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Posted (edited)

Hero- All Might is a beautiful buff god and I love him. Fuck you, Bakugo. Aizawa gives no shits. I also want to get my hands on All Might. Everyone is class rep. Iida is clearly the best option. Aww yay Deku won. I like how teach keeps his sleeping bag behind the desk. He’s right, I’d love to fuck All Might but I would absolutely die. Okay that’s cool as shit. That is way too many sidekicks. Goddamn reporters. I do want All Might’s inches. Girl just float. Iida’s a good dude. Best teacher. HI HOT LADY. Ohhh that can’t be good. HI MT LADY. YESSSS MY BOYFRIEND. God that suit is awful. Oh nooooo he’s losing his powers. Is it even possible for him to not smile in that form? God I love my boyfriend. RIBBIT. His costume exploded last week. I love this pink girl.  Bakugo’s a piece of shit and I like that everyone hates him. Welcome to fake Disney. Oh no he broke. I like space lady. Heee look at her fangirl. Welcome to murder town, kids. What the FUCK is this. Ohhhh noooooo. Use Bakugo as a shield, not even for safety just because he’s a bag of dicks. 

FLCL- I got a bad feel about this. Hidome’s had enough of these shenanigans. Enough talk just punch her. Did she summon the gate from FMA? Rent-a-Loli’s got a log of shit in that bag. IT”S HUGE. What in the fuck? Captain Dodo noooo. Well that’s depressing. Goddamn mochi ruins everything. Take this tacky plastic pumpkin. Better get that plant back. Canti! Shut up fat Caesar. I love her mom. Was that supposed to happen? Be nice to your mom she’s a good lady. Awwwww mommy. This is sweet. MOM NO. Good luck with that, kiddo. CANTI”S BACK! That is a lot of forehead power. And now she’s a mecha. Pedal faster, fat boy. And then the loli was Fern Gully. Canti for MVP. I do love a good guitar fight. The obvious answer here is threeway. And then barfing. Sorry Haruko I don’t think he likes you back. I don’t know what’s going on. Oh hey Jinyu. Oh thank god her mom’s fine. Congratulations you won a naked loli. She’s right I’m an adult and I don’t learn shit. Eyebrows, huh? Awww. That sure was a thing alright.

PTE- Oh christ are we in Black Clover. That’s probably the best thing you could summon in this situation. Yeah I agree, you suck! Has anyone seen the fourth wall? They have a point, wombats are adorable. She does have some sweet ski jump moves. :D This music video is better than all the ones they’ve shown during the block. :D Okay that bird thing cracked me up. I think that little one broke. :D Oh god the song is even better with the dudes. 

Jojo- I still can’t believe I had to watch my husband die twice. Fuck you ice boy. Really, this is Joseph’s fault for not teaching Avdol any hamon when he had the chance. I’m sad too but denial isn’t gonna help us here. Kill him and avenge my husband, Frenchy. Meanwhile, these idiots wander around lost. Protect Iggy at all costs. I also wish he hadn’t gave his life to save your moron ass. Oh fuck no, You’re not allowed to die until you kill that pantsless bastard. Please don’t kill my dog. Aw fuck there goes your foot. Don’t be such a baby, toes grow back. Oh hi Dio. Good job Iggy distract him with gay thoughts. Aw crap. IGGY NO. Jesus Christ this is horrifying. I”D LIKE TO GET OFF THIS RIDE NOW. What the fuck this is just excessive. Please god just die already. Surprisingly smart move from Polnareff. Oh what the fuck why didn’t that kill him. You didn’t need those fingers anyway. This is not going well. Mother fuck I even feel bad for Polnareff now. Please save Iggy. You could just try scooting over where he already passed. I’m gonna go with “life is a bitch” here. :D Now is not the time to make me laugh, narrator. Iggy no save your strength. And now I’m crying. Avdol didn’t die for this.

Hunter- Please save my son I can’t lose my husband and my dog and my kid so soon. You better be on our side, chameleon. That is overpowered as shit. Don’t worry you scaly bastard I’m suspicious enough for him. Tragic backstory ahoy. Ohhh he’s here to avenge Professor Penguin, I can get behind that. Well this is depressing. Oh fuck you stay away from my child you weirdo. Yep this guy’s ability is overpowered as shit. Alright the plan here is to sneak in and punch him right in the balls as hard as you can. No hard feelings about killing his partners. Sorry kiddo, Killua’s a little busy right now bleeding to death. Oh wait it’s Knuckle. Hi Knuckle please take off your shirt. Kick some ass, old man. Sorry he’s a little busy getting some back alley surgery. Meanwhile dick Mewtwo continues to be a bastard. I can’t believe we’re all afraid of some green douce who sits around playing board games. Okay “rest like you mean it” is a pretty good motto in life. Just throw Monopoly at him and you can distract him for a solid 14 hours. Oh this little blind girl is so screwed here.

Clover- Is this really just a recap because I’d like to go back to crying over Jojo. Fuck off with your nun fetish I don’t have the energy for this. Noooope not goddamn doing this tonight.

Naruto- The best thing you can do for Sasuke is just take him out behind the barn and shoot him. That old bastard can sure run fast. Maybe I’ll luck out and they’ll kill each other. No let her try to kill Sasuke I wanna see how badly she fails. I do like the dog squad. Waste that time with flashbacks, show. Is he having a heart attack because that’d be great. That giant skeleton looks way too cool for Sasuke. Wow that dude just exploded. Look with your special eyes! It’s never the real person the first fourteen times you attack. At least use this bitch as a human shield if you don’t have the decency to die here. Don’t drag that cool eagle into this fight. At least that guy’s creepy, disgusting arm is gone. Oh what a shock he’s perfectly fine. Oh what the shit isn’t that guy dead.

Edited by EmpressAngel
5 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Hunter- Please save my son I can’t lose my husband and my dog and my kid so soon.

If only one of the three can be saved, I hope it's Killua. I have no ill-will toward Avdol or Iggy, but I just like Killua the most. Also, Gon might go a little recklessly revenge-crazy were Killua to die, and we don't want anything bad to happen to him either, so yeah, save Kilua first, shows.

DBS - Wait a minute. Gohan played baseball at least once in high school gym class back in DBZ, so he should know at least some of the rules. Also, while taking the field with fewer than nine players is unwise, I don't think it's expressly prohibited.

Yamcha did well to survive the various strikes and score while everyone else was distracted. He shouldn't take Bulma's praise too seriously, though. She may be a former girlfriend, but she's also a very powerful fighter's wife.

No, show. Marron is older than the age where we'd expect her to try to stick a baseball in her mouth. I'd believe Pan would try, but not Marron.

MHA - I can respect Iida voting for someone other than himself if he thought that person would be the best. I consider it a sign of integrity. Judging by his story about his family, he has a big legacy to uphold, and I wish him the best of luck with that. After he learned the nature of the security alert, he also showed leadership and quick thinking in how to calm the mob rush. Thus, I can absolutely respect Izuku's decision to hand over the class rep office to Iida, but I will recognize the legitimacy of Momo's mental objection, since she did receive more votes.

Wow, that was a brutal, but not necessarily inaccurate, assessment of Bakugo's personality.

It's interesting that All Might transferring One for All to Izuku is slowly depleting the amount of power All Might has. Presumably it's continuing to build in Izuku, but that means that he'll need to learn control with that much more urgency.

The disaster-themed training center was impressive, but that's a lot of intruding villains for just two teachers to face. I have no doubt that the student's will need to get involved in the fight. I wonder how extensive Izuku's knowledge of villains is and how much help that information will be.

FLCL: P - I'm sure I didn't really understand everything that happened. What I mostly took away from the finale was that Hidomi learned that neither the world nor anyone in it is going to just give her what she wants; she had to fight for it. That took the form of both her conversation with her mom about continuing to run the cafe together and her donning robotic armor to retrieve Ide.

Haruko's life lesson seemed to be that she can't always get what she wants, no matter how hard she fights for it. For instance, she came across as a clingy ex to Atomsk, and while he did still care about her, he wasn't about to be tied down by a relationship, the chains she tried to use to bind him to her, or the giant cage which M.M. presumably used to hold him back in the first series. I didn't expect her to break down crying over Atomsk to him, though. Maybe that was part of her being "complete" by incorporating Jinyu.

Aiko being a transmitter to Canti was unexpected, but it was even more surprising that she was integral to the potted plant neutralizing the M.M. iron and its indiscriminate sticky dough attack, and given Fat Caesar's efforts, she just might actually become his girlfriend after this.

I'm guessing Atomsk's powers had something to do with Canti being fully physically restored.

Wait, what? Amarao is Aiko's grandfather? That's what I make of the old woman saying Aiko's dad had small eyebrows like his father. Just how far in the future from the first series is this?

PTE - The song Pipimi and Popuko sang about loving someone sounded a little crazy stalkerish, and I found it funny.

The footage of the V.A.s revolting over a garbage script was funny, but the best part was when the second female was said to have been traumatized by how bad it was and demanding she do impressions, something she'd never done previously.

Oh, show. Do you even know what you tried to pull? The zoo, which evidently became Australia, supposedly featured Tasmanian Tigers, which weren't actually part of Felidae, let alone Panthera. Depending on how deep one goes into the weeds on cryptids, there are some trail camera images which supposedly show examples of Tasmanian Tigers in the wild in the present day, but the majority of the zoological community accepts that they became extinct in 1936. So, unless decades of researchers are wrong, shenanigans that our duo would see one that wasn't a taxidermy sample, sculpture, photograph, or artist's rendering.

JoJo: SC - Ice's Stand power is formidable, but I don't like that it enables him to be a coward, hiding during most of a battle. I do like that at least the face of his Stand must emerge for him to see his surroundings, since he's in a pocket dimension when hiding. He was lucky that Jean didn't go for a bifurcating slash after stabbing him through the mouth. Jean really dropped the ball there.

Iggy's sand-double ruse was worth a try, but it got him beaten badly. Actually, I'm amazed Iggy is still alive. He is a tiny dog, and his hemoglobin is likely low from losing part of his leg against Pet Shop, and now here he was kicked repeatedly by someone who was muscular even when human, but now that attacker also has vampire strength on top of it. I think that even the first kick should've broken several bones and ruptured organs, and the damage to soft vital tissues would've been greater with each successive kick. Iggy should've been killed after no more than five kicks.

Jean was clever to figure out a way to detect the void sphere in the room, but he did his lungs no favors in it. I'll admit my initial thought about the search spiral of death was that Ice was trying to make that part of the roof collapse on Iggy and Jean. However, that could be a problem for Ice. Since damage inflicted on a Stand transfers to its User, then wouldn't, say, energetic exposure also transfer? If the roof did collapse on Iggy and Jean, then sunlight might be shining on what was left of the roof of the room. If sunlight were to touch Ice's Stand, then wouldn't it be possible for the effect of that energy to transfer to Ice? Well, collapsing the roof wasn't Ice's objective, so I guess this is a moot point, but it is an interesting thing to consider.

Perhaps now that Jean has been taken into the pocket dimension, we'll get to see whether he and Avdol are truly dead. I hope not.

HxH - Yeah, yeah. The C.A. King is good at difficult board games. I get a feeling he'll lose to this blind kid repeatedly in this latest game in the coming episode(s).

Meleoron's secret power is impressive, and I like that he used his more readily notable invisibility to keep his secret power secret. However, it being limited by how long he can hold his breath is a problem, especially since he's taken up smoking. I do like that he's motivated to kill the C.A. King to avenge Peggy, because of who Peggy's human source material was to Meleoron's human source material. It is an interesting point that he can recall memories of who that human was and identifies as still being that person.

Meleoron's point about trusting Gon being different than trusting someone Gon trusts is a good one, but Gon had a good way to address it - talk to Knuckle for himself.

BC - Mumbles? That observation diary is more than a little creepy.

Asta? Give up on Sister Lily. She doesn't want you, and you've met at least two females who are interested, even though one won't admit it to herself.

This episode glossed over that Yuno gained Sylph as a magical familiar.

Shippuden - I'm fine with Kakashi looking for Sakura to talk her down in order to save her life.

The obvious answer as to where Danzo got all those eyes is from the corpses of the slain Uchiha Clan members. Whether the obvious answer is the correct one is uncertain. I think we still need confirmation from Danzo about it.

If Karin and Sauce were in some kind of genjutsu cast by Danzo, wouldn't it be possible for the genjutsu to mess with her chakra detection and reading capabilities so that she wouldn't be able to discern that it was a genjutsu? Something strange must be happening for Danzo to keep coming back unscathed after Sauce delivers a notable wound to to him.

I saw it too, Karin. Implanted eyes on Danzo's arm keep closing, as if they're getting tired. I take that as an indication of how much chakra he's using.

If memory serves, Itachi's crows were indicative of him using a genjutsu. I don't see any reason the same wouldn't be true of Sauce now.

SD - The turntable Dandy used to play his interdimensional record was a good model, since it could rotate in both directions.

The stellar wind from Planet Grease's star could've easily blown away the dust and debris from it, meaning it wouldn't necessarily reform at that orbit, or at least as a planet of the same size.

Lupin - Even if Lupin was rendered as a zombie for the release of Rebecca's movie, the raw footage would still have his likeness, and there would be at least one person on the digital artistry crew who would've seen and worked with that footage, meaning they would know his visage and could've saved some of that raw footage to give to law enforcement, were that artist aware of Lupin's reputation.

Posted (edited)

This has to be the first time I've seen Angel's comments bold-faced. Weird.

DRAGON BALL SUPER - I don't know what was better: Yamcha stealing home with his infamous death pose, or all of 18's dry comments.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - One week, Justin Briner and Colleen Clinkenbeard voice the protags (?) of Pop Team Epic, the next their characters in MHA are elected class president and vice president. Now that's funny. :D

FLCL PROGRESSIVE - Well, this and KLK 14 confirm it: the phrase "cockblock" is automatic TV-MAL material. The finale was awesome and all, and I don't regret it, but I still feel there's a lot of loose ends hanging. How did Canti get captured by Amarao's son and the eyepatch geezer anyways? How'd the Rickenbacker get sucked up into the Immigration Lost and Found satellite? What exactly was Aiko's deal outside of serving as communications between ground and space for her associates? Where the hell were my Naota/Mamimi cameos? Kind of disappointing, really. Because of that, the best I can do is give it a 9/10. Here's to hoping the rest of Alternative turns out better, if only slightly.

POP TEAM EPIC - REPLY TO ANGEL 1: "Oh christ are we in Black Clover." Impossible, just look at the hero, it's obviously Sword Art Online. FUNi may have botched most of the VA pairings, but their casting of Chuck Huber as Nobuyuki Hiyama was absolutely perfect. Huh, didn't expect them to censor the S-bomb. Ah well, I like how they made the bleep sound like part of the game, though. AUSTRALIA. [didgeridoo noise] :o Holy shit they actually dubbed the idol sequence. At least she stopped dying when her ghost's ghost spawned its own ghost. :D Popuko's anger issues are the best. As stupid as Pop Team Epic is, at least it isn't this fucking Airheads commercial. That half-assed donkey impression. :D FUN FACT: the two VAs (Japanese) in the second half are actually married. Who cares about dingos, amirite? Just like in Japanese, the male version of the song is superior, sexism equivalent of no homo. "This is how you sound in Black Clover." "WHAAAAAT!?" The animation for Hoshiiro Girldrop keeps getting worse all the time.

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - Well yes, Polnareff is out there. You think Cream is breaking down all the oxygen particles in the air whenever it's rolling around like that, or does it have a minimum quota for what size objects it can dismantle? He's responsible for his first death, what better penance than to avenge his second? If the empty void inside Cream's mouth was an anime, which one would it be? No one ever thinks to check below. Never turn your back on DIO, be it a fake or the real deal. I'll leave it to him, no one knows DIO quite like Vanilla Ice. Say no to violence against animals, children under 17 watching this without their parents' permission. FUCK YOUR TONGUE. Goddamn, Polnareff's losing chunks of his body left and right this episode. SHIT COUNT: 5. Ain't no time to think of a plan when you're dealing with Vanilla Ice. IT'S COMING RIGHT FOR US. :D "Life is a bitch". Not everyone can be like All Might. Well shit, now that's what I call a cliffhanger.


HUNTER x HUNTER - Ikalgo is low-key the best Chimera Ant, sorry for bitching about his sing-talking earlier. Smoking is bad, and for once it's not about your lungs. AKARIIIIIIIIN~. Gon did say he'd just kill you if it turned out you were planning on betraying him from the start, so I don't see why he can't just trust you right now. This dude really wants to share his motivations with others. DO IT FOR THE PENGUIN MAN. What parents name their male human son Peggy? "You're the most human monster I've ever met." "And you, the most monstrous human I've ever met." I'm disappointed in you, bat girl. This episode is turning out to be more about Gon and Meleoron than it is the King playing games. Thanks for the head start, Morel. Netero's busy meditating, do not disturb. Fat white boy can't play shogi. First it was March Comes in Like a Lion, now it's Hikaru no Go. Well at least that guy got spared. For now... Oh, so he's doing things Akagi style. Gungi sounds like it would break my brain on the first try. Okay, so what's this snot-nosed girl got up her sleeve? Youpi's face in the ED creeps me out.

Edited by PokeNirvash

BLACK CLOVER - It's been a while since I've last seen the full version of the avant title. Good, so the middle of bumfuck-nowhere wasn't the only place they stuck a statue of the first Wizard King. Decent cut for the OP. I heard "fasterer", who else heard "fasterer". Every time he brings up his infatuation with her, I have to wonder if it's because of her looks, her personality, or just the fact that she's a nun. Gross. Okay, I honestly love that they're doing the recap in letterbox despite the show being widescreen already. He screams because he can. Even the CGI chains look cool with the cinematic black bars. Sometimes I worry about Manson. :D Nero was there from the beginning this whole time. Remember when Sekke's laughs had more than one different inflection pattern? Good, they left out the part with him being a dick but are still acknowledging it. Oh, so now you're subbing his dialogue. Welp, never mind about that subbing thing. Even the lesbian squad wants Yuno, that's how popular he is. GAYYYYYYY. Part of me's sad Angel ragequit this episode before the halfway point, I'd have loved to see her wrack her brain trying to figure out all that he's saying. Speaking of, I have no idea how to turn on the closed captions with my TV remote. And of course the only legible piece of dialogue is also the creepiest. Nero is the best bartender. Alcohol makes the heart grow even more tsundere than normal. ICED. The inclusion of that Klaus scene, while nice, is admittedly random. Unless you're wearing a habit, he's not referring to you. "WAHHHHHHHHHHYOURACCURACYSIMPROVEDAHHHHHHHHHH...!" Riding solo again tonight. Still a better rivalry than Naruto/Sasuke.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Well, at least it's nice to see that Gaara developed as a character. Even without trying, Karin looks like a total stalker. "How did you get those eyes in your right arm." "Ninja bullshit, what else?" Don't underestimate Sasuke, old man. You're a good dude, Sai, it's a shame you don't get to do much nowadays. In the meantime, Naruto's just going to brood. You're right about him attacking the village, but lucky for you Bee is safe. This is an interesting color palette. Hyperventilation sets in. Oh no, he's got ninja asthma! "I might've told him to do it, but I never thought he'd actually go through with it!" This episode feels like it has more recap than the literal summary episode of Black Clover that I just watched. Well of course he didn't reveal anything, Madara did it for him. Welp, he's dead. OR MAYBE NOT, DAMN THOSE SHARINGAN. In what universe would anime fans care about preventing HIV, unless it's the airborne virus kind from SAO II? Either that or he has the ability to teleport like Madara. No shit, Sasuke's fighting to kill him. GAH MY SEXY SHOULDER. I take it that giant bird's the reason why he renamed his group the Taka. MARTHAAAAAAAA. I understand you think Sasuke's acting too edgy for his own good, but you're practically signing your death warrant with every word you speak. OFF WITH HIS ARM. And his torso too, it seems. As I thought, he's still at this point unkillable. THE BIRDS NO JUTSU. Crispin's back, bitches.

SPACE DANDY - The narrator randomly talking about the lichens on Planet Grease making a comeback was perfect foreshadowing for them being the true Dancingians. Same deal for the nonchalant comment about Dandy having pionium energy inside him foreshadowed him being made of the stuff.

Posted (edited)

Tonight on Toonami, Goku comes down with a sudden case of loss of life and it's up to Piccolo and Gohan to figure out how, Class 1-A's rescue exercises are canceled after villains invade the testing site, Progressive starts over at the top of the block because we're not allowed to have super-nice things, world-famous idol producer Pipi-P sees potential for success (and world domination) in the young and rowdy starlet Pop-chin, Suzie Q and her butler arrive in Japan to check up on Holly, the King gets more than he bargained for while playing gungi with the world champion, ready your rape whistles 'cause it's the siscon's turn in the spotlight, Sasuke's seemingly endless battle of genjutsu-based wits against Danzo continues, Scarlet forces Dandy to play the part of her new boyfriend to get her giant robot pilot ex off her back, don't you want to hang out and waste your life with us?, and Lupin's plot to steal a deceased media mogul's hidden fortune forces Zenigata to play bodyguard for his widow.

10:30 - Dragonball Super #71 - Goku Dies! An Assassination That Must Be Executed - TV-14LV

11:00 - My Hero Academia #10 - Encounter with the Unknown - TV-14LV

11:30 - FLCL Progressive #1 - Re:START - TV-14DLV

12:00 - Pop Team Epic #3 - The Documentary - TV-MA (?)

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #44 - The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Cool Ice, Part 3 - TV-MAV

1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #103 - Check and Mate - TV-14L

1:30 - Black Clover #30 - The Mirror Mage - TV-14D

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #210 - The Forbidden Visual Jutsu - TV-14V

2:30 - Space Dandy #23 - Lovers Are Trendy, Baby - TV-14LV

3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #14 - Bohemian Rhapsody - TV-14L

3:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #7 - Until the Full Moon Passes - TV-14SV

This week's Pop Team Voice Actors:

  • PART A POPUKO: Sarah Wiedenheft (Grand Zeno, Charmy Pappitson)
  • PART A PIPIMI: Jamie Marchi (Juri, Miss Polly, Rebecca Catalina, Karako Koshio, Liz Thompson, Victoria Cindry, Anka Rheinberger, Seira Yurizaki, Itori, Mt. Lady)
  • PART B POPUKO: Barry Yandell (Yoki, Ayamaro, that demon chilling in Soul's subconscious, Bon Kurei/Mr. 2, Mansaku Jinnouchi, Undian, Moori, Mogan Tanakamaru)
  • PART B PIPIMI: Kent Williams (Jorge Saotome, Majhal, Count Gyula, Father, Sid Barrett, Kozo Fuyutsuki, Admiral Perry, Dr. Gero, Supreme Kai/Kibito Kai, Elder Kai, Yoshitoki Washu)

Yes, I know Juri and Bon Kurei technically weren't on the [as] broadcasts of YYH and OP, but I'm including them anyways.

