. From what I've heard and read, Scoob! sounds like some CG attempt at the beginnings of a Hanna-Barbera multiverse. UNPOPULAR OPINION OF THE MOMENT: That short-haired thug chick is actually kinda cute. There's nothing more haunted than an empty Japanese grade school art room, especially ones with random busts. No worries here, he's just sensitive about how others perceive him. I wonder what room that one with the pillars is. Auditorium, maybe? Damn, this school is pretty loaded, the more I look at it. The other day, I just realized there's no anime based around women's soccer. And just like that, Mob got himself an unexpected legion of fangirls. God this show's oil paint art is amazing. MAKE POSES WITH US. The vice prez speaks a lotta sense, for being your standard student council anal-retentive guy. 🤣 Without a doubt, this was the show's best punchline. Mother's Basement had a point when he said the live-action botched it with its own interpretation of events, but I don't think he really had to be such an elitist asshole about it. (At least Top_Gun only sounds like an elitist when he picks apart shows he doesn't like...) Okay, so Reigen just can't deal with anything hot in general.

BLACK CLOVER - How nice of them to air the post-credits sequence they skipped out on last week. Looks like a bird but sounds like a frog. "Weird day..." That's understating it quite a bit there, Finral. Nope, the Devil's still completely lame. Just call her Char, it's shorthand for her name no matter who's in control. NOT NOW, LICHT. :D Yeah, no surprise Asta drew the straw so short it's practically nonexistent in the "magic powers" lottery. I think that's because garden variety demons are incapable of sweating, unlike their sex machine counterparts. Was... was that backwards speak? Oh no, he's attacking them with Bad CG! Less talking, more doing. Yeah, I wouldn't want my arm to get swallowed up by that mass either. "Damn, he keeps getting more overpowered..." Hey, you think Asta's sword can cut through that mass? Welp, that answers that. Now's not the time to be catty, Yuno. This Coke Zero narrator voice is making me feel weird all over and not in any recognizably good way. Yep, turns out our anti-bird friend was a cute girl this whole time. If only Finral's dick knew what the "present" entailed as much as his brain does. ADVENTURE~! Oh hey, the green sperms are back! Meanwhile, in the year 1520... The First Wizard King truly was the Julius of his day. "Also, your clothes are strange." "What? But I made them myself..." "That's why they're strange." It's a shame Asta was born 500 years too late, he could've really used that prototype. Conservatives... Conservatives never change. It's strange hearing the adjective "Elvish" outside of Lord of the Rings. He's literally the "you should come to my house and fuck my sister!" guy. Don't go, it's an obvious distraction! Curse you, Discount Honest! I'm not sure if he looks better or worse as a formless floating blob of energy. "...so even you won't escape from those bonds so easily." So what you're saying is, they are escapable. Thanks, Secre. "Oh shit, everything's on fire!" The true Licht really was a cool guy after all. And he was also the demon from the avant title, who'dve guessed? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

