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In a way, I'm thankful that I watch everything on DVR, but still, cool it with the Hot Pockets commercials, [as].

MY HERO ACADEMIA - If there's one way to let the audience know that no one's safe this season, I guess killing the token MtF villain is the way to do it. I doubt it'll get Akame ga Kill levels of crazy - yes, Gunners, I know you hate that show with every fiber of your being, and no, I don't care to hear you go into a spiel about it yet again - but still, things are looking pretty serious now. Yes, even with the tickle torture device.

ONE PUNCH MAN - Yay, Super-S got third place in the dub billing! Boo, they couldn't bring back Tornado's first season VA.

DR. STONE - Every time I see Magma, I want to punch him in the face. Thank god Kinro basically did just that. 🤘

FIRE FORCE - This is easily the darkest note a single episode of this show has ended on. Shinra's incapacitated and possibly kidnapped, Arthur's struggling and disillusioned, Vulcan got beaten pretty badly with that cane, Yu got shot, Lisa's a traitor, and nobody else in the 8th knows what's going on. Oh well, if there's one thing to be thankful for, it's that Tamaki wasn't here to ruin the mood.

FOOD WARS - Only one episode of real screentime and I already like Hayama. Same for the purple-haired chick that kabedon'd Megumi. Not sure about Erina's psycho stalker at the moment. Monica Rial's voice is the only good thing about Jun. Also, I find it hilarious that for all the times it aired tonight, not one Hot Pockets ad aired during this show. Guess they don't like foodgasms, even when the more rapey stuff is censored.

DEMON SLAYER - So this is what it feels like to have a competent shounen protagonist... Not bad, not bad at all.

BLACK CLOVER - It's a good episode when Vetto saying "despair" is the only one-note running gag moment of the entire runtime. Also, I never noticed how much Elf!Rhya reminds me of Gintoki.

VENTO AUREO - Revenge is a dish best served disguised as a banana. And then Koichi went sightseeing, never to be seen again.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - A whole episode about Naruto escaping, and not a single mention of Sasuke. I'll give it to them, this show's making progress. Too bad we're a few episodes shy of more filler.

LUPIN THE 3RD - I won't say it was completely unpredictable, but Ami being Enzo's daughter was a good twist with some cleverly subtle foreshadowing. Also, were those clips of Lupin and Goemon's previous bouts updated archival footage, or were they just reanimated from scratch?

Posted (edited)
On 11/17/2019 at 4:00 AM, EmpressAngel said:

Fire Force- Arthur you fucking idiot. He's stupid enough that a cape will help him. :D Okay that donkey dick got me. It works because he's literally just that stupid. DOUBLE DONKEY DICK. RIP donkey dick. I'd like to thank whoever was responsible for that "You can bust my poor ass" line.

Black Clover- And then the Fire Nation attacked.

I'mma be honest, this episode turned me around on Arthur's knight shtick. Now it's on the other side of the power gap between Obi's workout fetish and Tamaki's accidental exhibitionism.

As I was watching this, I kept saying that at points when I thought the killing was about to begin. It was so much like that scene at the end Aku's Fairy Tales episode of Samurai Jack where the kids are coming up with their own Jack vs. Aku final battle ("And then they fight!"), that when the killing did begin, my first thought was: "Now?" "Now."

11:00 - Toonami: The Forge #3 - TV-PGV

11:05 - My Hero Academia #66 - Boy Meets... - TV-14V
11:30 - One Punch Man #19 - The Class S Heroes - TV-14LV

12:00 - Dr. Stone #14 - Master of Flame - TV-14LV

12:30 - Fire Force #17 - Black and White and Gray - TV-14SV

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #20 - Dragon Lies Prone, Then Ascends to the Sky - TV-MAS

1:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #7 - Muzan Kibutsuji - TV-MAV

2:00 - Black Clover #96 - The Black Bulls Captain vs. The Crimson Wild Rose - TV-14

2:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #5 - Find Polpo's Fortune! - TV-MAL

3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #276 - Attack of the Gedo Statue - TV-PG

3:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 #23 - Just Then, An Old Buddy Said Something - TV-14DLSV

4:00 - Attack on Titan #3 - A Dim Light Amid Despair: Humanity's Comeback, Part 1 - TV-14L

Edited by PokeNirvash

Hero- Oh god there's an even bigger fanboy than Deku. This is how I'd prefer my house to look. I like that All Might stops to pose before saving the drowning child. DANG THIS STINGS. Did they just become best friends? Thanks for finally letting her out of the fetish wall. STAMP STAMP STAMP STAMP STAMP. Don't worry I have wronger feelings about that high school boy. Aim for the dick! You can do it kiddo I believe in you. Oh shit that's a cool quirk. OH SHIT. To be fair, Mirio is built like a brick wall and probably wouldn't break all his limbs throwing a punch. It's gonna suck later when you have to clean all those footprints off the ceiling. Nighteye you underestimate how bad of a teacher All Might actually is. WALL. Well the important thing is you tried. Awww he didn't wanna ruin the limited edition merch. Fanboys unite! He did it! Oh, that's just rude. Meanwhile, Bakugo is angry. Oh dang bird boy scored a good one. Yaaay Kirishima and the girls get to play too. Mineta is the worst. What is the point of Mirio even having a costume. Surely this will end well. I AM VERY CONCERNED FOR THIS ADORABLE CHILD.

OPM- I got a bad feel about this. Nothing suspicious at all, move along. No, not dog guy! DOG GUY NO. I love this RoboDog. Hellooo Medusa. Always choose the quick and easy death. Oh no don't kill the kid. PIG GOD, GO. That sure was a thing that happened. Don't you look down on One Hit Dude. Armstrong did it better. Who the hell are you people? Oh hey, it's Bitchnado again. This is not exactly going well is it. You're a douche, random sword guy. I REALLY DON'T THINK Y'ALL SHOULD DO THAT. Aw shit too late. Meanwhile, good ol' kickfight. Don't be rude that's just how he looks. Saitama why didn't you tape that wig down from the start? He's just here for the cash. Try not to kill him too hard. Ouuuch. Just punch him already. Careful there Stain. Ohhh that serious face doesn't bode well for you. RIP wig. Oh shit he's buff. Boooooooooooo. Yes rip your clothes off more. Thank god his face can take some real punishment. :D Well he's not wrong. Ass too strong. Poor Saitama. Oh right, Genos is there.

Dr Stone- Glasses really are great aren't they. Aw fuck glasses are against the rules. Suika honey you can't see for shit. YOU SON OF A BITCH. Oh hey, new OP is good. Now we gotta make her new glasses on top of all this. FISTICUFFS, GO. Hey there Kohaku. Aw shit science twink can't fight. AWWWWWW. Eat shit, Magma. Whelp, you're screwed. Kid's hopped up on meth, we're good to go. :D I love this idiot. Oh my god my sides. Oh hey, he won. And then he shit himself to death. :D Jesus christ. Sorry Senku you're going to die. Whelp, y'all better say goodbye to Ruri now. Remember, aim for his dick! Maybe you guys should just slip her the medicine while everyone's distracted. Oh shit it's that guy. POCKET SAND! Stab him in the dick with broken glass! Oh fuck he's stupid. Oh shit, he's not stupid! You still owe him a coke. These sure are numbers. You're not allowed to interfere, you'll get him disqualified! Ahahahaha fuck you Magma. Senku's faces are so much fun. Oh yeah you sure got us backed into a corner here. He's right, I'm lazy as fuck. YOU'RE DOING IT I'M SO PROUD. Stop drop and roll, bitch. :D RIGHT IN THE DICK. They did it they're gonna save her! Awww the ED is tiny Senku.

Fire Force- CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG. Aw fuck it's that lady. Someone get Arthur a new donkey dick. Save the angry buff dude. I hate this woman so much. Fucking magnets, how do they work. Oh, that's creepy. Not really a fan of the psychotic humping deer animatronic. Thanks for knocking her out. Take this as a reminder to never trust a Chuck E Cheese. Goddammit evil Deku. Oh, this actually kind of hurts. Dio wants his power back. Whelp, there goes Arthur. Get that flash drive out of your mouth. HONK HONK MOTHERFUCKER. The hell did you come from? Don't bring her she got your urchin killed. Run him over. Not this fucker again. Oh, urchin's still alive. Wouldn't it be fucked up if this was all fake and just a convoluted plan to get him to join the group? I hate her but she's got a point on not truting truck guy. Maki is my girlfriend. He did hurl a buch of cans at them. It's amazing how much better the show was without Tamaki. He's clearly the best waifu here. "It's a little bit better than usual" is a good description, actually. One last beer for the road. Take that sweetass giant skull with you. OH FUCK YEAH THEY BROUGHT THE SKULL. Captain has turned into the cool dad and I approve.

Food Wars- Fuck off, Megumi. Just spike it with meth and call it a day. Meanwhile, that one weirdo is giving himself skin cancer in his taint. Seriously just let her fail. I hate everyone. Wow that kid got fat. I don't care about this girl, show. Is anybody really looking down on her because of her gender though? Is it too much to hope that Megumi's bus goes off a cliff? Oh what in the fuck. Holy shit, Erina actually showing a shred of human decency to another person? Goddammit she survives. HOWDY Y'ALL. Does he sleep with a giant sriracha pillow? Curry guy is less terrible than the others, so therefore he won't win. I hate all of you. What the hell diet are you on? Fail them all, grandpa. HE WAS NUMBER ONE, MR KRABS. Gee I wonder if Soma's gonna end up in the top spot. Hey there hot lady. I hate everything. I continue to not hate the bros. Nothing says feminism like gratuitous jiggling. I agree with the sexual predator lady, Megumi is terrible. Oh, he actually has a personality? The fuck is that shit, black tar heroin? I truly forget that one kid exists when he's not directly in front of me. Of course it's time to stop and suck Soma's dick. I'm not lucky enough to see him fail.

Demon Slayer- I love my angry muzzle daughter. She's still adorable though! No don't go in there it'll kill you. Maybe you should have taken the giant box off your torso first. KICK HIS ASS. Did your win or is this like a hydra thing where all the heads just spawn more heads? And then he drowned. Nezuko is just the best. MY BABY. Okay "hands off" was a great pun right there. Fuck you, demon. Fuck you, other demon. Awww she needs a nap. That guy's having a real rough day. Tanjiro is such a good kid. Give that guy a hug. CAW. Looks like Tokoyami's internship is going well. You okay there, googly-eyed Tanjiro? Awww sleepy Nezuko. NO THE UDON. Oh no don't leave her alone there. OH SHIT IT'S HIM. Why does he look like a bad Michael Jackson cosplayer? OH FUCK. THE PLOT, IT TWISTS. Oh you son of a bitch.

Black Clover- Show you promised me Yami fighting now give me Yami fighting. At least if the nun dies, she doesn't have to deal with Asta anymore. At least if the little girl dies she doesn't have to deal with her creepy fuck brother anymore. Please kill the sister fucker. No really what the hell is this. Yami, continuing to give zero fucks. Start killing things for my amusement. sexy. God I'm into this. Is everyone in this fucking town a dead elf? Please scream at me, Yami. You can let some of these rich schmucks die. All problems in this show should be solved by just letting Yami slice things up. Oh great, the insufferable lesbian is here. You can go ahead and kill her if you want. Wow what a shock, you're terrible at this. YEET. I'm kinda into this. This show's so bad I have no fear of my curse killing him.

Jojo- Yeah, stand users are known for dressing like ordinary citizens. Look at these mafia men, dressing like normal people. These dudes fat-shaming Polpo's corpse is unreasonably funny to me. I don't know how much money that is in American. That boy's suit looks like moldy swiss cheese and it makes me physically angry. What's wrong with cake? You'll get that math next time, kiddo. This pissy goth guy doesn't care about cursing himself. :D Oh my god. Stop fighting, mom's home. Hey goth what the fuck. The neighborhood grannies love Bruno. GIORNO NO. You're all grounded. Ohhhh that's nasty. :D Jellyfish. Correction, everyone loves Bruno. Don't do drugs, kids. Oh sweet, we get a yacht. Pick #4. Idiot boy has the right idea. Turn that shit down, kiddo. :D Mista no. "Son of a shitter" this dub is a gift. I'm just gonna assume that's a ton of money. They're all happy for their boss, that's sweet. No not my idiot son I just got that one! Aaaand there goes Mista. At least I don't have to see that goddamn cheese suit now. I like that this series of words actually makes perfect sense. They're in some kinda weird pocket dimension aren't they. Oooh what does Piss Goth do? I like that Abbacchio immediately hates Giorno for no discernible reason. Whelp that's it, show's over. God this music is a fucking banger.

Lupin- Lupin's having a bad day. "Oh right, we're criminals too." :D And then Jigen was a furry. Somebody should give Goemon a good punch. Hiiiii Fujiko. I'd like to volunteer to guard Fuji. Kill your dad, Ami. Oh shit I forgot he pretended to be her dad. You piece of shit. You might wanna put a medic in that container with him. This is what, like the fourth traumatic gut injury he's had so far this season? Jigen have you considered just shaving. Oh hey, Albert! Poor Zeni and the cops. On the bright side you guys can be friends in about 40 years when he gets out. There's definitely going to be an ambush here. Hi Jigen! Let him finish his cigarette you jerks. WHAT A SURPRISE, IT WAS A TRAP. Use more gun. Goddamn he's cool. Maybe it is time to retire, but go save Fujiko first. Lupin your abdomen is carved open like a roast, can you just be chill for once. You guys might wanna get out of there before Pops kicks that door open. Oh hey, sword. Awwww Zeni threw the sword. God I'm gay for Fuji. AHAHAHAHA, EAT SHIT. That is actually a brilliant move, I was expecting them to just blow the place up. Sometimes you just gotta hide in a sewer and leak info on war crimes. Rebecca!

11 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Food Wars- I don't care about this girl, show. Is anybody really looking down on her because of her gender though? Nothing says feminism like gratuitous jiggling.

Jojo- "Son of a shitter" this dub is a gift.

Miyoko's feminism is a little tough to take (even if its origins are legit understandable), but damn if she doesn't rock that qipao. 😘
Every JoJo dub is a gift, even the ones with the cheesy accents littered all over the place.

THE FORGE - Welp, so much for his arm.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - Not sure whether to consider Sir Nighteye actually kinda cool or just an asshole. Oh well, at least Deku managed to get into his agency, that's what matters. I don't think we really needed that shot of Mineta ogling Mina's chest, show. And oh damn, Deku met the villain of the season already! 😱

ONE PUNCH MAN - I was getting a little bored with the tournament TBH, even though Saitama vs. Suiryu was pretty cool I'm glad it's over. I hope this whole Monster Association business finishes up soon too. And man, I forgot Tornado was such a c*nt. Easily the worst character.

DR. STONE - Sucks that Kinro got eliminated from the tournament (and double sucks for Ginro's bowels), but at least Chrome managed to eke out a win with science, coupled with the time-tested Dale Gribble and Bobby Hill methods of pocket sand and hitting below the belt, respectively.

FIRE FORCE - I might have had my problems with her in the past, some of which I still do, but Hibana strapping Shinra inside a bag and tape-gagging him... I'm into that. 😍 Her "melt this gravel into asphalt" line too, even if it isn't accurate civil engineering terminology. Lisa can fuck off, though; if she lives to the end and still hasn't repented, I'm gonna be pissed.

FOOD WARS! - We're 20 episodes in, and we still don't know what Zenji's special gimmick is. I'm guessing it's a mix of general food knowledge and specific noodle dishes. Thin Isami gives me some type of disassociation or whatever the word is. Loved the ZZZs coming from the "to be continued" plate at the end. :D

DEMON SLAYER - Even I'll admit that Nezuko is great, though I wouldn't call her "demon burrito daughter" material... yet. Right now, Tanjiro's the one that's got my attention. That boy is a badass, and it took him less than a quarter of the series to reach this point! And no, I don't blame him for hesitating against the Smooth Criminal upon seeing his secret other family of the decade.

BLACK CLOVER - Man, elves are real jerks. Nice to see Yami dislikes Sol's aggressive man-hating lesbianism as much as the rest of us do.

VENTO AUREO - I enjoy this entire squad. Except for maybe Abbacchio, but even he's got a cool factor high enough to offset his hating Giorno for no reason. SHIT COUNT: 5. It's looking like the criteria for TV-MAL is now "3 shits in a 15-minute period". I'll take note of that for the future.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Eh, I don't really have anything for this one. Other than goddamn those casualties.

LUPIN THE 3RD - I like that Ling finds it fucked up that Enzo doesn't care about his family. I also like how smug Ami's become since hanging around Lupin and Fujiko. And I'll admit, I squealed like a schoolgirl when I saw that Lupin was hiding out in Cagliostro's castle. Watching that movie to honor Monkey Punch earlier this year was the right move.


Welp, looks like all those years of avoiding TV-MAs on game day have caught up to me and thensome.