Edited by PokeNirvash

Hero- Aizawa finally gets serious. You assholes stay away from my boyfriend and most of these kids. What the fuck is that guys power, hands? I hope his trick is a machine gun. Dang where do I get one of those scarves? He's suddenly so cool. Fuck you, shadow dude. Oh you idiot children. Ohhh tha is not a good thing. Fuck you shark man. I love frog girl. :D Oh god this kid. He's the best hero and everyone loves him. ICE TO MEET YOU. These kids are all so great except Bakugo. Small Might is worried and needs a hug. :D What is the principal. Oh no he never shuts up. Meanwhile, death and destruction. Surveillance Migi with the assist. You could have just sent Invisible Girl. :D Emergency Exit. Cry harder, Berry Boy. Ribbit. That stomach thing sounds horrifying. Sticky balls is probably not gonna help you much. Bounce off his balls to jump to safety. I'm so proud of my son and his broken hand. Hold onto those frog boobs for dear life. Okay "EAT MY STICKY BALLS" is a pretty great insult. These kids all better get an A. 

PTE- That's how I feel getting ready for work every day. I like the angry little ginger one, she gets me. Nice mustache. COME AT ME, BROSEPH. This clone thing seems like a real bad idea. :D She's M Bison. I stil don't really understand the French part. She's got a point, bread is pretty great. That red panda is terrifying. :D She's so fucking angry. I'm disappointed that she didn't smash that clock at the end of the dude half. 

Jojo- Hold me Joseph you're all I have left. Kakyoin looks cool with his sunglasses. ORA. Avdol didn't die so you could pussy out of this at the end. Please save Iggy. :( Avdol was too good for this place. Oh hey he's alive. IGGY NO. Polnareff's right, why is he of all people the only one who survived. Eat shit, ya pantsless dickbag. Iggy was perfect and we didn't deserve him. OH MY GOD JUST DIE ALREADY. We could have saved so much time and lives if Joseph had just taught Avdol some hamon earlier. :( UH GUYS I DON'T THINK AVDOL'S GONNA GET BETTER. Now get that French man some medical attention. Meanwhile, Suzi is still a dingbat and I love her. Nice turtle. Y'all should probably tell her the bad news before she gets there. Okay the naked milf does make me feel a little better. SUZI NO. Roses doesn't fuck around. Please give Suzi a hug. This is so sweet. Oh yeah I'm sure this whacko will do just great against them. This is clearly fake because no bitch would leave Dio's bedroom. :D Jotaro what the fuck. That may be the weirdest power of all. Christ Polnareff just go to a hospital. Aw fuck you're dead.  

Hunter- Good luck, little blind girl. Damn this kid's got some serious eyebrows. She's so dumb I like her. Please take off your shirt and go help Killua. I never noticed that Shoot doesn't have eyebrows. HI DOGS. Awww Knuckle that's so sweet. He's being surprisingly nice about this game. Whelp so much for that. That's a goddamn stand it's even a music reference. Well now you've jinxed yourself. Goddammit Thundercat. Hit him in the face with your giant goddamn pipe. What the shit? Well this could probably be going better. Smash his giant hourglass, maybe that'll work. HAMMER. I wish I could fall asleep that fast. Wait is that one pregnant because that's terrifying. Make the king your bitch, little girl.  

Clover- Those agonized grunting sounds are how I feel. Please someone stab him. For the love of god, buy something besides potatoes for a change. I'll admit I do love payday too. Why are half these people so terrible. Someone please kill the sister fucker. Jesus Yami you might need to see a doctor. Goddamn girl you're intolerable. Oh does everyone in town hate him too? This is fucking unbearable. Oh jesus just shoot me. Maybe I'll luck out and they'll kill each other. Oh lord here goes Asta's nun fetish. Don't let him take that child out on a date. That bird continues to be the best character. Cooking's not everything but it's better than anything this bitch brings to the table. At this point Ill take any plot that isn't just painful romantic bumbling. Why has no one stabbed sister fucker to death yet.  

Naruto- Wow what a shock another illusion. I don't think I'm lucky enough to see Sasuke die here. Ha, she got kicked in the vag. I can agree with that, Sasuke was a mistake. That giant skeleton continues to be way too cool for him. Well at least this shit makes sense to someone. Uh dude you got a face on your arm. Joke's on you, Naruto is way too stupid for anyone to control. You'd think he'd just kill this girl already before she figured his shit out. Oh that is some overpowered bullshit right there. What in the fuck is that supposed to be it looks like King Kong fucked an elephant. WIND TUNNEL. I still haven't quite given up hope that they'll kill each other. And I'm sure that those four minutes will last half an hour next week. You stupid assholes. And then they had lightsabers.  

Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

I'm disappointed that she didn't smash that clock at the end of the dude half.

Yeah, but that would've only been fifteen minutes, and she promised thirty.

DRAGONBALL SUPER - Welp, that's our story, Goku's dead, good night. Now to see how this all came about... Okay, this is way too atmospheric to be a simple flashback. And then Goku was Faker Englund. Well, at least he's got good hearing now. Even in filler where he isn't the focus, Vegeta can't catch a break. HE KNOWS... Whis's poker face leaves mine much to be desired. That's a big fish. :D I forgot about Goten with the shades. There there, Gohan, at least Videl still thinks your silly outfit is cool. You'd think the guys following him would just start crawling on the ground to make sure the people can still see their precious movie. At this point, I'm starting to think it's not the Japanese that have poor reaction time on the breaks, than it is them assuming that's the case with everybody. EFFORTLESS DODGE. Mmm... raw fish. "DO NOT INTERRUPT THE GRILLMASTER." xD Besides, isn't solid food kind of unnecessary for Piccolo's survival? Meanwhile, on Planet Paradigm... Aizawa may be kind of an ass, but god damn if he isn't cool. So are those Frieza-looking things grave markers, or... [slow jazz music] That's not how you pronounce "beautiful", guy. I do like their respirator aesthetic. ORA. As I thought, they were grave markers. As I thought, he's Goku's assassin. What a waste of perfectly good vegetables. They have good banter, I wouldn't be surprised if that's why FUNi had them be Popuko and Pipimi first. Actually, he's right behind you. "Make the donuts"? Is that a phrase people actually use? ORA. Hit will return, in "For Your Gloobarks Only".

MY HERO ACADEMIA - Kirishima, you idiot. It's taking Midoriya every ounce of his willpower not to piss himself in fear right now. Good observation there, Icy-Hot. Now's not the time to flaunt your knowledge, Deku. FUCK YEAH AIZAWA. Literal Drill-Hair Girl is the cutest villain. Well too bad for you, All Might isn't here. Goddammit guys, you and your impulsiveness are gonna kill us all. And then they learned that they can't beat up a man made of pure fog. Oh good, best boy is safe. (And so are Uraraka and the Kinnikuman wannabe, I guess.) SPLASH. Literally nothin' personnel kid. Thanks, frog girl. Oh good, she set him down gently. Same can't be said for the perverted grape kid, though. I'm used to her voice now, and yet I still think it's kinda strange. :D I love grape kid's reactions. The juxtapositions between All Might and Small Might are too great. Now that's what I call a freezer-burn. I thought I'd never see the day where there's someone more on the verge of breaking into tears than the Virgin MC himself. What is it with Demarco and his obsession with showing us these weird music videos? Couldn't he just have aired this during the Progressive rerun when no one would be watching? Okay, I kinda love the principal, whatever species he is. Of all the excuses to keep him away, this is actually one of the more in-character ones. You know someone's the best when you're hoping they succeed in the task they're given, so as I implied before, Queen was right about Iida. You a damn pussy, grape kid. What did she say she could spit up her stomach for again? This kid cries more tears than Deku, it's honestly kind of amazing. I can barely understand half of his rant. DELAWARE SMASH. These three make a surprisingly good team.

POP TEAM EPIC - A blanket so comfortable you don't wanna wake up. We all know that feel. Well... it's a decent cut. :D Dear god I love Popuko's anger issues. PUT ON DROPKIX OR WE RIOT. Awfully stubby for a cigar, I'd say. DO NOT KICK THE TINY ANIMALS. And then she was M. Bison. You can never trust those damn reggae fans and their obsession with towels. I'll take those two consecutive shorts as meaning that Popuko's new job is hitman. Oh hey, it's Frenchie again. Popuko in bed with the baguette is a cute. I can't help but imagine a washing machine, watching her spin in place like that. I ship the Sambo Master and Flamenco Master. Originally that letter-reading gag was about complaints of the comic copy-pasting. YOUR MOTHERFUCKING LIFE ENDS THIRTY MINUTES FROM NOW. I'd rather suffer an apocalypse by Popuko clones than one by nuclear incendiary devices. A CUTE! Unlike that intimidating red panda. This second half was better when it was Japanese Frieza about to wreck the clock. You have no idea how much Daichi doesn't want to be here right now.


JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - That's the power of Vanilla Ice, baby. Speaking of which, looks like Polnareff's fucked. Even in death, Avdol screwed you over. IGGY NO. :( Because the heavenly bodies enjoy your suffering too much to stop now. Fuck your brain, Ice. Holy crap, the difference between Iggy then and now is like night and day. Oh come on, how much longer is it gonna take for this fruity bastard to finally die? :D FUCK YEAH POLNAREFF. Taste the sunlight, bitch! xD Holy fuck that death was hella satisfying. And now both their spirits can rest in relative peace. Who knew the sunset in Cairo could look so beautiful? MEANWHILE, IN LATE '80S JAPAN. Oh god she has a pet turtle now. You as your butler should know that Suzie Q doesn't give a shit about class-based expectations, she married Joseph for god's sake. They say not to vomit, but do you expect the inebriated to listen? Way to kill the mood, pointless translation. This sure is some inappropriately sexy symbolism. :D Condoms. DO NOT VIDEOTAPE THE YAKUZA. You gotta love a badass butler. Oh well, at least the turtle's having fun. I forgot that Jotaro lived way out in the boonies. She was possessed by a Pillar Man once, so of course she knows when supernatural hoodoo is afoot. That's the positive attitude I've been waiting for. I could've sworn she slipped into a coma. True, Joseph is unbelievably stubborn. "ROSAS IS CRYING TWIN WATERFALLS!" This dude sounds like he's got an inferiority complex, and I can't really blame him for it. Guards, this woman seems to have lost her composure. xD Jotaro, you are both awesome and a total dork, but that's why we love ya. SHIT COUNT: 1. :D Goddammit Jotaro. He didn't know, you just naturally look like a loser, that's all. PRAISE BE THE GLORY OF DIO.

As I expected, the loss of life was only temporary. Then again, it is Dragonball.

HUNTER x HUNTER - Say what you want, she doesn't have the look of a champ. Yep, totally Anime North Korea. She's pretty cute for someone with snot running out their nose 24/7. She's stupid when it comes to everything except this needlessly complicated board game. "Why does that guy look like he was born in the wrong decade?" You insultin' his hair or somethin', chameleon boy? Well yeah, that's how delinquents usually are. Those are some sad-looking dogs. You're still a good man, Knuckle. THEY'RE MANLY TEARS, DAMMIT. Someone get this girl some Nasonex, pronto. Go away, Youpi, nobody likes you and your Red Gotou-looking ass. Sounds to me like you killed the guy and his suiciding was a cover-up. I don't fucking care if you're "fresh outta Sprite", Gerald, just quit gettin' all up in my grill about it, ya feel me? How is it that Morel is able to get away with having powers named after a real-life band but over 50% of JoJo's musical references are censored left and right out of fear of copyright infringement? Oh damn, cheetah boy's back. You a conniving son of a cat-bitch, Hagyeol. Wait, did he just get teleported or something? A most deadly game of tag, this will be. Or not. :D As they say, the best winning move is not to play. Either that, or wait until you know what environment you're dealing with. HOURGLASS-BREAKER... denied. :D This guy. I don't know how she exorcised that Nen, but based on that belly, part of me doesn't want to know. At least, not yet. Oh boy, more new ants. Never underestimate the gungi master. The King looks like he's about to shank somebody, preferably with his tail. I had a feeling it'd be the Sheh-soundalike voicing her, if not the real deal.

BLACK CLOVER - I have a feeling the siscon's gonna be creepier than ever this episode. And here he is, sitting on a pile of soon-to-be corpses. His magic is his undying love for his preschool-age sister. [shudder] Keep your Yuno-love in whatever you're wearing your robes, priest. And like that, we avoid yet another inappropriate "proposing marriage to the nun" joke. "Here, have some spare pocket change." Why is it that in both My Hero and Black Clover, the glasses-wearing guys who seem jerkish at first but lighten up surprisingly fast are the best boys? If there's one thing the Black Bulls is known for, it's running their outstanding character tics to the ground on their off days. FUCK YEAH CROQUETTES. Yep, sounds like it's time for yet another one of Yami's epic shits. She's got nothing to do but be tsundere all day, and boy is she taking advantage of it. :D Wait, did his broom make one of those wacky predetermined novelty horn noises? People are running away, it's like they already know he's infamous for being a dirty siscon. He doesn't deserve that red carpet or the flowers lining it. Well, I can't say no to quality model houses. HOLY CRAP THAT'S THE TV TOKYO MASCOT HANGING ON THE WALL. Oh nice, he's paying Anti-Angel and her family a visit. Oh god that music box tune makes him seem even creepier than he already is. NOBODY EXPECTS ASTA. And there goes his ego. Okay, so how the hell did Noelle get all the way out there? He knows how and when to dodge, truly he is the Chad Shonen Hero. Nice of you to join us, secretly badass old nun lady. And then Asta had the strangest boner of his early teen years. Okay, so that probably explains why he's always asking permission to go see her. He deserves this emotional breakdown. [insert outdated reference to 300 here] Wonder who the stalker in the slippers is. FUCK YEAH MASHED TATERS. Asta has all the makings of an oblivious harem protagonist and I love it. :) Good news, Noelle, looks like you're an Enhancer. Okay, she made all the water glasses in the establishment erupt, that's clearly the work of a Specialist. These smaller siblings really want them to bone. WELCOME TO LITERALLY CHRISTMAS IN JULY. Just when they've ripped off every shounen anime in the book, and now they're ripping of Eureka seveN AO too!? :S Oh no, Asta's about to be murdered in his sleep, and I'm pretty sure that's a good thing to half of you reading this thread. OH GOD THERE'S TWO OF THEM. The lesson to learn from this episode is... incest fetishists be whack, yo. Greg Ayres as the Pied Piper is something I don't think anyone needs right now, not after having to spend an episode with Siscon Supreme himself.

Why can't they just call it iHOP during breakfast hours and then iHOB for lunch and dinner? I don't care if the rotating lowercase letter on the sign will sink even more money into the national debt, I say do it!

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - We now return you to Itachi's Revenge, already in progress. Welp, that's certainly new. BEGONE THOT. He's not wrong, Sasuke is pretty trash. "And here I activated my dimensional portal for nothing." Oh damn, he got upgraded. Yessssss this pleases Madara. SUDDENLY TREES. How many things in the Naruto universe is Orochimaru to blame for? Too many, I'd say. One extra life for every eye, that's my theory and I'm sticking to it. Oh hey, they're reairing that video. I had a feeling the Naruto slot wouldn't go to waste. This dude's harder to kill than even Vanilla Ice. Shit's OP as fuck, no wonder it's forbidden from use. :o What the fuck kind of summon is that? Some kind of mutant elephant-tiger hybrid, apparently. It's been a while since I've seen him pull out a classic move like that. ORA. "You knew about the Izanagi?" "Well I am an Uchiha!" Sounds like it's a lose-lose situation, but too bad for him, Sasuke likes those odds. He killed about as many as the number of bread loaves you've eaten in your life. DOUBLE KILL.

SPACE DANDY - The narrator's rundown on Planet Trendy will never not be awkwardly hilarious. I love that Scarlet's ex is straight out of an '80s Sunrise mecha show. Why do all these found footage horror movies have to be so fucking tryhard? Can't we get one where the killer isn't inside the house or computer or whatever? Oh hey, surprise eyecatch. Remember when [as] used to air Chuck Norris: Karate Commandos in the 5AM slot a decade or so ago? I never noticed the mecha spying on them from those two vantage points before. I'd call this the first time Honey and Scarlet met face-to-face, but then I remembered the aftermath of the Cloudian incident. Then again, they didn't really have time to talk, and that took place in another universe, so... first time it is! Anime Dolph Lundgren is one crazy sumbitch. Finally, restraining orders used for the sake of the greater good. TRAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIINS! This was a top tier episode and fuck anybody who disagrees especially those who think the whole "parallel universe" theory gives you an excuse to dive headlong into darkness-induced audience apathy WHEN THERE IS NO GODDAMN EXCUSE FOR IT YOU FUCKING HACK WANNABES!

Edited by PokeNirvash
  • Like 1

Well, I haven't done quick thoughts in a while...

  • My Hero Academia: IMO, Mineta isn't that bad, although I have a feeling that people only hate him so much because he's a male pervert. Either way, him and the fight he was in were the highlights of this episode, as the action was otherwise unevenly paced.
  • Pop Team Epic: The segment where the show makes fun of itself having "too many lame parodies" is actually right on the mark for me. The Space Cat Company segments don't offer much other than banal jokes about all the different anime genres... except the show sometimes manages to screw up that up, too. Last week's "Vanver" segment is a good example; the title made it sound like it was going to be an MMO anime/isekai parody, but with how things were set up, Popuko and Pipimi could've been telling the characters of any show to shut up and do some improv. This basically means my biggest complaint about the show is that it isn't surreal enough, which is the last thing I would've expected.
    • About the TV-MA straight, my money's on all the middle fingers earning the rating, even if they were censored.
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: If there's one thing that seemingly unites people in these troubling times, it's that the voice acting in these last few episodes has been phenomenal. Doug Erholtz has done a lot of heavy lifting in this series, considering that some parts of the story are almost uniformly Polnareff-focused, but man, he's done a great job handling the emotional moments surrounding Avdol and Iggy's deaths. Last week's cliffhanger was really good, too. I felt kind of emotional even though I was spoiled in him surviving to the next episode. ^_^
  • Hunter × Hunter: Is becoming quite the slog. Man, even if it's really good, how can someone watch over one hundred episodes of one show on a frequent basis and not eventually think of it as a slog? This is mirroring my thoughts with One Piece, where I had largely given up on it by midway through Thriller Bark on the Toonami run.
6 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

You know someone's the best when you're hoping they succeed in the task they're given, so as I implied before, Queen was right about Iida.


Really my issues with Mineta are... how the fucking hell did he end up in the hero class? Like how did he get ANY points in the entrance exam? He's fucking useless for offense. 


From what I've read, he apparently arrested the attack robots' joints with his sticky balls during the attack portion, preventing them from doing much of anything.

But my question is how the hell did Izuku score lower than him on the opening day physical?

5 minutes ago, PokeNirvash said:

From what I've read, he apparently arrested the attack robots' joints with his sticky balls during the attack portion, preventing them from doing much of anything.

But my question is how the hell did Izuku score lower than him on the opening day physical?

Right? I mean he couldn't use his quirk to help like some could, but it was well established that training with All Might got Izuku pretty jacked. Like he should have held his own in most stuff and then at least middle of the pack.

Posted (edited)

Tonight on Toonami, if you've at least seen the next episode previews then you know Goku isn't dead for real, the Class 1-A students continue fighting off the multiple faceless rogues from the League of Villains, Hidomi discovers her secret fetish for watching her male classmate get the shit beaten out of him, COOOOOOOOL RUNNINGS!, Polnareff lucks out once again as the first of the Crusaders to meet DIO face-to-face, Morel formulates a plan to beat Cheetu while the King's gungi record fails to get any better, Asta and Gauche try to find the pied piper that took the children of Nean Village, Sasuke's determination pushes Danzo to use whatever last resorts he can, Dandy gets roped into doing a solid for his 4D ex-girlfriend, Faye regales Ein with the story of her first moments out of cryo-stasis, and a regular theft for Lupin and Jigen turns into a surprise cameo in Nyx's personal re-enactment of Taken.

10:30 - Dragonball Super #72 - Will He Strike Back?! The Unseen Killing Technique! - TV-14LV

11:00 - My Hero Academia #11 - Game Over - TV-14LSV

11:30 - FLCL Progressive #2 - Freebie Honey - TV-14DLSV

12:00 - Pop Team Epic #4 - SWGP 2018 - TV-14LV

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #45 - DIO's World, Part 1 - TV-MAV

1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #104 - Doubt and Hesitation - TV-14LV

1:30 - Black Clover #31 - Pursuit Over the Snow - TV-PGL

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #211 - Danzo Shimura - TV-14V

2:30 - Space Dandy #24 - An Other-Dimensional Tale, Baby - TV-14L

3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #15 - My Funny Valentine - TV-14

3:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #8 - The Zapping Operation - TV-14V

This week's Pop Team Voices:

  • PART A POPUKO: Jad Saxton (Jacqueline O. Lantern Dupre, Young Nico Robin, Adelie, Hana "Hatchin" Morenos, Mira Yurizaki, Yoriko Kosaka)
  • PART A PIPIMI: Caitlin Glass (Winry Rockbell, Miss Anderson, Janice, Kim Diehl, Maya Ibuki, Nefertari Vivi, Pup, Petra Ral, Pepe Lima, Vados, Kimi Nishino, Catherine, Mina Ashido)
  • PART B PIPIMI: David Wald (Charlie, Paulie, Meow's Dad, Hannes, Bulat, Mr. A)
Edited by PokeNirvash

Hero- "EAT MY STICKY BALLS" is never gonna get old. I love Tsu. I'm proud of you, Icy Hot. Goddamn he does not fuck around. All of these kids are great and I love them. Man, Ball Boy is gonna be disappointed he missed the titties. I am surprised and impressed at Aizawa's skills. GODDAMN HANDS. What the fuck IS that hand guy's power? Oh fuuuuuuck. You go, space lady. Hexxus can fuck off. Oh this could be going better. MIGI SMASH. Ohhhh this is bad. Aizawa might be dead. It's a nice change of pace to see Bakugo actually being useful instead of an unlikable bastard. Oh nope, I spoke too soon on that. He just killed that guy from HxH. Good job furry boy. EAT SHIT, HEXXUS. Run faster, Iida! Jesus, show. I'd like to get off this ride now. Can't blame Ball Boy for trying. I am concerned. If you touch that frog I'll kill you myself. Well now he's dead for real. Deku is my role model. OH FUUUUUUUUUCK. This is definitely not a good thing. OH THANK GOD IT'S BOYFRIEND. Oh wait shit this is where he's gonna die isn't it. I just lost Avdol I can't watch another one die so soon!

