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I did live-commentary all last night for the shows, so to tell the truth I'm really not up for rewatching every last one and making a listing of that. Just go to the episode discussions this week for them. By next week, I'll be back to doin' the usual.


Yesterday while glancing at a Google Doc, I misread "Finally" as "Finral". Does that mean I've watched too much Black Clover?

Tonight on Toonami (premieres only), with Deku and Todoroki's first fights out of the way it's time for the rest of the competing students to show their stuff, Boruto's dad is faced with the tough decision of whether or not he should allow himself control over the Nine Tails' chakra, Boruto's school days get off to a rough start when he butts heads with another classmate, Space Lorax challenges Goku to an impromptu battle out of revenge for the Tournament of Power's shockingly high stakes, Kanda tries to convince Haruko to give up on fighting Medical Mechanica while Kana and her friends search for a missing Pets, Levi and the scouts break into the crystal sex dungeon to rescue Eren and fight Kenny (not necessarily in that order), Koichi's lackey informs him and Josuke that an enemy STAND user is among their student body, Asta and Noelle befriend the local siren, and the King gets ready to do battle against Netero and Killua's grandpa.

9:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #2 - The Enemy is Goku's Brother!? The Secret of the Mighty Saiyan Warriors! - TV-PGLV

9:30 - My Hero Academia #21 - Battle on, Challengers! - TV-14V

10:00 - Naruto Shippuden #221 - Storage - TV-PG

10:30 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #2 - The Hokage's Son! - TV-PG

11:00 - Dragonball Super #82 - Goku Must Pay! The Warrior of Justice Top Barges In! - TV-14V

11:30 - FLCL Alternative #5 - Shake it Off - TV-14

12:00 - Attack on Titan #44 - Wish - TV-14LV

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #7 - Toshikazu Hazamada (Show Off) - TV-MAV

1:00 - Black Clover #41 - The Water Girl Grows Up - TV-PG

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #114 - Divide and Conquer - TV-14LV

2:00 - One Punch Man #8 - The Deep Sea King - TV-14LV

2:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #18 - The Murdering Marionette - TV-14V

3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #25 - The Real Folk Blues, Part 1 - TV-14V

3:30 - Samurai Jack #2 - II - TV-Y7FV


Another threefer. Some things (guess which) I wrote around the time I watched the shows, but others I only wrote today, so my recollection is poor for a lot of it.

Even if I do watch episodes of Jack and Kai, I won't comment on them on a regular basis.

MHA - Bakugo's explosive rage (pun fully intended) was fun. I like that we got some insight into how Dark Shadow works, but it's exactly opposite the way a real shadow would manifest, being more intense in its contrast during the day and faint or non-existent at night. Still, good work, Fumikage, on snagging enough points for your team to advance.

That was terrible, Endeavor. You had an arranged marriage for the purpose of producing offspring more powerful than the professional rival you couldn't outshine. That means you considered your wife and son (Shouto) to be tools for accomplishing a goal, which makes you a terrible person. Since Shouto knows this, I can't say I blame him for not wanting to use his inherited flame powers in combat. It would be admitting that he needs them, and I doubt he liked that he did reflexively use them to counter Izuku's powered punch.

Wait a minute. When Shouto uses his ice powers, it looks like it's his left that gets covered in ice, but he said that was the power of his right side. It's strange to me that it would manifest across his body like that, unless he's encasing his fire-left to be sure he doesn't use that power.

I can admire Oujiro's sense of honor, not wanting a slot that he felt he didn't earn. He was also a complete bro to tell Izuku about mind-control guy and how his power initiates.

Mineta pulled a fast one on Momo and the other girls in the class, but they were cute in the cheerleader outfits. I am glad that Midnight was there for grown-woman fanservice as well.

Mind-control guy's power is supreme hax, but it would be highly useful, if he could implement it with its bizarre requirement, in apprehending super-powered criminals with little incident or property damage.

I found it interesting that Izuku can detect traces of the former wielders of One for All, and they really came through for him here.

If memory serves, Shouto did use his fire powers during a class in the first season to thaw out his immobilized classmates and the building. He might decide to use his fire powers to do the same after his overreaction here.

Boruto - The timeskip to an older Boruto looks like it has been rough both for him and Konoha.

Wait a minute, show. There's no reason for Boruto and Himawari to have whisker marks on their faces. That is a physical manifestation on Naruto's skin of the presence of the Nine-Tails' chakra in him. It wouldn't be a genetic trait to pass on to his children. Boruto's Byakugan eye, however, would be something he could have from his mother's genes.

Topknot kid was pretty psycho with the train stunt. I'll blame whatever that shadow thing that attacked him was.

Boruto missing the rail switch with his thrown kunai posed two problems. First, he needs practice throwing, like he would have as part of his training at the Academy. Second, why would a child have a weapon like that prior to being formally trained to use it? We can consider that questionable parenting by his workaholic father. It's a shame Ang refuses to watch this, because it looks like it would give her more opportunities to dump on Naruto and how terrible he is, but this is more as a father than as a ninja.

DBS - Yes, Buu's ability to absorb damage and regenerate make him truly formidable. Evidently the Universe 9 fighters are wolves rather than foxes. Anyway, the Universe 9 guy taking the mineral supplement isn't that different than eating a Senzu bean, but the Z fighters tried to use them only after a match was over or during battles to the death when the fate of Earth and/or other planets was on the line.

I'm glad that the Grand Minister assured us there will be formalized rules for the proper Tournament of Power, but some clarity on the rules for the exhibition would've been good.

Yeah, poison breath is tough to fight, but Gohan figured out some good work-arounds, even if they did come back to bite him. I say that the Grand Minister's ruling was flawed. Lavender was rendered unconscious by Gohan's pile driver. Lavender didn't stand after that attack. Gohan did get up and stand. Yes, he collapsed from the poison shortly thereafter, but he did rise to his feet after the impact from which his opponent couldn't stand. Thus, I would credit Gohan with a win. Calling it a draw is malarkey.

Oh, that's some more malarkey right there, Grand Minister. The Zenis were ostensibly responsible for creating the 12 universes. If they didn't create them equally, then how can they justify putting only some of them on the chopping block? Exempting four of the universes from threat of erasure based on some arbitrary power averaging criteria is being partial, since clearly not every universe is inhabited by versions of each person. Look at the Destroyers, for example. One looked like a pink elephant. Another was a juggalo. One looked like a taller version of a medieval fantasy dwarf. Clearly the Destroyers are not all members of the same family spread across the universes, just Beerus and Champa, but do you know who is? Because of my spoiling co-worker, I know, and y'all likely have figured it out based on two revealed relationships. We know that Whis is Vados' brother. We also know that the Grand Minister is their father. Since the other attendants of the Destroyers all have the same blue skin and some kind of halo around part of their bodies, we can infer that they are all part of the same family. If the supposed difference in guiding inhabited worlds toward strength, judging by the argument between Beerus and Shin, is intervention by the Supreme Kais and the Destroyers, then it could be claimed that at least the Destroyers acted differently based on the counsel of their attendants. Guess who is exempt from erasure from the losing universes? The Destroyers' attendants. If the attendants could be claimed to have a hand in the outcome that put their universe at risk of erasure, then it would only be just for the attendant to face the same consequences as their universe. As I said, malarkey.

Yeah, I figured Goku would make the wolf guy big enough that the ring would become an issue once we learned he could grow in size from the energy of impacts or chi attacks. However, I see another problem with that ability: heat. The wolf guy would need to be able to convert the attack energy into thermal energy as well as matter, or his body temperature would drop drastically, since the new mass would seek to equalize with the temperature of his body. If he converted all of the attack energy into mass,  then the matter would be likely no warmer than the ambient environment, which would, in the case of the rapid growth that we saw to many times his height and even more times his volume, require vast amounts of thermal energy which it would take from his extant cells. If he didn't impart some of the energy of the attacks into the new mass as thermal energy, he would quickly collapse into a hypothermic coma. Alternately, if he did save some of the energy for heat, but kept too much, then he would also quickly succumb to heat stroke, since the ratio of his volume to surface area would increase, making it harder for his natural cooling mechanisms (panting, if his species is very much like Earth Canines) to regulate his body temperature. If he didn't get the balance right, he'd be an easy, unconscious target for an opponent.

Of course Goku missed the obvious opportunity to lose and save multiple universes from the consequences of losing in the tournament proper. Sure, he'd need to put on a convincing show, and such deception is a foreign concept to him with his ingenuous disposition and intense competitive drive, but he could've saved likely trillions of sentient lives from being ended abruptly by losing though the wolf guy capitalizing on a "mistake" or opening presented.


AoT 3: Third time's a charm - Oh, so the "king" is a vaguely senile old man being used by the nobles as a figurehead to grant legitimacy to their ruling council. I hope he is simply sent somewhere to live out his days in peace.

Hange's plan to elicit a public confession was risky for the murdered man's son, but it worked. I feel like this would work in concert with the nobles' reaction to the fake report of W. Rose being breached to get the public to support Zachary's military coup. I just hope that word of Zachary's perverse tortures don't get out, or there may be a popular uprising against the military rule as well, which would likely result in a lot of dead people, especially if units of the anti-personnel ODM rigs are deployed.

Jean put on a convincing act to test the defectors' loyalty.

Ah, so the positive human interactions which made Krista into a well-adjusted kid were from her half-sister coming to spend time with her regularly. Okay.

What the crap, Doc Jeager? You juiced yourself with something that made you a hairy titan (sure looks like Papa Jeager is Squatchy) and killed Krista's half-siblings and their mom. I don't know what your motivations here were, but they'd need to be really compelling for you not to come out looking like a bad guy. Also, if you somehow weren't in full control of your actions, like Eren's early Rogue, and you knew this could happen, why would you inject Eren with something that would put him into the same state? We're going to need more information, show, for Doc Jeager not to look villainous.

As for the Reiss (sp?) family's power to erase memories, I'm curious as to why it worked on one of their own if there exist other families, like the Ackermans, who are completely immune to the power.

Speaking of the Ackermans, Levl is Rorschach and Kenny's nephew. Mikasa might be a second cousin or something. I'm not sure.

FLCL: Alternative - Still haven't watched them. At this point, I think I'll end up watching once all six episodes are on the dvr.

PTE - The first time through the horror story was okay, but I feel like it was mostly set-up so we could enjoy the dude doing running commentary in part two, which was great. However, I'm not sure about whether g-g-g-g-GHOSTS!Pipimi and Popuko were also slain in the resort at one point. Something truly hardcore would've needed to happen to take out Popuko. Plus, what kind of reckless resort keeps loaded firearms on the wall. Unless they have serious bear, wolf, or yeti problems, that's grossly irresponsible. Oh, and the slim guy was a complete dumbass. He was getting it on with one of the two chicks, and he tried to get with the other one in front of the first one. It may have been a mercy that the fat dude killed him with the axe compared to what the first chick or the both of them would've done for revenge over his player ways.

Good work untangling the bird mayor, Popuko.

I think one of the early French segments had subtitles, but not nearly enough of them did.

The hamster that acted like it was abused probably deserved to be smacked in its lying mouth.

Those sure were words that the shadowy group said, but yeah, epic battles with different outcomes for post-fusion Pipimi were entertaining.

I'd watch another season of this show.

JoJo: Diamond - I barely remember most of the older two episodes, but I shake my head in dismay over the changed names. Keicho's uniform even had the words "Bad Co." on it, so how they could justify changing his Stand's name to Worse Company is beyond me. It's also irritating that C.D. is being called Shining Diamond, because it's harder to see the reference to this nine-part song (part one fades in slowly, for anyone wanting to give it a listen. There's nothing wrong with the upload; it's just really quiet for the first 20-odd seconds).

Josuke did well to turn the missiles against Keicho.

As for the dad transformed by Dio's flesh bud, ew. That was gross not just in his appearance, but also his older son's brutal treatment. Still, if the boys were abused, I can't fully fault Keicho for living what he learned.

I remember that Keicho died and I think power lines were involved, but I don't recall how Josuke and Okayasu dealt with the guy that killed him, or even if they did.

Con artist dude was cruel, and the glaring problem with his Stand would come in the form of facing someone pitiless like Jotaro. He wouldn't think twice about blaming the guy for his "cat's" demise, or being too clumsy not to fall in a way that didn't knock out a tooth when he definitely deserved to be struck, or call him out on his clumsiness for hitting the teacup or teapot (we didn't see whichever one it was) and getting it spilled on himself. Jotaro would also be clever enough to mention how strangely specific his recall of the receipt details was and look for other things in the wallet which would identify it as the guy's or his own. In other words, the only way this guy and his Stand's power were an issue at all was that he didn't go against a Joestar. Still, Koichi did find a way to best him with his own Stand's unusual power.

HxH - Younger Netero doing his 5-6 seconds cycle for 10,000 punches was a lot, but it would technically be possible by the time available in a day. The point is that he's really fast and has been for a long time, as shown when his counterattack to Pitou occurred withing a 0.1 second window and was too fast for Pitou to detect. That it looked slow is clearly some kind of time dilation effect of Pitou's En being so very focused.

Just how old is Netero anyway, if he was old when Killua's grandfather was a baby?

Dragon Dive looks like an area devastation attack, which is fitting for Zeno. It wouldn't matter to him if he kills a lot of nationals if he hits one or more targeted individuals in the process. I like that Killua recognized it as it rained down around them.

Knuckle imparted an initial 280 nen to Youpi, and he wondered how long it would take for APR to convert into IRS. If memory serves, APR compounds 10% every 10 seconds. To deplete Knuckle's estimate of Youpi's nen (700,000), nen consumption aside, it would take 83 intervals, or 830 seconds, or 13 minutes and 50 seconds, provided that APR's announcements use time while it makes them. Youpi can only repay nen by hitting Knuckle, so the obvious way to let APR do its thing is to get out of there and hide somewhere nearby. Knuckle would want to be far enough away that he'd be hard to detect once Meleoron takes a breath, but still close enough that APR would continue to work.

Well, crap. Komugi got hit, but at least she didn't die. It can't be a good thing that the C.A. King wants to take it outside.

The only thing I remember clearly is that it looked like Ikalgo was going to be a distraction to give Killua time to run and seek others from the group.

BC - I don't remember much about the two older episodes, but Third Eye dude clearly was the interrogator, framing the fat, masked captain. Granted, fatty was guilty of other crimes for which he could be stripped of his rank and punished, but he wasn't Licht.

One of these magical stones being in an underwater temple or some such place makes me wonder how it came to be submerged.

Noelle looked nice in her bikini, but she was no Vanessa. Also, ease up on the tsun and own the dere, Noelle. You know you want to jump Asta's bones, but you don't want to admit it to yourself.

I like that Asta being shirtless shows that he is accumulating scars from his battles.

Poor Gordon (Mumbles) was ditched.

Shippuden - Sauce is a criminal and should be held to answer for his criminal actions. Also, the eye transplant happened and he's recovering from getting Itachi's eyes. I doubt the exhausted Sauce would've thought to take them, so I'll credit Tobi with recovering and preserving them before they started to die cellularly.

Guy and Kakashi's manly challenge footrace between rivals was fun, and it actually looked like Kakashi genuinely enjoyed it as well.

When Naruto talked about going to meet his love, it was obvious to me that he was going to Ichiraku's temporary ramen stand.

Yeah, I'm with scroll toad here. Giving Naruto access to the jutsu that his father used to seal (only half of?!?!) the Nine-Tails' chakra in Naruto may not be the best idea, since it would enable him to open the seal. Also, where is the rest of the Nine-Tails' chakra?

I can buy Tsunade being hungry and needing to replenish her chakra after being unconscious for so long. She can't eat when she's asleep, after all, and I'm uncertain as to whether medical science in the Ninja World has glucose suspension I.V. bags.

OPM - Yep, Genos is smarter than Saitama, but that doesn't matter much when the air blast of his pulled punch can level a mountain.

Snek was lucky that Saitama only tapped him during the hazing.

In the complaining woman's defense, Saitama running around the previous day would be startling and at least a minor public danger due to people reacting to this fast-moving person by stopping and gawking for a moment, making it possible for someone to run into them as they would become an instant obstacle.

Tatsumaki is still cute, but Fubuki is still hot. Yes, I remember that Tatsumaki is actually the older sister.

I just thought of Saitama telling people to blame the meteor, and imagined some person finding a piece of meteoric debris and yelling at a rock or hunk of ore. It made me smile.

Genos had a point that actual coordination of efforts between S-class heroes and Saitama could've resulted in much less damage. I think we can call that an organizational flaw with the hero system. Still, the H.A. is only around three years old, so they're still figuring out this stuff about effectively utilizing the heroes available.

Lupin - While Lupin may not have ownership rights to Fujiko's new house, she should at least let him stay there free of charge, since his efforts were integral to her delivering for her client.

Yes, clone!Leonardo should be able to paint a convincing replica of the Mona Lisa, but I have my doubts he'd be able to do it from memory alone.

The bomb plan was dumb. For one, yes, other insulators would work instead of a diamond. For another, just go to the police, teachers. Plus, as I said the first time, mafioso dude was walking entirely too close to the chairs if Marco standing was able to jack the criminal's jaw, and the criminal not only was unaware of his surroundings, but also had a laughably slow reaction time not to be able at least to start moving away from that collision.

That was one sexy catch there, Fujiko.

Josephine clearly ran away before her owner encountered Fujiko, or else, with its appreciation for the fine female human form, it never would've left.

Remember, kids, always check the fuel level in your vehicle before leaving on a trip.

Just go with the pizza, Goemon.


Hero-Sorry lightning boy I don't have much faith in you. She's Swamp Thing's religious daughter. Whelp, you tried. I love douche Rogue. Hiiii Mt Lady. Deku's getting so much nerd data here. GO IIDA. Oh yeah, this is a good idea to take some gear your opponent offers you. God I love Midnight. This is totally not a trap. :D She played you all like a fiddle. Oh Iida this is just embarrassing. Spongebob narrator, go. I like that this was the longest fight yet. Mic asking the real questions here. :D Mineta no. Man i bet she's great at Twister. Bad move, sparkle boy. This is why no one likes you, Mineta. I love bird friend. You're overthinking it, you've already lost. Well that's a real blow to the ol' self esteem. HARDBOY FIGHT, GO. Aw shit that's right she has to fight Bakugo. Perfectly symmetrical violence never solved anything. Oh no, Bakugo is absolutely going to fuck her up regardless of gender. Aww Deku you're a sweet kid. GOOD LUCK SWEETIE PLEASE DON'T DIE. Meanwhile, they knocked each other out. You're all right to be concerned.

FLCL- Aww they're cute kids. Oh this is gonna be depressing. Oh god he's wearing crocs. That ramen's too good for him to care. Yeah you're probably right about it being Haruko's fault. Oh that seems ominous. Dude what's up with your face. :D I love the fat one. Teacher Seitz is cute. Aw fuck Haruko what are you doing. You might wanna listen to the guy with the space gun. Okay you probably shoudln't have left the gun with Haruko. Her mom's so fancy. Oh that can't be a good thing. I got a real bad feeling about this. DANGER DANGER ABORT MISSION. Oh thank god it's Haruko. Haruko no you need that steering wheel! Oh hey Pets whatcha up to? Aw crap it's Little Shop of Horrors. FEED ME SEYMOUR. I think you're gonna need a bigger guitar. Well this sure is going straight to hell. Thanks buddy that's real helpful. Dentists are indeed terrifying. Hug it out, beat the tentacles iwth friendship. Ohhhh fuck. Well this sure got depressing as shit. Damn that's some powerful forehead magic. Are we okay now? Noooope we're still in depression land.

Titan- You're gonna have to eat your friend, kiddo.  I bet Levi just likes kicking in doors. Sasha's got really great aim with that bow. Time to start killing people, y'all. Man, Armin is just going all in on this manslaughter thing. Mikasa is so fucking mad, you're going to die. And then YEE HAW. Levi is by far the best part of this show. Still not afraid of Cowboy Kenny, show. No not Hange she's the second best part of this show. Oh yeah a net's gonna stop them. Hey maybe you should give the guy you know some benefit of the doubt over this old dude you've known for like half a day. Yeah this definitey sounds legit and not like he's tricking you into shit. Cowboy what the fuck are you doing here. Well I'll be damned, hillbilly's actually making some sense. Oh you goddamn idiot. Oh, are we finally gonna get some titans in this titan show? You're not as bad as I originally thought, High Noon. Okay but if their family was so intent on stopping this and they've had the power for generations, why didn't they stop it before now? Remember your lesbian! ACTUALLY ASKING GOOD QUESTIONS, FUCKING THANK YOU. Once again the day is saved thanks to lesbians. At least Kenny's having fun here. Oh crap. Hey look, a titan!

Jojo- Huh, that's probably not normal. Well that's fucking horrifying. I don't trust this little bastard. Koichi's so cool. Oh hey there, psycho. Josuke you wanna try making a bigger mess? Oh that's creepy. That mannequin is definitely a stand. Hey there evil Josuke, how you doin'. Technically he's only half Japanese. Oh there is definitely porn of this. And then Koichi died again. Alright Josuke, you gotta kick your own ass. Oh so now it's like the magic boat wher anyone can see it. Oh my god you wanna fight Jotaro you're going to die. No leave his beautiful face alone. I don't know what that says, show. Awwww friends. Hi there random shady girl. Oh right, his phone blew up last time. Well, one of them has a stab wound in his face. I'm okay with that guy getting bricked in the skull. "Jotaro's done for!" yeah okay, the dude shrugged off a fucking steamroller to the face but a kid with a puppet is gonna take him down. Heeee, so many fangirls. Well kid, he's got his daddy's muscles what more explanation do you need. He tried to fuck the puppet and failed. I hate this little dweeb. Oh hey Josuke. :D Pinocchio. That bottle trick was actually a brilliant strategy. I don't know what his stand actually is but I enjoy it. Aw crap the puppet's got you. :D Oh my god he's really trying to kill him with a goddamn pen. Convenient bikers. :D This is great. Oh right, that lightning douche is still here.

Clover- Hey Cap'n Sexy. And here's the Wizard King, shirking his duties like usual. This entire group is exhausting. Surely this shit with the hypnotizing voice will end well. Oh great, she's annoying. Mother of fuck, she's a pop idol. You stupid bitch are we really supposed to like you? Do you have a song that can make me less fucking angry at this show? Noelle has no experience with anyone actually liking her. No seriously, are we actually supposed to like Noelle? I relax by staring at All Might. STOP SCREAMING YOU DIPSHIT. It's hard to find a best memory when all my husbands keep suffering and dying. Yeah we get it their entire family is awful. LEAVE THAT NUN THE FUCK ALONE. Oh good, another montage I can hate. God I wish I was drunk. Why are you like this, Manson guy. Please for the love of god shut up. Yep you suck and I'm glad you accept it. To be fair, Yami is definitely the fondest memory I have of this show. It's a miracle, she finally fucking did something. You should have just let her fall. Meanwhile, Yami giving zero shits.

Hunter- Please don't kill my kids or shirtless Knuckle, show. Say hello to your grandpa, Killua. Good luck there, old dudes. Okay so what was the point of this then? Oh, we're going on a commute. Kick some cat ass, Gon. Someone give my boys a hug. Sorry octosquid this is going right to hell for you. Giant lobster wearing pants just cracks me up on principle. That worked out suspiciously well. Scratch that, he's fucked. Just beat this flamboyant bitch already. My psychological state is just equal parts anger and thirst. I suck with biology but I'm pretty sure butterflies aren't supposed to go into cocoons. Meanwhile, the tentacles continue. Oh now you've pissed him off. Man, that iguana can really hold his breath for ages. Aww, he's crying. Oh shit that was only ten seconds. Oh nooo he's out of breath. SHIT he lost some power. You're lucky he's unobservant as fuck. This could be going better. Oh fuck that's a lot of spikes. Ohhhh you are definitely gonna die here, buddy. SHIRTLESS KNUCKLE NO.


MY HERO ACADEMIA - "Sorry for that long wait." No worry, it was only a week. So whose idea was it to nickname her the "Assassin" anyways? Between her saintly personality and her literal crown of thorns, this chick is totally Lady Anime Jesus. Aww, Kaminari's in love. Speaking of love, I love this Vegas-style fight tune. WHEYYYYYYY. Shut up, Blonde Douche. "I hate that guy." Don't we all. That one faceless audience dude has Sasuke hair. Deku, you're autistically mumbling again. :D All the sound effects are bouncing off Bakugo's face. This is familiar yet different enough to avoid giving me any Nam flashbacks to high school. Best boy and best woman interacting with one another, it's a Columbus Day miracle. Fuck me, Midnight. xD She's using Iida for a product demo. This is some groovy music, I should probably look up the soundtrack later. And then the match was an infomercial. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! Ochaco's sick of Deku's mumbling, she's getting outta here. I agree, what is the deal with her horns. xD Goddammit Mineta, this isn't Ikki Tousen, let alone Master of Martial Hearts. TOO MANY PELVIC THRUSTS. You can't not applaud Mina's uppercut right there. Nobody screws Mineta but life. Mt. Lady wishes she was inside that stadium. Protip: always plan ahead, and I mean way ahead. There, there, Momo. :( You better believe she's upset. They introduced that A vs. B screen just for that similarity joke didn't they. :D Uraraka's game face. Bakugo don't discriminate, because he hates everyone equally. Deku, Iida and Uraraka: the three best buddies. Friendly reminder that rivalry doesn't mean you have to hate the other guy's guts. DOUBLE KO. Whoever twitches first wins. Pink side-ponytail is the best background girl of the week. Kick his ass, Uraraka. That's a face even a mother could beat into a bloody pulp.

Morning music, or mourning music?

BORUTO'S DAD SHIPPUDEN - SNAAAAAKES! Why, oh why, did it have to be snakes!? Oh boy, Kabuto's gone full snake man. Why's the circle pink, aren't those normally green. He doesn't hate Sasuke like everyone else does, so I think he's got the whole "no hatred" part down. Yes, that's definitely a natural reaction to a middle-aged man barfing up a frog with an elongated torso. "And not even the Hokage that came after him either." Which one, the 3rd or the 5th? Welp, so much for that historic site. Hmm, that's some context I don't remember from the first time. Thank you, Yamato. God Toshiyuki Tsuru is a better director than most of the other Naruto staff. Depression, who needs it? Grosser than eating bug ramen. NINJA FROG KICK. Sounds like a place where animals go to have inter-species sex. This is easily the longest music video aired during the Naruto slot, to the point where even I wanted it to just get over and done with already. Ah, the days when Anko was thin. I don't remember those cracks being in Madara's mask before. SURPRISE EDO TENSEI CLONES. Took me longer than I'd have liked to recognize Nagato. In absorbing Orochimaru's will, Kabuto also absorbed his homolust for Sasuke. I have a feeling who's inside that big coffin, but I won't say who because spoilers. Hi there, random southern JYB. Fuck I love this ending theme.

NARUTO'S SON NEXT GENERATIONS - I like that Shikamaru's the new narrator. Oh hi Blonde Shinji. They seriously couldn't find a clean version of the OP for this cut? "For god's sake, Boruto, don't group fistbump the class." :D It's like Hinata's truly fit for motherhood. "What a drag." Like father, like son, indeed. You know your mother beat the crap out of the guy you're calling cool once, right? I'm currently watching Evangelion, so it's surreal hearing Shinji's voice come out of the mouth of this smartass kid. He gets his sharp tongue from his dad. Being a ninja is all about the gymnastic skills. That one kid is totally Brooklyn Josuke. Not a big fan of this dude's personality, but I love his voice and the passion he's putting into this speech. This episode is all about the coattails. "Believe it." No way, the ads actually know what they're sponsoring this time. Is it wrong that I want Shino to bang Fat Anko? "...Where are my students?" :D Those giant hands look familiar. That's some sharp shit, Blonde Shinji. "You made me get my clothes all dirty." And yet I can't see a speck of dirt on them. Gothloli and Brooklyn Josuke are the best background kids. LOGGED. And now for some surprise buttse-whup, never mind. I habeeb it's pronounced "cat-ra". POCKET SAND BOMB. Ah, so he's stupid, then. :D I love that his clones have their own consciouses and personalities. Or maybe he's just a poor studier. This show's even crazier about the coattails than Black Clover is about ham. STONE SLEDGEHAMMER NO JUTSU. Shinji dropping some wisdom up in this bitch. :D And that's how he became popular. It's amazing how twenty years later, Spike Spencer is still capable of the classic Shinji voice. I await the inevitable episode where Inojin screams at the top of his lungs.

DRAGONBALL SUPER - Caught up with DBZ Abridged the other day, and all I'll say is that Krillin is a lucky man. B| See? Space Lorax. Whether or not Goku is the villain is up to you. This Clown Destroyer's black guy voice is great, I'm gonna start calling him Homie because of it. BURRRRRN. Of course Satan would know that muscles aren't equal to skill. He's called Top because he's top-heavy, those legs are very comparatively thin. EXTRA JUMBO. Of course the Great Saiyaman would like his hero speech. Damn, this guy's moves are good. JUSTIIIIIICE. I'll admit, even I kinda want Top to win this one. FINGER BULLETS. And now for some real surprise buttsex. :D Whis is the real MVP of this show. Yep, definitely sounds like he's in very real pain right now. His pupils are lines, that ain't good. When he goes blue, it don't matter what you do, or something. Goku the Executionator. Damn you, El Grande Padre. "I accept your offer, but refuse your handshake." He's happy because he's already cast aside all his worries about universal annihilation. Better to worry about it when it's 48 minutes away from happening than right now. Naturally Goku would not know what a hiatus is. That's way too short a wait. And if Hit had siblings, I doubt they'd be as strong as him. I'm thinking Beerus is worrying a little too much over this. You're damn right Whis loves it. Again, the real MVP. I'm pretty sure destroying planets based on the quality of their food counts as "willy-nilly".

FLCL ALTERNATIVE - Aww, Loli Kana. And that's how she made her first friend. I understand the girls wearing the swim caps, but why the guys? Mossan doesn't even care that she's huge and that's cool by me. Shirtless Teacher Seitz at 2:00! Oh great, we apocalypse bullshit now. ¬¬ That Kana's dad lying there, he seems to be the only one who reads cryptic newspapers in this show. Sure, Medical Mechanica may be behind the hotter than usual weather, but haven't these people considered that maybe, I dunno... summer's the time for hot weather!? Guess she's finally sick of all the press conferences. A giant iron in the mountains, a giant iron by the sea. Literal nobodies. :D I love bitchmode Prime Minister lady. Haruko the volleyball champ is still running strong. Don't take calculus lightly, high school children. What the fuck is up with your face dude. BEN-GAY IN THE FACE. That whole family's made of gossips, I tell ya what. It's so hot that even the handle of the giant iron is starting to bubble under the surface. :D Of course Haruko's solution is to blow the damn thing up. Nice, he kept that toy gun. OKAY, NOT A TOY GUN. So it's like a real-world rapture, this migration movement. Tomomi's mom looks pretty fine. This room is depressingly plain. Cute picture. Well shit this got dark in a hurry. This carjacking is brought to you by the only consistent character in this franchise. "Everything in my life was made up of lies." Okay, something's telling me you're treating this as being way deeper than it actually is. A girl your age shouldn't touch that with your bare hands! See, I toldja. And then the terminal core became the hand. FUCK YEAH LAST DINOSAUR. Sometimes a futile effort is better than making no effort at all, I like this guy's way of doing things. :D Tarzan Haruko. This episode was brought to you by the ADA of Japan. Now for the tears. I'm not sure which one's the crappier friend. N.O. ACTIVATED. And they didn't even need the flowerpot for this one. "Oh yeah." :D Haruko forgot all about that. At that height, she's gonna die. She named her "KANA-BOON" after the band. Phew, they both made it. It's nice to see they made up. ...Or maybe not. :( He called the PM a hack, is he allowed to do that? "I swear, things weren't this depressing with Takkun or Hibaji." Next week, Canti's children seek revenge for their dadbot's already forgiven crucifixion last season.

ATTACK ON TITAN - Starting with the OP this time, already I'm expecting things to get serious. Oh great, now Eren's the one having Nam flashbacks. Using their visibility against them, smart move. Looks like firing arrows is Sasha's thing now. When you've got all these people killing each other Spiderman-style, who needs Titans to have action? STOP, KENNY TIME. Ackerman v. Ackerman, and Ackerman v. someone who isn't an Ackerman. I love this random rapping. Finally, he managed a hit on him. Welp, Hanji's down, what's the point of it anymore. That giant net's not gonna stop them. I already knew the Walls were Titans, but not in this context. And that explains why Reiner wasn't too pleased with Eren being the Coordinate. At this point I'm so burned out for comments that I'm just gonna keep watching until one comes to me. That said, damn Kenny's more complex than I gave him credit for, and what the hell are you doing Historia. That's the body count of everyone that matters. Oh yeah, Ymir was a character in this show. Thank you, Historia, for being the only sane one. xD FUCK YEAH HISTORIA. SHIT COUNT: 4. Well crap, that don't look too good.

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE - It seems like gruesome shit always happens whenever this radio show is on the air. Well, otaku do take their objects of interest more seriously than everyone else. You're a good boy, Koichi. Careful what you say out loud, someone might overhear you. Nice, their lockers are done up America-style. It's Josuke's evil counterpart: Brooklyn Josuke! This is Perman, for those unaware. Gah, that's the second time his throat's been hit this week! "Just like that, another one bites the dust." Subtle foreshadowing, show. Original name: Surface. Welp, so much for Josuke's eye. Thanks for the assist, Koichi's STAND. Josuke and Koichi, the other good friends. Meanwhile, looks like someone's got a crush on one of them. "This hold music better be damn good." The line for room 324 was destroyed, you mean. Never mind, guess it got fixed after the Chili Pepper incident. Well, there's the screw in the middle of his forehead, that's a pretty obvious means of telling them apart. Should I hope that cinderblock to the head wasn't fatal, or would that be unwise? Well that Subway commercial was as dumb as the heroes featured in it. This short dude is like the epitome of being an incel. Get rejected by your STAND copy one time, and apparently you're a misogynist for life. That one guy looks like he was the Okuyasu of his day. Thank you, not-so-random flying shard of glass. You gotta love that good ol' Joestar intellect. THE CROSSING FROM HELL. For being non-fatal, Koichi's stand is extremely useful. Oh good, they made it on time. Random turtle. "Why would I take a pen out of Jotaro's pocket? Unless I was planning on stabbing him with it...!" I hope Star Platinum beats the shit outta this little gremlin. :D Or those guys, that works too. SHIT COUNT: 5. They're gonna gang-rape him, aren't they. Go away, Chili Pepper, it's not your time yet.