11:00 - Toonami: The Forge #4 - TV-PGV

11:05 - My Hero Academia #67 - Fighting Fate - TV-14V
11:30 - One Punch Man #20 - The Resistance of the Strong - TV-14LV

12:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #12 - The Memory of a Single Dish - TV-MA

12:30 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #13 - Eggs Before the Dawn - TV-MAS

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #14 - Metamorphose - TV-MAS

1:30 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #15 - The Man Called Carnage - TV-MAS

2:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #16 - The Cook Who Traveled Thousands of Miles - TV-MAS

2:30 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #17 - Sensual Fried Chicken - TV-MAS

3:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #18 - The Fried Chicken of Youth - TV-MAS

3:30 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #19 - The Chosen One - TV-MAS

4:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #20 - Dragon Lies Prone, Then Ascends to the Sky - TV-MAS

Consume your leftovers responsibly; there are children present.

  • Haha 2

Hero- Oh my god just look at him he's like sunshine. You can save me any day, Lemillion. MY BABY. Oh fuck you, plague guy. Deku, immediately arousing suspicion. Oh hey, Endeavor finally has some competition for Worst Dad. Please save my baby. Just punch him in the dick and run. Mirio no don't leave my daughter. And then they got murdered in an alley. ERI NO DON'T GO. I love Bubble Girl. You bastards get your hands off my daughter. Mirio's so fucking tall I'm right at motorboat height for those pecs. Hold up so could he cure my shitty eyesight? I can't stop staring at her underboob. Hey who beat the shit out of Bakugo. I enjoy Aizawa just fucking dead-lifting a waterlogged Deku out of the pond with one arm. You knew Nighteye was an asshole. Oh no here we go. OHHHH THIS HURTS. I'm not crying you're crying and also I'm crying. Everyone here needs a hug. This is not my fault. Fuck you Nighteye but I owe you one for training my replacement boyfriend. AW FUCK. Tall Might only makes me feel a little better here. Please don't kill Might Boyfriend, show. Make up goddammit. GODDAMMIT FUCKHANDS GET OUT OF HERE.

OPM- CAW CAW MOTHERFUCKER. Yeah that seems like a plan that worked out great. Don't touch the brain slugs. Oh yeah this is a real bad idea. RIP fat dude. Aw fuck that can't be good. Nice horns at least. Noooo don't do it. You idiots are gonna die now. I'll go out with you. PECS OF STEEL. Aww there go his cool horns. Oh you're definitely getting laid after this. Don't eat that you'll get ugly. :D We share the exact same priorities. This isn't my fault. I goddamn love Watchdog Man. I don't remember how he got that gratuitou titty window in his sweater but I appreciate it. Oh, this guy's still alive. Hey now would be a great time for Saitama to show back up. REVELRY IN THE DARK. Awwwwww fuck. Uhhh I don't think you're supposed to eat more than one of those things. MUMEN RIDER NO. No seriously where's Saitama for all this is he still running from security or what. It's what heroes do, you bastard. LIGHTNING SHOES. Thank you Tank Top Seitz. :D "You're pretty brave for a guy with no tank top." WHELP. I don't give a shit, kill the rich little bastard. Cat monster! Hey maybe we'll luck out and the monsters will just kill each other. Ohhh he's gonna eat you. Jesus Christ. Everybody's a liiiiittle busy right now, dude. HEY SAITAMA NICE OF YOU TO JOIN US. Man I love it when he goes into random Hot Art Mode.


Between TOM possibly getting killed, All Might being fated to die horribly, and all the casualties in OPM, last night's showings were definitely those of hopelessness.

Also, I need a stitch of Midnight's token appearance this episode, like, yesterday.

  • Like 1

So... has anyone heard from Foley lately?

11:00 - Toonami: The Forge #5 - TV-PGV

11:05 - My Hero Academia #68 - Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot - TV-14V
11:30 - One Punch Man #21 - The Troubles of the Strongest - TV-14L

12:00 - Dr. Stone #15 - The Culmination of Two Million Years - TV-14DLV

12:30 - Fire Force #18 - The Secrets of Pyrokinesis - TV-14

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #21 - That Which is Known Yet Unknown - TV-MAS

1:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #8 - The Smell of Enchanting Blood - TV-MAV

2:00 - Black Clover #97 - Overwhelming Disadvantage - TV-14

2:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #6 - Moody Blues' Jazz's Counterattack - TV-MALV

3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #277 - Unison Sign (1) - TV-PG

3:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 #24 - Viva Lupin III - TV-14LSV - END

4:00 - Attack on Titan #4 - Night of the Closing Ceremony: Humanity's Comeback, Part 2 - TV-14LV

3 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:


11:05 - My Hero Academia #68 - Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot - TV-14V


3 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

So... has anyone heard from Foley lately?

Maybe he took one look at this season of Jojo and his mind just snapped at the bizarreness.

  • Like 1

Hero- Nejire's so cute. LOOK AT MY GIRLS. Ryukyu is my wife. Get out of here, Fuckhands! Get your filthy shoes off that table. BIG CHUNGUS. Tamaki is a goddamn mood. I love BIG CHUNGUS. Oh shit Tamaki's quirk is cool as fuck. :D That woman screaming "HE'S TOTALLY CUTE" has her priorities straight and I respect her. Aw shit then he got shot. Aw fuck he lost his quirk. Don't do drugs, kids. I love that giant All Might billboard. Someone please hug Tamaki. Aw fuck he cut my boy. :D Kaminari being used as a phone charger. Surprisingly encouraging Bakugo. OH SHIT LOOK AT MY SON. Oh DAMN he looks cool. i'm so proud of him! CHUNGUS AHOY. Fatgum is my favorite hero. Oh noooo I sense a traumatic backstory on the horizon. Tamaki is my spirit animal. I'm so proud of my kids. Meanwhile, Bakugo is angry. Someone please save my baby. So what happens with Tamaki's quirk if he sucks a dick?

OPM- I love when Saitama goes into Good Art Mode. Avenge that one guy! You should give him your prize money. He's the best. Don't worry, Charlie Brown will save us all. Oh hey, Genos is alive. Oh dude, just stay here and wallow in your failure on your own. Well, that was easy. I enjoy Saitama not giving any shits. Nope. :D FREE HUG monster is my favorite. I fully support anyone fighting naked. RIP monster, you were the best. I think that's called depression, Saitama. Oh hey King. :D Really the hair was just holding him back. Yes start ballroom dancing. That's surprisingly insightful. :D Video games are serious business. :D Watchdog Man kicked his ass. Nooo don't kill him he's our friend. Saitama says no. Sorry, you just broke all his bones. Oh hey Sonic. Hellfire Flame sounds right up my alley; he's going to die. Here, eat this pulsating anus. Yeah sure that'll help you win. Marshal Gorilla is an incredible theme. He's just a normal monkey, leave him alone. I love Errant Gorilla. I don't trust this other old guy. Just kill the little bastard, see if I care. This guy broke. That can't be good. Hey, you got Food Wars in my One Punch Man.

Dr Stone- Get that man a coke. Awwww. Ginro's such a goddamn idiot, I love him. EVERYONE GETS A HAREM. Go for the dick! I love that everyone just keeps hurling that melon into the fights. :D I was joking about the dick thing but damn. Aw shit, Chrome's dead. Senku is best matchmaker. Oh god, Senku is chief now. Dude he won the fight, he's your king now. Fuck yeah, vinegar! Oh shit you gotta get those drugs now. :D What. This is fantastic. I love this old man so much. :D Suika faceplanting mid-run fucking floored me. Wake up Chrome! TIME FOR DRUGS, KIDS. Just smile and nod, Chrome. DON'T TOUCH THAT YOU BASTARD. Well now you don't get any soda. These sure are words you're saying. The only thing I understood here is baking soda. They did it! HE MADE THE COKE, HE DID IT. Why is this fucker drinking a discount Pepsi about to make me cry? Here, snort this. It's okay, they used to be married. RIP mouse. Masked Senku looks unreasonably funny to me. Oh this can't be good. :D Kaiju drug. Aw FUCK you've killed her. Aw shit you don't fuck with pnemonia. FUCK YEAH. Grandpa is still MVP. Awww, Kohaku's been saving her this whole time. AWWWWWW, SHE'S BETTER. Damn look at her go. I'm not crying you're cry-WAAAAIT WHAT. Explain now please.

Fire Force- Aw fuck it's a Tamaki episode. :D DONKEY DICK. That is a nice hat. Hi boyfriend! Oh great, this bitch is here. Yes, I'd love to get your meat. Aw shit it's that guy. So wait is eyepatch douche on our side now? Oh hey, that other guy. Don't fight, you're both idiots. Take your shirt off, techie man. I hate these children. Lesson one, be in panic mode constantly. I enjoy seeing Shina get kicked in the mouth. Maybe don't trust this. Maybe they think you're a traitor because you've spent half the day hanging out with that evil guy. Maki is my girlfriend. Witch hat! When it doubt, just hit them with a hammer. Tamaki is the worst. I hate these children so much. This is some Naruto shit. Oh hey, that helped. :D Okay Arthur getting roundhouse kicked in the face is pretty good.

Food Wars- I agree with these guys screaming about how shitty Megumi is. LOOK AT THE JIGGLE, GODDAMMIT. This girl's painful brand of feminism is exhausting. That is one ugly fish. Oh, is she finally gonna grow a spine? Hillbillies intensify. It sure was nice of them to waste probably hundreds of dollars of fish to let this pathetic, whiny child learn something. WE GET IT, SHE'S A STALKER. Gee I'm really sweating here on whether Megumi will trip ass-first into the next round. That sounds fucking terrible. You couldn't pay me enough to put that in my mouth, and I have some terrible standards. Whoever wrote this dialogue deserves a raise. Don't fight, you're both fucking terrible. Calm down bitch, even I'm not that thirsty. What a shock, the creepy bitch lost. And just like that, your deeply-ingrained psychological issues are cured!

Demon Slayer- Oh right, THIS fucker. Oh no he's gonna have to kill that guy. I'm gonna fight this douche myself. I love my son. Whelp, somebody's gonna die. Oh hey, this is happening. Thanks, lady! I automatically trust her and surely this won't bite me in the ass. DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK. I kinda love this drunk guy. Okay that was not my fault. Get out of here you Michael Jackson sack of fuck. YOU ASSHOLE. Jesus christ. Noodles are serious business. Heeee look at my daughter. She's so cute! No shit she's a demon. THEM'S FIGHTIN' WORDS. :D Tanjiro is so great. This is just Platform 9 3/4. Ya gotta go the Ol' Yeller route with him. So much for not offending her. I love her. Let Nezuko take a nap. Well shit I'll sell you my blood for a good cause. Heeee Nezuko. Oh shit. She's so cool. You stay away from my son this is an important conversation. LOOK AT MY PRECIOUS DAUGHTER. You raised our hopes and dashed them expertly, miss. Ohhhh there's gonna be a catch to this. Start killing shit, boy. AW FUCK.

Black Clover- Maybe you should have told her the dead king's in there. Just kill everyone, Yami. Shut up, lesbian. Yami continues to be the single bright spot in this shit show. I think it would help if you took your shirt off. Oh god what now. I genuinely don't know if I'm supposed to remeber who this is. Great, team up and kill Asta. I ain't gonna complain if y'all kill Noelle. I'm rooting for psycho elf Deku here to slaughter them. You can go ahead and kill Asta. Use him as a human shield, fire lady! Oh hey, it's a hydra. Are there only like six people in this entire country that aren't goddamn elves? How goddamn stupid are you to not notice everybody looks different? STOP SCREAMING, YOU DIPSHIT. Oh right, dimestore Hisoka can do things. Ahahahahaha eat shit, Asta. Don't worry, fire lady can absolutely kill them with no remorse. I feel this on a personal level. Oh hey, he's awake.

Jojo- Oh, he used to be a cop. Well this is depressing. OH, IT GOT WORSE. And that's why he's an angsty goth now. I also need a drink after that. Oh right, Giorno's here. Scratch that. Did Araki intentionally design Bruno's stand to make that giant zipper looks like it's got its dick out? Oooh it looks cool. Why did they give Moody Blues such a sweet ass. Okay that's a really cool power. He...deflated? Freek'n You totally sounds like a stand that would turn people into condoms. Aw fuck he's not there. Well fellas I admit I'm confused as shit here. Well Abba do you mind explaining it to me? And then he died. One last slap for the road. You stole his boyfriend, prepare to die. Is...is he the fly? Calm down there, fly man. And then we got a lesson on the difference in nautical birds. Can't kill my crew if I kill us all! What just happened. It was a boat condom. Don't fuck with Bruno. Now kiss.

Lupin- He's such a bag of dicks. Just three dudes chilling on a rusty boat and leaking government secrets. HI REBECCA! And she brought pizza! God I love Fujiko. So is she getting married or what. Pirate Fuji does things for me. GIVE ME DETAILS, WOMAN. Eat shit, Enzo. Yeah this seems about right for America. Time for everybody to quit. Aww he came back for her. Oh that is one fancy sub. I don't even know who that lady is but I love how many women he has on-hand to save his ass. Oh hey it's those idiots. And then Lupin caused a civil war. This is so much fun. Sometimes two dudes are all you need. OH DAMN THAT WAS COOL. Heee it's the weeb kid. Just let that guy leave he doesn't even want to be here. Ohhhhh buddy that sounds ominous. Fujiko, giving zero shits about her impending doom. Eat shit, Enzo. Howdy, fuckface. Oh shit Ami. AWWWWWWWW. Just answer the question. WHAT. None of this silhouette bullshit show me what's up. Is...is he nice now? That'd be heartwarming if he wasn't such a bastard. Get Fuji some shoes. Awwwwww. Ami honey he's twice your age, let it go. Shut up Enzo you're going to jail. I have the biggest grin right now. So y'all married now or what?

7 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Hero- So what happens with Tamaki's quirk if he sucks a dick?

He becomes Edward Penishands, obviously.

Thoughts coming on Tuesday after I finish the weakest links plus Lupin then - which itself is coming after a job interview I have at 8:30 in the morning - so for now, I'll just say that I copy-pasted your thoughts on this week's Demon Slayer and JoJo into Google Translate to read them without accidentally catching a glimpse at your weekly pans of Food Wars and Black Clover, and I must say, reading the Japanese version of your comments was an experience:


悪魔の殺し屋-ああ、このファッカー。ああ、彼はその男を殺す必要があります。私はこの潅水を自分で戦うつもりです。私は自分の息子を愛している。 Whelp、誰かが死ぬだろう。ああ、これが起こっています。ありがとう、女性!私は自動的に彼女を信頼します、そして、これは確かにロバで私を噛みません。 DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK。私はこの酔った男が大好きです。それは私のせいではありません。ここから出て、マイケル・ジャクソンの性の袋。あなたが主張します。イエス・キリスト。麺は深刻なビジネスです。 Heeeeは私の娘を見てください。彼女はとてもかわいいです!彼女は悪魔です。彼らの戦いの言葉。 :D丹次郎はすごい。これはPlatform 9 3/4です。ヤは彼と一緒にOl 'Yellerルートに行かなければならない。彼女を怒らせないためにそんなに。私は彼女を愛している。根子に仮眠を取りましょう。うーん、私はあなたを正当な理由で売るつもりだ。ねえねずこ。ああ、くそ。彼女はとてもクールです。あなたは私の息子から離れてこれは重要な会話です。私の大切な娘を見てください。あなたは私たちの希望を上げ、巧みに打ちのめしました、ミス。ああ、これにはキャッチがあります。たわごとを殺し始めます、少年。 AW FUCK。

ジョジョ-ああ、彼はかつて警官だった。まあこれは憂鬱です。ああ、それはさらに悪いことです。そして、それが彼が今、怒ったゴスである理由です。その後も飲み物が必要です。そうそう、ジョルノはここにいる。スクラッチ。荒木は意図的にブルーノのスタンドを設計して、その巨大なジッパーがペニスを出しているように見せましたか?かっこいいですね。なぜ彼らはムーディー・ブルースにそんなに甘いお尻を与えたのですか。さて、それは本当にクールなパワーです。彼は...しぼんだ? Freek'n Youは、人々をコンドームに変えるスタンドのように聞こえます。彼はそこにいません。まあ、私はここでたわごととして混乱していることを認める。アバは私にそれを説明してもいいですか?そして彼は死んだ。道路のための最後の平手打ち。あなたは彼のボーイフレンドを盗み、死ぬ準備をします。彼はハエですか?落ち着いて、男を飛ばしてください。そして、海鳥の違いについてのレッスンを受けました。私たち全員を殺すと乗組員を殺すことはできません!今何があったの。ボート用コンドームでした。ブルーノと性交しないでください。いまキスして。

You just read "AW FUCK" in Old Joseph's voice, admit it.


Oh, did I say Tuesday? I meant Thursday.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - It is nice to get the focus shifted off the main character and onto someone else every once in a while. Last time it was Froppy's internship, this time it's Kirishima's work study. That kid embodies both the kickass and sensitive sides of manliness, he has my seal of approval all the way.