PTE- Don't bring logic into this show, random man. Awww puppy. And then it was Mario Kart. PENGUINS NO. :D What in the hell. SHE'S A ROBOT! :D Oh god the random Top Gun. I always fucking hated that mine cart level in Donky Kong. The music videos in this show are so much better than the ones Toonami constantly forces on us. This is a great song. That is not a cat and I'm uncomfortable. I like that the little one's main trait is anger issues.

Jojo- Sorry Polnareff, you ran out of friends to die for you. Dio is going to fuck you now whether you like it or not. He's just trolling you now. He has a fog machine behind him. Dio you look like you pulled that track suit out of the dumpster behind a Cairo thrift store and cut the crotch out of it. Dude, Avdol had to jump out a window to avoid getting fucked by Dio; you are not gonna win here. MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA. Oh thank god Joseph, console me. Nothing you can say would be hard to believe at this point. Losing both Avdol and Iggy for Polnareff was the worst fucking trade. Thanks, dude in the bag. Every bad thing that's happened in the past hundred years is Dio's fault. Kakyoin looks cool with his shades. Well that's different. I guess his stand is teleporting? Polnareff you stupid fuck. Y'all know you can't fly right? There's no comment I could make about shoving things up Joseph's ass. I bet Avdol could have figured out his stand in time but HE HAD TO DIE AGAIN. I love how many problems are solved by Joseph being filthy rich. Oh great he added  a cape made from an old curtain to that terrible outfit. Oh no stay away from Polnareff everyone who helps him dies. God what is with the clothing choices in this show. WILSON PHILLIPS, NO. Dio you fabulous bitch. Senator Wilson Phillips is losing his goddamn mind. Seitz is really nailing the whole fabulous bitch mood here. I don't think that's gonna hurt a super vampire, buddy. You might wanna dodge that. Uhhh Kakyoin your face is bleeding. :D He threw the fucking senator at them. Protect Joseph, he's all I have left.

Hunter- That is entirely too many human snacks. Dang that dude's got some speed. That's a really useful power. Fuck off Thundercat let he man sleep. Wow he's annoying. Kick his ass, little girl. Oh hey, turtle Mewtwo finally gives the small child a damn challenge. Eat shit, king dick. Wait, how old is this kid if she was making up new moves a decade ago? Someone please hug this little girl. Get that dude some Ritalin already. Suck it, you dumbass cat. And that's why smoking is cool, kids! Oh come on that is some bullshit. Dumb bastard fell for the shadow clone jutsu. Wow you are just awful as shit aren't you. Okay the lobster one just makes me laugh. That's a cool power. The other cat guy looks like Jack Black's fursona. I think that's called friendshop.

Clover- I hate you all. You gotta stab the snow. Why is the sister fucker allowed to goddamn exist? This isn't fun to watch, show. Why does anyone like Asta? Somebody's definitely about to get molested. Yes, think of that mirror as your big brother and keep it under your clothes. At least if that kid dies he doesn't have to be in this show anymore. Make the disgusting sister fucker repair the wall he broke. Oh great it's that obnoxious douche. Christ this dude is just fucking awful. I hope he dies painfully. Hitting kids with a sword works great. This old nun actually manages to be a decent character. I would feel safer bleeding out in front of Dio than sticking with Asta. Sorry snow dude, you can't beat a man's sickening boner for his toddler sister. Nothing gives you the element of surprise like BARGING IN AND SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF YOUR FUCKING LUNGS. Every moment I have to watch this guy and he isn't being stabbed makes me hate the universe. Every minute of this arc makes me feel unclean.

Naruto- Please let them kill each other already. Man for trained ninjas these people seem to fall for basic illusion tricks at an alarming rate. Thanks for wasting several minutes explaining the tactic that we just saw and had already figured out. Oh what the fuck now. I wish I didn't have to watch this bitch have an orgasm every time she heals him. Uhhh dude you got a tree growing out of you. Just let him kill her. Ohh girl he is gonna stab you with that lightsaber to get to him. And nothing of value was lost. Did his sharingan change eyes or have I just not been paying attention? Yes Sasuke's a terrible person, this fact shouldn't surprise you at all after spending two minutes with him. Yeah just limp away like a little bitch. Oh hey he was kind of hot back in the day. Why are you showing me all these flashbacks I don't care about? Oh my god just die already. I'm sure this would be a very emotional scene if he wasn't such a crusty old bag of dicks.


DRAGONBALL SUPER - Previously on Super, Hit made the donuts, whatever that means. Part of being the best character means knowing proper CPR procedures. I get it, so his beam was like a makeshift defibrillator. GOKU THE BRILLIANT IDIOT. Only he would call his assassin a cool guy. Fuck yeah fistbumps. I'm pretty sure that was a 3-minute rule in your case. You won't like Goku when he's pissed off. Invisible energy clones, that's a variation of the concept Naruto hasn't done before. AIR PUNCH. Every fight is a learning experience for Goku. That there's the point, Hit. BELIEVE IT COUNT: 1. Oh hey, a new location for a sick-ass rope bridge. BACKBREAKER. I feel bad for the people that frequent these cliffs and have to deal with the property damage. Nooooo he's trembling with excitement. LET'S POP TOGETHER ALL NIGHT~. Two words: Kobe beef. I'm fairly certain Vegeta's grandma looked more tomboyish than that. You've gotta follow the eyes, Goku. Hey Champa and Vados, what are you doing here? That makes less sense than how a STAND would do it. THAT'S CLASSIFIED~. See, now those three showing up to watch makes sense. DIMENSION BREAKER. And of course, he finishes with a Kamehame-ha. Vegeta wouldn't hire an assassin to take out Goku, not when he's shown several times that he himself wants to be the one to do it. Yep, that sounds like Goku all right. GOKU THE ONE STRANGE MAN. That Hit is one cool guy. Yes, blame Greg Ayres like any sane man would. YOU BETTER HAVE MAH STEAK.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - Okay, so who gets naked this episode? The more I listen to Porno Graffitti, the saltier I get that [as] only aired two of the four FMA 2003 OPs. No one needed to hear that, Grape Boy. [autistic muttering intensifies] Nothing to worry about, just two broken fingers. Oh, I'm sure he's plenty capable. Don't fuck with Icy-Hot. The more I watch this show, the more I love seeing these kids in action. I applaud this team and their creativity. It's Momo. Momo gets naked, or at least topless. DEATH FROM BELOW. :S Ouuuuuch that's gotta hurt. Birdbrain's comin' for dat ass. D-Did she just die? GO IIDA GO. No one wants to see Bakugo act all repetitively edgy and badass towards a bunch of villain wannabes, so he gets a quick shot instead of a full scene. Thanks for the assist, Parasyte Dandy. "No Might" sounds like a better name, and even then, it still loses to "Birdbrain". Who thought Mr. Satan and Great Saiyaman's mock battles would inspire their own motion picture? Only in Japan, I guess. Oh hey, when did Meleoron sneak his way into this show? :D I hate to say it, but good work, Bakugo. Is Plank kid unable to talk, or is he just the silent type? Thanks for the assist, Uraraka. TAPE BONDAGE NO JUTSU. Yesssss I believe in you Iida. :) Your lucky Izuku wasn't around to hear your "quirkless child" comment, he'd probably PTSD like crazy. But on second thought, seeing Aizawa getting metaphorically buttfucked by No Might the Birdbrain over there is apparently enough to trigger his natural fear. The thought of failure makes Handjob Man itchy. Oh boy, and he's one of those guys who views life as a video game too. ¬¬ Any opportunity to grab titty is a good opportunity, when it comes to Grape Boy. Thanks for the assist, Aizawa. A Smash so urgent, there's no time to specify what part of America it's supposed to represent. Ohhhhhhhhhh shit this looks bad. OH YEAHHHHHH. Nice of you to finally join us, All Might.

I've seen King Star King, and even I think that Mostly 4 Millennials beats it out for the most disturbing thing [as] has aired.

POP TEAM EPIC - This old guy reminds me of the Her Lovely Fears short from the Nightmares episode of Off the Air, for whatever reason. COOOOOOOL RUNNINGS! "That's why bobsledding is the world's most dangerous sport." After competitive parkour, it is. We Wacky Races now. BACK ON THE ROCKS BACK ON THE ROCKS BABY. Only a show as crazy as Pop Team Epic would be daring enough to make a Jay Jay the Jet Plane reference. Initial D on Toonami never. :( Turns out she was actually a Kikaider. 8-Bit Dance Party~! Defeating the demon lord with the power of comfortability, why hasn't anyone else tried this? FUCK YES THIS IS THE BEST SONG EVER. I'm thinking this short is some type of abstract commentary on immigration, but that's probably just the American in me talking. I'd bring Popuko with me to combat all sorts of spooky Japanese legends. Bakugo would so be a "Lethal" on that chart, it helps that he's already got a partially orange color scheme. While it's a little disappointing that they didn't go for Nakazato's VA, I appreciate FUNimation caring enough about the Initial D reference to get Takumi's VA to voice the GT-R. :D Because you can't have a proper lawlharem without the token obsessive lesbian character.

...Was this a stealth promo for season 2 of Dream Corp LLC?

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - <LOOK OUT!> Fuck your curtains, vampire! Technically it was the flesh bud that was controlling you, but that does count as his evil, come to think of it. And then Polnareff was trapped in a mindfuck. Serenity does sound rather nice... The more recent a death is, the easier it is to summon strength from their spirits. SHIT COUNT: 1. MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA. (I actually miss when he said "Useless" really fast.) SYNCHRONIZED POSING. Not the right question to ask now, Jotaro. I love these conspicuously CGI stairs. Hell, I love conspicuous CG period. I bet it was Speedwagon who told Joseph about DIO's treachery, though the whole "Jonathan dying while trying to stop him" thing, I can believe him hearing that from Erina instead. Didn't this exact scene happen to Avdol in the original OVA? JOESTAR SECRET TECHNIQUE, GROUP FORMATION! You're gonna fail, Polnareff. :D That's the power of easy breezy beautiful money, baby. Now that's a pose. Polnareff's lucky Jotaro's backing him up, otherwise he'd be fucked. The Cartoon Network box is filled with a bunch of annoying chibi DC characters. I say drop them in the FOX box with Gotham and see what happens. I don't know who this senator is, but clearly he needs a better bodyguard. YOU'LL RUE THE DAY. And that's how you shatter the ego of a man with the proof to back it up. :D I love seeing ZA WARUDO in action. Why? BECAUSE I'M A TORPEDO SENATOR. Then clearly you need to see more movies, Polnareff. Ah, traffic jams. The bane of human society, and the livelihood of transportation engineers. "But it's a side-walk, not a side-drive!" Jotaro, meanwhile, has seen Happy Days, so he knows how to get stubborn pieces of equipment to work. You should've known from the moment you talked back to DIO that you were gonna guy, Senator dude. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: "Seitz is really nailing the whole fabulous bitch mood here." All he's missing is the British accent from season 1, and it would be perfect. SUDDENLY ZA WARUDO. "Why'd his car suddenly stop?" Clearly that means he's moving on foot now. INCOMING SENATOR. If this plan involves you dying like the others, then count me out.

HUNTER x HUNTER - That's a horrifying amount of giant spider eggs. Oh, so the pocket dimensions are his power, I had a feeling that was the case. That was ea-never mind, he's still in town. So we're just gonna be calling the Ants "Chimeras" now. Hourglass sand is almost hypnotic. You suck, cheetah man. We now return you to the Leol King's Cup match, already in progress. If she's gonna be gasping for air, it's because her nose is stuffier than usual. THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "Wait, how old is this kid if she was making up new moves a decade ago?" You worded that better than I ever could. What a surprisingly personal explanation. Smart thinking there, Morel. Smoking may shrink your lungs, but when used right, it can beat a cheetah man in a game of tag. Well crap that doesn't sound good. :D You so totally suck, cheetah man. IT'S A SMOKE CLONE. Morel is the coolest. Meanwhile, Knov took care of things on his end off-screen, which is alright since he's the less cool of the two. Madhouse is really good with these informational pictographs. The more I learn about this bara tiger man, the more I question his decisions, like his name change and the secrecy about his power. KUYASHII. This arc's really good at having episodes without the main characters in them.

BLACK CLOVER - So apparently they cut a scene from last week's episode, but it was just more confirmation that Gauche is a siscon, so there's no need for any of you to lose sleep over it. Would this tragedy happen to be Asta almost getting killed in his sleep? NOT NOW GAUCHE THIS IS IMPORTANT. And so another pair of hopeless romantic rivals finally meet. I've got bad news for you, guy... SIT BOY. That right there is what we call character development, the last thing anyone would've expected from this show. Speaking of which, the siscon could really use some, even Marilyn Manson has more dimensions than him and he's practically unintelligible! MAGGOT COUNT: 1. Just as I thought, the nun is a secret badass. Hee, Asta's a dangler. It's not all bad, the bird's there too, y'know. You may wanna tone down the pedo-ness a bit, dude. Even when he's not technically onscreen, he's a creepy fuck. Friendship is a complicated thing. Who's this guy and why does he look two steps away from a '60s drag queen? Huh, that kid has a yellow aura, that's different. DOWN THE SUPER HAPPY FUN SLIDE HE GOES. "Hang in there," says the literally hanging boy. Even after looking it up, I'm still a little confused about the "meow" joke in Super Troopers. To be fair, the hole in the wall was Gauche's fault. Oh hey, it's Ha-Ha! "Marco!" Polo? I've actually come to love Asta's sparkly shoujo eyes, no homo. The Black Bulls has no standards, that's why they hired him. ASTA THE HUMAN SNOWBALL. He works surprisingly well with kids, guess living in an orphanage really paid off. Rrr, feels like the "plot" of a snuff film in here. I'm not too hot about him arriving first, but I guess it'll have to do for now. And now we've got killer snowmen to deal with. Does it really count as a slaughter if it's against snowmen and not humans? You do realize touching her will only make him stronger, right? I've also come to enjoy Asta's Tarzan yelling. NOT NOW GAUCHE THIS IS ALSO IMPORTANT. Now those poor kids are like Asta before he started working out. Never underestimate Asta, '60s drag queen man.

I would definitely buy tickets to watch All Might vs. No Might in the USJ Dome. As for Art Prison... I'm having trouble believing this is an actual thing that's going to be airing next Sunday.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - I forgot last week ended in a double impalement. Get fucked, Danzo. What mattered was not what the Izanagi did, but the number of times it could do it. I actually kinda like the negative-colored flashbacks here. Someone remind me what the deal with the face on his arm is again? Never mind, apparently we're about to find out. [instantly orgasms] Oh right, it's the tree-maker. He may have taken the wrong teammate of Sasuke's hostage there. WE GLOSSY BLACK NOW. A.K.A. Kishimoto actually had to try to be this bad. I had considered him stabbing Karin through, but I'm surprised he did it, the absolute madman. Not exactly the most natural way to fall, I'll admit. Okay, as edgy as this is, Sasuke's strut behind Danzo actually looks pretty cool. MADARA JOINS THE FIGHT. To think that this flashback happened almost 80 episodes ago. And now for a completely new flashback, with young Danzo and the 3rd. The 2nd Hokage's voice still sounds deeper than I think it should. Now that I see him younger, I can see the family resemblance between Sarutobi and Asuma. Huh, wasn't expecting this to be the story of how the 3rd came to be as Hokage. So I take it the deepest reason Danzo took over as Hokage during Tsunade's coma was because he was jealous Sarutobi got the position over him back then. That's an interesting motivation, if not a selfish one. SUICIDE BOMBER NO JUTSU. [salutes the 3rd] "In the end, I never got to be Hokage. But for the day that I was... it was quite a ride." And now for some nature scenery.

SPACE DANDY - Postponed to Monday. Thanks, baseball.

Posted (edited)

Tonight on Toonami, Gohan learns that Mr. Satan is taking part in the filming of a Great Saiyaman movie, All Might has arrived and he's both miffed and P.O.'d, IT'S SO EMBARRASSING~, Popuko and Pipimi play the parents in the story of a budding romance between high school step-siblings, Kakyoin faces off against DIO one-on-one in a play to figure out the secret of The World, the King is forced to use intimidation tactics against Komugi after his latest set of defeats, Asta and Gauche continue fighting the Pied Piper and his drag queen associate while Ha-Ha Sekke goes to the Black Bulls' hideout to recruit some back-up, Sai attempts to stop Sakura from going to kill Sasuke (who, need I remind you, already took out one of his other admirers just last week), Dandy finds himself on trial for murder or as a certain someone put it "crimes against comedy", all you musty old guys don't wanna miss this one, and Lupin winds up befriending a ghost girl while attempting to beat a rival group of thieves to the treasure hidden inside a castle-turned-hotel.

10:30 - Dragonball Super #73 - Gohan's Plight! The Preposterous Great Saiyaman Film Adaptation? - TV-14

11:00 - My Hero Academia #12 - All Might - TV-14LV

11:30 - FLCL Progressive #3 - Stone Skipping - TV-14LV

12:00 - Pop Team Epic #5 - Donca*Sis - TV-MA

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #46 - DIO's World, Part 2 - TV-MAV

1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #105 - Resolve and Awakening - TV-14V

1:30 - Black Clover #32 - Three-Leaf Sprouts - TV-PGV

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #212 - Sakura's Resolve - TV-PGV

2:30 - Space Dandy #25 - Dandy's Day in Court, Baby - TV-PGV

3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #16 - Black Dog Serenade - TV-MAV

3:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #9 - Welcome to the Haunted Hotel! - TV-14

FUN FACT: This marks the second time this specific JoJo episode is premiering on national television while I'm vacationing in Arizona. First time was in Japan, second time it's here in America.

This week's Pop Team voices:

  • POPUKO A: Cherami Leigh (Elicia Hughes, Patty Thompson, Asuna Yuki, Yuri Egin, Kudelia Aina Bernstein)
  • PIPIMI A: Monica Rial (Amy, Lyra/Dante, Tetsuko, Ai, Vanessa Walsh, May Chang, Shiro, Ringo, Shino, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, Pen-Pen, Tashigi, Pine-Pine, Bulma, Michiko Malandro, Claire Skyheart, Rize Kamishiro, Nero, Tsuyu Asui)
  • POPUKO B: Eric Vale (Rando, Yuji Kaido, Zolf J. Kimblee, Tsunenaga Tamaki, Casshern, Justin Law, Sanji, Prince, Trunks, Luke Siss, Feliciano, Albert Schuman, Nishiki Nishio, Tomura Shigaraki)
  • PIPIMI B: J. Michael Tatum (Suleyman, Scar, Nagi "Owl" Kengamine, Rikichi, Giriko, Dr. Gel, Erwin Smith, Zarbon, Gino Costa, Loser, Shu Tsukiyama, Fuegoleon Vermillion, Tenya Iida)
Edited by PokeNirvash

Hero- Please don't kill my boyfriend, show. Aizawa might be dead but that's not my fault. Yesss rip off that hideous suit. All Might is pissed and dam if I'm not into that. Eat shit, hand guy. AIM FOR HIS BALLS, BOYFRIEND. Smash me you strong mother fucker. :D I enjoy ball kid. Ohhhh no you just jinxed him. I just lost Avdol I can't watch another boyfriend die! FUUUUUCK. This is an unfair fight. I will kill these guys myself. I love my son. Thanks Bakugo, you unlikable bitch. ICY HOT TO THE RESCUE. And also that other kid whose powers I don't actually know but still appreciate. Meanwhile y'all need to get that man to a hospital now. Oh hey, space lady's alive too. Bakugo not being a stupid bastard, it's a Christmas miracle. Aw fuck that thing's still alive. Use Bakugo as a shield! BOYFRIEND NO HE'S NOT WORTH IT. God look at those arms they're probably bigger than my waist. Shut up, hand douche. Hey that's okay, some dudes only need a minute to get the job done. Try aiming for his nasty exposed brain. This is going to break me when he dies. His shirt is not getting shredded enough. Those other teachers sure are taking their sweet fucking time getting there. Now get him to the hospital immediately. If he survives this he can destroy me. I'll give him 300 blows alright! Watching this show is just equal parts existential dread that I'm about to watch another boyfriend die and filthy comments in response to innocent phrases.

PTE- Aw crap we wandered into another anime. Oh god they're the parents. Girl the sibling thing has never stopped any charactere in an anime before. :D Puppet shows and Gundam dancing. And then he died. Oh no they're the twins now. I would watch an entire cooking show with them. Don't trust that owl. :D What in the fuck. That's not an overreaction, having the hiccups is just that annoying. That was a great M**key M**se impression. Bye bunny. :D The Marilyn Monroe bit is even better with the dudes.

Jojo- Oh shit the shades are off, Kakyoin's serious. Joseph is Spiderman tonight. Well that's depressing. I MISS THEM TOO. Random naked Holly. Man, this flashback focus really isn't boding well for him. EAT SHIT, DIO. Oh shit you messed up his cape. I'm glad Kakyoin is here to be the smart guy while Avdol's out getting pizza. What the fuck just happened. Ohhh that can't be good. This is a fucking depressing inner monologue. :( He's hunting milfs in heaven now. At least Kakyoin got to have a sad flashback and dying analysis, Avdol just got fucking eaten. Fuck you Dio. Hey Dio remember when Erina punched you in the face because I bet you're still salty about that. He could have just written it on his arm like he did with the baby stand. Am I a bad person for being a little relieved that at least Avdol wasn't the only dude who died? Spider-Joseph is way too much fun for this situation. Aw FUCK that is some overpowered shit. Oh man I didn't notice that he got a hole punched straight through him. I wonder what they told Kakyoin's parents? Damn grandpa open that shirt more. Damn Dio can get a lot done in four seconds. These bystanders are all going to die. Oh hey Jotaro you should probably run. Whelp, you're fucked. RIP cat. Really emphasizing that buldge there, animators. NO NOT JOSEPH TOO HE'S ALL I HAVE LEFT. :( It took 50 years but my curse finally hit joseph. You fabulous bitch. Jotaro why are you wearing such expensive pants to a fight?!