BLACK CLOVER - Gauche, standing on your broom while flying won't automatically make you cool, especially when 85% of your screentime still consists of you being a bigger siscon than your average imouto anime protag. Don't be a coward, Noelle. Given the way the song was structured, there was no way a cut of this was gonna turn out adequate. With great leadership comes great amounts of paperwork. Finral's gonna fap with that puppeteering hand later, I guarantee it. EIGHTY-FIVE PERCENT, I SAY. I love that Yami's just as sick of them acting all one-dimensional in unison as the rest of us watching this. And thank god Asta and Noelle are too busy training listening to the local entertainment to deal with all that. Asta's sparkly eyes have their own broken base, of which I am on the "for" side. "What's an idol?" You two really need to watch yourselves some Hoshiiro Girldrop. And apparently, Noelle lacks knowledge of basic economic concepts. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: "Do you have a song that can make me less fucking angry at this show?" I do, but sadly the third opening's time has passed. DAMN YOU RICH PEOPLE. Friendship acquired. Fuck yeah, a Queen movie. I think I'm gonna check that one out. Not an hour after meeting them, and she already ships those two. :D Asta makes not thinking about anything look easy, and I'm not sure if that should be considered a compliment or an insult. HER FAMILY IS DICKS, ENOUGH SAID. Is it wrong to pray that a meteor crash-land on the Silver Eagles' headquarters and just wipe them all out? Some people have abusive siblings, others have a fetish for nuns. Scratch that, it's now 86% of his screentime. "No really, I couldn't drink another drop..." Bullshit. Asta approves of Noelle's use of his catchphrase. :( Poor Gordon. Finally, some peace and quiet for Yami. And then Asta had a Brain Blast. Just imagine your siblings dying horribly, that should make it work. Thank god, Gauche is using the 14% non-siscon part of his screentime for once. DOUBLE MAGNA. Of fucking course her best memories are with Asta. You see that? That's character development. I'm probably the only one who spotted the hidden Gordon in the middle of Noelle's bitchslap. "Why are there sheep?" Does it really matter, 14% Gauche? Custom fireworks, go.

HUNTER x HUNTER - And the Selection attendees are just standing outside as all of this goes down. Don't disturb Gon, he's got his game face on. "Take me." Where, exactly? That's nice, he conjured up a ride for them. I'm personally unsure how one could possibly interpret "Let's go" wrong. In the meantime, let's see how Ikalgo talks himself out of this one. :o Ohhhhhh he fucked up and called him Hagya, he's a goner now. Well, that went down better than I expected it to. Wait, do butterfly wings actually have scales? REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "My psychological state is just equal parts anger and thirst." Anger at Black Clover's existence, thirst for Shirtless Knuckle? A butterfly cocooning himself? It's official, this fruit doesn't know how animal evolution works. Oh yeah, I forgot he could delete things with a touch. Manly tears are serious business. Time makes no sense, you feel me? So it can say other things. "And all the while, I'm standing here unhurt..." So that whip to the face Youpi gave you doesn't count? It's gun seeing someone else react to the APR creature for the first time. IMPALEMENT... averted. Butterfly in the sky, I can fly twice as high... Thank god, it has nothing to do with Pouf. I fear for his life, but not for his sake alone.


Tonight in Toonami premieres, Ochaco puts everything she possibly can into her tournament fight against Bakugo, Tsunade learns what Naruto's role (or lack thereof) in the upcoming war will be, Shikamaru's son's attempt to apologize for giving Rock Lee's son a hard time goes surprisingly awry, with 40 hours left until the Tournament of Power Goku gets to work filling out the rest of their team roster, what better way to send off FLCL 3 than with teenage depression and man-sized robot fights, Historia has to deal with her father turning himself into a big-ass Titan, Koichi gets a girlfriend who may be more than a little fucked in the head, the Black Bulls begin their arduous underwater journey to the similarly titled Temple, and the slow-motion coverage of the multitude of events in the palace continues onward, as I'm sure it will for the next couple of weeks.

9:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #3 - A Life or Death Battle! Goku and Piccolo's Desperate Attack! - TV-PGLV

9:30 - My Hero Academia #22 - Bakugo vs. Uraraka - TV-14L

10:00 - Naruto Shippuden #222 - The Five Kage's Decision - TV-PGV

10:30 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #3 - Metal Lee Goes Wild! - TV-PGL

11:00 - Dragonball Super #83 - Field the All-7th-Universe Team! Who Are the Mighty Ten?! - TV-PGV

11:30 - FLCL Alternative #6 - Full Flat - TV-14DL - END

12:00 - Attack on Titan #45 - Outside the Walls of Orvud District - TV-14LV

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #8 - Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 1 - TV-MA

1:00 - Black Clover #42 - The Underwater Temple - TV-PGD

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #115 - Duty and Question - TV-14LV

2:00 - One Punch Man #9 - Unyielding Justice - TV-14V

2:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #19 - The First Supper - TV-14

3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #26 - The Real Folk Blues, Part 2 - TV-14V- END

3:30 - Samurai Jack #3 - III - TV-Y7FV


Hero- KICK HIS ASS SWEETIE I BELIEVE IN YOU. Oh honey, you're going to die. Amd then she blew up. Oh this hurts my heart to watch. :D The entire stadium is booing Bakugo and I love it. Oh shit Aizawa's bringing out the fisticuffs. Awww Aizawa you're so sweet. CRUSH HIM. Even douche Rogue figured it out. I'm so proud of her! OH FUCK. Well the important thing is you tried. Come here let me hug you. Oh hey, he remembered her name at least. Oh this is depressing. It turns out that getting exploded 47 times isn't the best thing for your body. That is a low blow, show. :D Mic is great. Fuck you, Bakugo. Yeah sure, that's why you lost to vine Jesus girl. Please give her a hug. HARDBOY FIGHT, ROUND 2. Soooo manly. Oh no my heart hurts. I'm not crying you're crying shut up. Aw shit it's garbage dad. Stop trying to seduce me, Fire Seitz! God he's just terrible I hate myself. Come on curse, don't fail me now. Awww Ochaco. Iida is the best. Oh someone is going to die here. Go away, Fuckhands. Awwww his mom. I hate that this show dropped a hot buff dilf who's literally on fire right in my lap and I'm not allowed to fuck him.

FLCL- Canti no she's your friend. Now that's an axe. HAND. This is gonna be one hell of a game of Monopoly. Man this lady just does not give a fuck. Well she's alive at least. Someone hug this girl. Making noodles until the world implodes sounds like a good way to go. The trick is to be an adult with a job and every day will feel like the same slow march toward death. Sometimes you just gotta chug a beer by a vending machine in the middle of the night. Haruko don't give a shit. I admire your commitment to your job, teacher Seitz. I love the fat one. This song sucks. Oh this is gonna hurt me emotionally. Whelp there she goes. PLEASE HUG THIS GIRL. Hey Haruko. Uh I think you killed her. Drink. You can make me squeal, Haruko. Whelp that can't be a good thing. Put your hairclips in and absorb that thing into your forehead. Evil Canti no! Oh crap there's so many of them. God I would suck at this I hate so many things. Aw fuck not the guitar. Haaaa she did the Akira slide thing. And then her hair was on fire. Forehead laser, go! I have no idea what's going on but space-time collapsing sounds bad. Once again the day is saved thanks to lesbians. What....what just happened? That sure was a thing alright.

Titan- Somebody might wanna give Hange a bandaid. Just kick through the ceiling. Oh shit that's a big motherfucker. COWBOY, OUT. Eren shut the fuck up. Oh hey Mikasa. Just rip your arms off, they'll grow back. Thank you Jean. Cowboy Kenny got so much more fun after last week. Cry harder you whiny bitch baby. Levi, kick the shit out of him again until he stops crying. Oh hey, a second titan in this show about fighting titans. Oh good Hange made it out. Well that's terrifying. Eren continues to live for some reason. Thank god Levi's smart. Oh right, I thought we abandonded the whole basement subplot years ago. :D Sasha is wonderful. Well at least you can track him down easily. Wow that thing looks fucked up. Hey Erwin nice to see you again. Okay watching that fucker crawl around makes me physically uncomfortable. Oh my god Eren quit your bitching. It's a good thing you have multiple people here immune to the mind wiping. Why can't Historia be the main character? :D THANK YOU SASHA. You've known him for like two days and he tried to turn you into a giant monster, I think you'll be okay without him. Hey by the way we need you to take over as queen of the world. Levi doesn't give a shit, just be a princess. Good luck with that.

Jojo- :D Twat waffle, Okuyasu please. This fucking weeb. Meanwhile, Koichi gets laid. Aww she's cute! Uh what happened to the OP, did somebody press the "funky" button? GET IT KOICHI. This is so cute, it's nice that he has some good luck for once. Don't worry Okuyasu you still have Josuke. Ohhh that's a red flag. Ewwwww. Forget what I said earlier Koichi, run for your life. ABORT MISSION ABORT MISSION. Bitches be crazy, Koichi. Oh god she's going to kill this girl. Oh fuck she's going in that furnace like Jonathan's dog. Ohhhhh this is bad this is really bad. And then she was on fire. Thank you Okuyasu and Josuke. Well at least hair grows back. Damn Koichi you dumb as shit. Bitches be crazy, Koichi. Operation make her hate you, go! I love these boys. Guys no stop it. :D These idiots. This is not going to end well. BITCHES BE CRAZY, KOICHI. You gotta jump out a window first chance you get. Haa, Prince. Her real stand is being a fucking lunatic. This is definitely someone's fetish. Maybe they can call Joseph and have him punch a camera until they find Koichi.

Clover- This OP still sucks. My internet chose this point to break for half the episode and I feel like I missed nothing. Yami continues to be the bright spot of this show. Why is sister fucker still allowed to live? This is definitely not a trap. You dumb shits. I feel closer to death with every minute of this show. Oh jesus fucking christ it's some game bullshit. SEXUAL HARASSMENT IS FUNNY, LAUGH. Thank you Yami, single bright spot of this show. Yes play the game and lose your clothes again. I want this old man to die. Kill them and eat them all. Noelle you stupid fuck. This is all a nuisance. And then Zoidberg was here.

Hunter- Hiiii shirtless Knuckle. Ohhh dude you are going to die. He's so nice this is going to end very badly. I am way too stupid to use that elevator. Lobster guy just cracks me up. Well Palm sure lucked out that she banged the dude who didn't have the elevator restrictions. It's a good thing octopi don't have noses. I hope that creepy dude is dead. Hey grandpa. I miss Killua's hot dad. Grandpa, out! Knuckle could also reveal himself to me if he wants. It's a good thing that chimeracal monsters understand student loans even less than I do. JOESTAR TECHNIQUE, GO. Shoot is looking rough. I'd like to remind everyone that if Shoot dies it actually isn't my fault this time. Lizard dude, grab him so he has a chance to rest. Good luck, my dude. I got a bad feeling that this is a trap. Whelp, you're fucked. You hold your goddamn breathe, man! Oh youre goint to die. Is this wolf guy wearing a thong? Eat shit, wolf. Oh no that missle is gonna come back to bite us in the ass in a couple weeks once we've all forgotten about it. Dude is having a mental breakdown. Meanwhile, I'm terrified for my kids here. I don't like what that cats doing to that little girl.

14 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

It's a good thing octopi don't have noses... Lizard dude, grab him so he has a chance to rest.

Crustaceans and chameleon, respectively.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - A simple yet effective plan, the best kind of plan. "And now you die." Dammit Bakugo, telling people to die when you really don't intend on killing them has never won you any fans, that shit's the reason Infinite Stratos sucks.  Since when has Bakugo shown anyone any mercy? :D Of course the token pervert would make a comment about sadism. Check it out, it's Deku's estranged twin brother. And there's a skeleton man and a Captain America cosplayer. Everyone hates Bakugo and I fucking love it. xD What the hell are you doing Eraserhead. I like Blonde Douche when he isn't being a douche to others for the sake of douchebaggery. Bet you're ashamed of how genius your so-called simple plan was now, Deku. :D And of course, Bakugo finds a way to win anyways. I just realized Todoroki's eyes are two different colors. Oh hey, he remembered her name. I saw this result coming because I'm prone to spoilers, but damn is it still rough to watch. :(  Poor woman's the only human working in an office staffed mostly by meerkats. When it comes to Bakugo, being unbiased is not an option. He's easily the most hateful of the big shounen rivals, and that includes all the edgy ones. To think that five months ago, Deku would've burst into tears a minute into that interaction. This kid needs some anger management, pronto. I like how good of friends those two are now. Easily the manliest arm wrestling match in known history. GG NO RE. :x God I want Midnight to fuck me. Uraraka's father sounds like he's achieved full Ha-ha-hood. Such a heartwarming moment. T_T CAUTION: ENDEAVOR CROSSING. "Kick my son's ass, boy." I was expecting either Deku to cry or Endeavor to drop some kind of condescending insult, and I'm pleased that neither happened. :D Uraraka's face. HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE. Nobody likes you, Handjob Man. I wonder if she bought all those tissues in bulk or just waited until halftime to run out and buy a couple hundred boxes. Am I the only one who feels like the USJ incident just came and went super fast and stuff? This show really knows how to pick its cliffhangers.

And now they're using puppets to advise against smoking. Truth, j-just stop.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - "Have you already forgotten that!?" Well, they're pretty old, so... :D Bee truly is the Bullhorn of anime. I like that one guy's arm tattoo. Stray thought: what's the conversion rate for this show's currency? Because at this point, I'm thinking it's around 10 yen to 1 Naruto unit. Dammit Sakura, you don't separate a man from his ramen after already suffering through it once today. Welp, guess that bowl's going to Karin too. Yeahhhhh his prophecies tend to be weird like that. Technically he said someone with "powerful eyes", so it's just as likely that it isn't Sasuke. Friendly reminder that fat size doesn't necessarily equal stupid(ity). This nurse has seen some shit. :spookyskull: Clearly your ally is the one you save first. OUTTA MY WAY I'M DRUNK AS HELLLLLLLLLL. YO YO YO WHAT'S UP MAH NINJAS. You'd be surprised at how many people unironically love terrible rapping. What's the deal with him calling her "princess" anyways? Consider this payback for all the times you let Naruto go into dangerous situations against the Akatsuki despite knowing they wanted what was inside him. Okay, so it's a condescending title. Gaara's known Naruto longer than you, clearly he has seniority here. Lemme guess, the hideaway spot is that animal pleasure resort. "You shouldn't shout," says the guy who shouts all the time. S-Rank resort trip, go! You call that casual clothing? :D I love seeing these two at odds. Oh hey, didn't notice the Blood Prison posters before. It's a losing battle either way.

BORUTO - Even in a position of authority, nobody listens to Shino. SHENRON STYLE. Oh no, Lee's kid is socially awkward. I'm not surprised Boruto went big in favor of going home. "Collective responsibility", I like the sound of that. I honestly don't see Shino as the pranking type. They're just hitting the face in the same spot with a chisel, that won't solve anything. Video game break! Okay, that's easily more damage done to that face than what happened with the runaway train car. "Whose fault is it that we were there in the first place?" Iwabee; if he didn't bring that giant shuriken to school, Boruto wouldn't have stolen it. Okay Shikadai you're kinda goin' straight for the jugular there. Meanwhile, at the winner's house... That's a giant handprint. Like I said once before, "Believe it" was fleeting, but "What a drag" is forever. :D Temari wears the pants in this relationship, it seems. Metal's VA is really good at emulating the OG Lee voice. Wayyyyy past the apology stage here. The only solution is to Talk no Jutsu him out of it. :D Or you can just hightail it outta there like a Joestar. Okay, that was honestly a genius strategy, even I didn't see it coming until the end. Oh shit is he gonna open one of the gates. DUCK! Well that solved itself easily. This one background song reminds me of a popular song from the '90s, can't remember the name of it. Something bad happened to Neji didn't it. You say that like he won't take some of the inevitable leftovers to the office for tomorrow's lunch. Not just a video game console, but a ninja video game console! DRAG COUNT: 5.

DRAGONBALL SUPER - What the hell is this song even. SERIOUSLY THIS IS THE WORST SONG. Well, at least Vegeta's here. I want one of those giant plates of fried rice. What planet was Sodala again? I almost forgot all about Monaka. I'd make a joke about the Krillin Owned Counter, but seeing how I just finished catching up with DBZ Abridged, that would be beneath me. The Scatter Bullet: Krillin's true ultimate move. I completely forgot Krillin has a new move. So we're no longer calling them Androids then? SENZU BEANS... denied. Who the hell is tha-oh right, baby names. I'm surprised they managed to catch his attention, but then again, it is Vegeta. No need to worry, Whis will handle this. Easiest childbirth ever. :D Dammit Mr. Satan. "Have you gained weight?" Well he has been dead for over a decade. I also forgot all about Bulma's mom's accent. Satan's better with kids when he's the grandpa and not the creepy uncle. I also want some of that red rice stuff. NOBODY EXPECTS UNCLE YAMCHA. Was that wheels comment in the Japanese version? I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't. But mostly it was Chi-Chi who trained him. Goku knows what he looked like as a kid because muffin button. Is Vegeta even capable of holding a baby? :o Okay, so maybe he is. Keeping with the names that vaguely sound like undergarments, I see. Reminder that Goku is concerned about the safety of his people but not as much as fighting a bunch of strong guys. Don't be nosy, Yamcha. xD Oh god his fantasy moment. Whoever he picks, it won't be Yamcha.

FLCL ALTERNATIVE - And we're starting off with I Think I Can. (Man that intro's amazing.) And apparently it's also in medias res of the final battle. Against Dark Canti, no less! Huh, they're actually listing all the cast. Pets confirmed for not being in the episode. :( That is one extremely CGI-animated giant disembodied hand. But what's the purpose of the pins, that's what I wanna know. Kanda's sick and tired of being the only sane adult in this show. Kana's in the middle of a depression right now, it's best not to bother her. You're a good man, Former DJ Present Soba Master Blum. B| Don't make things more depressing than they already are, girl. Who else thought he was gonna dump it all in like the last two times? God I love this sequel's aesthetic, this was put in the hands of the right people. Aliens, gods and ghosts are all ageless. I love that these two are actually on kinda good terms. :) Being Teacher Seitz is suffering. If I was capable of crying at fictional works as easily as the rest of you, I'd be crying right now. Ah, so the Vespa belonged to Soba Blum all along. Metaphorical tears, man. T_T Note: Pets died on the way to her home planet. LUNCH TIIIIIIIIME. That's a new intro for Last Dinosaur. Fuck yeah, preventing bad ends! Whoa, surprise Toonami motivational for League of Legends. :D And even they're embracing the "You Say Run goes with everything" meme. And now for Haruko's side of the story. So are they transporting Earth to Mars, or are they planning on dumping Medical Mechanica there? I'm not really following along as well as I think I should. What he lacks in size, he's more than made up for in technique. Huh, so that's what they mean by "flat earth". Wise words, they'd definitely be better applied to something less apocalyptic. I LOVE EVERYONE. Oh shit, it's Dark Canti's children, out for revenge! Like I said, technique over size. :D Even her friends are getting in on the robot-killing action. SPLIT IN TWO. "Oh shit, my guitar!" You gotta love the Akira slide. Aww yeah glowy hair. WE THANK YOU MY TWILIGHT NOW. I can totally feel her there, and in the end, isn't relatability to the protagonist's problems what FLCL is all about? I don't know what "Naked Focal Point" is supposed to mean, but it looks amazing. Aaaaaaand they're all gonna die. xD Holy fucking shit those are clips from FLCL Classic reflected in her! NOW SHE CAN SEE EVERYTHING. So, uh... Good end, or...? Okay, so they're alive, but on Mars, and Earth is all marble-like now. ...I honestly don't know how to feel about this ending, but at least it outshone Progressive in that regard. 9.5/10.

ATTACK ON TITAN - Apparently my uncle thought Hange died last episode, so I had to explain to him that getting shot in the shoulder and slammed into a pillar isn't exactly fatal in the world of Titan. Fuck yeah, hidden cave entrances. SHIT COUNT: 2. "That light..." "It's so beautiful!" Eren's lucky he has good friends who put up with his shit. :D Half-naked weirdo. To think, if Eren hadn't been moved back as soon, he'd be only the second Bryce Papenbrook character to die from falling rubble. Kenny may be a bastard, but he's a surprisingly cool guy regardless. Yep, he's definitely suicidal. It technically ain't whiskey, but by gum Eren's definitely savin' it with this bonehead move. Take that, evil blonde lady. I don't think you're gonna outrun this earthquake, fellas. Presenting the inglorious return of the giant CGI Titans. Like I said, it was a bonehead move that saved their bacon; a true saving of the whiskey, so to speak. Thank you, Eren, for not fucking things up. WE'RE ONE STEP CLOSER TO THE BASEMENT. xD A look into Sasha's inner thoughts. I was hoping he'd call it a big-ass Titan. How big was that underground lair even? That big-ass Titan looks like he's pulling a Medical Mechanica. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "Okay watching that fucker crawl around makes me physically uncomfortable." And the conspicuous CGI makes it even more disturbing! Yeah, fuck the first king! Well he is suicidal, I'd be surprised if he didn't want to go through with it. How embarrassing, that Armin and Mikasa know Eren's dad better than his own son. Eren's basement has always been important. Yeah, screw your father and his ugly Titan ass! Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, Levi. I get your guys' point, but who's to say that her reign will be the same as what her father would've wanted it to be? It's a matter of philosophy, you see. Plus she's more than willing to kick ass if need be, royalty or no. Eh, "Reiss Titan" doesn't have the same ring to it as "Big-Ass Titan".

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE - Oh yeah, Okuyasu wasn't in last week's episode. Wonder why. :D Twat-waffle. So STAND users are like magnets, is what you're saying. Koichi's got a girlfriend~. Oh yeah, the first opening also has an EDM remix for these next two episodes. It's actually not that bad, if you like EDM. Scratch that, Koichi's about to get a girlfriend... ~. TOO LOUD OKUYASU. That is a very Toriyama face he's got. AND NOW OKUYASU IS CRYING TWIN WATERFALLS! :S Holy shit Yukako calm down it wasn't that big a deal. Walk away, boys, walk away. It isn't often that JoJo gets the drop on me, I was expecting Yukako's outburst at some point, sure, but not all that hair. At least they're back on the right foot, I suppose. What a menacing sweater. Yukako Yamagishi: Toonami's resident yandere. "Thank god for trash!" is what I say every time I watch a bad anime to get over an even worse day IRL. That class rep is gonna die. Oh no, she's definitely gonna end up like Danny. Thanks, Okuyasu. Damn you, Yukako, and your sexy evil poses. I know English can't into Japanese, and it appears to be the same in reverse. Congrats, Okuyasu, you did twice as good and yet you still failed. Thank god Josuke's the smart one. After the Lock Incident, it's of best interest to keep Koichi's family out of any STAND-related matters. I'd personally find one or two gross aspects and stick to them and nothing else. SHIT COUNT: 3. Koichi really steals? No dignity! So intense, the rating can't even handle it under ideal intensity conditions. ...Why are you wearing sweatpants? I like the Lucky Land shirt, though. HAPPY OCTOBER, KOICHI. :pumpkin: I'm scar-roused. Wherever you are, you won't be needing landlines. Sometimes I wonder who came up with the name "STAND". Yukako's your new mommy now. xD PLAY THAT ______ ONGAKU, SHIROI BOY. And the worst part is, the soap is Lifebuoy brand! Taishou C is my answer. And apparently the right one too. Easily the most hardcore English lecture in Japanese history. Oh hey, she pronounced her name correctly. Koichi has a hard life, are we sure he isn't the true protagonist of this part?

BLACK CLOVER - Last week, Noelle did the impossible for a female character in a shounen and actually improved in her natural skills. The cut for this OP is so bad, I can't even bear to look at it. At least, I can't look at the part where the cut is bad. It's one thing to deal with their individual character tics one at a time, but all together is just too much. -_- Thank god Magna's gimmick is just talking real loud with his Ian Sinclair voice, that easily makes him one of the most tolerable in moments like this. Yami don't discriminate, he'll kill anyone who pisses him off regardless of gender. Inner Noelle is surprisingly adorable. They can fly... underwater, just like Catcher Freeman before them. MY SKYPE CONNECTION! If anyone's never been scared a day in their lives, it's obviously Luck. :D I don't think I ever expected an anime to use the word "wino" unironically. Ahh, marine life. What kind of a human are you if you don't know the basic swimming strokes? Gauche standing on Asta, why am I not surprised. "You think I care?" That. That's why I'm not surprised. Nero calls dibs on getting there first. :D He's paying her in cupcakes. And now Black Clover is the music video dump region. It was only a matter of time. It's amazing how so many of these background props look photocopied in. Finally, other living things! According to ANN, Johnny Yong Bosch is one of the voices in that crowd. Yami's a real trendsetter. Hit on them while dressed like Marilyn Manson, bitches love Marilyn Manson. And there's the first real scare of the trip. The Black Bulls are nothing if not impulsive. Not two seconds of screentime, and this old man's already one of the most annoying characters on this show. THANK YOU NOELLE. I... don't think he minds it as much as you think he minds it. Bribery always works. Kill him, Yami. ...Did he just make a Price is Right reference? I hate this old man more than I hate Gauche, and that's saying something. At least the cave's internal structure and environment is varied enough to hold my interest. "It's just you and me, King Crab." Asta's gonna get tentacle raped.

HUNTER x HUNTER - I never really got the purpose of deadnaming when you aren't even changing your biological sex. FLUTE SOLO! But the question is, is Palm more or less crazy, now that we've met Yukako? We truckjacking now. Well yeah, that's how elevators work. Dang, even North Korea's elevators are hardcore. "What is that smell!?" Are you talking about your salami leg, their salami leg, his salami leg, or Carl's shoes? The answer: none of the above, it's the stench of death. :D This wolf dude is really freaking paranoid. ZENO, OUT. Gon's just ready and waiting to kill something, that something being Pitou. I can't wait to see how the asshole of the interact reacted to these foghorn-voice puppet ads. And now you know just how unkillable the APR fairy is. That right there is a pure "keep on truckin'" strut. "Whoatheregoesmybalance." SO MOVING. T_T Wait, so where's all that blood of his coming out of again? Ah yes, I remember that dinner theatre room. Oh, so he's looking to see where everyone else is. Like I said, really freaking paranoid. Good job, you did it, but only barely. Side note: what is up with wolfman's codpiece thong? Makes him look like he came out of a furry fandom reenactment of Reign: The Conqueror. Thank god this show has smart characters. Trust nobody, not even yourself. Now let's get back to our protagonists. Welp, Gon's 'bout to kill that cat dead.


I did catch up on FLCL Alternative in time for the finale, so I was able to watch it and decided that the series as a whole was pretty good. Here's a brief Twitter thread about it, since I'd rather not regurgitate my thoughts up here.

The only other show I'm currently caught up on is JoJo's, so I watched that yesterday. And now, some thoughts on the entire season thus far:

  • The whole idea of the Stand Arrow is interesting. It was previously said that a person has to have a "fighting spirit" to wield a Stand, whereas this device can give anybody one, assuming they can survive the hit. Perhaps just getting hit by an arrow like that and not dying is enough fighting to warrant a Stand's creation. Since Enyaba originally possessed the bow and arrow, did she whack all of DIO's lackeys with it one by one to give them their own? For that matter, have any villains in the whole show naturally possessed Stands? The only one I assume has is DIO himself.
  • When Jotaro told Josuke that it isn't possible for a Stand to bring back the dead, I feel like he only did that to shut him up. If not, the latter probably would've been moping for days on end, akin to Akame ga Kill!'s example with Tatsumi wanting to revive his friends with an Imperial Arms. But in that show, there was a finite number of weapons with certain abilities compared to a theoretically infinite number of Stand users, so it's possible we'll see one with an ability to reanimate the dead, even as an unintentional benefit, given enough time. It's possible Araki didn't use it by now because he thought it was too easy of a power to give, as there are quite a few Stands with abilities that can't be classified under simple tropes.
  • It wasn't explained why the Nichimura brothers wore clothes with references to money until the show revealed their backstory. That was a nice touch.
  • Those episodes had some really good horror direction. I'm sure Al enjoyed them for that reason, but I don't know if he's explicitly said so.
  • I'm surprised the protagonists let Tamami work for them even though he was a tremendous asshole. Threatening Koichi's friends and family like he did puts him on par with Dan of Steel, and he suffered one of the most intense beatdowns in the entire series. At least his Stand offers an interesting power that I'm sure can be abused under pressure.
  • Finally, I've been scouring the credits for any interesting seiyuu that were in the voice cast. It's irrelevant to the Toonami airing, but that doesn't mean it's not of personal use. So far, the only one to catch my eye is that Yuuki Kuwahara had a minor role as one of Yukako's classmates in one episode, and I think I already knew that.

For what it's worth, this is my favorite show/franchise currently on Toonami, and DiU's quality increase in just about every department has only bolstered my feelings. I feel like I could discuss it for hours on end. B|

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, Blatch said:

The whole idea of the Stand Arrow is interesting. It was previously said that a person has to have a "fighting spirit" to wield a Stand, whereas this device can give anybody one, assuming they can survive the hit. Perhaps just getting hit by an arrow like that and not dying is enough fighting to warrant a Stand's creation. Since Enyaba originally possessed the bow and arrow, did she whack all of DIO's lackeys with it one by one to give them their own? For that matter, have any villains in the whole show naturally possessed Stands? The only one I assume has is DIO himself.

The Darby brothers, at least. I'm pretty sure they'd been collecting souls for years with their creepy poker chip/puppet gimmicks before they joined up with Dio.
Also, probably the baby that Kakyoin made eat its own shit. I don't think an infant could have survived being shot with anything, regardless if it granted stands or not.
Pet Shop is a safe bet, since I don't think Granny could shoot down a live falcon with a bow and arrow with her weird two right hands.

I really hope at some point we get a flashback of Enya convincing Dio to let her shoot him in the face for power, because I desperately need to know how that conversation went.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
On 10/15/2018 at 5:12 AM, EmpressAngel said:

I really hope at some point we get a flashback of Enya convincing Dio to let her shoot him in the face for power, because I desperately need to know how that conversation went.

Are we sure it was his face she shot? While the image is amusing, considering the Joestar family's STANDs only awakened because of the World's own awakening, and that it was tied to Dio having Jonathan's body at the time, it'd be more likely that the arrow hit somewhere below his neckline.

Edited by PokeNirvash
Posted too early.

Tonight on Toonami, break out that 40% of the animation budget because it's time for Deku vs. Todoroki, store that same 40% away again because we're back in filler hell, Boruto decides to get the obligatory boys vs. girls episode out of the way before it's forced into that scenario, Goku starts officially gathering members for his Tournament of Power team, circumstances surrounding next week's new show have forced a repeat of Alternative's premiere episode in its previous timeslot for one week only, the Scouts begin their crazy plan to stop Rod Reiss's big-ass titan form from breaking through the walls, Koichi finds himself forced to use his STAND to escape Yukako's clutches, the Black Bulls begin their one-on-one battles against the Underwater Temple's best mages (the exact opposite of a battle royale, come to think of it), and let's just say that his second encounter with Pitou won't be the most assuaging for Gon.

9:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #4 - Run in the Afterlife, Goku! The One Million Mile Snake Way! - TV-PGLV

9:30 - My Hero Academia #23 - Shoto Todoroki: Origin - TV-14LV

10:00 - Naruto Shippuden #223 - The Young Man and the Sea - TV-PGL

10:30 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #4 - A Ninjutsu Battle of the Sexes! - TV-PG

11:00 - Dragonball Super #84 - Goku the Talent Scout: Recruit Krillin and Android 18 - TV-14V

11:30 - FLCL Alternative #1 - Flying Memory - TV-14LV

12:00 - Attack on Titan #46 - Ruler of the Walls - TV-14LV

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #9 - Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 2 - TV-MA

1:00 - Black Clover #43 - Temple Battle Royale - TV-PG

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #116 - Revenge and Recovery - TV-14LV

2:00 - One Punch Man #10 - Unparalleled Peril - TV-14LV

2:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #20 - Dragons Sleep Soundly - TV-14V

3:00 - Samurai Jack #4 - IV - TV-Y7FV

3:30 - Samurai Jack #5 - V - TV-Y7FV


Well, I'm now back on the forums after exiling myself for three days. I said it was for a mental health break, but the ostensible reason was because I was posting in various threads out of impulse and then quickly asking for them to be removed. I'm surprised the mods didn't get annoyed at that after a while and ban me anyway. -_-

Regardless of a deep-seated psychosis that comes and goes at random, I might pop in the Toonami folder tonight during JoJo's, but otherwise, I'll just post in here tomorrow afternoon.


To put it simply, Ben still going at it on the Animegate thread made me mad. I posted to wonder why, even though the reason should be obvious to anyone who's been on these boards for a while. I then recanted it almost immediately and then wondered if I was starting to fall off my perch as one of the only sane (well, most sane) people on the boards, so I asked for a three-day ban from the mods when reporting my post. It's over now, so this ain't a big deal.

Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Blatch said:

one of the only sane (well, most sane) people on the boards

Hey now, from my point of view you're all insane for NOT wanting to bang All Might.

Hero- Setiz I am begging you to stop seducing me here. Icy Hot no, throw the fight to piss off your hot garbage dad. God this kid needs a hug. Please don't kill each other, kids. Aaaand there's a broken finger. STOP BREAKING FINGERS GODDAMMIT. I like that his plan is "I'll break just enough of my body parts here." Deku's fighting style is basically the Black Knight from Monty Python. I'm constantly surprised that Bakugo is smart. Oh my god that was your entire damn hand, stop you idiot. Child did you just break your entire damn arm AGAIN I'm calling your mother. Uh that kinda looks like a bad thing there, Icy Hot. Not sure if garbage dad is pissed off or if that's just his face. Kid please just give up before you blow your arms just outright explode. Oh fuuuuck that's some plus ultra injury. This fight is causing me actual pain. Surprise this was therapy hour all along. Good luck try not to blast a hole in his torso. Jesus Christ I don't wanna watch the hand trauma anymore. Yeeeeah it seems really shortsided to destroy your arms in PE class like this. Hey Aizawa you wanna maybe step in here and control your students? Please stop the fight before he kills himself. Okay I get it we all love All Might but you don't have to destroy half your limbs to do it! Garbage dad is the fucking worst. I'm adopting Todoroki now. Oh he's gonna have some internal bleeding. YES WE GET IT, GARBAGE DAD IS THE FUCKING WORST. Alright, just take the Saddest Backstory trophy from every One Piece character and give it to this boy. Aaaand I'm crying. I know that Endeaor is fucking awful but I do enjoy that he's literally never not on fire. ALL MIGHT IS THE BEST DAD. Oh shit he's evolving. God I love this song. I don't even care who wins the fight, we're all winners here. GO AWAY GARBAGE DAD. I hope my curse kills him soon. Thank you Cementos. THANK YOU MIDNIGHT. Oh shit that's intense. Uhhh he might be dead. Now PLEASE get Deku some medical attention. Man, why couldn't Avdol's clothes just explode off?

Titan- Oh god it's so ugly I'm so uncomfortable. Please just kill this thing already. God Eren you suck. I like Levi silently juding him in the background. I would follow J. Michael Tatum into hell, no matter how shaky his plans may be. Fuck you guys, just listen to the soldier. Okay just let them get eaten. Someone stab it in the neck already. Oh good, Hange's here. I like her she's feisty. Yes agreed, Eren is the fucking worst. Can literally anyone else be the main character? Yes good kick your own ass and save Levi the trouble. STOP SHOWING ME THAT THING. Aw fuck. Hey maybe somebody should pick up those small children. OH GOD NOW IT'S EVEN WORSE. Levi, Mikasa, you two get in there and stab that thing. Uhh maybe you should try knocking it backwards so it doesn't destroy more of the wall. That is a ridiculous plan good luck with that. Yeah Eren just stick your entire goddamn face in there when it explodes. Don't fuck with Historia. I've had some rough arguments with my family but I've never stabbed anyone, at least I got that going for me. So hey y'all I rule you now. Oh hey, Cowboy Kenny's still around. I don't think he's gonna walk this off. Goddammit Levi this is what happens when you show mercy.