ONE PUNCH MAN - Not a whole lot to say about this episode besides "Thanks, Saitama. Thaitama," but I did like the bystanders being unsure whether to root for or be disturbed by Puri-Puri Prisoner, and Sonic getting the runs from cooking the monster cell he was given into uselessness.

DR. STONE - It only took us 15 episodes, but we've come so far in bringing back science. This show is simply great, Chrome's reaction faces post-ammonia breathing aside. Now onto figuring out how these village people know about Senku, whose last name reveal this episode is, I assume, the reason he went without one in the cast credits.

DEMON SLAYER - Regarding our new demon peeps, Tamayo's a good person and ball girl's cute enough for me to overlook her murderousness at least 50% of the time. Yushiro and arrow guy, though, can go die a thousand times over. The former's admiration for his lady senpai is annoying, and the latter just makes me want to ORA ORA my TV screen whenever he's doing that open-mouth smirk/evil chuckle combination.

VENTO AUREO - My original anime idea MC of the moment may be voiced by Bruno, but I'd say he has more in common with Abbacchio, between them both being cops (at one point) disillusioned with their jobs. Even moreso with their shared penchant for doing subtle yet revealing detective work. Imagine, if Naokuu had Moody [insert music genre here] as his very own STAND, he'd have figured out the Kunoichi did it long before the moment when he actually did learn they did it! But alas, Kinky Kunoichi is more grounded in realism - well, as grounded as a series set in the same universe as IGPX can be - so alas, no STAND for him.

FIRE FORCE - I just realized that Toonami's had three Tamakis on the block now. So, which one do you prefer: antisocial Sasuke lookalike Tamaki, douchenozzle prison warden Tamaki, or twintailed tsundere exhibitionist Tamaki?

FOOD WARS! - While she's still the hotter of the two "feminazi fapbait" characters on the block, I'll admit that Miyoko's deal is starting to wear thin on me. I predicted that Nao would go from crushing on Erina to crushing on Hisako after tasting the latter's food. And oh my, the unlikeable non-descript extras are actually impressed by Soma's cooking for once! Le shock.

BLACK CLOVER - Chain Letter Guy and Glazed Ham Man having an unintentional moment over their complaining about getting their asses kicked by Asta was oddly nice.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - :D I just about lost it when Naruto said "believe it" in that flashback. So it does acknowledge that former phrase, huzzah!

LUPIN THE 3RD - I'd probably have appreciated it all the more had I seen about half of the series and specials before it, but this Lupin was still pretty damn fun, third story arc notwithstanding. 9/10, see you when the OVA that doesn't even have a page on Anime News Network drops this weekend.


Ladies and gentlemen, now introducing Tom 6. No relation to the director of the Human Centipede.

11:00 - Toonami: The Forge #6 - TV-PGV

11:05 - My Hero Academia #69 - An Unpleasant Talk - TV-PGLV
11:30 - One Punch Man #22 - Justice Under Siege - TV-MAS

12:00 - Dr. Stone #16 - A Tale for the Ages - TV-PGL

12:30 - Fire Force #19 - Into the Nether - TV-MAS

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #22 - That Which Transcends the Norm - TV-MAS

1:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #9 - Temari Demon and Arrow Demon - TV-MAV

2:00 - Black Clover #98 - The Sleeping Lion - TV-14V

2:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #7 - Sex Pistols Six Bullets Appears, Part 1 - TV-MALV

3:00 - Is Lupin Still Burning? - TV-14DLSV

3:45 - Scavengers - TV-PG

4:00 - Attack on Titan #5 - First Battle: The Struggle for Trost, Part 1 - TV-14LV

  • Haha 1
5 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

Ladies and gentlemen, now introducing Tom 6. No relation to the director of the Human Centipede.

Goodness, that's a deep cut.

I'm going to DVR the Lupin special tonight and watch it alongside new Joe Pera soon. It's too bad my year with Toonami is ending with me staring down a huge backlog.

On 12/12/2019 at 3:13 PM, PokeNirvash said:

So, which one do you prefer: antisocial Sasuke lookalike Tamaki, douchenozzle prison warden Tamaki, or twintailed tsundere exhibitionist Tamaki?

Suneater is both the best Tamaki and the best Sasuke on the block.

Hero- Oh sweet, my kids are working together. HI BOYFRIEND. Hi Granpa. Hi Aizawa! And Deku has a full wiki page written about all of these heroes. Nejire's so cute. I can't stop staring at her underboob. I'm not a fan of Centipeder. Everyone loves Fatgum. Don't be rude, attractive yet angry man. Oh good he's okay. Ohhh no I don't like the sound of that. MY BABY. Jesus fucking christ. Endeavor officially loses the World's Worst Dad trophy. Someone please save my daughter. It's okay Mirio I'll console you. Stop making sense it's making them feel bad! Oh, that's actually a great idea. I'm with Fatgum go save my baby. I forgot Aizawa was here. Leave him alone he's sad. I kinda love Rock Lock. Someone hug these boys. Aizawa is in prime Dad mode today and I'm here for it. Somebody teach Deku how to tie a tie. AWWWWZAWA. Mirio maybe you'll feel better if you take your shirt off. SAVE MY BABY PLEASE. Oh this guy is fucked.

OPM- ORA ORA ORA ORA. The bunny girl is always the strongest character. Oh that's just rude. Well this sure looks ominous. Alright I can respect them just wanting to be left the hell alone, what's the catch. Aaaand then you shot a guy in the face. WHELP. No really, just let them kill the little bastard. Thanks, random black guy. DENIED. I kinda love him. Watching buff dudes flex does make me feel better. Okay that one monster is just a trash can. And then that guy got eaten. Nooo not the hot lady. Oh hey, Garo's alive. Oh hey, Genos is alive. And then everything went straight to hell. I'm with Metal Knight, let that kid die. Oh hey Saitama actually does something. Get out of their clubhouse! I'm kinda into this, fear for his life. I'm sure this will end well for all of you. I reluctantly add Garo to the boyfriend list. BLAM-BLAM is a great hero name. Goddamn he's cool. IT'S HIGH NOON. Great job putting your secret technique in the hero manual. BRRRRRICK FROG. This is not my fault.

Dr Stone- EXPLAIN PLEASE. I'm not following where you're going with this. Awww look at tiny Senku. Senku x Science is still OTP. Oh hey, he has a dad. LOOK AT THE ADORABLE CHILDREN. We're gonna hurl this dummy off the roof. Tiny Taiju also never stops screaming. And then Senku killed his dad. Awwwwwww. Oh sweet, he gets to be an astronaut. AWWWWWW. Wait what. Is that a Russian Seitz sighting? So uh that one lady sure looks a lot like the sisters. HOWDY Y'ALL. "I would have killed you in no time, swear to god" I love that lady instantly. I just love this Russian couple in general. Oh hey, she's pretty good. No, talk to your son! OH NO I FORGOT WHAT WAS HAPPENING. So how does fucking in space actually work? :D The soup. Zero gravity space ramen sounds pretty damn good. OH FUCK. :( He never got to talk to Senku again. Thank god the internet still works. At least the porn's still up. So I guess they all just fucked like monkeys until they died.

Fire Force- Oh yeah I really respect a dude name Raffles. Yeeeah things aren't gonna go well for this albino baby in about two minutes. The nether is a real thing? You should work out while you explain all this, Captain. Please make Tamaki stay behind. Make sure you bring that donkey dick with you. Sorry show I am never gonna give two shits about this nun. At the first sign of trouble, use Tamaki as a shield. That's just a subway tunnel, but in a way I guess it is the route to hell. I am gonna get this man killed, I can feel it in my bones. And then everything went to shit. MOTHER FUCK IT'S TWO TAMAKIS. It's all good, the buff dudes are fine. Gee maybe the fake is the one who sounds like a godamn grown man. Iris you're a fucking idiot. I hate this fucking show. Please kill both of them. Please don't hurt my girlfriend. I like when Maki gets to do things. There continues to be exactly one good woman in this entire show. I'm gay for this. Meanwhile, kill them faster. What is with the weird sexism here? Tamaki did you forget that you're fucking terrible? Yeah, the reason they gave you that uniform is just to show off your tits. I HATE THIS FUCKING SHOW. I'd rather just watch these adorable mice all episode. I guess this is marginally more bearable if they're lesbians. 

Food Wars- Oh good the jiggle feminazi gets to advance. I don't care about any of these people. Okay Shotgun Riding Hood gave me a giggle. I could go for a calzone right now. Yee haw. You had me at bacon. I'm not gonna feel sorry for anyone in this show. Oh what in the hell is this. Oh come on that doesn't even count as curry anymore. Did Megumi piss her pants and run away? Fucking Megumi. Oh great the hillbillies are here. Tonight's theme is HOWDY Y'ALL. Wow what a shock, Megumi tripped ass-first into the next round. At least jiggle feminazi lost. 

Demon Slayer- Save my bento daughter at all costs. Man that place is getting wrecked. I'd trust Nezuko with my life. Whelp he's dead. Oh, false alarm. Cry harder, you whiny little brat. Fuck Michael Jackson and his squad of asshole kids. Tanjiro honey can't you just smell the dodgeballs? Oh hey, thanks you whiny bastard. Nezuko will kill them for us. TOO MANY BALLS. Oooh that looks so cool. There you go, you got your first guinea pigs. KICK HIS ASS, SWEETIE. Aw crap she's re-armed herself. NO MY BABY. Aww even though they're demons she still sees them as her family. Aw shit. His power is a weaponized form of Jojo's TO BE CONTINUED arrow. Oh no you goddamn idiot why did you open your mouth. MY BABY NO. Stab him in the dick. Close your eyes and smell your way to victory. Oh damn look at him go. I'm so proud of you, son.

Clover- I don't care about any of this, go back to the angry lady. And you have my axe! Why does this douche keep posing like a flamingo? I genuinely do not care who lives or dies in this fight. What the hell now, is the building on fire? Oh hey, someone I can tolerate. I'll admit, that is one bitchin' fire arm. Oh hey, he's got that dragon thing. I would follow J. Michael Tatum into hell after a rousing speech. There are now four characters I don't want to see die painfully. I guess the dragon just filled him in on everything. Dimestore Griffith, still the worst. You heard him, torch the place! I don't know who any of these people are. Oh great, this little fuckwad's back. Hiiii Yami.

Jojo- I love my idiot son. Watching them kick the shit out of this guy's body is kinda cracking me up. :D:D Oh my god, this is beautiful. I love that their perfect unison implies that they've practiced this dance before. I don't care what happens now, nothing's topping this. Not gonna lie, this song is an absolute goddamn banger. Aw shit he had a partner. You should beat the shit out of him just for the stress relief. Buoy fish! GUN STAND. You can't prove that Mista isn't the bastard son of Hol Horse. I don't think it's a good time for a lunch break. OH MY GOD, THEY'RE ADORABLE. I'm adopting this stand, they're my children now. Yeah boys this doesn't sound suspicious at all. Aw shit he's in the office. Goddammit Mista. Oh no, they're idiots. LOOK AT THEM GO. Nothing to see here, just a flamboyantly dressed teen waving a gun around. I love my bullet children. He's in the truck! There he goes. :D "Freek'n You" never stops being funny.

Lupin- Sorry but I'm definitely rooting for Fujiko here. This is just Mario Kart. Take me with you, Fuji. Somebody go save Fujiko. Oh, now all that porn has some context. I'm not entirely okay with this. And then time travel, because sure why not. I grow increasingly uncomfortable with the Fujiko tickle fetish torture.  Cool, his jacket changes with the times. This is what gave Sir Nighteye his tickle fetish. Oh thank god the fetish machine blew up. I feel like I'd get more out of this if I understood these references. Zenigata is a universal constant. JIGEN NO. Fujiko where are your nipples? Pops is gonna be the thing that saves him. Goemon buddy he's literally hurling rockets at you. Is this why Goemon hates computers? RIP car. I'M NOT OKAY WITH THIS. I'm actually relieved she's gone because at least now she's not getting molested. Lupin continuing his trend of getting shot. Goemon no! Jigen no! Fujiko yes! Goddamn douchebag wizard ruining 50 years of friendship. Well damn he was easy to catch. WHAT. Oh my god you douche wizard how did you fuck this up you ahve a time machine. Hobo Jigen MVP. Most importantly, things are back to normal with Pops. Kill them. OH HELL YEAH T-REX. It turns out the real loot was the friends you made along the way.

On 12/15/2019 at 4:23 AM, EmpressAngel said:

Suneater is both the best Tamaki and the best Sasuke on the block.

Food Wars- Oh good the jiggle feminazi gets to advance. At least jiggle feminazi lost.

Clover-  There are now four characters I don't want to see die painfully.

For me, the "Sasukes on the block ranking" goes: Ray, Amajiki, Yuno, Boruto!Sasuke, Naruto!Sasuke, then a power gap, then finally Shippuden!Sasuke.

Eh, I prefer the term "feminazi fapbait", personally. It's alliterative!

Okay, so that's Yami, Fuegoleon, Mereoleona... So who's number 4? Fana back when she hated everything?

I'm too tired to do a longer writeup for this week's shows with the titles and stuff (I get more like Gunners by the day), so here are some super-abbreviated thoughts, one for each offering:

  • I wasn't too big on Rock Lock's "these damn kids" attitude, but I love how his VA's been blacking up his dialogue. :D
  • "IF SUPER-S HAS SCREENTIME, IT'S EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT." t. Standards & Practices trying to meme
  • This week in "anime studios in their own shows": the TMS Football Stadium.
  • Iris bashing the one dude over the head with a metal rod made the Lucky Lecher Lure that came beforehand a little better...
  • Yuki is best girl, all others can go home.
  • Oh hey, the two guys I hate both got beheaded this episode. 😁 Too bad only one of them's gonna stick.
  • Why'd they credit Licht as Patry when it was clearly the former that had screentime? And wow, Finral woke up sooner than I thought.
  • You know, I always imagined Mamo as looking older.
4 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

Okay, so that's Yami, Fuegoleon, Mereoleona... So who's number 4? Fana back when she hated everything?

Charmy, who gave us the Pop Team Epic ripoff filler and objectively the best episode of this entire root canal of a show.

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

Merry Winter Solstice, everybody! Here, have some wanton destruction!

11:00 - One Punch Man #13 - Return of the Hero - TV-14LV
11:30 - One Punch Man #14 - The Human Monster - TV-14LV

12:00 - One Punch Man #15 - The Hunt Begins - TV-14DLSV

12:30 - One Punch Man #16 - The Metal Bat - TV-14LV

1:00 - One Punch Man #17 - The Martial Arts Tournament - TV-MAS

1:30 - One Punch Man #18 - The Monster Uprising - TV-MAS

2:00 - One Punch Man #19 - The Class S Heroes - TV-14LV

2:30 - One Punch Man #20 - The Resistance of the Strong - TV-14LV

3:00 - One Punch Man #21 - The Troubles of the Strongest - TV-14L

3:30 - One Punch Man #22 - Justice Under Siege - TV-MAS

4:00 - Attack on Titan #6 - The World the Girl Saw: The Struggle for Trost, Part 2 - TV-14DLV

Edited by PokeNirvash

And to close out the decade of Toonami's return, it's time to make like George Washington Carver III and get scientific up in here.

11:00 - Dr. Stone #7 - Where Two Million Years Have Gone - TV-14LV
11:30 - Dr. Stone #8 - Stone Road - TV-14L
12:00 - Dr. Stone #9 - Let There Be the Light of Science - TV-14DLV
12:30 - Dr. Stone #10 - A Flimsy Alliance - TV-14DLSV
1:00 - Dr. Stone #11 - Clear World - TV-14DLV
1:30 - Dr. Stone #12 - Buddies Back to Back - TV-14LV
2:00 - Dr. Stone #13 - Masked Warrior - TV-14LV
2:30 - Dr. Stone #14 - Master of Flame - TV-14LV
3:00 - Dr. Stone #15 - The Culmination of Two Million Years - TV-14DLV
3:30 - Dr. Stone #16 - A Tale for the Ages - TV-PGL

4:00 - Attack on Titan #7 - Small Blade: The Struggle for Trost, Part 3 - TV-14V

You'll almost forget that Taiju and Yuzuriha even exist by the time it's over.

Posted (edited)

New year, new wallpaper, new avatar, new packaging... same ol' Toonami programming (for now).