Hunter- You should probably feel a little ashamed that you're getting your ass kicked so hard by this kid. Don't fall for this it's a trick. Oh you dick. Jesus girl what the fuck games are you playing? This is just depressing kid night all around, huh? Someone hug this poor kid. I am uncomfortable watching him laugh. What the hell. Well if you were looking for a way to frazzle her, you fucking found it. This girl is so sweet oh my god. The catastrophe is that he's losing at a children's board game. Wow that nurse is terrifying. I AM THE NIGHT. Oh no stop doing the Naruto run. :D He's a bush. Dude put some leaves on your ass too. Oh hey, I'm surprised the leader's still alive. Nice eyebrows, loser. Thanks for all that info I won't remember, narrator. Y'know buddy I'm sure the chain smoking isn't helping. Of course what he really needed was some whores. Sinkerbelle would be a great name for a battleship. Man, Palm really cleans up well.

Clover- They're probably all drunk like I desperately wish I was right now. Yeah I'm sure the lesbian squad will let you in. This is the most tolerable they'v ever been. Hey there Cap'n Sexy. Why are none of you dead already? Calm your shit, nobody else wants to fuck your child sister. Great, now you've got a cave full of annoying crying chidlren. I want sister fucker to die painfuly. Give up on the nun fetish, you dipshit. Oh great, this bitch is back. Oh hey, does Yami finally get to do something? Kick her ass, nun. I enjoy seeing Asta in pain. Thank god nun lady is the single tolerable person in this arc. And then he was the Hulk. Again I ask, are we seriously supposed to enjoy this sack of shit who wants to fuck his baby sister?

Naruto- Yeah that guy with 20 magic eyes and a tree wizard growing out of his arm couldn't beat Sasuke but I'm sure your dumb ass can really get the job done. Good job Sai, actually being a voice of reason that they are not going to listen to at all. Just let her get herself killed. NOBODY GIVES A SHIT, SAKURA. Sasuke give him a cheeseburger once when they were 12 and from that moment on Naruto was hopelessly in love with him. Were their voices always this fucking annoying back then or did they make them sound worse for the flashback? This is painful to watch. Is the entire episode just gonna be Sakura whining for 30 goddamn minutes? Oh hey, halfway through the episode and someting is finally happening. CAW. No, let him go on a self-destructive rampage and get himself killed. Huh, bitch is still alive. Wow, I care even less about her flashback than I did about Sakura's. That's not how glasses work show, your vision doesn't graduallly unblur after several seconds it pretty much just gets clear instantly. Maybe I'll luck out and he'll kill both thirsty idiots at once.

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

[sigh] Writing these up without having seen last week's shows is a real endeavor, I tell ya what. Which is why I'm just gonna leave it like this and fill in the one-sentence synopses later.

So for those re-reading this who still want the weekly descriptions, Jaco informs Gohan of the alien parasite he foolishly let escape him, All Might's strength was enough to ward off Nomu but is what little there is left enough to handle Shigaraki?, Hidomi's bubbly new personality causes a wide variety of reactions among her friends and family, all of you who watched Hikaru no Go on Toonami Jetstream are gonna appreciate this one, the moment of truth has arrived by which I mean Jotaro vs. DIO, Knov's infiltration of the King's palace puts him at a much greater risk than he's prepared for, Asta and Sister Theresa handle the mutant mud man while Gauche selfishly takes his sister and runs, now it's Naruto's turn to reminisce about his history with Sasuke, Dandy's allies team up to rescue him after he's finally kidnapped by the Gogol Empire in the series finale of Dandy, MUSHROOM HUNTING, and the murder of multiple assassins involved in the same past job catches Goemon's attention for all the wrong reasons.

10:30 - Dragonball Super #74 - For My Beloved Ones! The Indomitable Great Saiyaman! - TV-14V

11:00 - My Hero Academia #13 - In Each of Our Hearts - TV-14LV

11:30 - FLCL Progressive #4 - LooPQR - TV-14LV

12:00 - Pop Team Epic #6 - The 30th Cyber War - TV-14LV

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #47 - DIO's World, Part 3 - TV-MAV

1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #106 - Knov and Morel - TV-14V

1:30 - Black Clover #33 - To Help Somebody Someday - TV-14DLV

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #213 - Lost Bonds - TV-PG

2:30 - Space Dandy #26 - Never-Ending Dandy, Baby - TV-14V

3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #17 - Mushroom Samba - TV-14

3:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #10 - Requiem for the Assassins - TV-14V


  • POPUKO A: Brittney Karbowski (Selim Bradley/Pride, Black*Star, Klaubatermann, Hitch Dreyse, Lulu, Aria, Migi)
  • PIPIMI A: Luci Christian (Psiren, Wrath, Micchi Hatogaya, Truth, Komachi Mikumari, Medusa, Nami, Satomi Murano, Ochaco Uraraka)
  • POPUKO B: Todd Haberkorn (Moe Shishigawara, Ling Yao, Death the Kid, Nobuyuki Sugo/Oberon, Carpaccio, Marlo Freudenberg, Android 19, Shiro Iori, Genthru, Drive Knight, Charanko, Jaco, Ayato Kirishima, Salim Hapshass)
  • PIPIMI B: Jason Liebrecht (Principal Ench, Radu Barvon, Rob Lucci & Hattori, Alfons Heiderich, Jeice, Champa, The Beast Titan, Mars)


Edited by PokeNirvash

Poke: Asuma was a Sarutobi. The Third Hokage's given name was Hiruzen.

A threefer with things not broken by episode, but I am breaking it into multiple posts.

DBS - I don't understand something here. Because the wind from Hit's punch couldn't go faster than his fist, how would that impact, which would impart less force due to the comparatively lower mass of the air molecules, be fatal when a punch to Goku in his blue state likely wouldn't?

Poor Bulma. Sure, she was well-protected by the airbags during the crash, but she also wrecked that car when she hit Goku. Still, it was funny that a passenger vehicle hitting him didn't cause him to budge at all.

You're a maniac, Goku. That's the kindest way I can describe someone who would put a contract on their own life for the challenge of battling the hitman.

So, Hit has access to Tobi's pocket dimension. That could be handy.

Of course Gohan could do the stunts. Even Yamcha could probably pull off the tank one. I like that Gohan chose to do it not only to spare the stuntman the hardship of the star's unreasonable whims, but also as something to show Pan when she's older.

Nice save, Bulma. Of course the singer girl overheard everything and would blackmail Gohan, but a flight home is a small price to pay for discretion.

Krillin probably would've had the human robbers handled. Once the escaped alien fugitive possessed the smaller one, maybe not, but things could've been resolved before that without Gohan's untimely intervention.

I feel like Jaco could easily be set straight if Gohan were to identify himself.

MHA - It was astute for the students to note that the teleporting villain must not have known what each one's powers were, because they weren't necessarily put in disadvantageous locations, like Tsu's powers being a good match for a water area.

The principal of U.A. looks adorable, but even from what little we heard him say to All Might, he would bore most people, myself included, to tears.

Even though Izuku only broke a finger and thumb, I feel like he should be learning more control by now. At least he knew to use his non-dominant hand/arm for this stuff.

Okay, I'm done. I'm through trying to defend purple-boy with semi-plausible excuses. After his poorly-timed comment to Tsu about her bust and even more inappropriate groping, I'm going to accept that he is a shameless breast fan and say this to the latter act: dude! Time and place! This is neither! As for his quirk, it may not have much attack potential, but it looks to me like a good power for disabling villains that don't know what his power does (provided the villain needs their hands to direct their own powers). All he needs to do is hit one with one of his sticky balls, and when they grab it to pull it off, their hand would become stuck as well. At the least, it would distract the villain and give another hero an opening to take down the villain.

Dang. Aizawa had some sweet combat moves. I'll admit that I didn't notice his hair standing up when using his quirk, so I will credit Handy with spotting that. Even with Aizawa's skills and power, he was still one man fighting a mob, so it was only a matter of time before the number of opponents overwhelmed him, and the introduction of the monstrous product of genetic science (the Monstrosity) did nothing to help Aizawa's chances. The wounds it inflicted on him were gruesome and I would say sadistic if I were certain that I could attribute intellect to it. It can't be a good sign that it took Izuku's punch directly and didn't flinch.

I'm wondering if Izuku's problem all along has been technique. He didn't strike me as someone who got in fights or would've studied martial arts prior to enrolling in U.A., so it could be that he was never taught how to strike. Back in college, I took some karate and tae kwon do classes as electives, and in at least one of those (maybe both, but I can't recall which was the case) we applied our learned skills to break boards. I know the TKD instructor told us that we needed to target a point behind the board for full arm extension in order not to hurt our fists. Izuku was aiming for Handy to keep him from killing Tsu, and the Monstrosity stopped his punch short, meaning that Izuku's point of aim was behind the Monstrosity. Thus, he would've been using proper technique for that strike, and he didn't wreck his hand and arm. It would be funny if the answer was that simple.

Iida did well to follow the plan to get reinforcements which would bring more assistance to the battle than he could provide.

I'm not sure about what I saw with Momo's quirk. Her quirk could work one of several ways. It might enable her to make things out of energy, which could either come from her own body or the environment. She could essentially be an alchemist, which would explain what happened to her outfit. Alternatively, she could simply have a very particular magic. I'm curious to know more about her power.

Bakugo, chimera kid, and Shouto all did well against their opponents, so maybe they should see about rescuing Aizawa while he's still breathing.

13's black hole powers were more than a little terrifying, and even more so when the teleporting villain turned them on 13.

Given how drained All Might was earlier, I had a bad feeling about him facing the Monstrosity. Fortunately for him, he was paying enough attention to note that one of the Monstrosity's powers was shock absorption, meaning it didn't negate the force, and thus it could eventually be overwhelmed. Also, there's no way I would've kept count of how many times he hit the Monstrosity. I would expect that Plus Ultra is going to leave him substantially drained and possibly injured badly later.

Stop, Handy. Just stop. The key element of moral justification for use of force is whether the recipient of the force has or is actively abusing (the rights of) others. Look no further than this excursion by your group. These students, as a whole, are unlikely to have initiated a wrong against one or more of your group, as the students are aspiring heroes, and thus probably haven't done much in public with their powers yet. Your group arrived, uninvited, and proceeded to use its collective powers to attack the students. Regardless of any perceived wrong by the heroes on staff at U.A., you initiated hostilities against these students. Your stated objective for this invasion was even to kill someone. The goal was murder. The merits of any claim of vengeance aside, mostly because we, the audience, don't know those details at this point, you collectively set out to deprive someone of their life when that person posed no immediate danger to any of you. Thus, this invasion and the force your group is exercising are not morally justifiable.

Posted (edited)

FLCL: P - In Hidomi's first post-apocalyptic nightmare, I thought it was strange that her head and torso were covered in blood, but her arms, which were rotting off, didn't look like they were dripping.

Mrs. Hibari reminds me of Mrs. Mankanshoku for some reason. I can't quite put my finger on it.

It's strange that they didn't dub the thug's dialogue. Hm.

Ide's N.O. connection seemed much more under Haruko's control. Maybe she's refined her skills in manipulating the connections.

Jinyu called the device on Hidomi's head an enzyme inhibitor. If powerful emotion is a component in establishing an N.O. connection, as the park full of hormonal youths later in the show would indicate, then perhaps Hidomi's flat personality, including her lack of reaction to Haruko showing her what sounded like porn, isn't completely under her control. When she and Ide started laughing about her coming to see him to give him the worksheet, and thus all the madness that ensued stemming from something so mundane, the device looked like it started to cycle up in reaction to her change in mood.

Yeah, Haruko had a great rack, but Jinyu is a fine woman herself. Thanks for the grown woman fanservice, show.

Stirring a dish together in front of the customer strikes me as unnecessary. Frankly, it would make me even more impatient for the dish, because it would be right there, but wait! It's not ready to serve yet! It must be mixed before we can give it to you. When the food gets to the table at a restaurant, I expect it to be ready as soon as the server can reasonably place the plates on the table. Forget this stirring it in front of me nonsense; if it hasn't been stirred already, just set it down, and if I feel like it needs it, I'll stir it myself.

PTE - The story of how the army of Pop-chin's enslaved humanity was funny, as was the hybrid car enabling Pipimi to kill silently.

That cuckoo's time is limited.

I would think that Popuko's payment for contract killings would be in the form of partial payment to take the job with the rest due upon completion. Eh.

That, friends, is how Popuko saved the Earth from an alien invasion.

Evil Pipimi slapping down the power of friendship was hilarious.

I'm with Poke. The x-ray scans of racer Popuko reminded me of Kikaider.

I loved Popuko calling out the creepy, horror-movie caller with her favorite nail-studded bat.

The dude with the mirrored shades had a point. They couldn't prove he was looking at them if they couldn't see his eyes.

Those twins are going to be horrible to raise.

I've never heard of owl feed, and the bird on the box didn't look like an owl to me, but eh.

JoJo: SC - Good boy, Iggy. That was quick thinking to use The Fool to save Jean and lure Ice out of his Stand's pocket dimension. Once S.C. could start really landing strikes on Ice, Jean made short work of him. Setting aside that a human Ice would've been killed in the previous episode when S.C. stabbed him through his open mouth, Ice showed all the weaknesses of a vampire here, being killed by being knocked into a beam of sunlight. When we saw the vapor images of Avdol and Iggy look back to Jean, I took that as them respectfully acknowledging that he avenged them by killing the enemy who killed them.

Once again, I didn't notice, like with Enya, that something was wrong with the other vampire's hands, but I could tell that something was fishy about the crying woman who wanted to escape Dio. I thought almost immediately that it was a trap, and it was in more than one sense of the word. Good on the trio of Team Joestar members all seeing through the ruse.

Even if Jean has now bandaged his amputated toes area, he'd still be bleeding significantly from that and other missing-flesh wounds. Plus, I know someone with several amputations on their feet, and the missing toes impact their stability when standing and walking tremendously. I would estimate that this person can walk no faster than half my normal walking speed. Now Jean is going to take that fresh mobility issue into a confrontation with Dio, which means I don't expect Jean to survive.

In other words, Dio was simply toying with Jean by moving him back down the stairs when using his time-freezing power. Regarding the power itself, that's just plain unfair, author. Sure, there's a limit to how long Dio can do it, but that limit is increasing with practice, and as a vampire, it doesn't matter to him that he would age while using the power.

See, guys? This is why you should've had Avdol burn the mansion to the ground from the outset. Not only would he and Iggy be alive, but Jean wouldn't be maimed, and you four wouldn't need to flee a vampire at night. Splitting up was probably a good idea, because Dio couldn't kill them all at once.

I have no idea where Joseph would carry that much cash on him. His clothes are rather tight on his buff bod. Still, buying the vehicle helped for a while, until Dio threw a Senator into the cabin to make them crash.

While Kakyoin did manage to learn the effective range of The World and what its special power is, he died to make it happen. At least Joseph was smart enough to figure out what Kakyoin's dying message was.

Oh, screw you both, Dio and the author! You took Joseph from us too! I fully support Ang's dismay here. We're running out of protagonists. At this rate, we'd better hope there's a classmate of Jotaro who learned during the events of this show that she's pregnant with his child. The problem is that that Joestar descendant will only have Suzie to teach him or her about Hamon, Stands, and the threat of Dio.

I don't recall Dio being able to OUTRIGHT FLY back when he faced Jonathan. Neither do I recall any other ordinary vampires being able to do that. Even Kars had to shapeshift to grow wings in order to fly. Dio having that ability now out of nowhere is even more blatant cheating, author.

Edited by FoleyisGood149
], not ), self.

HxH - I'm not going to remember all the numbers about Morel's powers, but it looks like he can make nen people like Razor could, but in higher numbers. I don't know what Cheetu did or how he gained this spatial power, but I like that Morel's plan was to try to wait out Cheetu's patience.

I like that Knuckle being kind to animals while still respecting their wishes started to win over Meleoron.

I feel like to record the blind girl's dialogue as someone who has nasal congestion, the V.A. might've had to hold their nose or stick fingers in their nostrils as they spoke the lines. Those mental images are funny to me. The blind girl is also really good at the game, adjusting her playing strategy to stay ahead of her opponent as they improve. What really impresses me, though, is that she has to keep a mental picture of the game board with her opponent telling her what moves they make. That would take astounding memory and concentration, but perhaps her daily experiences as a blind person help with that, since she would need to know the layout of her home to make it easier to navigate there. This would be an extension of that life skill.

Morel's patience paid off, and he was able to use stealth and guile to beat Cheetu.

Lion dude's nen power is strange. He can temporarily use the powers of someone else if that person owes him. It's useful, sure, but I feel like he'd need to be much smarter than he seems to be able to put borrowed powers to proper use.

I don't recall whether Knov has functional plumbing in his pocket dimension, but I really hope he does.

Yeah, the blind girl doesn't seem nearly old enough to have been playing gungi at a national level for that long. She must be older than she looks. Maybe she's like Biscuit, hiding her natural form most of the time. As for the girl talking about betting her life on the outcome, she has a pretty bleak view of the necessity of success. A loss dooming a champion to obscurity is taking "what have you done for me lately" to an absurd extent, but that's H x H's version of North Korea for you.

Of course the old dude who actually handles the real business of being the head of the government's administration would be a collaborator. Granted, he was likely given the options "cooperate, or die," but he didn't need to accept the the offer of sex slaves as a bonus for his help. Actually, that may not be the C.A.'s idea to bribe/reward him. That could be a pre-existing arrangement which the C.A.s don't care enough to alter. I hope Palm beats him severely for his sleaziness.

The blind girl was quite decent to refuse to play until the C.A. King's wound was treated, but for the sake of the rest of humanity, she probably should've played and given him the chance to bleed out during the game.

BC - I'm cool with Klaus admonishing Yuno to keep this gift celebrating his promotion for himself in light of Yuno sending most of his money back home, like Asta does. Regarding the promotion, I presume he was promoted higher than Asta because Yuno was part of the effort to capture one attacker alive (with Charmy also being involved in that capture), while Asta, though he fought more opponents, did not capture anyone. Thanks for the handy rank chart, show, even though it wasn't on the screen for very long.

Mirror lasers could be problematic for Gauche's opponents. Also, he must be a preferred customer at the toy store, given the personal treatment he received.

Since Marie is in the care of a nun, I must wonder where her and Gauche's parents are. It's funny that this nun called Asta the annoyingly loud boy to clarify who Marie meant when she said his name.

Chill, Gauche. Asta was simply entertaining a group of children, and he was right about what Marie said to your over-reaction. That marriage comment is just the kind of thing little kids say, not knowing the full significance. Plus, we the audience know that Asta has his heart set on an older woman in Sister Lily.

I like that Rebecca's younger siblings were pushing her to make a move on Asta. What? I can ship him with the cute redhead and also ship him with Noelle. I don't have a super-strong preference here like with other competing ships (such as Hinata for Naruto being my preference over Sakura).

This stretch that feels like filler has given Magna the most screentime he's had in months.

At least Noelle is starting to admit to herself that she does care about what Asta does and who he goes to see.

Oh no. We've got a Pied Piper on our hands, only this mage uses snow hypnotism to abduct children instead of music. I'm concerned not only that the children are being taken by someone who appears at first glance to be mentally unbalanced, but also that they're walking through the snow with inadequate clothing for the environment.

So, Gauche was a criminal, and I would presume that his service in the magic knights is in lieu of spending time in prison, because his skills impressed Yami.

Since mana can be depleted by use, it would be a kind of energy, and thus it could theoretically be possible to extract and store it. However, I don't feel like it's something that could be permanently taken, because it should replenish with time and rest, which is to say not actively trying to use it.

The big dude should have massive internal injuries from that strike by Asta. Oh well. Wounds like that don't matter to a mud monster.

Good work, Noelle, on doing the sensible thing and calling for backup for a situation that was too big for the three of you.

Poor Sekke. He didn't have a chance, going to the Bulls so late at night to alert them of the mass-abduction. Of course Vanessa was passed out drunk, and Mumbles was the only one fully awake. I liked that we got subtitles of what he said, which was fairly innocuous, but the way he speaks coupled with the atmosphere gave Sekke quite the fright.

Since the old nun could use flame magic, it's not terribly surprising that she's an aunt or something to Fuegoleon. I didn't expect her to be a retired magic knight, though. It is neat that her recovery magic can help with the children's cold exposure trauma.

I like that Asta was able to figure out that he didn't need to cut the children to free them from the snow hypnosis spell. Simply tapping them with the guard of his sword was enough.

Ah, the kidnappers were working for the crazy glasses woman. Okay. I'm torn, though. She's not nearly as much fun as Hange, but she did give some fanservice with her skimpy outfit under her open robe.


Shippuden - So, Danzo is using a Sharingan hax that can save the user's life, but if used to full extent will cause the user to go blind in at least one eye. Given this intended purpose and the sheer number of slain Uchiha's, I would say that Danzo and evidently Orochimaru would've been fools not to try to preserve as many eyes as possible, be that in specimen jars or, more likely given the nefarious nature of these two men, by implanting them in other subjects, either for those individuals to use or just as living containers to keep the eyes alive should Danzo need to replace some of his after a serious battle, such as this one.

Danzo can use Wood Style like Yamato, and it was said that Danzo could do this because he had some of Hashirama's cells implanted in him, presumably by Orochimaru. This could mean that Yamato was also a test subject for Orochimaru.

While Sauce may not be as good at genjutsu as Itachi was, he was good enough to trick Danzo into thinking he had one more use of Izanagi than he actually did, and it worked to make a mortal wound take.

I'm not sure how biting Karin works to heal Sauce's wounds. I guess he's an energy vampire, both literally and figuratively.

Danzo was wily, having the sealing jutsu ready for his moment of death, but he still seems like a cowardly, pale imitation of Hiruzen, both now and in the past.

I should've paid more attention in the flashback to see what emblem was on Karin's headband back during the chunin exam.