Jojo- Y'all should probably call Jotaro for help. First Avdol and Polnareff piss in a guy's mouth, now this. Joke's on you, that's her fetish. Koichi's about to get raped. I will never love anyone enough to enjoy washing their shitty underwear. Okay I'm kinkshaming Yukako. Ohhh you're going to die. Oh thank god he can get to a phone. Aw fuck you're broke. Oh hi there Yukako. I hope your arm says "CRAZY AS FUCK" as a warning. Damn Koichi is brilliant. Ohhhh she's mad she's so mad you're going to die. They figured out his location surprisingly fast. You idiot don't egg her on. Oh damn he went Home Alone on her ass. Bitches be crazy, Koichi. Aw crap she's got his hair. Congratulations, your stand evolved into Metapod! Ewww it's slimy. Well at least it looks cooler now. FWOOSH. Reverb really is just a goddamn Pokemon. Josuke is so much smarter than Joseph was back in the day. And then Koichi was Guile. You better win because if you lose she's gonna fucking kill you. Yeah the house covered in phantom hair is probably a good bet. Koichi's so fucking cool. You should probably shave her bald just to be on the safe side. Goddammit Koichi never get close to the killer. I'm afraid. You dumb bitch. Just let her die. Booooo. Oh no Koichi you're so fucked. May I suggest a restraining order. :D These sailors. Well hey at least she helped your grades.

Clover- Don't you fucking touch Zoidberg here. How dare you make me watch nine fights and don't let me see Yami destroy things. Yami just kill him. Please kill the sister fucker. Yami could not give less of a fuck. ZOIDBERG NO. Yes let Yami bet I want him to lose his clothes again. This is exhausting. I'll admit, turning into a crab is a good strategy. I do enjoy those sheep. Just eat this dolphin thing. Oh, it's that other girl I don't care about. Oh that's bullshit, everyone knows electricity beats water. "Check out this dance!" alright show that's the fastest you've ever made me hate someone. Just let them kill Noelle. God you still can't aim for shit you dumb bitch. I can't imagine how you'd feel remorse attacking anyone in this show. Just kill Asta. This is painful to watch. Yami I'm sorry but I have to blame you for this. You're gross, old man. Someone just kill each other already so we can get on with it. Aw fuck it's an excuse to drag this on longer.

Hunter- Hiiiii shirtless Knuckle. Time to punch a cat to death. I feel like it's kinder just to let the little girl die. Ohhhh he's so fucking mad. Uh kiddo I think you're a little late to help Kite. So do y'all not see that terrifying monster surgeon thing? Okay so they do see the monster thing. Uh hey Gon you okay there buddy? Man, Grandpa was unhelpful as fuck wasn't he. Killua's about to have a mental breakdown here. UH HEY GON YOU OKAY THERE BUDDY? Someone hug this child. I got a real bad feeling about this. I think Gon's about to explode. This is all Grandpa's fault. I'm okay with the cat going full Deku on this. Gon is very much not okay here. I GOT A REAL BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS. Kiddo you might be too calm here. Might wanna break all the cat's limbs anyway just to be safe. Oh he's just gonna sit here and murderstare the shit out of you. Oh no Killua where'd you go.

Edited by EmpressAngel

MY HERO ACADEMIA - Again... what the fuck Todoroki's mom. O.o Of course Deku looks completely nervous in his picture. You aren't even gonna bother saying their first names, Mic? AND WE'RE OFF TO THE RACES! Damn Deku you crazy. "I'll kill you." Yeah... no you won't. Huh, I never considered Bakugo to be one who thought things through. You think there's something symbolic about how he uses his middle finger first? Welp, so much for the rest of your chances. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: "Not sure if garbage dad is pissed off or if that's just his face." Knowing what little of Endeavor that I do, it's probably both. Even Bakugo is astounded by his resolve. Using the same finger twice? Damn, the bones in that digit have to be shattered at this point, if not a fine powder. Guys, I think something inside Deku just broke. Holy shit I literally just noticed the letters "UA" on their uniforms. I don't think I'll ever get used to Bakugo being analytical and shit. :o KIDNEY SHOT. Eraserhead knows what's up. Err, mostly. He lives to meet others' expectations while exceeding his own; that's what separates the champions from the chumps. SURPRISE HEADBUTT! That's cuttin' it deep, Deku. And, to no one's surprise, Endeavor is an abusive piece of shit. Pause... STOMACH PUNCH. I mean, I can understand the red-haired one looking more like him, but the others? I dunno... "Where did Mama go?" She went to the asylum, boy. And thus began the greatest father-son hateship of our time. All Might really is everyone's surrogate dad. FUCK YEAH YOU SAY RUN. Endeavor may not be the most likable man (or likable at all), but good lord do I love his face here. Everyone's a little crazy inside. What a waste of a perfectly good catsuit. YES YES YES YES. YUTAKA NAKAMURA SAKUGA SPOTTED. Now that's what I call an explosive finish. :D And she lost her mask too, not that it mars my opinion of her any. Welp... that's a ring-out. Really took their time showing the episode title, huh. Seriously, though, I had a huge stupid grin on my face for the past couple minutes there. This show really knows how to hype you up. And here's the episode in a nutshell.

Is there a reason the narrator pronounces "Boruto" as "Baruto"?

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - A designated building for bathroom facilities. As to be expected from a village that missing most of its indoor plumbing. Did he mispronounce "prophesized" on purpose? And when he does meet Sasuke again, he's gonna break all the bones in his body to show him how he feels. NOBODY EXPECTS GUY-SENSEI. Umi da! You may be filled in later, but at least you'll be filled in sometime. A long an arduous journey, sounds like prime real estate for a batch of filler episodes. The bad news is there is no crew. I'm sure Guy can kick the ass of whatever it is they have to face. Assuming he isn't still seasick by the time they face it. "I don't sea anything." NINJA SWORDFISH. Not even Guy-sensei expects the Thousand Years of Death! Check it out, a filler character with two-toned hair. "I can't make signs like this!" No, but that's what Yamato's for. THE BIRDS NO JUTSU. You ever wonder what an anime where everyone is drawn in the same artstyle as laid-back Saitama is like? Then Mob Psycho 100 might be the anime for you. If there's one thing I've learned about fishermen from anime, it's that they're stubborn as all get out. Internal combustion engines? In my ninja anime? It's more likely than you think. And of course, there's a tragic backstory to go with it. Ninjas got him into this mess, and ninjas will get him out. Ah, ninjutsu: man's best substitute for modern technology. STROKE ME STROKE ME. It ain't filler if Naruto's not on the short end of the stick at least once, be it him or a lookalike. Well, he's right about him being a "showboat", at least. Whatever you do, don't go past the fifth gate. I dunno, that's a lotta line. Never get in the way of a fisherman's stubbornness. There's your Free Willy moment, hope y'all are happy. How long has that giant shuriken been in its forehead like that? For what it's worth, that was a nice sunset. And so the journey begins, for real this time.

BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - I'm not surprised that Konohamaru can summon frogs. Someone sure got popular with the ladies during the timeskip. ;) It's nice to see that Bort takes after his father in terms of idiocy. And then there's Shino's family, who have loads of bugs living inside their clothes. I don't remember Temari ever having a summoning animal. Boruto confirmed for the type of guy who'd think of Orochimaru as cool first, creepy second. It's nice to see Choji's daughter takes the fatness acknowledgement better than he ever could. Yeah... rumors. WHAT A DRAG COUNT: 1. "Don't do anything childish." You guys are children! Who'd have thought Konohamaru would mature to the point where he finds the shit he did as a kid completely cringey? These two are more alike than they'd ever admit to being. Who else but Choji's daughter? Huh, so that's what "you snooze, you lose" means. GENDER FIGHT! I'd never have pictured Shino being so passionate. The people in this Pixel 3 commerical are so damn stupid, I'm surprised they even know how to use a phone. Iwabe is one of my favorites in this show, and that's mostly because of his voice actor. No one ever listens to Shino. :( "She's got the Uchiha blood, with none of their mental problems." His jutsu is Hollywood hacking. BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAP. "What does this button do?" You'd think the melting would scare them even more, but I guess now. "Leave it to the girls to think of cutting us off." Says the guy whose mother denied him dinner last episode. Gotta love the between-the-legs slide. Denki's gonna get /ss/ed. The deaths are symbolic, Shikadai. I had a feeling that summoning lesson would come in handy. ...Or maybe not. This girl's gonna be a future pyromaniac. Good news, it worked. Bad news, it worked too well. Thanks, Konohamaru. And, like in every boys vs. girls episode that came before, and all the ones that'll come after, the girls win. So what was the prize again? Yakisoba buns, apparently. Yeah... I don't think they're ready to clean that up. Why hello there, stranger.

DRAGONBALL SUPER - I still wanna eat that red rice Beerus is chowing down on. Sometimes I forget that Krillin's a cop. Law enforcement is all about adeptness in multiple fields. If I hadn't said it before, I'll say it now: Krillin really won out in the love interest lottery for this franchise. Ohhhh so they hadn't told them yet. You shouldn't whisper so loud, Goku. Well that move was surprisingly smart. WAVES AND ROCKS~. Gohan knows the Krillin Owned Counter all too well. Goku's not very good with numbers, that's the reason for the extra zero. :D Out of the mouths of babes. Look out for his penultimate technique! I wonder what disturbing image he saw in the flash... KRILLIN WINS. Okay, so it's 100 Friezas in the shower, then. No one ever expects anything from Krillin anymore, not after the KOC got destroyed a few months ago. Man, Goku really does look evil this season. Only Mr. Satan would put his face on a building. Let's be real here, most people are already outmatched against Goku. Oh hey, a Dragonball flashback. Krillin's voice sounded strange back then. A Solar Flare-Destructo Disk combo? Nice, I love me some combo moves. Sometimes, doing better than you think is the best you can do. Fight strong and fight smart, that's the motto for this tournament. TWIN KAMEHAME-HA. Turns out he was trembling in excitement. Goku doesn't do teamwork well. Aaaaaaand now he's lost interest. :D Out of the mouths of babes, again. Holy shit, Goku really did never meet 17, did he? He's ranging the shit out of a park somewhere. "I'm surprised to find out that 17 loves animals so much." He got that from 16 and his love of the birds. Oh hey new ending theme.

Now why would you order the hot wings and not any water? I swear, the people behind these commercials have less common sense than your average harem protagonist.

ATTACK ON TITAN - "How can we evacuate the people in such a short time?" "We don't." This Titan-vision is cool and all, but what's that bright glow he's seeing on the horizon? Oh, it's just houselights. That guy sounds like Mr. Satan. So that's how Abnormals work. I think you have to physically touch the Titan in order for it to work, dumbass. The way that old man's arms are placed, it looks like he's forcibly copping a feel off of that one military chick. That is one awfully grotesque Titan. FUCK YOUR TREES. You should know by now that Erwin is a gambling man. I enjoy Hange's enthusiasm. :) She's suggesting that if she helps kick the big-ass Titan's big ass right here and now, the people will know she isn't all talk. Well, at least they're putting holes in it. Okay Eren I know you're not the best main character but you're being just a little too hard on yourself. TRUMP CARD COUNT: 1. I'm not sure which one of the three the blonde girl's supposed to represent. Sure feels weird being on the other side of a situation you yourself were in once. :D He's beating the crap out of himself. He's the worst and he knows damn well of it. Called it too soon, Garrison Satan. That feel when you have no face. Ugh, falling organs. That self-beating clearly did something for Eren, he even sounds like a new man. Erwin looks pretty badass with just the one arm. That's a plan crazy enough to either work or get us all killed, probably both at once. BOTH IT IS! It's easy to see why people love watching this show, even if they don't think it's all that good. FUCK YEAH PATRICIDE. It's honestly amazing how far Historia's come along since the days in which we knew her only as Krista. Meanwhile, Kenny's just spent the entire day wandering around with a slowly leaking stomach wound and a nasty burn on half of his face. SHIT COUNT: 4. Oh shit he's got the make-a-Titan kit.

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE - "And from the sound of things, they're close to calling the police." What good will Koichi's dog do in this situation? :D She even booby-trapped the bathroom with history questions. The answer's 1492, it's not that difficult. Begging her's not gonna work. In fact, it made her want you even more! How much crazier can you get with a girl after a strange turn-on for soiled undergarments? The answer: a homemade electric chair. Mmm, Italian. Morioh's certainly bigger and more seaside than I expected. Fuck yeah, a payphone! "Oh, of all the times to be out of pocket change!" NOBODY EXPECTS OUTDOORS YUKAKO. And to no one's surprise, she's psychic. He wasn't planning on using the emergency button, so go ahead and destroy it, see if he cares any more than he already does. :D Smart thinking there, Koichi. Oh great, now she's even more in love with him after that stunt. JOY BUZZER DOOR HANDLE, GO! That's our Koichi, finding creative ways to solve his problems. Too bad for him, Yukako's as yandere as you can get, short of going full Yuno Gasai. Aww shit, his STAND's gone into hibernation. If he was dead, you'd be dead too. Vaping is safer than BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP. Turns out it's just molting. REVERB has evolved into SEMI-PERFECT REVERB. And now Yukako's blasting off again. :D Fwoosh. Josuke and Okuyasu have arrived. Time for a character development self-haircut. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "And then Koichi was Guile." Alternately, von Stroheim. "Hey, I think it's that house!" "Gee, ya think?" Yep, she's gonna fuck his corpse if it comes to that. KABOOM. It shocked her so bad, her hair turned white. I guess the lesson to learn here is, don't fuck with a yandere. And like Polnareff before him, Koichi's now the target of threats towards his genitalia. SHIT COUNT: 2. :D BOIOIOING. Truly he is the perfect man for you, and yet you can't have him. So why isn't he the protagonist again? You gotta love local urban legends. Koichi get a feeling so complicated.

BLACK CLOVER - I think my main problem with the old temple master guy is the look on his face. There's something off about his eyes. I bet Yami's staying behind to fight the creepy old man himself. Asta might not be good for much magic-wise, but at least he can lift. Never mind, he's staying behind to drink some booze and watch his men try not to get killed with the creepy old man. BASTARD COUNT: 1. Of course Luck isn't intimidated. Just because they have the least gold stars, it doesn't mean they're weak. Quit laughing and talking about your toes, old man. :D Never underestimate the Black Bulls. "There, now that's done, we can move on to much more important things." Like Marie? "Like getting back to Marie." As I thought. Water numerals, how fun. :D Finral's actually fun to watch whenever he isn't fantasizing about/actually hitting on the ladies while the rest of the Black Bulls show off their running gags at the same time. Yep, definitely like wuss Finral better than casanova wannabe Finral. :D Yami, you magnificent bastard. Mmm, crabs. That's some surprisingly meaty seafood you've got there. It's best you know not to get between Charmy and her food. Okay, I'm 99.9% convinced that lady mage is the surprisingly annoying idol chick from a few episodes ago. Okay, now I'm 100% convinced. "I headed this way 'cause I thought I was picking up on something pretty strong. Turns out it's just you." I'm confused, does water beat electricity, or is it the other way around? ASTA THE EEL SLAYER. NEXT MATCH: the magic of never giving up vs. the magic of interpretive dance. I like this dancing swordfish dude. As I thought, he was human this entire time. 101% CONVICTION. What if Buu had the mentality of his Majin form but the appearance of his Super form? The answer lies in next week's episode. When you really think about it, all friends wind up being rivals at one point or another. Here's an idea, try not aiming for her, an attack like that's bound to hit her eventually. Huh, so she has gotten better, supposedly. You gotta move like water, Asta. :D You've got the right idea but the wrong application. Nice, she won while everyone's attention was directed elsewhere. They're only junior rank because they cause too much collateral damage for any sane person to promote them. Oh, so the third one's his son. Aaaaand his grimoire looks like the notebook of a teenage girl whose favorite book was The Rainbow Fish. Oh crap, it's that Midnight Sun dude with the literal yellow skin.

It's a stupid-sounding jingle, no wonder you're flubbing it up at every attempt.

HUNTER x HUNTER - Definitely looks like he was off-screen giving him the finger there. Oh wow, it actually cut her open to operate. Shlee can feel Gon's rage from there. Damn this kid is intense. Please don't make me think of naked Pitou, I have standards for god's sake. You'd be surprised at how much the ants have matured while you were gone. Shiiiiiiit. Nobody knows what Pitou is doing, except the narrator and Killua. Huh, this is a new song. Every word you say cuts into Gon's skin like a million little knives, or however that analogy goes. No one ever expected Komugi. And then Pitou learned what it truly means to fear someone. Those are not the eyes of a sane boy. AND THAT'S NOT THE VOICE OF ONE EITHER. I don't think logical thinking's gonna work on him at this point, Killua. Wow, all this tension's sapping my ability to make shoddy attempts at witty comments, it's just that captivating. Welp, that's a crisis of conscience. Like I said. Too tense for words. "I've calmed down now." Have you, Gon? Have you? That kid drives an extremely hard bargain. Only four cast members this episode, that has to be a new record.


Since the block was well underway by the time I posted the last threefer, I decided to take a nap and listen to Coast to Coast AM instead. The slated guests covering the topics of the origins of Halloween, empirical methodology toward ghost hunting, and stories of werewolves in Britain made that decision easier than it could've been. Now for another threefer.

MHA - In the last couple weeks, I've started reading the MHA manga. Here are some things which struck me about it so far. When the slime villain was trying to take over Bakugo, the expression on Bakugo's face right before Izuku sprang into action looked different than what I saw in the show. In the show, it looked like he was angrily struggling, but the expression in that manga panel conveyed fear and panic, because he realized he couldn't save himself. Another thing was that when Izuku mutters while taking notes or thinking through something out loud, the speech bubbles are ringed with repetitions of the word "mutter." Two things about Ochako are that 1. the lack of shading on her hair makes me think that her hair should be lighter than the shade of brown she has in the show, and 2. her name is fully appropriate for her usual bubbly personality since it translates to "tea girl pretty day." Tsu is short at 4' 11", but Mineta is downright tiny at 3' 7". Contrast that to All Might's hero form, which is over 7' 2". Two Minetas stacked on top of each other are still shorter than All Might's hero form. The map of the USJ training ground showing who was where clarified who people are by some trait, such as Aoyama being bellybutton, Shoji being octopus, and Momo being sexy girl. Last, for now, is that I think "young Midoriya" works better than "Midoriya, kid."

The other matches were quick compared to Izuku's. Fumikage pushed Momo out of bounds before she could formulate a plan. Mina also made short work of Aoyama. Iida v. Mei was hilarious, because she used it to showcase her inventions to support company reps. Kaminari was completely overwhelmed by Shiozaki (vine girl). I had a big smile on my face when one of the characters noted that Kirishima v. 4x Tetsu was going to take a while.

I was ready for Bakugo v. Ochako at the end, but I was also nervous for her, like Iida and Izuku were. I was impressed that she turned down Izuku's offer to assist her by providing information about Bakugo's Quirk and fighting style, choosing to take him on with only her powers and strategy, for her pride as a heroine.

Oh, so Mei does have a quirk. Seeing a great distance (up to 5 km) with Zoom is presumably a simple visual magnification that she can control. For one, this Quirk probably helps her in creating her devices, since there are doubtlessly many small components that would be easier to place when she sees them enlarged. For another, at the genome level, if the genetic component of her Quirk could be identified, then it could be useful in enacting gene therapies for nearsightedness.

The interaction between Mt. Lady and Kamui Wood outside was fun, with Kamui Wood chastising her to focus on her duty of crowd control instead of watching the matches.

Bakugo v. Ochako was good, and her plan wasn't quite what I thought. I noticed that it looked like Bakugo's explosions were doing more damage to the ring than to her, so I thought she was going to levitate the portion on which he was standing, since it was no longer firmly attached to the rest of the ring. I, like most others in the show, didn't notice that there was too little debris in the ring. Aizawa saw it, but I feel like his elevated seat in the booth gave him a better chance to see it, since it was clusters of stuff floating up from out of the smoke clouds, which we didn't have the chance to see. However, it was a gamble, because we know that prolonged use of her Quirk makes her nauseous and fatigued, so her collapsing from overdoing it after the plan didn't work is fully plausible. She took away a good lesson about the need for thorough planning, but we also saw the limitation of Recovery Girl's power, in that she can't heal an exhausted person. Recovery Girl's power uses energy/stamina from the injured person's body, and if it isn't there to use, then it can leave them worse than they were by draining them into a coma, or perhaps merely into hypothermia, which in Ochako's case would've been worse than the majority of the cuts, scrapes and bruises she had from fighting Bakugo.

It was funny that Kirishima and 4x Tetsu's proper match ended in a stalemate, presumably because there's a time limit on the matches. Settling the bout with arm-wrestling was okay.

My recording didn't get the first five minutes of Izuku v. Shouto, but dang, that was intense. Izuku was determined, but it was gruesome when he reused broken fingers and utterly pulverized them. I can fully believe he'd scream in pain when using a Smash with a hand of already-broken fingers. When he finally convinced Shouto to use his full power, I can appreciate that it was a sign of respect, but it also showed how much behind Izuku is with mastery of his power.

One thing didn't jive with me from Shouto's side, though. More than once, he used ice backstops to stay in the ring, but ice is very slick (since the ice was made of large, rapidly formed crystals, I doubt he had time to make the surfaces heavily textured for additional traction), and the crystals were angled up and in the same direction of Shouto's travel. Given the speed at which he would've been moving, it's quite believable that he would've slid up what was essentially a steep ramp and continued on out of the ring.

Shouto's home life when he was younger was not the horrible incident of guilt I imagined, but it was bad both for him and his mom. She was trapped in a loveless, arranged marriage with someone who was emotionally and physically abusive, and all she could see when she looked at her children, especially Shouto, was the product of the plans of her awful husband. While it was terrible that she snapped and scalded Shoto's face, it was also bad that Endeavor beat her into hospitalization afterward. He's a garbage person, a worse husband, and an overbearing father. I very much disliked that he got the satisfaction of seeing Shouto use his fire powers in the match.

When Izuku and Shoto demolished all the barriers Cementos and Midnight put between them, that was amazing, and I can fully believe that the blow-back would propel Izuku out of the ring. The hits Izuku did land on Shouto and the several times he smacked into one of his ice backstops probably left him with injuries he'll need Recovery Girl to heal before his next match.

While we know that Izuzu was banking on wearing down Shoto's stamina, I like that Bakugo spoke of the principle at work in Izuku's plan; Quirks are part of a person and using one wears down the person physically. It's a good reminder that Bakugo isn't always consumed with rage and grudges. The outcome of the match could be much like in YYH's demon-world tournament, where someone who could've won it all was so exhausted in an earlier match that they lost to someone notably weaker in the next match.

We know that Izuku avails himself of Recovery Girl's powers for his wounds, so I must wonder why Aizawa hasn't been to her for his broken arms yet. It has been many days, if not weeks, in the show since the USJ incident. Surely he could've gone back to her for his arms several days apart. Yes, he did use her to save his eyes, but surely, even as tired as he looks, it wouldn't take so much of his stamina that he couldn't have gone back for additional treatment by now.

Shippuden - I'm fine with the "key" on Gerotora being able to tighten or loosen seal on the Nine Tails. The fact that the seal was designed by Minato to let some of the Nine-Tails' chakra escape (this could be the reason for Naruto's "whiskers" ) so Naruto could get used to it and eventually master it says to me that Minato thought that Naruto would need this power at some point to protect Konoha. If memory serves, one of the toads (Fukasaku, maybe?) said the Nine Tails' power is generated by mixing its chakra and its Will of Hate. I forget if it was mentioned in the show yet, but the number of tails on a Tailed Beast reflects its relative power. The Nine-Tails being the most powerful one means that hate is the most powerful will amongst the Tailed Beasts. Jiraiya and Naruto seeking to overcome the hate in the Ninja World means they were/are seeking to find a power greater than it. Thus, for Naruto to be able to separate the Nine Tails' chakra from its hate means he must be motivated by something stronger than hate.

Naruto accepting the key was okay, but mostly for the discomfort of the storage process, including Fukasaku kicking Gerotora down his throat.

Oh, so this is what Jingles meant about Kabuto and pants snakes. Of course Kabuto would learn the reanimation jutsu, but what I want to know is from where he got the DNA samples to convert several murdered people into bodies for the slain Akatsuki members. Because of spoiler knowledge, I can think of two people who could've been in last coffin to persuade Tobi to ally with Kabuto. Kabuto wants Sauce in exchange for his cooperation, but Tobi will only give Sauce up after he has played his part in the coming war. I feel like Sauce would be far from okay with that arrangement and would stop cooperating with Tobi were he to learn of this agreement.

Yes, Anko and her team tracked Kabuto, so they got a lead on the Akatsuki's hideout, but why would he lead them there? It sounded to me like two people on Anko's team, one Hyuga and maybe an Aburame, were both voiced by Shikamaru's v.a.

I don't remember the next episode very well, but I do remember that Killer B and Naruto were both sent on their way to an island so the former could help the latter gain control over his Tailed Beast. Plus, Kisame got some useful information whilst hiding in Samehada, but I don't know how he could send it to the other Akatsuki members from inside Samehada.

The swordfish with a literal sword for a nose felt like a filler story. Still, when I saw the animal's eye, it looked like it was under Rinnegan influence, but somehow the eye was red instead of a pale purple. A red eye makes me think of a Sharingan, but it was like none we've seen yet, but we know that Uchihas excel with shuriken, and Sauce even used a Demon Wind one back in O.G. Naruto, so Imma go ahead and blame this rampaging beast on some dead Uchiha. However, if this animal has blockaded this port for 15 years, then that's long enough that I would think the sailors, shippers, and fishers would've abandoned the town years ago, since this creature made it impossible for them to pursue their livelihoods.

Boruto - Ino's kid is brutally honest. The purple-haired class rep is clearly smitten with Boruto, and I want to know whose kid she is. Shikadai is almost a clone of his dad - he even stole Shikamaru's phrase.

Boruto was second on the basic physical skills assessment. Okay, but the top kid is on his third time through, so he should be the best, since he has had taijutsu and ninjutsu instruction twice already (maybe genjutsu as well?). The boys fighting during lunch could be fine unless sparring is prohibited by school rules, but it did spill over into class time. Boruto was on the nose that the dude failed the second time due to not learning from his mistakes from the first time. The dude using his weapon despite saying he wouldn't broke his own rule. I do like that Ino's kid intervened at that point to make the fight fair again. We should remember that this was a potentially deadly match between preteens with kunai and shuriken. Of course Boruto was able to convince the dude to apply himself and impress the other students with his skills.

Hinata was a good home-schooling mom, since she made Boruto study a lot every day of his suspension. I must wonder how Hinata and Naruto didn't learn from the Uchihas' mistakes. Hinata and Naruto taught Boruto taijutsu and ninjutsu, including Shadow Clones, before entering the Academy. Too much pressure to excel was part of what made Sauce a dick. Sure, the major part was the murder of his clan, but the pressure to live up to Uchiha standards was part of it too, and especially so once he became the only one left to uphold those standards.

I'm unclear on something about Boruto's name. Should it be Hyuga? I know that part of giving Naruto the name Uzumaki was to hide his relation to Minato from him, but I thought that families bore the surname of the mother in several Eastern countries, including Japan. Thus, while he has the surname of his grandmother Kushina, I feel like Boruto and Himawari should properly be named Hyuga.

Metal showed his skills when he was possessed by the shadow snake. It took the teamwork of three classmates and a clever deception to stop him. I don't know why he's self-conscious about his ability when he's watched, though, because he has great skills and impressive physical power.

Thank you, Boruto. It only took two instances of your Byakugan activating for you to ask your mom about it (I can support the adult Hinata getting more screentime. She's a pretty lady). At least you realized what it could be after it happened twice.

Temari doesn't just wear the pants in the Nara home. She also makes the men wear frilly tutus.

Yes, the idea of boys v. girls was a drag, Shikadai.

Boruto was dumb to try a jutsu before he knew how it works. I was a little surprised that he could make use of a scroll which was obviously for Enma, Hiruzen's summon. This is a possible spoiler, so...


regarding Shino noting that it took an impressive amount of chakra for Boruto to succeed in that summon, I once read that the Uzumaki family was an offshoot of the Senju clan. You know, the same Senjus who produced the first, second and fifth Hokage. Thus, at least in regard to Boruto's lineage, he has the potential for tremendous chakra of his own.

I saw an obvious solution to Boruto and Sarada fighting over the last yakisoba bun once Chou-Chou arrived: either Boruto or Sarada could've offered to buy Chou-Chou something else she wanted in exchange for one of the sandwiches she had.

I saw one way for the capture the flag contest to end very differently with the same outcome. Shino said the other team had to do what the winner said, but since the timid class rep was the one who actually secured the flag, it could be determined that she, individually, was the winner, and she could've told the boys to be quieter and more focused during school hours. That would be a win for everyone, but especially the teachers.

Poor Shino gets no respect, but I'm not sure that a bunch of preteen girls fawning over Konohamaru is any better for him. That would make for a lot of awkward class time.


DBS - Oh. So that's why he's called Top. Okay. Dude was tough, too. I think Gohan approved of his speeches and poses because they reminded Gohan of his Great Saiyaman routine.

As for Top's ally, Jiren, being stronger, it's bad news for the other universes, but it should be good fightan' eyecandy.

Goku had a point. 40 hours isn't much time to assemble a 10-man team. Of course, all the universes are under the same time constraint, so at least it's nominally fair in that regard.

Thinking about how four of the universes were exempt from the consequences of failure due to having a high enough average power level, the easy way to consider that is what the show wants us to think: that there are lots of really strong fighters there. However, there's another way to get that: have very few weak people. Throughout DB and DBZ, Goku has been saving weak people from stronger aggressors. He's even used various wishes to bring back large numbers of dead weaklings. Especially with Cell and Kid Buu, they were set to go on galactic, or even intergalactic, rampages, but Gohan and Goku stopped those killing sprees. If we think of the Seventh Universe having a lower average power level, it could well be because Goku has been too good at stopping nefarious parties who would've killed planet after planet, star system after star system, or even galaxy after galaxy, meaning there are billions, maybe trillions, more beings around to count in the average, which would likely trend it downward. So, in a way, at least the Seventh Universe is in danger because Goku fought to protect the weak, which he wouldn't have done without that brain-scrambling blow to the head when he was a baby. If not for that rock, the Seventh Universe could've been safe as a whole, but with billions or trillions of more dead within it killed by residents of it.

I laughed when Yamcha thought that Goku would recruit him.

Whis is the best maternity ward nurse/doctor/midwife. That was even easier than being put under for a C-section. Now Vegeta can fight in the tournament. Be a good big brother, Trunks.

Yep, Krillin is crafty, but he did fly for the maximum Solar Flare. I think no flying is a crap rule in the tournament. It's something they can do by mastering their energy, not due to some external device.

You're a bad liar, Goku, and 18 will surely see through you before long. She did catch the detail of the prize money amount changing. I trust that if Universe 7 survives, Mr. Satan will be stuck with 18 and Krillin's bill.

I'm cool with game warden 17.

FLCL: Alternative - I have all of them, but haven't started watching them yet. I actually hadn't watched all of the block's episodes from the night of the 13th, let alone last week's stuff, until this Friday.

AoT 3: Third time's a charm - Okay, so an ancestor of the Reiss family was the titan who could do the crystallization trick so well that it made the Walls to protect humanity. Fine, but I have no idea how getting some injection and eating the current sucessor of the Founding Titan transfers that titan's inherited memories of how the world formerly was. Also, how did the Reiss family discover that this transfer was possible? You gave us some some whos, whats, and whens, but not much in the way of hows or really any whys, show. My impression is that someone created the titans to be the common enemy which would cause humanity to form a united front, so they would stop having "petty squabbles" and wars amongst themselves (which clearly didn't work, judging by the number of humans suffering and dying at the hands of other humans this season), but the titans were too powerful. The intention may have been good, but we know what road has that pavement.

Krista had a valid point. The Founding Titan and the heirs of its knowledge supposedly could've used its other powers to eradicate the titans at any time in the past century, but none of them did. Her dad didn't even have the courage to take up the power himself, forcing one daughter to do it in his stead and now trying to get another daughter to do it again. Good on Krista for refusing her dad's plan. I'm not sure what terrible consequence we'll have now that her dad did lick some of the injection fluid for part one of the process, but I presume that Eren, who was going to wimp out to Krista as "atonement" for what Dr. Jeager did, will fight her dad. Whether he'll complete the process to harness all the powers and memories of the Founding Titan remains to be seen.

Thanks to that "armor" vial, Eren can do the crystallization trick as well now. The breaches at Shiganshina may be able to be closed, and we may finally get to learn what's in the Jeager basement. I think that both Armin and Mikasa expressing their belief that Dr. Jeager wouldn't have killed those members of the Reiss family without good reason did a lot to help Eren's state of mind. Maybe the punches he gave himself did the rest. Here's hoping he won't whine so much from here onward.

Dang, Krista's dad's titan form was huge and grotesque. I can believe that such spindly limbs wouldn't be able to lift that huge torso off the ground without grabbing something sturdy, like a Wall, to help pull itself up. I was a little surprised that it couldn't lift all of its face off the ground as it pulled itself along, though. When it did stand up to reveal its face, it was very gross and more than a little unsettling, though believable, that it didn't actually have one, because the ground abraded it away. Still that made Eren's part with the many barrels of gunpowder easier, since it didn't need to open its mouth. I'm glad that Krista was the one to find the piece containing her dad. Presumably, his spinal fluid could still be used to give Eren all the Founding Titan's powers, if they want to do that for some reason.

Yes, I can believe that the Scouts couldn't engage Krista's dad's titan without a plan when it was putting off enough heat to ignite green trees in a lush landscape, meaning not under a drought.

Hange was on it, thinking up a plan while still wounded and in a transport wagon. When Erwin described her injuries as not being serious, I noted that this was coming from a man who was still shouting orders with one arm in a titan's mouth last season, so his assessment should be taken with at least a teaspoon of salt.

Kenny sure was wrecked. Here's hoping that injection isn't the same thing that gave Eren his Shifter powers, or Levi might need to be quick on that trigger.

When Mikasa called Levi a smug runt, I don't think she realized she was talking about some kind of cousin.

Krista may be the last member of the Reiss bloodline. If so, she has no one to teach her how to erase memories, so if she can't or doesn't choose to figure that out on her own, then that power would be lost from humanity forever, given that she's unlikely to have children of her own should Ymir ever return to be with her.

JoJo: Diamond - All I remember about the first of these three is that there were telltale peg or dowel ends readily visible on the Josuke version of the puppet which Jotaro should've spotted instantly and thus known it wasn't actually Josuke.

I still haven't watched the last two JoJo episodes, but I need to get this posted. They and FLCL: Alternative will be in future posts. Hopefully the JoJos will be with tonight's shows, but I have no idea when I'll start on Alternative.


BC - The new girl who is evidently associated with the underwater temple (merwoman? Atlantean?) had a nice singing voice. As for wanting to be an idol for the fame and fortune, it may seem a little shallow, but I can't fully fault her for wanting to be successful at something she enjoys doing. After all, if you love what you do for a job, you never have to work a day in your life.

Yes, show. We remember that Noelle's siblings were terrible to her growing up. They not only denigrated her for her control problems, but they also blamed her for their mother's death, stopping just short of saying they would have preferred that she would've died instead. Thus, yes, she had no truly good memories to use for a focal point, but her misfit teammates gave her that instead.

While Asta's advice to Noelle did result in a powerful spell and a new entry in her grimoire, it was a good thing she did it in an open area when there were very few people nearby, because if something did go wrong, they were relying on Asta's anti-magic and reaction time to protect bystanders, and masses of water can do a lot of harm in a short amount of time.