11:00 - My Hero Academia #70 - GO!! - TV-14V
11:30 - Dr. Stone #17 - A Hundred Nights and a Thousand Skies - TV-14V
12:00 - One Punch Man #23 - The Varieties of Pride - TV-14LV

12:30 - Fire Force #20 - Wearing His Pride - TV-14LV

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #23 - The Unfolding Individual Competition - TV-MAS

1:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #10 - Together Forever - TV-MAV

2:00 - Black Clover #99 - The Desperate Path Toward Survival - TV-14

2:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #8 - Sex Pistols Six Bullets Appears, Part 2 - TV-MALV

3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #278 - Medic Ninja in Danger - TV-PG

3:30 - The Promised Neverland #1 - 121045 - TV-14V

4:00 - Attack on Titan #8 - I Can Hear His Heartbeat: The Struggle for Trost, Part 4 - TV-14V

It's time to get excited. ;)

Edited by PokeNirvash
On 12/28/2019 at 5:52 AM, PokeNirvash said:


You'll almost forget that Taiju and Yuzuriha even exist by the time it's over.

My ears will never forget Screaming Good Boy.

Hero- Last time, Endavor lost his Worst Dad trophy. Look at my kids go. Meanwhile, Bakugo is angry. Yeah I'm sure the villains have nothing to do with this. Please don't kill my boyfriend, show. Awwwww my kids. Someone give Deku a hug. Real friendship is offering someone food. Centipeder creeps me right the fuck out. Come here Vault Boy let me hug you. Oh good they found her. Heee Nejire's wrapped up in her hair that's really cute. Oh shit it's go time. Nighteye survived Black Friday for that toy. I just imagine this is exactly how my dad felt buying me princess dolls as a kid. Still can't stop staring at Bubble Girl's underboob. :D Look at him flail around. Oh don't show me All Might like that. I'm gonna fuck Vault Boy. Fuck you, plague douche squad. I got a bad feel about this. Hiiii Dadzawa. Aww, Fatgum gave him a snack. Aw shit here we go. DRAGON WAIFU GO. Somebody kick the shit out of Overhaul already. Ohhh this is not gonna be a good thing. Please save my baby.

Dr Stone- I kinda just assumed it was an instant thing around the whole world. Of course his teenager had to teach him about Twitter. OH, THAT'S DEPRESSING. Russian Seitz doesn't fuck around. This hurts me right down in my soul. Stop singing before he kills you! Oh, dad's got some meat on those arms. I like that nobody helps him row back. Whelp, Jesus is a rock. Good news, he found a purse. Aww, he likes her. Wow, they just started fucking out those kids right away. Marriage seems almost pointless at this point. It's nice that they start out with three breeding pairs that are already horny for each other. WAIT WHAT. If they're not related how the hell do you explain two people having that hair? You heard the man, you gotta bang so that his son can have friends. I love my melon daughter. I hope y'all haven't been doing weird shit to those statues. Explain your fucking hair, Senku. They're right, it's time to get drunk. DRINK. Oh, magma recovered from his dick punch. Grandpa can put that shit away. How do y'all even know what divorce is? Hey, you got some mixers for your booze now that he made Pepsi. Aw shit. Sorry about your wife, Seitz. That's why you don't fuck with pnemonia, folks. And I'm crying. Ramen solves all problems is the lesson I'm getting here. So I guess the russian couple never came back. He predicted Chrome. Stop making me cry, show. OH THIS HURTS. Senku needs a hug. FUCK OFF, KARS. Ohhhhh now this ED is so much sadder.

OPM- Oh right, I was about to get another boyfriend killed. Just let the rich kid die. I understand rooting for the crab. RIP frog, you were no Froppy. I don't know what's happening but I'm into it. Oh god he Naruto runs. GUN. And then glasses man died. Aww, he became a hero because of Saitama. RIP discount Iida. Oh no the kid's still there. Okay the GUNSKULL look is pretty damn cool. How the hell did you not die? Oh yeah, that knife's not just gonna go in your own torso in 20 seconds. Run, kid. Awww, your only friend ditched you. Aw crap who came here to get wrecked now. Oh hey Genos. ETA on Genos getting destroyed again? Meanwhile, Saitama enjoying himself. It's okay that's how I play video games too. Saitama could not give less of a fuck. I genuinely love that he got his shit wrecked by the dog guy. Whelp, there goes Genos' arm. False alarm, the arm was a trap. Okay that insult hurt worse than the poison arrows. You okay there, buddy. You know shit's going down when your hair changes color. Don't worry, the flower's here to save you. Hey don't lump him in with these losers. PLAYER THREE HAS ENTERED THE GAME. Grandpa's here to rip your spine out. You ungrateful bastard, this is how you repay him?

Fire Force- GUN. I will never fear a villain named Raffles. Just let them stab him. We're just calling you Man-Man now. Just keep shooting at everything, it's the American way. Oh great now you're blind as shit. She's got a point, your feelings don't matter to your boss. Oh, I can get behind this. You know y'all could just fuck instead? This is not my fault. False alarm, he's fine. Bitch. Fucking shadow clones. Hey there Donkey Dick. Oh right, they got special training. Remember, he's fucking stupid. You dumb jackass. I take that back, ya did good kid. Aw fuck it's the fanservice. MY GIRLFRIEND. No, I don't think they're on your side. Oh you bitch. Well they're the ones who didn't try to murder him, so that's a pretty good reason. Hey now, you're underestimating the power of those tits. Alright boys, take your shirts off and fight them. Oh I'll call you something later. Joke's on you, I don't care about any of those plot threads!

Food Wars- Yeah that's what we needed, more gratuitous jiggle. Good job Sasuke. Oh what the fuck. That sounds awful. I don't like this. He is by far the worst Sasuke on the block. I'm so tired. Look at her glistening meat. Meat Meat's tits aren't even funny it's just a waste of time. I age another decade every time I watch this show. I can't even bring myself to hurl insults at the jiggling I just want it to end. Alright you had me at cheese and mashed potatoes. So did the author just trace this bitch straight out of a cheap hentai doujin or what? I do love me some smoked meat. I truly have no memory of this kid existing when the show's not focused directly on him. Gee I wonder if these two are gonna get high scores and break the top four. The deepest-voiced seven year old.

Demon Slayer- You got this, kiddo! Now kill him some more. Eat shit, you weird eye freak. Good thing there's a doctor right there. And then he was Zoro. Somebody help my son. Aw shit we're still playing dodgeball. My daughter's awake! Awwwww. I'd watch the shit out of soccer if it was more like this. I love my sleepy bento daughter. Hey lady maybe you could go fix Tanjiro's everything. Kill her by destroying her confidence. She's so cool. Hahahahaha you dumb bitch. Awww, sleepy Nezuko. That is too many arms. Ohh that's nasty. Goddamn Michael Jackson son of a bitch fucking with everyone. Thanks, jackass. So all of this was for nothing then. Good thing Nezuko can't talk. You're not gonna make me feel sorry for this bitch. I hope that building is lightproof. Well those broken bones sure healed fast. AWWWWWWWW. No worries, she's just brainwashed to think you're our dead family. This is adorable as fuck. Lady don't start crying you're gonna make me cry. Noooo don't take her. Awwwwwwwwwwwww. Get in your box, sweetie. Awww. he's not such an asshole after all. I forgot Tokoyami was here. This is me screaming at pictures of All Might.

Clover- I do like the sweet fire arm. I want to watch her murder everyone. No, let Asta go back and get himself killed. Immolate the character that's just here to directly insult me. At least if she dies, she doesn't have to be in Black Clover anymore. There is no force stronger than a woman with anger issues who is tired of all this horse shit. Oh fuck you show. You're only pissing her off more, she's going to burn your dick off. She is fueled entirely by pure rage and I respect that immsensely. Oh yeah I'm real scared of your picture magic here. Get out of here and let her die a warrior's death. "A whole new level of stupid" is exactly how I'd describe this show. Did y'all just forget the screaming idiot can nullify your attacks? I'm genuinely surprised Asta knows basic math. It's nice of the villains to just stand there and let themselves get hit with the attack intead of moving at all. Christ just die already. You can just go ahead and kill Asta. So is Mimosa supposed to be the reincarnated human lady who looks exactly like her or what. Did bitch Tink also get a new personality? Kill him, Yuno or whatever the fuck your name is now.

Jojo- I love those bullets. I can respect Mista's philosophy. I don't like this. Mista is already my favorite. This is right out of Pulp Fiction. Now at what point did he steal that sweater from a second grader? He shot you in the head how are you not dead. I know that stand name was probably changed but Arts and Crafts is the dumbest one yet. The hell is his power, super glue? I mean, he might just be trying to kill you because you started attacking them. YEEE HAW. I love the bullets so much. Goddammit Mista. I'm surprised this truck driver's survived this long.. Oh how the hell did he manage that. :D That poor driver. :D Dick noodle. And then Mista got shot with his own bullets. Heeee I love my boys. This is a trap. GODDAMMIT. No shit it hurts, you got  shot in the mouth. All aboard the bullet train! Aiming for the old bullet was a surprisingly great plan. :D Dopey dick. Oh my god just die already. This really must be batshit insane for bystanders who don't have stands. :D GIORNO NO.

Posted (edited)
On 1/5/2020 at 3:01 AM, EmpressAngel said:

Food Wars- Yeah that's what we needed, more gratuitous jiggle. Meat Meat's tits aren't even funny it's just a waste of time. I can't even bring myself to hurl insults at the jiggling I just want it to end.

Hey, better suffering through this than a certain other J.C Staff-produced jiggle-service anime.


Then again, Eiken's only two episodes, so maybe it's better to suffer through it than the long runner that's the Food Wars animated franchise?

MY HERO ACADEMIA - Am I the only one who finds it amusing that the localization for the Precure knockoff is relying on referencing the American "Glitter Squad" moniker instead? :D

DR. STONE - It was nice seeing the rest of the story about Senkuu's dad (adoptive), at least until it decided to go full "series finale of Six Feet Under" on us. Part of me wonders how different the series would be if Tsukasa was just left in stone, ignoring the lions he was revived to kill.

ONE PUNCH MAN - God, I'm enjoying Garo way more than I should. The Human Monster really does have a bit of humanity left in him after all. Still, sucks what he did to Megane, and what he'd have done to Genos had Bang and his brother not stepped in.

FIRE FORCE - It's funny how Hinawa and Arthur's fight scenes were excitement incarnate - seriously, they were some damn kickass fight scenes - and then Lisa (fuck you, I am not calling her Feeler from now on) comes onscreen and all of my goodwill is chucked out the window like an irate gamer's TV. Fire Force: the show we all have a love-hate relationship with. Unless you're either Gunners or Queen, in which case it's just hate-hate.

FOOD WARS! - I might not like the dudebros as much as some of the others, but I did enjoy their running commentary. At least we now know that Zenji's gimmick is using his intelligence in the kitchen as opposed to any specific specialty, and I'm surprised he managed to place so high. Then again, we still have Soma and Hiyama to get through, so he's gonna be knocked to a lower tier eventually.

DEMON SLAYER - Shame about what happened to Susamaru. Damn shame. :( Yahaba can rot in demon hell, though, so it balances out. Oh no, blonde slayer boy turned out to be Miroku as portrayed by Asta, I don't expect this to pan out all that well.

BLACK CLOVER - In lieu of comments about Mereoleona's good effort and Asta and Zora's clever if not reckless mode of attack, allow me to regale you with my experience watching the first episode of Mugyutto! Black Clover, the first episode of an eight-part short series on a super-exclusive Japanese streaming service that somehow managed to get subs early this year (read: last week). I decided to kill some time watching it, so I thought I'd check it out. In short... it isn't all that good. The "story" - Asta trying to improve his chances of becoming the Wizard King while the Black Bulls watch from the sidelines, also Sally is there too for some reason - is a little fun, yeah, but the animation quality is poorer than the regular Clover Clips (no surprise), some of the Japanese voices are too weird (namely Asta's screechiness, Gauche sounding super-deep, Luck sounding way more feminine, and Magna being voiced by someone besides Ian Sinclair), and the inevitable employment of the dreaded rapid-fire one-note character quirk marathon that is the Black Bulls, which is at least expected compared to Yami being reduced to a punchline regarding his chronic constipation, duck-shaped training toilet and all. You're better off marathoning the dubbed Clover Clips segments like we did that one time Charmy ate some bad shrooms.

VENTO AUREO - You can't not love the creativity Araki employs with the characters' various STANDs. Sale using his "freeze in place" ability to scale heights on a bunch of suspended gravel was admittedly one of the most exciting parts of the episode, barring the final blow of course.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Not sure if filler, canon, or both. I should've been able to call that Neji was the killer all along, but sometimes I'm just a sucker for these obvious cliches.

Also there was no reason for that video game review to have been as long as it was, even if there was some high quality TOM and SARA banter in there.

Edited by PokeNirvash
Posted (edited)

Next week, our true national nightmare finally resumes. But for now, let's make do with what we can.

11:00 - My Hero Academia #71 - Suneater of the Big Three - TV-14LV
11:30 - Dr. Stone #18 - Stone Wars - TV-14LV
12:00 - One Punch Man #24 - The Wiping of the Disciple's Butt - TV-14LV - SEASON FINALE

12:30 - Fire Force #21 - Those Connected - TV-14V

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #24 - The Warriors' Banquet - TV-MAS

1:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #11 - Tsuzumi Mansion - TV-14V

2:00 - Black Clover #100 - We Won't Lose to You - TV-14

2:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #9 - The First Mission from the Boss - TV-MALV

3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #279 - White Zetsu's Trap - TV-PG

3:30 - The Promised Neverland #2 - 131045 - TV-14V

4:00 - Attack on Titan #9 - Whereabouts of His Left Arm: The Struggle for Trost, Part 5 - TV-14LV

Edited by PokeNirvash

My computer had a stroke halfway through the night and lost all my reactions and I'm not retyping all that.

Hero- Oh my god tiny Tamaki. OH MY GOD TINY MIRIO. His costume phasing with him is bullshit, show me his dick. This is my boyfriend Mirio and this is Mirio's boyfriend Tamaki. I was worried Aizawa snapped that dude's neck for awhile there. Tamaki's so fucking cool. I'm so proud of him.

Dr Stone- I'm glad Kinro finally got some glasses. OH SHIT THEY GOT SWORDS NOW. Y'all can go ahead and kill Magma is you want. Oh my god, Detective Suika is the cutest goddamn thing. This smarmy Yugioh-looking bastard is growing on me.

OPM- I find you attractive now just die already. Yes yes this is all very sad but you deserve to get your teeth kicked in. I fucking hate centipedes. Double Grandpa ORA ORA combo was a good attempt. You could make a real good drinking game over Genos getting himself destroyed in fights. I respect King. Oh hey, Saitama finally showed up for his own finale.

Fire Force- Don't fight just take off your shirts and talk it out. Now kill her for betraying you. She's got great tits, he would have taken her in anyway. Okay I am here for the PENGUIN MECH. Joke's on you fuckface, fire is my fetish. Manwhile, Shinra has a mental breakdown. Oh yeah this is gonna go just great. Dio wants his power back.

Food Wars- I miss hot dad. Bitch he's half your age, leave him alone. All this jackass can make is eggs. How is that curry? Erina continues to be the fucking worst. At least he didn't win. HOWDY Y'ALL. It's funny that Meat Meat thinks she has any right to judge someone else for being almost naked. Megumi should still be kicked out. I hate everyone.

Demon Slayer- I wish I could speak bird. Calm your shit, Miroku. Honestly this kid may be my spirit animal. Hello, terrified children. Sorry but your brother's eaten by now. No I don't think he's alright, Tanjiro. Don't show him Nezuko, he'll fall in love instantly. This is also how I react to any minor setback at work. Use the children as human shields. OINK OINK MOTHERFUCKER.

Clover- Hey there Cap'n Sexy. Maybe your brother's an evil elf, maybe he's just a massive douche. Oh god the rest of these dipshits are coming back. Y'all can just go ahead and kill Asta if you want. LEAVE THAT NUN ALONE YOU JACKASS. What the fuck is this. I'm not lucky enough for all of them to kill each other. Somebody die already. Good animation is wasted on this show.

Jojo- MISTA NO. Here have this piss jewelry. BRUNO evolved into CAPO! Oh that's a sad backstory. I like the math skirt. How was Polpo's fat ass supposed to protect jack shit from prison? Fugo's swiss cheese suit fills me with irrational hatred. KITTY NO. Oh no why would you send my idiot son out. Quit stabbing my boy. Don't ask questions just kill him. No, my son! Oh shit he gets a plane. Aw hell he figured it out.

Between Mirio's lack of gratuitous nudity and Saitama's lack of screentime I've got whatever you call the girl equivalent of blue balls here.


MY HERO ACADEMIA - Okay, maybe Angel does have a point about Amajiki being the best Sasuke on the block. This episode made me appreciate him way more than I already did.

DR. STONE - Kokuyo holding Kohaku back as she's about to stab someone: same energy. Things are getting very exciting, now that Tsukasa and his army of thugs are back in the mix. I actually kinda like rotating spear guy, though it's more Jerry Jewell's voice than the OTN mask that's doing it for me.

ONE PUNCH MAN - I am officially now on Team Garo, childhood bullying and the extremely presumptive adults that come with them totally suck. I feel stupid for thinking Genos was going to seriously destroy Centichoro, but I did love King and Saitama's combo finisher to take that giant bug out for good.

