EmpressAngel Posted August 26, 2017 Posted August 26, 2017 it's Avdol's time to shine as he faces off against the STAND user Jean-Pierre Eiffel Polnareff MY BODY IS READY. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted August 26, 2017 Posted August 26, 2017 I had a feeling that was the case, but I have to disagree that a Narc Squad member was the perpetrator. That guy actually looked more like Fukami, that Special Investigations guy from the original Laughing Man task force who told Togusa about the Interceptors and later killed Nanao A before Section 9 could get to him. Hell, he was even credited as such. HUNTER x HUNTER Didn’t your dad outright say in that message that there was no clue to finding him? OUTLAW STAR I always found custom scene transitions to be kind of gimmicky. Looking at his picture on MAL, he does have the same birthmark/scar on his face as the guy who walked away in the parking garage. I think I need to look more closely at the scene where Aramaki is drugged to see if it was Fukami there, too. Yes, Ging did. Gon's a good kid, but he's not necessarily the brightest bulb. Agreed. By the end of the episode, those started to get a little grating. I probably didn't mind them as much when I watched on dvd, because I was looking for and thinking about the story. Also, as near as I can tell, none of the visuals in either ED have any connection to the story that unfolds in the show. Ang: Even I don't think I'll be able to make it through this Naruto episode without a shot of something. Thankfully, Lupin is rumtime funtime, so that should still be at-hand, but I might go for a bourbon instead. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted August 27, 2017 Posted August 27, 2017 Jojo- God, he could fuck me. I will never get tired of Avdol's wonderful giant cock. Sorry Frenchie, that cock does not play by your silly physics. I don't think fire works like that. Your hair is stupid and I dislike you. At least he's nice enough to move the venue. Okay where the hell are they, Willy Wonka's acid trip? USE YOUR COCK'S FULL POWER, BABY. And now it's modern art. Avdol's gonna blow his top, and I'm gonna blow Avdol. Oh come on, he can't set himself on fire that's his own power! Fuck you, tin can. God he's so cool and attractive. Hahahaha, eat shit Poolnoodle. This seems like it went too well. I'm so proud of you baby you won so fast. Aw crap it's not over. Yeah go ahead and explain your power in detail, that always go well. So it's faster, but also naked. Okay I'm enjoying this playful banter. Oh no that's too many stands, you shouldn't have let him do that. You can go ahead and Red Bind me while you're at at. Gratuitous French intensifies. NO, LEAVE HIS BEAUTIFUL FACE ALONE. Okay tag me in, I'm gonna punch him in the dick. I hope this works. EAT SHIT, FRENCHIE. Jesus, Avdol has no chill. You're not a bad dude after all, you eyebrow-less freak. Are they gonna make out because I'm pretty okay with that. Goddamn Dio and his tentacle brain monsters. I'm with Joseph, now you can all be buddies! Poolnoodle has joined the party. He's looking for a six-fingered man. Oh that's a downer. He lost that hand in a really bad Kars accident. Ohhh this is depressing. Poolnoodle what is that pose. Congratulations, that was a terrible idea. Why is he so evil and sexy I hate him. He's got a falcon that's cool. Pol's tits are bigger than mine how does that halter top even hold them in. Jojo hates bitches. Boner alert. This song will never not make me smile. Ghoul- That girl should have punched him harder. Oh look, another character I don't care about. Yes yes that's a very nice story about cannibal murderers. If you wanna talk about strong and black, bring Avdol back on. This story is going too well, something terrible has to happen. Yeah, bad idea to fuck a cannibal murderer and make a baby with it. Christ lady, just feed it a corpse. And then she died, because nothing decent is allowed to happen in this show. Yeah just leave your baby in a goddamn sewer, that's a great idea. Dude I hope you learned a valuable lesson about throwing monster babies down in the sewer. Instead of moping over that bag of mayonnaise, just fuck your cute friend. Everyone is being followed and about to get killed, because that's what this show thinks is interesting. I still wanna be Batman when I grow up. Nothing more iron-clad as evidence than half a hunch in a fraction of your gut. This isn't ominous at all I'm sure nothing's about to go tits-up for them. I hope you poisoned that coffee, old man. I'm sure that's not a ham-fisted metaphor for anything. This show is like watching a hamster slowly chew its own leg off to escape a trap. Wow what a shock they're all fucked. Hunter- Bitchloli I'm exhausted just watching you screw with these kids. Oh no that thing's adorable don't kill it. GO, MEGA LIZARD. I love the bubble horse. My kids work so well together. Please, one of you take this opportunity to chop off that lopsided pigtail. It's okay kiddo you tried. You failed, time for more shovel leveling. Right foot on green, left hand on blue! I'm so proud of my kids they're learning so much. Damn, that is way too many rocks. I don't think that's correct, but I don't know enough about Rock/Paper/Scissors history to refute it. Oh right, these guys are still doing their own thing. He's about to stab you all in the back. QUICK, SHOOT HIM IN THE FACE. Man I hate when I'm just trying to play a game and some douchebag blows my face up. So, punch him in the dick and scream at him. Whelp, y'all are fucked. Whelp, that guy's dead and noting of value was lost. That sounds like the worst secret handshake of all. Aw crap, not these assholes again. Lupin- Boobs. Oh no not the boobs. Hey Goemon, where have you been? Oh lord what is this guy's voice. He sounds like John Travolta in Greese I'm cracking up. Well whoever was supposed to take that guy out sure fucked it up. Not today, scorpion. This is porn music. And then everyone died. Wow, she's got some moves. Thank you, samurai. Man, Goemon does not fuck around. Really should have gone back and shot that guy in the face a couple times. She really grew up cute. Well this could be going better. I got a bad feeling about this lady's odds here. Now kiss. Ohhh shit she's the killer. You think anybody's gonna believe an anachronistic modern samurai if he was dumb enough to go talking about a world leader he killed? Oh this is uncomfortable. Wreck their shit, Goemon! Do not fuck with Goemon. Wow, you dick. Good job I'm glad he died. WAIT NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING. That's some impressive stabbing. I guess that ended well? Oh good she's alive this was a good ending. Naruto- Again, hell no. Star- i promise I'll catch up next week. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted August 27, 2017 Posted August 27, 2017 Jojo- ...Dio... Why is he so evil and sexy Lupin... Goemon... You think anybody's gonna believe an anachronistic modern samurai if he was dumb enough to go talking about a world leader he killed? Dio was always evil, but I feel like your estimation of the sexy has much to do with Jonathan's shirtless body. Goemon is smart enough to know that he's wanted for so many things that he'd get almost nothing in any kind of plea deal to be a State's witness against a corrupt politician who contracted a murder for hire, especially when he carried out that particular murder. So, yeah, even without the threat of death, Goemon wouldn't say a thing in the unlikely event of his capture. DBS - If I heard what I thought I heard, the Super Dragon Balls (S.D.B.s) are spread across Universes 6 and 7, and they only grant one wish. However, it sounded like there was no recharge time, meaning they would simply scatter, and as soon as they could be assembled, they could be used again. Granted, the peas and carrots part of the incantation is lame, and someone would presumably need a way to cross the dimensional boundary between the two Universes to get them, meaning some kind of deity would likely be involved, but that second part would make the mind-boggling task of moving the S.D.B.s so much easier. So what the show is telling me is that Jaco is the alien equivalent of a dirty old man, since he's evidently known Bulma for decades and is still interested in young women. Master Roshi, you have a kindred spirit here. This felt like filler between the criminal being a lifelong dine-and-dasher and the repeated jabs at Bulma getting older. I still think she's a good-looking woman. Good on Vegeta for landing a pretty, rich genius for a wife. I'm not sure what he did to get her to love him, but he's darn lucky it worked. As for Saiyans being drawn to feisty women, sure. Why not? DBZK - If Buu never re-absorbs the part of him that he used to crush the taxi driver, then could that part form into a new body for him should the rest of him be obliterated? It would be like the tiny chunks shifting into tiny Buus, so it should be possible. Thanks for stopping your friends from using the other wishes, Goku. Still, I feel like trying to find Master Roshi's or Yamcha's energy would've been easier than locating Bulma's energy, meaning he might've been able to prevent them from summoning Shenron at all. However, had he done that, then Kibito would've stayed dead, and Shin and Gohan needed his help to survive. Regarding Buu's confections binge, Babidi said he would get cavities. If Buu lacks bones to break, then into what do his teeth anchor? JoJo: SC - Yes, the fight was flashy and colorful. Yes, Silver Chariot (S.C.) was fast. Yes, Avdol was creative in the attack that won the fight. However, I want to tip my figurative hat to Avdol for recognizing the upstanding character of Jean throughout the ordeal and correctly concluding that a person of such integrity would not willingly ally with Dio, leading Avdol to seek and find the mind-controlling flesh bud. I'm with you, Joseph. Tentacles are creepy. Jean's motivation being the search for his sister's rapist and murderer is fine with me. It is a highly strange genetic abnormality that the killer has two right hands. It would be easy for the culprit to hide his left appendage in a pocket most of the time in order to prevent people from taking notice, though. I like that Joseph's sweet mechanical hand still functions perfectly. Still, I have two criticisms. First, about S.C.'s afterimages, it looked like it wasn't moving at all. Maybe this was to circumvent the "find the motion pattern" angle. Maybe it was to save a little animation budget. Maybe it was meant so be an indicator of just how fast S.C. is. Second, flames engulfing Jean for that long should've left him horribly injured and disfigured should he survive, which isn't what we saw at all, but I can understand wanting to have him keep his relatively good looks since he was to become part of the quest. TG: Root A - Regarding the story of Yoshimura, sure, fine. He killed without discrimination until he was approached by some group and recruited to be an enforcer. Ukina, the coffee shop lady, was pretty. She was also kind like Ken in relation to helping Yoshimura with reading tutoring. She was also as accepting as Kimi of Yoshimura's ghoul actions. I'm not exactly sure, but I think that the reason their hybrid child survived to birth is that Ukina, a human, engaged in cannibalism (whether the flesh came from living victims or corpses, we can't be sure, but it was likely Yoshimura who procured it for her) in order to provide the developing baby with the nutrients it needed. (That would be a good reason for most hybrid children not surviving to birth - a human mother would be quite averse to cannibalism, even if her unborn child's life depended on it, and female ghouls wouldn't be so foolish as to fall for a feeble human male.) I didn't catch why the couple and child were pursued, but Ukina died, and Yoshimura abandoned his daughter to get revenge. I'm also not sure how the baby survived, unless Yoshimura came back for her and left her in someone else's care. Given the way Yoshimura looked at the end of the flashback, I guess we're supposed to conclude that he is the Owl. I may be wrong, but I think that there is/are no one or two standard entrance exams which all universities in Japan use to screen applicants. If each school has its own entrance exam, then I feel like it becomes more important for a student to know which field of study (s)he wants to enter before selecting a school (with a back-up or two, or three). Nishiki, business increasing for Anteiku on a winter day which was colder than people expected is what I would call perfectly logical and not surprising in the least, given that it is a coffee shop, meaning it serves warm and hot beverages. It may even have some warm/hot food menu items for humans in addition to ghouls. It can't be a good thing that so many Investigators are tailing Anteiku's staff and converging on it. At least it's refreshing that Yoshimura bears Shinohara no ill will. HxH - Jaken means Evil Fist. That's good to know. The game being a veiled way to continue practicing fighting moves after they were outlawed by the government is interesting, but I say it also shows that people in power have had a long, cross-cultural history of seeking to deprive those they rule of the means to defend themselves as an expedient to maintaining power. Think of the word army. At one time, it was spelled armee, which sure looks like a reference to a person or group of persons who was/were armed, carrying the implication that most people weren't. Armee was derived from Medieval Latin armata, which came from Latin armatus, which was derived from the infinitive armare, meaning to arm (someone), again implying that most