It's been nice to hear Grey speak when disguised as other teammates, but I can't help but feel bad for Gordon. He's sad and lonely with only Wilson-esque rock drawings to keep him company after the rest of the squad ditched him.

I don't remember much from the second episode except that Noelle was able to get everyone to the underwater temple safely and Asta broke through some magical barrier. Oh, and the priest of the temple had seafolk mages to challenge the Bulls for the magical stone.

Okay, so they weren't seafolk, but rather people with masks. With that in mind, it's a good thing the new girl was able to sing Charmy to sleep before Charmy became an unwitting cannibal.

I found it interesting that the new girl said that Noelle's aim issues aren't what she thinks they are. She's subconsciously missing by design, trying to scare off her opponents, because she doesn't want to hurt people with her magic.

Wait a minute, show. Luck was absolutely right. A water magic shield, especially one made in a marine environment (which would be an ionic slurry of dissolved substances), shouldn't do anything against a lightning attack. Even when it's chemically pure, water is still a somewhat polarized molecule, meaning it conducts electricity, like lightning, readily. The risk of accidental shock is why hair appliances have labels warning not to use them in a filled bathtub. I know it's a show dealing with magic, but it's magic that manipulates a real, physical substance with known properties, and the show is saying that the magic negates those properties, but if it did, then it would be even harder to get the substance to do what the mage wants it to do, because the molecules of it would then repel one another, making it harder for them to form a coherent shield. So, no, show. Just no.

Of course once someone mentioned the Midnight Sun, they had to show up in the same episode.

In the new OP, I was surprised to see a Bull with light blue hair. By process of elimination, that had to be Gray. I wonder if that is how he actually looks.

HxH - See, Knuckle? With one hit that Youpi couldn't even tell he landed, he paid back nearly half of his total debt. You need to stay hidden until the interest amounts are in the tens of thousands, which is to say no sooner than 11 minutes (well, that long had Youpi not landed the hit on Knuckle). In real time, that would be about half an episode, but with all the thought time, narration time, and shifting to other characters, it'd be at least five episodes, I'd say. Trust that Shoot can hold his own or escape, if necessary, and let your power have what it needs to work: time.

Uh oh. Ikalgo called lion dude Hagya instead of Leol, so that might be inconsistent with what dragonfly guy would say. The jig might be up for Ikalgo.

If we hadn't already seen Morel's superhuman breath control, I'd call shenanigans on him intentionally not breathing in Pouf's hypnotic wing scales for that long.

The C.A. King isn't just taking this outside. He's having Zeno take it to somewhere other than the palace.

Ah, good. Killua found Gon. I took Netero's gesture to Gon to mean that Pitou was in the direction Netero indicated. Oh, wait. If Gon goes that way and finds Pitou, then he'll be faced with the moral dilemma of whether to attack Pitou while the conditions are advantageous, meaning while Dr. Blythe is in effect, and raise Gon's chances of killing Pitou outright, which could doom the injured Komugi, or wait for Komugi to be healed and face a fully-prepared Pitou. We know that neither Gon nor Killua have any association with Komugi, and we know that Zoldycks are taught to accept collateral damage as part of the assassination business, but Gon, by having to consider the welfare of this stranger at his own risk, is set to be tested as to how good a person he truly is.

Hm, Shoot didn't fare nearly as well on his own as I thought he would, so Knuckle did need to intervene and let Meleoron go do his invisible thing alone.

Youpi, all you need to know about APR is that the longer interest does its thing, the harder it is to pay off a debt. Still, I doubt Knuckle will be able to win. The power difference is too vast.

Hm, so Ikalgo merely moves the decaying bodies of others. He can't use his nen to suppress the stench of the rotting flesh. It makes sense that Welfin would nearly be floored by the odor, but how do others not notice it? Roadkill stinks, and humans can smell it if they let the outside air into a vehicle, so I don't know how our Hunter group was able to stand being around Ikalgo in Flutter's corpse while they waited to start the mission.

Zeno saying a decision should be Killua's showed that Zeno had remarkable insight into the kind of person Gon is.

Gon's test of character didn't quite take the form I thought it would, but without Killua being the voice of reason, I think Gon would've failed. Granted, he's more concerned about fixing Kite than letting Pitou finish fixing some stranger, but as far as I can tell, Pitou begging to be allowed to finish Komugi's surgery, saying he'd do anything Gon wanted afterward, could be played by Gon into Pitou willingly fixing Kite. However, Gon rejecting Pitou's request for several hours to fix all Komugi's wounds could set up Pitou to feel like he needs to fight Gon in order to fix Komugi enough for her to survive if she's still in critical condition at the end of the hour Gon will allow.

Yes, Killua, your guess is correct. Komugi is the reason the C.A. King maimed himself and required Dr. Blythe's medical ministrations, which made Pitou stop using his en several episodes ago.

OPM - Bikini chick with a surfboard was still hot, Mumen Rider was still a brave and good dude, Puri Puri Prisoner was still strong for an ordinary human, and Saitama's serious look at the end was still badass.

It's easy to forget amongst Puri Puri Prisoner's "lol!gay" antics that for him to have a life sentence would mean that he was a serial rapist. Either that, or someone died from the injuries sustained during one of his rapes.

I don't think I noticed previously that Genos' first punch to TDSK made a hole in his cheek though which his teeth were visible.

I'm fine with Saitama resolving to let his advancement in the rankings be based on his heroic deeds only and not public opinion. No, that's not quite right. I'd go so far as to say I respect that choice.

The slits on Tatsumaki's dress go really high. I think that in at least one scene, we can see to the level of the point of her hip. That makes me think that if she wears underwear at all, which she really should, given that she uses her powers to fly/levitate, it would be a thong or something very similar.

I like that Blackluster Superalloy, one of three S-rank heroes who look to be there for outstanding muscle power alone, was the recurring voice of caution to other heroes about how dangerous it is to upset one another.

Lupin - Da-yum, Fujiko. You were practically poured into that green outfit. I also very much liked the shot showing off your corset (something had to keep those "bad boys" in place to hold the dagger).

Now that we know that The Greek used aerosolized drugs to induce a receptive state not only in his marionettes, but also in the one church's congregation, it's easier to overlook that the congregants were idolators, worshiping someone other than Christ as their savior.

Rebecca may have been cute in her fashion runway outfit, but Fujiko was gorgeous.

What I want to know is when Leonardo was able to put up those large portraits. Each one would likely take several hours, and they all appeared overnight. I didn't get the impression they were canvases applied to the walls, but rather painted directly on the walls.  

No physical media copy of that secret agent list should ever leave or exist outside the U.K., so it shouldn't have been in Italy to steal at all.

The fight between Nyx and Percival was still appropriately gritty.

CB - I watched both Hard Luck Woman and both parts of TRFB, and when watching HLW, I had the volume louder than usual, and I could faintly hear Jet in the background when Faye was talking to Ed about belonging being the best thing. I'm not sure, but it sounded like he was incredulous about Faye taking off again to go somewhere and wanting to know if she said where to Spike.

The expressions on Jet and Spike's faces when they learn Appledelhi is Ed's father truly are priceless. I wonder how much time was spent deciding exactly how they should look and getting it right.

Posted (edited)
On 10/27/2018 at 11:15 AM, FoleyisGood149 said:

While it was terrible that she snapped and scalded Shoto's face, it was also bad that Endeavor beat her into hospitalization afterward.

I was under the impression that he just stuck her in an insane asylum and claimed it was a regular hospital, but considering Endeavor's personality traits, it wouldn't surprise me if he really did hospitalize her the old-fashioned way.

Science says that the existence supernatural phenomena is impossible. Too bad for science, because the supernatural does exist, and they're quite the nuisance. As with most nuisances, there exist individuals who deal with these troublesome spirits, dedicating themselves to exorcising them with their own special abilities. Spiritual investigator Arataka Reigen is not one such individual. Though able to see spirits, his method of exorcising evil is throwing salt at it and hoping for the best. And if that doesn't work? He calls up his associate, the true power behind his business. That associate is middle-school age esper Shigeo Kageyama, otherwise known as Mob. Despite his strong psychical power, Mob wishes to live a normal life. But between the increasing danger he finds himself in and his ever-increasing power pool, how long will it be before his emotions reach their limit and he finally cracks under the pressure?

From the creator of One Punch Man, done in the rawest form of his signature style, comes Mob Psycho 100. Premiering tonight at 11:30 PM, only Toonami (and Crunchyroll, if you hate fun).

In other premieres, tragedy befalls Iida's family as the tournament round continues past Deku's ringout, Naruto's party takes a pit stop to find herbs to cure Gai's seasickness, Boruto's class gets a new student who's more than a little suspicious, the other universes hold a secret meeting concerning the Tournament of Power and its needlessly high stakes, Kenny does as dying people often do and witnesses his life flashing before his eyes, Josuke and Okuyasu go out to eat with supposedly graphic results, Magna and Luck show what they're really made of when Vetto the Despair pays a visit to the Underwater Temple, and Cheetu makes the extremely poor decision to pick a fight with one of the Zoldycks.

9:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #5 - Wilderness Survival! A Moonlit Night Awakens Gohan! - TV-PGLV

9:30 - My Hero Academia #24 - Fight On, Iida - TV-14LV

10:00 - Naruto Shippuden #224 - The Ninja of Benisu - TV-PG

10:30 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #5 - The Mysterious Transfer Student! - TV-PG

11:00 - Dragonball Super #85 - The Universes Go Into Action: Each With Their Own Motives - TV-14

11:30 - Mob Psycho 100 #1 - Self-Proclaimed Psychic: Reigen Arataka ~And Mob~ - TV-14V

12:00 - Attack on Titan #47 - Friends - TV-MA

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #10 - Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food - TV-MAV

1:00 - Black Clover #44 - The Pointlessly Direct Fireball and the Wild Lightning - TV-PGLV

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #117 - Insult and Payback - TV-14LV

2:00 - FLCL Alternative #2 - Grown-Up Wannabe - TV-14V

2:30 - One Punch Man #11 - The Dominator of the Universe - TV-14LV

3:00 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #21 - To Hear You Sing Again - TV-PG

3:30 - Samurai Jack #6 - VI - TV-Y7FV

Edited by PokeNirvash
52 minutes ago, PokeNirvash said:

I was under the impression that he just stuck her in an insane asylum and claimed it was a regular hospital, but considering Endeavor's personality traits, it wouldn't surprise me if he really did hospitalize her the old-fashioned way.

From the creator of One Punch Man, done in the rawest form of his signature style, comes Mob Psycho 100. Premiering tonight at 11:30 PM, only Toonami (and Crunchyroll, if you hate fun).

...Cheetu makes the extremely poor decision to pick a fight with one of the Zoldycks.

I thought it was for physical injuries, but I could be wrong. When I get to that part in the manga, it might be clearer.

Oh yeah, that's where I've heard about this show. I'm not expecting much from the art, but it should be fun.

I'm already laughing at Cheetu. He's this show's answer to "too dumb to live."

7 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said:

We know that Izuku avails himself of Recovery Girl's powers for his wounds, so I must wonder why Aizawa hasn't been to her for his broken arms yet.

Maybe he's faking it for the smaller workload. He seemed pretty alright with punching Mic in the face. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hero- Deku might be dead here. God I hope my curse kills Endeavor. Go away garbage dad he's my son now. Jesus Deku. Aww they're good kids. Fuck off, Mineta. Please hug this boy. All Might is the best dad. :D Good job Iida. Dark Shadow's such a fun quirk. Man these other matches are going super fast. Deku's gonna need to sleep for a week after this. Okay Granny that's fair. Again, please hug this boy. It actually never occurred to me that All Might wouldn't have had a regular quirk. Hi All Might's master are you hot? ALL MIGHT IS THE BEST DAD. Oh this seems ominous. I'd like to state right now that this is not my fault. Oh hey he's cute...this may be my fault. I wanna see Bakugo lose. Awww, Tetsu Squared is his friend now. Man I hope he didn't pick up because he was too busy winning that fight. Sorry kid you can't stay hard forever. Huh, I didn't notice that they're both from hero families this'll be good. Whoever wins, I'm proud of you both. Aw crap he jammed your engines. Your brother will still be proud of you if he's alive, Iida. Ohhhhh that is a really bad thing. Whelp, I hope All Might kills this guy. Poor bird friend. KICK HIS ASS, ICY HOT. Someone put Iida on vibrate. Oh nooooooo. Yikes that is one ugly bastard. Careful there don't cut yourself on all that edge. Aw fuck it's dapper Hexxus. This is not a teamup I want to see. GO AWAY FUCKHANDS.

Mob- I don't think I've ever seen the Crunchyroll logo on a broadcast before. So long, monsters. Who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS. :D Ouch. Yeah this seems legit. :D The buttchin goblin. That sounds like a perfectly reasonable way to die. Uh hey that might be a ghost. Whelp, you're screwed. I hope this kid's a Ghostbuster. It was nice of the poltergeist to stand around waiting for him. Don't fuck with Mob. You cheap bastard. This boy is too trusting. Damn I hate it when my spoon bends mid-meal. Puberty does suck. Eggplant head. Awww that's cute. Don't worry I suck at math too. Damn this school is just a greatest hits of my class failures. The tunnel is a stand. Goddamn bloggers. Ants are pretty interesting. You are going to die. Oh shit that's a lot of ghosts. Yeah just a wrestler nothing ominous about this. :D That is a terrible backstory. I love this kid. SALT PUNCH. You dumbass you know regular salt doesn't work. Aww it's cute. Well that sounds ominous. A con artist, you don't say. Oh no Mob be careful. Aw shit it's Envy. You okay there kiddo? Awww he found his picture that's so nice of him. Drop him he's dead weight, son.

Titan- Levi just shoot the cowboy in the face. Unexpected hillbilly backstory. He really is the Hol Horse of this show. Surprisingly decent of you, king dude. I will still never feel threatened by Cowboy Kenny, show. Oh that's gross. And then Levi was Sanji. Alright this does explain a lot about Levi's personality. Jesus kid calm down. I don't care enough about this guy to feel anything towards his death. Hi, random ducks. Kenny I think some of your dialogue got switched with gay porn. Who gives a fuck about titans, right. You're creepy, cowboy. I'm guessing no, it's not gonna work and you're about to get shot in the face. Yeah turn into a titan right in front of the guy who's the country's #1 titan killer. Enough of this, shoot him in the face. My motivation is buff cartoon dudes. Well that was easy. This is a happy ending I guess...wait what do you mean this isn't the finale? Being queen means punching whoever you want in the face. Levi's in a good mood and I don't know how to react to this. Meanwhile, oh hey these guys. Aw fuck it's the sasquatch titan. Who the fuck are you?

Jojo- Well this look ominous. Aww they're going to his brother's grave even though he was an asshole. Welcome to Olive Garden. Hello there, cute Italian man. Return of the Jojo accents, yes! You eat what he'll give you and like it. I don't think that's a normal chef thing. Oh my god Okuyasu go to a doctor. I agree with Josuke, healthy food sucks. Oh fuck this is some good water. Calm down Okuyasu. Uhhhh you okay there, Oku? THE WATER IS A STAND. False alarm, we're good. Okuyasu is goddamn adorable. Damn I want some Simon and Garfunkle tomatoes. Sorry Josuke no food for you. DICK. Uhhh that not normal. I'm not hungry anymore. Oh that's gross don't take it with you. Hey Tonio can you cure my diabetes and shitty vision next? Whore's pasta, that's my dish. Don't worry Oku I can't handle spice either. Okuyasu just eat the damn pasta. That's some good spaghetti. Josuke you probably could have just fixed his teeth earlier. Uhhh I don't think teeth are supposed to grow back like that. THE SPAGHETTI IS A STAND. Yes go into the room full of knives that'll go well. Hi puppy! Oh, that's not normal. Josuke you're going to die. OKUYASU NO. :D "For the love of god, drop the meat!" He's right, wash your filthy hands in the kitchen. Oh thank god Oku's okay. Puppy's happy! I kinda love this guy. You're never too manly for pudding. Oh hi Jotaro. IT'S JOSEPH!

Clover- Christ girl it's Asta have some fucking standards. Okay but fighting a hoard of mice actually sounds terrifying. I wish I could speak whale. Blah blah they're all gonna have to team up and fight the furry, I don't care. At least if you die you don't have to be in Black Clover anymore. Hey Yami you wanna get in there and make this show worth watching for a change? Are you telling me I don't even get to see Yami fight in this shitshow? I wish I could drink that much. If they all die quickly, then I get rid of so many people I hate and get to watch Yami fight. I don't care about these guys, show. I really don't give a shit about this flashback, show. OH, THAT'S A BASEBALL. Oh great, we get this flashback again. Use Asta as a human shield. "Would you SHUT UP" is basically the tagline of this show. Aim for his dick. You're wrong, they absolutely do not got this. Well that was half an hour of my life I'm not getting back.

Hunter- Please give Gon a hug. Oh hey lizard friend. Grandpa doesn't give a shit. You dumbass cat bastard you're going to fucking die. Thank you grandpa. IT'S NOT GRANDPA IT'S A HOT DAD ALERT. Hiiiiii Killua's hot dad. You might wanna go help Knuckle. Hi shirtless Knuckle please don't die. Damn that dude can run. :D It really is the Joestar Technique. Joke's on you the throne room's already wrecked. Shoot needs a bandaid. Helloooo angry Knuckle. You probably shouldn't turn your back on him. GODDAMMIT KNUCKLE WHAT DID YOU DO. Yes let the insult slide if it means not dying. Shoot might be dead here. I like that I get two hot dudes in this episode, it's like a special gift just for me. Shoot needs a hug. I like that Studnet Loans is just chilling there in the back. Metapod used HARDEN, it's super effective! Nobody likes you, Youpi. Aw fuck he's evolving. RUN AWAY. Oh good he picked up Shoot on the way out. Buddy do you THINK he got him? Ohhhh you're going to die. The answer is to make him throw a tantrum, I guess. Shut up narrator you're gonna jinx it. This is the longest three minutes of my life.


MY HERO ACADEMIA - AND HE'S OUTTA HEAR! Okay, so general opinion is mixed on Deku's performance, that's relatively concerting. Of course Bakugo doesn't like it when it isn't his dick getting sucked. Fuck off, Endeavor, you failure of a human being. :o Getting disowned by your son, is that a thing in Japan? I miss Pinako as Recovery Girl. SURPRISE VISITORS! Oh yeah, this is their first time seeing All Might like that. Now's not the time for pessimism, Mineta. :D That disappointed ribbit. Dammit Deku, self-loathing like this is why 4chan likes Asta more than you. That's our All Might, always finding a way to put a positive spin on things. Oh shit, I wasn't expecting Iida's match to start so early. On that note, nice job with that victory, Iida! Not sure what good acid would do against a shadow being, come to think of it. Mineta not acting perverted for once, it's a Halloweekend miracle. Lookit that, it's Deku's first scar. You speak a lotta sense, Recovery Girl. Let's get serious for a moment. Of all the things I've been spoiled on regarding MHA, All Might being quirkless from birth was not one of them. Clearly his belief paid off, otherwise Deku wouldn't be saying in the narration that he's already the world's greatest hero. Thanks to the promos, we all know how this is going to end. Be careful who you call ugly as a child. Why are Kirishima's fights always the manliest? Ah good, he's worrying about lesser things now. I hate Bakugo, but goddammit I love watching him in action. It's a realistic final four, I'll give them that. I'm glad to see that Deku's at least well enough to see the festival to its end. AND DOWN GOES TODOROKI. ...Well, at least he managed to land a hit. This victory's gotta definitely burns Endeavor's man-butter. You lost the match, and now your brother's been shanked by We Live In A Society Man. No one's having a worse day than Iida right now. "Die, loser!" Everything I hate about Bakugo condensed into two words. HELLZONE GRENADE! "How'm I supposed to commentate when I can't see?" :D Oh, Present Mic. Next up, battle of the firepowers. Iida's phone must be pretty powerful if his whole self vibrates along with him. Like I said, no one's having a worse day than Iida right now. Why does the Hero Killer sound like Rorschach yet look like a ninja turtle? This guy's lucky he can't stab literal darkness. So how're your bullet wounds treating you, Handjob Man?

Well that's disturbing. Even more disturbing is seeing it twice.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - :D Guy's seasickness shouldn't be as hilarious as it is. I'm surprised Naruto's not on the verge of barfing with the rest of them. Canon character cameos? In my filler arc? It's more likely than you think. That's certainly a plausible reason for injecting them in the plot of the episode. Nanase-nanasa-nanakusa, or Nanakusa for short. "So you're the team captain on this mission. That's a first." :D Of course the fat big-boned guy would want to be called a leftover. One of his first D-rank missions had him gathering herbs (even though the job itself was pulling weeds), so he should have this in the bag. For some reason, Ino femdom sounds very enticing right now. :) Well, the yellow flower's kind of a hint that it's different. Look, filler characters! And they're capitalists, too. These guys' rhyme is getting old fast. That's our Naruto, always finding a way to put a positive spin on things. An abacus surfboard, only in filler. Because you can't have a shounen anime without at least one poop joke per season. Whitening strips are important, when you're on the TV that much. Herbology's a real bitch. It's a sign, not a cop, so Naruto's going anyway. In more ways than the one, it seems. Clearly the key is to cross the bridge without touching the ropes, or at least touching it with gloves on. And then he contracted hypothermia. "Hell Valley", is that anything like "Valley of the End"? With a name like that, I wouldn't expect it to be anything short of dangerous. Problem-solving through strength in numbers, that's the Naruto way. Yeahhhhh no way they haven't been down here before. Run, it's a giant Gila Monster! Good, its eyes aren't immune. Where there's filler, there's always at least one Rasengan. And in the end, success. Oh you bastard. Twenty bucks says Guy gets seasick again within five minutes.

BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - It's a good thing I never became a college dropout. HE IS ALREADY UNCONSCIOUS. Ninja whiteboard. How can he be a show-off if you didn't seem him "show off" anything? I'm surprised the Sound Village is still a thing. "Are you guys even listening to me!?" Nobody listens to you, Shino. If Boruto took the same written exam his dad did, he'd probably knock out all nine questions, no problem. Thanks for the assist, Mitsuki. He doesn't need your rules and regulations. CHOKEHOLD. He gets his killing intent from his dad. SUCH WEIRDNESS. Damn, Kurenai got old. But at least Shino went back to sunglasses after spending the last four episodes in that ridiculous Milordo Z headpiece. :D That's a low blow, Kurenai. That's sun with a U, by the way. :D Shino, you look like the host of a cheesy game show. We have water, cola, orange juice, and purple drank. I love that TA-DAAAAAAA stock sound effect. Good job, Sarada, acceptance of the fun is proof that you're more Haruno than Uchiha. And now hands-free puppetry. IT WAS BUGS ALL ALONG. :D Wherever he goes, Shino must also fail. Your actions were thoughtful, Mitsuki, but ultimately misguided. xD It really does suck to be Shino. I bet that commotion over there's Mitsuki's doing. DRAG COUNT: 3. She's definitely Choji's kid, through and through. WHEN CONSTRUCTION WORKERS GO BAD. Huh, guess it wasn't Mitsuki's doing after all. Or maybe it was, it bests me at this point. Chouchou is best girl, even if she's mostly about the snacks. PILEDRIVER! Again, Mitsuki, thanks for the assist. This sequel exists to give Shino the character development he so desperately needed after his very own Filler Hell episode. Holy shit Iruka what the hell happened to your voice. And now he is the possessed. :D He sounds like he spent all night smoking an entire carton of cigarettes. Next week, Cylon Shino exacts his vengeance.

DRAGONBALL SUPER - Android 18, or just 18, narrator, not Number 18. Same to you, Goku. Piccolo will do anything for his surrogate son. Meanwhile, Buu's doing training of his own. I like the look of this universe, whichever one it is. Let the first meeting of the "No Universe 7s Club" commence! Poor Gowasu's the only one who cares about them. Glasses-wearing characters sure love flaunting their intellect. "BRAINS!" "BRAWN!" "BRAINS!" "BRAWN!" "Beauty~." Sucks to be you, Kai 11. Hot damn, Buu got buff. You're lucky Goku won't say no to a good fight, even if it is technically practice. Speaking of which, shouldn't they be not flying while running this practice round? Truly the only thing that can defeat Goku in a tournament is a ringout. Does Satan even know who 17 is? Well, if anything's for sure, he's well aware of the stakes. MEANWHILE, IN SPACE NOIR CITY... Top in a suit, I was not expecting that. This is a surprisingly mellow scene for a franchise as consistently pumped as Dragonball. Cool, we get to see the Pride Troopers in action. Or maybe we'll just get a completely different "No Universe 7s Club" meeting going instead. That's a different way of communicating with everyone else. BECAUSE FUCK BEERUS, THAT'S WHY. You speak more sense than everyone watching this show, Vados. I love this clown's black guy voice. Oh hey, another member of Beerus's race. :D And he's black too. Their intro was cheesy as all hell, I love it. "You Pride Troopers are such party poopers!" The same can be said for the dialogue, too. Toku. As. FUCK. That looks like some intense meditating. Thanks to TFS, I'll never look at Popo the same way again. Fight Saiyans with Saiyans. :D Poor Cabba was expecting a much pleasanter call than this. If there's no DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODGing involved in this training, I'll be frankly disappointed. I'm actually kind of hyped about seeing 17 again, though.

MOB PSYCHO 100 - Huh, so that's what Crunchyroll's vanity plate looks like. Not two minutes in, and I can already see the similarities to OPM. So this is what happens when you reach your ceiling... What a bunch of weirdos these guys must be. At least, just the afro guy with his tongue out and the Suishu ball is a weirdo. ENGLISH TEXT! I doubt anyone would take you seriously with a face like that. I like this dude and his smooth talker nature. To be fair, carbon dioxide can be poisonous of you inhale too much of it. An ugly man for an ugly woman. I'd buy snake oil from this guy. :D BURRRRRRRRRRRN. xD I love this guy. Hey look, it's the father of that butt-chinned kid Saitama saved from that lobster dude. And then he became a maze. Not so skeptical now, are you? POCKET SALT! You can't believe everything you read on the Interweb, Reigen. And now we play the waiting game. SPIRITUAL SLEEP, ENGAGED. You can't go wrong with a powerful psychic with a monotone expression as your protagonist. I'm surprised, they actually pulled out the Japanese credits for this one. 300 yen is definitely not half of all those bills. :D BURRRRRRRRRRRN. Kind of like Saitama, then. I want that poster. MORE ENGLISH TEXT! Mmm, omurice. Mob's family are good people. And here I thought naming cities after numbers was ridiculous... There's the obligatory middle school crush, and her vegetable-headed friends. The answer is -12. BACKGROUND CHARACTER OF THE WEEK: That girl sitting diagonally from Mob with the huge floofy hair. A 3% increase, how threatening. Fighting suburban legends is always fun. That's a more believable "absolutely everyone in the vehicle died" story than that limo headline from a month or so back. Not now, he's busy watching the ants. They could be chimera ants, I'm not sure. So what you're saying is that they could make it out, but without one of their arms. He pronounced "exorcise" weird, but then again, I've always heard it pronounced the same as "exercise". Mob feels everything. By the way, yes, that is Saitama as his flip-phone wallpaper. "...I've made a terrible mistake." :D Okay, that is honest to god a hilarious way to die. POCKET SALT PUNCH! REPLY TO ANGEL 1: "You dumbass you know regular salt doesn't work." Hey, until he buys the purified stuff, he has to work with what he's got. Hmm, so the plot thickens. Fair enough, but for all you know, that ancient spirit could have placed the peel there just for you and your gang. Yeah, that spirit definitely looks like bad news. Good job, Mob, you did it. "You could at least say you're a psychic for fun!!" Good ending, achieved. Wow, more English cast than I was expecting. And yet none of it credits anyone with Mob's mother. Tonight, we dine on ramen!

ATTACK ON TITAN - If there's anyone I'd trust to oversee the prep for Historia's coronation, MP Dandy isn't a bad choice. And now we return you to Kenny's backstory, already in progress. Takes a lotta guts to take a knife to the arm like that. My, Kenny, what a big mouth you have. I wish I could hear this rant without the narration. Cowboy Kenny might not be threatening, but he's certainly got style. Looks like he's visiting a prostitute. A dead prostitute, no less. Shota Levi sure has seen better days. So was Kenny his father or his uncle or... And that's how Levi was shaped into the man he is today. STOMP 'IM IN THE NUTS! Okay, so he's his uncle, then. Damn this guy aged fast. SHIT COUNT: 5. Fuck you, blonde lady, I'm actually kinda glad you're dead. I'm also glad that Kenny actually disagrees with her deep down. What's so compassionate about not wanting to kill all the Titans, I wonder. Holy shit this episode sure is flyin' by super-fast. I still have no idea what the "undead" in this Overlord flick are supposed to be. Clearly Kenny didn't think this plan of his through. As for me, I'm drunk on anime. Why didn't I guess that Levi wouldn't know his own last name? Devilspeed, Kenny Ackerman. T_T7 We now return you to Historia's coronation, already in progress. Eren's surrounded by crazy bitches. It's natural to be terrified of doing something when you actually get to it. So it meeting things halfway regardless. THIS PLEASES MIKASA. Levi loves you guys too, no matter how much he refuses to admit it the other 99% of the time. Meanwhile, Reiner doesn't feel so good. SASQUATCH TITAN IS BACK. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "Who the fuck are you?" The Aryan Superman.

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE - So... threatening-looking meal preparation is the reason for the graphic violence warning this week? I guess. How nice of them, to pay their respects to Keicho after he almost murdered them both. Putting a restaurant next to a cemetery is a genius idea; less travel time to get to the place of the coveted post-funeral feast. I, too, am digging the vibe. IT'S THE RETURN OF THE GRATUITOUS ITALIAN ACCENTS! So does this mean Golden Wind is gonna go whole-hog on the accents too? I have trouble believing that "Trussardi" is a copyright-protected surname. TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: Frutti di mare means seafood. "Where you're eating, you won't be needing menus." That's a neat ability, I wonder what my hands are saying right now... "If it's a little disgusting, we don't have to pay for it; we can just complain and leave." Spoken like a true Joestar. :) I want to try that water. OKUYASU IS CRYING TWIN WATERFALLS! That water sounds worth the risk to me! Okuyasu, you're precious. He feels like the value of money written on his clothes. If not for the cheese and bread, I'd actually be able to eat that without hulking out. This episode is pretty much just Okuyasu reacting to eating Italian food and I love it. If you want dynamic duos, might I suggest Zenyatta and Mondatta? There's your Megalobox advertisement, Toonami, no need to waste money on a promo you'll likely make anyways and knock it outta the park with. That's a dick move, but I ain't mad about it. Welp, there's your graphic violence, aggressive over-itching. Huh, so now I know how dead skin works. Our Italian friend looks like he has a fierce boner right now. That's a lotta shoulder dandruff. You aren't a Joestar if you're not overly suspicious about the little things. Olives on Italian food is the right way to do it, fight me if you disagree. Thank you for the prostitution history, narrator. Chili flakes also go great with Italian cuisine. You haven't lived until you've eaten the hot stuff, you're really missing out Okuyasu. Wait, you mean the pasta isn't the main course? So you're saying the pasta's an enemy STAND? The temptation to eat Italian this week is only strengthening, the more I watch Okuyasu wolf it down. And out goes the cavity tooth. SHIT COUNT: 3. Physically impossible yet endlessly entertaining, as to be expected from classic JoJo. Devil tomatoes! Clearly the STAND is in the process of fixing your diarrhea problem. Oh yeah, main courses are usually mostly meat. And now a devil puppy! So he finally shows his inner Mussolini after all this time. Leave it to Araki to murder another dog to make a point. FINGER LICKING GOOOOOOOOOD~! "For the love of god, drop the meat!" is something I'd hear from a JOI porn video, but hearing it from JoJo is just as plausible. In the end, the result were that graphic after all. Take the Lifebuoy, Josuke. Truly it was worth the excruciating experience. Oh good, the dog's all better. Good, so he's a naturally occurring STAND user, like the non-Joestar Stardust Crusaders. Hey, be glad you aren't cleaning the kitchen with a toothbrush. Even the girliest of foods taste absolutely amazing when prepared just right. From what I've read, this whole main plot was actually Araki self-parodying his "STAND User of the Week" format. From what I've seen, he succeeded with flying colors. The fake-out dog murder was a nice touch, if I may say so myself. The narrator also works for the Speedwagon Foundation, who would've guessed? Welcome back, Joseph.

BLACK CLOVER - Fun thought: if Deku and Luck switched series, I bet Deku would be scared shitless by all the Black Bulls' various one-note personalities, while Luck would pick a fight with Bakugo in the first five minutes. SUDDENLY VETTO. Let's break the action and see how these guys are doing. I dunno, it's kinda hard to look up at the moon when you're underwater. Ha-Ha, you don't know shit about the Midnight Sun, do you. Well, at least Luck's satisfied. Were we ever informed that he was capable of making clones of himself? Ah, it's Black Clover, who cares if we found out about it already or not? It feels good to see fear in this old man's face. :D That's our Yami, shitposting his way out of even the hairiest of problems. Between his white eyes and gliding hand, this dude doesn't impress me. If you can't get in on the action, pep talk the fuck out of those that are. "Die and I'll kill you." Welp, that's going in the montage. Oh god Asta's grin. I'm not sure if he should feel lucky or unlucky that he's going up against the two most stubborn members of the team. These "becoming your parents" Progressive commercials should just fucking die already. That feel when you've got a smile on your face but you can't help but think pessimistically. And now Magna knows what it feels like to be the sane one. ISUTA SAKUGA SPOTTED. Oh hey, flashback time. :D Love or hate 'em, you can tell Sinclair's having a lot of fun playing his characters, Magna included. Wait, I thought Asta was your bestie. Welp, second place's good too. And now we get it from his perspective. I think I remember that scene from all the way at the start of the show. For a second there, I thought his forehead was going to sprout that third eye from the opening. It's a good thing Asta can at least sense something. Just make sure you don't run into anything while you're "tranced". Magic whispering comes easy to their kind. That's a lotta blood. Wait, doesn't Asta outrank them? I feel like I should come up with better comments for the moments in this series even resembling hype. Oh well, at least there's always the replies to Angel. Speaking of... REPLY TO ANGEL 3: "Well that was half an hour of my life I'm not getting back." That makes 22 hours now!

HUNTER x HUNTER - Never underestimate the depths of Gon's rage. Don't fret, Killua. You still have Meleoron. Cheetu, you dumbass, don't pick a fight with a professional assassin. Especially one who's in the process of feeling bad about a civilian casualty. O.o Okay, for as much as I was expecting that, I still got spooked. Guess it really is October. FUCK YOU, CHEETAH-MAN, YOU DESERVED THAT. Avdol may be gone from this dimension, but his voice lives on in Killua's dad. You all still have Meleoron! A quick getaway, as to be expected from the voice of Young Joseph. :D Holy shit, Knuckle, you are insane. Especially since the cheetah is now dead. Shirtless Knuckle is safe, for now. Holy shit those stairs have seen better days. Personally, I'd be thankful if he spared me, but I understand your frustration. Yeah, Chimera Ants aren't exactly bright. Just take a look at Cheetu and his desiccating corpse. TOO MANY ERRORS. Clearly Knuckle is in need of some good Italian food. Go punch him, Knuckle, as pointless as it may be. SUCH MANLINESS. YEP. TOTALLY WATCHIN' BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY. Those cocoon eyes are very creepy. Sucks to be Youpi. I can't take Transformed Youpi seriously when he looks like a bootleg One Piece character. I bet the conspiracy theories in his head are piling up right about now. Well shit that doesn't look good. UNYIELDING RAAAAAAAGE! It's all economics terms with this guy. The conclusion Menthuthuyoupi reached... was Selflessness. Welp, they're boned.