I forgot how desperate and clingy Sakura was back when Sauce left Konoha.

I'm going to disagree with Ang on Sakura's chances. Sure, the likelihood of killing Sauce would be higher if she hadn't sedated all her teammates, but she's still going into this confrontation fresh, and he just finished a fight against a ninja skillful enough to wound him several times, and that fight required Sauce to use several justus which use a lot of chakra. Thus, her chances may not be objectively good, but they're not as bad as they would typically be.

SD - At 750 Wulongs/hr, going with a seven-day week, Dandy would've been paid 126,000. Even if we grant that he'd only be on the clock for 12 hours a day, that's still 63,000. I'm not sure how long Scarlet would need to work to earn that take-home, but given how crazy, possessive, and violent Dolph was, I would call it money well spent.

It still stings a little that Dandy and Scarlet never really got together. Curse the timing of that train or multi-sectioned truck, whichever it was.

The lines "Paul, you bastard," and "I can't marry a rectangle" still make me smile.

Regarding the Aloha Oe's giant scissors, I'm not sure why they didn't get drawn into the 2D universe upon contact. I also have no idea why they would have them. Maybe they were fabricated onboard with a 3D printer. It is thousands of years in the future, so maybe that kind of technology is as widespread then as indoor electric lighting is now.

What kind of terrible legal system doesn't even make sure the defendant is awake during a trial?

Yes, the red hair plays a part, but dang, Rose is a beautiful woman. The life insurance policy on her husband should've come to both the defense and prosecution's attention during discovery.

I can believe that no pet shop would buy Meow. Not only is he sentient, though an idiot, but he'd also eat way too much for a shop to want to care for him until he would be sold, which, since he's not adorable and tiny, could be a very long time.

CB - I only watched Black Dog Serenade in the last few weeks, because I love that episode. I noticed something that didn't occur to me previously. On the show The Expanse, they give a very realistic portrayal of space travel and the physics and technical considerations. In the most recent season, they addressed one of the ships being able to generate spin gravity, or centripetal force, and how people would be able to walk around on other ships in zero G with magnetic boots. We know that the Bebop and the prison transport ship each have a spinning section where people can walk around normally, and we've seen the Bebop crew float in other areas of the ship. We saw in this episode that Udai had slip-on shoes, presumably to deny the inmates access to laces which they could use as weapons. Slip-on shoes would be unsuitable for magnetic footwear, and yet it looked like the inmates stood and walked normally on the flight deck of the transport ship, where the blood from the inmate Udai killed floated in droplets. That technical point is easy to miss in an episode with such an engaging plot, but it's still strikes me as an "oops."

A prison colony on Pluto would be as close to escape-proof as possible, because the only escape which wouldn't result in a rapid, frigid death would entail stealing a ship from the dock, and if the dock can be secured, then there's no way off the dwarf planet.

If inmates get those neck bar code tattoos to identify them, does the incarcerating authority pay for tattoo removal for those who serve out their sentences? Whitney still had his in My Funny Valentine, but he was a fugitive, so he might've escaped a low-security prison (as he was a non-violent offender, a low-security facility could've been an option for his incarceration) or skipped town, violating a parole arrangement.

Lupin - The crooked detective should've been charged with the attempted murder of a law enforcement officer.

I don't know about anyone else, but I keep my bandages and other wound treatment supplies in the bathroom, not the kitchen. Do other people keep a kit in the kitchen? Am I the odd one here? I wouldn't know, because this is all I've ever known.

Nyx's daughters get their looks from Mrs. Person, and they should be glad for it.

Lupin sure puts the gentleman in gentleman thief, not only releasing Bridget as soon as he discovered her presence, but also protecting her from incoming gunfire, shielding her with his own body.

Lupin is still a good guy to arrange the little girl's remains' burial.

Those were some elaborate deathtraps for a castle in the early 19th century, and it's astounding that they'd still work without being maintained in likely decades, if not longer.

Mama packing a minigun was just overkill.


Hero- I could watch him do the ORA ORA thing for hours. Please don't kill my boyfriend, show. Now would be a great time for the other teachers to show up. Oh shit don't kill these kids I like them. God he's doing things for me. KEEP IT UP BABY I BELIEVE IN YOU. I like that Hexxus calls hand boy by his full name. Aw fuck this is going wrong. DON'T KILL HIM I LOVE HIM. Save Dad Might, Aw fuck he broke his legs again. GODDAMMIT NO. Oh thank god, guns solve everything. Jesus y'all cut that shit close. Iida brought a cowboy and a super hot lady. OH YEEEEAH. Oh shit I guess that's why he's the school announcer. Eat lead, fucker. Oh hey thanks space friend. If you touch All Might I will shoot you in the dick myself. Now get everyone some medical attention. All Might is the best dad. The principal is adorable. Thanks, Block Man. :D Cement Man is the best hero. Speaking of dead I hope somebody got Aizawa some medical attention. Fuck you, hand boy. I already hate these secret guys. Hexxus has good taste in suits. Oh fuck you leave Deku alone. What the fuck symbol is he supposed to be, a hand fetish? Tap that invisible ass, furry boy. :D This fabulous kid is great. Good lord Aizawa's face can take a real pounding and I respect that. I trust that cat. God I'm gay. Aw fuck the ORA didn't work. Poor boyfriend. If Aizawa survives I've got about 23 hours of free time now, he can call me. Aww yay he's got a friend. ALL MIGHT IS BEST DAD. 

PTE- I tend to zone out and think about hot dudes too, no shame in that. And then it was HxH. Quite the jam, fam. Billion Quadrillion is a name right out of Gundam. Damn robots. ORAORAORAORAORAORA. :D YAS QUEEN. Your glowstick is haunted. Best cooking show. TOO MUCH SUGAR. I feel that way getting ready for work every day.  

Jojo- ORAORAORAORAORAORA. Oh hey the OP's changed. I appreciate this just so I can get one last look at Avdol. This crazy bastard fucked up the OP! Fuck you and your stupid pants, Dio. Oh shit did he just move? Can Splat stop time now? This is a realy long five seconds. I'm not even gonna question why they're flying it's just Jojo. I mean he's a vampire it's not like bullets would have hurt him anyway. Oh hey Enya. I'm uncomfortable with how much I enjoy Dio showing off his tits. Flip him off while you're frozen. Jotaro that was a great idea but you're going to die. Our only hope now is that Joseph's a whore and knocked up some other lady. EAT SHIT, DIO. Uhh your leg is gone. Lady you probably shouldn't get close to him. SWEETHEART. You may only get a second to move but that's enough time for one good punch to the dick. And now he has knives. Oh damn that's a lot of knives. Well Star you put up a good fight. Jotaro does not give a fuck. Why is Dio such a bastard and why would I still hit it. Oh fuck Jotaro you're gonna need your head. Oh hey Polnareff is in this show. Polnareff you stupid bastard. I'm okay with Polnareff being sacrificed to save Jotaro's hot mom. Cops are just goddamn useless in this show. Wow he can take a bullet with no reaction. Jesus christ Jotaro just stop. NO SHIT IT HURTS YOU STOPPED YOUR HEART. Fuck you Dio. Ohhhh right in the brain. Set him on fire for Avdol. Oh what the hell now. :D Dio what the fuck. :D He's in the fucking manhole. Now this is a satisfying ORAORA to watch. Oh shit what did you do. JOSEPH NO. 

Hunter- This night owes me shirtless Knuckle to make up for All Might losing more time and Joseph losing all that blood. You probably should have kept that shrub costume on a bit longer. What the FUCK is that. Oh, that's terrifying. I got a bad feeling about this, buddy. This is definitely going too well, he's about to die. Aaaand you're fucked. I would have already pissed myself by then. Dude no just wipe your shoes off don't go barefoot. Yeah you should probably just quit while you're ahead. Smash him in the face with your pipe. Meanwhile, truck full of whores. I'm uncomfortable with this douche. Oh great, it's a sububs-themed sex dungeon. I like the tall one with the big rack. Why is this entire arc designed to make me cringe. Good luck, you creepy bitch. Gee buddy maybe you should have kept your damn shoes on. There there, you blubbering goddamn pansy. Aww, he does care. My skin is fucking crawling. HIT HIM WITH THE PIPE. Of course you're an atheist, no loving god would allow you fuckers to exist. Oh, they can bond over music. 

Clover- I fucking hate this show. This nun lady is the best character with her giant fire cheeta. Just kill this bitch already. I hope sister fucker dies painfully. God what a creepy piece of shit. I don't give a fuck about his tragic backstory I just want him to die. THANK YOU, LOLI SISTER. Meanwhile the dipshit is still screaming. Haaaaaate hate hate hatey hate hate. No let him fight and get himself killed. Your kid sister is never going to fuck you, dude. I do enjoy seeing him in pain. Goddamn power of friendship again, I'm so tired. Heeey Cap'n Sexy. Yami this is your fault for not just murdering him immediately. We're really doing the friendship power here, jesus christ. Every time I watch this show I feel the icy grip of death coming closer. MOTHER OF FUCK HE'S GOT A GODDAMN SHARINGAN. That's so many Astas I'm going to cry. Why does every character in this show need an unnecessary tragic backstory? Oh fucking god what the hell now. She might be dead but at least she doesn't have to be in this show anymore.

Naruto- Fuck you, Sasuke. YOU WEREN'T EVEN FRIENDS. Our protagonist, secretly being happy at another kid losing his entire family. I don't fucking care, show. You know instead of spending this entire write-up repeating how much I hate Sasuke I'm just gonna share this instead.

17 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said:

Poke: Asuma was a Sarutobi. The Third Hokage's given name was Hiruzen.

Yes, I was referring to Hiruzen when I said Sarutobi.

DRAGONBALL SUPER - The ramen stand at the end of the universe. I wonder if aliens have ever heard the expression "knock on wood", because Jaco really should've done that. I never knew Gohan and Mr. Satan's mock fights for Videl were film adaptation material. Follow us on SpaceBook for more details. So many fangirls, and cute ones at that. This guy's certainly got an ego. The whole "sneezing when someone mentions you" superstition is my favorite Japanese anime cliche, bar none. Something about this girl's voice seems off to me. Only one year old and Pan already hates NTR. That's a high mouth. Ah, so that's how stuntmen work. Barry, you prick. Gohan may be a jobber, but damn if he isn't a good family man. Because the Great Saiyaman can't do heroics without showing off a little. That video was A E S T H E T I C as fuck. I love it. xD Don't fuck with the director. Videl confirmed for mask fetishist? :x Dude, you're smarter than your father, I'm sure you can figure it out with time. FUCK YEAH POLICEMAN KRILLIN. Geez, how many of the two-bit human villains in this show bear a striking resemblance to Nappa? OH YEAHHHHHHHHH. :D That's another one for the Krillin PWNED counter. You went to jail, and the first thing you did was go back to robbing banks. Man, these guys are idiots. No one expects alien buttsecks! I'm alright with the super strength upgrade, but why do his shoulders look so dangerously furry? So the Kamehameha being ridiculously powerful memed its way into even filler, it seems. Of course Krillin has no idea that the Great Saiyaman shtick turns Videl on like it's nobody's business. ;) If you need a quick and reasonable excuse, Bulma's your woman. Okay, maybe not "reasonable", per se, but in the Dragonball universe, what isn't unreasonable by real-world standards? A love triangle with Bryn Apprill as the third girl? It's like I can already hear Elfie dropping this show like a ton of bricks. Hey, remember that time Piccolo blew up the moon? (I don't think anybody does...) Oh goddammit Jaco. Sweet, new ending theme. I ain't buyin' that shit unless Superman actually does die. CLIFFHANGER... averted. Not even Jaco was expecting it to be that strong. "Goku's not-as-capable uninspiring son!" It hurts, but he's right. Superhuman powers and dangerously furry shoulders. Two thousand zeni says he goes after Barry C*nt next. Being a nice guy works, I suggest you try it sometime. "You're mine now, rat." Gohan seems to be posing a lot more often than usual. I wonder if something happened... Fuck you, Barry. If the transition didn't work for the gal in Pacific Rim 1, like hell it's gonna work for her. "I can fly around and I do hang out with aliens. Hell, I'm a half-alien myself!" WE GOTTA BE BETTER THAN WE WERE YESTERDAY. You'd be surprised at the variety of graveyard shift jobs in today's economy. Fuck you again, Barry, now I really hope Watagash goes all brain slug on you. Thank Kami, she doesn't know... OH WAIT NOW SHE DOES. :D This is the best scenario that could have happened and I love it. And they say getting ryona-ed by Spopovich extinguished Videl's backbone completely... I love how the dub is playing up his ego. Called it. B|You don't tell me what to when watching cartoons Saita-WHOAWHATTHEFUCK. OH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH! "Hey bby." No, not the toy bin! AWW YEAH IT'S THE FUJI TV BUILDING. They sure love putting it in their own programming, don't they. Because you can't have a Shonen Jump filler without at least one poop joke. Aw shit, he's gone full furry now. ORA ORA ORA. Friendly reminder that Videl can also fly. We beyond furry now. WE SCALY. "Damn you, scoliosis!" You also can't have a huge battle without the equivalent of Tokyo Tower getting wrecked in the process. SUDDENLY JACO. Do you want to scar Pan for life? Yep, Gohan's method sucks. Plus he's half-Saiyan, they get stronger every time they're nearly killed. GO HAN! Super Great Saiyaman, how original. :D Nature makes the best lighting. Defeated and naked, just what he deserves. And now Goten's into Great Saiyaman again. This is probably the only time I'm on board with Chi-Chi being comically bitchy towards Goku. And so we return to the ramen stand at the end of the universe. KNOCK ON WOOD, JACO, KNOCK ON THE FUCKING WOOD!

MY HERO ACADEMIA - Still not sure if they killed Thirteen or not. It's really hard to tell when there's no body inside the spacesuit. And that ray of hope is pissed. as. HELL. Okay, s/he's twitching, so they're still alive, if only barely. "And he's not smiling..." That means shit's about to go down, son. Ouuuuuch, his elbow still. Shut up, Handjob Man. BELIEVE IN ALL MIGHT. Birdbrain's an alright name, but I think No Might is still the best one, based on his directive. Sick burn, Tsuyu. I'm starting to get a little tired of Deku's pessimistic way of thinking, anyone else with me there? "Punch him right in the balls!" :D That's fighting dirty, Grape Boy. He knows that knocking on wood isn't gonna help anybody this time. Clearly the solution is  to take out the black fog guy, assuming such a thing is even possible. I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M SAYING THIS BUT THANK YOU BAKUGO. Ditto for you, Todoroki. THEN USE CONCEALER. Nobody expects Bakugo, there was nothing he could do. Villainous or not, he's still made of less edge than Sasuke, and that's technically a plus. Regenerative powers are a real bitch. "Hayai!? Well, so am I!" [bullhorn] That sounds deep, but also like the world's biggest excuse. A thumbs up means everything is A-OK, at least at the moment. He's got one Namek minute left! FUCK YEAH YOU SAY RUN. ORA ORA ORA. Oh shit, he's gonna go 110%! You gotta love BONES' A-game action animation. FUCK YEAHHHHH PLUS ULTRA! Take that, clouds. Over 300... now that's impressive, even for someone way below that necessary level. Oh yeah, I forgot about those three for a moment. "They totally caught us with our pants down." That's kind of a strange statement for you to say, especially since one of you is wearing a skirt. I just realized short-circuited Kaminari looks like a One Punch Man character. Scratch your neck hard enough, and you're liable to lose some skin. But he is a villain, so I doubt he'd really mind. Deku, I get how reasonable your thinking is, but dammit would it kill you to be a little less pessimistic? And now he's scratching with two hands! SHIT COUNT: 1. I honestly don't know how to feel about Deku anymore. BANG. Oh hey, reinfor-hold up, who's that chick in the middle there 'cause I like her. :x YEAHHHHHHHHHHH. [cue Won't Get Fooled Again] xD FUCK YOU HANDJOB MAN. And once again, All Might is the optimism that counterbalances Deku's seemingly endless pessimism. Because you can't have a shounen without ridiculously huge One Piece tears. Okay, that promo minimalism is making me psyched for AoT 3. Can't wait. Ah, the joy of mutual relief. Meanwhile, at the most conspicuous of secret hideouts... Wait, so there's two people on the other side of that "SOUND ONLY" screen? I UNDERSTAND YOUR FRUSTRATION. This show really wants to ship Tail Boy with Invisible Girl. Nobody cares, Aoyama. Ooh, looks like it's critical condition. Okay, now I'm convinced that Thirteen's just an empty spacesuit that magically gained consciousness one day. Police cat is a cute, no homo. Bakugo, you are one salty motherfucker. Is it wrong for me to pick two waifus from this show, because I want this dominatrix-looking heroine to share the position with Mt. Lady. :) Something tells me that scar over the principal's eye is important. Oh shit they found No Might. Never mind, Aizawa's stable. Why so serious, everyone? If you're wondering why this feels like a season finale episode... that's because it is. Luckily for you, we're going straight into season 2 starting next week, so no need to panic over hiatuses. Okay, who else was caught off-guard by that surprise series title announcement? O.o

POP TEAM EPIC - Don't you just hate it when they rate something MA and then censor the adult situations? [glares at Demarco] Welcome to shoujo anime, and I mean the real shoujo stuff. Hojo-senpai is my license plate. I'm not so much surprised by them being the parents than I am disturbed at how unpleasant they made their voices. I love that the normal people in this sketch are reasonably disturbed by Popuko and Pipimi's antics. STAND UP TO HIGH SCHOOL BULLYING. And that, colored folks, is how yanderes are born. Hojo-senpai confirmed for being faster than the average human. Thank god the knife stabbed the side that didn't have his heart. "For real... stop calling me senpai... We're in an English dub, for crying out loud..." Ah, the weird and wonderful joys of reincarnation. HOME RUN. We Food Network now. They simmer their food because it's easy~. WAZAAAAAP. I feel like this one made more sense in Japanese. MARILYN MONROE~. This would be funny if it wasn't so real. MITENAI. ****** Mouse? You think they'd uncensor this if Disney buys up Turner? Only PTE would make a sketch that's Alice in Wonderland meets Easy Rider, and not in the most literal of senses. Of course the promo made it sound like a regular ol' DBZ episode. You gotta love Nice Boat. Slightly more pleasant voices this time for them. Never hop on the incest train unless you're absolutely sure you want to. THE S.G.G.K. OF THE NIGHT. Pa pa pa, chin chin chin. Who is this "brother" you speak of? POP CHAW PIPIKEAW. I love how the guys' half of the MARILYN MONROE sketch is just them having an off-topic conversation. If Popuko was used as a weapon, there'd be no wars left. I knew it was you, Mickey *****! GET YOUR MOTOR RAMEN, RIDING DOWN THE HIGHWAY, LOOKIN FOR SOME RAMEN, AND WHATEVER COMES MY WAY~. Ara ara girls are the best haremettes, I dare you to convince me otherwise. Mmm, Hellshake Yano. You must be a real pussy to lose without at least making some move. If you watched Hikaru no Go on Toonami Jetstream, you're sure to appreciate this random reference. I like this chick's theme music. For those confused, shogi commentators usually consist of an analyst who knows the game and a female interviewer who is absolutely clueless about all the details. I love how the music cuts out whenever she speaks. That was some freaking Inazuma Eleven bullshit, that move. More like an android, those are the ones that look convincingly human. I hope you mean they were holograms in the metaphorical sense. KIMINONAWA... Personally I prefer OK BRAVO to YAS QUEEN. The regional body-link formation is my personal favorite. B-Bae... Gratuitous French, and it isn't even the French dude's turn to animate. I hope whoever receives that chocolate is one sugary dude. Bob Epic Team sure has interesting ways of interpreting things. Welp, so much for everyone watching this on a TV. FUN FACT: In the original Japanese dub of the guys' half, Popuko stated she wanted to open a fried chicken stand instead of becoming a paladin, as an ad-lib on the seiyuu's part. Still love this chick's theme music. Thank god I watched March Comes in Like a Lion, otherwise I'd be twice as lost as I am right now. QUITE THE JAM, FAMALAM. Her melting into ash will never not be disturbing. No one knows what the interviewer is talking about. "My state-of-the-art cybernetics!" So it was a baseball meet all along. Pipipipi > Pipibo, apparently. 10 spoonfuls of sugar is Popuko's preferred amount. Come to think of it, we've never even seen Popuko and Pipimi at school even though they wear the uniforms. "You there, the one who didn't follow my orders... I AM THE BOMBER." [licks your tears] These Girldrop previews are so confusing, is Sosogu and Daichi sharing a bed happening during the on-location filming or during their make-up for the school trip? And they say this is the anime of two seasons ago...

That was a cool bump for Venture season 7. Can't wait to see how it shakes down in action.