FIRE FORCE - Apparently my dislike of Lisa was misguided, it's Dr. Giovanni who I should be angered at. ("You can't reverse her brainwashing", my slightly overweight ass.) Meanwhile with the series lore, what are bugs? We just don't know. And even if you hate the show overall (no, I don't wanna hear any more rhetoric about how the Lucky Lecher Lure is objectively terrible), that fight between Shinra and Sho was really damn dope.

FOOD WARS! - As if Soma and Hayama wouldn't make it into the next round. I loved the judges bickering with one another over which one of their dishes was better, especially when the two no-name judges were told to fuck off for being "minor characters". :D But I wonder, who will join them and Food Rapist Sasuke (who is still leagues better than Shippuden Sasuke) in Season 2? Another thing I really liked were the Aldini Bros. and Meat-Meat joining Team Kyokusei for their Round 1 victory party. That there's what we call character development, unlike Soma's continued need to force-feed Megumi his more experimental foodstuffs.

DEMON SLAYER - Zenitsu is extremely hard to take, and I'm the only person in this thread who genuinely likes the loudest kid on the block. The look Tanjiro was giving him: same energy. The audio and visuals were skipping during the whole scene with the dead kid getting thrown out of the monster house, which was a very poor time for the feed to do that. I still can't believe they got Steve Blum to do a voice for this; either this was secretly a union dub all along or he just doesn't care what he does voices for anymore, union or non-union. (I'd still really like David Lucas to make a comeback tho.) But alas, just as no good deed goes unpunished, with Blum we get... Bryce.

BLACK CLOVER - When the opening theme starts playing in-episode, you know shit's 'bout to go down. Especially when the series director has a hand in crafting the episode. ;)

VENTO AUREO - Huh, Trish showed up earlier than I thought she would. Same deal with the Incredible Shrinker Man.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - For some reason the animation and backgrounds kept reminding me of that Genma Wars anime. Is this the effect misplaced filler has on me? Or is it just the beginnings of morbid curiosity to watch my first So Bad It's Horrible anime thanks to its much superior opening theme?

[the world may never know]


He's baaaaaaaack...


11:00 - My Hero Academia #72 - Red Riot - TV-14LV
11:30 - Dr. Stone #19 - To Modernity - TV-14LV
12:00 - Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld #1 - In the Far North - TV-MA

12:30 - Fire Force #22 - A Brother's Determination - TV-14LV

1:00 - Food Wars! The Second Plate #1 - That Which is Placed Within the Box - TV-MAS

1:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #12 - The Boar Bares Its Fangs, Zenitsu Sleeps - TV-MAV

2:00 - Black Clover #101 - The Lives of the Village in the Sticks - TV-14

2:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #10 - Hitman Team - TV-MALV

3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #280 - Aesthetics of an Artist - TV-14L

3:30 - The Promised Neverland #3 - 181045 - TV-14V

4:00 - Attack on Titan #10 - Response: The Struggle for Trost, Part 6 - TV-14

[in pog form]

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

He's baaaaaaaack...

Why does god let bad things happen? Why can't we have nice things for once-


11:00 - My Hero Academia #72 - Red Riot - TV-14LV

Nevermind, there's reason to live.


Hero- Oh no shy boy don't die. SO MANLY. Well Aizawa is definitely fucked here. So you're saying he turned the mob into a hive of villany and scum? It's fine, Aizawa's face can take a beating. ORA ORA ORA ORA. Oh fuck his arms are wrecked. Oh shit he's punching through the fat. Please don't kill my son. Fatgum is best dad. This barrier guy is a douche. Somebody get Fatgum some cake right away. They could be friends if he wasn't trying to kill my boys. Kirishima needs a hug. Please don't kill Dadgum. Oh shit, flashback time. It never occurred to me that hair dye is a thing in this universe. Mina! The best victory is one earned via break dance. Bonk bonk bonk. Oh shit that's a big angry man. Oh no he's scared. I love my kids. Awwwww sad boy. Alright Crimson Riot was cool as fuck. I'm so proud of my hardboy son. Awwwwwwwwww. I fucking love Fatgum. SURPRISE, HE'S HOT. Fatgum is my boyfriend.

Dr Stone- Fuck you Kars. And then these guys died. Now there's a great pickup line. Hello, nice whore. I mean, it's hard to argue with his anti-boomer outlook. Yeah the whole "no science" thing sounds great until half your people shit themselves to death because they think soap is the devil. Oh fuck the village is on fire. Fuck you, lady. Senku you've been chief for like a week, get your shit together. THE SCIENCE SHED IS ON FIRE. Kill her, Kohaku. I love my melon child so much. Yessss murder them with sulfur gas. RIP squirrel. Gee if only you people didn't think gas masks were cursed objects. "Suckle on Mama Tsukasa's teat" is a fantastic line. Congratulations, you're the canaries in the coal mine. Suika is the best. Hahahah, we're fucked. Is...is he gonna build a nuke? :D Okay that was a Death Star. Oh my god he's gonna make Taiju a smart phone. "What are cell phones? Are they fish?" sounds like my parents. :D I'm losing my shit at the army voices. YES, THEY'RE COMING BACK. I've missed my screaming idiot so much. Nothing's impossible when you have science. Ohhh Kars is pissed.

SAO- I hate every decision in my life that has led me to this point. Isn't that one sword basically just their friend's corpse? What the hell is this. Wait wasn't he already in a coma in real life? Is he in some kind of virtual double coma now? Oh hey, the hot guy's alive. Oh thank god, the rape clown is dead. Didn't all of these people die last season? I feel like most people in the village just assumed she was dead. I don't care about any of this, show. Just take the sword, what's he gonna do? Fuck this tree in particular. Yes, ridicule the cripple.I am getting Geass levels of terrible laughs at the wheelchair-bound teen's misfortune here. I do like the dragon, it's the one character I want to live. Dragon family! Oh right, there were goblins in a cave or some shit. Who the fuck IS this guy? "Oh yeah well if he's so great why is he in a coma?" I'm sure Asuna is gonna be just thrilled about this. Aw fuck is it Kars?

Fire Force- That giant onesie she's wearing looks comfy. Yeah, I can believe some religious wingnut who speaks in cryptic riddles is a look into hell. I don't know enough about science to call bullshit on this so I guess I'll just go with it. It's fun to see how Dio's power must look for people who don't have stands. Goddamn childhood flashbacks getting in the way of your murder game. You okay there kiddo. I don't think your method of weaponizing his embarrassing baby pictures is gonna work. Did he explode? Jotaro says fuck that. I'm just as confused as you are. Let's just go with magic on this. Yeah sure the universe might get destroyed and we'd all die, but it'd be fun to watch. I don't know what's going on but hey at least the universe is still working. Horking up blood is probably not a good thing. I continue to have no idea how science works and am still just gonna assume this is legit.

Food Wars- Maybe I'll luck out and the school will just catch fire. I fucking hate Megumi. I honestly don't remember who even made it this far but I assume I hate them all. Who am I supposed to root for when I can't stand either of them? Gee I wonder how Soma is going to force eggs into this dish. It seems a little unfair to put a blood relative of one of the contestants as a judge. The word of the day is UMAMI. I too scream for buff naked grandpas. Did...did those bystanders just scream "HE'S SHOWN HIS DICK!" or am I just hearing things. I'm sure he's utterly failed with his seaweed bullshit. I hate all these people. I admit, you do win me over with bacon. Nobody cares about your weird story. I miss you, hot dad. What a shock, people enjoying your cooking pays off. Sometimes grandpas just get naked. In the exact opposite of Hero Academia, this show's children make me feel absolutely nothing. Oh no who am I supposed to root for between the most pathetic girl and the worst Sasuke on the block?

Demon Slayer- OINK OINK MOTHERFUCKER. Good thing Bryce saved up all his energy during Sword Art. You're gonna wanna aim for those drums. Yeah honey there's a lot wrong here. Where's my other screaming idot boy. I goddamn love this dumbass. YES, BE AS QUIET AS POSSIBLE. Aww this is a good kid. Joke's on you, he doesn't have any brains. Yeah you're just gonna have to leave him. Holy shit he's competent when he sleeps. I was not expecting this. I love this dumb bastard. Quit it with the Naruto run, pig boy. BIG CHUNGUS. Whamu didn't need arms. Oh that doesn't bode well. Fucking Michael Jackson ruining everything again. Why does he have a drum this can't be a good thing y'all gotta run now. CAW CAW MOTHERFUCKER. Oh shit, blood types. I love douche crow. KICK HIS ASS, TANJIRO. Good boy you figured it out. Oh no he's hurt. LOOK AT NEZUKO. Damn it you should have brought the sister box with you. You can do it kiddo I believe in you. Use your hamon!

Clover- Please just let them all die this time. Elf douche is taking that loss remarkably well. Oh hey, dimestore Hisoka made it out. And then it grew a steering wheel, because why the fuck not I guess. He survived, I'm so disappointed. I'm genuinely appreciate that the mushroom weirdo didn't die. Mimosa honey have some standards. Thanks, douchenozzle. I hate you all. Or you could just go the easy route and kill them all. At least if that poor nun dies, she doesn't have to keep fighting off Asta's boner. That sure is some ominous shit. Who the fuck are you and why should I care. Just give that lady a break. You want Noelle's help, really? That's how I feel watching the goddamn show every week. Yeah that's a very moving speech, now kill them. Get the fuck away from that nun.

Jojo- I love my angry dumbass boy. I wonder how long Narancia had to practice to get his stand to fly along his shoulders like that. Come on kid you can put these clues together. Oh no, poor girl needs her fancy water. FEED MY STAND BABIES. He's right, you shouldn't have sent the idiot. I remember this from Toy Story, you gotta jump hard enough to trigger the door. :D Him getting stuck in the door shouldn't be so funny. Whelp, that didn't work. Crush him. Owwww your hand. You wouldn't think this guy would be that hard to kill. Trish is gonna be so mad if you don't get her fancy water and panty hose. BEEP BEEP MOTHERFUCKER. I hope the rats eat him. Tiny car. Oh god he's gonna blow him up with a car from the inside. Wow that is one ugly man. That dude with the tongue already makes me uncomfortable. Well, that's one way to kill someone. So they're all named after food then. That can't be a good thing. OH, THAT'S HORRIFYING. Did they really need to put together all 36 pieces to figure out it was a body? Poor rats. :D He's just riding the rat. Eat shit, shrinky boy. You could at least shoot him in the dick.

9 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Clover- Get the fuck away from that nun.

And finally your occasional exclamations of that phrase make sense, now that Asta's actually there in front of her.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - I love it whenever we see events the main character experienced play out for one of the side characters. Really helps add to the universe. But that's only one of the reasons Kirishima's backstory came off as so fun and informative. And yes, the random breakdancing is reason for that too. :D

DR. STONE - I don't like that pink-haired girl on Tsukasa's side and her apparent pyromania.

SAO ALICIZATION - I have many problems with this season so far. First off, it's SAO. Second, I was never a fan of the whole "strictly takes place within the virtual isekai" thing; that's the main reason I actually prefer the "incest and rape" half of season 1 to the part that had none of that. And then there're the ineffectual minor characters. I don't care if he's Kirito, he's still an invalid, that doesn't give you carte blanche to act like total dicks to him. But the worst of all is Alice's father, that disowning son of a prick. Fuck him and his mustache. I hope he gets beaten to death by the goblins and orcs while Alice flees with just her sister in tow.

FIRE FORCE - Shinra vs. Sho continued was neat and all, but I'm more interested in what this Yona guy is if he isn't human.

FOOD WARS 2: BENTO BOX BOOGALOO - This episode was one of the two big winners of the night, and I think the faster pace helped a lot with that. (Plus five guy judges = less awkwardness watching it with family in the house!) The sushi with vegetable wraps sounds like something worth trying, but what I really wanna make for myself sometime is that bacon & onion miso soup. 😋 BACKGROUND CHARACTER OF THE WEEK: that twintailed tsundere child from the cooking class Soma co-taught. I can only hope she doesn't turn out as snooty as Erina.

DEMON SLAYER - Tanjiro's still the best of the three slayers in this episode, but I will admit that Boar Bryce is pretty dang fun, and Zenitsu's actually tolerable when he's in sleepwalk-fighting mode. I'm also glad those two kids' brother turned out safe.

BLACK CLOVER - Even if Mr. Zuberg avoids the wrath of the goblins and orcs next week, at least the Hage priest got poisoned to near-death to sate my "that's what you get for not showing the main character respect!" desires.

VENTO AUREO - And here's winner #2. I don't know what I enjoyed more: Narancia vs. Formaggio in the present, or La Squadra's backstory. They were both very fun, pure JoJo. 😙👌

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Better than last week's filler, at least. I gotta give it to Kurotsuchi for getting Sasuke's personality down pat, even if it isn't really that hard to get at this point.





11:00 - My Hero Academia #73 - Temp Squad - TV-14LSV
11:30 - Dr. Stone #20 - The Age of Energy - TV-PGL
12:00 - Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld #2 - Raids - TV-14LV

12:30 - Fire Force #23 - Smile - TV-14V

1:00 - Food Wars! The Second Plate #2 - Interplay of Light & Shadow - TV-MAS

1:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #13 - Something More Important Than Life - TV-MAV

2:00 - Black Clover #102 - Two Miracles - TV-14V

2:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #11 - Narancia's Aerosmith Lil' Bomber - TV-MALV

3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #281 - The Allied Mom Force!! - TV-PGV

3:30 - The Promised Neverland #4 - 291045 - TV-14

4:00 - Attack on Titan #11 - Idol: The Struggle for Trost, Part 7 - TV-14LV

This has been a Poke Service Announcement. Have a nice and productive rest of your day.


Hero- Fatgum is my boyfriend. Get your hands off my baby. Oh hey, Deadpool and the crazy chick. Awwwww Kirishima. :D His desk has a built-in takoyaki grill. I love my rock son. Oh fuck you just die already. Surprisingly nice of you, giant angry man. FIGHT CLUB. Boyfriend just go with it and don't complain. Meanwhile, other boyfriend spotted! Overhaul is half your size how did you even lose to him. Oh, question withdrawn. Oh cool, Rock Lock has a fun quirk. Oh right, Deku's our main character. Oh hell no, you two get out of here. And then Rock Lock got stabbed (not my fault). And then Aizawa got stabbed (also not my fault). Does this look like a guy who plays weeb chess? I love you, anime Deadpool. Surprise, Nighteye is also buff as fuck. :D He really just yeets office supplies at them. Awwwww, this is actually kinda heartwarming. Someone get this crusty motherfucker some chapstick. Ohhh this wall bastard's angry.

Dr Stone- CELL PHONES. Oh god, he turned into Kars. You could definitely just claim that Taiju was too dumb to realize he wasn't dead. I feel like it'd be a whole lot easier just to train some carrier pigeons. You'd think Senku would have put on some muscle after all this time. THAT'S BAAAAD. These sure are words you're saying. I fully approve of making cotton candy. Oh, I can't eat gold wires. Not the wine! Oh god they've never had sugar before, this is going to go off the rails. This is also how I react to cotton candy. And then it was Food Wars. You fool, Senku's first and only love is science. This is totally not a diversion. "Why did we give out cotton candy to the enemy" is a fantastic question. Oh my god look at Suika. My loyalty can also be bought with candy. Who keeps spilling Food Wars into a show I actually like? :D What the fuck. I'm with Kohaku, just work harder. Grandpa is the real MVP here. RIP shield. Awww, tiny Kohaku. :D She's fucking brutal. Chrome no what are you doing. :D Grandpa powered up. Thank god Senku can just abuse his cheif powers at will. Oh god Chrome what did you do. Oh fuck yeah it's a water wheel. Let's go with his name. This is definitely doing things for Senku.

Sword Art- At least if you die, you don't have to be in Sword Art anymore. They're dumb, just let them die. "Sorry we were dicks, please save our stupid village." When you have a dragon, most problems are easy to solve. Was her eye just fine this whole time? I hope Kirito just wandered off to his death during this fight. I am not that lucky. Oh right, there's this entire separate plot going on that I also don't care about. Ohh I'm so scared of this teenage girl angry about her boyfriend. How goddamn weak is this grown man? I forgot how much I fucking hate the word fluctlight. I don't remember what half this shit means. This is stupid. THESE AREN'T REAL PEOPLE, YOU DUMBASS. "He attacked his own fluctlight" is the worst sentence I've ever heard. I don't understand a word this dork is saying. Should I know who that is?