people didn't have weapons of war with which they could resist the forces of those in power. It's a completely logical, though despicable, concept: those who lack the means to resist an overbearing ruling group or person with force are more likely to submit out of a sense of pragmatic self-preservation. Still, that's enough of my pro-2A rambling for now. I'm glad that the training entailed many timeskips of days and weeks. Still, with Greed Island being a physical location, the boys would've absolutely stunk from all the sweating they did in their training. I sure hope they had somewhere that they could bathe after each day, but I don't recall seeing any bodies of water around for them to at least rinse off the dirt, oil and sweat. I like that the boys have essentially the same reaction time. I think it's good for them as friends and training partners to be equal in at least some ways. I likely won't remember the names of the techniques they learned, but producing more nen and adjusting its concentration around the body on the fly sounds like it will be useful, as will practicing with both their natural nen type and those closely related to it. The Bomber plot was a long con, but it might pay off. We'll see if the overall more friendly group does cave to the demand. However, I don't understand how nen deployed as an explosion from the blond guy's hand at contact range doesn't injure his hand. Maybe he's just really good at instantaneously switching offensive and defensive nen. Alternatively, he could send his nen into the other person, and when it contacts that person's nen, it reacts violently, which gives him a second or so to shield his hand with defensive nen. Well, I have a feeling that someone, possibly the P.T., since they are approaching the island by boat, will end up killing all the bomb guys should that trio manage to get the cards they want. Again, do something about your uneven hair, Biscuit. Lupin - I'm good with Goemon accepting an assassination contract. He knows that swords are weapons and to study their use is to learn to kill. Plus, his target was a despicable person, so that made it easier. I can also respect him wanting to protect the young Belladonna from harm, including detonating her suicide vest as a last resort to fulfill the contract. However, I don't get the point of doing that. What good does it do a hired assassin to die in carrying out the contract? She couldn't be paid if she were dead, and she didn't seem like someone with anyone to whom the payment could be given in her stead. If the attempt were to fail, a strategic withdrawal would be in order to plan the next attack and try again some other time. Ew, politician guy. You found Belladonna as a child and raised her to be your ideologically-devoted killer. Now that she was an admittedly pretty lady, you were going to make a move on her? Creepy. Yeah, I figured out that Belladonna was tying up loose ends for the politician, but I wasn't sure exactly why. Her life hanging in the balance would be a good motivation if she wavered on her commitment to the guy. It sure was nice of the guy to hold the activation device for the bomb in a position where Goemon could see its location in her body. It's also a testament to his skill that he could hit the target and knock it free of her heart without hitting anything else which would kill her. The politician did Belladonna another good turn by standing right behind her and laughing megalomaniacally after arming her with a pistol with way more round capacity in its extended magazine than would be necessary to kill him. I can understand her choice to stop a ruthless, crooked, and abusive politician like him. I don't understand her activating the bomb which would've killed her. As for the plot itself and the motivation behind it, securing the oil rights to fund the politician's campaign or establish him as being successful in business both sound plausible. I recognize the wisdom of going after the dictator's sniper first, since he was able to take out six of the twelve assassins before they could even locate him. His past accomplishments including a kill shot of nearly 1100 yards did establish him as a dangerous opponent, and it's entirely believable that a Winchester model 70 could accomplish that with the right round, and several of the available calibers for it (the rifle has dozens of options for the caliber it can be manufactured to use) are lethal at that range. I dug Goemon pulling a Genji to save Belladonna and her saving him in return later. Still, there were some technical issues with this episode. First was Zora's rifle capacity in the desert. The most that a standard magazine for his rifle would hold is 5 rounds. Even if we grant him having a full magazine and a chambered round, he would've needed to change the magazine at least twice to fire as many times as we saw, and it didn't look like there was enough pause in his shots at Belladonna and Goemon to accommodate that. Second, it's difficult to accept that Goemon's sword would stand up to the stress of blocking as many shots as a minigun could fire. Also, only one barrel of a minigun is aligned with the firing chamber at once, so twirling the sword would be unnecessary, unless Goemon determined it would be the most efficient way to compensate for any vertical or lateral motion the shooter would introduce to the weapon. Third, the size of the hole Goemon made in the wall looked like it extended beyond the reach of his blade. Fourth, if we're to accept that Goemon's blade is sharp enough to cut a vehicle in two, including the engine block, then the tip of it should've been too sharp to push the bomb out of Belladonna. Granted, cutting the bomb (which was much more powerful than it needed to be to kill her since it was next to her heart) may have disabled it, but it could also have triggered the detonation early. Last, Goemon's leap to the car as it was driving away would've shattered any and all long-jump records. Shippuden - As it turns out, I don't have an open bottle of bourbon. It was a Tennessee whisky, which is ever so slightly different. Yeah, yeah. Teamwork, camaraderie, unity, perseverance and all that. It was still tedious. I'm ready for my Konan, Nagato and Yahiko flashback now. OS - Nope, Narrator. As Black Dynamite said, he may have been a children once, but he was never a boy. Ten minutes to revive someone from cyrosleep doesn't seem like quite enough time, but eh. At least Tao magic does have a practical range, since Hilda's shuttle was able to outrun the dragon spell. Yeah, Hida's cyborg arm was wrecked. It's a good thing that Jim could fix it for her. Gene has his skills, and Jim has his. Jim was a gentleman, refusing to take advantage of Melfina's innocence in the hotel. However, even if he had decided to sleep in the same bed as her, I feel like he would've been able to control himself to the extent of doing nothing more than spooning, if that much. He may gripe at Gene and have an attitude at times, but he's a good kid. The overbearing bar guys took things way too far and brought their pain upon themselves in the process. Given the attack in the flashback, I would say that Gene has good reason to hate pirates as well. It's a shame for him that simply being in space triggered those bad memories. AoT: Second Course - Outside at night during a winter storm is a terrible place and time to have a serious talk about personal pasts and motivations, and especially so when the life of an unconscious comrade is in danger. Also, the two ladies should've realized long before then that they weren't going to make it in a good time and put their shelter and fire-making skills to use, presuming they were taught such things. Krista's motivational yelling was just what Ymir needed to fight more intelligently and still protect the group. I'm still not sure exactly why ordinary titans attack shifted titans. Maybe they can smell the person inside. I feel like the show didn't fully explain this. Jack - I'll be honest. I haven't been watching or listening to the Jack episodes at the time that they air. Instead, I've been watching the episodes that I recorded on the dvr when they premiered during the commercial breaks of the other shows. Since that's the case, I probably won't continue to give even the brief comments on Jack once we get through these last two episodes, because I have been deleting the episodes as I finished them. Ashi found some sweet boots on that ship. Aku and Scaramouche's happy dances were still fun. Plus, Aku's regular guy dialogue was still great. Regarding Jack not wanting Ashi to become just another memory, I understand him wanting to keep her from the danger that has a tendency to find him, but by leaving her behind, he did what he could to assure that he would have no future with her, meaning all he would have of her were memories of their brief time together. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted August 27, 2017 Author Posted August 27, 2017 Again, do something about your uneven hair, Biscuit. She did, actually. Halfway into the episode, she started wearing her hair up in a ponytail instead of pigtails. DRAGONBALL SUPER Because who cares about recapping last episode? They didn’t zoom in on his face when he said it, clearly he was joking if it didn’t sound like it. HARVEY BURPMAN, DINE-AND-DASHER AT LAW~. “You can take the man off patrol, but you can’t take the patrol off the man… GAHHHHHH THAT DOESN’T EVEN MAKE SENSE!” Nothing calms the nerves like a good asteroid shooter. So much for that apparently important sparkle-sparkly. [Chris Sabat grunts simultaneously] “Oh man, did I have a lot to eat last night…” Or maybe he’s taking a dump, just like you were. Remind me never to bring up Bulma’s age in a negative light. This Zuno guy sounds mighty impressive. YO JACKASS, DON’T FUCK MY WIFE. And that’s when I learned that Goku married Chi-Chi so I don’t have to, and boy was it still a mistake regardless. “That explains everything!” Not sure what you mean by that, Piccolo. POPO! And now for a flashback to an entirely different manga. I like the reggae hat her sister’s wearing. Even as a loli, Bulma was brilliant. Come to think of it, Bulma knew all about aliens before Saiyans were even a thing. Ooh, fancy parking garage. I dunno, escalators are rather classy based on the building they’re in. A seven-year waitlist minimum really is ridiculous, once you think about it. Oh hey, it’s Harvey Burpman. I wonder what the deal is with his inner thoughts having a different-sounding voice. Hmm, turns out Bulma’s alright with this turn of events. As drastic as the situation has gotten (more or less), I enjoy the indifferent showing expressions beyond indifference. FUCK YEAH JACO. That’s not how you pronounce “schedule”! Only 83 centimeters around and it’s still big for this show’s other characters. GODDAMMIT BULMA. The big takeaway from that infodump: the Super Dragon Balls are shared between the two universes. So much for that counteractivity plan. :-\ Peas and carrots. “If you won’t leave, then we’ll… call security and make you leave.” I just can’t help but feel for Jaco, considering how much Bulma’s been punching him. A TRIBUTE OF DAIRY PRODUCTS. Vegeta doesn’t like NTR. The moral of the story: always have an excuse on hand. TOP BILLING: Jaco Morty’s going full Shinji Ikari tonight. DRAGONBALL Z KAI Oh boy, it’s Videl’s first Shenron summoning! And of course, she’s skeptical. PORK HUMOR. “They’re using the Dragon Balls already!?” Check it out, the watermark was vibrating. Goku’s having a lotta trouble tracking energy this week. But hey, at least he succeeded here. Huh, that first wish apparently brought back Kibito too. Gohan’s apparently dead and Goten got suckerpunched unconscious by Vegeta, is that what you wanted to hear? That’s a workable plan, no problem if it’s just a four-month wait. Oh crap, Buu’s getting serious, that’s rather counterproductive. Thank you for proving everyone wrong with your wise mental prowess, Supreme Kai. A dead deer? That’s a weird thing to be distracted by. “I will now apply the laying-on of hands.” Hm, so there’s more pets than just the shouldercat. I’d agree with them, they haven’t had the Dragon Balls used on them yet, even during the reign of King Piccolo. Hee, Puar is Goku’s shouldercat. Another vibrating watermark. Now to save Gohan! He really deserve it, after all the shit he’s been through today. My common sense says I shouldn’t watch Tim and Eric: Bedtime Stories, but my curiosity says I should at least try it out. BUBBLEGUM SUFFICATION NO JUTSU. Of course he’d go to the sweets shop first. Cute girls working there. :catsmile And naturally they’d have a conveyor belt of huge-ass cakes in the back. Suck it, Babidi. And then she was transported into having a pseudo-wedgie. “All those sweets are going to give you a cavity.” Does Buu even have teeth? Not even the local police are safe from the wrath of Buu! It hurts to hear him talk about Gohan’s potential, knowing he turns into a practical weakling in Super. Because who cares about Tien and Chiaotzu, am I right? Well, Goten and Trunks are in the other room, but as for the other two… Chi-Chi fainted, that means the episode just got 50% more tolerable. Don’t act like you aren’t calling dibs on her, Yamcha. Even Popo’s disturbed by their reactions. So that’s where that image of shocked Krillin and Maron but angrily indifferent 18 came from. Okay, so Bulma’s clearly the most torn up by all of this. Dende’s thoughts: “…Did that cat just talk?” DAMN YOU, BABIDI! Buu looks like he’s gonna eat that lookout. Rapping grannies, I understand, but rapping math teachers? JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS Oh good, his name’s