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - Swinging through Egypt Tarzan-style. Aw crap, we Kakyoin backstory now. I've seen enough Akame ga KILL! to know where this is going... Life is tough, growing up with a real-life imaginary friend. Who cares about Polnareff, am I right? 9_9 FORESHADOWING. The Emerald Splash may be able to be deflected, but there's no way to dodge it at this speed! I miss the days when those billboards were for 7Up. What an unfortunately uncomfortable position he finds himself in. Okay, this had better work... And it didn't. O.o IT REALLY DIDN'T. It's a lot to take in, when the fatal blow happens that fast. Damn, nightfall really happens fast in Egypt, doesn't it. Huh, the narrator sounds slightly different from  usual. SHIT COUNT: 1. If it's outlandish by real-world logic, it must be the work of a STAND, especially if said outlandishness has to do with time. Oh hey, Erina got namedropped. Sometimes it's easy to forget they both knew her, albeit in different stages of her characterization. Emerald Splash... DENIED. Or maybe not, thank you survival instincts. Press F for Kakyoin. T_T So has it been explained how DIO's able to just fly around like that? Kakyoin's dead, Polnareff, just like the Iron Giant. EUREKA! And now we see the moment that sealed his fate, as properly portrayed. Even in the most dramatic of moments, the JoJo memes never cease. Did anyone actually watch Art Prison, because I wanna know what the Sam Hell it's even about outside of torture porn for a critic in the wrong place at the wrong time. Yes, leave it to Joseph, the master of making up plans on the fly. Remember Hamon? Whether you do or not, now you know that it's weak to giant rocks that come out of nowhere. I can't believe they got away with an It's Raining Men reference, considering all the potential copyright strikes. Oh shut up, bystanders. SUDDENLY JOTARO. And his theme music stopped, that's never good. ZA WARUDO! We've already seen his evil through his killing Danny, so let's see how people react when a cat is put in danger thanks to his villainy. Further confirmation that DIO just doesn't give a shit about people. I still miss "Useless". :( "Activating shitstorm in 3, 2..." Shit, Joseph's dead, now things are really serious. Not even DIO cares about Polnareff. JOTARO KUJO: FEARLESS PROTAGONIST. Those sound like expensive pants. "You made me bleed my own blood... Excellent effort." Hmm, apparently the Egyptians were actually speaking Arabic in the Japanese version. I blame DIO for my DVR excising the first 20 seconds of the episode from the beginning of my recording. HOLY SHIT WE FULL OPENING NOW. :D DIO, you cheeky fourth-wall breaking bastard. His greatest fear: frozen time finger twitches. (Sounds like a kinky sex move.) Jotaro floats through the air by the power of his anger alone. We all miss the days of shirtless DIO. I once had that image of The World as my wallpaper before I even started watching JoJo properly. All this proves is that Jotaro is a fast learner. AND NOW DIO IS THE ONE BEING FISTED. "Bring it to me... like a flight attendant would!" Even his clothes can heal! Well, that's DIO for you. :S Okay, that time jump actually kinda spooked me. DIO and the Joestars know each other way too well. KNIVES! Man, I love reaching these iconic scenes. Ouch, right in the head. This means Polnareff is the only one left. May god have mercy on us all... :| Welp, never mind, thank you convenient manga books. Shit, I should've knocked on wood like Jaco. FUCK YEAH POLNAREFF! Okay, so Jotaro survives into the next season, but the question is how? Whatever it is, I'm liking the look of JoJo #4 regardless. :D Even when it's DIO, it's funny when Polnareff gets hurt. An on-purpose involuntary twitch is the best method of surprise. Oh you poor policemen, you are sooooo fucked. Just as he stopped a bullet in the beginning, Star Platinum is stopping bullets even now. GAH MY SEXY HEAD. The shock of sustaining injury after avoiding it for a whole century is so much for DIO, he can't process how to deal with it, even in the slightest capacity. SHIT COUNT: 5. If there's anything Jotaro learned from Avdol, it's that the only way to defeat a vampire... is to burn it. HELP ME KARS. So much for whoever's using that taxi. YOU EXPECTED SEWER RATS, BUT IT WAS I, JOTARO! :D God do I love watching DIO get his ass beaten. All this time, he was leading him around in a circle. Him sucking out Joseph's blood is terrible and all, but I can't take DIO seriously when he's looking like a butch lesbian. But hey, at least he's got a new name: Tequila DIO.

[mariachi music]

  • Haha 1
37 minutes ago, PokeNirvash said:

Is it wrong for me to pick two waifus from this show, because I want this dominatrix-looking heroine to share the position with Mt. Lady.

You can have as many waifus and/or husbandos that you have room for in your heart. Which is why I'm now angling for that Eraser Might threeway that will absolutely kill me.


  • Like 1
On 8/4/2018 at 4:58 PM, FoleyisGood149 said:

FLCL: P - It's strange that they didn't dub the thug's dialogue. Hm.

Actually, they did. According to the president of Production I.G USA, the Japanese dub of Progressive has (will have?) the thug's dialogue spoken in English, and the dub crew decided to dub it Japanese as a fun reversal situation. Additional fun fact: the guy they brought in to record the Japanese dialogue was the guy who played the front third of the original Human Centipede.

In more serious matters, my family's pet cat of 14 years has died. She had a pretty bad tumor on one of her front legs that was planned to be amputated, but more tumors have popped up "throughout", rendering her inoperable, and we decided it was better for her to be put down than for her to waste away at home. She lasted through my entire middle school, high school, and college undergrad careers, and on top of that my time to now watching both [adult swim] and anime outside of the televised-in-the-U.S. stuff. It's been a good run, and though I showed her the least affection and bother out of everyone in my family, I'm going to miss her just as much. T_T

You know what, the mood in the house is too depressing for me to even bother with Black Clover. I'll save it, Naruto and Dandy for later this week, whatever days that may be. I'm just gonna do Hunter today.

HUNTER x HUNTER - KUYASHII. People love to be challenged, especially when victory is a difficult path. So congratulations, you're on the path to becoming a people. Alternately, like drool from her mouth. We FKMT now. Or maybe not, considering there's no money involved. Huh, wasn't expecting his condition to be so... tame, compared to what we've seen. Someone get this girl some tissues. And here he was trying to go easy on her. Your parents are harsh folks. "This girl's a weird one. Lucky for her, I like weird." ALL BETS ARE OFF. And so is his arm. BITCHSLAPPED. This show, man. It really is captivating. So much so, that it's hard for me to come up with anything to say. Talking about this is less awkward than forcing comments, or making none at all after so many ones in close proximity to one another. Kinda cute for an Eldritch doctor puppet thing. It takes so much nen, even her dialogue sounds sluggish. :D Freeze frame bugs. There's Gon and Killua's cameo for the episode. He should've made a full Ghillie suit instead of a half-assed half of one. The Secret President was hiding in the bathroom this whole time. I love these giant character cluster pans. Even in Fantasy North Korea, overwork is a very Japanese issue. Oh no, he's an SAO villain. For a second there, I thought that woman there was his wife or daughter. :o And it was Palm this whole time. And this was when the bad news was received. :( He says he'll take her left arm, but he wound up taking his instead. Funny how that works out. "Finally, some cover from this rain..." Are you blind, that doesn't look like fruit to me. Black hole transmutation circles? YOU SAW NOTHING. I understand discarding your shoes, but why leave the socks? Were you even wearing any to begin with? Something tells me DIO's at the top of those stairs. Dammit Pitou stop looking cute I'm supposed to hate you. TV really is the best means of recognition. Yeah, fuck those guys we just introduced two episodes ago. Welcome to the year of Levi. Like I said, an SAO villain. Aha, so he knew Palm was following him this whole time. "To the fuck farm!" That's an awfully large space for just five women. He's gonna fuck the tall one first, good choice. And then he had a mental breakdown. To be fair, only Gon was ready to face it. Then again, Killua was still under Illumi's hands-off control when he made the choice to flee... Plain-looking Palm is still a cute. The random ice shift is one of my favorite underappreciated anime cliches. That chapel doesn't look so underground to me. Then again, that white light could be faked... ATHEISM!!! Seriously, how can Viz get away with "Deep Purple" here, but not "Crazy Diamond" in JoJo? He's tingling with excitement. I appreciate someone who puts on tunes to fight to. :D Oh shit he's actually doing it. And it's a rock opera, too! It sucks, being at odds with people who share your interests.

[r.i.p. gabby 2002-2018]


BLACK CLOVER - My bet is everyone's either sleeping or drunk off their ass. (In Vanessa's case, probably both.) DELICIOUS BROWN. Oh hey, they started subtitling his dialogue, finally. Now that I can actually read what he's saying, I'm starting to hear him better now. Of course he winds up running into the other creepy guy in the house. :D Do bar tabs count as a drinking problem, because I think Yami might have several. Yep, called it. GREG AYRES SCREECH. How does one silence a mirror? Nobody ever expects shadow clones, even when they're expecting them. "Your magic is officially awesome, Gauche! But your personality still needs a lotta work." Next time he'll aim for the wall and hit you! :D Did they write that line that way on purpose? MY LEG. Oh just bang already in the universe where nuns aren't off-limits, you two. I'm not surprised those two know each other. Dammit why do I love his sparkly eyes so much. Yes, keep those nun-wedding thoughts in your mind where they belong. Poor, misguided Greg Ayres. Wait, is that girl who I think it is? Welp, there go Gordon's subtitles. SALLY A CUTE. Damn you, femdom fetish, for making me find this hot. That's one serious hickie. "I have learned that the only way to defeat a sticky salamander... is to burn it." Three episodes of screentime, and she's already more of a keeper than Sister Lily. Hmm, she wasn't bad-looking back then either. FOR LITTLE FUEGO'S MISSING ARM! Dammit, that's another crazy waifu for the harem. Even Asta is intimidated! Asta caring about all the kids while Gauche just takes Marie and runs like the selfish man he is. In this show, suggestive dialogue just means that Gauche is more of a siscon than usual. If the fire leopard's job was to cheer the children up, then it definitely succeeded. You have to take responsibility! Old nun is so kewl. B| Just because you're correct, it doesn't mean you're right. Those nobles sound like they're saying nice things, so why the sinister overtones? And then they were Batman's parents. The reason for your dedication to her is admirable in all, but did you have to go full siscon as a result? Surely there was another way. LOLIPUNCH. He only joined the Black Bulls because they're the only ones who can even stand his perpetual siscon attitude. Even after finally respecting her wishes, Gauche still gonna be Gauche. You're gonna eat those words in about five seconds. "Is he insane or just an idiot?" He's both. Clearly the solution is to shoot magic at it faster than it can regenerate from it. [poof] Sloppy fighting does not necessarily equal poor fighting. Those kids aren't too happy that they're leaving the cave last. Sweet, a new blade. And the power-up did absolutely nothing. :| Yep, just as I thought. That imagery doesn't look too fitting. That's a freaky eye. TOO MANY ASTAS. Fuck yeah, teamwork! Well, what's important is that he knows what he did wrong and wants to change it. BACKSTABBED. And frontstabbed. OLD NUN NOOOOO.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - No, I'd say she's perfectly estimating him, the man hyperventilated like crazy when he learned the truth, for crying out loud. I'd call Sai the sane one, but considering how edgy Sasuke got last episode, I'm not sure what to think. Telling your dog not to be a scaredy-cat. All according to Sakura's keikaku. Oh hey, I remember this flashback. Good, they skipped the part where she said she hated Naruto (which I'm certain she only said because it was the first thing that came to mind while she was fangirling over Sasuke). SUDDENLY OROCHIMARU. Long story short, it was the most painful hickie of his life. If Sasuke really is an Avenger, then I hope he was one of the many victims of the snap that halved the world population. As tough as watching all the blatant Sasu/Saku shipping, I'm enjoying this return trip through OG Naruto. FIGHT ME LOSER. What an inappropriate time to have a gratuitous ass shot. You say you were left behind, and yet you officially outrank both of them. [Venezuelan soap opera music intensifies] Naruto, your sense of obligation is highly questionable. This is easily the best Toonami music video in years. Meanwhile, Danzo is still dead. All that's inside there now are a bunch of wasted stones. Patience is a virtue, Sasuke. If Karin bit herself, would she be able to heal herself or would it just not work? HOLY FUCK A BEAR. Huh, so she was participating in that Chunin Exam too... Interesting little tidbit. KILLBLOCKED. And so the two girls finally meet, more or less. Goddammit Sakura. This Ready Player One commercial makes me wanna punch something. Preferably one of those three assholes talking down the kid who just doesn't give a fuck. FUCK YEAH OBLIGATORY FULL OPENING TIME. Hmm, so Sasuke admits they were friends. Or maybe that was all part of the dream half of that flashback. Well, at least Yamato's here. Last episode was about Sakura's relationship with Sasuke, this time it's Naruto's turn to reminisce. I prefer "you're the one I want to fight the most". It may have been a dub workaround back in the OG Toonami days, but there's just something powerful about Sasuke saying he wants to "destroy" Itachi instead of just straight-up killing him. [s-CRY-ed-style yelling intensifies] And that's why Kakashi was the referee. Even now, I can never get over Sasuke's Curse Mark Level 2 Allstate Helping Hands wings. Not hungry, you say. Not even for ramen? Reminder that Orochimaru did what he did in order to keep all the knowledge he amassed over time alive past his natural lifespan. And then the porridge turned too cold. Okay that's a clever escape tactic. We all know what's going through your head, Sasuke: murder and edge. Being a Kage is all about going through on the tough decisions. That crying baby during that one piece of background music still disturbs me. Shit, the episode's over already?

On 8/5/2018 at 2:30 AM, EmpressAngel said:

Hero- I could watch him do the ORA ORA thing for hours. Please don't kill my boyfriend, show. Now would be a great time for the other teachers to show up. Oh shit don't kill these kids I like them. God he's doing things for me. KEEP IT UP BABY I BELIEVE IN YOU. I like that Hexxus calls hand boy by his full name. Aw fuck this is going wrong. DON'T KILL HIM I LOVE HIM. Save Dad Might, Aw fuck he broke his legs again. GODDAMMIT NO. Oh thank god, guns solve everything. Jesus y'all cut that shit close. Iida brought a cowboy and a super hot lady. OH YEEEEAH. Oh shit I guess that's why he's the school announcer. Eat lead, fucker. Oh hey thanks space friend. If you touch All Might I will shoot you in the dick myself. Now get everyone some medical attention. All Might is the best dad. The principal is adorable. Thanks, Block Man. :D Cement Man is the best hero. Speaking of dead I hope somebody got Aizawa some medical attention. Fuck you, hand boy. I already hate these secret guys. Hexxus has good taste in suits. Oh fuck you leave Deku alone. What the fuck symbol is he supposed to be, a hand fetish? Tap that invisible ass, furry boy. :D This fabulous kid is great. Good lord Aizawa's face can take a real pounding and I respect that. I trust that cat. God I'm gay. Aw fuck the ORA didn't work. Poor boyfriend. If Aizawa survives I've got about 23 hours of free time now, he can call me. Aww yay he's got a friend. ALL MIGHT IS BEST DAD. 

PTE- I tend to zone out and think about hot dudes too, no shame in that. And then it was HxH. Quite the jam, fam. Billion Quadrillion is a name right out of Gundam. Damn robots. ORAORAORAORAORAORA. :D YAS QUEEN. Your glowstick is haunted. Best cooking show. TOO MUCH SUGAR. I feel that way getting ready for work every day.  

Jojo- ORAORAORAORAORAORA. Oh hey the OP's changed. I appreciate this just so I can get one last look at Avdol. This crazy bastard fucked up the OP! Fuck you and your stupid pants, Dio. Oh shit did he just move? Can Splat stop time now? This is a realy long five seconds. I'm not even gonna question why they're flying it's just Jojo. I mean he's a vampire it's not like bullets would have hurt him anyway. Oh hey Enya. I'm uncomfortable with how much I enjoy Dio showing off his tits. Flip him off while you're frozen. Jotaro that was a great idea but you're going to die. Our only hope now is that Joseph's a whore and knocked up some other lady. EAT SHIT, DIO. Uhh your leg is gone. Lady you probably shouldn't get close to him. SWEETHEART. You may only get a second to move but that's enough time for one good punch to the dick. And now he has knives. Oh damn that's a lot of knives. Well Star you put up a good fight. Jotaro does not give a fuck. Why is Dio such a bastard and why would I still hit it. Oh fuck Jotaro you're gonna need your head. Oh hey Polnareff is in this show. Polnareff you stupid bastard. I'm okay with Polnareff being sacrificed to save Jotaro's hot mom. Cops are just goddamn useless in this show. Wow he can take a bullet with no reaction. Jesus christ Jotaro just stop. NO SHIT IT HURTS YOU STOPPED YOUR HEART. Fuck you Dio. Ohhhh right in the brain. Set him on fire for Avdol. Oh what the hell now. :D Dio what the fuck. :D He's in the fucking manhole. Now this is a satisfying ORAORA to watch. Oh shit what did you do. JOSEPH NO. 

Hunter- This night owes me shirtless Knuckle to make up for All Might losing more time and Joseph losing all that blood. You probably should have kept that shrub costume on a bit longer. What the FUCK is that. Oh, that's terrifying. I got a bad feeling about this, buddy. This is definitely going too well, he's about to die. Aaaand you're fucked. I would have already pissed myself by then. Dude no just wipe your shoes off don't go barefoot. Yeah you should probably just quit while you're ahead. Smash him in the face with your pipe. Meanwhile, truck full of whores. I'm uncomfortable with this douche. Oh great, it's a sububs-themed sex dungeon. I like the tall one with the big rack. Why is this entire arc designed to make me cringe. Good luck, you creepy bitch. Gee buddy maybe you should have kept your damn shoes on. There there, you blubbering goddamn pansy. Aww, he does care. My skin is fucking crawling. HIT HIM WITH THE PIPE. Of course you're an atheist, no loving god would allow you fuckers to exist. Oh, they can bond over music. 

Clover- I fucking hate this show. This nun lady is the best character with her giant fire cheeta. Just kill this bitch already. I hope sister fucker dies painfully. God what a creepy piece of shit. I don't give a fuck about his tragic backstory I just want him to die. THANK YOU, LOLI SISTER. Meanwhile the dipshit is still screaming. Haaaaaate hate hate hatey hate hate. No let him fight and get himself killed. Your kid sister is never going to fuck you, dude. I do enjoy seeing him in pain. Goddamn power of friendship again, I'm so tired. Heeey Cap'n Sexy. Yami this is your fault for not just murdering him immediately. We're really doing the friendship power here, jesus christ. Every time I watch this show I feel the icy grip of death coming closer. MOTHER OF FUCK HE'S GOT A GODDAMN SHARINGAN. That's so many Astas I'm going to cry. Why does every character in this show need an unnecessary tragic backstory? Oh fucking god what the hell now. She might be dead but at least she doesn't have to be in this show anymore.

Naruto- Fuck you, Sasuke. YOU WEREN'T EVEN FRIENDS. Our protagonist, secretly being happy at another kid losing his entire family. I don't fucking care, show. You know instead of spending this entire write-up repeating how much I hate Sasuke I'm just gonna share this instead.

Sasuke used to be blowing up all over the anime, too. Don't lick into that!

Posted (edited)

It's been one hundred years since the young British orphan-turned-nobleman Dio Brando donned the Stone Mask and became a vampire hellbent on taking over the world, and one hundred years since his adopted brother and greatest enemy Jonathan Joestar stopped his reign of terror before it could start at the cost of his own life. And one century later, after being unearthed from his watery grave with Jonathan's body as his own, Dio Brando, now known simply as DIO, has resumed his plot of world domination, the first step being eliminating this rival's remaining descendants with his army of STAND-using assassins. With Jonathan's grandson Joseph one of the many felled by his hand, and Joseph's daughter Holly inching ever closer to death's door, DIO is one step away from severing the Joestar bloodline for good and taking his rightful place at the top of the food chain alongside his own time-stopping STAND, The World. The only thing that can stop him now is Jonathan's great-great-grandson, Jotaro Kujo, possessor of the STAND Star Platinum and the only individual to date to keep up with The World's awesome abilities. The fight between these two STAND users in the night-lit streets of Cairo is the turning point for humanity. Will Jotaro bring an end to DIO's scheming, or will the centuries-old vampire succeed in his goals and reign supreme? It's anyone's guess who will stand tall, but whoever does, one thing is certain. The result will be legen-wait for it...

Besides the throwdown of the century, tonight on Toonami, an on-the-job injury makes Krillin question his worth as one of the Z Fighters, MHA jumps straight into season 2 with the announcement of the UA Sports Festival, if you're a fan of animation bumps and pregnant Haruko this episode may do some things for you, get ready to hear the story of a little-known musician whose name became known through nothing more than his insurmountable drive and motivation, Palm puts her plan into action while Killua wakes up after weeks of unconsciousness, the battle in the cave gets serious when the Eye of the Midnight Sun's leader crashes the party for real this time, Sakura sees first-hand just how edgy Sasuke's become after murderizing his brother, the Caped Baldy returns for what is surely a promotional stunt for the upcoming second season, a wine-tasting event traps Lupin in a situation normally reserved for romantic comedies from the early 2000s, and if you want to fix your broken-down Betamax player the last thing you wanna do is bash it like it's a broken jukebox.

10:30 - Dragonball Super #75 - Goku and Krillin: Back to the Old Familiar Training Ground - TV-14LV

11:00 - My Hero Academia #14 - That's the Idea, Ochaco - TV-14V

11:30 - FLCL Progressive #5 - Fool on the Planet - TV-14D

12:00 - Pop Team Epic #7 - Hellshake Yano - TV-14LV

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #48 - Long Journey, Farewell My Friends - TV-MAV - END

1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #107 - Return and Retire - TV-14LV

1:30 - Black Clover #34 - Light Magic vs. Dark Magic - TV-14V

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #214 - The Burden - TV-PGLV

2:30 - One Punch Man #1 - The Strongest Man - TV-14LV

3:00 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #11 - The Lovesick Pig - TV-14DS

3:30 - Cowboy Bebop #18 - Speak Like a Child - TV-PGV

This week's Pop Team Voices:

  • POPUKO A: Alison Viktorin (Conan Edogawa, QT, Gabriel Belenbauza-Yamada, Debbie Eastriver)
  • PIPIMI A: Stephanie Young (Olivier Mira Armstrong, Harumi, Lizbell, Arachne, Nico Robin, Nico Olvia, Mary)
  • POPUKO B: Greg Ayres (Bido, Pope Alessandro XVIII, Ganta Igarashi, Margot, Heihachi Hayashida, Kensuke Aida, Guldo, Jaw, Frost, Neige)
  • PIPIMI B: Chris Rager (Zampano, Arlong, Campacino & Brindo, King Yemma, Mr. Satan, Baro, Cementoss)

-dary. Legendary.

[stinson out]

Edited by PokeNirvash
  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

Get ready to continue to enjoy Iida Tenya: Best Boy on this season of My Hero Academia.

Sports Festival is a great arc. It's got everything.

  • Deku being a superhero fanboy.
  • Cute girls kicking ass.
  • More rando side characters.
  • All Might being everyone's surrogate dad.
  • Present Mic doing color commentary.
  • Someone who looks sleepier than Aizawa.
  • A great OP song.
  • Calvary battles.
  • Goth birbs!
  • A mini-tournament!
  • Everyone hates Bakugo! (Except Kirishima who thinks he's cool!)
  • The true best girl.
  • Just the shittiest parenting.
  • Rivals!
  • More teachers!
  • Tetsutetsu Tetsutesu!


Edited by QueenoftheDorks
  • Like 1
13 hours ago, QueenoftheDorks said:
  • All Might being everyone's surrogate dad.

You had me at Dad Might.