Fire Force- Stands sure are some crazy shit. You ever just set yourself on fire, break into a house and kidnap a baby for fun? I guess they just didn't have a dad then. Who just keeps a stack of newspaper in the baby's window? Well, that was surprisingly easy. And then Shinra got stabbed. If they collect them all, they can summon Captain Planet. Well, this could have gone better. GUN. Somebody might wanna give him a little help with that. Joke's on you, he's too stupid to be brainwashed. Captain Sexy just shoving a pillar at her and I'm here for it. Save those random mice on the way out. Hello there, obvious lesbian doctor. Hey maybe instead of talking you could do something about the kid bleeding out. She's Recovery Girl but with a snake. Vulcan I am right here ready to be your replacement girlfriend who won't stab you in the back. Setting your patient on fire seems like a risky move but hey it works. This doesn't seem ominous at all. Oh sweet, he brought jelly donuts!

Food Wars- Girl you are goddamn embarrassing. Don't fight, you're both fucking terrible. Shut up, Sasuke. And now, Megumi struggles and fails. HOWDY Y'ALL. Oh good, someone else stepped in and told her what to do, just like damn near every other challenge she's faced this entire show. Tiny Tamaki was so much cuter than this kid. I hope both of you lose. I'm genuinely surprised Megumi isn't having a panic attack this entire time. The key to good soup is the soup. The Soup Nazi's child years were a real learning experience. He's 12, just lock him in a cabinet. I don't care, show. .And then he was Jotaro. Grandpa needs to go buy clothes at the Soup Store. The sauce is made with her tears. Does this really count as ramen? ORA ORA ORA ORA. That is literally just Giorno's stand.

Demon Slayer- KICK HIS ASS, SON. I love this goddamn idiot. Oh hey, you made it outside. Quick, somebody throw the sister box into the house for support. In all fairness, this is kind of a sick drum solo. This is why you never read the comments. Good, he avoided the All Might merch! The water moves look so cool. Awww, he gave you a compliment. Yeah you had to execute me but at least you like my work.KITTY! Oh my god she has cat delivery servants, that's adorable. Oh good the kids aren't dead. I feel like we're about to run into the screaming pig boy before we escape the murder house. MY DAUGHTER BOX, GET AWAY FROM HER. Awww idiot. Now you just need somebody with really great eyesight and you've got a solid team started. It's amazing how much I enjoy most of the block's screaming idiot boys but not one in particular. I have no memory of this guy being on the demon mountain. I wil kill you if you touch my daughter. Awww, he knew she was in there and still went along with everything. PUNCH HIM IN THE DICK. You're a good kid, idiot boy. I'm gonna fight the pig guy myself. Kick his ass, Tanjiro! Ohhhhh now he's pissed.

Clover- Hahahaha no I'm not watching this.

Jojo- Shoot him in the dick! Oh shit it's a cat. Nooo my idiot son. Oh no don't give him a tragic backstory. This guy definitely looks like a douche. Sweetie no that is not a good look for you. YOU ABSOLUTE DOUCHE. :( Oh no his eye. Someone please hug my son. Fugo's suit, back when it was only moderately terrible. Bruno just walked into that Olive Garden one day and took over. Awwww he got my boy's eye fixed. Bruno is best mom. He passed the test and immediately started dressing like that. It's sweet that he's still protecting the gang. OH FUCK IT'S A GIANT SPIDER. This is goddamn horrifying. I'd like to get off this ride now. Oh thank god he's got a knife. SHIT IT BIT HIM. Please don't kill my son. Okay that was surprisingly genius of him. Dude how did you not notice the car was on fire like ten feet away? No, you're gonna fucking die now. Well, that sure backfired. Dude maybe you should stop screaming loudly for him to hear. Goddamn he looks cool. So does nobody else in town notice the giant fire or anything? This music is great. Maybe y'all shouldn't have sent Narancia shopping. Abbacchio hating Giorno more than anything is the funniest damn thing. Oh no it's a dog statue, that thing's getting destroyed. I hope it's a submarine, let's try one of those again.


MY HERO ACADEMIA - Can't say I was expecting that one Hassaikai guy Kirishima and Fatgum fought to have depth of character and subsequent development like he did. Oh hey, Deku finally gets to do something! TOGAAAAAAA 😍 Since Midnight isn't getting any screentime this arc, she'll have to do for now. Even though the show's shipping her with Twice and she's shipping herself with Deku (and I approve of both, most ashamedly of all).

DR. STONE - I'm a little amazed something as simple as a cotton candy machine has this many levels of importance, just because it was Senku who posited the idea. (And yes, I consider Suika awakening her inner Charmy to be one of those levels of importance.) Dammit, between Homura and Tomo (my avatar for these next few months), why do Aki Toyosaki's characters have to look so dang sexual? "Damn, that's savage!" So savage, he couldn't even bring himself to call it "bad" like he normally does. Gentlemen, we have electricity. 💡

SAO ALICIZATION - All it took was a little show of authority for everyone to see things Alice's way. Even if she is all "muh Kirito" this season like I heard, Asuna's in the right for threatening Kikuoka like she did. Be glad you didn't check the event log, you'd have been shocked at what happened during the tail end of his academy days if you did. BULLSHIT PSEUDOSCIENCE: SAO'S TRUE SPECIALTY.

FIRE FORCE - I'm getting really fucking sick of this disjointed "history of the world as it is now" cold open. I mean, what the actual fuck is an "unsullied flame", really? That new White-Clad chick who showed up is very fun - especially as far as her voice-acting's concerned - but that stupid-looking crazy grin with the sticking-out tongue is keeping me from putting her in my personal "non-garbage character" pile. Whenever Tamaki has a decent amount of screentime and she doesn't get naked/molested, it's a strange kind of pleasant surprise. Guess the show realized it needed restraint on that after ruining the Shinra vs. Rekka fight with that tired running gag. :D I guess Shinra's gonna have to fight Captain Eyepatch before we get any deeper information (if any) about the fire that ruined his life.

FOOD WARS 2: FUTARAKU RAMEN BOOGALOO - Alice is right, Erina is trash and a skank. :D The show's Sasuke allegory making Naruto's signature favorite food is very ironic. Okay, maybe Angel has a point about him being one of the worst Sasukes, he's a real jerk. (Love the creativity of his moderate-level profanity though.) You can't not love random JoJo references, be they subtle like "Grandpapa" Nakiri's metaphorical delinquent outfit or blatant like Megumi and Ryo's STAND battle. Honestly, the victor of this match is anyone's call, but whoever wins, Angel loses.

DEMON SLAYER - Kyogai's editor was an asshole, I'm glad he killed him first. Wait, Boar Bryce was there at the final selection? Where the hell was he hiding, then!? 😕 Dang, those clouds in that one scene were obviously live-action. Aaaaand Tanjiro's gone mad, that ain't good.

BLACK CLOVER - Letterboxing makes everything better! 😆 Face it, Asta's never gonna give up his nun fetish. "Yes, this is a commercial about Asta." That's what I heard in that Pop-Tarts commercial, no additional P can convince me otherwise. All joking aside, it turns out this was actually mostly a recap episode. Some plot important stuff happened - the village priest died and Asta got a third anti-magic sword - but I'm sure it'll be recapped next week for those of you who fucked off this week and are too stubborn to drop the show now.

VENTO AUREO - I told my dad about the messenger cat from Demon Slayer moments before starting this episode, so when I responded to Narancia's STAND shooting at that cat with a "hey, don't shoot the cat!", he responded with, "Don't you mean, "Don't shoot the messenger?"" :D He has the best sense of humor, even if he does feel the need to pepper it with the occasional dad joke. Holy shit, this has to be the most they've said the word "shit" in a single episode of JoJo. :D God I love Narancia and his psycho tendencies. Abbacchio being a dick to Giorno is one thing, but Fugo doing the same? That's more of a gray area... Onward to Pompeii, where the volcanoes explode hard enough to turn your brain to glass!

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Oh wow, Ino's mom looks a lot more fancy and 18th century than I imagined. Between the literal giants, the Rasengan-using soccer player, and the ninja in all black, all of these kids' suspicious individual reports sound like bullshit by this universe's standards, even moreso than the postal ninjas. I guess Naruto was right back in the OG series about Ebisu being a "closet pervert", if he's reading Make-Out Paradise out of his own volition. Of all the possible dangers to the Leaf Village during the War season, an invasion by a team of rogue sumo wrestlers was the last thing I or anyone would have expected. And of course, you can't have a silly Naruto filler episode without the token Rasengan finisher.

2 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

Be glad you didn't check the event log, you'd have been shocked at what happened during the tail end of his academy days if you did.

"Oh, Kirito had to fight off some rapists again? Must have been a Tuesday."

  • Haha 2

What a year this month has been. Hopefully this month goes by smoother.

11:00 - My Hero Academia #74 - Lemillion - TV-14LSV
11:30 - Dr. Stone #21 - Spartan Crafts Club - TV-14LV
12:00 - Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld #3 - The FInal Load Test - TV-14LV

12:30 - Fire Force #24 - The Burning Past - TV-14V - SEASON FINALE

1:00 - Food Wars! The Second Plate #3 - The Age of Kings - TV-MAS

1:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #14 - The House with the Wisteria Family Crest - TV-14LV

2:00 - Black Clover #103 - Release from Misfortune - TV-PG

2:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #12 - The Second Mission from the Boss - TV-MALV

3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #282 - The Secret Origin of the Ultimate Tag Team! - TV-PGV

3:30 - The Promised Neverland #5 - 301045 - TV-14V

4:00 - Attack on Titan #12 - Wound: The Struggle for Trost, Part 8 - TV-14LV

[i jinxed it didn't i]


That was not my fault.

Hero- Get your hands off my daughter. I kinda love these League idiots. Aw crap he has truth powers. Oh good, wall douche is finally done. BOYFRIEND, SAVE MY BABY. Joke's on you show, he's immune to my curse. Drink. Leave him alone you jackass. Yes they did pull a Jojo on his move, yes it is supposed to be Phantom Menace, and yes I have to live with my boyfriend liking the prequels. I love you, Slutty Vault Boy. Oh shit he kicked right through her. Awwwwwww. You shut up and leave her alone. Aw shit, Endeavor's back in the running for worst dad. Oh you son of a bitch. Thank god for capes. I could watch him beat the shit out of this guy all day. AWWWWWWWWW. And now, a flashback to a very very bad idea. Oh my god why are you still conscious. NO. Oh god no don't shoot my daughter. OH THIS HURTS. Oh my god, Tiny Mirio. Those Tin Tin genes are just too strong. GET OUT OF THERE VAULT BOY YOU'RE NOT IMMUNE TO MY CURSE ANYMORE. He just threw a motherfucker at him. Oh christ my curse is in full effect now. Apparently my fetish in this series is just buff as shit blond dudes who lose their powers on rescue missions saving children. Oh, he gets his own mini All Might scar now. I will not have my boyfriend defeated by this plague rat twink who looks like he steals his clothes out of a Party City dumpster.

Dr Stone- Senku is having a great day. Oh shit are we making batteries now? FUCK YEAH, BATTERIES. :D I love these idiots. You're about to kill grandpa. Oh thank god you've upgraded your blowing. Oh fuck yeah, storage. Things are going suspiciously well here. Oh sweet, y'all finally got a light bulb. I'm just gonna assume all of this is scientifically sound. FUCK YEAH, CHRISTMAS TREE. This is heartwarming. I am also choosing to believe Santa here is scientifically accurate. Yeah this sounds like a safe idea. Let's go, Science Spelunkers. And he was never seen again. If I've learned anything from this show it's that I don't know shit about science. RIP light bulb. Oh hey, he made it back. RIP lightbulb, again. Oh no don't give up. Senku is suffering. I love my melon child so much. Awww, Suika gets to see the New Year sunrise for the first time now. OOOOOH IT'S PRETTY. Suika saves the day! :D And then Godzilla. Yeah sure take the guy who tried to kill you, this'll end well.

Sword Art- I don't care, show. Oh no they're after the fluctlights. I have retained about three words of this plot so far. FLUCTLIGHTS. "Ugh, balls" is a pretty accurate summary of how I feel about this show every week. So basically we spent half the episode getting to the point that the super badass military dudes are gonna play a video game to steal the fluctlight, is that what's going on here? Meanwhile, other bullshit I don't care about! Please stop saying fluctlight. So you're gonna go in the game and bring him out of the super coma back into his regular coma? I hate every minute of this. Oh hell it's the rest of the harem. I thought we were supposed to have less rape this time! GODDAMMIT IT'S THE NEOPET DAUGHTER. Oh hey Klein, nice of you to join us. I don't know what's going on in this show and at this point I don't give enough of a shit to ask. And this stupid woman is gonna go along with everything just to get some dick.

Fire Force- Kick him out of the car, Vulcan. I do like the giant skull, it's a nice touch. Maki is my girlfriend. I'm glad to see the Donkey Dick is still mounted proudly on the wall. Tamaki continues to be the fucking worst. Oh right, these two were fighting. Not gonna lie, I just want to watch grandpa kick his ass. I mean, Captain Grandpa is definitely getting more attractive as he gets more on fire. Whelp, this is depressing. Somebody needs a hug. This bitch is obnoxious and I hate her. Great job Grandpa, you sure screwed that up. Gee Shinra that sure is a great plan that won't destroy you physically or mentally. I am genuinely surprised that I haven't gotten Captain Sexy killed yet. Oh hey, it's those two. I hate this woman. Yes god please take Tamaki back and away from the main cast. Get it, Maki.

Food Wars- I actually started doing a write-up for this but once the goddamn turtle burger showed up I point blank refused to dignify this with attention.

Demon Slayer- We gotta kill the pig boy. SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR RIBS, FUCKER. Oh, he's their Bakugo. Aww. look at the siblings in the background. I expected him to be uglier. "Sorry, you're too pretty to fight." And then he died. :D SCREAMING. :D Tanjiro is brutal. Pig boy is goddamn insane and I kinda love him. CAW CAW MOTHERFUCKER. :D He just keeps headbutting everything. Calm down, she's a nice lady. Tanjiro being so nice is just destroying this boy's brain. NEZUKO TIME. Oh my god she's so adorable. Get away from my daughter. I want Pig Boy and Bakugo to meet and then kill each other.

Clover- At least if you die in Black Clover, you don't have to be in Black Clover anymore. No don't heal him, he finally got the chance to escape! I genuinely have no idea who this guy they're fighting is, even though it's only been like two weeks. Humans do suck; I'll drink to that, bro. Yes, heal him by stabbing him in the chest. I hate Tink so goddamn much. You need to stay at least 20 feet away from that nun at all times. LEAVE THAT NUN ALONE YOU JACKASS. Evening, whores. Can we at least watch the douche king die painfully? Oh yeah now's a great time to shovel potatoes into your mouth like a goddamn animal. Oh, that guy's still alive. Everybody's probably dead by now while you were having a nice family diinner. Meanwhile, these other goddamn idiots have noticed nothing at all.

Jojo- That dog mosiac isn't gonna survive this episode. Shut up, cheese suit. Abbacchio's irrational hatred continues to crack me up. Aw shit it's a mirror stand. And then they died. You gotta work a lot harder to make me care about someone wearing that outfit. Aw shit he's in the mirror. Yeah get your face right up close to the cursed mirror. Whelp, you're screwed. Oh that doesn't look right. Cry harder, rich boy. OHHH, THAT'S FUCKED UP. Okay yeah, he had every right to beat the shit out of him. And his suit got progressively worse. Meanwhile in the local Olive Garden, Bruno fills out adoption papers. Aww, Abbacchio does care. This could be going better. TOKOYAMI NO. Well that is some fucked up shit. :D Oh my god it's dumb as shit. I mean, you guys are mobsters in the mafia who are supposed to prioritize your job over each other. Oh yeah split up, that'll go well for you. This ED continues to be ridiculously out of place and I love it.

11 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Food Wars- I actually started doing a write-up for this but once the goddamn turtle burger showed up I point blank refused to dignify this with attention.

If it makes you feel any better, turtle burger lost to a straight-up gyro, as it should in America.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - I like to believe Overhaul misgendering Magne was extremely subtle foreshadowing for his whole "Quirk users are diseased" mindset. I'm surprised and sorta relieved that the beginning effects of Angel's witch's curse don't seem to have affected Mirio's resolve any.

DR. STONE - Dear god this show is some seriously fun times with science. I look forward to seeing Magma have screentime without his sycophant cheering him on from the sidelines like sycophants are wont to do.

SAO ALICIZATION - I know they perpetuate the whole "Americans are evil" trope Japan really likes to get off their chest in anime, but I'm enjoying the banter of these enemy guys, even though I think at least one of them should point out that "fluctlight" is a stupid scientific term for the soul. There's our obligatory Yui appearance for the season, check please. And I'll admit, of all the voice actors I expected to show up in SAO, Blum was one of the very last. (Though considering Kari Wahlgren's credited with a later role on ANN, I should've guessed this season would be union.) Oh well, at least he's playing someone who's prioritizing obviously doomed marriage to the alternative when it comes to stunt-casted characters in this franchise.