Tonight on Toonami, the final match of the UA Festival finally arrives and oh boy is it a doozy, this week's filler pit stop is a mostly abandoned ship from days long past, Shino goes school shooter on Boruto and his friends, Goku finally gets around to meeting Android 17 as he pays a visit to recruit him, Mob and Reigen infiltrate an all-girls school to bust a ghost while the former's abilities attract a club of weirdos at his actual school, the Scouts get around to testing some alternate Titan-killing methods, Okuyasu's brother's killer pays Josuke a surprise visit, Asta and Kiato sub in for Magna and Luck in the battle against Vetto, and Ikalgo's search for Palm in the basement takes the inevitable dangerous turn.

9:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #6 - The End of Snake Way! King Kai's Bizarre Test! - TV-PGLV

9:30 - My Hero Academia #25 - Todoroki vs. Bakugo - TV-14L

10:00 - Naruto Shippuden #225 - The Cursed Ghost Ship - TV-PGL

10:30 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #6 - The Final Lesson! - TV-PGL

11:00 - Dragonball Super #86 - First Time Exchanging Blows! Android 17 vs. Goku!! - TV-14V

11:30 - Mob Psycho 100 #2 - Doubts About Youth ~The Telepathy Club Appears~ - TV-14DS

12:00 - Attack on Titan #48 - Bystander - TV-14LV

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #11 - Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 1 - TV-MALV

1:00 - Black Clover #45 - The Guy Who Doesn't Know When to Quit - TV-PGLV

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #118 - A False Rage - TV-14LV

2:00 - FLCL Alternative #3 - Freestyle Collection - TV-14DSV

2:30 - One Punch Man #12 - The Strongest Hero - TV-14LV

3:00 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #22 - From Japan With Love - TV-14DS

3:30 - Samurai Jack #7 - VII - TV-Y7FV

Also, I'll be doing another full-premiere livewatch tonight, so if you want to see my comments, venture into the episode discussions in the Toonami folder.

[if you dare]

On 10/28/2018 at 2:28 PM, PokeNirvash said:

Avdol may be gone from this dimension, but his voice lives on in Killua's dad.

A quick getaway, as to be expected from the voice of Young Joseph.

Huh, I guess it always comes back to Joseph and Avdol with me.

Hero- KICK HIS ASS, ICY HOT. Please give Todoroki a hug. Get out of here, Bakugo. Tiny Bakugo was adorable. Stop kicking things! That's a lot of ice. Get out of here, Endeavor. Joke's on you Bakugo, he's got years of experience dealing with an angry douchebag trying to set him on fire. :D He's Frozone now. GO AWAY, ENDEAVOR. I like that this show takes the effort to animate Aizawa's mouth moving under his wraps, unlike Naruto where Kakashi's face is just an unmoving block. Thank you, Deku! Again I ask that someone please hug Todoroki. Eat shit, Bakugo. Hey kiddo you okay there? Helloooo Midnight. Can we just knock Bakugo out every time he gets too angry? Ohhhh he's gonna be so pissed when he wakes up. :D They had to chain him up. Poor Iida. HI ALL MIGHT. This is the best award ceremony. Hold the fucking phone they win hugs from All Might? Why didn't anyone tell me that, can I sign up for this? All Might is the best dad. :D Just put the medal in his mouth. I goddamn love this giant nerd. Maybe Bakugo will be slightly less angry in two days. Iida needs a hug. Oh he's looking rough. Don't make me cry, show. Damn his brother is really cute in that flashback I hope he survives. Speaking of cute siblings, helloooo Todoroki's sister. Aaaaaand I'm crying. Awwwww her parents. :D I love Deku's mom so much. :D Soooo angry.

Mob- God, puberty sucked. Aw fuck not the porn jinx that's the worst kind of jinx! I don't like this porn curse. Mob you're too good for this jackass. If you have the opportunity, always become KISS. There's a whole club for this? Never insult a man's hair have you learned nothing from Josuke. To be fair, you are kinda creepy. You're saved! I love Mob. Go away, jackass. You''re right and you should say it. Look what you did, you made her cry. Go for it, he did tell you to slack off. :D What the fuck. To be fair, Mob does look pretty adorable. Oh no you're gonna get beat up. Oh good you found who called for Ghostbusters. I hate it when my bras levitate. Poor Mob. Aw shit it's a ghost AND a pervert. Alright, kick its ass. Mob's gonna get so many girlfriends this week. Ouch, ghost. Mob's having an existential crisis. Oh no it's the Jojo club. Stop lecturing him. Don't sweat it kid, all I have is copious amounts of All Might porn. :D Go for it, Mob. Aw crap he's gonna join the Jojo club. PLOT TWIST. Of course Seitz is here. Great job, you jackass.

Titan- That is a terrible name. You dumbasses are here to farm not gossip. Oh right, there are titans in this show. Bring back the lesbian. Uh hey Mikasa you okay there? Maybe if you stopped acting like a little bitch you'd stop getting treated like one. At least Hange's having a great day. Oh you've already jinxed yourselves. I too am a thirsty girl, i can relate. Oh good, a new crop of red shirts to slaughter. Oh no, his mom's fucked completely. I mean they did eat your mom so you have a right to be mad. Eat your food or Sasha will steal your bread. Eren continues to be a whiny little bitch. I'm with Sasha here, punch yourself. Oh hey. Hello again, Seitz.Wait it's only been a couple months here? I automatically don't care about this flashback. Hi, Eren's dad. Oh hi, that drunk guy who died. Booze is a pretty good incentive to stay put. Hi, cute barmaid. Oh hey, that's Eren's mom. Ouch. You ever get friendzoned so hard that you get your entire squad killed? Baby Eren whines less than regular Eren. Ouch, dude. And then he gave his kid a bunch of drugs to turn him into a monster. :D I love Hange. Eren got objectively worse after learning how to talk.

Jojo- I love his mom. Whelp, that's not normal. That chicken is so ugly. You leave Okuyasu alone. Why did they give Shining Diamond such a defined ass. Say what you want, just don't insult his hair. Eat shit, lightning chicken. RIP video game. You're not the brightest crayon in the drawer are you, Okuyasu. Someone hug Oku. Nobody likes lightning chicken. Yeah I'm sure he stole your homework. Gee I wonder who it is. Oh no, it sounds like Joseph isn't hot anymore. Josuke you are not putting these pieces together. Aw fuck it's the chicken. Please don't hurt Real Old Joseph. KICK HIS ASS, OKUYASU. Good think Josuke can just fix that motorcycle for you later. This is going too well. Someone please hug Okuyasu. Nah his bowels are fine after Tonio cooked for him. How dare you hurt my son. You should probably listen to Jotaro. Guys you might wanna move faster than a leisurely stroll. Oh fuck this is clearly a trap. "Eat shit and die, you glorified nightlight!" is a great insult. Okuyasu you precious, stupid mother fucker. Uh hey Jotaro remember how you can stop time? OH SHIT, HIS ARM. Why can't I have nice things, show? Jesus guys that's cold. How the hell does that work, how was Okuyasu not dead there. PLEASE HUG OKUYASU. Hi Joseph!

Clover- Yet again I ask why this show isn't just about Yami killing things I hate. You suck, Asta. Blah blah blah I don't care about any of you why aren't you dead yet. Every episode where sister fucker is not violently murdered is a waste of my time. Don't help him, random crab. I hate everything. I have to agree, shoveling cake down your throat with yoru bare hands is a much faster way to eat. Good, kill them. Girl if you sleep straight through their deaths you'll be my new favorite character. Again I have to agree, there's nothing I like better than a big ol' hunk of meat. That was a surprisingly decent plan, color me shocked. Give that girl some meat, goddammit. Oh good, she's also annoying. Why aren't you dead, sister fucker? He's got a point, looking at Asta is disgusting. I do enjoy seeing Asta suffer. Oh goddammit the bitches are here.

Hunter- Shoot is having a rough day. Fuck you, Youpi. Please don't die, shirtless Knuckle. Aw crap what are you doing you butterfly bastard. Fuuuuuuck. I hope you find Palm. Aw shit the lobster's here. Maybe it was your horiffic stench, buddy. I forgot her name was Sinkerbelle. Evening, whores. Ooh that's a nifty trick. Whelp, so much for Palm. Hit him with the truck! GUN CLAWS. Sure hope you got out of that corpse at the last second, octosquid. Oh thank god he's alive. I got a bad feeling about this, stay in the truck as long as you can. You stupid lobster bastard. You already fight shirtless, maybe take off your pants next for another power boost. Knuckle you're going to die and I'm going to have to bury another boyfriend. Excuse you, I like his face. Man I hope you're smart enough not to fall for this. You can also get my on my knees if you want...I mean, what. God I hope you know what you're doing. :D That's rude, Knuckle. :D Knuckle oh my god. FUUUUUUUUUCK. I hope someone conveniently runs in to save him. HAHAHAHAH NOT TODAY, CURSE. THANK YOU KILLUA. Now Joestar your way out of here! :D I love this fucking dork. Kick his ass, son.

10 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Hero- I like that this show takes the effort to animate Aizawa's mouth moving under his wraps, unlike Naruto where Kakashi's face is just an unmoving block.

Jojo- How the hell does that work, how was Okuyasu not dead there.

To be fair, Kakashi's mouth does move sometimes, but only when they have a good animation director on call.

Between the implication that Keicho only died when Chili Pepper dropped him onto the power lines and the closest utility poles to where Okuyasu was when he was sucked into the underground cable being 100 meters or so away, I'd imagine he was on his way to those lines when Josuke thought to bring him back through the power of healing.

Again, comments are in the episode discussion threads this week, so I'm just gonna put down comments from the /co/ discussion threads this week that I liked instead, from premiere A to premiere Z, with boldface for commercials.

  • >They chained Bakugou down
    The best part about this is it's being broadcasted
  • >contest's motive is to show off future heroes to agencies
    >the whole world can see bakugo is a fucking nut / borderline villain
  • >Mineta is being held up by Tentacle guy because he's too short to see otherwise
    Oh my lord that's adorable
  • Whenever Narpo comes on I get the strongest urge to kill my dog. I don't even have a dog.
  • >Good animation
    >Impromptu Stomp performance

    What the fuck is this episode? What the fuck is Naruto filler in general?
  • >Hokage!
    >Wizard King!
  • So we're pretty far into the late game of the series.and Naruto STILL needs clones to do the Rasengan.
    • he uses clones to do everything
      hinata love the nightly threesomes
  • >Ghosts so bro that they wait for you to pass on together
  • >one piece is about pirates
    >they do pirate things
    >black clover is about wizards
    >they do magic things
    >naruto is about ninjas
    >he runs at his opponents screaming while wearing bright fucking orange and shooting magic balls

    subtle jab at the writers?
  • >Steady job
    >Responsible family man
    >Protects animals instead of eating them

    Goku can't possibly relate to any of this.
  • >You can either show respect for all creatures on the earth, or I can bury you six feet beneath it. Choose wisely.
    Damn, that's a good line.
  • Damn it, this ad's first two clips makes me wanna see a cross-over between Asta and Samurai Jack. Hell, Asta might be able to hurt Aku with his anti-magic sword.
  • >Despite all my effort
    You went on a cross country road trip with your sister and some weird guy who just sat in the back of your van all day
  • This image.
  • 17 adopted, so you know he actually gives a damn.
  • >Kirbopher on Toonami
    What a world.
    Rules so far:
    -Whenever Reigen lies or is clearly a hack psychic.
    • Christ anon why not just have us play Russian roulette
  • >Visiting a porn site during no-nut November
    For shame
  • Y'know Reigen might be a cheap scammer but I like that he's got Mob's interest at heart. When he says he wants to join he says go ahead and join. But when Mob mentions he'd leave if he had to Reigen realizes Mob doesn't wanna be in the club. He's not just saving his ass. He's speaking for Mob because he knows Mob is too much of pussy to speak for himself.
  • Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......... Boy howdy, clubs sure won't like this when I was a boy! Yeeeuuuuuup, get out of there Mob! Pursue your scholarly ambitions! Eh? WAIT NO DON'T PUT THAT DRESS ON!
  • >Because she's a thirsty girl and thinks you're a tall glass of water
    • I fucking love sasha
    • WEW. Fucking localizations man.
    • dub sasha is great
  • >Patrick Seitz
    I'm gonna need 2 hands for this one.
  • >you look just like your mom I wanted to fuck
    What did he mean by this?
  • >you're not a special snowflake
    • Getting a bit political there.
    • Holy shit Hange blowing tumblr the FUCK OUT
  • Eren's mom just looks like him if he was an adult woman. My penis approves
  • Can someone fill me in on what happened? The guy hated Eren?
    • No, he cared for him a lot because he was Carla's son. He wanted him to flunk out of the military because he wanted to be a Scout, the division with the highest mortality rate. He was trying to save his life, or so he thought. That's why he sabotaged the testing equipment.
  • >abdul had moltres
    >pet shop was articuno
    >this guy has zapdos
  • >50 tornadoes
    Oddly specific
  • >Okuyasu goes to a Mexican restaurant and flips his shit when he reads the menu
  • >"RHCP killed my brother!"
    >"Yeah, and he stole my homework!"

    Koichi, please...
  • >a stand ate my homework m'am
    >what the fuck is a stand?
  • >DIO sucked Joseph so hard that he lost his mind
    Oh no.
  • >Toppo's quote is in the Toonami superhero ad
    >Goku isn't

    So Goku really is the villain
  • >glow-in-the-dark shithead
    Give whoever writes these insults a raise
  • What stand makes Josuke and the rest take forever to walk 50 feet
  • >tfw you realize that the reason Araki designed Crazy Diamond is so he could get even more grotesque with his fights
  • >cocksure ignoramus
    For a fraction of a second, I thought he was going to call Okuyasu "cocksucker"
  • >this lazy as fuck animation
    >Asta didn't even move his mouth

    What the fuck, Pierrot?!
  • It truly astounds me that people walk up to their TV, turn it off for thirty minutes and sit in stagnant darkness as Jojo airs, then immediately turn it on and tune into Black Kinover, and they've been doing this consistently for weeks. It deserves every schedule boost it gets and Demarco is a brainlet for giving it the cold shoulder just because he doesn't like it personally. You literally got handed a golden goose for F R E E.
  • When Marie is not on screen, Gouche should be asking; "Wheres Marie?"
  • You know, I'll give Black Clover this: At leas the side cast are getting their own fights, and it's not just all focusing on Asta.
  • >I'm only 20
    >Looks to be in his late 40s.
    >I don't even eat meat

    My sides.
  • >Trap Magic
    >no femboys show up

    >The way the audience looked at my block! Like we were nothing more than TRASH!
  • Remember that time one of the Ants inexplicably 4D chessed himself out of stepping into an elevator
  • >still calls him Hagya
    The fuck was that for then?
    • Bloster doesn't give a fuck what Hagya wants to be called, but Flutter was his subordinate and would always obey his orders.
  • >Knuckle realizes he's caught up in a nigga moment

[i'm mad]


Poke wrote: Bakugo don't discriminate, because he hates everyone equally. - Therein lies true equality.
Wait, do butterfly wings actually have scales? - Yes, they do.
What's the deal with him calling her "princess" anyways? ... Okay, so it's a condescending title. - Actually, it's partly condescending, partly because of who her grandfather was. I'm sure you know who I mean.
Huh, so that's what "you snooze, you lose" means. - Other variations on the same principle are, "victory goes to the swift," "he who hesitates is lost," and, more directly associated with this scene, "first come, first served."

Ang wrote: The entire stadium is booing Bakugo and I love it. - I think 90+% of the viewership and readership did as well.

Given how big the block is now and how much airs before I usually wake up, I think the days of me being able to post in the same day are gone. The best I can hope for anymore is to get it done before the next week's shows air, which didn't happen, so here's a twofer. Also, I'll be going out of state at least for today, maybe tomorrow as well, so I doubt I'll watch any of this week's shows live.

Also, Ang, if I heard it correctly, it's been three minutes since the start of Zeno's Dragon Dive. That doesn't seem to jive with how much time Gon spent yelling and growling at Pitou last episode, but eh.

MHA - Yessss, Shouto wasn't thinking about his dad at all during the end of his match against Izuku. That was a great burn, bad pun fully intended.

Iida made quick work of Shiozaki, as did Fumikage with Mina, each pushing their opponent out of the ring with relatively little show. Bakugo, on the other hand, was faced with someone who could, at least for a while, withstand his power in Kirishima, but Bakugo took advantage of the nature of his Quirk being centered on a physical substance, his sweat, while Kirishima's power is more like using muscles. Eventually Kirishima would exhaust himself, but as long as Bakugo didn't dehydrate to the point he could no longer sweat, he'd win, because Kirishima was, through constant exertion, doing anaerobic exercise, while aerobic exertion was enough for Bakugo, as long as it was enough to make him sweat. So, as long as Bakugo is in better physical shape than his opponent, he'll have an edge against anyone with a close-quarters combat Quirk. That'll be important for Bakugo to remember in his ongoing training.

In the next round, Shouto did well to spot his opportunity for a counterattack against Iida. Bakugo was lucky that his explosions generating light worked directly against Fumikage's Dark Shadow, and Bakugo showed how clever he can be by figuring out Fumikage's weakness during the fight.

I can't say I blame Recovery Girl here. She's far older than Izuku, and eventually she will die from old age. He must figure out a way to use One for All without wrecking himself, because eventually she won't be around to help him heal afterward. As she said, she had to operate on him to save his joints before she could heal his pulverized bones, and even then she couldn't heal all of his injuries because of how much it would drain him.

Wait, what? All Might was also Quirkless? Now he's even more of a role model for Izuku, because, fanboying possibly aside, he was Izuku.

Oh no. That's terrible news for the Iida family. While Ingenium was facing someone known to be a hero-killer, I'm going to hold out hope he was found alive and got medical treatment soon enough to keep him from dying by the end of the episode. Until we're told plainly that he's dead, I'll presume he survived.

Stain must have great skill to land a serious strike on someone as fast as Ingenium. It's a bad thing that he appears to be ideologically motivated, because it's highly unlikely that anyone would be able to talk him into surrendering. It's even worse that the League of Villains is reaching out to recruit him.

I knew Bakugo was tenacious, but I didn't expect him to be able to blast his way out of the ice enclosure. He is in there with the explosions in a confined space, so he should be badly injured from the pressure waves. Maybe the author didn't think about that. Still, Bakugo won, but only because Shouto chose not to use his fire powers. It was funny to see Bakugo restrained for the presentation ceremony, but it's entirely fitting with his sense of pride that he didn't consider himself the winner.

Good, Ingenium survived. He's in rough shape, but he's alive.

Shouto going to see his mother may be what he needs for psychological healing, but it could go horribly wrong if her underlying anxiety over her children hasn't been resolved. Plus, yes, this looks more like she's been involuntarily committed to a mental health wing of a hospital or a mental institution than being hospitalized for injuries.

We had a bit of an Easter Egg in the show. There was a billboard somewhere with Midnight on it. That picture is also on the back of volume three of the manga, which ends the USJ incident and starts the Sports Festival. The billboard would be advertising a perfume with her as the celebrity endorser/creator for/of the fragrance.

Shippuden - I can't say I truly fault the ninja from the small village for wanting to be paid for thier work. It's just Konoha's bad luck that their team didn't get there first. Still, offering most of the crop as repayment for Naruto saving the dude's life, but with the unspoken caveat that Konoha would owe them a favor at some point, wasn't entirely on the up-and-up.

The timing of the ghost ship episode worked out reasonably well, since Halloween was Wednesday. However, there were three hints I saw that the kid was a ghost. First, he started out with very subdued colors that gradually got richer. Second, he acted as though he couldn't hear Naruto at all at first, but started interacting with him once his color vibrancy returned. Third, that was way, way too many dishes to be washed to be from one kid that was alone on the ship for long enough that the sails became tattered like we saw, meaning they were left from when the whole crew was alive and died suddenly in that sea monster attack.

Boruto - I do feel bad for Shino not getting any respect as an instructor, but it was way awkward seeing him try to be the gregarious host at the welcome party he organized for the transfer student, Mitsuki. Of course it went horribly wrong, because he didn't tell his students first not to touch any of the moving things.

If feel like the dark presence possessing people is picking up on some kind of psychological weakness or distress, but if that were the case, then there are likely hundreds of people in Konoha it could inhabit. That would be a very drawn-out plot line. I want to know what it is and who, if anyone, is behind it, but I don't want to wait years for it, show.

Mitsuki sure looks like he's either the current host of Orochimaru or a descendant, be it child or grandchild. The line he said about seeing if someone is his son makes me think that Orochimaru is actually inhabiting the body of his own child.

Yes, the students were lucky that Shino wasn't in full control, because he could've been way more subtle with his insects and drained them to notable fatigue or nearly to the point of collapse before they knew it. Well, before Boruto knew it, anyway. Still, Shino was sharp enough to see through Boruto's Shadow clone tactic, because he'd seen so much of it from Naruto over the years. The only part that surprised him was the paper bomb. This show even called out BC on its shenanigans of a few weeks ago in that a Lightning style jutsu in water finished the fight.

Kurenai is still a pretty lady, and the ED identified her as a Sarutobi, so either she and Asuma were secretly married, or she was accepted into the family as the mother of his child. While that name change is consistent with Boruto and HImawari being Uzumakis, I'm still not sure it's societally correct.

While we didn't see all of the walls in Naurto's office, we did see some pictures of former Hokages on the wall. I think the three we saw were Hashirama, Minato, and Hiruzen. While pictures of the others may be around somewhere else, if it's only those three, then I can think of a reason for each. Hashirama was the first Hokage, so it's sensible to honor the man who invented the position. Minato was Naruto's dad, so honoring him makes sense, as does doing so for Hiruzen, who was like a surrogate grandfather to the orphaned Naruto in his youth (that might be a factor in how close Konohamaru and Naruto were when they were younger). Each, through legacy or direct influence, could serve as a source of inspiration for Naruto in what it means to be Hokage.

DBS - The conference call of the Kais didn't accomplish much other than showing that they were willing to throw Shin under the bus because of the actions of one of his mortals. The discussion between Destroyers, however did at least get them to recognize, through Vados' input, that Goku proposing the Tournament of Power gave each of their universes the chance to fight for survival.

Dispo looks like he could be a younger brother to Beerus and Champa, so that  could be a problem in the fight.

While it's tempting to accuse Goku of wasting time sparring with Buu when they still have a team to assemble, it did open his eyes to how he wasn't considering the rules of the tournament in his fighting strategy. Now go find 17 already.

I'm sure Piccolo will help them fight, but I don't think one day of training will do much to return Gohan to fighting form.

Wait, what? Dende can make the Lookout move? While that was unexpected, I do like the detail that Nyoibo retracted to the Lookout from the roof of Korin's Tower before moving. However, I feel like it would be like flying on Nimbus, in that Goku probably could've gotten where he wanted to go sooner flying by himself, but the timing of it did work out for Goku to arrive when the poachers were attacking.

17 inherited the Will of 16. Okay. I feel like Goku is similar, except that 1. Goku on his own would've stood there and stopped the critically endangered animal that charged at him with his hands and pushed it back while talking to it rather than fleeing as 17 told him to do, and 2. Goku would eventually get hungry enough to eat one of the animals in the preserve, so long as he determined it had a healthy breeding population, most likely some kind of fish.

While actual poachers are frequently armed with military surplus weapons and/or high-powered rifles to sharpshoot their prey, I doubt that they have fleets of armored vehicles for each person in the expedition with rocket platforms. That wasn't a group of poachers; that was several platoons of military deserters who pillaged the armored vehicle pool when they left.

Alien poachers. Really, show? I guess they need to ingratiate Goku to 17 somehow so the latter will change his mind about helping in the Tournament of Power.

MP 100 - Mob is an okay kid. His boss is a sleazy fake, but he does have access to Mob's power, so it's not like he's defrauding his clients. I'd be surprised if Mob doesn't work out that his boss has been lying to him at some point.

Mob choosing the new club over the one trying to recruit him was funny, but I feel like he'll be disappointed when the girl he likes doesn't take an interest in him after maybe improving his physique a little through participating in club activities.

I'll admit I'm curious at to what Mob's explosion will mean. It probably won't be good for him or those around him. Explosions tend to be that way.

AoT 3: Third time's a charm - Krista's coronation went over well. While it sure looked like she actually was the one to deliver the killing strikes to her dad, with all those chunks flying through the air, how could they be sure she'd be the one to find the one with his human body in it? They couldn't know. I feel like the narrative of her being the one to kill him was going to be the story regardless of who got him in order to support her claim to the throne. It just happened to work out that it was true. I was a little surprised that she did go through with hitting Levi, even though she looked hilarious working herself up for such a wimpy punch, and he took it in remarkably good spirits.

The history of Kenny sure was a thing. I guess the Reiss brother who had the Founding Titan's powers sparing Kenny and offering him work did accomplish one good thing: Kenny kept his nephew Levi from starving to death as an orphan and trained him to fight, meaning Kenny is partly responsible for producing the greatest titan-killer humanity has. I want to know what Levi did with the titan starter kit Kenny chose not to use.

Wow, Squatchy was able to beat Reiner. I'm guessing they're in Shinganshina, because the person in Squatchy, who looked a lot like Dr. Jeager with a beard, said that they would wait for Eren to come to them there.

Memory lane time with Commandant Keith Shadis (I could've sworn his name was spelled with an "r" in it). He loved Carla, but she fell for the amnesiac Grisha, who Keith brought into Shiganshina from outside the Walls. He recognized that he wasn't cut out to lead the Scouts and asked Erwin to succeed him. He even tried, presumably out of sentimental concern, to save Eren's, Carla's son's, life by sabotaging his harness to wash him out of the cadet program. It seems that very little in Keith's life, personal or professional, worked out the way he wanted.

I misunderstood when Grisha injected Eren with the serum that gave him his Shifter powers. I thought it was before the start of the show, but it was after the fall of Shiganshina.

Eren is actually practicing with the power he'll need to close the breaches at Shiganshina. Good.

Yeah, the dude in Squatchy, who was able to best Reiner's Armored titan in single combat, sure looks like Grisha with a beard. I wonder what the deal is there. Did he regain his memories? Did he defect to Bertolt and Reiner's group? Was he lying all along about losing his memories? What's the deal, show?

JoJo: Diamond - Still haven't watched these.

BC - I like that Luck and Magna are very determined and friends, and they did provide some fun action, but I don't expect them to beat Vetto. The most I expect is that they won't die.

While separating Yami and the chief priest from the others using spatial magic was a good strategy, it's also lame, because it means we won't get to see Yami in action any time soon. At least they're able to communicate with the Bulls and the temple mages to tell them about the incursion, so they'll work together against the invading enemy.

It's not surprising that Luck and Magna lost. Things could be going better for Asta and the temple mage, too.

You know things are getting serious when Vanessa stops drinking to attend to an opponent.

When I first saw the crab approach Charmy, I had forgotten that Gray transformed into a crab. I thought, "no, little crab! Run before she eats you!" When it went to Gauche, I remembered who it was. Teamwork between them was crucial to beating Gauche's opponent. As for Gray's real form being a cute lady (just cute, though. She's not to the level of hot), that's fine, but the OP animation telegraphed that reveal coming.

HxH - Okay, I wasn't expecting Silva to drop out of the sky (hey, Ang. You asked for Killua's dad, and here he is. Between that and a lot of shirtless Knuckle, this must've been a good episode for you to wash the memory of the BC episode out of your mind) to kill Cheetu, but that blindside death was even funnier than Zeno killing him with one move would've been.

Sooo, not much else happened other than Knuckle waffling on what he was going to do, but I can't blame Knuckle for wanting revenge for his and Shoot's wounded pride. The plan to make Youpi use another huge nen blast is risky, like Knuckle said, but if he can evade it, then that will make APR's job that much easier. Still, I think Knuckle should try to get Shoot to safety first. I would suggest using one of Knov's portals, as long as Knuckle can be sure that he's sending Shoot to an extradimensional waiting room where Knov is present to provide first aid.

Knuckle was very lucky. He fell for Youpi's trap, but Killua was there to save Knuckle's life.

Bloster didn't mess around. I wonder how he'll get back to the surface, if he does at all, since he has no elevator code to enter.

Bizeff was paranoid about keeping his sex slaves secret and protecting himself from having his abuse of power discovered.

OPM - It's still hilarious how Goryuganshu (sp?) talked big about his telekinetic powers acting like an enhancement of gravity to the extent of a black hole, and Saitama stood there completely unfazed.

Good eye, Metal Bat.

Boros v. Saitama is still gorgeous animation eyecandy.

I side with the Class S heroes that Amai Mask was out of line in his criticism. Even if he had been outside, what could he have done to stop the volley of shells that obliterated City A? A little bit of jack and a whole lot of squat, that's what. Maybe he could've stopped one shell, but that's all that anyone other than Genos, Metal Knight, or Tatsumaki could hope to do. Since Genos and Tatsumaki were there, they could've helped, but that was a failure on the part of the H.A.'s threat-detection process that the ship wasn't spotted until after the attack.

Lupin - As for the car wanting to turn Lupin around a lot, I once joked with my dad that he had his car trained to turn into Burger King parking lots.

Even without being owned by a famous person, the car was still a vintage vehicle, so it would've had some value for collectors, even if not to the 5 million Euro amount. Just leaving it to rust was sentimental, which is fitting with Lupin's disposition, but also wasteful.

The police woman was a hottie. She's not to the level of Fujiko, but it's still nice to look at her.

Da-yum, Fujiko. Even your abs are sexy.

Zenigata was right. Lupin may get the fame (or infamy) for his crew's exploits, but each person is very capable on their own, Fujiko included.

20 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said:

hey, Ang. You asked for Killua's dad, and here he is. Between that and a lot of shirtless Knuckle, this must've been a good episode for you to wash the memory of the BC episode out of your mind

A buff dilf dropping out of the sky to kill someone I hate while another buff dude runs around without a shirt is definitely a great way to improve my mood. More shows should try it.


Tonight on Toonami, Aizawa has the students of class 1-A share the hero names they've picked out for themselves, this week's filler revisits the eternal pirates vs. ninjas debate, Choji's daughter and the class rep find themselves the targets of a mysterious stalker, space poachers (seriously) set their sights on 17's nature reserve and the animals within, Mob learns just how big of jerks the Telepathy Club really are after having left them for the Body Improvement Club, the Scouts make the final preparations for their trip to Eren's basement in the mid-season finale of Attack on Titan (commence bitching now), the on-off battle with Chili Pepper continues as Joseph Joestar finally arrives in Morioh, Noelle and Kahono show up to give Asta and Kiato backup against Vetto, and Killua takes the fight to an honestly stunned Youpi.

9:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #7 - The Battle with Ten-Times Gravity! Goku's Race Against the Clock! - TV-PGLV

9:30 - My Hero Academia #26 - Time to Pick Some Names - TV-14DL

10:00 - Naruto Shippuden #226 - Battleship Island - TV-PG

10:30 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #7 - Love and Potato Chips! - TV-PGL

11:00 - Dragonball Super #87 - Hunt the Poaching Ring! Goku and Android 17's Joint Struggle!! - TV-14LV

11:30 - Mob Psycho 100 #3 - An Invite to a Meeting ~Simply Put, I Just Want to Be Popular~ - TV-14LV

12:00 - Attack on Titan #49 - Night of the Battle to Retake the Wall - TV-14LV

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #12 - Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 2 - TV-14LV

1:00 - Black Clover #46 - Awakening - TV-14V

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #119 - Strong or Weak - TV-14L

2:00 - FLCL Alternative #4 - Pit-a-Pat - TV-14DLS

2:30 - Pop Team Epic #1 - Encounter - TV-14LV

3:00 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #23 - Nonstop Rendezvous - TV-14

3:30 - Samurai Jack #8 - VIII - TV-Y7FV


Hero- Aww, he's popular now.  Iida still needs a hug. :D Poor Sero. Dang Aizawa your face is looking real good with that new scar you know I got a lot of down time when All Might's depowered. Oh good you get to have fun. Suck it, Bakugo. Oh that's good they all get to intern. HIIII MIDNIGHT. :D I like that Mic was just Doflamingo from One Piece back in the day. I wonder if Aizawa was one of those students who transferred into the hero class later, since erasing other people's quirks doesn't seem too good for fighting robots. Napping Aizawa is almost adorable. :D Midnight has the best taste in names. FROPPY. OH MY GOD TINY DEKU IS TOO CUTE. That's mean, Jiro. I love all these names. Good job, Shoto. :D Okay Bakugo's idea is great. Oh that's depressing. Awww Iida. I'd still go with All Might Jr. Yaaay Deku got an offer. Aw fuck I hope it's not garbage dad. :D You tried, Bakugo. I admire Aizawa's ability to fall asleep on a hard floor in a sleeping bag in front of the class. GO AWAY, GARBAGE DAD. Deku's going into analysis mode. Ochako is the best and I love her. You okay there kiddo? Someone please hug Iida. :DI AM HERE IN A BIZARRE POSITION. God I love him. Okay if All Might is intimidated then he must be really strong. Oh shit Iida what are you doing. OH SHIT IIDA WHAT ARE YOU DOING. Well this guy looks fucking horrifying. Can I call you "sir" too, Aizawa? Ohhhhh this is some ominous narration. Looks like a nice place. Whelp, he's dead. :D I love this old bastard already.

Mob- Welcome to Jojo Club. And then Mob died. Cradle me, Seitz man. Oh hey, they still get to use the room. I think that's enough proof, kiddo. POSE. Sorry girl you can't talk to aliens. I love this kid. You don't wanna read my mind, believe me. Yeah this seems normal. :D Well that was easy. Seems legit. Well she said they're not a suspicious group so they must be cool here. Oh hey that one girl. I'm uncomfortable here. How many drugs are y'all on? I'd prefer for my heart to stay inside my body, thanks. This is gonna end well. Girl you're gonna get stabbed. RUN AWAY. Don't do drugs, kids. Oh thank god Mob's face is broken. MOB NO YOU CAN GET MILK SOMEWHERE ELSE. Nothing can beat this boy's stone-cold indifference. Oh you asshole. Eat shit, cult man. Step away from the underage boy. Aww poor Mob. He's gonna snap. Oh snap. Come on kiddo use your Jojo Club training. Mob needs a hug. Yesss let the hate flow through you. He is uncomfortably buff. Oh damn that was cool. Poor Mob, again. And then Mob accidentally started a cult. MobDonald's. Aw fuck.

Titan- I always forget how short Levi is. Titan Levi sounds like it'll be terrifying. I'm with this guy, dude should have dropped some info. Oh right, the goddamn basement. I have absolutely no faith that we'll ever see inside that cellar. MEAT CELEBRATION. I'm gonna laugh really hard if they get to the basement and it's empty. Erwin's so cool. Knowledge is power and all that. I do enjoy Levi breaking limbs. I'm sure this will go off without a hitch. MEAT FIGHTS, GO. :D Sasha oh my god. This is also my reaction to meat sometimes. Damn it's only been four months? Nobody respects you, bowl cut. Why are they fighting there's not even any meat up for grabs. Jean is absolutely right about this. Mikasa just wants to watch some carnage. Thank you Levi. You can't be strong like them because it's explicitly a trait in their blood. Oh hey, it's the fat guy. Aww, everybody loves them. I'd follow J. Michael Tatum into hell after a rousing battle screech. So then we're not gonna find out who sasquatch titan is I guess. Am I having a stroke or did someone leave the ED running. I'm gonna go ahead and blame Eren entirely for this, sight unseen.