Hero- Oh cool, world building. God I love Buff Might. Tiny Deku continues to be the cutest thing I've ever seen. Now if only you could use your powers without breaking all your limbs. This OP needs more hot teachers than it's giving me. League of Villains is still a stupid name. Hi boyfriend who are you talking to? Oh hey, All Might has a real name and that fact never occurred to me before. Fuck you, hand guy. Principal Mouse is precious and I want to hug him. What you're telling me is hand boy is a whiny bitch boy and I'm righ to hate him. Well hey, taking down 72 viallins is still a pretty good day. I love his mom. Hey now, you kept Aizawa's face from breaking even harder and I appreciate that. Poor invisible girl. I love all these kids except Bakugo. Aizawa should probably have just taken the day off and got some sleep. Worse than villains, gym class. I'm with grape boy here, maybe you should focus on your students not getting killed. It's just bigger than the olympics, no pressure or anything. :D Damn that's harsh. HOLD THE GODDAMN PHONE was that a hot dude with fire powers in that pro hero montage because everyone knows that is my fetish. Invisible girl is so cute. :D Iida's little dance. Calm down there Ochako. :D Frog. Oh, she's Nami. AWWWWWW TINY CHAKO. :D I love All Might so much. Hey there, Icy Hot. Aw shit that's not good. :( Poor boyfriend. He's so sweet he couldn't even kill a villain. Put me to bed before you lose buff mode. Jesus boyfriend, that's not a shitload of pressure or anything. Aww that's cute the ED is all the girls.

PTE- Haters gonna hate. Hellshake Yano time. These unnamed dudes flipping pages are the real MVP here. Wasn't this an episode of Dandy? :D I like the wave. That was incredible. :D You saved me from that bitch! And then she wes a baby. I goddamn love the cooking segment. MANATEE NO. Owwwww god that hurt. :D BD version. Nice seaweed hat. And then Pokemon. That's how I am with video games too.

Jojo- Fuck you, Dio. Oh hell no Joseph you get your hot spirit ass back in that fucking body. Stop killing the men I love, you asshole! Jotaro you idioit. Oh fucking sweet we get SOUND EFFECTS. Aw fuck he can freeze time longer now. Yeah you've been immortal for 100 years b ut you spent 96 of them in a box underwater. Okay that weird little giggle is making me laugh. Whelp we're fucked, better hope Joseph was sleeping around a couple decades ago. FIST THAT MAN, JOTARO. :D What in the fuck he just dropped a goddamn steamroller on him. Where did he even get that fucking thing? Aw fuck we're doomed. EAT SHIT, DIO. I don't really understand what's going on but I'm glad to see Dio fail. ARE YA FEELIN IT NOW, MR KRABS? Ouch right in the leg. IT'S HIGH NOON. That sure is some big talk about how humans suck considering he stole another dude's dick and couldn't master that body after 100 years. Fuck you, Dio. Aw shit Splats broke. :D What the fuck he gets hit in the leg and fucking explodes. God Jotaro is so cool. Y'all should probably set his body on fire. I'm disappointed that Polnareff survived out of all of them. Yeah that's a great idea turn Joseph into a sexy  vampire. You fools think that Jotaro can't restart somebody's heart? Aw shit he took over grandpa. :D I goddamn love you Joseph. I missed sharing a birthday with Joseph by five days and that's disappointing. Brink of death nothing that man was stone cold dead. Eat shit, Dio. :( Avdol. If Polnareff's not gonna take you up on the offer, you can adopt me instead Joseph. Awwww, manly hugging. HOLLY'S ALRIGHT. Jotaro you stupid bastard why would you get on another plane with Joseph. :( Oh you just had to slip that picture in and break my heart one last time, show.

Hunter- Surf cat. Hope you can swim good, dude. Nice boat. Whelp, you're gonna die. Not the harpoon! Now beat the shit out of him with that pipe.     I don't think your friend came out ahead in that fight. Uh lion dude won't you need to breathe too? This is clearly not a trap for you. Eat shit, lion douche. I think you're just having a heart attack. Dude's just chilling on the floor. Okay that is some crazy amazing lung power you got there. And nothing of value was lost. Oh god Palm that's just gross. Good luck with not dying here. Meanwhile, my son is alive! Thanks, octosquid. That's a lot of money. Awww Gon's so happy. Hi Knuckle, please don't die! Oh my god snap out of it you little baby bitch. Jesus Killua have you been training with All Might. Aww, they're friends this is cute. AWWWWWW THIS IS SO SWEET. I'm surprised how many of these monsters are decent people.

Clover- How is this arc still not over. Shut the fuck up, sister fucker. So this dude is definitely just dimestore Griffith without his mask, right? Whine harder, douche. I do like seeing Asta in pain. Hey there Captain Sexy. Oh good he's still drunk as fuck. Kill them all, only attractive man in this show. Hell no you shut the fuck up and let the only decent person do this fight. I enjoy him not giving a shit about any of this. Stop talking I just want to see the buff guy flex. Yami is by far the most teolerable character in this show. Aw fuck he has to die now because I didn't hate him. How's that feel, douchebag? Yes send Asta in to fight, I want to watch him die. Goddamn asshole used a full restore. I enjoy you, ripoff Zoro Forget his neck tell me what else is thick. I also don't mind if you hurt Asta a bit, in fact I prefer it. Just let the dumb bastard die. Aw crap he didn't die. Oh shut the hell up already. At least Yami's having fun. Eat a dick, light douche. Well I'll be fucked, Black Clover actually managed to give me an episode that I didn't hate with ever fiber of my being.

Naruto- Sleepy dog is cute. Kill her, Sasuke. Kill her, Sakura. Yeah, go ahead and be the replacement for the girl he just mortally wounded. If either of them kill each other I'd be okay with that. Fuck you, Sasuke. Why does anyone find Sasuke worth their energy? Kick his ass, Kakashi. God this kid is just fucking insufferable. Everyone point and laugh at this stupid blind idiot. Jesus christ you dumb bitch. Oh great, more flashbacks I don't give a shit about. Oh, did it finally snap out of flashback for the last ten seconds?

7 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

League of Villains is still a stupid name.

I love that in Japanese is sounds like they say "Villain Lingo" which is a great band name.

I hate that we have to wait so long to get your reaction to fire guy, but also let's take a moment to appreciate that the montage also featured the previously mentioned Best Jeanist, winner of the Best Jeanist award for eight consecutive years. A man who makes a Canadian Tuxedo the basis of his super hero persona. 


DRAGONBALL SUPER - Last day for Super at the top of the block! Goku, proving the memes about him being a terrible parent right. That summit sounds like it'll be important later. I'm personally surprised at how long Chi-Chi managed to hold her anger in before letting it all spill out like that. (I think she even had her own aura there...) :D You can't not love the Great Saiyaman. Yeah, I mean, what seven-year old uses the word "goober"? Hey, remember when Super Saiyan mode used to be a plot twist? It may be ruined, but I think the manmade rockslide is kind of a good look for that cliff. I'm surprised he didn't just Instant Transmission his way out of the house. These guys look awfully familiar. Dang that's a lotta blood. Does that count towards the Krillin Pwned tally, because he doesn't seem too fazed by the pain. I dunno, I've heard that monsters are way too nice to possibly be human. Yessss the return of the Taco shirt. Given how much time she spends just childishly laughing, it's easy to forget that Marron can speak words. That's cold, 18. SYMBOLISM. Turns out Krillin is the true main character of this episode. We OG Dragonball now. All Might a cute. Hey, what kinda jam is that? Porn: the easiest bribe there is. Goku complaining about the heavy turtle outfit seems out of character, the guy trained in much worse conditions for gravity, for Kami's sake. "Even wearing that silly turtle costume, he seems as fast as ever!" Like I said, he trained in greater gravity. What a surprising bump in visual direction. No rest for the constantly pwned. How surprisingly wise of you, Roshi. Hey, you gotta remember that she used to be a villain once. I've never seen OG DB, but the return of training tasks in the form of errands is getting me kinda pumped. A rainbow plant hidden in the deepest depths of nature. Haven't I seen this Naruto filler before? Nothing is better than print media pornography! THE WIND IS VERY LOUD. SUDDENLY BABA. "Fortune Seller" should be a real profession. That's an interesting cave entrance formation. Random pink butterfly. I recognize all these villains! And among them, a literal Ghost Nappa! Of course Krillin would panic at the sight of his first murderer.

I remember when Take Me On was the Franz Ferdinand song I wanted to listen to in full on my own time. But instead, NOW put Do You Want To on their roster out of all their songs. Long story short, it became my true favorite.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - What better way to start a new season than the expository rundown from the beginning of the first? YESSSSS MOUNT LADY. xD See, you giving up on your goals is the main reason part of you is worse than Asta. Wait, was that a flash-forward to when he's an official hero? If so, then cool. Fuck I love this show's opening themes. You seem awfully nonchalant about this, anchor lady. Of all the fictional characters I'd like to hear read the phone book, All Might is now near the top of that list. It pleases me to know he has a real name. Sweet, red background this season, but boo, no episode numbers. ALSO YESSSSS DOMINATRIX HEROINE. :x That Shigaraki guy is all talk. There's something worrying about Principal Ratboy here. I like how he still watches that video. Quirk still too dangerous? I'll go weightlift some more. Hey, it's not their fault your hero costume is nudity. :D I dunno why, but Bakugo telling Mineta to shut up makes me a little happy. Tokoyami is offended by your use of the term "bird guy". Iida is the best. By the way, Aizawa's voice actor is different this season, but considering his replacement (Christopher Wehkamp) has also taken over for all the other roles of his original VA (Alex Organ), I doubt you'll spot any difference. SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS! The new season of Attack on Titan has... sexy results. And lots of violence, as usual. Heroic music... denied. "It'th jutht a sporth fethtival!" Just a sports festival? ¬¬ He does have a point, though, I'd rather not get murdered either. That's one way of making high school events seem like a reasonable be-all end-all. "Eternal Sidekick" sounds like a cool yet ironic name for a hero. :D Nobody cares, Aoyama. So is Plank just unable to talk or something? Truly Kaminari is the okay boy. Wait what why'd she tongueslap him. Hot-blooded Uraraka scares and confuses me, yet is also kinda fun to watch. MONEY MY DEAR BOI. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: "Oh, she's Nami." Same English VA, so I'm not surprised. I love Iida's gestures. She and her family are good people. :D What even is that applauding pose. BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Like I said earlier, All Might a cute. Huh, I almost didn't catch that subtitle. It's not nice to eavesdrop, Icy-Hot, even if it is by accident. An upright stalk, that's a good sign! Clearly No Might absorbed the shock of the power, preventing it from firing back at you and fucking up your bone density. Though I guess your theory works too. Sounds like you're expecting one hell of a debut. Neat, a girl power ending.

POP TEAM EPIC - I agree with Popuko, fuck the haters. xD The Hellshake Yano story is the best thing to happen to the anime medium in its century of existence, and if you don't agree then you're a damn hater. SUBCULTURE BITCH ON BOARD. That English "But". Mmm... manatee burgers. Oh hey, Frenchie returns. EXTREME BIKE SITTING~. Popuko is by far the best friend Pipimi could have. Always look out for the wild grass is 8-bit games. It's official, Hollywood has gone too far with murdering the innocent in their movies. Little girls are for protecting, not murdering brutally for shock value! >:(Now this is what I call wholesome entertainment. And then he was Hellshake Dandy. HELL SHAKE! HELL SHAKE! HELL SHAKE! xD Undertale references don't annoy me, not as much as why no one's thought to kill this fucking flower yet. It'd be easier for me to crush him underfoot than it would for him to kill my loved ones, assuming it knows where I even live. BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY. Show of hands, who would unironically watch Cooking with Crybaby Pope and Mr. Satan? What is this, Chiller Ani-Wednesdays, what happened to the subtitles? For those wondering, the sketch is about how France isn't as beautiful as one would initially think, a show of self-deprecating humor that was mistranslated as Frenchie here being masochistic. BLEEP COUNT: 4. Of course the girls who aren't the main one get the cool outfits. :S Wait didn't they air this promo last week what the actual hell FUNimation.

Always take caution when YouTubing. It could save your life!

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS - I watched this episode via Livestream when it aired in Japan originally; safe to say, that action (plus a marathon of Antfish's abridged series) sold me on the franchise. Too bad for you, you absorbed the bit of Joseph's blood that had the essence of his Tequila Joseph persona inside it, now you look like a butch lesbian with terrible taste in lipstick. It's kinda hard for Jonathan to roll around in his grave when you've taken his body for yourself. :| Oh shit his soul's leaving his body, that's not good. Thank you for the wise words, Ghost Joseph. I highly doubt this was as fun as the events of Battle Tendency. STOP IGNORING ME. "He's been sucked dry..." And yet you still look like a total dyke. FUCK YEAH FULL SOUND EFFECTS OPENING. xD GAH MY SEXY HAND. Talking is a free action, indeed. Now that's what I call demented. SHIT COUNT: 1. :D Neon vampire. Sounds like a good name for a band. ROAD ROLLER DA. And now allow me to ruin the moment. That's our story, Jotaro's dead, good night. Just kidding, he made it out in time. :) Madness? THIS. IS. JOJO! That's a pleasant metaphor. FUCK YOUR LEGS. "If this were the Wild West, the hero would say, "It's high noon", but that would be inaccurate, since it's midnight right now." Save the dominating for the dominatrices, DIO. POCKET BLOOD! JOTARO PUUUUNCH! "My only regret is that I never got to say WRYYYYYYYYY-!" And finally the queen bitch vampire is defeated. Took them only one hundred years to do it. Remind me never to piss off Jotaro. And in comes the Speedwagon Foundation to clean up the mess. That's a bold move, Jotaro. Nothing's impossible if you put your mind to it!  :D This is easily Joseph's greatest troll yet. He even used Hermit Purple to fuck around with the lighting. Hey, I'm sure a lot of people in the '80s know who sang "Eat It". THUMBS UP. And now DIO is no more. Next stop, the Pillar Man hiding in the Speedwagon Foundation's basement. Rest in peace, guys. Oh Polnareff, you say France is your only home, but after traveling the world, Paris syndrome will set in before too long. GROUP HUG. FUN FACT: the song playing on Joseph's cassette player in the manga is "Get Back" by the Beatles. "I'm not sure how, but they did it!" Now's the time to take note of all the heartbreaking symbolism in the ending animation; specifically, the three tickets in Joseph's hand and the dead Crusaders on the other side of the river. Next stop, the Beautiful Duwang!

[do you do you wanna wanna go]


HUNTER X HUNTER - Surprise surfboard! HAHAHAHA WIPEOUT. Who else thinks the ocean he summoned looks like beer? SMOKE RAFT NO JUTSU. And then he spun around like a Beyblade. Maelstrom, you say? :D Morel, you are the greatest. Oh, so that reporter you killed on-air was done in self-defense too? >_> Those giant waves look really cool, especially from "ground" level. I'd like to see him try the 10-Minute Bucket Challenge, he might actually be the first to come out of it alive! Bubbles, bubbles everywhere. I'd like to see those corridors, they sound interesting. And then he became a cheap 3D effect. A cat who can't swim, what a loser. Or maybe it was the deadly carbon dioxide that made him sink. Oh hey, they actually showed one of the corridors. If I remember correctly there were some sex toys lying around on the bed in the original manga version of this scene. The most dramatic elevator ride since the Big O finale. She's reached the place where Knov had his mental breakdown, now let's see if she can get beyond that. CHANSU DA! O.o Well that's one effective way of pulling the rug out from under you. Welp, Palm's dead, let's see how Killua's doin'. Something about this nurse reminds me of Milluki. MELEORON HAS JOINED THE PARTY. Goblin nurse likes her cash. He succeeded, but at a terrible mental cost. Damn this kid is ripped. What a BITCH. Why does her face have to be so weirdly cute... IKALGO HAS ALSO JOINED THE PARTY. He's just a very emotional cephalopod. It's all about building up that tolerance.

BLACK CLOVER - Dammit why are the cool characters always the ones that get nearly killed. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "So this dude is definitely just dimestore Griffith without his mask, right?" Probably, but they have different voice actors, so right now I'm guessing they're brothers. Good luck dealing with your yandere haremette having you in her thoughts, Asta. Dude in what possible universe have the strong and powerful ever been looked down on? MY LEG! "I'm not done!" "Yes you are." Like something out of a fanfic written to punish the character nobody likes. :D FUCK YEAH YAMI. That line sounded 50% sarcastic. Asta does not get sarcasm. Well, at least Finral's here, and that's something, right? 9_9 It seems like him viewing himself as the most normal of the Black Bulls is his other defining trait. Suggesting healing the badass old nun first is the best thing Gauche has ever done in this show. [strikes down light arrow] "YOU'RE WELCOME." It's a Japanese sword, so naturally it's unbelievably awesome. Man, fuck those outsiders. Yami doesn't care for shaggy dog stories, especially ones where they shoot the dog at the end. :D It's official, Yami's story is superior. This man truly doesn't give a fuck. So he's the one who took his arm... I might've figured! If only the animation for this whole fight was as good as that one scene. I'm not used to Ray Romano with messy hair. "Were you watching?" "THE WHOLE TIME, SIR!" I like how talking is only a free action because he can block while talking. It's spelled qi and not ki, that means it's not a DBZ ripoff. :P To be strong, you have to have a very thick neck! REPLY TO ANGEL 3: "I enjoy you, ripoff Zoro." Same English VA, so I'm not surprised. "There's a saying where I'm from; whatever happens, happens." It's kinda hard to do it right when you don't know how to do it at all. That's Asta 1, Team Four Star 0. Welp, he's pissed. And just like a whip, you seem to be hitting the cave more than you are your actual targets. Unless making the rocks fall was your intention from the start. WE'RE NOT DONE YET!

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - "Oh no... they've been drugged!" Dammit Sasuke, you should know by now that she's after your dick. MURDER THE HYPOTENUSE IF YOU'RE SO LOYAL. Tch, nothing personnel, kid. KAKASHIBLOCKED. Sasuke's fallen so far, now he's the one tricking people into attacking logs instead of being the tricked. You jinxed it, Part 1 Kakashi. :D Yesssss finally we get to the infamous laugh. His edgy personality is unappealing as hell, but damn do I love his crazy eyes. Once your sensei, always your sensei. I like that his wall has dogs on it. "Whatever your sharingan can do, mine can do better!" Oh yeah, he hadn't seen his Mangekyo yet. WHOACONVULSION. That's a lotta edge. Don't diss the hair if you know what's good for you. It's official, this kid is certifiably insane. You dumbass, did you learn nothing from Itachi's ramblings? I don't understand why we're flashbacking to these scenes, specifically. You just asked him that literally a second ago, there's no reason for you to get all nasty with him like that. I feel like I'm the only one who misses Inner Sakura. I also miss when Sasuke was sane. [100 EPISODES LATER...] "Shut the hell up you fussbag." It was a happier time, full of ramen and smutty literature. Even today, sometimes I get distracted by all the modern-looking conveniences in the Naruto universe, like that random trash can over there. Sakura, you're too thirsty for your own good. NARUTOBLOCKED. The ending theme is by far the best part of this current stretch of episodes.

Gee, Red Death, it's kinda hard for you hand Blue Morpho over to the Guild when Wide Wale somehow already got his hands on him. :S

Posted (edited)

I'm sure a lot of you have already heard this news through the designated thread on this board, the article discussion on ANN, et cetera, but I feel this news is worth mentioning here.

Another anime voice actor died recently. On Monday, Unshou Ishizuka passed away due to esophageal cancer. As one would naturally guess, he's been in many series featured on AS and Toonami. Roles from said series include Jet Black, Old Joseph Joestar, Dr. Gel, Mr. Satan, Van Hohenheim, Alex Rosewater, Zabuza Momochi, McMurdo Barriston, Quent Yaiden, and even minor roles such as Brilliant Dynamites Neon, Carnage Kabuto, the Spirit of the Harkonnen, and Kuina's dad. In fact, the first three of those roles, we heard Ishizuka's original performance for this past April Fools' stunt. It was quite the resume he built up, and he will be missed. R.I.P.

And once more, fuck cancer. Every day it isn't cured is a day wasted.

Edited by PokeNirvash
  • Sad 1
Posted (edited)

Ten years have passed since DIO's defeat in Egypt. The world is at peace, and the survivors of the five-man (and one dog) band who sought out to take him down have moved on with their lives. In the case of Jotaro Kujo, the man responsible for defeating DIO, his ten years were spent pursuing a career in marine biology. But his day job is suddenly put on hold when he hears rumors of an arrow capable of granting regular humans the powers of STANDS surfacing in the sleepy Japanese town of Morioh. Upon arriving in the city to check the rumors out, he meets a young man with his own set of STAND powers, and not from the mysterious arrow. His name is Josuke Higashikata, and he is the protagonist of the next chapter in the JoJo franchise, both printed and animated: DIAMOND IS NOT CRASH UNBREAKABLE!

In other Toonami news, the expanded block kicks off with the students of Class 1-A training for the UA Sports Festival, Krillin's training exercise with Goku turns extra dangerous when he's faced with his past murderers, Attack on Titan's third season also kicks off when a death too untimely convinces Levi that the government's out to keep their revelations about the Titans under wraps, get ready to be disappointed by the Progressive finale all over again, the jailed yakuza Pipi scouts a rowdy inmate named Popu for a job in her organization, Gon and the others begin the final prep for their assault on the King's palace, Yami and Asta's fight against Licht and Valtos continue (with a spike in animation quality to show they mean business), Naruto finally faces off with Sasuke for the first time in over 150 episodes, a mysterious cyborg appears in Z City to take care of a scarily large insect problem, Rebecca's attempts to decipher her ex-boyfriend's philosophical ramblings land her in MI6 custody, and Spike ditches his crew during a hacker hunt to get his ship some needed repairs.