VENTO AUREO - It was a dark and stormy night at the women's prison... This pregnancy must be the work of an enemy STAND! She probably had someone smuggle his semen in and artificially inseminated herself while no one was looking. His eye color must change every time he blinks. Friend frog returns! And as one would expect, he once again survives. That must be Trish's mother. My recording seems to be awfully glitchy this time, better turn on closed captions just in case. Oh dear, it seems you've seen it. Tethering one's lips shut looks and sounds painful as hell. And so he escaped, but the worst was yet to come... Didn't expect that kid to be smart enough avoid getting isekai'd. :D For a guy who buried his mother alive, killed a priest and burned a village, this guy sure seems like a total loser. Fortune tellers: also shady as hell. Damn this guy's good. You fool, you've awakened... THE BOSS. In what way was that death "the least painful"? Poor kid's scarred for life, I'm personally surprised the Boss left him alive. INTERESTING, IF TRUE. Can't say I really blame that guy for almost getting his eye gouged out with a single finger. DORIRIRIRIRIRIRIRIRIRIRI. This takes "talking to yourself" to a whole other level. "It's Metallica!" [guitar riff] :D FACEPLANT. This is going way too well to end as well as it implies. I'll consider that one a lucky break. I don't know what's more painful, the razorblade puke or the nails through the face. Either way, this guy's ability appears to be teleporting random metal weapons into people's bodies. Great Scott, not another frog! And then he was King Crimson now, dawg.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - I have a feeling these return-to-canon news updates are gonna be commonplace now. As toxic as her attraction to Sasuke is, I am starting to enjoy Sakura's anger issues again. :D Goddammit Bee. PHRASES WITHOUT CONTEXT: "Gay sex with hats on." That's an awfully red-looking blood moon up there. Please stop with this narration, Katsuyu, it's getting kinda cringey over here, even for someone of my level of tolerance. There's something creepy about how White Zetsu's teeth are all individually drawn. I can't read these graphs without axis labels! THE CLONES. Termites ain't gonna do shit against ninja wood. Invincible enemies, how annoying. Those damn Uchihas always gotta screw things up for the rest of us. That probably explains why Sasuke's acting so uncharacteristically edgy lately. Punch a White Zetsu and prevent deforestation! It's also creepy how they're always smiling like that. Holy shit, Naruto's gotten real good at this chakra control thing, I'm almost definitely proud to see him develop like this from his original "can't even make a working clone" state. These music videos keep getting stranger all the time; this was actually one of the better ones. Fucking magnets, how do they work? DEUS EX RASENGAN. If the laughter's long and awkward enough, clearly one of them's an enemy. (Clearly.) And I see those four are still marching their way over. SAND WAVE. Neat, so that's what Gaara's dad can do. Next time, daddy issues are gonna get resolved.

Edited by PokeNirvash

I know it's for the sake of those finishing up the simuldub, but as a wise man once said, reruns suck and there's no escape.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #84 - Deku vs. Gentle Criminal - TV-PGL

12:30 - Paranoia Agent #5 - The Holy Warrior - TV-14LV
1:00 - Mob Psycho 100 #3 - An Invite to a Meeting ~Simply Put, I Just Want to Be Popular~ - TV-14LV

1:30 - Black Clover #118 - A Reunion Across Time and Space - TV-PGV

2:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #27 - King Emperor Crimson vs. Metallica - TV-MAV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #297 - A Father's Hope, A Mother's Love - TV-PGV

Welcome to the television business.

On 5/17/2020 at 3:19 PM, PokeNirvash said:

Looks like a bird but sounds like a frog


Hero- I don't know why they went back to this episode when I'd happy watch the festival every week for the next month. Fun story if you look closely you can see the class making Eri's candy apple during the OP, right after Mirio shows up. To be fair, sneaking into a secure location just to prove you can is 100% a Lupin move.

Paranoia Agent- I'm sure this is gonna go just great. Uh, what. Goddamn kids and their video games. Ikari's about to have an aneurism. No really, what's with the coconut tree? I don't even smoke but this would make me want to start. I like that the fish monster has the kid's hat. :D Oh god he's gotten sucked into this shit too. I goddamn hate stairs. Oh hey, it's the one crazy old man. I do like the sexy butterfly outfit. His faces in this episode are fantastic. Annoying little frog. :D The song is pretty great. He doesn't get paid enough for this. Oh god what is that. Oh hey it's the old hobo lady.

Mob- If you don't love the Body Improvement Club, you're factually wrong. Somehow, Reigen is best dad. Never trust a cult. Mob is a good kid and I love him. Was I the only one kinda rooting for Mob and the reporter girl to get together? He could have had this entire cult thing go off without a hitch if he hadn't just spiked the boy's milk. I love my OP as fuck son.

Clover- Oh right, we're still in this bullshit flashback. I wonder if we'll get a new intro after this shit. This OP continues to be way better than the show deserves. Who were you gonna help with that thing, was being quirkless an actual problem for anyone else before Asta? I'm definitely rooting for Twink Ryuk here. I'm sure he was calling your sister by your name the entire time he banged her. I've never seen Avengers so just insert your own Infinity Stones joke here. So the Wizard King got to have his title for a grand total of five minutes. Good thing it made her randomly immortal in addition to a bird. So were Bird Girl and Wizard Boy fucking or what? Wait, Licht is still broken? I deadass thought that dark elf guy was Licht now. And then they fucked. I'm willing to forgive a lot that this show has done if Twink Ryuk kills at least one of them. Every episode of this show feels like 500 years of pain. Shut up, dipshit. Sounds like some communist bullshit, commie. Date me, Yami. Oh right, other people are here. Please tell me Twink Ryuk's about to come back even stronger than before.