Jojo- I like that Star Plat's color scheme changed to match his white outfit. They don't let Joseph travel by plane anymore. You gotta save your dad, Josuke. Is this dude just gonna hurl a battery across the water? HI JOSEPH. I can't believe Oldseph is too decrepit to fuck now. Hey cheer up, Joseph was even older than you before he met his missing parent. PLAY FREEBIRD. That sure is an outfit. Punch him in the face. Don't fuck with Josuke. Owww his finger. Remember when Kars used Lisa Lisa as an air guitar. Focus, Koichi. I agree, venting your overwhelming rage is pretty great. This is the worst game of Whack-A-Mole. Hey Koichi maybe you could offer some help besides screaming. That's actually brilliant, Josuke. EAT SHIT, FREEBIRD. Meanwhile, Okuyasu is precious. Y'all might be about to die. Quick find some rubber. Fuck yeah, tires! Aw crap. There he goes. Let's all enjoy watching him die. Super Oldseph is actually adorable. :D I love him. Aw shit he's not dead. Awwwww Joseph. Awwwww Josuke. Jotaro maybe you should stay with Joseph. Oh no we're depending on Okuyasu's brain power. :D Joseph please. Ya did good, sweetie. :D He's such a dumbass I love him. I'm not gonna cry here. That's a lie I'm absolutely gonna cry here. AWWWWWWWWW. Okuyasu this is downright heartwarming don't ruin it. Oh, that's terrifying.

Clover- I gotta agree with the furry here, they really do suck. If they all die can I finally watch Yami kill something? This bitch is really doing all of this just to be a famewhore, huh. I will literally never be impressed by dance magic of all things, show. Yeah nothing appeases a sea god like some dumbass kid twirling around. You ain't got not legs, Lieutenant Dan. I feel nothing at their misfortune. God, why couldn't Asta have taken that throat punch. You're terrible and you should feel bad. Oh, is she finally gonna do something? I'm cool with it if she gets slaughtered here. This is bullshit if she takes this dude down all on her own. I guess her Magikarp evolved into Gyrados. Hi, dude who's definitely not dimestore Griffith. Oh what the hell is this now. Well that ultimate attack of yours has proved to be completely pointless. I guess that bodes well for that one fire dude if anybody can figure out how to harness that power. No don't tell her to run, I wanna see her get ripped apart. Fuck you Asta why aren't you dead.

Hunter- Ohhh this kid is so mad, somebody's going to die. I like seeing Youpi in pain. KICK HIS ASS, SON. I'm not smart enough to really understand this explanation but sure let's go with it. I love my kid so much. Oh crap RUN AWAY. You stupid goddamn lobster. :D Okay I kinda love this dumbass lobster. You're a good dude, octosquid. LOBSTER GUN. Yeah, you're just gonna have to shoot him in the face. And then he learned that you can't just claw-gun your way out of everything. Aw crap he got out. Quick, hide! Alright you got duct tape, we're off to a good start. Just a random tank, nothing to worry about. Could you not just run him over? Whelp there go the wheels. Shit's on fire, yo. This octopus is so much smarter than me. I hope you can hold your breath as long as the lizard dude. Now shoot him in the face while he's knocked out. Oh damn I hope this isn't a trap. Aw crap he's too nice to murder someone in cold blood. Meanwhile, Metapod. Just wail on him with that giant pipe for a couple minutes.


MY HERO ACADEMIA - Deku can't be doin' with all these fanpersons. For whatever reason, I like the look of rainy weather. "If it's about my brother, don't be concerned." He is alive, but he is very badly injured. Informatics? Sounds scary. I've seen Aizawa with the bandages for so long I'm actually kinda not used to seeing his face. So that's nine of the twenty who already have specific offers. Nobody cares about you, Aoyama. It's always daddy issues with Todoroki. Shut up, Mineta, you didn't get any offers either. FUCK YES MIDNIGHT! xD That's not a hero name, that's a sentence in a foreign language. Well no shit he ain't French, have you even looked at his name? I'd a Xenomorph Mina. And like that, Tsuyu got an eternal nickname. (Froppy! Froppy! Froppy!) I never realized how red Kirishima's hair was. All Might Jr. is the best one. Deku's mom, you're adorable. YAYYYYYYYY. Eh, I prefer Octopussy myself. Shoto's hero name should be Icy-Hot. Mineta's, meanwhile, should be the Grapist. (Bonus: were he and Parasyte Dandy to team up again, they'd be Tentacle Grape.) xD Goddammit Bakugo. "And Midoriya, I guess." Well that sounds terrible. Thank god these markers are dry-erase. Bakugo's all, "First: what? Second: the fuck?" right now. Hooray, Midoriya got an offer! That means he's one up on half the class. Not even Goku can believe it. Byyyyye Midnight~. :x Well we know which agency Todoroki won't be interning at. It's Mineta, he's always thinking something perverted. Swish. I didn't know trembling could count as exercise. SUDDENLY ALL MIGHT. :D As in the Clint Eastwood movie? I never expected All Might to be the kind to get PTSD. This dude's a well-deserved case of full-body gangrene away from being a Ninja Turtle. Being very badly injured is no laughing matter. I just noticed their costume suitcases are numbered based on the Japanese alphabetical order of their surname. (Ashido = 2, Iida = 4, Midoriya = 18...) REVEEEEEEEEENGE! Is it just me or does that building look an awful lot like the League of Villains' hideout? GRAN TORINO IS DEAD. Or not. In fact, that "blood" might just be a bad ketchup spill.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - With every episode, Gai's seasickness keeps getting worse and worse. Remember the battleship filler from Hunter x Hunter 1999? I do. FUCK YES IT'S OBLIGATORY FULL OPENING WEEK. A battleship island, I can believe, but one with its own gravitational pull is just crazy. And then he drowned. Now that's a stereotypical pirate if I've ever seen one. It's so easy to forget that Naruto got that forehead protector from Iruka. This filler captain looks like he should be voiced by the Monarch. Thanks, Yamato. We all live in a wooden submarine~. Someone please get Gai a six-pack of barf bags. Finally, now people can play as either Ash or Gary in the context of the original games. Secret tunnels are a leaky submarine's best friend. "Stairs! We have found stairs!" Such is the price of being implanted with cells that technically don't belong to you. And then it was a hot springs episode. True to his word, Gai has also found some straight-up Scooby-Doo shit. And then he was one of the Bloods. "What are you doing?" Filling the void on his forehead, obviously. Careful, Naruto, tie it too tight and your brain's gonna get even more damaged. Well, at least he went in expecting laughter as a response. That one clone worked so hard his red headband turned black. Spoke too soon, Gai. :D Being a minor filler villain means you can abuse your own henchmen without worry of mutiny. LOGGED! Wherever pirates and ninjas share screentime, there must always be a debate as to which one's better. CUSTOM WATERSLIDE NO JUTSU. You gotta love a good ol' fashioned wipeout. He got his headband back, and that's all that matters.

BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - RICK'S CATCHPHRASE OF THE WEEK: Burger time! I kinda love that Naruto has his own brand of water in this future free of filler pirates. Did you just forget that Mitsuki could see it too? Hey, finding whatever possessed no less than five people takes priority over cleaning something that's just gonna get messy again. Oh boy, we've got a mouthbreather over here. And a stalker too, not surprising in the least. "It's not as if everything's gonna lead to a rampage now." Hey, you never know, being in a shounen anime and all. When she means "eating properly", it means eating more than just the one thing. :D Oh Japan, you and your wacky flavors. Always support a company's incentive to try new things, even if that new thing is totally bogus. NEAR-DEATH BY VENDING MACHINE. Eh, looks more creepy than handsome. He's into the delicious brown, obviously. Turns out he was into the chick who's nobody's kid all along. HAWAWAWAWAWA. I honestly don't need these flashbacks right now, show. Mitsuki doesn't get it at all. TOO MANY TERRIBLE HIGH SCHOOL FLASHBACKS. Real good advice, Chocho. Mmm... busty. Okay... at least I never did anything that self-destructive in my days of high school crushing. It's raining looseleaf! He must have a serious case of carpal tunnel after writing down all of that. Am I the only one who mistook those smoke bombs for volleyballs? Denki's here! *biff* Denki's dead! Sumire's creeped-out face is on point today. For all the minor mistakes I made in high school, I'm glad ending up like this guy wasn't one of them. Mitsuki likes to watch. CHENGXI HUANG SAKUGA SPOTTED. You say that like improvising never works. KENICHI FUJISAWA SAKUGA SPOTTED. It all comes back to snack food in the end. Ooh, black potato chips. "Make your personality as handsome as your face." You say that like ninja don't expect to get stabbed every day. If only things worked out this well in real life. Mitsuki's fading smile will be important later. Burger time! Again. Well chakra beasts are a thing. :D Why am I not surprised that "Narutonic Water" is orange? As long as he doesn't have to deal with pirates again, he's golden. "Why is Boruto the only one who can see it? Besides me, that is."

Huh, that's an ident I haven't seen before.

DRAGONBALL SUPER - That's a low blow, 17, but not exactly an inaccurate one. "What is that!?" A UFO, obviously. :D I still love how ridiculous Goku finds this whole scenario. You gotta love the Instant Transmission. He's tracked him down at least, but bringing him on board's gonna take a while. :D 17 is an underappreciated character, I'm glad they brought him back for this. Why does this guy sound like he's gonna fuck the thing? Heh, Goku's a temp. These humanitarians are gonna be disappointed when they find out he's mostly machinery. His monocle looks like a scouter lens. "20 million's not enough!?" Depends on the exchange rate to zeni. Great, he's a suicide bomber. Did the people who made this promo not watch the post-credits sequence this week or something? Teasing Gran Torino as dead really loses its effect when we all know he was just pulling a prank of ambiguous intentionality on Deku. But Beerus, that actually happened! Probably. :D The mean cat-man. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED! I'm sure your bomb will kill the animals, no question, but Goku and 17? Nahhhhhh. "Let me go and everyone walks away safe and sound." Even the animals? Wait a second... does 17 not know that Krillin wished his booby-bomb out of him? When there's no other option, go to King Kai's. xD Look on the bright side, at least the explosion isn't a 100% inevitablity this time. Thanks for the valuable intel, Super Kami Little Green. Streamers out the nostrils, this sure is filler all right. "Well I'll be an Oozaru." You can't not love 17's personal jazz soundtrack. Today is a good day for Jaco. Even if you wanted to send a thank-you, I doubt you would, with the universe under threat of non-existence and all. Nice of you to come around, 17. He never did get that boat he wanted to steal and take to Kame House, so consider it making up for lost time. People focus so much on fighting taking to priority for Goku, that they just forget that he does care about allowing others the chance to live to a degree. For a second there, I thought he was talking about 16. Hey, Nessie!

MOB PSYCHO 100 - BODY IMPROVEMENT!!! Well, at least he's got spirit. Patrick Seitz's characters are either bros or assholes, there is no in-between. Glad to see Body Improvement Man is a bro. Psychic powers, activate! :D These guys have some great reaction faces. Ah, so that's why their club exists. Mob's not interested in alien lifeforms, only esper stuff. (Time travel is a gray area, though.) OH YOU BI-huh, not as bitchy as I anticipated, shows what I know for trusting the first few sentences of a Wikipedia synopsis. Still, at least he's got Reigen looking out for him. YESSSSSS MY FETISH. Process of elimination, my dear boy. :D That was easy. LOL. Be careful, Mob, you don't know it yet but you just walked into an orgy pre-game. WAAAAAAAAVE. Wait, didn't I see that girl in the cold open montage last week? Oh, so he's that guy from the OP. Welp, there goes most of my interest. :| Well, as cult-y as this looks, at least this grand wizard of a man speaks some decent wisdom. I kinda like this reporter girl. Clearly under that mask is an LCD screen hooked up to a YLYL video stream. Welp, she's a goner. Her forced smile definitely looks more natural than the other guy's. As I thought, Mob is immune. For now, at least. Ohhhhh, surprise eyecatch! Go home, Jean, you're drunk. FUN FACT: Mob is a rare example of a non-lactose intolerant Asian. :D You snooze you loose, business suit Seitz. So what exactly did he put in that milk, anyways? A couple lemon drops to make it curdle faster? SAVE US MOB. And now it's time... for rape. Wow, 74% already. In the end, it turned out this dude was the biggest jerk of all. I can't believe we're this close to 100% this early on. So this is what a Vietnam flashback looks like... AND WE'VE REACHED ONE HUNDRED. If only more anime characters were this badass when max emotional. Huh, 100% Mob's actually kinda handsome. RAZOR BEAM. Boom, headshot. Meanwhile, Reigen's enjoying his own burger time, from MobDonalds. Remind me never to let Mob listen to this song, lest he be triggered again. And then he was their new god. DIMPLE LIVES! As a good guy, apparently.

ATTACK ON TITAN - He's late because he was busy watching his shit machine at work and lost track of time in the process. Titan transformation liquid sure is an enigma. His uncle swiped the container, so of course Levi gets to have it. xD Oh Dhalis, you and your shit machine. I don't recognize half these people. It sucks that this is the season finale, we're all dying to know what's in the damn basement already. So how many people have to die before Levi becomes the HNIC? Okay, who else was expecting Levi to summon Star Platinum with that pose? Erwin, you're a madman. Sasha's mind has been blown. LOUD ROCK MUSIC! xD Why is Sasha so best? xD Okay, even for a show with as much gore as Titan, Marlo's nosebleed is hella ridiculous. It ain't the likings of a Jam-Orbital piece, but that bondage will do. Ah yes, we all remember her great meat heist, even if it was just one helping. And then it became a Trost flashback. So how's Conny a genius again? Because he came up with the idea to use Titan Eren against the Titans? Yeah, let's say that was it. Eren vs. Jean is a greater shounen rivalry than all the popular ones, and more believable too. It ain't a party without at least one fight. :D Mikasa's totally getting horny watching them duke it out. SHIT COUNT: 3. :D Thank you, Levi. Sasha's gonna stay tied up, just as Jam would want. I dunno, they're Ackermans, I'm sure they could do plenty alone. Is this what they call group flashbacking? Life beyond the walls sounds exciting, even though many of us live it every day. Another Titan bites the dust. As long as some make it back, I'm rooting for them all the way. It begins now, but resumes in six months. Hey, how'd those two get there so fast. SURPRISE FULL LENGTH ED! O.o Okay what the fuck was that that ain't normal. HOLY SHIT GUYS I'M GETTING TOTALLY SPOOKED RIGHT NOW THIS IS KILL LA KILL 23 ALL OVER AGAIN ONLY WORSE BECAUSE IT'S NOT JUST NUI DOING THIS TO TROLL US. :S Next season: Ackerman vs. Ackerman, hopefully available in 4K. Okay, now we're back to normal. Let's just forget that flash forward even happened, mmkay?

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE - A TV-14 episode of a series that was all TV-MA to this point? Unthinkable! (Trinity Blood and Blood+ say hi.) Well, at least he checked the boat for you. Shipping containers are my personal favorite parts of harbors. Never trust a model airplane, or the older brothers who punch you for breaking them. I'm not surprised Joseph can afford a ship this swanky. If only you met him before now... "Mouthbreather"... was that ever '90s slang? It's Chili Pepper's user! And he's a rock star, possibly. As they say, there's no such thing as a non-eccentric STAND user. :D Josuke don't fuck around. HOLY WHAT HE JUST POPPED IT BACK INTO PLACE. And now for a sick-ass guitar solo. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: "Remember when Kars used Lisa Lisa as an air guitar." Yep. Everyone claimed he was mouthing the opening riff of Roundabout, but to this day I swear I heard Dueling Banjos. I'm not sure what's happening from a logical sense, this must mean the show is doing its job. Alright, now I get it. Whack-a-mole on steroids. :D Great plan, Josuke, you did it. Now destroy that oversized plane before he thinks to escape on it. Now who in their right mind would celebrate Thanksgiving with a marathon the weekend before? Okay, that sounds worse than the idea I thought up. Check it out, it's David Bowie! They're fighting so fast, the animation can barely keep up. "And to really drive the point home, I'll be sure to charge my electric bill for the month to your address!" Now that's just evil. I love it whenever the protag tricks the antag by having the antag trick the protag right back. JoJo's really good at that sort of thing. Saltwater: his one weakness! If so, then what a pose for him to die in. :D He called him Osomatsu, a reference I'm sure only one of you will get. Goddammit Otoishi, will you ever quit? And now for something a little more low-key. Strange, do boats normally drift like that while coming into port? :D I know this is supposed to be tense, but this game of "who's the imposter" is hilarious. Great job, Okuyasu. SHIT COUNT: 1. And now for the most awkward father-son reunion ever. Keep in mind that Josuke could very easily have fixed his cane but chose to be the crutch instead. Now if only Okuyasu would understand that. This town may be safe from that wannabe punk rocker, but not from whoever's going around making breakfast and taking baths with severed lady hands.

BLACK CLOVER - BEST RATING BEST RATING BEST RATING. Also a bunch of stuff with Gauche, but who cares about that guy. :P Part of me wants to call rip-off on Asta biting Vetto, but still, nice to see that he's learning some of his moves from the Goku school of physical combat training. The two halves of spectator emotion. Asta looks like he needs some Life-Alert. Whup, not anymore, he doesn't. Double whup, looks like he needs it again. I doubt it, Vetto doesn't really seem the patient type. Okay, I'm pretty sure that scene ruptured Angel's eardrums, unless she already did that taking a reluctant listen to Asta's Japanese voice. SIBLING COMBO. "Incredible!" Calm down, it was just one slash. O.o What the hell is his kid voice even. How does that old man's hair stay up like that? Some type of magic, I bet. I'm surprised she can still sing through all this. And then Kiato was the "My Leg!" guy from Spongebob. Aaaaand there go her vocal chords. You've missed a lot while you and your people were holed up underwater, gramps. I'm starting to feel a little fatigued here, and that probably has to do with how OP Vetto is. "What's precious to me...?" Not your family, that's for sure. I trust Yami's confidence on this one. I know he's still alive in a hospital bed somewhere, but I still mess Fuegoleon. "You fool! Throwing her down like that is only making me stronger!" And that right there is a little something we call character development. Where Asta and everyone else failed, she succeeded. Good job, Noelle, I don't care what they say about you ("they" being your family and Angel). More gratuitous elfworld flashbacks. And the moral of the story here is, never breed across the species. "Damn, I was hoping screaming really loud would make my arm grow back!" Well, when that fails, there's always the really old-fashioned way. Welp Noelle, at least you caused him some serious damage, even if it was temporary. Already more useful a main girl than Sakura, Hinata and Ino combined. (Tenten'd be there too, but she's so useless her addition wouldn't matter much.) Damn, I guess Asta really is too stubborn to need Life-Alert. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "Fuck you Asta why aren't you dead." Because his magic is never giving up, especially on life.

:D Even Mob's spirit buddy thinks he fucked up by joining the Body Improvement Club.

HUNTER x HUNTER - Killua's gonna ice you or die trying, and he doesn't care which. Does it count as being Blanco if your hair is already naturally white? Oh shit, there's three Xs this time! La Killua Blanca is a most formidable opponent. What is the animation on these ogre illustrations even. This is just not Youpi's day. Thanks for the blatant foreshadowing, narrator. "Did he teleport away? Or was he never even there to begin with?" This is some surprisingly chill elevator music. They both sound like reasonable plans, but as he said, killing him's the best option under these circumstances. "Oh yeah, I forgot he can shoot things!" Ugh, human toes look weird on a lobster. I wouldn't really call the elevator "totally" destroyed, when the only thing that you did destroy was the door. Can't talk, too much intrigue. Lobster Claw Guns: they can get you out of any situation! Lemme guess, he's gonna escape through that tiny utility door? Awaken your inner MacGuyver, Ikalgo. I've really gotta start watching the Rocky movies. Funny how this episode is reminding me all about what bulkheads generally are. Didn't think that one through, did ya, lobster boy? I kinda love all these planning illustrations, really puts things in perspective. Run him over! Welp, so much for escaping the old-fashioned way. Is it possible to overdose on sleeping gas, because that's what I think Bloster's gonna do. AND HE'S OUTTA HERE. Yeah, I wouldn't advise shooting someone in close range while holding your breath either. Smart move, putting in that buffer for yourself. IT WAS THEN THAT MOREL REALIZED POUF HAD MADE AN ERROR. How nice of him to think of Morel as a worthy opponent.


There are people who make smart programming decisions.

And then there's Jason Demarco.

9:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #8 - Shenron Appears! The Saiyans Arrive Sooner Than Expected! - TV-PGDLV

9:30 - Attack on Titan #38 - Smoke Signal - TV-14DLSV

10:00 - Attack on Titan #39 - Pain - TV-14SV

10:30 - Attack on Titan #40 - Old Story - TV-14LV

11:00 - Attack on Titan #41 - Trust - TV-MA

11:30 - Attack on Titan #42 - Reply - TV-14L

12:00 - Attack on Titan #43 - Sin - TV-MA

12:30 - Attack on Titan #44 - Wish - TV-14LV

1:00 - Attack on Titan #45 - Outside the Walls of Orvud District - TV-14LV

1:30 - Attack on Titan #46 - Ruler of the Walls - TV-14LV

2:00 - Attack on Titan #47 - Friends - TV-MA

2:30 - Attack on Titan #48 - Bystander - TV-14LV

3:00 - Attack on Titan #49 - Night of the Battle to Retake the Walls - TV-14LV

3:30 - Samurai Jack #9 - IX - TV-Y7FV

Thanksgiving shouldn't come this early.


I remember this episode of DBZ Kai being the one where Ben totally lost his shit because he thought the title (i.e. the Saiyans arriving sooner than expected) was a spoiler. That was hilariously sad, but I guess he had a point.


Another year, another locationally relevant football game. I might not be as petty as others in regards to this gimmick, but hey, traditions are traditions.

Tonight on Toonami, Deku begins his internship under the elderly hero Gran Torino, Guy gets spirited away to Ferngully or whatever, Boruto has a weird dream relating to characters not yet relevant to Shippuden because filler, Gohan gets reintroduced to Piccolo's intense training regimen while Cabba starts recruiting fellow Saiyans for the Universe 6 team, the biggest delinquent at Mob's middle school seeks the Body Improvement Club's help in taking out some rival delinquents, yearly reminder that reruns in the middle of premieres is a terrible idea no matter how you look at it, Joseph gets his first real look at Morioh's STAND user problem while being shown around by Josuke, Vetto's power-up convinces Yami to finally get off his ass and do shit, and the seeming stalemate between Morel and Pouf is disrupted, but at what cost?

9:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #9 - Yamcha's Struggle! The Terrible Saibamen! - TV-PGLV

9:30 - My Hero Academia #27 - Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears - TV-14LV

10:00 - Naruto Shippuden #227 - The Forgotten Island - TV-PGV

10:30 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #8 - The Dream's Revelation - TV-PG

11:00 - Dragonball Super #88 - Gohan and Piccolo: Master and Pupil Clash in Max Training! - TV-14V

11:30 - Mob Psycho 100 #4 - Idiots Only Event ~Kin~ - TV-14LV

12:00 - Attack on Titan #38 - Smoke Signal - TV-14DLSV

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #13 - We Picked Up Something Crazy! - TV-14LV

1:00 - Black Clover #47 - The Only Weapon - TV-14DV

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #120 - Fake and Real - TV-14LV

2:00 - FLCL Alternative #5 - Shake it Off - TV-14

2:30 - Pop Team Epic #2 - Vanver: A Game in Another Dimension - TV-14LV

3:00 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #24 - I'm Going to Get You, Lupin - TV-14

3:30 - Samurai Jack #10 - X - TV-Y7FV

It's like they avoid TV-MAs on purpose on these weekends.

14 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

Vetto's power-up convinces Yami to finally get off his ass and do shit

You raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, sir.

Hero- Can I intern with half the teachers while they're not busy with the students? I love this old man. Oh sweet, new OP. NO, MY SAUSAGES. Aww he called him All Might's name. He's Beard Yoda. Good, you can bond over your worry about All Might. Oh damn look at him go. Well hey at least your costume's cooler now. Kick his ass, grandpa. RIP microwave. You tried, kiddo. Ya gotta learn not to break all your damn limbs when you fight, sweetie. Meanwhile, Iida's having a mental breakdown. GO AWAY, FUCKHANDS. Even the serial killer thinks you suck. Yeah sure just let him get stabbed it'll be fun. Aww look, our boy's learning. :D I love that this guy asked for Bakugo just to shit all over him. TEAM HARDBOYS, GO. I hope we get scenes with all the kids at work. Hellloooo snake lady. I'm glad Yaoi Hands got an offer too. I like you, snake lady. :D Mt Lady just has him doing housework. Icy Hot no why would you choose your garbage dad. :D I love this old man. And if you break your legs, you'll have some nice soft trash bags to land on. Watch out for the wall. Damn right he had the body going for him. :D His training was just beating the shit out of him every day. Oh I sense a tragic backstory coming. Oh right, he broke his microwave. Deku how do you fuck up using a microwave? Be the fish cake. We've had a breakthrough! :D This ED is Hobbit.

Mob- Is that Josuke? I gotta agree with him, it's great having power over people. Go away, Slimer. :D Thank you, Mob. Just ghostbust him already. Oh this is a bad idea. I love Mob. :D Photoshop exorcism. MOBDONALDS continues to amuse me. You're a good kid, Mob's brother. Oh god they think he's Jesus. Sorry kid, no spoon bending for you. Aw crap, Slimer's gonna possess his brother. :D He's right, psychic powers can't make you buff. Don't feel bad, math is the devil. Jiggle Seitz. :D "We are way too busy doing squats" is a great explanation. I love the Jojo Club. Huh, I didn't know Josuke could do the ORA ORA thing. Please be real and not a prank. :( Poor Mob. :D "I wrote 'I'm a girl' on it." MOB NO. Ohhh don't fuck with Seitz. I love how much the Jojo Club cares about Mob. Shut up, douche boy. Yeah this'll end well. These guys are so fucking chill I love them. Alright he's psychic you're gonna have to kick his ass yourself.

Jojo- You should probably get that bow and arrow out of town right now. Huh, he's still alive. I hope Jotaro learned a lot from Avdol about kicking a dude's ass in jail. It's sad that Joseph is sitting all alone over there. Father-son bonding time I'm gonna cry. :D I love you Okuyasu. This is gonna be an awkward reunion. You're a good kid, Josuke. Call him "Dad" or I'm gonna cry. JOSEPH NO GET OFF THE BUS. Aaaaand here's a stand. Who steals an old man's cane?! BABY STAND, AGAIN. Okay so we got an invisible baby running around. Awwww Joseph saved it. So did someone shoot a baby with the arrow or was it just born like that? Holly Kujo was too weak to control her stand, but this is the second infant we've seen with powers. :D Joseph oh my god. I guess her poop is invisible too. Ewww go wash your face. Josuke you are putting way too much trust in Joseph here. That man is very short. Joseph no that's not your money! This is not the first time Joseph has heard the phrase "You haven't seen our nipples yet!" Oh god not math. Joseph he is gonna beat you to death. Man is thinking back to his tequila days here. :D She looks like baby Lisa Lisa. Aw shit her power's growing. DROP THE BABY. This is probably not a good thing. Oh you dick. Whelp there goes the baby. I hope that kid can swim. Hey to be fair, it's not his fault the baby's invisible. Jesus Christ Joseph you could have just used dirt. Huh, I guess her power doesn't work on stands. Hey Josuke maybe you wanna heal him real quick. AWWWW JOSEPH. Damn Josuke you got your daddy's arms.

Clover- Last time, the wrong character got punched in the throat. This guy will become my favorite character if he kills at least one person I hate. Yes we know the fucking Wizard King story we hear it every goddamn week. Believe me dude I've already been in despair for quite awhile here. Please god let Yami do something. Oh there is nothing worse than mosquitos I'd just give up now. No, Asta screaming is the most unbearable sound you've ever heard. String has never been threatening. I'm rooting for the giant furry here. Please punch Asta in the throat too. It sure is nice of this Garfield fursona to wait for you to have an emotional moment together. This sure is a lot of screentime for stuff that isn't Yami killing things. No, not knowing when to give up is absolutely a weakness you stupid bastard. Oh believe me buddy, I know despair with every minute I watch of this show. Well, getting tied up by a hot drunk skank might stop him. I agree, I also would have been better off getting drunk instead of this. This continues to not be Yami killing things for my affection and is therefore pointless. Furry's right, they're awful. Titties are indeed a strong motivation. What kind of a disappointing bitch gets outsmarted by string?

Hunter- Hiiii Knuckle. Oh this can't be good. Shut up, butterfly bitch. I feel like this was probaby a trap b ut I hope at least hurts. Why are you still talking and not being punched in the face. What the hell kind of power is that!? Could you try just setting this shit on fire? Oh Jesus what the FUCK are those. I need them to die and I need them to die quick and painfully. You never touch another man's pipe what's wrong with you. i fucking HATE this guy. Aw crap it's Youpi. PUNCH HIM IN THE DICK, KNUCKLE. And if they survive, I volunteer to be in the middle of the Knuckle orgy next. Oh crap it's the creepy pregnat girl. Kill him. You think this man understands a woman saying no? Why aren't you killing him. Bold of you to assume you're surviving any of this. RIP pipe. STOP DOING THAT CLONE THING. God I hate you shut up. Aw fuck is that Palm. IRS is so deceptively adorable. Knucle don't fall for it you're all I have when Killua's hot dad isn't around. EAT SHIT, YOUPI. Ohhh he's mad. Ahahahahha you dumb fuck. I hope the octopus saved Shoot. You better have  a lot of money for those hospital bills. Oh goddammit what are you about to do.

5 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

You raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, sir.

Well I did say he decided to do it, not that he'd actually follow through. But hey, at least you got to see Vanessa kill some dude with Sasuke's haircut.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - Again, the promo crew couldn't have put together a better two-week teaser than just sticking a morbid joke we've already seen without the punchline after some quick clips of the villains meeting up? Fuck yeah, new OP. "Okay, that's a little weird and specific." This dude's more senile than Part 4 Joseph. Okay, maybe not so much. You give up way too easy, Deku. Seriously, what happened to FUNimation's subtitle font? Did Crunchyroll take it in the divorce or something, I don't know how much longer I can deal with it looking so plain like this. All Might confirmed for not that good a teacher. Hey, Hatsume's narrating that letter. I'd recognize that excitement anywhere. If anything, it definitely looks less dorky than before. Settle it in Show me a Smash!  Gran Torino tells it like it is. NOT THE MICKROWAVE! You gotta predict the predictions, or so they say. He never expected him to dodge. He says to clean the place up, and yet it doesn't look nearly all that messy. Err, minus the broken microwave. Sometimes I forget that Iida's hero costume has a helmet. Handjob Man meets the Reject Ninja Turtle. If there's one thing Stain hates more than heroes with shallow motivations, it's gratuitous video game references. Kill him, Stain. "Tell me your secrets, microwave." You were too blinded by your fanboyism to notice then. What a cheerfully morbid commercial for video games. :D Well said, Best Jeanist. Anyone who treats Bakugo like the shitbag he is is good in my book. That one member of his team looks like the /fa/ equivalent of Ingenium. Bakugo's gonna get a makeover, whether he likes it or not. HARDNESS BROS TOGETHER AGAIN. Four-armed yakuza hero man. I agree, he is quite manly, no homo. Cool, they added an extra digit to that famous Shibuya building. Oh yeah, and here's what everyone else is doing. Those snakes on that woman's head are giving me Kekkaishi flashbacks of all things. I like Yaoi Hands Girl's hero outfit. Qipao + corset + headband-style domino mask = assured winner. You're taking this way too seriously, Momo. Turns out Midnight's not the only one who finds teenagers attractive. xD Mt. Lady's such a bum. No erotic roleplay for you, Grape Boy. Goddammit Shoto I told you not to go for his agency! "It's time I show you what it means to be a hero." No good can possibly come of this. This dude's eccentricities are just too much. This is both more sensible yet even greater B.S. than how the Rocket "hid" his identity. (Thanks, Meta, for inspiring me to think up a fan prequel to IGPX thanks to you and Gunners' constant complaints.) In which Deku teaches himself how to jump good. TOO MANY FACEPLANTS. :D That poor couple, no one will ever believe them. Skinny Might with Buff Might's face, it's a Thanksgiving miracle. That delivery man sounds so bored. OMOZAN. Mmm, taiyaki. For as much intellect as I have on Ben, I don't know shit about turntable microwaves, so it's good to learn. EPIPHANY: HAD. It's a metaphor, guy. That makes a shocking amount of sense. I like enthusiastic Deku. I had a feeling Gunhead was voiced by Dimestore Texas Steve Blum. Even in the alternate universe theme animations, Bakugo hates Deku's guts. I don't know if I should find that funny or annoying.

FUCK YEAR MEGALOBOX PROMO!!! And it's over already. :|

BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - Watching this before Naruto proper because you know how it is in Filler Hell. MOOOOOOOOOOOOON. If you wanna know who this guy is, watch the damn movies. MOVIE CLICHE #166: If a kid's been kidnapped, they're bound to cry. Is that Dante from the Devil May Cry series? And he's got Jinyu's glasses, that's kinda curious. ZA WARUDO. Ninja wizards complaining about realism in the movies, isn't anime grand? Naruto's bad side is the one that still has a raging hard-on for Sasuke. :D The more things change, the more they stay the same. Is that fry supposed to symbolize Iwabe's junk? I mean, it is Boruto's story, so of course he can't depend on his dad for everything. SHADOW CLONE BOARD ROOM MEETING, GO! Well, you've got a variation of the Byakugan inside you, maybe that's what's allowing you to see it. See, I told you. NOBODY EXPECTS MITSUKI. It's only natural to be afraid of the master eugenicist. Man, I hate it when some guy enters my dreams and tells me a bunch of cryptic shit I can't possibly wrap my head around. The lesson to learn from this trailer is, when exorcising spirits, don't kill the host too. Congratulations, Boruto, you are now a true protagonist. And now he's wearing Jinyu's glasses. :D Total chuunibyou. "Who do you think the target could be?" Clearly the target is Boruto. It always a drag with you, Shikamaru. :D Even Naruto thinks Boruto's delusions of grandeur are too much. To be fair, he was tricked into taking the scroll by Mizuki, who wanted it for even worse reasons than trying to graduate the academy in an unusual way, so I can't really pin the blame on him entirely. It's not a true Byakugan, it's just the one eye and with black sclera. To the master eugenicist's house! NOBODY EXPECTS MITSUKI STILL. These grandchildren are what Hiashi's whole life has been working up towards. Dang, Hinata's sister grew up attractive. Why does it not surprise me that the Japanese have their own take on hopscotch? Yeah, that's pretty much what Naruto said. Next week, it's grandfather vs. grandson.

Why did I think this Tender Touches promo was gonna be a stealth teaser for Mr. Osomatsu? Dang blue outlines...