still Polnareff. AVDOL SAYS FUCK YOUR RULES. Five coin-flips, all at once! That is easily the most hardcore shishkabob ever. Am I the only one who noticed all five coins landed as if they were the points of a pentagram? We outdoors battling now. “What the hell kind of nonsense is this!?” I agree, the setting does look rather nonsensical. OHHHHHHH… TIGER BOMB! COME ON COME ON COME ON. Oh no, not the bald eagle statue! How un-American of a Frenchman like him… That’s a nice statue he made out of it, though. You know that meme about Jotaro being autistic? His not seeing any danger in standing out in the open is apparently proof of that. He’s about to rock you… like a crossfire hurricane. Well shit, Angel’s not gonna like that. Nice ruse there, Avdol. Did Joseph teach you how to do that? I bet he did. ;D HERE I AMMMMMMMM. Oh, Jotaro, you and your strings of lame one-liners. Suddenly, exploding STANDs. “Behold! Silver Chariot… without his armor.” I can’t believe Jingai shit-talks this show week after week in the ratings thread. KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU. Avdol’s got a better hand on this difficulty increase than I expected. ME NON ME NON ME NON. Neat, those blood markings on his cheeks look like that symbol from his attacks. MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA. UNDERGROUND UPPERCUT NO JUTSU. “Here’s a knife. Kill yourself.” As far as the opponents thus far go, Polnareff has been the best. Oh hey, a reason for Jotaro to be useful this episode. ARA ARA~. Quitcherbitchin’. That was kind of a stupid pun. And what of young Jotaro? A bizarre question, you say? :catsmile REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “He lost that hand in a really bad Kars accident.” Goddammit that was supposed to be my line! I sense a tragic backstory coming. I was gonna say something here, but I’ll keep it on hold for a while. What a groovy image. I don’t trust DIO’s shoulderfalcon. Alright, so Polnareff’s in. Suddenly random tourists. I’m slightly disappointed that they didn’t translate “Yare yare daze” to “Good grief.” REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “This song will never not make me smile.” Agreed, you just can’t not love it. TOKYO GHOUL ROOT A “I didn’t come here for a cup of coffee… but thank you anyways.” Killing humans, killing ghouls… Looks like this Kuzen guy doesn’t discriminate. And everything changed the moment he stepped into some teenager’s coffee shop AU. They actually make a nice couple, I have a feeling things are going to go badly. WHICH THEY DID, WHAT A SHOCKER. Or maybe it was just a red herring. And then they became the exception to the “humans and ghouls can’t procreate” rule. Theeeeeeere’s the downturn. Kuzen don’t want no trouble. Cute baby, though. That’s definitely a curious way of saying “I was that man.” Huh, so Yoshimura’s kid was the One-Eyed Owl all along. Or at the very least, the second one to take up the mantle. IT’S CHRISTMAS IN AUGUST YET AGAIN! DOVES DOVES EVERYWHERE. Roma’s job is not to screw up. High school seniors talking about what they want to be when they grow up? Goddammit dub crew, that’s not the right choice of words for that sort of discussion. Oh boy, more CCG stuff. Well, you are a male tsundere, I’m not surprised she’s taking all the compliments she can get. Turns out Yomo’s their Trump Card. I sense slightly bad news coming. “I have loose ends that I need to tie up.” Yeah, this show does too. Us newbies gotta stick together. “Godspeed, you three.” MORE DOVES EVERYWHERE. Coffee-making is a science unto itself. I have a feeling this is supposed to be symbolic of something. Huh, that meeting went over surprisingly well. As did this surprisingly tense coffee-drinking scene. Yep, shit’s definitely about to go down. HUNTER x HUNTER 2011 SUCCESS! For the second time. It’s all about brain and brawn in this game. The Hyper Puffballs are actually kinda cute-looking. Clapping Gon. :-D Great job, kids! “By the way, she’s 57.” An actual quote to my parents about Lady Bisky while she was on my pause screen. KOOOOOOOOOOO! That figure’s arms off! I always thought Ten plus Ren equaled En! Maybe that’s just the evolved version of Ken? SLOW SUCKERPUNCH. That digging practice seemed rather non sequitur-ish. So much training… That is some sloooooow combat. Nightwing’s there too, but with Harley playing the sub-protagonist, who really cares? And now we’re at a comparatively normal pace. Yes, Bisky’s hair is in a ponytail now. I actually kinda miss the pigtails, to tell the truth. Breaking rocks. Ooh, check out all the puffballs. :catsmile I SCREWED UUUUUUUUUP! That rock-paper-scissors story was interesting, if true. I played this song during the whole cave scene up to the bomber reveal and it was glorious. Also, Marc Diraison as the asshole creator of the game and Todd Haberkorn as the blonde antagonist? Clearly Bang Zoom is making a bunch of SAO voice actor jokes with this arc. He planted the bombs on you while you were eating. Small bombs in every meal. Holy shit, Gon and Killua really lucked out in refusing to join the group. Well, at least he didn’t rape anybody. Puhat is dead, and we didn’t even get to learn his voice actor. That is the true tragedy. THEY’RE ON A BOAT. Hey, how’d they even log out? LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE I don’t know who this mystery sniper is, but between the sunbathing woman and the game hunter he killed, I already hate his guts. >( Oh hey, Goemon’s finally showed himself. Please don’t tell me the cute short-haired chick is the one that pulled the trigger on all three… Nevermind, it’s apparently someone she knows. Hey, it’s two of the guys that got killed. This has to be a flashback, if not some widespread publicity stunt. OH MY GOD JC IT’S THE BOMBER. But the question of the hour is, is he more evil than the Kim dynasty? Yep, that guy looks unlikable enough to be the killer. Let it never be said that Goemon isn’t good with that sword. Oh no, the cute girl’s a suicide bomber. Yeah, but if she kills herself, who’s gonna eat the thousand needles that come with breaking that promise? Four headshots in one minute? Yep, this dude is massively overpowered. AND I FEEEEEEEEEL LIKE I CAN FEEL ONCE AGAIN. Don’t fuck with a man in a pink robe. He split that motherfucker in half. Well, at least it hit her arm. The tension is strong in this plaza. So much for the bomber guy. Eh, at least that photo turned out to be useful. Really liking the atmosphere this episode is setting up. OH FUCKDAMMIT SHE WAS THE KILLER ALL ALONG I SHOULD’VE TRUSTED MY GUT. Damn, it’s really hard to tell who the good guys and bad guys are in this episode. Twenty bucks says he’s faking unconsciousness. Called it~. Holy shit that’s a huge-ass sunset. Oh boy, now we’ve got another rapist on our hands. Curse you, remains of my BDSM fetish. :painfap: DON’T FUCK WITH A MAN IN A PINK ROBE. We John Woo now. Not only is he a rapist, but a rapist bomber. Genthru wishes he had the guts. Man, fuck this dude. > THANK YOU ASSASSIN GIRL. Welp, this episode sure got depressing in record time. Thanks to the powers of precise swordsmanship, we managed to get a good ending out of it. Lupin has no idea what pinky swears are. Hm, nice to know she’s alive. And then Zeni’s clothes disintegrated. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN The Naru/Saku shipping in that title card was so obvious, it’s not funny. Sasuke’s voice sounded a little off there. I bet Naruto’s actually looking back on this in the present and wondering how big a fool he was. There’s truly no stopping his inborn curiosity. RANDOM ROCKSLIDE! And, of course, enemy ninja, because you can’t have filler without them. Scaring ‘em off with the power of numbers. That cave looks awfully skeletal. WELCOME TO THE PERFUME DEPARTMENT, SMALL CHILDREN. That turned out to be more successful than I expected. I always loved rivers with large cliffs on either side. Something aesthetic about ‘em. Naruto’s got the “show determination” part down, but I highly doubt he knows what “nimble” means. Shikamaru’s sick of everyone’s shit this filler, that’s why he’s the best character. I wonder if they ever updated that replica to include Tsunade. He wants the Fourth’s legacy, so he jumped to the side with the Fourth on the edge. Smart thinking from a top-class idiot. Aaaaaand not-so-smart thinking. It’s a good thing he got better during the timeskip and Sage training, then. The final obstacle already? Suddenly betrayal! Aaaaaand averted immediately. SHAKE ON IT. More proof that Shikamaru’s the best. (Just the best.) This ad for Mother! poses more questions than it answers, and I kinda wanna see it because of that. Check it out, a library filled with all sorts of forbidden techniques! Smart thinking, Shikamaru. Shut up, Sakura, this is exactly why people prefer Hinata to you. Oh hey, it’s the mentally challenged parrot I mentioned in my SafeAuto rant two days ago. We the grudge now? HAHAHAHAHA WIPEOUT. Here comes Sasuke to inadvertently save the day with his coolness. 8) LIGHTNING BEATS WATER, BITCH. Damn you, parrot. Naruto, you really suck at forcing smiles. But hey, at least they made it to the finish, finally. SUDDENLY WIZARD GAI. Read the first letter of each line, like you should’ve done for my HxH 57 thoughts. And then he used it in the final rounds. Oh goddammit Naruto. Well, at least we can finally get back to actual canon stuff next week. I never gave Tim & Eric Awesome Show a proper chance because Chippy freaked me the hell out. OUTLAW STAR Huh, so the speech from the Dreams video was actually lifted from this show. I love that picture of Gene with the floozies. FUCK YES THAT WAS AN AWESOME OP CUT. PAGUA SONFA PAGUA SONFA. Nice, she has a mechanical arm too. And it can detach while remaining connected. Okay, that scene transition actually kinda spooked me. Not a whole lot to say, just enjoying the ride. That’s actually a smart plan, splitting up to make sure she doesn’t sneak off a la Fujiko. MISSILE TIME. Oh hey, they found the land mines. Don’t you just hate dud bullets? Welp, looks like the naked girl’s finally awake. A crying chick with no clothes and suicidal thoughts. Real great character introduction there. : ESCAPE TIME. SHIT COUNT: 3. Haha, Gene’s a space cherryboy. Hand-holding? How lewd~. And then they went on a journey through hyperspace. And of course, no mention of the random skip in Attack on Titan episodes at the end. Guess I can thank HxH for allowing me to recognize Ethan Murray’s voice easily now. That had to have been a traumatic experience. Poor Gene… Blue Heaven looks like they retrofitted a giant asteroid, kinda like the disappointment that was Palau. Korbonite? Sounds familiar. This robot really likes calling Gene “kid”. I feel like this episode is reminding me way too much of the Rick & Morty I saw last night. So outlaws are essentially people who live free lives for varying reasons. Good to know. Ooh, real pine trees! It’s a nice outfit, I’ll give her that much. FUCK YEAH STRIPPER POLE DANCE SEQUENCE. :fap: That phrase triggers Gene. McCoy looks way less handsome than I thought he’d be. Knife fight… averted. Y’ALL JUST GOT TASED. And then they had sex, which Jim obviously disapproves of. But hey, at least Melfina’s good company. Gene and Hilda make the best couple. I like Hilda’s taste in undergarments. Very ‘90s. :-D SURPRISE ROBOT. Okay, at the very least, I can easily assume the first girl is supposed to be Melfina. The others? Beats the hell outta me. [we walk our dogs out there] Quote
OwlChemist81 Posted August 27, 2017 Posted August 27, 2017 Before we get to this week's Top 10, I would like to revisit the first Top 10 in the recent era, from 7/29/17: Guess what? This week I'm back to doing Top 10 lists! Yes, including Samurai Jack, because now for all intents and purposes it should be part of Toonami and end it with 3(!) reruns! But I digress... #10: Tokyo Ghoul - While it might be pretty to look at, I don't have a clue what the hell is going on! #9: Dragon Ball Super - Decent animation, but the movie still did this "do-over" better! #8: Hunter x Hunter - Little different from SAO, with Nen, they actually go INSIDE the video game! Also, farewell Kurapika and Leorio! #7: Attack on Titan - A good episode that sets the stage for Season 2. Also Damn, Hange, you scary! #6: Samurai Jack - RIP Scotsman, sorta--plus Jack vs. an uncomfortable number of little blue beast children and Ashi vs. the Dominator! #5: Ghost In The Shell - The classic, though fake and short-lived disbanding of Section 9! #4: DBZ Kai - The epic battle between Buu and Vegeta heats up, and Vegeta alludes to his intent to sacrifice himself! #3: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Oh how I've missed you. New JoJo has BAD attitude! And Avdol is no "chicken" either, even if his Stand is a giant cock! #2: Shippuden - A rare triumph for this normally inferior show, as Hollow Fox Naruto vs. Pain heats up! #1: Lupin the 3rd - Master Thief steals the show again, this time with an intriguing plot of twists and romance! I honestly probably should have put Tokyo Ghoul a bit higher, maybe #8 or #7. And maybe JoJo was actually #1 with Lupin #3? But enough about that. Now I give you THIS week's Top 10: #10: Tokyo Ghoul - Coffee! Coffee! COFFEE!! COVFEFE!!! #9: Naruto - Once again, no "Shippuden" here!! #8: Samurai Jack - All hope really IS lost now!! #7: Dragon Ball Super - Jaco & Bulma go WAY back, apparently! #6: Dragon Ball Z Kai - A ray of hope shines as Kibito and Gohan are restored! #5: Attack on Titan - Beautiful snowy flashback and Eren's first ODM Kill, then wipeout! #4: Hunter x Hunter - Nice to see things finally start to get serious again!! #3: Lupin the 3rd - A rare Goemon-centric episode, and more bloody than usual! #2: Outlaw Star - No, Jim, it wasn't what you thought it was!! #1: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders - The Party of 5 is now complete!! Quote