FIRE FORCE - The demon was his mother all along... that's fucked, man. Overall, the first half of this show (yes, I said first half) was very fun and enjoyable... at points. Hibana could afford to be less of a bitch - it really says something when I think Esdeath of all people made a better first impression - and Tamaki's gimmick of getting into lewd situations by accident was taken advantage of too much to be comfortable (thank god they toned it down by the end), so it's thanks to those two things (among much minor others) that I can't bring myself to call it as perfect as I did the first episode. But eh, that's anime for you, full of flaws whose tolerance levels vary from person to person. 9/10.

FOOD WARS - I watched this episode with closed-captions on the whole time in the hopes of seeing on of the humorous captions I read about in the weekly /co/ discussions - only "soft-shelled laughs" this week, it appears - so that was a nice change of pace. Mimasaka's a stalkery dick, yeah, but the entertaining kind, so also yeah. I'd eat a doner kebab burger, though the tortoise burger, I'd have to take a rain check on.

DEMON SLAYER - Boar Boy Bryce - or rather, Inosuke - is extremely fun. I knew that from the moment he showed off his inner Mugen by breakdance-fighting. (And what a coincidence, he's also illiterate!) Zenitsu's still the worst, though. I can't believe I can stand Asta more than him.

BLACK CLOVER - Speaking of being unable to stand Asta, his whole "proposing to the nun" shtick is still as tough a pill to swallow as it was when we last left it back in episode 3 (which was over two years ago, holy shit). But I am amused that he's starting to get a bit of a masochistic kick out of getting pummeled by Sister Lily's water fist. No surprise there, BDSM and nun fetishism go together surprisingly well. 😍 Oh, and the priest made it out alive after all, good for him.

VENTO AUREO - I believe this video says all that needs to be said here.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Wait, so the Raikage and Bee aren't actually blood-related? Not even NBR incest that tricks you into thinking it's blood-related is this deceitful.


Yeah, I bought out one of Toonami's timeslots for this sweet custom rank. Why do you ask? >_>

11:00 - My Hero Academia #75 - Unforeseen Hope - TV-14V
11:30 - Dr. Stone #22 - The Treasure - TV-PGLV
12:00 - Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld #4 - Dark Territory - TV-MAV

12:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #15 - Mount Natagumo - TV-MAV

1:00 - Food Wars! The Second Plate #4 - The Pursuer - TV-14LS (!)

1:30 - Black Clover #104 - Lightning of Rage vs. Friends - TV-PG

2:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #13 - Man in the Mirror Mirror Man and Purple Haze Purple Smoke - TV-MALV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #283 - Two Suns - TV-PGV

3:00 - The Promised Neverland #6 - 311045 - TV-14V

3:30 - Attack on Titan #13 - Primal Desire: The Struggle for Trost, Part 9 - TV-14LV

Finally, an episode without a female foodgasm.

17 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

Yeah, I bought out one of Toonami's timeslots for this sweet custom rank. Why do you ask? >_>

It's not like I've got any room to talk. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hero- It's okay Mirio you're still my hero. Yeah sure leave the injured guy alone to guard this criminal. AWWWWW ROCK LOCK. I don't mind rooting for them if they just want to fuck up Overhaul. Please save my boyfriend. Awwww Nighteye. Aw fuck Aizawa's down. Mirio hit him so hard he was knocked out even after he got healed. Ohhh that's not normal. Please don't kill Aizawa. Is the boss just okay with using his grandkid as a guinea pig? Don't you fucking talk to him like that. Deku says no. Quick, throw office supplies at him! Don't fuck with Nighteye. Granpa is the best. Uh he's injured pretty fucking badly there, Deku. Fuck this wall in particular. Oh that's a lot of blood. Eri honey just go with them. WHELP. This is not a good day for Nighteye. This is not my fault. DEKU GO. Oh shit he's at 20% now. Say goodbye to your arms, Deku. Aww look at him making up his own Smash names. You okay there, Mirio. :( Poor Mirio. Oh, fuck you. OH, FUCK YOU. Eri honey no don't listen to him. :( Please save my baby. Well hello there, dragon waifu.

Dr Stone- Okay so Magma's definitely going to murder both of them. I hope he put another exploding heart curse on him. I hope it's a surprise birthday party. I mean, Kohaku's probably strong enough to dig some rocks out. You're lucky that he's stupid. Isn't that the trap from Indiana Jones? SAVING PUNCH. :D Look at Senku trying to hold him up. Awww, he's trying to piss them off so they let him fall. Whelp, they're dead. Senku, giving zero shits. :D Chrome. Great plan that'll only take six months. YEET. Look, they're bonding! Mecha Senku is best Senku. And then Senku died. You gotta cuddle together for warmth. YEET, again. :D Cuddling. Ooooh it's pretty. Stop saying magma you're just confusing him. He's not a complete asshole, only like 99% of one. :D FRIENDSHIP. I'm gonna cry laughing. Heeee look at them nerd out. Well that wasn't our plan but now that you mention it... Is it a surprise party? AWWWWWW. Oh, I'm gonna cry. Did his dad make a special holiday so they'd know to celebrate his birthday? You're a good dude, you weird weird man.

Sword Art- I have no idea who this is or why I should give a fuck. Stop saying fluctlight. At least the goblins are having fun. Can I just watch a different show starring those hot witches with the huge boobs. Are we really supposed to be intimidated by the pig faction. Why would you even bother going on a murder spree when you could just fuck your way through town instead? Titties. Wow, shocking how that plan went awry. How sad is it that the bright side of watching a woman get brutally strangled is that he's not trying to rape her in the process? Oh god what the fuck. Why is this a thing. He's definitely got a boner for this. Yeh, this'll end well. "I'm not mad, just disappointed." On the bright side, at least they don't have to be in this show anymore. Just a disembodied spirit, flying through the void of space completely naked.

Demon Slayer- She's so goddamn precious. You stay away from my daughter. This old lady is so nice. AAAAAAAAAH. I love this bird. There is exactly one brain cell between all three of them and Tanjiro is holding it. That is one ominous mountain. Knock him out so he'll be helpful. Whelp, there goes that guy. Let the crazy pig guy go in first. Oh that's a lot of bodies. Oh FUCK it's spiders. Aww, Tanjiro is so nice. I kinda love Pig Bakugo. Aw hell they're all posessed. Oh no, bird. Oh hey, it's that one guy. Awww it's the cute bird. I'm sorry but I don't speak bird. Oh hey look, he did something. This looks like a job for Pig Bakugo. Oh god it's more spiders. Spider titties. Open the sister box. Oh no there's a bunch of spider people. Haa, Inosuke failed. I'm just gonna assume this is a regular skill that normal boars have. 

Food Wars- I do love a good ice cream cake. This sounds incredibly stupid. I remember Bobby Flay having a show with basically this exact same premise. The bros are still the best characters by far. Just make something else, you idiot. You could just add chocolate. Thanks, I hate it. They didn't even taste all the layers. I'm just thankful they're not getting naked thi time around. Oh, lemon curd was actually a good idea. Oh what the fuck why is he laughing. Mmm, nothing makes a nice dessert like brine. Can you vote against him just for being an absolute douche? Cue the sad trombone music. Oh goddammit why are you here. Joke's on you jackass, I'm always angry at this show. Color me surprised, Soma actually made a good point. You know when you raise the stakes that much you destroy any tension because there's no way he'll lose under those conditions.

Clover- I can't tell any of Asta's swords apart and I truly do not care. Go ahead and kill half the town, I don't give a shit. Kill your teammates and you will immediately become my favorite character. At least someone's having fun here. Kitty! Goddammit kitty let them die. Didn't Kira basically have this same attack after he got the cat flower? To be fair, "I'm stupid enough to blow myself up" is the kind of problem that's hard to fight against. Ride the lightning, bitches. Fucking cat stop getting in the way I want to see someone die here. The screaming dipshit sure is taking his sweet damn time showing up to save their dumb asses. Christ get on with this shit already. Wow what a shock, Asta showed up at the last second to save their dumb asses. I sure as fuck don't accept you. This fight just keeps going.

Jojo- Oh yeah, not killing your enemy when he's right there is always a great idea that pays off for you. Whelp, he's screwed. Y'all are getting so much bad luck today. Abbacchio says fuck you. Man, mirror guy is a goddamn idiot. :D Look at him beat the shit out of it. Aw crap there's more mirrors. Whelp, he's screwed. Honestly, getting shown up by Giorno hurts him so much more than the fight. Jesus christ Abba what the fuck. I hope that wasn't your jackoff hand. Giorno what the hell are you doing. This won't end well. GIORNO WHAT THE FUCK. Goldilocked goon, this dub is a gift. So then Giorno's dying, show's over I guess. This is not a good day for hands here. That brick is moving. BRICK SNAKE. Man that stand is terrifying. This soundtrack slaps. Ewwww. Thank you, friendly brick snake. I don't know shit about immunity so I'm just gonna assume this is scientifically accurate. Meanwhile Abbacchio is bleeding to death in an alley.

Posted (edited)

MY HERO ACADEMIA - They only appear for a few seconds, and in flashback at that, but Rock Lock's wife and their son that received none of their genes threw /a/ for a complete loop a while back. Yes, it was as overblown as you would imagine. If not for the airborne virus and the obvious separation between series, I think Chisaki would get along well with Purple Haze/Smoke. What a very anime move to make, endearing me to Nighteye before gravely injuring him. 😫 You can't blame Deku's injuries here on his tendency to be reckless with OfA, but I'm sure someone will. How are you so sure your final prediction ends that exact way when all you saw was Deku's face getting obscured by a blood spray, Nighteye? I'm guessing you didn't even see Ryukyu smashing her way down here coming, did you?

DR. STONE - 🤣 Gen's so incorrigible, I love it. It's amazing how, even when he's still acting like a jerk, Magma's much more tolerable without his sycophant around. FLUID MECHANICS. Now that's how you do a heel-face turn without killing somebody. (Well, sorta.) The worst case scenario is a yaoi doujinshi. :D I had a feeling he actually tried to save him back there. Turns out it was a birthday episode all along. 🥳

He's got Oscar fever, also known as grouchiness.

SAO ALICIZATION - I don't think wolf furries count as ogres, show. I forget who this "Priestess of Light" is, but if she's Administrator, then she's dead, you bloodthirsty idiots. It's amazing how close to Ian Sinclair Critter's VA is capable of sounding. You expected sexual assault, but it was I, straight-up murder! O.o Speaking of, does child murder count as worse than raping teenagers if it's another child doing the murdering? So he's planning on betraying the CIA for his the sake of his extra-level weird fetish, then. I hope Dark Knight Blum shanks Gabriel while his back is turned the first chance he gets, the fact that he's planning on it is a decent sign. Oh shit is that her severed head? KILL HIM NOW BLUM. I won't lie, that POV shot going through the Light Cube Cluster was sick af. Welp, there goes the only decent character in this shitshow of a fourth season. I'm gonna hate watching the rest of this, and that's coming from the person most tolerant of SAO in this entire forum, excluding Ben.

It ain't an "Ultimate FLCL Combo Pack" unless the superior original version's in there with the sequels, I'm sorry.

DEMON SLAYER - As bad as this season of SAO is, it's still better to sit through than Zenitsu, Master Misunderstander. 😩 Please eat Zenitsu for me, Boar Bryce, no homo. Uhhh, I think you headbutted the wrong guy. Nezuko's surrounded by idiots. Zenitsu deserves to be left behind. Less complaining, more following their lead. Boar Bryce isn't used to being shown gratitude. Wow, they're sending in everybody for this mission. Oh hey, JYB's back! "I wonder if the others hate me." I know I hate you, you yellow-haired piece of shit. Does he not know that she's Tanjiro's sister yet? I agree with whoever said "You suck!" after Zenitsu rushed into the forest. That's one fresh-looking zombie horde. New mission, kill as many spiders as you can. BOAR BYAKUGAN. Just another reason Inosuke is the best. My dad came in to brush the cat at the end of the episode and pointed out that the brother spider demon sounds like a guy but looks like a chick, and I told him anime's like that.

FOOD WARS - The episode being rated TV-14 for once is strange, but I welcome this change of pace. :D What is with that guy's suit? GLOVE SLAP, HE DON'T TAKE CRAP. Between last week's burgers (turtle notwithstanding) and this week's ice cream cakes, this season seems to be leaning a little more into foods I'd expect Angel to approve of. It's only a matter of time until the inevitable mac-and-cheese battle... The closed-captions sure love to remove random letters from Eizan's internal monologues. :D This week's foodgasm takes the form of a '90s-era MTV rap video (with lyrics by the original manga-ka!). Damn that was a harrowing and twisty match, probably one of the best I've seen so far. I kinda love that Meat-Meat's practically one of the Kyokusei group now, even though she doesn't even live there. That had to be the franchise's longest post-credits sequence yet, and it deserved its length. REPLY TO ANGEL: "You know when you raise the stakes that much you destroy any tension because there's no way he'll lose under those conditions." Thus it's not a matter of if he loses, but how close he gets to losing. 🧠

BLACK CLOVER - Last time, Asta now has two fetishes, making me like him more than I already did. As far as these villagers know, that's a UFO they're looking at. "That lightning looks awfully familiar..." :D He really is Virgin Street Punk Dandy. "It turns out you're not as dumb as you look!" Vanessa's not, that's for sure, don't know about Magna tho. H-HAYAI! "You may have outsmarted me, but I outsmarted your outsmarting!" And so the BDSM references continue. WHERE'S THE SEIZURE WARNING WHEN YOU NEED ONE!? I don't disapprove of the idea of hunting Nazis, but the Superbowl ad for this show about hunting Nazis made me despise it for some reason. Probably their portrayal of Nazis as those who will murder anyone and everyone the moment they're found out, which I'm confident is not how Nazis operate IRL. That red cat is Nighteye's arch-nemesis. "There is no way to reverse this reincarnation spell!" he says one episode after we discovered a way to reverse it. Speaking of which, there's the guy with the cure! I miss when Luck wasn't a smart thinker. SEIZURE PROCEDURE!

VENTO AUREO - Normally I dislike characters who hate on the MC, even if they deserve what they get, but I don't even mind that Abbacchio hates Giorno as easily as breathing, a lot of the stuff he does is too cool for me to really care. (Plus his hate for GioGio is so ridiculously petty it's outright hilarious. :D) I dunno, he doesn't look that stressed. These damn Pinocchio GEICO ads are too painful for me. Huh, no "we're back" bump this time. It's Joestar family tradition to rely on smart thinking and moving two steps ahead of the opposition. And it's Fugo's to fuck everything up with his STAND. That's another La Squadra member down, meaning... what, five more to go? Getting infected was the easy part, the hard part is getting cured.

[trailer for The Invisible Man plays]
Me: "Why are they turning everything into a fucking horror movie nowadays!?"

My Dad: "Because they can."

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Instead of anything about the show, allow me to vent. Between Toonami losing hours, Demarco being inconsistent as to whether it's their decision or programming's, the spike in music videos during this show's timeslot, them focusing on picking up shounen more than seinen, Crunchyroll refusing to play ball with new shows after giving them Mob even though they have a goddamn partnership, and all the doomsaying in the usual places, I must ask... is Toonami going to die again? I mean, soon? Of course, I'm probably being stupid about it like I usually do when I read too much /co/ in one sitting - I know they are - but this is the sort of thing I need to get out there before purging myself of it for another indeterminate period of time.

...Ohhhhh, so that's where the "we now return you to JoJo" bump disappeared to!

Edited by PokeNirvash

The first time SAO comes on with a new episode and I too am thinking "Oh Christ, not again."

11:00 - My Hero Academia #76 - Infinite 100% - TV-14LSV
11:30 - Dr. Stone #23 - Wave of Science - TV-PGL
12:00 - Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld #5 - The Night Before Battle - TV-PGDLV

12:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #16 - Letting Someone Else Go First - TV-MAV

1:00 - Food Wars! The Second Plate #5 - The Secret of the First Bite - TV-MAS

1:30 - Black Clover #105 - Smiles, Tears - TV-PG

2:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind #14 - Il Treno Espresso per Firenze (Express Train to Florence) - TV-MAL

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #284 - The Helmet Splitter: Jinin Akebino! - TV-PGV

3:00 - The Promised Neverland #7 - 011145 - TV-14

3:30 - Attack on Titan #14 - Can't Look Into His Eyes: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 1 - TV-14V

[bring back dark knight blum]

18 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

The first time SAO comes on with a new episode and I too am thinking "Oh Christ, not again."

Welcome to every week of my life.

Hero- Don't do drugs, kids. Kill him. Hi there, conveninetly-placed Deku. That was actually a pretty solid plan. You people stay away from my daughter. Awww she grabbed his cape. OH NO MY POOR BABY. Eat shit, Overhaul. Oh hey, the song has words now. Aaaand I'm crying. Goddammit just die already. Oh shit, he didn't break all his limbs. Somebody get Nighteye some medical attention. Oh jesus he turned into the Mindflayer from Stranger Things. Well, that can't be good. You stay away from her. The answer is to break your limbs nonstop while she's rewinding you. :D Oh my god that's really the answer here. Yeah we know, you're king douche of this series. Dragon Waifu says no to the villains. Quick, break your limbs HARDER. Not even his own mafia boss likes him. Wow. so this bastard was just gonna screw literally everybody over. Wow, shocking how the boss actually isn't cool with using his own grandkid as a magic meth lab. Ohhh, he put the old man in a coma himself. He went full Star Platinum for a second there. Uh hey Deku you okay there, you're looking kinda terrifying. Deku says fuck your future.