DRAGONBALL SUPER - Yesterday, Yamcha died again, and boy did I laugh. :D "Really? Space poachers?" As better a man he is than Goku, Piccolo's just as much about a good fight. Gohan's ready for anything, especially the dodging lessons. I can't help but wonder which character Bulma's talking to over the phone. (I bet it's Chi-Chi.) I'm not surprised Vegeta knows babies so well, he did put a pacifier in his mouth that one time. In the end, it'll all be Beerus's fault. "NOBODY LIKES YOUUUUUU!" xD Whis is the greatest. You'd be surprised at how little bickering there actually is in their relationship. Didn't know Krillin was into hanging out in the sauna. Piccolo's really good at this tough love thing. "YOU FEEL GREAT! YOU CAN WIN! YOU. CAN. DO THIS!" Wait, so does that mean Hit is or isn't gonna be on your team? I've seen lots of spoilers for this arc, and yet I don't recognize this dude one bit. Between the bum leg and his retired status, I can see why. His sister's pretty cute for a delinquent. The turban's off, that means he's serious now. Why is this song so damn groovy? STRETCHY ARMS! Really tough love, it seems. That's our Piccolo, dishing out the real life lessons. I like the flickering between blonde and black his hair's doing. KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU. "Good job... but not good enough." DO NOT BE LIKE GOKU. Oh hey, that's the same dinosaur whose tail Gohan cut off for meat back when he was 4. STRONGER THAN HE WAS YESTERDAY. Yamcha, you loser, no wonder people laughed when you died the first time.

MOB PSYCHO 100 - DELINQUENT FIGHT! Their beatdown was so brutal, they couldn't even show it. :D If only this guy knew who the real main character is. xD I like Mob's way of doing a reality check. That idol's costume is more amusing, now that news broke of Japan's Miss Universe contestant dressing up as Sailor Moon. Hey, as long as you don't plan on marrying any nuns when you reach the top, then shoot for the fucking stars. Damn, now I wanna call Mob "Little Shige". This dude's conniving but dammit I'm kinda enjoying him. Trying to get to him through his brother, clever move. :D The Photoshop Jutsu is my new favorite move of Reigen's. Ctrl+Z is your friend in slip-ups like these. BURRRRRRRRN. MobDonalds is the best McDonalds knockoff name. Mob is God backwards, or something even more nonsensical. Those are some thorough notes. Polar opposite brothers. And he's the jealous type too, who'da thunk it? G-O-D. :D His face. The jealousy is mutual, then. PEC WAVE. They're exceptions to the rule. The Body Improvement Club are the broest guys. These Nomus keep getting uglier all the time. Technobabble is always a sure method to sound more intellectual than you actually are. DORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA! This letter's sending mixed messages. Looks like somebody's playing both sides. :D "BUT HE DID." I bet he wrote that third letter too. PUMPED UP 100%. Or maybe they really did write that third one. Eugh, no one told me there was a rapist in the making in their ranks. Thugs and politicians. FUCK YEAH BODY IMPROVEMENT CLUB. xD These guys are the best. Blonde Protag Wannabe has arrived. Yeahhhhh he's more the antag in his own life story than he is the protag. I had a feeling those guys wouldn't go down easy to him. And now they're flying. That's the power of an AT Field, guy. Mob's only half-pissed right now, which is enough. We're never gonna find out who voices Mob's mom, are we.

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE - Morioh Radio again? Okay, what gruesome event's gonna happen now? Apparently, it's the cause of gruesome events instead. Yesssss, fear the Jotaro. Well, at least the arrow will be in good hands now. Remember when Joseph used to bitch about Japanese coffee? Neither does he. Twenty bucks says Tonio's pudding made Okuyasu more willing to try other desserts. Yeahhhhh she totally thinks you're up to something. Hey, when a walk sign's on and no cars are in sight, you gotta cross the street. Considering how she was when she mistook Jotaro for Joseph, I can only imagine how much of a wreck she'd be now. SHIT COUNT: 1. "To Sapporo." Wait, so does this mean Morioh's on Hokkaido, or is it on the northern half of Honshu? 'Cause last I checked, the Shinkansen's the only way to get from Honshu to Hokkaido without shelling out money to ride a boat or ferry. Okay, Honshu it is. :D Even at his age, Joseph can still pull off that reaction hype. Hand prints and knee prints. OH MY GOD. How strange that this is the one time Joseph isn't just seeing things and Josuke's just chalking it up to senility. INVISIBLE BABY, ACQUIRED. You know, Josuke, that baby could be one of those from-birth STAND users. "Nothing about this makes any sense!" It's JoJo, it's only natural. Yeah, back when he did that sort of thing with Holly, Erina was still alive. Can't say I completely blame Josuke there. :D Invisible babies produce invisible bowel movements. That's the sassiest 48 year-old I've ever seen. Ooh, Shueisha! (They're the publishers of Shonen Jump.) Josuke the teen dad would indeed be something scandalous. That's a tiny shop clerk. I have a feeling a certain community on /aco/ would get a lot out of this episode. Okay, watching this scene with others in the room is starting to get a little awkward. Spending $1000 on baby stuff is something only rich parents and ABDL fetishists would do. For being this old and forgetful, Joseph's still got some wits about him. This is reminding me of an MHA comic series I read once. Babies in sunglasses are the coolest. :o Now that's an invisibility quirk if I've ever seen one! Quick question: can Shining Diamond turn invisible objects visible? Stay a foot away from the baby, got it. I'm surprised that guy didn't freak out at Joseph's hands or the stroller, but hey, when in Morioh... Aw yeah, it's the stroller rolling down the hillside cliche. B| And the trees are floating too! Clearly she's where the water is invisible. :| You'd be amazed if you could see what he was like when he was 10, even 60 years younger. "If I die, tell your mom I said hello." Joseph you absolute madman. And here's Shining Diamond doing a Lion King reenactment. He's a true JoJo, that guy, cool to the end, assuming that end sticks. Hi, random eyecatch. I had a feeling he'd have that same star-shaped birthmark as the others. And now he's flat broke.

BLACK CLOVER - Intensely suggestive dialogue? Okay, who sexually harasses who this week? The effect might not have been permanent enough to matter, but at least her attack had an effect. Don't open your third eye, that's what the Doki Doki Literature Club wants you to do! Now's not the time to be staring at a picture of your sister, Gauche. Why does this guy look like Sasuke? I was not expecting Noelle to have a grandmother. Okay, so it's the elves' fault that the demon from the avant title attacked, then. xD Yami really is deserving of a better show. But hey, at least Vanessa's boobs are looking pretty alright. (Wait, does that mean I'm the sexual harasser this week?) REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "No, Asta screaming is the most unbearable sound you've ever heard." At one point, maybe, but clearly she's gotten so used to it that other noises are actually worse in comparison. You suck, sound wizard Sasuke. Neat, she shares Best Jeanist's powers. And that's how Sasuke was tricked into dying by his own hand. That healing he got better be free of charge. I'm in the minority here, but she deserves that headpat. Nobody cares about your will to live, Finral. Don't fuck with Mob, Blondie. I'm not sure if he's acting selfish or smart right now. Well, at least he's got determination, even if it's wholly misguided. Whoa boy that doesn't look good. Thanks for the group save, Vanessa. It's all about getting stronger than you were yesterday with these guys. Does it really count as a mythical beast if they're proven to be real? [internally screaming] I like Finral better when he's a coward than when he's a wannabe ladies' man. He can't even sense magic, but he could feel that. :D In the end, it was Vanessa who sexually harassed herself. Okay, now's the time to use that budget. A truly formidable combo, these three.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - I've given it weeks of thought, and I think I'm gonna cancel the recordings for this show starting next week and just watch Shippuden live. That said, the "ultimate summoning animal" is one Jabba the Hutt-looking motherfucker. At least, it was, before it went all Super-Cthulu.

HUNTER x HUNTER - Wait, so he just left Shoot there? Knuckle, you dumbass. This is some surprisingly chill tension music. Well damn, this show is operating on a different level than I anticipated. "He divided into super-fine particles!" He can do that? And then he was 100 Pouf Jrs., some of which look almost exactly like Luck from Black Clover. You can't kill what can disassemble itself on the molecular level and survive. NOBODY EXPECTS FULL-SIZED POUF. Something tells me the "safe place" he's talking about is his rear end. Oh shit, Youpi's here. I like that Morel doesn't even question what's going on with Knuckle right now, and is instead helping him out without question. NINETY SHIRTLESS KNUCKLES, AH AH AH. And they're all posing too. :D Poor blonde loli ant, both of your companions are dead and you don't even know. I'd say something about how that guy deserves to be crushed under all that rubble, but I can't help but be distracted by how huge his eyebrows are. Just leave him to die already. Or just put it off, I don't care either way. That click sounded like a suicide tooth opening up. Welp, he's not getting that pipe back. Kirbopher must really love voicing this guy, considering how much dialogue he's had up to this point. Everybody's playing 4D chess, and half of them don't even know the significance of their moves. Gon's still deathstaring the fuck out of that cat-trap. Okay, guess we now know where Palm's being kept. Nobody knows what Potclean is, really. And thanks to Meleoron's ability, he's unable to spot him or Killua. He can't, but we can! Lucky us! :D I knew that would be a decoy, and yet it didn't feel predictable at all. (Not in the conventional sense, at least.) Welcome to 4D chess, Youpi. I'm not used to seeing Morel in a full suit. Good, he's finally getting some needed medical attention. REPLY TO ANGEL 3: "I hope the octopus saved Shoot." Nah, I think he's still BSODing over being took weak to kill the lobster guy. Besides, I saw Knov leave through the Scary Door, so I'm sure it was him who did it. TIMBERRRRRRR. I actually liked Pouf better as a bunch of tiny clones.


Tonight on Toonami, Stain wreaks havoc on Hosu City after getting rejected by the League of Villains, Guy flashes back to when Lee first learned the Loopy Drunken Fist, Boruto spends his visit to the Hyuga estate sparring with his grandfather and aunt, Goku pays a visit to Tien's dojo to tell him about the Tournament of Power (with sexy results~), Mob finds himself up against the psychic shadow leader of Black Vinegar Middle School's delinquent horde, Hazamada takes Koichi to visit Morioh's resident eccentric manga-ka after learning they both like his work, Asta resumes his fight against Vetto this time with direct backup from Finral and Vanessa, and Morel and Knuckle's battle takes a drastic turn when Youpi suddenly unlocks his final form.

9:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #10 - Sit Tight, Chiaotzu! Tien's Screaming Tri-Beam! - TV-PGLV

9:30 - My Hero Academia #28 - Midoriya and Shigaraki - TV-14LV

10:00 - Naruto Shippuden #228 - Fight! Rock Lee! - TV-PG

10:30 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #9 - Proof of Oneself - TV-PG

11:00 - Dragonball Super #89 - A Mysterious Beauty Appears! The Enigma of the Tien Shin-Style Dojo?! - TV-14LS

11:30 - Mob Psycho 100 #5 - OCHIMUSHA ~Psychic Powers and Me~ - TV-14DLSV

12:00 - Attack on Titan #39 - Pain - TV-14SV

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #14 - Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House, Part 1 - TV-14DLV

1:00 - Black Clover #48 - Despair vs. Hope - TV-PGV

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #121 - Defeat and Dignity - TV-14LV

2:00 - FLCL Alternative #6 - Full Flat - TV-14DL

2:30 - Pop Team Epic #3 - The Documentary - TV-MA

3:00 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #25 - World Dissection, Part 1 - TV-14V

3:30 - Samurai Jack #11 - XI - TV-Y7FV


Hero- Staying at 100% at all times is either gonna work out great or blow all your limbs clean off. I love Granpa. Well at least you got close a couple times. RIP fish cakes. Meanwhile, my other kids. Wrestleboys are trying. :D Bakugo is going to have a stroke. Oh hey police dude. This can't be a good thing. No shit he's been altered drastically. Ohhh that sounds bad. I DON'T LIKE THE SOUND OF THIS. Hey buff boyfriend. Meanwhile, Fuckhands still sucks. Just kill them, dude. Fuckhands you might wanna look in a mirror before you call anyone else crazy. Meanwhile, Iida needs a hug. Dang, Granpa must have been terrifying to fight back in his prime. Field trip! NO CAPES. Please visit Iida and give him a hug. Dude knows what's up. Man if I had powers you bet your ass I'd be using them for myself all the time. Well you're too young for binge drinking so I'm out of ideas. Nobody likes you, FUckhands. OH FUCK THERE'S MORE OF THOSE THINGS. Damn kids and your cell phones. This is not gonna end well. KICK SOME ASS, GRANPA. Iida no what are you doing. Leave the Village People alone! IIDA NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING. I'm surprised he noticed Iida's a kid when he looks 25. Man, his brother was really cute. Iida stop this is a bad idea. ABORT MISSION ABORT MISSION. Todoroki's horse just fucking right off in the ED cracks me up.

Mob- KICK HIS ASS, MOB. He's so sweet I love this kid. Fuck you Slimer, he's great. Reigen being a surprisingly good mentor here. There he goes. Punch him right in the dick. Surprisingly decent of you, Slimer. I won't miss him. This boy is a douchebag. Aw crap he's glowing. I hope that school has good insurance. Leave my kid alone or I'll fight you myself. Oh fuck its knives. Well, you wanted him to fight back. Your hair sucked anyways. TIE SWORD, GO. That smile is creepy. When you're a total douche, confidence just flows like water. Okay but I want you to hurt him so it evens out. Who needs psychic powers when you can destroy someone through breaking their spirit? Uh dude I think you need to take a step back. Punch him harder. Great job ya douche, you killed him. And then Mob broke. All your dick powers are gone. Uh hey Mob you okay there buddy? Someone please hug this boy. Well if this whole psychic thing doesn't work you've got a great future in construction. I love the Jojo Club so much. Dramatic harmonica solo. And nothing of value was lost. Ritsu is a good kid. :D You should always apologize for barfing on someone. I got a bad feeling about this.

Jojo- I know that feel, Koichi. Punch that kid in the face. Girls love Joseph. Awwww baby. "Pink Dark Boy" definitely sounds like a porno. This dude sounds like a nerd. Yeah I'm sure he'll be cool with you just showing up at his house unannounced. I automatically don't trust this guy. Hahahaha it's Mcnuggets I can already tell he's a douche. You kids are about to get murdered. Fuck yeah fax machines. Rohan what the fuck. WHY ARE YOU LICKING A SPIDER YOU WEIRDO. I absolutely do not trust Rohan. Trust your instincts, Koichi. Of course he's definitely a stand user, normal people don't dress like that. You dumbass kids he's going to peel your skin off for reference. THE MANGA IS A STAND. Okay I wasn't serious about the skin thing. My stand book would just be thousands of pages of thirst. So many stands. Kick him in the balls and run! Aw shit you can't kick him in the balls. Kill the other kid first. Rohan is the fucking worst. I think he stole that outfit from Bea Arthur. Oh jesus I didn't need to know that last bit. I can't wait to see someone beat him up. Again I say, Rohan what the fuck. Aw crap they don't remember. Heaven's Door seems overpowered as shit. How much weight is that in American? THIS MUST BE THE WORK OF AN ENEMY STAND USER. Oh thank god, the bros are on the case. Manga douche activates my Flight or FIght response more than any other character we've seen in this series.

Clover- Why aren't any of these people dead yet. I absolutely did not think these idiots were that competent. No, even together they're still trash. Hey maybe you'd have a better advantage if you didn't come in SCREAMING every time you go in for a hit. I liked you better when you didn't speak. I do enjoy the sheep cooks. I'd rather spend 20 minutes just watching Yami play commentator. I like it when Asta gets hurt. Let him go in unprepared again. I'm with the furry here, Yami does look good to eat. Please let Yami fight. Oh look, a backstory I don't care about. So were you a functional alcoholic before or after you escaped the giant birdcage? Oh look, another backstory I don't care about. They may be the worst squad but they have the only fuckable character so who's the real winner here. Your pickup lines are bad and you shoud feel bad. Joke's on you this show is already scraping the bottom of the barrel. Please kill the sisterfucker. Great it's a disco laser. Okay I'll admit that sheep is adorable. Of course it's a shadow clone jutsu. I'm already in despair, show. Oh mother of fuck what the shit is this.

Hunter- KICK HIS ASS, GON. Dude this boy is .5 seconds away from going on a rampage. Killua''s gotta recharge. Please go help Knuckle. Don't trust this flamboyant bitch. I want to hug IRS and that is a sentence I never expected to say in my life. Fuck you Youpi. Aw shit he's evolving. Oh, that's terrifying. Man if you wanna feel rage just watch some Black Clover. Whelp looks like it's time to start digging Knuckle's grave. Maybe you shouldn't have smoked so much. Yeah well you look like a bucket of shit. Huh, surprisingly decent of him. Hey now would be a great time for somebody to help Morel. Thank you lizard man. Aw fuck he's bleeding all over. HELLO THERE SHIRTLESS KNUCKLE. And if you survive, you can take me on next. Lizard man I hope you'er taking this time to breathe while he's distracted. Ohhhhh this is bad. GODDAMMIT KNUCKLE. You're a good man but so fucking stupid. Well...that was unexpected. No seriously, get that man some medical attention immediately. I can absolutely still see him as something to exterminate and would like to fight. Oh he is looking rough. Bye Morel, feel better! Please punch that butterfly to death.


MY HERO ACADEMIA - Not a bad cut for this OP. Gran Torino > The Mule. Anime Law of Physics #44 won't help you this time, Deku. Gran Torino sure knows how to dodge. Well he was planning on being a hero like Batman with preptime and everything before One for All came his way. Heh, he actually managed to scratch him. It's a little late to call the three-second rule on those. [insert first ending theme here] Shigaraki's name has the character for death in it; that makes a startling amount of sense. Cute poses, they always pop up where you least expect them. xD Bakugo's hair. [BOMB!] Like I said, Momo, you're thinking a little too hard about this. Hey there, cop guy. It took you that long to find out he was mute, or at least unintelligible? Doze are some huge lips. Turns out Nomu was a fusion gone wrong all along. Well, that was a sudden interruption in my recording. All Might's frightened, shit's getting real. :o Yeah, I'm actually rooting for Stain here. Wait, why'd he attack the bartender guy? I'm kinda glad he's wearing that giant hand, 'cause based on what I'm seeing he really shouldn't smile. "We don't have a healer in our party, you know." Dammit Shigaraki this is not a video game. RE-JECTED. What makes Hosu so special that Stain wants to kill so many heroes there? Some of the heroes in that article look familiar. ...What the fuck, Skittles. O.o But Deku already has weird habits. [mumble mumble] Ah, adventures in socioeconomic land use. WE'RE CRIME FIGHTING TONIGHT, MAH BOI. FUCK YEAH SHIBUYA. Having written about a future variation of the area, it feels good to hear anime acknowledge it. (I hope the Police Building makes a cameo! xD) And he mentioned small fights breaking out, that's a subconscious parallel to my Great Yakuza War if I've ever seen one. CURSE YOU, DA RULES! And that there's why Stain hates self-proclaimed heroes. :D He's into the whole posing thing too. There's just something about red sunsets. "I get the idea you enjoy picking on me." We all enjoy picking on you, Handjob Man. So Stain's an anti-villain then. :S Dang, these guys make the first Nomu look relatively normal by comparison. More skirmishes at night, yep that's definitely the Great Yakuza War he's alluding to. "You kids these days and your cellular telephones." Wow, the turbulence arrived faster than I expected. FUCK YEAH GRAN TORINO. That noise is making me uncomfortable. Iida, you fool, never go down a dark alley at night alone. That's what this guy gets for culturally appropriating the Native Americans. :P I don't know whether to call Iida brave or reckless right now, but damn does he have a huge pair of balls. Aw shit, I forgot he introduced himself with his brother's moniker. Iida status: boned. Aw shit, these are last week's credits.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Seriously, what is it this season with Guy being carried off by giant birds?

BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - Like her sister before her, Hanabi a best girl. Never mind, guess he's fighting her this week. CHENGXI HUANG SAKUGA SPOTTED. "Are you really taking this seriously?" He's an Uzumaki, of course he isn't. :D I love this guy's action animation direction. It's nice to see she's humoring the possibility of it appearing at a later date. I just realized his bangs look like an upside-down leaf. I never thought I'd see the day Naruto would be drinking a beer. Does Hanabi have the hots for her nephew? TOO BAD. It's strange seeing Naruto as the mature one, though considering his poking logical holes in Guy's "Seasick Fist" story earlier, I shouldn't be too surprised. Hey, he's his family too. These two are getting along much better than I expected. Well, you know what they say about children being unpredictable. THAT'S A BINGO~. Yeahhhh I think this show is incest-shipping these two. MOOOOOOOOOOON! In which Sarada is more than just Boruto's classmate. I'm not surprised she's on the honor roll. He's only into Kagemasa for his cool Jinyu shades. Something something controversial Tweeters. Look, Boruto, look with your special eye! Damn, male Jinyu got fat. "Go away before I eat your camera." Damn fat people and their crazy acrobatics. "Damn, this was my good jacket!" Thanks for the assist, Sarada. You aren't a ninja if you don't use diversionary tactics whenever you can. She takes after her mother more than her dad, and I like that about her. It's raining junk food! Another victim saved. I feel like that was originally "Bakamasa". And now Himawari is the chuunibyou.

DRAGONBALL SUPER - This episode will have sexy results~. In the end, it was Piccolo who was the key to Gohan's improvement all along. What the fuck happened to your voice Oolong. :D Their training is literally just standing there and screaming. Even Roshi's bored with it. He does it so easily because of his third eye. A WILD CUTE GIRL APPEARS! Nobody cares about Chiaotzu. You now have Roshi's attention. Tien's the only serious character in this show, that's the joke. :D Why do I find this obvious sexual harassment so funny? I never realized how many of these monks had sameface. He'll explain everything in due time. The miniskirt is very important, allows for increased mobility. Darkness always lies in the rear end. Smart move staying outta this, Goku. He's so old he's shooting steam from his nose instead of blood. I can't say I'm surprised by his refusal. Well, there's always Yamcha. :P IT'S BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA! This time, with zombies. About time Toonami got itself another darkhorse, and I'm glad this is the horse they chose. Oh look, a Space Aussie. Dang, Cabba's got balls. He's bald because he chooses to be, there's no shame in that. Yeahhhhh that definitely sounds petty. A BIG FREAKING DEAL. :D First you blow yourself up, now this. You are useless, Chiaotzu. You'd be surprised at how sturdy his bones are for his age. Don't be distracted by the vagina, Roshi. CROTCH SHOT. And then he was a buff zombie. O.o What the fuck is coming out of your back, Tien. Extra arms, apparently. FINISH HIM! You'd be surprised what you can contract on Yardrat, be it Instant Transmission or a killer heart virus. Welp, I'm out of comments. APOLOGIZE. And so the roster is complete. DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY: EIGHT HOURS REMAIN. Oh, so that's why Oolong sounded different.

If not for that chick with the scarf over her lower face, I wouldn't even consider finding out more about that Mortal Engines movie.

MOB PSYCHO 100 - Ooh, all the stops! Mob's face is looking pretty QUALITY this week, even for this show. Mob don't give a shit about your stupid hierarchy. I don't know what an Ochimusha is, but it sounds lewd. TOO FAST FOR YOU. Aww, Mob just wants peace. I didn't know you could do telekenesis on yourself. That's me in the book smarts category. I dunno, knowing Reigen said it doesn't really change its in-universe legitimacy. IT'S SAKUGA TIME. Yep, this kid's delusional. Oh hey, he can still transform. DIMPLE NOOOOOO. xD Now that's how you make sexual harassment funny. When someone asks you to "do them a solid", DON'T. Wow, what an ass. BURRRRRRRN. HIROMITSU SEKI SAKUGA SPOTTED. Wow, lookin' pretty ugly there, dood. WE KNIFIN' AROUND NOW. Wait, what happened to his bangs. xD This is the kind of thing Saitama would find funny, I bet. I personally can't wait to watch more Shivering Truth, but I can't help but worry that [as] is advertising it more as a straight horror than a horror-comedy fusion like the pilot. TIE SWORD. Yep, he's nuts. That's some deep shit, Mob. xD Some cold shit, too. WHY YOU LITTLE! A punch so pathetic that he can't even laugh at it. Damn, that's a dark flashback. :S Oh shit, the counter just got interrupted. WE ???% NOW. And then he was naked. :D His powers are being sucked right out of his dick. Well, that's one way to teach your opponent humility. EPIPHANY. And now we're back to the regular counter, already in progress. xD Sometimes a misunderstanding is the best way to see the outcome. Apart from almost getting the life choked out of him, yeah he's fine. Hello, frog friend. Ritsu's a good brother. :D That sounds pretty bad too. So he wasn't direct collateral damage after all. I assume "ochimusha" means "naked weirdo". OR MAYBE HE WAS.

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE - What an awkward reunion. Who'd have thought that a baby of all things could be a STAND user, y'know? Mmm, rainbow ice cream. Through manga, unity. xD These two are such nerds, I love it. This is the most tense doorbell ring ever. HAAAAAAAAND! What a creepy fellow. So creepy, he scared away the theme song. :D Oh no, he's voiced by Vic. And his hair... even by JoJo standards, I can't wrap my head around it. Oh well, at least his pen nib earrings look cool. I like the triangle-shaped bookcase. Never trust a room with a clown in it, especially if it's a picture. This is Koichi's visit to Tonio's, so when does the fucked-up shit go down? He works alone, he lives alone, he has sex alone. I sorta get it, I mean, I don't have any assistants helping me out with Kinky Kunoichi, and I'm not much of a people person either... Wait what's he doing with that spider. And now I know why you guys complain about fictional works being unrealistic so much. :D Oh god that is so disturbing I can't help but laugh. Moments like this always end in vomit. He's also going to get something to clean up his puke with. Don't worry, Koichi, it's only natural to be disturbed by Vic Manga-ka. This show sure loves the phrase "the willies". SHUEISHA. xD That manga sure has one powerful aura. What if it's the STAND user? Oh wow, they actually got that name past the lawyers. YOU HAVE TO BE THE MANGA, KOICHI. First Asuna, now Koichi, which anime character will Vic molest next? Not how we hoped to learn Koichi's life story. And then he learned the plot thus far. And they kept Yukako's STAND's name too, amazing... Huh, I forgot what Act 2 looked like. Such a fabulous pose. :D He added a footnote in someone else's life story, that madman! SHIT COUNT: 3. You heard it here first, folks, Hazamada tortures small animals and plays with himself in public. :D Rohan the Troll Flamer. This guy is like me in many ways. And just when I thought the similarities would stop, it turns out we both write for the sake of it. Rohan is the most relatable character in this show. On the topic of perfect inspirations for your ultimate masterpiece, here's mine. This man is absolutely crazy and I love him, no homo. Though seeing those two walk away like nothing that happened in that house happened is a little unnerving. How it feels to get mindfucked. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: "How much weight is that in American?" About 40 pounds, or 10 henways. IT'S AN ENEMY STAND! And then he was the chick from 50 First Dates. Your body wants its missing 20 kg back and it don't wanna wait no more. Oh good, Josuke and Okuyasu are here, maybe they can help bring Koichi back to his senses. [DRAWING MANGA ANGRILY] Koichi's gonna get raped again. Neat, the ED changed up some.

BLACK CLOVER - HEYUMP! They don't really get to do much, no wonder you're surprised at how good they are at their own stuff. Just be lucky those red strings of fate aren't strangling you right now. As they say, one arrow's a decent weapon, but three together are unstoppable, given you don't know where to break them in half. The animation looks so bad in these outsourced episodes but I can't help but enjoy seeing all the undoctored derp for myself. You say unbelievable too much, Fem!Grey. It's amazing that Charmy is, as Angel would say, the "least terrible" of these three. And here's Yami, waiting things out against his better judgement. At least this show knows to keep the ghosting frames out of the fight sequences. It's just a flesh wound! I'll hand it to Yami, he really wants these characters to develop beyond being insulting to lines. Well no shit it's "not actual gameplay", actual gameplay doesn't look that high-budget. Never say never, even if it's better to say never. :D Even Asta thinks Yami needs to get off his ass. So he can still fight, he just has to change it up a bit. GOTTA GO FAST(er). :D I've been waiting for that QUALITY frame to finally show up. Surprise, it's Vanessa's backstory. Damn, that's one lonely adolescence she had. (And apparently her witch getup is actually legitimate.) And then she became the first Black Bulls member to have two one-note gags. What surprisingly decent hand animation. And Finral gets some backstory too. Even as a kid, he was a coward. I already hate his brother and his smug face. What is it with Clifford Chapin lending his voices to all these assholes? First Bakugo, then that barely younger version of Noelle's oldest brother, now this douche. Yami's by far the wisest character in this show. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "Joke's on you this show is already scraping the bottom of the barrel." You'd think at this point, the show wouldn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as barrels, but I guess that's what happens when Yami exists. [insert void of comments here] Gauche is actually pretty good as a foil to Grey. :D Am I the only one who finds it amusing that Charmy's using baseball terms as part of her attack when the sport's more Magna's gimmick than anyone else's? MULTIPLE ASTAS. Hee, that one has a henohenomoheji face. Whoa, he actually stabbed him, that changes things! :D Oh hey, we actually get one of these this week! They're pretty amusing if you don't hate the show to the core. Okay, not even I could hear Gordon that time. AND A NEXT EPISODE PREVIEW TOO! Damn, what was in the water this week?

Best version of We Wish You a Merry Christmas ever.

HUNTER x HUNTER - You couldn't even begin to fathom what's going through Gon's head right now. :) Pouf is so useless. FOR THE KING. Gon put the fear of god into Pitou's soul, that's what. Soooooo much interest. And then he turned into a centaur. Well fuck, that arm looks like something out of your nightmares. That don't sound so good. Damn, surprise character development! AAAAAAAND CLIFFHANGER. Never be an Instagram boyfriend. Welcome to the mindfuck, Youpi. I love how these characters think these possibilities through and are often correct in their assumptions. Push past your limits, Meleoron! Or let Knuckle do it for you, that works too. But the question is, will diplomacy work on ants? "My answer... is no." Aww shit it popped. Was that supposed to happen? Wow, his character developed way further than I'd thought it would. Not even the narrator can believe it! That arm face still looks freaky as fuck tho. You lost, but as far as Angel's concerned, you won big by surviving this fight. But if they go, who's gonna take you to the doctor? He was a bad guy, but he wasn't a bad guy. Jesus Christ, Knov, what the hell happened to your hair? I can barely understand half of what you're saying, dude. They're gonna kick Pouf's ass.

Posted (edited)

You wanna know the most surefire way to create a popular new sport? Take an existing sport and add advanced robotics to it. It's what brought the NASCAR-roller derby-Rock'em Sock'em Robots fusion known as the IGPX into the in-universe spotlight, and even today that method still sees occasional use. In this present day case, the inclusion of mechanical appratuses for the arms known only as "Gear" alongside the standard red gloves have transformed boxing into a completely new sport in its own right, called "Megaloboxing". A sport as popular as it is widespread, from the biggest cities to the lowliest slums, it even has a world series of sorts known as "Megalonia". It takes real talent and drive to make it to the big leagues. Does Junk Dog, a nameless illegal Megaloboxer who spends his days throwing fights under the orders of his coach, have what it takes?

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Japan's first famous boxing manga, Ashita no Joe, comes Megalobox, premiering tonight at midnight.

Elsewhere on Toonami, Deku rushes to find Iida when Hosu City comes under attack by Stain and a bunch of freaky-ass Nomus, Naruto better pack his bags 'cause he's going on a trip, Boruto starts actively pursuing the mysterious chakra ghost that's been possessing people instead of waiting for it to strike again, with his team filled out Goku spends the remaining time before the Tournament of Power training, Mob's recent psychical endeavors start attracting attention from normies and weirdos all over town, Koichi's recent visits to Vic Manga-ka's house prompt Josuke and Okuyasu to see what's up, Vetto tries to turn the fight back in his favor by breaking something important of Asta's (no, not his voice box), and after much delay the long-awaited fight between Netero and the King finally begins.

9:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #11 - Will Goku Make it in Time? Three Hours Until the Battle Resumes! - TV-PGLV

9:30 - My Hero Academia #29 - Hero Killer: Stain vs. U.A. Students - TV-14LV

10:00 - Naruto Shippuden #229 - Eat or Die! Mushrooms from Hell - TV-PG

10:30 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #10 - The Ghost Incident: The Investigation Begins! - TV-PG

11:00 - Dragonball Super #90 - Staring Down the Wall to be Overcome! Goku vs. Gohan - TV-14V

11:30 - Mob Psycho 100 #6 - Discord ~To Become One~ - TV-14DLSV

12:00 - Megalobox #1 - Buy or Die? - TV-14L

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #15 - Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House, Part 2 - TV-14LV

1:00 - Black Clover #49 - Beyond Limits - TV-14V

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #122 - Pose and Name - TV-14LV

2:00 - Attack on Titan #40 - Old Story - TV-14LV

2:30 - Pop Team Epic #4 - SWGP 2018 - TV-14LV

3:00 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #26 - World Dissection, Part 2 - TV-14L

3:30 - Samurai Jack #12 - XII - TV-Y7FV

Edited by PokeNirvash

To make up for the dearth of content ratings talk on these boards lately, here are my personal ratings for the subbed run.

#1 to #6: TV-14LV
#7: 14
#8: 14L
#9: 14LV
#10: 14V
#11: 14LV
#12 and #13: 14V

Already, there's a disagreement. I gave most of the show at least a 14V for general boxing violence, but Turner might not go there unless there's a significant amount of blood in an episode. We'll see what happens.

3 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

Vetto tries to turn the fight back in his favor by breaking something important of Asta's

Oh thank god I hope it's his voice box-

3 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

(no, not his voice box)


  • Haha 2

Hero- Well thank god Aizawa's not here to get his skull bashed in again. Granpa doesn't fuck around. HI GARBAGE DAD. God, I'd still hit it. Aw crap that looks bad. "The normal hero" sounds like the least impressive person in a fight. GO AWAY, FUCKHANDS. Remember the time Fuckhands got shot a bunch, that was great. Iida no just walk away. Whelp, Iida's dead. Dang his brother's super cute. Oh, that's creepy. THANK YOU DEKU. Aw shit Iida's broken. Find your inner All Might, kiddo. Man I hope somebody's close enough to help you. KICK HIS ASS. Oh fuck he's got more knives. I'm so proud of my son. FUCK. Maybe Garbage Dad will save them. Wait did Garbage Dad really show up? SURPRISE ICY HOT TO THE RESCUE. Yeah, I'd say you don't want most people to get your blood. Whelp so much for that. Shut up Iida just enjoy not being dead. Huh, I wonder why Deku can move first. Oh, it's blood types. I like that Present Mic randomly shows up to give voice overs. I'm adopting all these kids. Awwww Todoroki. I still would not have chosen Garbage Dad. I'm still holding out hope that my curse kills Endeavor. Aw crap Deku's paralyzed again. SHUT UP IIDA JUST ENJOY BEING ALIVE. Oh good Iida can move now.

Mob- Sorry kid you're not a wizard. Dude what is on your head. :D You dick. Sweet moves though. CHEESEBURGER TORNADO. That is a very weird question out of context. Go away, Josuke. Mob she's cute, talk to her. Twitch twitch. Sorry girl his master's a fake. Well hey, you got a date. I love Jojo Club Seitz. This student council seems shady as fuck. Awww he's such a good kid. This guy is dressed like a Jojo character. :D Hair. Poor Mob. Do crimes, loiter. Yeah you've definitely got the wrong brother here. Kiddo get out of the street. I love that the bros are all genuinely good bros. Sweetie turn around before you get murdered. RIP ice cream. That's a chin alright. She's cute. Aw, that's adorable. I can respect a dude throwing ridiculous amounts of money at a stupid goal. Ouch. Well now I feel better that I don't live in a literal trash hovel. At least spoons are cheap. Oh this seems ominous. RED ALERT RED ALERT. That sure is a lot of broken recorders. I love you, Jojo Club Seitz. Don't kinkshame Josuke's recorder fetish. Whelp. he's doomed. You're a good kid, Ritsu. Congratulations you're psychic too. Oh hey it's Slimer.