Jojo- I love the frog phone. I'm sure this will go well. He's just standing there...menacingly. Not gonna lie, the boss voice is doing things for me. The whole future sight thing didn't work out too good for Nighteye either. Oh god, that's horrifying. You might wanna just cut your losses and run. It must be awful knowing that you're about to get mutilated. FROG NO. I'm just gonna assume that this makes sense somehow. :D The trash phone gag is funnier than it has any right to be. Well now you've jinxed it. His stand is kind of disgustingly cute. Oh yeah, this is the absurd thing and not literally every other part of your life. Oh hey, the dead guys. I hate you, Melone. Whelp, you're screwed. OH CHRIST. Well, this is a new fear that I never thought I'd have. Oh hey, Narancia's here. I don't think the body has this much iron but I don't know that much about blood. GODDAMMIT DOPPIO. He knows more about 16th century German philosophy than I would expect. Huh, I didn't see that ending coming. Great job, you played yourself.


Oh wow, Lion's Den was really channeling the [as] text bumps with that recent ad of theirs.

PARANOIA AGENT - Holy shit Lil' Slugger was my very first exposure to chuunibyou. :D I forgot all about his braces. This recap scene may have also made me a sucker for scenes from previous episodes of stuff played from the perspective of others. God Ikari's reactions to everything this episode are top tier. I don't think that's a real cigarette he had there. This action is way too stylish for a Kon product. That right there's what we call a "leitmotif", Ikari. And then Maniwa was an NPC. Unfortunately, the only way to get through to someone with chuunibyou is to engage them in their fantasies. Hee, QUALITY!Ikari. These tower stairs could really use a railing. Hot air balloon elevator. GODDAMN COUNT: 2. Oh no, he's doing intergalactic chants. Gotta go to Bendigo, get me white cuuuube. You fool, whenever you're in a fantasy realm, there always has to be a princess! "Tell me the truth, you're really enjoying this, aren't ya?" More than you think. You might've provoked him, who knows what kinda shit Maria got up to while you were under. It could be floating over the moon, deep beneath the Earth's crust, or in the Grand Canyon hovering where everyone can see it. What a fittingly colored suit. Kawazu never having run into Harumi/Maria at least once is easily the least believable part of this show. :D God I love his little song. Old men have no patience for chuuni fantasies, just as Rikka Takanashi's grandfather. I like the bug that's just carrying him along. All these faces are making me scar-roused. "You're the only one who understands me, Rising Sun matches." I choose option 4: put it in. That mini-speech about believing in what's right in a world that's all wrong is very poignant considering current events. "It's..." Monty Python's Flying Circus? No one would've guessed that Ikari was the MVP of the group. Dammit FUNi, you could've at least spelled "stature" right! Only the master could make an old homeless woman look like an intimidating force.

MOB PSYCHO 100 - I feel bad for finding Mob suffering through his efforts in body improvement hilarious. :D Don't be a dick, Tome. At least Reigen's polite about directing Mob's attention elsewhere. COMEDY CLICHE #583: No matter how many times they incorrectly guess, the moment someone correctly guesses a character's situation, that character will be amazed that they knew. Fuck yeah, masking cult! I could do without the constant laughter tho. "The recession sucks." "Indeed it does." That is easily the most forced-looking smile I've ever seen on a man of his statue (sic). Cults never forgive, and they never forget. People say I'm missing out on all sorts of fun things, but maybe they don't realize that watching anime and bitching about others' opinions on the Internet is how I want to live. OH SHIT SURPRISE EYECATCH. Damn you, Doritos, and your unconventional advertising tactics! Mob likes milk. The "extra kick" is that it's five minutes past the expiration date. You didn't laugh, true, but you did spit it up. And here comes the weirdly sexual part of the cult initiation ritual. He has a point not to laugh, there's nothing inherently funny about mooning. Don't be a dick, Tsubomi. TALK TO THE HAND. In the end, it was Dimple who was the real dick. MASSIVE DOGPILE. Yeah, emotions are very tricky, especially when even the smallest challenge to your opinion triggers them to erupt out like a surge of lava. I both love and identify with Rage!Mob. HEEZA FIRIN HIS LAZOR! And then he got Mob-sploded. Wise words from a shady guy, that's my second husbando Reigen for ya. Congratulations, Mob, you're now the unwitting object of worship of a whole new cult. Dimple is just straight-up unkillable.