Dr Stone- Somebody's definitely gonna blind themselves with that telescope. Throw rocks at them! Tungzilla. Oh hey, thanks Magma. Did they secretly cuddle in the cave? Oh you fools, you don't get to have an easy task. Good luck with that, Chrome. Awww grandpa. FRIENDSHIP. This is goddamn heartwarming. You ever just rip your clothes off in a display of intense emotion? Senku he's not smart enough to get this. No, his special move is a kick to the nuts. I like the tiny robot. "Blorp." I'm proud of him. Don't judge, it worked. I love the Tungzilla. Oh, them's fightin' words. :D Too much tubing. He's going to kill you and then make it just to spite you. Awwww grandpa just wants a high five. Ginro is the smart one. Awwwww Suika. You're his crafing buddy now. I keep forgetting he's the chief. Thank god for science. I'm not sure I would trust Gen with all this. Alright this song's a banger. It makes sense, booze does make me louder. You know shit's going down when they use an OP for the insert music. I like that Ruri traded in her long dress for a winter miniskirt. WE DID IT, FOLKS.

Sword Art- I don't care, show. I agree this this douche, Kirito sucks and you should leave him. Hi, only worthwhile man in this game. Don't worry, I just threw a harmless knife at him. Bryce is really earning that paycheck on this. I really thought we could have one female character that's not trying to jump on his dick. Oh hey, it's those girls from the episode we don't talk about. Well yes, technically Eugeo is here too. I'm sure this is very emotionally moving if you actually gave a shit about any of these characters. I need a fucking drink. "It's our fault that he had to save us from being raped." And then we played magic dress up because fuck you, viewers. Y'all don't have to suck his dick, he can't hear you. This bitch doesn't know how to apply lipstick, how did she miss her entire top lip. Oh boy, nothing like a bonus dose of the sad attempt at feminism. Please don't jack off the comatose boy. I can appreciate that the only attractive man in thi show just wanders around in an open robe. Maybe I'll luck out and everyone will die. Wasn't Asuna supposed to be in this show? At least when the hot mentor dies, he doesn't hae to be in this show anymore.

Demon Slayer- Release the sister box. Boarkugo is fun times. Spiders can fuck right off. Spider titties. I got a bad feeling about this. Ohhh arms aren't supposed to do that. Well this is horrifying. Sticking them in trees is a surprisingly effective solution. :D The pig's having fun. I give this idiot five minutes before he gets turned into a spider puppet. Bird! And then everyone died. Ohhhh he's mad now. IT HAS NO HEAD. Wandering around the forest screaming is not going to end well for him. There he goes. We're having bacon tonight. That worked surprisingly well. YEET. Spider tits is having a bad day. Oh, that's unexpectedly sad. Hey, who let Endeavor in here?

Food Wars- I'm not lucky enough to watch Soma fail. Nobody cares, assistant girl. You just assaulted a middle schooler. I hate this child already. This journalism student weirdly knows a lot of unrelated cooking terms. I miss you, hot dad. I don't care, show. I hate Erina more every time I have to watch her. I'm glad at least that she's charging for her services. It's goddamn Megumi reading the shitty romance manga isn't it. Your stew is bad and you should feel bad. This is weird. Your tits are getting sunburned, Meat Meat. Just use the goddamn meat you jackass. Oh hey, it's that one hot buff guy. Meanwhile that Italian brat is on suicide watch. Literally nobody says that about eateries. Don't ever remind me about the turtle burger again. No shit meat should play the starring role in a meat dish, you dumb fuck. I feel like the obvious way to beat the creep is just to bring enough food for multiple dishes.

Clover- Just once can I watch someone I hate die in this show? I genuinely don't remember this backstory at all. I wonder how hard they had to kick Justin Briner in the balls to do the little kid voice here. What a surprise, he's cured. WHY IS SISTER FUCKER ALLOWED TO LIVE. Reminder, petty bickering is always a good substitute for actual character interaction. How can you even tell the swords apart don't they all suck out magic? I'd be smiling too if i got to escape this show. Oh right, the building got destroyed like six months ago. For the love of god just give that guy subtitles. Alright, I got a kick out of that "Could at least one of you learn to talk?!" bit. SHEEP. Kill them all, Charmy. Damn, she's not brainwashed. Charmy continues to be one of the few characters I don't want to die painfully. Wow, that mecha bull looks all kinds of stupid.

Jojo- It's cool that Bruno can just zip people's limbs back on. Oh sweet, sounds like you get a free turtle. Somebody get Trish a bigger shirt. MISTA NO. Well this is awkward. :D Jaunty jiggle sacks. Surely these two aren't going to be a problem. Hell yeah, free turtle. That in one incredibly ugly man. Please tell me the turtle is a stand. Huh, that sure is an oddly shaped hole in that shell. Stop making me look at that guy. A magic fishing pole doesn't exactly strike fear into my heart. THE TURTLE HAS A STAND. And we add "fancy turtle" to the list of users stronger than Jotaro's mom. Okay that is a really cool stand. Ohhhh that fog is looking ominous. I got a bad feeling about this. This can't be a good thing. Hey uh what the fuck. THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING. This is some reverse Alessi shit. Did nobody else notice Narancia turning into the Crypt Keeper five feet away? Shit he killed the entire train. Send out the bullets. Big boobs are a lifesaver here. Quick, get some ice. Turtles are immortal. Mista you fucking idiot. Thank god we kept the horny song.


Every week of your life that SAO's on the schedule, anyways...

MY HERO ACADEMIA - I'm guessing that above-ground Deku was actually Toga in disguise. (On which I was right!) For a second there I forgot Mr. Compress existed, even if the one we're seeing now is just a mud clone. If I'm being honest, I don't really know what to think of Eri; she comes off as more of a plot device/spectator than an actual character. Lightsabers are kickass, even when they're shamelessly ripped off. As well as it fit the scene, that somber insert song stank of Oscar bait so hard you could smell it across the state line. Good, he's finally using full power without needlessly breaking his limbs! If only unconsciously... Huh, so he was able to predict that far ahead. I should've guessed he avoided breaking his bones thanks to Eri's power. It's a gift and a curse. It's easy to forget that Japan is more anti-drug than a D.A.R.E. officer. I'm not sure if Chisaki planning to create a cure for the Quirk-erasing bullets is supposed to be a good thing, but it's nice that he thought that far ahead despite what he was doing to make that possible? 🤪 Why am I not surprised that he was the one who hospitalized him? ORA ORA. That's one way to gain a dying man's respect.

DR. STONE - It's amazing how much more I like Magma after last episode, just shows that it was his lackey who was the real problem. Anthropomorphic Osmium looks like deserves his own lawlharem. No way, Kaseki's less than 70? 😲 REPLY TO ANGEL 1: "You ever just rip your clothes off in a display of intense emotion?" I know Erina's grandfather does whenever he has a really good meal. I miss the days when Kohaku was called a "lioness" instead of a "gorilla". [insert dearth of comments here] High fives, all around! And then they learned the joys of indoor heating. :D That rap number. Still better than Demarco's taste in these "anything not shounen or original is worthless for Toonami" times. OHAYOU SEKAI GOOD MORNING WORLD~. (It back!) That's the biggest ass cell phone I've ever seen.

The more ads I see for this "Duncanville", the less enthusiastic I am about it. And I wasn't enthusiastic at all about it to begin with.

SAO ALICIZATION - Ah shit, here we go again. "I see you brought the invalid with you." He's Kirito, why wouldn't she protect him? Kirito's such a Gary Stu, he doesn't even need to do anything to be the best there is, was, and ever will be. "Cost him his heart", give me a fuckin' break... 😫 Those two seem to be doing well after what happened to them last season. Is that how you pronounce her last name? "Eugeo died on the way back to his home planet." Sometimes I forget he's missing an arm. He says not to cry, and yet you're still crying. This shit is getting too soap operatic for me. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "I'm sure this is very emotionally moving if you actually gave a shit about any of these characters." Well, at least you acknowledge that someone finds it emotionally moving, which puts you several steps above all the armchair critics out there who refuse to acknowledge that a show they hate could possibly be viewed by somebody as anything other than shit. I'm technically only paying 3/4 attention, how was she able to transform herself like that? YOU SUCK DUNCAN. Now that I'm riding the SAO hate bandwagon, I'mma be honest, "Pontifex" is a stupid-ass title, even stupider than "fluctlight" IMO. Fanatio and Lipica (the Dark Territory knight who got strangled last episode) look so similar I actually had trouble telling them apart for a brief while. I like how they call him "black-haired" like that sort of thing is an absolute rarity in this microverse. Upon closer inspection, that helmet looks like a bird. Kirito don't discriminate. "I thought if I saw him, I could try a few things that might stimulate his recovery, if you know what I mean~." This lawlharem background music sounds an awful lot like the first verse "With a Little Help From My Friends". Bercouli's too old for this bullshit, just another reason he's my new favorite Underworld character after the unwarranted death of Dark Knight Blum. Oh hi Liena. I've never seen those two knights before. If by "ogres" you mean "wolfmen", then yes. Kirito looks like he's unconsciously enjoying two girls taking care of him. If you fall in battle, of course you're gonna call for him with the last of your breath, such is your fate as one of his haremettes. "You are the greatest swordsman ever." Oh god they aren't even trying to hide his Gary Stu-ness now. Congratulations, by telling him to survive, you just doomed his sorry ass. OH YEAHHHHHHHH. I still don't know who those two knights are, and I have a feeling they're going to die before I do.

DEMON SLAYER - FUN FACT: Bryce is able to nail Inosuke's gruff voice by drinking black coffee, which he hates, before each dialogue take. I love his "I don't know what to feel but it's definitely gratitude" reactions. God, Zenitsu, you suck. For a second there, I forgot that female demon slayers exist. This demon boy must be serious business, if he's able to make his own mother go from confident to trembling in a hot second. Having your limbs broken hurts like hell, just ask Deku. I bet he's gonna get her stuck in something so she can't move even if she wants to. Or just hang her from a tree branch, that works too. I like how Inosuke's aiming to do things just as good as Tanjiro, and not necessarily better. Ooh, secret weapon time. So that's what the plot of that new Pixar movie about the blue elves is... I can see it working. GOD, ZENITSU, STOP SUCKING ALREADY! Please peck his eyes out for me, sparrow friend. Welp, fuck this bitch. It's headless, wasn't expecting that. Whenever Zenitsu has any screentime, a bit of my soul dies. Please eat him for me, random spider demon. Tanjiro's such a reliable guy, like Koichi before him. YOU'VE BEEN DISARMED. Dislegged, too. So what you're saying is, if not for that Rui kid, you wouldn't have snapped those three's necks? DOUSHIO. Only the most painless beheading for those who welcome death with open arms. This show does domestic abuse commentary better than SAO does feminism commentary. Sorry, but your crush was a hentai protagonist, it was never going to work out.

FOOD WARS - I ate some leftover Chipotle tortilla chips and a homemade brownie while watching a Pete Smith short on TCM about making roast duck and baked apple before this, so if that didn't get me ready for Food Wars this week, I don't know what would. Did they intend to have Meat-Meat barge in the moment meat was mentioned in their conversation? And then Hisako left the show, never to return. Say what you will about their dubs, but you can't not love the effort Sentai puts into their subtitles. Sucks to be Anime Jimmy Olsen here. :D You fool, she only likes yaoi when it's in the second dimension! REPLY TO ANGEL 3: "This journalism student weirdly knows a lot of unrelated cooking terms." Well he does attend what's technically a cooking school. Wow, beef stew is even deeper than I thought. Yeah, those Japanese sure love their miso. "It's like I'm being chased by my own shadow." ...Persona? I don't believe it, Erina has another character quirk besides being a stuck-up bitch! :DHer aggressive dislike of Soma is just hilarious at this point. "If it gets me to read the next volume, then I guess I have no choice." Her tongue is so godlike she can taste the mere aroma of food. There she is, that's the Erina we all know and tolerate. I didn't even notice that they were including Sentai's subtitles in the clips for the bumpers. Not sure if lazy or extra-dedicated. Both door-closing scenes were missing the sound of a lock latching shut. You suck, Mayumi. 😲 Oh shit it's Mimasaka. It's a good way to get into your opponent's head, yeah, but nothing will beat Inspector Lunge holding a pair of chopsticks while saying "I am Japanese" over and over again into a mirror to get into (what he thinks is) Tenma's headspace. Rule #29: Do not interrupt Soma's meditation. "Even Chef Inui is going to be here!" And there's a 100% chance she'll hit on Megumi again. Don't be so tsuntsun, of course you're doing it for him, why else would you have been in his cheering section? From this point on, it's no visitors allowed. It ain't a multi-day marathon cooking session until you've tried to drown yourself in the sink at least once. MEANWHILE, IN LE FRANCE. Takumi's spent this last week angsting the fuck out. Those two judges on the right look new. And after two minutes, I know more about them than those two rando knights in SAO. I've never had ox, but I assume it tastes somewhat similar to beef. Erina actually liking what Soma's planning is something I'm not used to. "Here's my twist!" It's a shame we won't know what it is 'til next week.

BLACK CLOVER - Magna seems like an almost different person when the shades come off. Asta was heading there anyways, the red thread of fate just got him there faster. AGAIN, SEIZURE WARNING MUCH? Luck's mother used to be a hentai protagonist in her day. If there's any time to de-possess him, better now than later! Oh hey, she has eyes now. Well, had. Go away, Gauche, nobody likes you. Luck ugly-crying like a One Piece character is also something I'm not used to. [drunk moms singing the Divinyls' most famous song in front of one of them's disturbed teenage son] Viewer discretion advised, indeed. Luck feeling empathy for someone, the things I'm not used to are only increasing this week. I feel like I like fightsexuality mode Luck more than I did before, and you know what goes here. (Not too big on him laughing more than talking upon return to the base, though.) Asta having known Henry longer than the other Black Bulls knew him (if at all) is a very specific kind of trope that I can identify with through my own work. Does this count as being multilingual? OH SHIT CHARMY'S BACK. :D Angel's right, she is one of the better characters. (Though I still find her hard to take during the periodic Black Bulls one-note gag roll call.) EAAAAAAAT. Like I said, she'd do wonders at Totsuki. Oh wow, he can talk normally, if only mentally. :D That terrible CGI, man. Puts GONZO's to near-shame.

I saw two episodes of Ballmasterz once. Wasn't really a fan of it. Too obnoxious and in-your-face.

VENTO AUREO - Abbacchio has it rough. :D If anyone's the real perv here, it's definitely Mista. Tell me about Pesci, why does he have no chin? Technically, it was Narancia and Fugo who killed Formaggio and Illuso, but if you wanna play the blame game with their direct superior, go right ahead. LA SQUADRA. Meanwhile, Bruno is experiencing big dick problems at their most metaphorical. Don't let Hisako know about that turtle. I DIDN'T SEE NOTHIN'! Sometimes a STAND is just a STAND, other times it's a goddamn fishing rod. Great work, now the train has no pilot. You can just here Foley's mind breaking at this whole "secret turtle room" scene, assuming he's still around to do so. :D Narancia, you giblethead. Careful, Pesci, turtles are known to bite. GRATEFUL DEAD. That STAND's got more eyes than a bad potato. Toss me a pineapple juice while you're rootin' around in there, Mista. SHIT COUNT: 2. Narancia's tooth hanging out his mouth by what I assume is a distended portion of one of his gums is nasty, but not as nasty as Flayaway. 😨 Ah geez, Giorno looks just as old as Joseph now. Meanwhile, the only physical diffeerence in Abbacchio is an abundance of wrinkles. That old man toddler is some fucked up shit, man. Narancia's nails peeling off remind me of Esidisi for some reason. The body heat thing makes sense, IIRC the ones who aren't aging as much were drinking stuff from the fridge. ICE ICE BABY. That turtle is 150 years old, and still young. You just got baited.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Sai's in too serious a mood to call you "Bushy Brow" right now, Lee. It still feels weird seeing all these ninja swords in action here after seeing them in action in Boruto. It's awfully fitting that Sai is capable of spitting up ink as if it were blood. And cry it as if it were tears too. Remember when "condom" used to be a taboo word on TV? Nowadays, they go so far as to drop the word in commercials that have jack all to do with condoms! Oh man, he's even sweating ink too! "Why doesn't anger come with negative feelings for him?" Because he's too hard-headed to experience consequences. I'll be honest, that's a pretty sick sealing jutsu. This episode played out a lot like canon for what was technically a filler.

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