Boxing- Hi, scorpion. And then he died. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE. Welcome to Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots. Oh hey he's cute. Oh, you can't play. Good luck Junk Dog I believe in you. Or you can just get paid to lose. You seem like a decent dude, drunk coach guy. I do enjoy buff dudes beating the shit out of each other. I think his gear is made out of that old bedframe I threw out last year. PUNCH HIM IN THE DICK. I've never seen Rocky so just imagine I'm throwing out tons of references here. Well the important thing is you tried. I don't trust this guy. GET OUT OF THE STREET, LADY. And then he died, again. No shit he's injured, look at the blood. PUNCH HIM IN THE DICK. Leave that poor bike alone. What a surprise it's albino Drago. Oh that looks like it's gonna hurt when he punches you. I don't think apologizing is gonna work. KICK HIS ASS, JUNK DOG.

Jojo- Run away, Koichi! Mcnuggets is going to kill you. Rohan why can't you just draw like a normal person. Congrats Koichi you're a main character. This is still horrifying. I'm not too crazy about this OP. Oh thank god the boys are here. RUN, KOICHI. No it's not okay, don't leave him alone. Aaaaand youre doomed. :D Poor Koichi. Oh fuck you Rohan. THANK YOU OKUYASU. :D Doodling dipshit. Aww he still misses his douchebag brother. Goddammit Okuyasu! Okay Josuke you wanna keep your eyes closed and just start punching wildly. I can't wait to see Rohan get punched. Call Jotaro and have Star Platinum punch the shit out of him. Leave Okuyasu alone you asshole! Oh no this was a bad idea. PUNCH HIM. Rohan you piece of shit. Rohan have you looked in a mirror you're the last one who gets to talk shit about his hair. YA DONE FUCKED UP NOW. Oh this is beautiful. :D He's so fucking angry. :D:D GET OUT HERE YOU PUNK BITCH. Oh right, he was dying because Dio. HI, AVDOL. And then they were saved by Space Dandy. Awww, that's sweet. Break Rohan's hands. :D Thank you Josuke.

Clover- Somebody die already. Kill him now, furry. Finally his screams are tolerable. Alright furry aim for this throat next. Oh right, Yuno's in this show. Yeah you dumbass, the magic-draining sword is still draining your magic while it's in your gut. Don't worry I'm despairing enough for all of you. The shit is that. And this fight limps to a conclusion long after I stopped giving even a fraction of a shit. Yet again they all survive and yet again I'm left disappointed. Why has the sister fucker not beein violently slaughtered yet. Noelle continues to be unlikable. I continue to give zero fucks about anyone's backstory, show. Oh good NOW can everyone die? Just let Yami kill something I'm begging you. Yes, absolutely send Asta at him. I'll admit, giant titties are a great motivator. FUCKING FINALLY. Please god don't leave you're the only one worth watching here. Yep grandpa it's all your fault and you're terrible. Mother of fuck just shut up and stay out of the way. Daddy's home. God I'm into that.

Hunter- Oh right this fight was gonna happen. Bye dragon. Uh, maybe you have to fight because one of you wants to eat people? Eat shit, grandpa's not backing down. Kill the butterfly douche, Gon. I hate him so much. Yeah sure it's a fair world when you're just eating everyone. Okay this all sounds nice but are you still planning on eating thousands of people. Kill him now, grandpa. "We've all got problems, you little bitch." Ohhhh that's a lot of power.  Now THAT's how you squash an ant. Don't worry I can absolutely still see Youpi as an enemy. Aw fuck he can fly now. Well that didn't work, got any bug spray? Oh this is not going well. Your name is Bitch. Oh right, they were there when she died. I sure hope you survive, grandpa.

Posted (edited)
On 12/8/2018 at 5:18 PM, EmpressAngel said:

Oh thank god I hope it's his voice box-DAMN IT

The best possible reaction I could have ever hoped for. xD

MY HERO ACADEMIA - That random Tsuyu in the intro bump. :D I'll give it to Toonami, they know what the people like (even if it doesn't necessarily agree with my personal tastes). "Don't be a hero, kid!" "I am a hero!" I like that he doesn't even question the possibility of Nomu having a brother. Get outta here, Endeavor. "I came because I'm a hero." Yeah, a hero to everybody but your wife and son. That one Nomu that's just a brain and a lower jaw freaks me the fuck out. That certainly seems like a normal quirk. "MY LEG!" They're both, let's leave it at that. "Are you not going to participate in the fight?" "Nah, I'd rather jack off." When I hear "a child wearing a suit", I can't help but think of a piano recital. One has to wonder if Iida rehearsed this speech beforehand. FOR STUFFING TENSEI!!! Nice, spiked shoes. Not nice, sword to the arm. Oh god Stain has no nostrils that's weird. You telling me heroes can't be handi-capable? Everybody forgets the Native American cosplayer. DYNAMIC ENTRY! ...Smash. "I'm gonna save you!" He says to the already injured guy. Okay, I get the appeal of a PG-13 Deadpool, but the question is, will it work? Fuck I love office buildings at night with on-lights in the windows. Like I said, nobody ever notices the Native American cosplayer. I blame Gran Torino for running off without warning. :D Deku beating up that ninja turtle like it's nobody's business. Oh well, at least you managed to punch something without breaking your limbs this time. EVEN THE TINIEST OF CUTS CAN DO IT. Congratulations, Deku, you're worthy. Thanks, Todoroki. His new outfit looks more like his Sports Festival uniform than what he wore in season 1. "You're using your left side?" "The sports festival's over, isn't it?" :o Well shit didn't see that throw coming. BAD TOUCH BAD TOUCH. Wow, Todoroki sounded a little different there. Deku got up first because his cut was smallest. Or maybe it has to do with blood type. In which case, let's hear it for Type O! Thank you, MC Exposition. He's like a regular Red Wedding, that man. Huh, random insert song with vocals. This show has good serious faces. You've got two legs, start using them. Yeah, fuck Endeavor as a person! And then Iida realized even he was wrong. So does this mean he's no longer frozen and only thinks he is? Get some new text credits already, episode 27 has long since passed.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Finally, an island that isn't deserted for once. What Guy needs is that device that lets him experience true levelness. Sounds like some One Piece bullshit, this Route of Silence. Hey, buying vegetables isn't rocket science. Controlling your pack mule, on the other hand... ¬¬ I don't trust that magic mushroom. :D Dangit Naruto couldn't you have knocked him out a little less flashily. On the bright side, if the cargo ship blows up, only one of the cargo will be people. This guy is obviously conniving. Oh hey, mushroom night-light. Floating through there will feel like forever, but will in fact be much longer... WHOA GOD HEART PALPITATIONS. And then the cargo room turned into an RGB freakshow. Turns out the Sea Route of Silence was true levelness all along. Looks like Matango threw up in there. LET THE FASTING BEGIN! All I know about this Spiderverse movie is that Loli Peni Parker is a cute. Five minutes in and Naruto's already given up fasting. Guy, meanwhile, is an expert at it. The shady businessman did say it was a last resort, so you might as well follow through on it. Delicious but poisonous, like improperly prepared fugu. Poor predictable Guy, always choosing rock. He hasn't even eaten any yet and he's already lost it. When you've gone so long without eating, anything tastes good. And then they were the Purple Man Group. Easily a more creative way of censoring the Sexy Jutsu than Cartoon Network S&P painting clothes on them. Too bad for you, Guy's a man-lover. If this is what Matango was like, I can understand my uncle's reasons for continuing to put off eating the shrooms. The more Gamatatsu shows up in these fillers, the more I'm convinced he's 100% anime original. I mean, how else can you explain his absence during all of Naruto's canon visits to the Land of Toads? I mean, even Gamakichi was there! For a second there, I thought he was gonna steal his secret snack stash, but this seems more appropriate for the situation. If only Naruto's pack mule hadn't run into him, they wouldn't have been in this mess. :D How the turntables. In the end, it was Ma's cooking that saved the day. Those two weeks went faster than Toonami's end-of-year marathons. Because in the end, what is filler but anime original worldbuilding? Revenge, like bug ramen after a week and a half's worth of fasting, is truly sweet. Eh, I'm still gonna eat mushrooms after this, but only the good kind. Oh, by the way, this was the last episode with Troy Baker as Yamato; Matt Mercer replaces him starting next week.

BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - Oh hey, regular school students. "Ha, made you look." Quick, to the drug store, for eyedrops! Mitsuki's incapable of getting embarrassed. Damn, scary Hinata's actually kinda hot. :D Dammit Mitsuki, who gets the plague anymore? I'll study for my sole exam this semester later, show, don't rush me. You heard it here first, Temari beats her kid. Heroic deeds such as eating bugs to save his crewmates from the ill effects of magic mushrooms. Huh, for a second there I forgot they were teammates. Oh look, more personal guilt. (I'll get an internship one of these days, you'll see...) For me it'd be a toss-up between a planning firm and an S&M club. Good to see Shino's on their side, if in the subtlest means possible. THEY SAID I COULD BE ANYTHING, SO I BECAME A POSTAL NINJA. xD This dude's as short as those kids, that must be embarrassing for him. :D If postal ninjas are really that lame I can see why my dad dropped the show after their very own filler episode. Of course delivering the mail's exhausting, especially when it's in a place where walking is your only option. Goddangit Boruto try and be a little less conspicuous. Seeing Shippuden filler before Boruto canon really makes me appreciate how far Naruto's come. Even Boruto thinks postal ninja are lame. Postal Ninjas don't get no respect. Great job with the first throw, the rest need a little work. STRETCHY ARMS. Meanwhile, with everybody else... I didn't know I needed Shinji saying "epic fail" in my life. MID-DAY FIREWORKS. Doing two jobs in one day, I had a feeling Chouchou would go for that. Water purification is what separates our water from Mexico's, and Canada's from ours. Nice, they named a park after the founding family. "Now those are true postal ninjas." Nice of you to finally join us, Sai. Too many kids having fun and reminding him of how much of a failure he was, I guess. Hey, remember Danzo? So this means Yamato having his chakra sapped was foreshadowing for this development? "Naruto, you stay here and do paperwork." I just realized these two haven't had screentime alone together as a couple. Such is a childhood where rent money from the Third and tough love from Iruka are the closest things you have to fatherhood. WE GOTTA GO FASTER THAN WE DID YESTERDAY. When a sassy black chick of any age comes in asking for her mail, you better deliver. So much for living the exciting life of a postal ninja, then. :D Ticker subtitles, I never thought I'd see the day. Welp, Sumire's dead.

What kinda shitty computers are they using, if they're able to catch malware that easy?

DRAGONBALL SUPER - It's spelled Yurin, not Urine. You think Goku's ever run a restaurant out of business before? I wouldn't be surprised if he had. Gohan sounds freakishly confident, I'm kinda disturbed. Not only that, but he's the villain of his very own tournament arc. You clearly underestimate how seriously Goku takes his training, Tien. Huh, for some reason I mistook Gohan for Vegeta in that scene. Guess Gunners was right about all these Saiyans looking alike. PARADOX BEAM... denied. The battle's so bright, I'm gonna need five pairs of shades. SUCKER PUNCH. They must really be conserving the budget, they aren't even bothering to draw in Roshi's mouth while he's talking. We one on one now. Meanwhile, Gowasu's still reeling. That is one uncomfortably buff dude. Oh well, at least their Angel's pretty cute. He calls everyone "Brother", just like Mr. Satan. PROTEIN SHAKE TIME. "An ultimate form that no Saiyan has achieved before." Maximum Over-Saiyan? You know, without the context, I would've laughed at Goku calling Gohan his best opponent. Nothing to say about these combat sequences, they don't even give me the opportunity. Vegeta wants in on some of that action. Welp, the planet's boned. So close, yet still so far away. "Does this make up for me giving Cell a Senzu Bean yet?" Because Goku being Captain is too predictable.

MOB PSYCHO 100 - "That was the most pleasant nightmare I've had in weeks!" You're trying a little hard to be like water, boy. :D And now he's faking being possessed by loved ones. Low blow, Reigen. "How did you learn to speak English so well?", says the guy speaking English. If he doesn't know English and yet he's from Jersey... that just raises further questions! MCDONALDS MAAAAAAAAN~. And then the family drama reached soap opera levels. CHEESEBURGER HURRICANE! Huh, so I guess male nudity is intense sexual content after all. He may be a fraud, but damn if Reigen doesn't have some of the best life advice in the biz. Not five episodes in, and Mob's popularity's already on the rise. I kinda wanna ship Mob with the reporter girl. Alien Fanatic Cherami Leigh is fine too. Date her, Mob, just think of her as a stepping stone to getting with Tsubomi and it'll be no prob. Seitz's characters are either bros or dicks, there is no in-between. :D I don't think I ever got to say how fun I think this Tenga guy is. Max Mittelman disliking delinquents, that sounds kinda familiar... Take the offer, Ritsu, whatever helps you get on your brother's level faster. Don't mock the underground metal fandom, Mob. "If you ask me, you won't find a totally simple and normal middle schooler anywhere on this planet. Totally simple and normal high schoolers, on the other hand..." Well, at least he's on the road to improvement, hence the club's name. It's a secret lab, that's why it doesn't say it's there out in the open. SO MANY ESPERS. What flavor ice cream is that? The blonde and redhead look okay, but the rest... ehhhhhhhh. Even lamer powers than the Ochimusha boy. But hey, at least there's a glimmer of hope there. And this is what it would be like if Iida and Shinso were brothers. Wow, that's a really trashy room. I don't think we're ever gonna find out who voices Mob's mother. Either a girl's recorder or a dildo. OH SHIT IT'S A FRAMING IN PROGRESS. Okay, just detaching the one recorder was one thing, but this is going overboard, or even further. I like Onigawara's purple shirt. Body Improvement Seitz is the ideal we all aspire to yet can't quite reach, yet cheers us on regardless of how far we get. :D That's how I'd react too, if I were in an anime. Ray Chase confronting Max Mittelman, as if this show couldn't get any more of my attention. :D Poor, poor Onigawara, your feeling is a feeling that I feel deeply. Gratuitous pantyshots and butterfaces were never meant to mix. Oh hi Reigen, up to something more honest than your day job, hmmmm? Nope, guess it's more of the same then. :o Oh shit he actually bent it. DIMPLE'S BACK, BITCHES.

MEGALOBOX - Kinda strange to start things out on a length of rope. Not one minute in and I'm already dancing in my seat to this soundtrack. HISASHI MORI SAKUGA SPOTTED. Exactly one minute in and already we've got a Thelma and Louise situation on our hands. I like this show's style, from the music to the 480p upscale. A future sport with a mechanical twist? A female shareholder in the sport carrying out her grandfather's legacy? Kirk Thornton voicing a mechanic guy? Yep, this is totally IGPX but with boxing. Are those wasabi peas he's got there? ..."Your" what? :D I like how they integrated the note for the road into the setting as surface graffiti. Better than [UNSOLICITED OPINIONS ON ISRAEL?]. Betting on dog races is never a good idea. Looks nice for a so-called restricted area. I don't know what establishment this "Drunk Monk" is, but I like the name. You know, I think I'm just gonna keep the comments to a minimum, let the show wash over me, and sum up my thoughts one step at a time. That's a lotta blood, I can see why they used it in the first promo. Oh, so the Drunk Monk is the name of a fight club. HYEAUH. Damn, that round went fast. Oh, so that's why, the rounds are only three minutes apiece. Dang, surprise video game review, time for me to zone out on all the replays. I feel like the first act should've ended here and not less than 15 seconds earlier. Yeah, I can imagine he'd be pretty mad about all this. Hot damn this soundtrack is so good, I wouldn't be surprised if Demarco picked this up just for it alone. O.o That was a close one. Thankfully no one else was hurt. Okay, kind of a dick move. SHIT COUNT: 2. Apparently he's so good time slows just for him. Would it be out of line to go a step further and say he's pussy-whipped? Something tells me that garage is where he lives now. I think it'd mean eyepatch guy's gonna stay in debt. The best possible opponent swap one could wish for (as a spectator). BOO THIS MAN. Or even better, he got knocked the fuck out! However this ends up, I'm sure it'll be fun. What a nice way of saying "to be continued". I swear, I'll put down better comments next week!

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE - Funny thing, my On Demand/DVR now has the image for season 5 up for the show in general. "Why do my shoes and bag feel heavier than usual today?" Because 10 of your henways are missing, obviously. It's terrifying because that's the kind of guy Vic Manga-ka is. Rohan likes to stay ahead of the game. I'd watch videos of this guy drawing manga online. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: "Rohan why can't you just draw like a normal person." BECAUSE HE'S A JOJO CHARACTER. :D I relate to Rohan way more than I rightfully should. FUCK YEAH NEW OPENING. Seems pretty Un-JoJo, but it's still good. :D Cockblocked by the doorbell. They're just naturally suspicious, what with all the stray STAND users around town. Well that change wasn't completely sudden or anything. :| Oh yeah, I remember the Perman references from a while back. And so the situation solved itself surprisingly peaceably. :D How it feels to have bipolar disorder. You know he can hear you loudly monologuing, right, Koichi? INTRUDER DETECTED. xD Okuyasu, couldn't you have been a little more discreet? H-HAYAI! And then Okuyasu was the world's longest Chick Tract. :D That return bump is hilarious because he's unwinding like the spaghetti he was eating back then right now. If you want him to come out, just insult his hair, he'll beat you senseless no matter what you say. I wouldn't put running away past Josuke, I mean he is Joseph's son. Oh dang that's fucked up. Even more fucked up is he's doing it against his will! And now he's literally running in blind. HEY JOSUKE THINK FAST. I like the actual time counter for his thoughts. As I thought, he'd use Josuke's hair against him. :o OH SHIT HE TOUCHED THE HAIR BAD MOVE ROHAN. And down goes him, and the bookcase with it. See, when Josuke calls someone a "punk bitch", it's actually threatening, almost. SHIT COUNT: 3. And now for some impromptu backstory. For once, I can blame DIO for something and be right at the same time. I forget what time of year Stardust Crusaders took place, but I can buy it being sometime in the winter. Rumor has it that stranger was supposed to be a time-traveling Josuke, but Araki never did anything with it after this, so let's just pretend it's Onigawara seeking penance for being framed by the student council by doing random good deeds. REPLY TO ANGEL 3: "And then they were saved by Space Dandy." That works too. :) And that's what happens when you're inspired to improve your body. Don't diss the pompadour, baby. EVEN ROHAN IS MOVED. xD Vic's girlish screams. PINK DARK HIATUS.

BLACK CLOVER - Whoa, what the shit happened to the series title card? Not a minute in and already the animation's looking better. You got stabbed in the gut and you fucked up his arms, so let's call it a draw. Please stop saying despair, I swear your obsession with it makes even the Black Bulls' repetitive gimmicks look two-dimensional at the least. ¬¬ Leave it to Asta, the one-man Body Improvement Club, to get back on his feet after something like that. The important thing is, you tried. Wipe those tears, you can cry when the battle's over. Compared to Yuno, you ain't shit. TILFINNING SAKUGA SPOTTED. "I did not plan for thiiiiis!" REPLY TO ANGEL 4: "Yeah you dumbass, the magic-draining sword is still draining your magic while it's in your gut." As to be expected from a man with despair on his mind 24/7. FUCK YEAH FIRST OPENING THEME. :D Okay, that whole finishing scene was pretty damn hype, with or without Yami. Am I the only one in the world who doesn't mind this puppet foghorn anti-smoking commercial? Man, no wonder I can stand Black Clover. He beat him so hard his grimoire stopped glowing. O.o Jesus Christ Asta what the hell is that face. Now to take care of the dude that's keeping Yami in place upstairs. Eeeeeeeeverybody hates Finral. Would it make her feel better or weird her out even more if she knew Asta only has lewd thoughts for the 26 year-old nun back home? Any time's a good time to start drinking, especially after a possibly life-threatening battle. Yeahhhhhhhhhhh I think he won't be saying anything anytime soon. MORE ELVES. And then he went full Allah Ackbar on them. Yami's so pissed he broke the table. "If I die, tell Marie I love her." As I predicted, there's the sister reference I was expecting. NOT-SO-DYNAMIC ENTRY. :D Oh Yami, you so tsundere. Charmy likes the headpats the most. "The best part", indeed. Who's the beanpole guy again? Yami is the true audience surrogate. And we end tonight's episode with what else but a Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei reference.

HUNTER x HUNTER - Such is the terrifying truth of the Chimera Ant arc. Knov could really use a wig. I bet you forgot all about these two over the past three months. A DBZ-style wasteland; a perfect choice for the interspecies battle to end all interspecies battles. "If you judge a book by its cover, don't be surprised if you get burned." I think you're getting your metaphors mixed up. Congratulations, Netero. You are also worthy. What happened is that Gon is out for blood and won't take no for an answer. Sometimes showing is better than telling, but hey, it remains worth the effort. There's still something weirdly cute about Chibi Pouf, no homo. "It's absolute madness, no different from Sparta." Dictators only in times of absolute necessity are the best dictators, supposedly. No time for philosophical discussion, only philosophical destruction. SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN NO JUTSU. And also the wackiest god in all of India. BUDDHA CHOP. Welp, that bump's a spoiler. Youpi's arm face is still the weirdest thing about him. Change is a scary thing, especially for the Royal Guard. (Unless you're Youpi, apparently.) I think their departure would have been cooler if Pouf left riding on Youpi's back. So this is gonna be a back-and-forth match, then. Shiiiiiit, the King doesn't know when to give up. How many times will he make that pose before he makes him understand? Thank god, now I can start calling him something besides the King. Boooooo it's gonna take forever now. And now we're into chess motifs I don't understand.


Edited by PokeNirvash

Tonight on Toonami, Iida decides to quit being a bitch and join in on the fight against Stain, Naruto's shadow clones go on strike, the Naruto who isn't a striking shadow clone lectures his son on sticking his nose in other people's business, Frost mistakes Hit's recruitment offer for the Tournament of Power for an assassination attempt, Dimple returns to help Ritsu cultivate his own latent psychic powers, it's only the second episode and already our protagonist is squaring off with the all-time Megaloboxing champ, Jotaro finds himself up against his most troublesome opponent since DIO, Yami does what his underlings tried (and failed) to do and takes care of Vetto himself in the Underwater Temple Arc finale, and Ikalgo does a little self-therapy for his cowardice when he runs into a still-paranoid-as-shit Welfin.

9:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #12 - Farewell, Piccolo! Goku's Furious Counterattack! - TV-PGLV

9:30 - My Hero Academia #30 - Climax - TV-14LV

10:00 - Naruto Shippuden #230 - Revenge of the Shadow Clones - TV-PGL

10:30 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #11 - The Shadow of the Mastermind - TV-PG

11:00 - Dragonball Super #91 - Which Universe Will Survive!? The Strongest Warriors Are All Coming Together!! - TV-14V

11:30 - Mob Psycho 100 #7 - Exaltation ~I've Obtained Loss~ - TV-14DLV

12:00 - Megalobox #2 - The Man Only Dies Once - TV-PGLV (?)

12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #16 - Let's Go Hunting! - TV-MAV

1:00 - Black Clover #50 - End of the Battle, End of Despair - TV-14V

1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #123 - Centipede and Memory - TV-14LV

2:00 - Attack on Titan #41 - Trust - TV-MA

2:30 - Pop Team Epic #5 - Donca*Sis - TV-MA

3:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #26 - New Blood - TV-14L

3:30 - Samurai Jack #13 - XIII - TV-Y7FV

Rats, We're Rats, We're the Rats.


This is for the last month or so, and I barely remember things that I didn't write out weeks ago, so some episode coverage will be briefer than others.

MHA - I'm reading the volumes of the MHA manga, and I'm notably past the episodes right now. If Poke doesn't already know about a certain scene coming in the next couple months, he'll love it when it happens and will know exactly which one I mean when it does.

The enthusiasm with which Midnight approved most of the names was fun, but I must disagree with her rejecting Mina's original "Alien Queen" selection. It would be a perfect acknowledgement of Mina's not-quite-human appearance and hint at the acidic nature of her slime, even if it's not nearly as strong as the blood of the Aliens.

Midnight without her mask looks a little less sexy, but prettier, if that makes any sense. Also, the end-of-chapter character sketch and mini-bio for her says she's 31 years old, meaning she's fully what I'd consider an age-appropriate female on top of being smoking hot.

While I'm relieved that Ingenium survived, it's terrible that he seems to have spinal cord damage and associated paralysis. I can understand if Iida wants to take up the mantle of his brother with his brother's hero name to keep his agency going and uphold his brother's professional reputation. However, I do hope that he can resist the urge to seek revenge over pursuing justice.

I think that if Bakugo would simply drop the word "murder" from his name selections, they would be okay.

I feel like Gran Torino would have not only been All Might's mentor, but also his predecessor in the line of One for All users. He might also have the same blood-coughing/vomiting problem.

Okay, I was way off about Gran Torino above, but he was a friend to All Might's predecessor. I'm not sure exactly how much of his senile routine is a ploy and how much is genuine.

The part about the frozen pasties in the microwave gave Izuku the perfect image of what he'd been doing wrong and how to use One for All in a way which wouldn't wreck him. However, I was taught to heat frozen pastries in a toaster, not the microwave, so had he been taught the same way, he may never have figured it out for himself.

There's something so very, very wrong about Bakugo having combed hair, but setting his hair right with a small explosion was perfect.

Well, crap. We couldn't be so lucky as to have Stain kill Handy. As for Stain's driving motivation, there is a certain idealism in it, but he took it to a fanatical and illegal place. I can respect his ideological and intellectual integrity, but I certainly condemn his actions.

Double (or rather triple) crap, Handy's superior has more Nomu abominations and let Handy use them. It's a shame Izuku wasn't able to tell Gran Torino some useful insights from the USJ incident before Gran Torino took the fight outside. At least these weren't as powerful as the one All Might fought.

Oh, no, Iida. You did the thing I hoped you wouldn't do, and it did serve to mark your immaturity. However, I can't condemn him, since he is the avenger of his brother's blood, seeking natural justice for the grievous injury Stain inflicted. It's that Iida's motivation, while just, isn't heroic. As Stain pointed out, Iida lost sight of the wounded hero in need of saving, focusing on vengeance instead.

Izuku, however, was all about protecting a friend in danger and the other hero. Shoto was also focused on taking down Stain to protect the others from him. It was great to see Izuku and Shoto work together. I it's a good thing Shoto was able to make peace with his mom and his hang-ups over his flame powers.

Stain's quirk is strange, but I do appreciate that the closer a blood type is to his own, the longer he can exercise paralyzing control over the person. It's an incredibly unsanitary power for him. He'd be almost certain to catch some kind of terrible disease at some point.

Shippuden - The pirates who took over the island would be in good company with the malicious pirates in OP. Also, pirate captain guy looked like he didn't age between the invasion and the present day.

Of course Naruto had to use some borrowed headband from a dead local man while seeking to reclaim his own from the pirate captain, because it would be too simple to draw Naruto's face without one.

Yes, the discovery of the underground graveyard was serious and all, but the way Guy said "what the what?!?" made me laugh.

I remember Lee with motion sickness being a dead-ringer for Drunken Fist taijutsu, and I remember Guy and Naruto must've been high a kites on those mushrooms. Plus, there's no way a mushroom would spread that far overnight. I don't remember what the other episode was about, though. Oh well.

Boruto - Stalker dude looked a little like the Laughing Coffin spy in the Kights of the Blood Oath from SAO, but younger, and since that aired before this, then I'll absolutely accuse this show of ripping off a terrible thing from that show. As for his declaration being rejected, of course it was, because Sumire has a crush on Boruto. When his messages got ultra creepy afterward, I was relieved to learn it was because the shadow thing possessed him. Chou-Chou resolving things with talk no jutsu was unexpected, though.

Sumire's creeped-out and/or frightened expression looked like something that would belong in a Satoshi Kon project, and I think of that as a compliment. Well done, show.

Chou-Chou, I can respect that you keep eating the sweet bean chips, even though you don't like them, because you're not wasting food. You're making sure that you have a strong enough memory of them that you don't make that choice again, and that's what I try to do with foods I try and don't like as well. Good on you.

Boruto had to beat up an actor, which was kind of dumb.

I also thought that the reason Boruto could see the possessing shadow was due to his Byakugan, but if both and Hinabi and Hiashi, using their Byakugans, say that he hasn't unlocked that power, then I don't know what it is.

Hinabi has grown into a pretty woman, but that's hardly surprising given Hinata being a looker. I don't get her wanting Boruto and  Himawari to call her "big sis" instead of aunt or auntie. I have cousins where there's nearly 16 years between the oldest and youngest sibling. The youngest is still a h.s. senior, and she has four nieces and nephews already from her two oldest siblings. The ones who can talk call her aunt, and she seems fine with it.

I didn't expect Hiashi to be a doting grandfather, but he was, and it was wonderful.

Ninjas delivering mail seems like filler material to me.

Boruto? Just because you encountered the shadow first doesn't mean you can't bring in adults who have more experience and access to more information to help solve this.

DBS - Of course 17 and Goku defeated the alien poachers with relative ease. The bomb threat was dumb, and of course it didn't work for the alien captain. 17 agreeing to join the Universe 7 team out of gratitude rather than greed says good things about his character.

Gohan and Piccolo training was cool, and Piccolo was right that Gohan needed to keep his guard up until his opponent was truly out of the fight.

The cute girl said she was mad about Tien leaving the Crane school, but I think she was also a little mad about him leaving her.

Mr. Satan is going to be on the hook for a lot of prize money to make good on Goku's promises, provided Universe 7 isn't erased for losing.

Goku being slightly incredulous that the best opponent he could hope to find was his own son seemed to me like a nod to the original intended ending to the Dragonball manga. It was supposed to stop after Gohan surpassed his father by defeating Cell, the enemy Goku couldn't best. The manga was too popular, though, and Toriyama was pressured to keep the story going, which gave us teenage Gohan, Buu, Gotenks and Videl, which I guess isn't all bad. Gohan deserved to find a good woman, and he did in Videl.

MP 100 - The smile cult was weird and I'm glad Mob was able to trace it to the leader guy being possessed.

Mob's explosion was strange, not because his psychic power didn't rampage like I thought it might, but rather that his personality seemed to shift drastically. Explosion!Mob seemed much more savvy and tolerated no shenanigans.

It was remarkably cool of the Body Improvement Club to let the disbanded Psychic Club still gather in the club room, so long as the B.I.C. isn't using the exercise equipment in the room at that exact time.

Darn middle school delinquent toughs, making problems for everyone. While no one got more than some minor injuries, had Mob not regained consciousness and control, the consequences would've been far worse.

Mob is a good guy, refusing to use his power to harm someone else, even when his own safety was on the line. I don't think I would be that disciplined in that situation. The other spirit in him, however, was more than willing to destroy with Mob's power. This story element holds promise.

Ritsu knows there's something unusual about Mob beyond the psychic powers, but he's also jealous of Mob's powers. The mangled spoon would indicate that he might have some power of his own, but he clearly lacks control. That he could see Dimple indicates to me that Ritsu's power is set to grow rapidly.

Oh, no, Ritsu. Don't go along with planting evidence against a delinquent. It's a matter of integrity.

Thinking about Mob's power and behavior, it seems to me like there's a spirit living in him that takes control of his power. It's like the inverse of Saitama, whose power has no logical source, but one of the H.A. guys said it was almost like a god was living in his body.

AoT 3: Third time's a charm - Sasha's food lust during the feast was hilarious. It's like her mind really does turn off.

The reasons no one intervened to stop Eren and Jean from beating each other were 1. they knew those two needed to get this out of their systems, 2. so many people thought the both of them deserved it, and 3. everyone knew that if things got really out of hand, Mikasa would step in to keep Eren alive. This fight and the posturing leading up to it are also good examples of why you don't let teenagers drink like that.

They were right. It's doubtful that the Scouts have had such a send-off since Armin, Eren and Mikasa were kids.

Tangentially related: when I was out of state last month, one of the other spectators at the event I attended was wearing a shirt with the Survey Corps emblem on the back. I resisted the urge to call out to that person and ask if they were fine with being titan-fodder.

I don't remember whether there was another new episode after this or not.

JoJo: Diamond - Still haven't watched these. There's about two months worth of them on the dvr.

BC - I remember that Noelle overcame her aiming trouble and hit Vetto with a powerful attack, but then he upped his power level by opening his third eye chakra and regenerated his lost arm. She put too much mana into the attack and was defenseless, but then Asta stepped in after taking advantage of the breather she gave him. I guess he's too determined/dumb to know when to stop fighting, but maybe we'll get lucky and be rid of Vetto after this and Asta'll have some new sweet battle scars.

I call b.s. on one thing regarding Vetto. Between the start of the last episode and the end of the one before it, the wound channel of Asta's sword through Vetto's torso changed from across his torso from side to side to being through it from front to back. The former wound would likely hit both kidneys and damage his spinal cord, meaning he'd collapse and bleed out in less than a minute, since those wounds wouldn't heal with magic.

Asta should've had motion sickness to put Guy to shame, but it was good teamwork between Finral and Vanessa. The others ran good interference as well. It was dumb of all of them not to restrain the collapsed Vetto while they had he chance.

So, Finral has a terrible family, like Noelle, and Vanessa was a captive in her early years.

Again, Asta should have some sweet new battle scars after this. Oh, and thanks for finally busting out, Yami.

HxH - Killua did well with his lightning attacks, but he used too much nen too quickly and wisely chose to retreat from Youpi.

Ikalgo did okay with his plans to isolate and incapacitate Bloster, but I was a little disappointed that Ikalgo couldn't bring himself to shoot Bloster when the shot was easy.

I don't know what's going on with Pouf, but Morel had better have this.

This fight against the Royal Guard and the C.A. King seems to be crawling at a snail's pace with very little actually happening in any given episode.

When Pouf explained how his division works and claimed to be invincible, my thought was that all it would take to kill him would be one nen user that manipulates flames. Pouf would drastically increase his surface area, which would make him so much easier to burn. Think of the Mythbusters' coffee creamer air cannon. It would be like that, but with hundreds or thousands of tiny voices screaming in pain.

Youpi's centaur form was scary, and I feel like Knuckle letting him go by releasing A.P.R. was a mistake.

Netero's giant nen creation seemed horribly inefficient to me.

PTE - I'm not sure whose anger issues are greater between Bakugo and Popuko, but Popuko's are funnier.

I think that Daichi's parents were totally trying to set up their son with Susogu by leaving them alone for a weekend. Whether they knew of her celebrity status or not would provide shading to their motivations, though.

I still couldn't see the Popuko and Pipimi under the bench in the recording studio, even though I knew exactly where to look.

I would admit defeat to the army of Pop-chins.

Android!Popuko would ace the doping test, since it would have no blood.

Lupin - Solely for lack of acting training, Robson wouldn't do as good a job in the movie version of the hostage crisis on the train as an actor would.

The car Lupin drove, wreck aside, would need a new suspension system after driving over so many rail ties and such rough terrain for so long. Driving across rails would also likely throw it out of alignment, meaning it would be even more difficult to steer during the chase.

I still haven't watched the last three episodes. I actually never watched the next episode in the order during the first run of the show, so that will be new to me.

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