"Show me reality... TV." No thank you. [fast-forwards]

BLACK CLOVER - There goes Pinocchio again, 115 episodes later. I just can't not like it when this show does sakuga. "Soon everything will cease to exist!" At least in this continent. That situation was settled much faster than I thought it'd be, I guess that's a point in the show's favor for this week. My uncle and I were discussing the other day what exactly led Secre (as Nero) to hang around Asta for so long, and now, I think it's the grimoire that did it. As for the anti-bird transformation, I don't think even he would expect it to be related to her straight-up sealing away the devil. That would explain why Yuno's so moody all the time. Or maybe it was sealing Lumiere that did her in transformation-wise. And so the protagonists from 500 years apart join the fray (again). Bitch don't go talking shit about my mental health. Yes, Asta should save the fanboying for after they've won. "That girl feels awfully familiar..." There is no weak magic, only weak magic users. And here we have Jerry Jewell talking to himself, something I think is actually a first. H-HAYAI! At this point, all Asta can do is watch. "His arm!" His jutsu? My dad just caught a glimpse of the devil as he was walking through and made one of those "shuddering cringe" noises, followed by "that ain't right". :D Welp, so much for Asta just watching. I assume the cheek-pull will take the place of pecking at his forehead for the time being. Oh hey, that's where those two disappeared to. It's like the Spirit Bomb, only non-consensual. Yeah, suck it, devil man! Ooh, in-episode credits! Yeah, I thought it was a little too good to be true that the final battle wrapped up two episodes ahead of schedule. Next week, Asta breaks yet another one of his many limits.

VENTO AUREO - I always liked the little face on King Crimson's forehead, nice to see it's a STAND in its own right. Great, he's invisible too. I do love it when JoJo characters freak out about how bizarre their various situations are. Oh jesus I can actually feel that in my own throat. Who else heard him almost say the C-word? SHIT COUNT: 2. MY LEEEEEEEG! Is it weird that I'm technically rooting for the Boss in this case? :D That face really was made for the memes. FROG NOOOO! Risotto is the Qwaser of Iron, no breastmilk required. Turns out it was his leg all along. This dude has very weird and inconsistent ideas about what phones are. Grand theft body, go! Those things look like those little white creatures from Princess Mononoke, only metal. Shit, he's self-repairing. Ah yes, I remember that anatomical art piece that was your teammate's corpse. Sweet, new La Squadra footage! Goddamn, that is a very creative way to use your STAND abilities, like one or two steps beyond that I'd have guessed. KNIVES! Shit, Doppio, you suck at dodging. The needles, I can forgive, there's no way you were gonna dodge any of those. Senku approves of this rundown on the morbid perks of iron. Call me crazy, but I think that animation of Doppio breathing was in-betweened by AI. It looks like he's rusting. Nice of you to finally join us, guys, even at a distance. Ooh, that headshot looks painful. Dammit Doppio, you should've let the Boss handle it. Ohhhhhhh damn. The Boss used our protags' search for him against his opponent, and letting his breathing go under the radar played a part in it. Absolutely savage, almost to the point of respect. To finish things off, here's another Antfish video updated with footage from the anime.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Why am I not surprised that they're already flashing back to previous episodes? It's nice to see the Akatsuki's astral projections finally defined beyond just silhouettes, even if it's just Pain. You now remember when the show used to beat us over the head with the "forever alone" metaphor for Gaara. And just like that, his depression was cured. He's really come a long way since season 1, hasn't he. :D What he lacks in eyebrows. This Mizukage's alright. So does Gaara have the same mother as Temari and Kankuro, or are they all from different mothers? I'm sure Kishi has an explanation for that somewhere. What a poorly thought-out choice of last words. "I told you not to touch it." I had a feeling Yashamaru wasn't being completely honest when he (and the people summarizing his character) said he hated Gaara. If only Doppio had sand like that to keep those scalpels from getting lodged in him... I have a feeling that floating sand eye's gonna start crying too, though I guess the dripping sand is providing symbolism of that well enough. I don't remember the vomit. This is still hard to watch and listen to, even if about half of it is facetious. Strange, I remember Yashamaru self-destructing being the end result of that, not the Shukaku running amok. I do not care for Animal Crossing as much as people think I should. Such is life living by my own standards. I love that everyone's giving the mummy guy shit. Trapped by giant sand women, some people are just too lucky. Oh shit the sentient sand was his mother's. I guess that explains how he was able to use it even after having Shukaku extracted from him. Okay, 75% facetious. This is the objectively best canon episode in quite some time, probably because Gaara's character arc makes way more sense than Sasuke's. My dad, meanwhile, would definitely get a kick out of this episode being heavily focused around Gaara's mother, especially since he likes to bring up the time he shouted "MOTHER!" at the top of his lungs in the original series (which, oddly enough, I don't remember), even to this day.