PokeNirvash Posted September 2, 2017 Author Posted September 2, 2017 Tonight, because those who still have cable are too busy heading to their Labor Day weekend hot spots to bother watching anime more deserving of the "damn good" title than Berserk 2016 (yes, that includes Root A), we're doing a recap of the Buu Saga thus far. Very lucky and very fitting, that only eight episodes of it aired before today. That's pretty much it. Also, I'm the Armored Titan, and he's the Colossal one. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #30 - A Run-Through for the Competition! Who Are the Last Two Members!? - TV-14L 8:30 - Dragonball Super #31 - Off to See Master Zuno! Find Out Where the Super Dragon Balls Are! - TV-14 ... 11:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #123 - The Seal is Released!? Gohan's Kamehame-Ha of Resistance! - TV-PGLV 11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #124 - Straightaway Into Despair? The Terror of Majin Buu - TV-PGLV 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #125 - Turn Into Candy! A Hungry Majin's Bizarre Power! - TV-PGLV 12:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #126 - I Will Deal with the Majin! Vegeta's Final Mortal Combat! - TV-PGLV 1:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #127 - For His Beloved Ones. The End of the Proud Warrior! - TV-PGLV 1:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #128 - A Nightmare Revisited - The Immortal Monster Majin Buu! - TV-PGLV 2:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #129 - A Secret Plan to Defeat Buu! Its Name Is Fusion - TV-PGLSV 2:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #130 - Found! A Faint Ray of Hope Awaken, Warriors! - TV-PGLV 3:00 - Attack on Titan #31 - Warrior - TV-14LV Also, for those who don't know yet, Toonami gains another half-hour starting next week, with HD Bebop returning at 3. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted September 4, 2017 Posted September 4, 2017 I didn't watch the shows live, because I went to a college football game with a 7:00 P.M. start time that night, and it was nearly 1:00 A.M. when I got back, meaning it was time for Coast to Coast AM to start. I did set the shows to record, though, except for the ones which were already on the dvr. DBZK - Safety labels for your son would've been a good thing to include, Bibidi, in order to assure he was clear of the steam vents when awakening Buu. Sure, Babidi stayed clear anyway, but there were no posted warnings. Maybe it was included in the revival instructions. When Vegeta noted that Goku was too trusting and wondered how he had survived so long, the obvious answer is that he didn't. Goku's dead, and not for the first time. He just has uncanny luck, very good friends and has gotten more than one good break in the afterlife. Buu's transformation power would be remarkably useful. Presumably he would be able to turn inanimate objects into food as well. He and Babidi would never need to procure provisions ever again. I still like Vegeta's line about dragging Babidi and Buu to Hell along with him. I would think that the wrapping of Buu's nigh-indestructible flesh around Vegeta would be the perfect shield against Buu's kick and atomic butt drop, but oh well. Also, if there was hope for Piccolo to change from who he was as the spawn/clone of Piccolo Daimaoh, then there should be hope for Vegeta as well. I can understand Chi Chi guilting Videl for not stopping the boys, but I did enjoy Yamcha's take on it that they would've snuck away eventually, and that's not even accounting for the fact that there's no way she could physically have prevented them from going, since either boy is stronger and faster than her, and she was rather fatigued at the time. In addition to Mr. Popo's idea about teaching Goten and Trunks to fuse, he's also a great cook. Perhaps he invented instant ramen in the DB-verse, meaning he saved the Earth from Beerus in Super as well. It occurred to me that I never took notice that Shoulder Cat was a precursor to Shoulder Loli. Plus, Goku was the perfect one to make the announcement of Gohan's "death" and Vegeta being dead, since he would only be on the Earth for a few more hours to put up with females being emotional. AoT: Second Course - Of course we'll never know what Mikasa had to add to the discussion about past odd behavior by Annie, Bertolt, and Reiner, because Eren is a loudmouth who can't keep from interrupting people. Mikasa has the scariest eyes of anyone in the show, but her rageful bloodlust was justified, since on the personal level, Bertolt and Reiner's attack deprived her of her second set of parents and drove her from her second home. Jack - Ashi's sudden realization that she has Aku's powers and her use of said powers to counter him and make a time portal for her and Jack were all very satisfying. I think part of that is because Aku had a part in making a lifeform which was key to his destruction in the past. Jack being reminded of Ashi every time he sees a ladybug is nice, but if anyone deserved a happy ending with the girl, it was him. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted September 9, 2017 Author Posted September 9, 2017 Tonight on Toonami, all five Universe 7 fighters gather as the day of the Universe 6 tournament arrives, Babidi sets an ultimatum for the people that Earth that everyone but Goku and Top_Gun treats as the biggest deal ever, the Stardust Crusaders (as the show calls them) find a stowaway on their boat as they resume their travel to Egypt, the CCG begin their raid on Anteiku, Gon uses Bisky's philosophy on rock-paper-scissors to start developing his own specialized Nen technique, Lupin finds himself caught up in a competition between Fujiko and Rebecca involving a most dangerous wine, Nagato attempts to one-up the poorly placed filler two-parter in levels of painful with his own tragic backstory, Gene and the others find themselves running from one nest of enemies into another, the first (and best) anime to air on [as] returns to finish the HD run robbed from it by the 2015 downsizing, and Eren's Titan form shows us why people love professional wrestling. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #31 - Off to See Master Zuno! Find Out Where the Super Dragon Balls Are! - TV-14 8:30 - Dragonball Super #32 - The Matches Begin! We're All Off to the "Planet With No Name"! - TV-14 ... 11:00 - Dragonball Super #32 - The Matches Begin! We're All Off to the "Planet With No Name"! - TV-14 11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #131 - Find the Nuisances: Babidi's Retaliation Begins! - TV-PGLV 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #6 - Dark Blue Moon - TV-MA 12:30 - Tokyo Ghoul Root A #9 - City in Waiting - TV-MAV 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #65 - Evil Fist and Rock Paper Scissors - TV-14LV 1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #11 - The Lovesick Pig - TV-14DS 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #172 - Meeting - TV-PGL 2:30 - Outlaw Star #3 - Into Burning Space - TV-14DL 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #1 - Asteroid Blues - TV-14LV 3:30 - Attack on Titan #32 - Close Combat - TV-14LV [mayfield watches hentai] Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted September 10, 2017 Posted September 10, 2017 What struck me as a big deal in Babidi's address is that he estimated Buu could devastate every city on Earth in five days. While Earth in the DB-verse is likely the same size, I feel like it would need to have a much lower population for that estimate to hold true. DBS - I dug the beards for Goku and Vegeta. The visible b.o.? Not so much. Even if the punch Goku gave Monaka wasn't full strength, Monaka still took it without budging or even flinching. That's promising. I would like to think of Chi Chi providing the space picnic as being prepared in case Goku wanted a snack on the trip. Haaa, Goku has trouble reading silently, but at least he can read. I'm not sure Buu is able to read. I'm fine with Kibito and Shin being separated now, as well as the Supreme Kai of Universe 6 being invited to watch. Of course Whis has a better sense of design than Vados. He's obviously the more fun sibling. DBZK - Calm down, Kibito. Gohan was unconscious when you brought him to your planet. He had no control over his wardrobe at that time, and he had no other clothes to wear with him, so it's not his fault. The Z Sword. Sure. Why not? Yep, we had the mass-murder of an entire city and the subsequent destruction of the city's structures in a kids' show. It was perfectly understandable that both Goten and Trunks would cry when being informed of a family member's death. Still, Goku had a point that they needed to stop crying and pay attention to the fusion instructions. JoJo: SC - The shirt Grandpa Joseph wore on the ship made something we already knew even more obvious; he is ridiculously buff for a 60-something year-old man. Even though Ang thirsts shamelessly for Avdol, I can understand her getting hot over Grandpa Joseph as well. The stowaway looked too young to be starting adolescence, but eh. I can fully understand her objection to Jotaro touching her chest (tact, Jotaro. Don't be like young Goku, having to be told "no pat-pat" ) to confirm his suspicion that she was a girl rather than the boy she tried to portray herself as being. It was sensible for her to try to hide her sex in order to avoid predation by some depraved crew member or a person at her destination. Blue Moon is a fine name for a beer. It's somewhat less than intimidating for a Stand. Its energy-sapping barnacle power seemed cheap, but the sharp scales and generating a whirlpool were fine. However, I had trouble buying two things. First, that was way longer than six minutes that the imposter captain and Jotaro were submerged. Second, if Jotaro and S.P. were in the whirlpool, they would, as long as they weren't fighting the flow, be moving in the same direction as the scales at the same rotational speed, meaning the scales shouldn't have hit them. Okay, maybe they would have, but at a much lower speed than we saw. It's like being able to press a finger against the cutting edge of a knife without cutting the finger. Since the "captain" said he could vouch for each member of the crew, does that mean the whole ship was full of enemy Stand-users? Granted, the Joestar party and the girl got of the ship safely on a lifeboat after the explosions, but they might not yet be out of danger, and I mean in more ways than just the large ship bearing down on them. TG: Root A - The CCG making sure everyone on the raid had a will made out is sensible, but it was clearly too heavy a thing for Tachizawa. Also, I saw the translation of what he wrote in the most of it, but I didn't catch what he wrote in the huge, scrawling letters. I'm glad that Yoshimura got Hinami and Touka clear of this raid, and I'm glad that he sent Renji to protect them and to try to convince Touka not to run into danger like she foolishly did. Dagnabbit, Amon! Akira was trying to make amends with you, and you blocked her gesture of that. It goes against the spirit of those testamentary letters, making things right with others with whom you have conflict or resentment (or need some form of closure or affirmation) while you have the chance. You denied her that. I get the impression that one or both of Kuroiwa and Shinohara will die fighting Yoshimura. What I don't understand is why the CCG didn't have snipers set up at a distance to try to shoot the Owl in the head through the eye opening in his mask. Hm. Mrs. Mado chose to stay behind and cover her comrades', including her husband's, retreat from the Owl. In that light, it's good that Mado was drug away, kicking and screaming, by his fellow Investigators. Had they let him stay, he probably would've died as well, and then Akira would've been an orphan. However, I must question the wisdom of allowing a husband and wife to serve on the same squad for a high-risk mission. It would be far too easy for one or both of them to let their personal feelings dictate their actions, as Mado did in resisting the retreat, and put others in their group in unnecessary danger. I'm fine with Nishiki bugging out so as not to put Kimi in danger, but he showed that he was still slimy with his remark about wanting to hit it one last time. Dang, Tsukiyama. Control your crazy, man. I'm somewhat disappointed that Ken didn't kill him. At least Ken is off to protect some ghouls who aren't completely terrible. Okay, maybe only Yoshimura isn't completely terrible. Hm, Kaya and Koma were actually good fighters. Given the sheer number of Investigators, and especially veteran investigators who have history with the Anteiku members, I doubt that many ghouls will survive this operation. Tachizawa's mom seemed nice. HxH - I didn't expect Razor, one of the "game" creators to be around guarding the coast of the island. It would explain why people other than players don't show up on the island. Well, that and the treacherous currents he mentioned. However, I see a few problems with what he did and what his presence means. First, are one or more creators required to maintain this guard? That would be a huge commitment of time. Does the group take turns? Maybe there is some kind of nen spell to alert and transport one of them near the location of those seeking access to the island by sea. Second, if a constant guard is required, is Ging part of the rotation, if there is one? If not, how are his