10:00 - My Hero Academia #15 - Roaring Sports Festival - TV-14LV

10:30 - Dragonball Super #76 - Conquer the Terrifying Foes! Krillin's Fighting Spirit Rebounds! - TV-14LV

11:00 - Attack on Titan #38 - Smoke Signal - TV-14DLSV

11:30 - FLCL Progressive #6 - Our Running - TV-MAL

12:00 - Pop Team Epic #8 - The Dragon of Iidabashi ~Pipi's Revenge~ - TV-MA

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #1 - Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata - TV-MAV

1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #108 - Gungi of Komugi - TV-14V

1:30 - Black Clover #35 - The Light of Judgement - TV-PGV

2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #215 - Two Fates - TV-14V

2:30 - One Punch Man #2 - The Lone Cyborg - TV-14LV

3:00 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #12 - The Dream of Italy, Part 1 - TV-14

3:30 - Cowboy Bebop #19 - Wild Horses - TV-14L


  • POPUKO A: Stephanie Sheh (Mamimi Samejima, Kohza, Kamome, Eureka, Orihime Inoue, Isane Kotetsu, Kaguya Sumeragi, the Kokuboro Princess, Rio Kamichika, Hinata Hyuga, Hanabi Hyuga, Kin Tsuchi, Sexy Jutsu Naruto, Yuri Jin, Bella Demarco, Yui, Kuro, Kinon Bachika, Nui Harime, Suzie Q, Audrey Burne/Mineva Lao Zabi, Haro)
  • PIPIMI A: Leah Clark (Minatsuki Takami, Blair, Hikari Horaki, Young Coby, Noah, Katie, Maria Belenbauza-Yamada)
  • POPUKO B: Johnny Yong Bosch (Vash the Stampede, Haruto Sakaki, Kiba, Lujon, Shinsuke, Yuuichi Taira, Renton Thurston, Ichigo Kurosaki, Hichigo Shirosaki, Lelouch Lamperouge vi Britannia, Sagum, Hyoku, Izaya Orihara, Genma Shiranui, Shotaro Kaneda, Johnny, Sasori, Yukio Okumura, Rossiu Adai, Shinjiro Nagita, Kyoji Shinkawa, Orga Itsuka, Jonathan Joestar)
  • PIPIMI B: Robert McCollum (Shinobu Sensui, Scar's Brother, Carnival Corpse Announcer, Tessai, Mifune, Donquixote Doflamingo, Reiner Braun, Kiril Capek, Jewel, Teen Goten, Arata Kirishima, Julius Novachrono)
Edited by PokeNirvash
Posted (edited)
On 8/17/2018 at 10:04 PM, PokeNirvash said:

Ten years have passed since DIO's defeat in Egypt. The world is at peace, and the survivors of the five-man (and one dog) band who sought out to take him down have moved on with their lives.

Avdol is perfectly fine, he's absent because he's busy taking care of our multiple adorable children shut up just let me dream.

Hero- SHOW ME MORE OF THAT FIRE DUDE. That suit looks so sad when he's not buff. Oh Deku, you adorable buzzkill. Explode them, Bakugo. This boy looks even more tired than Aizawa. Well shit, they might get kicked out again. He's so loud. God Bakugo why are you such a bastard. On the bright side, Mineta's probably more likely to get kicked out than Deku. FROG. I love most of these kids so much. Don't make your cute mom worry. RATINGS. I like the All Might masks. Who's Endeavor and which one's his kid? Hiii Mt Lady! Oh hey Icy Hot. Damn kid what crawled up your ass today? LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE. Hi, random kids I don't really care about. HELLOOOO MIDNIGHT. Aw fuck don't let Bakugo speak. Bakugo, confirmed for fucking worst. God I'm gay for Midnight. Good luck kids I believe in you. :D Aizawa is suffering. :D Icy Hot name is canon. How'd this dude get people to carry him. Shit even Mineta figured out a workaround. :D And then Mineta died. ROBOTS.  Oh is Icy Hot the pro's kid? Kid I think if you get everyone else killed they won't let you be a hero. MAMA MIDORIA IS SO CUTE. Present Mic would be kinda cute without the weird hairstyle and that dorkass mustache.

Titan- I genuinely don't remember anything about last season except for the lesbians. Okay the first OP for this show was definitely the best. I love potato girl. Levi will kill you if you don't clean the house. Hi there, best character. :D Levi is going to kill them. Glasses girl is also good. Owwww his face. Wait I thought that girl skipped town with the lesbian titan. Just fill the hole, hole filler. No he sucks and should beat himself up. Fuck you, Sasquatch. Fight for your girlfriend. Eren knows that people are never that nice to him. RIP douche. Yeah that's not shady as fuck or anything. I enjoy you, glasses girl. Levi gives zero shits about this. Whelp, you're screwed. IT'S HIGH NOON. That seems suspiciously nice of the king. Great job, you dumb shits. Did they really do the "Jean dresses as Eren" thing again. I'm uncomfortable with this. Uhhh y'all might wanna get in there before Armin gets raped. Mikasa gets to be so cool when Eren's not around. Levi is never very pleased about anything, it's like you don't know him at all. Well that sounds ominous. Girl you really think Levi's capable of mamking jokes? Sorry but I will never feel threatened by someone named Kenny. I hope y'all like IT'S HIGH NOON jokes because this guy is gonna bring a lot of them.

PTE- Bacon no that's cannibalism! I continue to love how angry that little orange one is. :D The lemon. Not the Bamboozle gang! STOP YOUTUBING. It took me a stupidly long time to get the joke about them being bamboo. And then she died. That's how I hope my funeral picture looks. :D What an ending.  Shitty edgelord keychain. Bangs are indeed a bitch to cut. YEEEEEEAHHHH. This music video is still better than most of the ones Toonami interrupts the block for. Trees are so stupid. :D JYB is definitely the MVP this week.

Jojo- Tonight is bacon night I guess. Oh, that's terrifying. Hey there, old Jotaro. I like that he looks younger than he did at 17. BIZARRE friends, you say? Wow this kid is short. Kick their asses, Jotaro. DICKFACE. Well this boy is adorable. TURTLE NO. The series takes a quick break from murdering dogs. Oh hey new Jojo. Ohhh you should not have insulted his hair. Cool stand bro. Yay he saved the turtle. Y'all done fucked up here. I love him already. JOSEPH YOU WHORE. I mean I know he's hot as shit for a grandpa and so I can't blame Josuke's mom, but Joseph should have known better. Beat his ass, Suzi. Awww Josuke you didn't do anything. :D Josuke inherited the Joestar fangirl summoning powers. This is gonna be a fun fight. Star Platinum doesn't fuck around. Haaaa he has his own ORA. Oh fuck you messed up his hat. Jotaro still hates bitches. "He's kinda scary, but in a hot way" indeed. I'm guessing the evil is whoever's responsible for that severed hand. You guys are gonna miss your first day of school. I think "family drama" is an understatement, Koichi. Thank god he didn't hit your beautiful face. Dang his mom is hot, I can understand Joseph ruining his marriage. Haaa, the cop is her dad. And now shit will hit the fan. Oh well he sounds like a fucking delight. Josuke is such a good kid. Whelp that's a dead body in the woods. AWW SHIT YOU FUCKED UP. And then he turned them into Kakyoin. It's okay they're fine. KNIFE IN THE GUT. Well shit that's a stand alright. Watch out for clowns in that sewer. Oh hell no you stay away from his hot mom.

Hunter- Just let this poor kid sleep. Turtle Mewtwo is being surprisingly decent and that concerns me. Calm down you dramatic goddamn bitch. Hi Knuckle I think it's time to take your shirt off. You better not screw us over, Karma Chameleon. Well shit I hope Palm's okay. Guys maybe you should let Gon talk. Fuck you and your endearing cat puns that I can't bring myself to hate. I love this little girl constantly kicking his ass at a board game. Good luck pipe guy I hope you don't die. Oh crap this is where my curse kicks in and punches Knuckle right through the shirtless chest isn't it. KICK HIS ASS, LITTLE GIRL. Oh fuck what's going on. Aw crap is that nen they're gonna eat her. Oh hey she has a name. Dude just spiraled into an existential crisis. Just give him a damn name already. No his top priority is to beat this small child at checkers. Oh my god shut up you whiny bastard. Aw fuck he powered up. Yeah, a simple board game that you can't fucking win, you dumbass. What is with this bird? Oh honey that's so sad let me hug you.

Clover- Maybe I'll be lucky enough to get two bearable episodes in a row. It's nice that Cap'n Sexy's fine but I wish Asta died. No let him try I want to watch him die. It's such a weird change of pace to not loathe every second of this show. Why couldn't the entire series just be Yami fighting and giving no shits? It's almost sad to see how decent this show could have been if Asta wasn't here. Please kill him so I can get back to the only hot man this godforsaken show will give me. WHY CAN'T THE SHOW JUST BE THIS ALL THE TIME. Goddamn he's cool. Okay that "just gonna jam this baby into your chest area" line actually made me smile. Aw fuck he has to die nown because this series is actively trying to make me hate it. I relate strongly with that Future Yami plan. Oh hey, decent nun's still alive. Why is sister fucker still allowed to exist. Okay Yami use Asta and the sister fucker as shields to protect your sweet buff arms. I aspire to give as few fucks as Yami does. Are you shitting me he beat him with a goddamn mirror. Whelp so much for the tolerable part of the show. Y'know what I actually hate this show even more now after these two episodes; all this time I thought it was incompetent but it turns out it was capable of being a decent series all along and just chooses to be garbage.

Naruto- Just fuck off already, Sasuke. Kakashi just step aside and let all three of them kill each other. HE'S NOT YOUR FRIEND, YOU DUMB SHITS. Seriously why has anyone ever liked Sasuke? Too late, I already wish I hadn't seen everything in this show. Hey remember when he gutted you like a fish like 10 minutes ago in-story? You care because you're a dumb bitch with low standards. No shit he's gonna kill Sasuke, that's been the fucking plan this whole time. Oh god what the hell now. We're getting Bort next month so I already know they live but man I can hope they kil each other. Don't worry I stil hate you enough for the entire village. Man, this show really knows how to abuse that flashback button. Here's our protagonist, genuinely happy to hear that his classmate's entire family was slaughtered.

Edited by EmpressAngel

MY HERO ACADEMIA - Watched this episode yesterday night to kill time before turning in, so yeah, this'll be my first time rewatching an MHA episode since the honestly kind of off-putting first. I have a feeling opening narration is gonna start being a thing. Well, at least he's muttering with only one other person in the room. This dude's voice is deeper than I expected, but hey, anyone who thinks Bakugo's an ass is good in my book. :) ...You think everyone hates your class - everyone - just because two people don't happen to think that highly of you, or rather, highly of Bakugo. Do you not realize how stupid your hyperbole sounds? These flashbacks melting into one another is too different for me. LET'S MONTAGE THIS SHIT UP. Again, how did Invisible Girl do better than Deku in the physical exam? :D Aoyama's such a stylish loser. That's our Kacchan, disrespecting nature. :D Mineta's just practicing his victory speech. (Oh hey, I didn't even notice all the Mt. Lady memorabilia in his room the first time.) She's recording it in HD because they're too poor to afford 4K. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: "Who's Endeavor and which one's his kid?" Fire dude and Icy-Hot. YESSSSSSSSSS MT. LADY. I love her conniving face. :D It pleases me to know that Deku isn't the only one scared out of his wits about this. That's cold, Icy-Hot. But mostly that one sleep-deprived dude. For those of you wondering what's up with Present Mic's voice, Sonny Strait bowed out of the role so he wouldn't strain his vocal chords like Jessica Calvello did while dubbing Excel Saga, so he's now voiced by Dave Trosko (loony hacker dude from Deadman, siscon dude from Black Clover). I only recognize four of those guys, and know the names of three. :/Just watching that Trojan commercial made me feel dirty. Remember to keep your cool, Deku. Steampunk goggles girl looks pretty cute. Reminder that Aizawa flunked a whole class and that's why there are only two Hero courses participating. YES YES YES IT'S MY SUPERHERO DOMINATRIX WAIFU. :x Hey man, respect the form-fitting catsuit, that shit's hot. Glad to see Mineta agrees with me. "That girl obviously hates us." Well, when they look like a bitch, they probably are one too. Congratulations, Bakugo, you just made the hyperbole reality. BOO THIS MAN. I don't get why Iida's gesturing more this season but I love it. God I'm straight for Midnight. The first obstacle: the Last-Minute Door Jam. xD "Icy-Hot bastard", damn you Bakugo for making me laugh at that insult. Okay, so I guess that explains how Mineta beat Deku in the physicals. :D Goddammit Grape Boy. BURN BABY BURN ROBO INFERNO. Bakugo's right, Icy-Hot, you are a bastard. Now to deal with the remaining bots. I know you're smiling because you can move your feet now, but please stop, it just looks awkward.

DRAGONBALL SUPER - TOM's expressions during the out-of-context fourth wall breaks are great. What happened to the actually good cuts of the OP, the scene selection for that one sucked! I remember this song, but I can't figure out where I heard it before. Still wondering why Vegeta's here when he's the only one of the bunch that's still alive and also kinda sorta on the good guys' side now. Nice of you to join us, Dabura and Raditz. "VEGETA WHY--!" "BECAUSE I'M A MONKEY." And then PTSD set in. KRILLIN'S MODES OF DEATH: first time, getting stepped on the head; second time, exploded; third time, turned to chocolate and devoured; two-and-a-halfth time, spat on and turned into a statue. :D Now we've got an evil Bulma too. Her crystal ball could really afford better aspect ratio. If it's about their past battles, then where'd Bulma come from, one of the moments on the Krillin Owned Counter? [Ginyu Force theme playing in the distance] "For the last time, that isn't Bulma!" No, but it is her likeness. I do like how she's flying next to Vegeta there. Don't say that, Goku, you can fight Vegeta any time you want and you know it. In which Krillin gets sick of Goku's questionable personality. WELCOME TO THE TIMBERDOME. I also like that Recoome's in the front and center, he actually fought Krillin and won without killing him (at the moment). KENNY YOU BASTARD! :D That's another one for the Owned Count. The Big Three and also Nappa. Did Goku just do some sort of Hakai on them? TOO MANY FRIEZAS. Oh hey, the Nimbus is still a thing. xD Oh my god he's singing the DBZ theme song now that's a throwback. Now it's Too Many Tambourines/Cells/Nappas. "We are hilarious and you will quote everything we say." When all else fails, just meditate and find the answer that way. That's a start, but how can you destroy them like Goku did? SURPRISE SUPER SHENRON. Now with real dragon breath! Krillin: solving all your problems with punches square in the forehead. Ah, the Kamehame-ha: the strongest attack there is. "They're sprouting up like weed!" Krillin really won the "make your own family" jackpot. But why the evil Bulma tho? The bald head is back, baby.

ATTACK ON TITAN - Ohh, so we're maxing out the rating right from the get-go, are we. Clearly there's more land beyond the sea, but the question is how long until you get to that extra land. That OP was surprisingly slow and sentimental for Titan. Eren's so concerned because no matter what the others do, it's his ass that's on the line. Of course Mikasa was doing the men's job. :D Sasha, you're the best. Levi is neither pleased nor amused. Geez, Eren, what the hell happened to your Titan form? Of course Mikasa doesn't listen, not to anyone but her ladyboner for Eren. Ugggghh that's a frightening face he's got. Those snipers look like they may be important later. I'm still too used to Krista to start calling her by a different name, but hey, any time's a good time for transition. [knock knock] "Candygram!" Oh good his face is back to normal. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "Just fill the hole, hole filler." Sure thing... jackass. Twenty bucks says Eren accidentally cuts his hand and destroys the house with his Titan form. Okay, so maybe the change in personality will help me call her Historia easier. Oh Eren, you so cynical. How can you remember that conversation, you were busy beating on Reiner with your half-formed arms if I'm remembering it right. Not sure if them killing the Wall-worshipping guy is a good thing or bad. Suck a dick, MP guys. She's a really good actor. xD Hanji, you're also pretty cool. Suck several dicks at once, MP guys. I like Levi's sipping gesture. Those two soldiers in the corner move awfully stilted for CGI models. Attack on Titan: proof you don't need non-stop action to know that shit's getting real. [Trojan sandwich ad] NOPE. [HIV awareness ad] DOUBLE NOPE. Don't tell Eren to act normally, you'll never get him to stop screaming about revenge against the Titans then. Sasha knows all the food-based trivia tidbits. King Fritz, first name Schnickel. Ooh, fancy palace. DRIVE-BY KIDNAPPING, GO! Meanwhile, the real Eren and Historia are safe and sound. Unlike Jean and Armin over there. Especially Armin, poor guy's a base away from having his boipucci penetrated. SHIT COUNT: 2. Okay, how the hell did I forget about most of these injuries? MIKASA TIME. No success is good when someone gets molested in the process. We Levi backstory now. WHOA SHIT. Somehow I knew that girl was going to die, but shooting off the top half of her head seems like overkill. Yup, Kenny's a bastard.

POP TEAM EPIC - First time I saw this, Bacon Boy caught me wayyyyy off-guard. Huh, creditless. Personally I feel there's nothing wrong with being anime-only, I prefer canon voices for my comic book characters. (Ironic, considering I read the PTE 4-koma when they're available.) YESSSSSSSS THE LEMON FACE. xD October 7th, I bet. FUCK YOUR JENGA TOWER. Say no to YouTubing, children. Fuck yeah, I love dice games. POPU NO! Oh maya padme ohm... Was that a hater? She's lucky she had a spare coat on hand before blowing that popsicle stand. EISAAAAAAAI HARAMASUKOOOOOI. Cool, a talking keychain. I only recognize Bruce Willis and Francis Xavier, I don't watch soccer so it beats me who the other guy is. She had the solution this whole time. This is the weirdest music video ever, it's in perfect taste for Demarco. PIPIMI 1, POPUKO 0. Sweet, a sand art sketch. Oh hey, they dubbed the pre-ending conversation. "So short!" The fact that this is an American TV edit makes that line funnier, surprisingly. You've seen Alien vs. Predator, now see Predator vs. Predator! Bacon Boy sounds a little more manic this time. "Mister Prison Guard, I'm the Armored Titan." Seeing their faces for the first time like that, I knew I was a fan of Pop Team Epic right then. FUN FACT: The ranks of the Bamboozle Gang are reflected in the stage of a bamboo plant's life represented in place of their head. So did they kill her on orders, or out of their own volition? Yep, that's Popuko muttering in there. Running all the way to America, now that's taking it bad. This episode is proof that JYB is one of the greatest voice actors around. Toonami should air Galo Sengen during the Shounen Jump Power Hour of Pain. PIPIMI 2, POPUKO 0. uh, I didn't know he could do a crotchety old man voice. BAKA SAKURA. Even in the photos, Daichi looks completely done with this harem bullshit.

These Happytime Murders commercials oddly seem to be avoiding the actual murders in question.

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: DIAMOND IS NOT CRASH - Cock-a-doodle-doo, it's the morning zoo! I should try that bacon-and-eggs dish sometime. How macabre. I feel sorry for the anon whose dad beat him because he walked in on the severed hand (amongst other too weird for normies scenes), it's a good thing mine's cool about that sort of thing. Oh hey there Jotaro, nice white suit. Welcome to Morioh, where the sky is always piss yellow. Aw man, the narrator's a high school boy now? Guess that'll take some getting used to... Thank you, Star Platinum. I wouldn't have pronounced it that way, but it definitely saves on the number of lip flaps. What an interesting career path. Well he did watch a lot of Columbo as a kid, so that would explain it. Oh boy, a pack of stray delinquents. :D Dickface. Did a snapping turtle bite this guy in the dick when he was little, 'cause I can't see how he'd be afraid of them. Kiss the turtle, Quizboy. TURTLE NOOOO. Didn't know Jotaro had a soft spot for turtles, but then again, he is a marine biologist. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT MY HAIR. :D Punched his nose ring right off. This guy's like Edward Elric, but with stupid hair in place of being short. And he's got a healing factor too. Huh, so Holly wasn't the only one affected by DIO's curse. Joseph what did you do. It's fine, as long as you don't go into the details of the conception. So if Josuke gets one third, who gets the other two? Jotaro and Holly? Yeah, that's the reaction I'd expect out of her. Oh no, a gaggle of fangirls. Uh-oh, you just activated his berserk button. This is a fun minor fight. Jotaro's assholery still gets the ladies blushing, I see. SPOOKY. Because school takes top priority in small town Japan. Wait, are those nipple zippers on his shirt? :S This convertible dude's definitely gonna get humiliated in the next minute or so. :D I love this woman. Her dad's pretty cool too. Dang, Josuke's mom's a MILF, I can see why Joseph cheated. That couple does not look flattering at all. Rape at age 12? What is this guy, the gangster-looking middle schooler from Wolf Guy? (Still, murder wasn't included, so the guy who took the bat to the face probably survived it.) Okay, now I'm curious as to what this "take our word for it" crime is. Welp, there's the female body. Oh hey, the sky's a normal color now. This old lady seems oddly joyous about this hostage scenario. SHIT COUNT: 5. How has this episode not gotten an L subrating yet. DRAMATIC WALK TIME. That's badass and also kinda fucked up, Josuke. Huh, English credits. AN ENEMY STAND! "Don't have a cow, Mom." I don't trust this freakishly buff milkman.

HUNTER x HUNTER - "3 days until the sorting, and everyone is bored out of their skulls waiting for it." Those are some dry lips, I'm surprised they haven't supplied her any water for rehydration. Pouf you better not. FABULOUS CRY. Now to make himself feel better with some good ol' fiddling. Shit like this is why Youpi doesn't hang out with the others in his free time. Huh, so they all met up already. I love these chibi pictographs. Did discount Kim Jong-Il cross his eyes in that picture on purpose or what? Thank you for wasting for everybody's time, Pouf. Youpi still looks like a freak, but I like the Steve Blum impersonation his actor's doing with his voice. Dammit Pitou why you gotta be so cute. WE 4D NOW. You're way too doubtful, Killua. Oh hey, we're getting to the coloring update in Super already. The more I see this game, the more I think Togashi's the only one who knows how to play. Bubble Nen? God I love conspicuous CGI, good or bad. Damn, it took this long for them to say what her name was? His name is "The King", plain and simple. Yeah, Joshua Tomar should do more roles fit for Blum. Shit, I never noticed his toes look regular. Wait, so was that remorse or just some sort of red herring? Pouf, you damn pussy. And then the Americans attacked. Yes, protect the blind snot-nosed legal loli, it's what she would've wanted. "Your giant One Piece tears confuse and infuriate me!"

The Shounen Jump Power Hour of Pain comes on Monday.

2 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

"Who's Endeavor and which one's his kid?" Fire dude and Icy-Hot.

Wait, you're telling me this guy is a hot DILF with fire powers? That's even better than a regular hot dude with fire powers!


2 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

Joseph what did you do. It's fine, as long as you don't go into the details of the conception.

Wait, are those nipple zippers on his shirt?

I'd like to hear more.

That's how you know he's Joseph's son.

  • Haha 1

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