Why is the voice acting in this poor excuse for violent fairy tales somehow even more shit than the animation?

Posted (edited)

Third time airing on the block, and Gentle's mother throwing the good china at him still pisses me off.

12:00 - My Hero Academia #85 - School Festival Start!! - TV-14

12:30 - Paranoia Agent #6 - Fear of a Direct Hit - TV-MA
1:00 - Mob Psycho 100 #4 - Idiots Only Event ~Kin~ - TV-14LV

1:30 - Black Clover #119 - The Final Attack - TV-PGV

2:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #28 - Beneath a Sky on the Verge of Falling - TV-MAV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #298 - Contact! Naruto vs. Itachi - TV-PG

Don't abuse your kids, Japan, even if they did fuck up big time.

Edited by PokeNirvash

Tonight's theme is depression.

Hero- I kinda goddamn love Bibimi. Douche Rogue dressed as a hobbit always cracks me up. Nothing says love like wearing too much eyeliner. God, if I had her quirk I would be unstoppable. GENTLY SANDWICH never gets old. I hope these two get to live happily ever after whenever they get out of prison.

Paranoia Agent- Somebody might wanna get Grandpa inside. Ikari's about to slap this old woman. Oh I got a bad feeling about this. Remember, kids are dicks. The plot, it twists. This flashback is about to take a tragic turn isn't it. I'm sure that ominous storm doesn't mean anything. Goddammit video game nerd. I hope they let Tsukiko bring her emotional support plushie. Ohhhhh I got a real bad feeling about this. FUCK. I need a shower. But what about all the other people who got attacked? Please don't jump off the bridge-wait what. Bye Granny. Whelp, that all went to shit. I don't trust Maromi. At least Grandma gets a happy ending.

Mob- I forgot Douche Josuke was in this show. Mob is a much better person than me, I would have exorcised him after three seconds. Ritsu is a good brother. Don't worry Mob, math is terrible. I goddamn love the Body Improvement Club. Leave my precious son out of this. Get you a squad like this.

Clover- Oh right, these assholes exist. Yami, giving zero fucks. Jesus christ now there's ANOTHER devil screwing around? I definitely saw this purple slime stuff in a My Little Pony movie back in 1993. Get that bird girl some shoes. It sure is lucky for them that this demon forgot that his power is literally any words he can think to say. Kill them all, Twink Ryuk. I hope Jerry Jewell got paid twice for these scenes. Suffer, you screaming jackass. Oh good, Jack the Ripper's still here. No let the fire siblings take care of this, they're actually competent. So did Licht just marry the guy's sister because he couldn't marry him or what. Every time they speak I just root harder for the devil. You liked him MORE after spending time with him, really? Thank you, Twink Ryuk. Oooh does Yami actually get to kill something? Of course not, the screaming dipshit has to be the one to beat him because this show hates me. BOOOOOOOO.

Jojo- No don't split up! Just gotta rewind 15 years minute by minute. You might wanna quit monologing and go get new blood, dude. Well, that was a good try at least. I have no goddamn idea how King Crimson works. Narancia you precious little idiot. NARANCIA NO. Frog! Oh christ he ate Froppy. One of you should probably stay with Abbacchio so he doesn't get murdered. I got a bad feeling about this. The soccer ball is a stand. Oh god he attacked the kid. Can we just get Giorno to fix this kid real quick? FUCK. Kakyoin'd, again. RIP Piss Kink and Moody Thicc. Oh this is depressing. Abbacchio needs a hug. Narancia needs a hug. Everyone needs a hug. Oh hey, he left you a clue. Shut up I'm not crying.

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