supposed friends okay with him abandoning them to this task? Third, if tickets are required to leave, then what about any "NPCs" that don't want to be in the "game" anymore? They don't have the rings with the associated books for cards, so is it even possible for them to leave as we saw Killua do? If not, then what about by actual ship? We saw Razor destroy the boat that the P.T. took to the island, and my guess is that he did so to prevent players from discovering that it would be possible, in theory, for them to leave and return by a means that didn't take all the cards from their free slots, and thus they could leave and return without penalty, but not without difficulty. If there is no way to "properly" leave and arrive but by memory card, Leave cards, or passage tickets from the harbormaster, then should the "NPCs" be real people, as I suspect, then they are essentially imprisoned there in a world of a forced economy and increased danger foisted on them by the "game" creators. Yes, it's possible that they were compensated for their participation at the beginning, but three distinct possibilities exist: 1. the game has gone on for far, far longer than the natives were lead to believe it would and they now want to get out, but can't, 2. there are people who have been born into the game since it started who would choose to have no part of it if presented the option, but they're trapped by a decision their parents made before they were born, and 3. there are people who made the choice years ago when they were single and made their choice to stay from that mindset, but now they're married with families to consider, and they no longer want to be part of the game. When Razor destroyed the P.T.'s boat, he denied at least one person or family in one of those three possible conditions a way to escape. Why did he do it? To protect the integrity of the "gameplay." As I said before, Ging's friends sound like people who are as/more terrible people as/than he is. I liked Killua telling the Kirikos stories of his and Gon's exploits. Gon's distance energy ball attack has a long way to go before it reaches Razor's level. Yep, the Bombers released their victims by killing them. It's a good thing for the one dude that he used some magic of his own to remove the bomb before that, even if he's stuck with that weird giant caterpillar thing. Well, hopefully it's a caterpillar and not a centipede, because eventually a caterpillar will change into a butterfly or moth, meaning it might get somewhat less ugly. Since Greed Island is a physical location, I'm curious as to why the spell stuff only works there. Something has bothered me for a while. If the game has continued for far longer than the "creators" anticipated, then what does that mean for rare cards, like Leave, which keep getting used? Eventually any card with a limit will reach it and become unplayable. Lupin - Lupin, you foolish scoundrel. The right choice is obviously Fujiko. Don't get me wrong. Rebecca is pretty, has a great figure, and is fun. But, da-yum, Fujiko. Plus, you know that Fujiko will eventually play you. You haven't quite seemed to catch on that Rebecca will as well, so at least your eyes are open regarding Fujiko. Regarding the wine with an aphrodisiac in it, sure. Why not? I can respect the biochemist wife becoming uncomfortable with drugging people and wanting to stop. I thought the old guy's mole looked like the one on the "dead" guy, but his drastic weight loss was enough to make me doubt that it was him, as he intended. I caught what Lupin caught about the old guy wanting that barrel "back", but until Lupin started the swing to break the cask, I didn't expect the wife's body to be in it. Lupin missed a prime chance for an amazing threesome, but this isn't that kind of show, so he had to choose not to take advantage of the ladies while they were drugged and go after the targeted barrel instead. For that, he has my respect. Shippuden - While it was a case of mistaken identity, the Leaf ninjas who killed Nagato's parents were still burglars who killed lawful occupants of the home. It was natural justice that Nagato killed them in retaliation. Yeah, the one guy showed a lack of compassion when turning away Nagato, but in a country where there's active warfare, I can understand him wanting to conserve the family's resources. That said, why make or buy that much bread at once in a damp environment, where mold will have a tendency to grow? That says to me either that there is a large family there or that the guy was outright lying to Nagato. Konan was kind to feed Nagto and the puppy. Yahiko did Nagato a good turn in accepting him into their group. My understanding of Mosaic Law and Sharia is that they both draw a distinction between stealing for personal enrichment and stealing food to eat. Yes, stern monetary or physical consequences are prescribed for the former case, but in the latter circumstances, the punishment is much, much less severe. That said, the trio did what they could to atone for what they did by returning as much of the perishable food as they could. Oh, no! Not the puppy! More tragic backstory is coming next week. I already know the gist of it from spoiler amvs, but it will be good to get all the details. OS - I like that Hilda needed a gunner, because piloting in an asteroid field takes a lot of concentration. Is Dramamine not at thing anymore in the future of this show? It would probably do more to settle Gene's stomach than booze. That was cold, Melfina, even if you meant well. Yeah, Aisha is excitable and not the brightest person. It's a good thing that her crew was able to follow standing orders and were willing to act in sensible self-preservation. Also, they shouldn't have fired on Horus, since the debris they generated in shooting some of the asteroids will need to be cleaned out in order to make the approach lanes safe. The McDougals are sleaze, especially Ron, whom we saw speaking with the Kei Pirates. CB - People in the time of CB should be thankful for artificial gravity. It would keep their bones and muscles from acclimating to the gravity of wherever they lived. It wouldn't be a problem for anyone from Earth, given that hyperspace travel from any point in the Solar System to another would take only a few days, but for those who lived primarily on a moon of an outer planet, they would have a very difficult time moving on a planet or moon with much higher mass, if it were possible at all for them to survive the experience. I wouldn't want the hot dog back either. Jet says in a later episode that Spike's eyes are too sharp, but his hands are also extremely quick. There's something about hearing TRFB at the end of a CB episode that makes me smile. I just hope we had gotten the full ED version. AoT: Second Course - From what I saw, Mikasa didn't hesitate in her strikes on Bertolt and Reiner last episode. That she was unable to kill them seemed to me to be more about them doing what they could to evade and defend against her attacks. That's partly thanks to their training, but also because they were in a heightened state of alertness due to committing to their course of action in trying to convince Eren to go with them. No, Eren. That flashback was part of your mind trying to tell your psychopathic rage side how to win the fight against Reiner's Armored form. Still, there are some disparities in physical power between opponents that technique can't overcome. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted September 10, 2017 Author Posted September 10, 2017 JoJo: SC - Blue Moon is a fine name for a beer. It's somewhat less than intimidating for a Stand. TG: Root A - The CCG making sure everyone on the raid had a will made out is sensible, but it was clearly too heavy a thing for Tachizawa. Also, I saw the translation of what he wrote in the most of it, but I didn't catch what he wrote in the huge, scrawling letters. That’s why it’s called “Dark” Blue Moon. From what I know of Japanese, it looks like he wrote “I don’t want to die”. Aaaaaaand I’m here before Angel. Must be her birthday again. DRAGONBALL SUPER I never knew I needed to see Mr. Popo and Little Green playing tennis. NAOKI TATE SAKUGA SPOTTED. Oh hey, their gloves have Whis’s mark too. “You sound like a child.” Well, that’s what Goku basically is. I always found something odd about everyone speaking in unison all cheerfully like that. That “hexahedron” looks an awful lot like a regular box (albeit with walls you can phase through) to me. LN TITLE OF THE WEEK: The King is a Tentacle Monster! I assume “summoning the dragon” means he was taking a dump. Wow, more scatological humor this episode than I expected. (I didn’t even know Buu could fart regularly.) Monaka looks just as I expected him to from the promotional material. Just look at his nipples… LOOK AT THEM! Oh goddammit Goku. Mmm, barbeque. I don’t know what’s odder: 18 eating with a smile on her face, or her eating in general. Piccolo having his own plate is rather curious too. [“Also Sprach Zarathustra” plays in the background.] “They really are Dragonball Super!” Really, Goku? Really? He might also be kind of a dick, but the Pop-Tarts iguana is much more preferable to that goddamn poodle. The most impressive thing about the Super Dragon Balls is that it’s like looking at an extreme close-up of the regular Dragon Balls, or even Namek’s set. In short, it was Vados who made it, not Champa. The bleachers were alright, but the new design is much better. BURRRRRRRRN. Oh hey, it’s the Supreme Kai. If not for last week’s two weeks ago’s Kai, I’d have actually been surprised that Kibito’s there too. (Also, wasn’t Supreme Kai older last time we saw him?) So they fused. Well, that answers my previous question quite nicely. It’s a long story that you’ll be able to watch every Saturday at 11:30 (barring marathons). “And that bear guy looks pretty tough.” Of course he does, you don’t ever wanna fuck with Winnie the Pooh. Fuck yeah, alternate history! If he has 13 breads and gives his three friends 2 each, he has 7 left. Oh goddammit Buu. AND NOW FOR YOUR UNIVERSAL ANTHEM. That was surprisingly short, but it had a nice instrumental leading up to it. “Give him hell, Goku!” I like this version of Beerus, now that I think about it. TOP BILLING: Goku. DRAGONBALL Z KAI Wasn’t it kind of selfish for them to take Gohan away without telling anyone he was still alive? Oh shit, Babidi’s trying turning the populace against the heroes, isn’t he? Based on what Buu did to all those people… I’d say yes. I was actually expecting that city to become a crater, but a decimated wreck is appropriately shitty enough. Goku’s got a really good handle on this. That poor kid who passed out in the middle of his tantrum. I totally feel for that nerdy kid. I’d be angry at this guy, but he didn’t know enough, so he’s okay. Also, being scanned to death is a terrible way to go. EVEN MISTER POPO IS TERRIFIED. “Those two don’t care about how many people they hurt.” He says while standing next to the alternate universe version of someone who fits that bill. Puar is such a non-character now it always surprises me to see him/her there. Who would’ve thought that parallel universe Frieza was such a humanitarian? Goten’s too comfortable to get up now. Thinking with the stomach runs in the family, unless you’re Gohan. Vegeta swiftly knocking out Trunks but violently suckerpunching Goten in the gut is still hilarious. The shit Popo has to put up with. “So where on Earth are we?” “We’re not on Earth at all.” “That was a figure of speech, but good to know.” And that’s why the show is called Dragonball Z. WE EXCALIBUR NOW. Kibito was cooler in his Super cameo. There’s something weird about seeing Popo on edge. CLOTHES BEAM. Wait, he got earrings too? That’s just too uncanny. Goku as a disciplinarian seems rather weird to me, probably because of how serious this business is. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS Next stop, Vietnam! I bet Joseph’s been saving that striped sailor-esque top for this boat ride. Wow, that little kid’s quite the pottymouth. BREAKING NEWS, THE S-WORD IS FAIR GAME FOR VIZ DUBS. That kid’s got guts, BIG guts! And then it was Jaws. There’s something ironic about this whole shark-beating scene. He said it! He actually said “good grief”! ;D Turns out it was a girl all along. PHANTOM FISHMAN! “Dammit, that was our only lifesaver!” I feel like that one voice should sound more recognizable. WATCH OUT, SHE’S GOT A KNIFE! DIO’s doing fabulous these days, or so I hear. That sounds way too chuuni to be serious. And then Jotaro lit up a smoke, because nothing’s cooler than underage tobacco use. >_> SHIT COUNT: 2. I can only imagine what led Jotaro to that conclusion. FUN FACT: The Captain’s name was originally “Captain Tennille”, but because of copyright law, it was changed to “Captain Dragon”, which is even more clever because the Captain’s real name was Daryl Dragon. Stowaway loli is the casual audience stand-in now, deal with it. 8) MISDIRECTION, FUCK YEAH! Damn, check out the bulge on that STAND. A BIT OF DIALOGUE “Captain Dragon”: “It’s no act. This is a prediction.” Avdol: [facepalms] “Not this shit again…” Huh, Star Platinum’s ORAs are actually getting better. Well that was an awkward place to put a commercial break. I’ll be honest: slightly disappointed they’re using “Gunk” in place of “Toxic”. BARNACLES! And that was when he learned that he loved the ocean. Is he supposed to be channeling Hulk Hogan? ‘Cause he keeps calling Jotaro “brother” a lot. This guy really loves hearing himself talk. Not that I have a problem, since Michael McConnohie is a great VA, but still… An ant lion pit? FINGLONGER NO JUTSU. The profanity game this episode’s really strong. Welp, so much for traveling by private boat. :-\ That’s a huge-ass ship. I may not hate TBBT as much as you do (seriously, what’s with the Internet being so adamantly against it?), but after dropping it over a year ago, watching anything showing clips from episodes after that point just feels super-awkward. [canned laughter] TOKYO GHOUL ROOT A Seems a little random for the show to focus on a minor character visiting his mother, but I don’t mind. Last wills and testaments are always difficult to write, especially when you’re given very short notice to think it over. Oh yeah, his two female colleagues. Normal-looking Mado actually creeps me out more than the crazy-looking Mado we all know and love/tolerate. ARGH WHY IS SERA’S VOICE SO DAMN SEXUAL SOUNDING. The irony here is, Mado likely would’ve approved of Amon getting with his daughter. His spirit must be shaking his head in disgrace. Weird, I was expecting that to be Kaneki crying. When a simple bequeathal becomes an untranslated cry for help. His shock is coming from the fact that it’s a paper bomb airplane. HEIL HITLER. And what an early place to put the commercial break. I don’t really care about Destiny, but FOR THE PUPPIES!!1!!!!!11!1!!!!one!!! In which the big guy’s hyping about his “Devil Ape” persona finally pays off. STAY FROSTY TEXAS. I understand apes and dogs running in packs, but being sworn enemies? That’s kind of a stretch. “And Hachikawa? Don’t do anything dumb!” Ironic, considering what happened to his voice actor just months after this was dubbed. This dub, man. It’s amazing how much FUNi is able to get away with in dubs like this. BOW WOW~. Hmm, so the One-Eyed Owl’s mask is part of his kagune. That’s actually pretty creative. Oh yeah, she was moved to a safehouse. Yomo, that’s pretty fucked up. ROYALLY PISSED OFF. It’s a grossome tie, let’s leave it at that. Touka’s character sure has developed over these past several episodes, hasn’t it. I could say the same about Nishiki. It’s amazing (yet unsurprising) that I hated his guts at one point. He also hates this show more than I ever could. Hey, at least getting laid for the sixth or seventh time is at the top of his priority list. SUDDENLY TSUKIYAMA. And boy, does he look like shit. I’m surprised Nishiki hasn’t taken the incentive to leave yet. Don’t fuck with Yoshimura. Tell him to run all you want, but Kaneki’s the main character, so he has to stay and fight. HUNTER x HUNTER Goddammit this show is too good at making my wife look cute. Is that Wamuu? So much for their “raid the island” plan. VOLLEYBALL SERVE OF DOOM. ROCK BEATS ROCK, BABY. Well, that’s what happens when you’re raised by the world’s best assassins. “They make such a great team. To think I was going to ruin their friendship…” Oh yeah, Killua still needs to get his Hunter’s license. You’d think they’d just buy a Leave card instead of having to go through all that trouble. Hm, didn’t expect Leave to be as rare as it was. And in the end, they went with Plan A. Oh hey, another administrator loli. Well this place looks familiar. GON GON GON OF THE JUNGLE WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE. Hi, token black dude. SARA’s right. Sometimes I worry about TOM too. And now they know… all about the Bomber. I just noticed the bomb timer runs on how many seconds are left. Todd’s really good at playing asshole characters. WE VOODOO PAGAN HARRY POTTER MAGIC NOW. Those dumbasses are all dead. That is one disturbing-looking creature, but at least it saved the black dude before the unpleasantness happened. You a dirty bastard, Villain Todd 2.0. “And now I’m going to go lick a teenage girl’s tears right off her face.” Now he must… wander. It’s reconcerting to see Gon worry about human lives in situations outside the Hunter Exam. MOTIVATION, FUCK YEAH. This show’s really good at making cute minor female characters. I say save it, it may come in handy later. MEANWHILE, IN ANOTHER FAMILIAR LOCALE… Those other two Kirikos back there are what the son and daughter actually look like. Gon/Bisky is the best student-teacher relationship since I assume Yusuke/Genkai. About damn time the Bite Size Beats started getting less repetitive. LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE Did she just drop one of the “hips” from “hip-hip hooray?” Ah, wine and cupcakes. Is it someone’s birthday? Of course Fujiko would be red wine and Rebecca would be white. And then Lupin found himself… in a lawlharem situation. So walking into that event with two girls doesn’t count? That’s an excellent way of putting it, Fujiko. Come to think of it, Lupin’s face does look rather monkey-like. I have a feeling my parents would like this event, they’re pretty big on wine. Aww, he remembered her love of fries. :catP I don’t trust this shady-looking guy. ANIMAL-GIRL TECHNOLOGY HAS GONE TOO FAR. In the world of Lupin, even the chubby ones have the potential to look attractive. I don’t know what that wine is, but it must be some sort of big deal, if it’s being namedropped. Let’s see if I’ve got this straight: Fujiko wants the money, Rebecca wants the excitement, and Lupin wants the wine itself. CAUGHT IN THE ACT. Plus Fujiko has her own anime, that’s pretty important in a medium such as this. Screw you, ambiguously brown mole guy. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’ve grown to enjoy this foreign soundtrack. Rebecca vs. Fujiko is the best romantic rivalry. (Then again, any romantic rivalry is the best compared to Infinite Stratos 2.) As the only “single” there, of course Lupin figures out the catch. Those screaming glowy-eyed Tim & Eric faces are scarier than anything in the show they’re promoting. WE FULL LAWLHAREM NOW. And the fact that Lupin shares the same VA as Seina Yamada makes this all the more ironic. So what’s this dude’s connection to the wine anyways? Well, at least he managed to get them back on track. Poor, poor Lupin, swarmed by a bunch of dudes. Oh good, the wine’s safe. And then arguments. FUCK YEAH LUPIN. ;D IT’S AWESOME HYPOTHESIS TIME. I knew that mole looked familiar! Turns out the wine was red instead of white all along. Oh, and there was also a corpse inside. Aaaaand we’re back to harem hijinks and the violence inherent to them. ANIME. We overarching plot next episode. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN I, for one, am surprised that the elderly giant toad is still alive. Oh boy, time for Nagato’s tragic backstory. “Found anything yet?” “You mean besides all the wine they stupidly left out n the table? So it was all his fault he became Pain, then. Yeah, those two Leaf ninja totally fucked up royal. SPACE RIPPER STINGY EYES! If you’re speaking in generalities, then yes, they were. I bet that dog either gets tragically killed or Nagato eats it as a last resort. That bread basket’s just for decoration, don’t get your hopes up or down or whatever. Oh hey, it’s young Konan, and that guy who was one of the Pain bodies. SPACE RIPPER STINGY BASTARD? Stealing food is an art form, implementing both diversion and tact, at least one of which these kids lack. Optimism is always a good thing to have. World domination for the greater good! SUDDENLY PAPER BOMBS. Check it out, it’s the young Sannin. I knew that dog was going to die a tragic death. DAMN, DAMN, DAAAAAAMMMN! Guess we’re now starting to experience overlap with Jiraiya’s flashback arc. Nice to see him repaying the people they stole from, albeit indirectly. That (fake) corpse is reminding me an awful lot of the Chunin Exams for some reason… How chuuni am I? “Well, at least the explosions have stopped.” YOU JINXED YOURSELVES WITH THOSE WORDS. Okay, now here’s the overlap. OUTLAW STAR Woo, cold opening exposition. Gene may be cool, but Hilda is definitely awesomer. NUT SHOT. That random light effect. Was that gibberish really a translator glitch. You’ve never seen a whale before? Oh Gene, you poor thing. That voice definitely doesn’t fit that thug. But hey, that’s ‘90s dubbing for ya. Gene’s so spacesick, he needs a drink. Oh wow, Aisha’s name was not how I expected it to be pronounced. Eh, she’s still attractive, at least. Don’t fuck with the Ctarl-Ctarls, apparently. Well, that worked out well. Mostly. [autistic screeching] I don’t care if they shot at them, I still say it worked out well. THE BABY THE BABY THE BABY. There’s something about Aisha’s voice that makes her sound awfully familiar, and it has nothing to do with the show itself, this is my first time actually watching more than just the first episode. Huh, so they didn’t have sex after all. Ship wreckage. That doesn’t spell any good. Oh fuck it’s those guys again. Ron looks way less cool than I thought he’d be. Must be that curly mullet. YOU JUST GONNA KEEP RUNNING AWAY!? Huh, never thought there’d be so little for me to say during this. Must be my cold. Oh hey, it’s Catman Aramaki. Oh yeah, and Aisha’s voice sounds like a mix between Jessica Calvello and Cynthia Martinez. Poor Aisha… Hey, Gene’s voice came out delayed there at the end. COWBOY BEBOP Because who would pass up watching it after a two-year hiatus? Besides Jman and Ben. Quote
Blatch Posted September 10, 2017 Posted September 10, 2017 I may not hate TBBT as much as you do (seriously, what’s with the Internet being so adamantly against it?), but after dropping it over a year ago, watching anything showing clips from episodes after that point just feels super-awkward. [canned laughter] I agree. There was someone I ended up unfollowing on Twitter because they would constantly put up the same tweet about how much the show sucks it isn't funny. Also, he seemed to represent the more unhinged parts of the liberal #Resistance, but that's neither here nor there. -_' This Toonami block was watched coherently, which I don't do much nowadays, though I did spent a bit of HxH paranoid because I couldn't find an important thumb drive in my house. Both Dragon Balls were fun for different reasons. The penguin-ish universal anthem announcer joke was great. Who knew what they were going for was how short it was and not his appearance? While I did intentionally skip Tokyo Ghoul, and I went to bed before Outlaw Star began, though I recorded both that and Bebop. So JoJo's ended up being the high point of the night for me. Now, what's with the TV-MA straight? They probably could've gone with a V due to the rotting shark carcass and the general bloodshed caused by Dark Blue Moon, but there weren't any adult themes to bring it this high, as I often expect from this channel's S&P. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted September 10, 2017 Author Posted September 10, 2017 Probably the fact it was, well, just a shark. On a related note, someone on 4chan asked why the DB Super was TV-14. One guy said fart jokes (which is Y7 bordering on PG) and another said nipples (which I can buy), but I knew part of it was thanks to the porno mag Bulma confiscated from Roshi. Monaka talking about his puffy nips just tipped the scale. Quote
Blatch Posted September 10, 2017 Posted September 10, 2017 So a naked MA whenever there's graphic animal violence? That sounds reasonable. I do know that the Boondocks episode "Stinkmeaner 3: The Hateocracy" features a squirrel being graphically run over by a car and is MAV, but I've never seen the entire episode, so I can't judge it. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted September 11, 2017 Author Posted September 11, 2017 That was back in 2010, it was a different time then. It also had Bushido Brown getting graphically beheaded, so there's that. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted September 11, 2017 Posted September 11, 2017 i was out of town all weekend so super quick thoughts. Jojo- Avdol continues to be extremely attractive and needs to lose some clothes. Joseph looks like a gay sailor-themed hooker and I love it. FUCK THIS SHARK. This child annoys me. Throw her overboard anyway. Jojo having nicotine withdrawls sounds like it'll get violent. Good you found him now murder him. Just let it have the kid. I like Avdol's line he's so cool. And then Jojo died. I don't know why he sounds like Hulk Hogan but I like it. Avdol your power is fire what are you even gonna do down there? You can absolutely get a Star Finger dildo if that's what you're into. And then everything exploded. That's a big boat. Ghoul- I don't think I'm lucky enough to have all these people die. Way to ruin the moment, ya dick. Okay why would you announce the surprise attack on the ghoul hideout on the news before it happens? If you knew the cops were coming, why didn't you just leave? Did...did she rip his lips off? Dude you're twice her size, just lock her in a cupborad until it's over. Okay I can respect this asshole's desire to get laid one last time. Oh fuck off, Hisoka. Hunter- Just kill them, large man. Yeeeeah Killua didn't exactly have the best home life. Oh right Killua isn't a real hunter. I hope he just straight up kills Pig Fucker this time. Tree. Well that sucks for y'all. Don't trust this guy. That is one ugly monster. And then everyone died. Man they're lucky, I never got any rare Pokemon cards. Awww, those things are still Gon's friends. Lupin- Hiiii Rebecca. Hiiiii Fujiko. I mean, you can't blame a guy for trying. Wooooow Lupin you are doing impressively bad. I wouldn't trust either of these women as far as I could throw them, but Fujiko has bigger boobs. Oh sweet, slutty hog wine. Oh dang his wife was cute. Poor Lupin. New plan: Just ditch Lupin and be lesbians. IT'S ALL SLUTTY HOG WINE. Come on, just have a threesome. Whoever made that barrel did some quality work. Well that's a boner killer. Naruto- Queue up the Linkin Park because it's angst ahoy. For a second I thought he was gonna eat the dog and I would have ragequit. And then they were Aladdin. Oh fuck this show. And unfortunately, they lived. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted September 16, 2017 Author Posted September 16, 2017 Tonight on Toonami, the Universe 6 Tournament begins with Goku vs. a blatant Winnie the Pooh knockoff, Goten and Trunks begin their fusion training while Gohan tries to prove his worth by pulling Excalibur the Z-sword from the stone, JoJo and crew board a ghost ship with a serial apist hiding in their midst, Kaneki finally decides to help his former allies out in their ongoing battles with the CCG, Killua runs into several familiar faces as the new year's Hunter Exam begins, it's overarching plot time on Lupin as Rebecca gets kidnapped by MI6's men in San Marino, Nagato reaches the really tragic part of his Backstorytime of Pain, Hilda finally finds what she's been looking for in the skies above Farfallas, Spike and Jet touch down on Mars to track down an easy bounty (and unbeknownst to them, a potential new crewmate), and Mikasa flashes back to the time Eren started a street brawl in the local marketplace. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #32 - The Matches Begin! We're All Off to the "Planet With No Name"! - TV-14 8:30 - Dragonball Super #33 - Surprise, 6th Universe! This is Super Saiyan Goku! - TV-PGLV ... 11:00 - Dragonball Super #33 - Surprise, 6th Universe! This is Super Saiyan Goku! - TV-PGLV 11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #132 - A Time of Trials! Lay Hold of Legendary Powers! - TV-PGV 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #7 - Strength - TV-MAV 12:30 - Tokyo Ghoul Root A #10 - Last Rain - TV-MAV 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #66 - Strategy and Scheme - TV-14 1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #12 - The Dream of Italy, Part 1 - TV-14 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #173 - The Origin of Pain - TV-14V 2:30 - Outlaw Star #4 - When the Hot Ice Melts - TV-14L 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #2 - Stray Dog Strut - TV-14LV 3:30 - Attack on Titan #33 - The Hunters - TV-14LV By the way, yes, I did mean to spell it without the "r". You'll understand why when you see it. Quote
Blatch Posted September 16, 2017 Posted September 16, 2017 What the... am I seeing things? Have they finally rated a DBZ Kai episode without the L? Next week's episode is like that, too. How potentially amazing. I still have to watch Outlaw Star and Bebop before getting to tonight's broadcast, but I hope all of it is enjoyable. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted September 17, 2017 Posted September 17, 2017 JoJo and crew board a ghost ship with a serial apist hiding in their midst I see what you did there. Jojo- Why is he so evil and sexy, it makes me hate myself. I enjoy sassy Yoda here. I can't wait to see all seven of these assholes get wrecked. I don't trust this boat. Yes let Poolnoodle be the canary in your coal mine. I would also like to jump into sexy buff grandpa's arms. This boat is shady as fuck. Okay I definitely don't trust that monkey. Joseph's complete lack of indoor voice continues to crack me up. Aw fuck it's haunted. Little late on shielding her view, Jotaro. Don't worry Avdol you did your best. Please throw this child overboard. That monkey makes me uncomfortable. Is the monkey a stand? REAL UNCOMFORTABLE HERE, MONKEY. Oh this is a bad idea never get naked around a pervert monkey. Please save her from some fucked up monkey sex, Jojo. THANK YOU JOTARO. The ceiling fan is a stand! Okay watching a man get bitchslapped by a ceiling fan is hilarious. Is..is the entire boat a stand? Please get that girl some pants immediately. And then everyone died. I hate this monkey. I do like his fancy captain jacket. Please just let Avdol live, show. This is weird and needs to stop. I enjoy Jotaro shit-talking a fancy ape. THANK YOU JOJO, FINALLY. Welcome to the jungle, bitch. Get that kid some clothes already. This is indeed a bizarre adventure. That gum line cracks me up. Fuck you, Dio. Good news, you lived! I got a bad feeling about that hideous puppet. Ghoul- Is it too much to hope that they all just kill each other? I feel like I should have some kind of reaction at all to this whole thing but instead I'm just tired and want to stop. And then Waluigi showed up with a plasma gun because why the hell not, I guess. Well that sure sucks for this guy, I bet. Oh granny you picked the wrong time to see what that ruckus is. Bye, Waluigi. Yeah sure lady that's real deep and poetic now get on with it. Christ dude, could they not have given you a new mouth at some point in the past decade? Oh hey, our main character finally decides to do something in this show. That is an unsatisfactory conclusion, lady. This boy is exhausting. Sure let's bring this guy back whatever. Isn't that magic armor supposed to be killing those guys the longer they wear it? This kid is annoying as shit but at least somebody's enjoything this train wreck. Hey grandpa look on the bright side, if you die you don't have to be in this show anymore. Way to suck and fail, you poor excuse for a protagonist. Oh what the hell is this, is that the sewer baby? Hunter- DICK SAKURA sounds like a great store. OH SON OF A BITCH IT'S PIG FUCKER. Oh hey it's the auction guy. Well that seems suspiciously easy. Whelp so much for auction guy. Jesus Killua does not fuck around. This shit still works better than AIM ever did. Aw fuck it's that guy. Shut up Biscuit. Aw crap please don't let Hisoka be here too. GODDAMMIT HISOKA GET OUT OF HERE. Hi Kurapika! This guy's having a rough day. Oh right, the boss guy stole her power and I guess she never got it back. That's a real weird way to say Lucifer, kiddo. Meanwhile, side quests. Fuck off, douche. Fuck off, other douche. Okay miniature dragon sounds adorable. That went too well, it's suspicious. Welcome to Vegas, kids. Oh no, it'll definitely kill you. I don't like your odds, random guy. Killua's got a bit of a gambling problem. Lupin- Damn, she smokes more than Jigen. Uh show, I can't read Spaghetti. That is a nice outfit. Well this fight could have gone better. Make her sign the divorce papers before you rescue her. I'm already too dumb to follow this. That sounds like they ran it through Google translate. That house is definitely haunted. Rebecca's having a rough day. Hiiii Fujiko. Please tell me this plan involves Fuji's boobs. Oh hey, it's that one dude. That guy he's taling to is definitely Lupin in disguise. Everyone is Lupin in disguise. Rebecca's day has slightly improved. YESSSSSSSSSSS FUJIKO'S BOOBS. James Bond would be ashamed of you, guys. Aw crap. This butler guy is great. Oh shit, butler's not fucking around. Ohhhh no he's hulking out. Oh hey, they got away easy enough. The plot thickens. Fujiko is enjoying her suffering. Okay Lupin is way nicer than I would be in this situation. Naruto- Should have just let snake Blum punch their heads off. Good job porn man, this was all your fault. The answer to true peace is gratuitious pornography, I could have told you that. This is a history lesson I neither want nor care about. And that's how the shitlord gang was formed. Gonna be honest here I am having a staggeringly hard time caring about anything in this extended flashback. Wow what a suprise the two guys with rhyming names were best asshole buddies together. Well shit he just ran straight into that knife. What the hell is this thing? And then everyone died and I couldn't care less. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted September 17, 2017 Posted September 17, 2017 NARUTO SHIPPUDEN I bet that dog either gets tragically killed or Nagato eats it as a last resort. Jojo... Okay I definitely don't trust that monkey... That monkey makes me uncomfortable... REAL UNCOMFORTABLE HERE, MONKEY. Oh this is a bad idea never get naked around a pervert monkey. Please save her... THANK YOU JOTARO... Please get that girl some pants immediately... Get that kid some clothes already. Lupin... Hiiii Fujiko. Please tell me this plan involves Fuji's boobs... YESSSSSSSSSSS FUJIKO'S BOOBS. Naruto... he just ran straight into that knife. What the hell is this thing? Did someone say emergency food supply ? I agree completely. Exactly the kind of fanservice I can enjoy. First, it was the only way Yahiko could think of to comply with the hostage-taker's (Hanzo's) demand which would not force Nagato to live with the guilt of killing his best friend. Second, that was the Gedo Statue, a.k.a. the thing into which the Akatsuki in the present have been putting the chakra of the Tailed Beasts they capture. DBS - Golden bear guy's ability to disperse impacts was neat and useful, but Goku did find the obvious solution in grappling to counter it. Frost does sound like a nice guy, but Goku clearly outclassed him in power. I'm curious as to why Goku was suddenly woozy after he clearly blocked that last punch with his hand. I suspect Champa instructed Vados to intervene somehow. It looked like Jaco spotted something, so maybe he'll tell us what happened next episode. If Saiyans in Universe 6 are peacekeepers and Frost is a hero who protects the oppressed, then are the Namekians aggressive jerks there? DBZK - I think a simpler way for Gohan to free the Z Sword would've been to break the stone column around it. Also, yeah, that was heavy. I think Trunks would've readily accepted that Vegeta knocked out Goku before going to fight Buu. Synchronizing energy levels seems like it would be a very intricate thing. Presumably, even one Watt off would be enough for the effort to fail. Babidi being told where Trunks lives doesn't bode well for Dr. and Mrs. Briefs. JoJo: SC - The seemingly unoccupied ship was weird and creepy, but not as creepy as the lecherous orangutan. Seriously, who would give an animal smokes and porn? I mean, it was obvious that it was a Stand user, but I have no idea how an animal would have a Stand, let alone discover what it was and how to use it with intent. Poor slain crew members from the other ship. I really didn't need or want fanservice of a 12-/13-year-old girl, show. The ship being a Stand was unexpected, and while it would be fitting for such an outpouring of power to to be called Strength, I feel like it would be beyond the power of any Stand user to manifest a Stand that large for that long. Good on Jotaro, even when wounded, to figure out how to defeat Strength. The old fortune teller woman seems like she's simply evil and aligned to Dio because of it. I get a really bad feeling about the creepy doll in the hotel. TG: Root A - Yeah, this was all moving and such for Kaya, Koma and Yoshimura, but the only one I expect who could actually be dead is Yoshimura. Ghouls can heal from wounds like those which would be fatal to a human, so I would be surprised if Kaya and Koma die unless someone comes across them in that weakened state and finishes them. Yoshimura, though, has to be dead, given the little flashbacks in his head and his vision of the dead Ukina. Juzo had some great moves, and he worked well with Shinohara, Kuroiwa, Houji and Ui (I think?). Still, Juzo was the most entertaining one to watch in action. Hachikawa was ruthless in endangering the old woman, and Kaya was selflessly kind in shielding said woman from the attack, but it's at least partly the old woman's fault for failing to evacuate with the other civilians. When the attack on Yoshimura happened and Shinohara thought that they needed one more person to bring down the Owl, I wondered where Amon was. As it turned out, he was leading a division of his own, so I can understand him not being there. His upcoming confrontation with Ken doesn't bode well for those under his command, but hopefully Amon will survive. I'm not sure why Hide was hiding amongst the CCG troops. He easily could've gotten himself killed. This new Owl looks even more fearsome than Yoshimura. It would have to be his child who somehow survived being abandoned as a baby. I think Ken killed some of the Investigators and only rendered others unconscious, with the number of Investigators to be neutralized and the amount of time he had being the only factors deciding between those two options. HxH - Killua's exam took far less time than I expected. I was fine with the idea of reducing the number of applicants to 1/6th with the instructions to knock out five other applicants and get their badges before lunch. Since it took Killua around an hour and a half to go through the door, I feel like he may have needed to knock out some of the stronger applicants more than once. His excuse for taking so long being that it took him a while to gather up all the badges was both plausible and fun. I like Killua's method for leaving the game, since it preserves valuable cards. Regarding the trade negotiations between other parties, of course the bombers would plan to double-cross the other group, but I feel like the other group will have some spell cards in effect in case of a trap. Plus, evidently this Angel's Breath card Biscuit, Gon and Killua have will make them a target eventually, and the Paladin Sword or whatever it was seems really useful for a D-level card. I don't like the karmic equalization die and strongly advise against using it if you have any choice other than what the one guy had - use it, or die right now. It's convenient for Chrollo that he sent someone into the game to give the other P.T. members a clue about how they could help him with exorcising Kurapika's nen. I can readily believe that Hisoka was involved in that plan as means to get a fight with Chrollo. As for Kurapika being aware of the possibility and that he would feel it were his nen curse removed, that's fine. I can't say I'm torn up about the change in Mr. Nostrade's fortune without Neon's power to guide his decisions, but I do feel sorry for her that she can't use her power until someone retrieves it from Chrollo's book. Hm, thinking about it that way, it seems like his power is remarkably similar to the books on Greed Island. If all those spell cards are based on nen powers, then should a spell card exist to steal a card from a book, then one or more nen users in the rest of the world may be around who could take her power out of Chrollo's book without him using his nen to summon it. Lupin - Rebecca being obsessed with this encoded book of her deceased former love interest has me a little conflicted. While I can appreciate her desire to seek for clues in it as to why he would choose to leave her alone by killing himself, I feel like it's unhealthy to dwell so much on something which could have drove him to kill himself. Although, I suspect that if this guy was getting too close to either an intelligence operation or a criminal conspiracy, he may have been murdered, and it was made to look like a suicide. Lupin compromising the communications system to pit the agents against one another was clever, getting them to do the hard work for him. Oh, Rob. You messed up big time by threatening Nix's family. Between Nix taking out all the other agents and his sustained red eyes, I'm curious as to whether he has cybernetic enhancements. It might explain why his C.O. is so concerned about him losing control. Any dry spell Fujiko would have would be of her own choosing. I think she would have no trouble seducing the majority of heterosexual men if she were to try. Hey, JoJo: SC? The fanservice we had here of grown women is the kind of thing I like. Make a note of that, please. What was with the shift in art style for Nix fighting the one agent outside the door to the room where Rebecca was held, show? Shippuden - Again, due to spoiler amvs, I was already aware of the details here, but it was still good to see it properly. Of the Sannin, Jiraiya was the softest, kindest one, so him teaching the orphan trio enough ninjutsu to defend themselves was in keeping with his personality, but I feel like he would've been in trouble with Konoha's leadership for being, shall I say, distracted for a period of three years. The knowledge drop about the Sage of the Six Paths not only having the Rinnegan, but also inventing what would become ninjutsu was excluded from those spoiler amvs, so that was worth hearing. The Gedo Statue was formidable in battle, and that was just with the chakra of one person, Nagato, powering it. It would have to be far more dangerous now with the chakra of multiple Tailed Beasts inside it, but I doubt it could be controlled nearly as effectively. Danzo is a complete nozzle. If he's involved with a plan, you can bet someone will have undeserved misfortune befall them by his intent. OS - Hilda and the others were shady and obviously stealing the Gilliam II, but at least she told the truth that Melfina would be able to assist Gilliam in navigating the ship. I really don't see why controlling a set of robotic arms in combat would be considered so super-taxing, but eh. Yep, the MacDougals are mercenaries, and no consideration will be given to past contracting parties when a new contract is in effect. I feel like if the construction dock where the Outlaw Star was had been located so close to a star that escape velocity was a concern, then the construction dock should've been unable to maintain orbit. Oh well. The drama of having to choose between everyone else escaping and trying to save Hilda was a little less stressing for Gene than I remember. I had forgotten that Hilda killed herself with a hollow-tooth bomb for the dual purposes of killing the female Kei pirate in order to keep her from attacking the Outlaw Star and to save herself from roasting to death inside her suit as she fell closer and closer to the star. CB - There's nothing like a dog to the face to stop someone in their tracks, eh, Spike? I feel sorry for the pet shop lady for having to round up all those animals after the Dog Whistle was activated. Sometimes, not relevant to anything happening around me, I'll think of these lines: "This is a Welsh Corgi. 100% mongrel." "100%?" "Yeah, that's right. That's all the percents there are." Then I can't help but smile a little. AoT: Second Course - In the past, Hannes was right. He and the others were charged with defending against titans. Some rowdy kids making a mess in the marketplace would be outside their purview. It would be a matter for local police or the children's parents, whoever could be retrieved first. Hannes was thoroughly likeable when talking with Armin and Mikasa on the Wall while waiting for the lifts to move the horses. It's a shame he didn't survive the season. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted September 17, 2017 Author Posted September 17, 2017 I’m taking a different approach this time. DRAGONBALL SUPER Did Universe 6 hire this announcer or something, because he definitely sounds biased in favor of them. Oh well, at least his “no free food around Goku” quip was good and also surprisingly accurate. Funny how the Winnie the Pooh expy shouts “Pooh!” whenever he fires his mouth blasts. Jaco is one of the best characters in this show and you can’t convince me otherwise. Personally, I’m surprised Goku won without using Kaioken, let alone using one of his five Super Saiyan forms. I agree with everyone, Champa is as sore a loser as they come. Huh, I didn’t even notice Satan brought his dog along. “Let’s have a good fair fight.” Not a minute onscreen, and GregAyres!Frieza already sounds suspicious. :-\ I think Ridley Scott’s gonna sue somebody. But which Frieza death was more painful: getting sliced into pieces and exploded, or just getting exploded? Champa is so ignorant of his own warriors it makes me wonder if he even knew anything about them at all. Kinda disappointed that it was Bizarro!Frieza who said “Oh, bother” and not Winnie the Poohole, but hey, references. It appears the 6th Universe Saiyans are ignorant too. You a dirty liar, Goku, that ain’t Super Saiyan Blue. Tell me more about this “fateful duel”. Fall down seven times, get up eight. Unless you ring out, otherwise you’re gonna be staying put for a while. TOP BILLING: Goku. DRAGONBALL Z KAI I have a feeling this episode isn’t gonna bother using the word “bastard” like so many others have in the past. Bulma, you need to learn a little something about power levels. I love and appreciate that Videl has hope that Gohan’s alive, which he is. That backwards pratfall looks like it should be familiar. EXCALIBURRRRRRRRRRRRR. It’s way too heavy to be called a sword, looks like it’d fit in right at home in Berserk. Now’s not the time to be irrationally angry, kids. GOHAN’S STILL ALIVE YOU IGNORANT FUCKERS. And then everything got sketchy like an architectural concept drawing. I’m sure some of these people enjoyed voicing these expendable citizens. So much chocolate, even a chocoholic would think it’s too much. FREEZE FRAM BONUS OF THE WEEK: One of those chocolates has a terrified look on its face. You should’ve listened to the chocoholics, Buu. Dammit Goku why are you smiling. “What’s going on? Why am I holding this thing of water?” Popo looks so short compared to Dende now. It’s all about checks and balances. It’s a good thing Chi-Chi’s unconscious, because she’d be freaking out even more than Bulma. And then surprise Dragon Ball flashbacks. Huh, so those people are rich folks, no wonder they were such assholes. They’re so getting blown up when Babidi finds out they aren’t in West City after all. Oh crap I forgot, Bulma’s parents are still there! JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “Why is he so evil and sexy, it makes me hate myself.” Jonathan’s body from the neck down, duh. If DIO has anything to fear, it’s gotta be the sun. That’s an oddly land-friendly staircase for such a large ship. Polnareff, you ignorant. Joseph is unimpressed with all your monkey business. MY SHIP IS MOVING ON ITS OWN! “Oh no, why am I blue?” And then the stowaway did a little investigating of her own. I wouldn’t trust an ape intelligent enough to know how to fap. Let’s see how Turner S&P handles this shower scene… YOU’RE WATCHING SERIAL APIST 3: THE JOJO MEMER EDITION. “Oh hey, free porn.” I don’t think I need to say how creepy this is, Angel and Foley have a pretty good handle on that sort of thing from both the “creeping on innocent girl” and “2D lolicon is wrong” angles. GAH MY SEXY SHOULDER. That fan moves like a Disney character, making its assault more hilarious than it should be. And then it melted into the walls. Here, have some gratuitous ass. WHAT A TWEEST. “Look at me, I am the captain now.” That’s a creative-looking Rubik’s Cube, AND WHAT A WASTE IT WAS. FUCK YEAH JOTARO. Crazy and unpredictable are the reason STANDs displaced Hamon, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it only escalated from here. So they didn’t stop in Ho Chi Minh City after all. Huh, surprise eyecatch. DIO must feel disappointed, knowing his biggest fangirl is an old hag. Welcome to Singapore: your dirty chewing gum isn’t welcome here. It’s not cool to steal Jotaro’s catchphrase, Polnareff. I was expecting that doll to randomly open its eyes, but I guess not. TOKYO GHOUL ROOT A Tell me about Eto and Tatara; why do they wear the masks? You think they gave Seido a dildo to use as his Quinque on purpose? Because I think they totally did. Devil Ape has no idea how powerful Law 44 of Anime Physics really is. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “And then Waluigi showed up with a plasma gun because why the hell not, I guess.” Eh, he’s not thin and disturbing enough to be a Waluigi. Man-grel? That’s a terrible pun. LITERALLY NO U. Well that kinda killed all the tension of his death, as awesome as it was. Oh shit, a random old lady. “My voice actor’s in the slammer, that means I’ve got nothing to lose by doing this!” Well at least her death had a little bit of self-sacrifice to it. And then they lived, only to die all over again. Nice of you to finally be doing something, Kaneki. Don’t disturb the ax-crazy femboy when he’s in his happy place. And it’s nice of you to join us, ghost of Mado. Kaneki’s just here to kick ass and take names. And he’s all out of ass for the moment. I actually miss black-haired Kaneki. That’s a nice-looking city out there. When all else fails, throw a blockade at ‘em. For all this show’s failings, at least its visual direction is pretty good. Oh hey, flashbacks to the various Anteiku staff. I feel like the explosion of blood from under his mask was a little much. “I knew I was too old for this shit…” Welcome to the afterlife, Yoshimura. The CCG wins out, but what of the remaining two episodes? So much for Hide and Touka being useful, even Kaneki got in a couple of shots. Oh yeah, Amon still needs something to do. And then a bright flash lights up the sky and a meteor plummets to the Earth. One eye, open mouth, freakier limbs than normal… Yeah, that’s gotta be the genuine article. BARGAIN BIN STEVE BLUM NOOOOOOOOOO. HUNTER x HUNTER I like that the disguise the one Kiriko is using here to guide Killua was the same one he used to guide the others to the exam site in the ’99 anime (currently on episode 28). “Dick Sakura”, is that anything like “Stupid Naruto”? Wow, he actually did do some shopping there. To think of all those guys in that group, only the black guy lived. Oh hey, Zepile’s here! And then Killua lived up to his name and killed everybody with kilowatts. That had to be the shortest Hunter Exam ever. According to my expert katakana-reading skills, a good chunk of those people on the list are dead, and apparently Chrollo found his way into the game. Oh yeah, Bisky had no idea about the Phantom Troupe’s leadership. Huh, my wife and those other guys managed to get back in the game pretty quick. So that’s what he meant by “east”. That’s pretty damn deep of you, Chrollo. The last several times I’ve seen Hisoka he’s had green hair (again, ’99), but I don’t really feel any weirdness seeing him with the proper color now. Kurapika always plans ahead. This man needs some alcohol, pronto. “Janken Rock” sounds like a good name for a band. And then they visited a secret government building. Golden Shiny Tenten with no pupils is one of the rarest ninja training cards, unlike this dude. Bisky’s gonna teach these kids how to play strip poker. Oh yeah, it’s that douche. And yet he’s still better than Genthru. TRADE: SUCCESSFUL. Never be greedy while gambling, children. Rolling dice is serious business, especially if it’s 20-sided. CAUSE I’M THE TAXMAN. And thus marked the beginning of Killua’s gambling addiction. LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE On one hand I like the lipstick traces on those cigs, but on the other that’s just way too many cigs. Rebecca can hardly make heads or tails of that notebook. If only I knew Italian. Oh crap it’s MI6. Goemon must not have anything going on in his schedule, if he’s actually showing up this episode. Robson Zuccoli always plans ahead. So that book’s basically the insane ramblings of an deceased Japanese man. You gotta love word puzzles. Man, MI6 are real pricks here. Lupin likes a challenge when it comes to getting past security that tight. And apparently that’s why he called Fujiko. SUDDENLY ZENIGATA. The treasure’s clearly his wife. It might be inferior, but I still love the Italian soundtrack, especially when the jazz kicks in. They really suck at making the voices on the other end of their phone devices sound believable; by that I mean the dub crew, of course. SHINYA OHIRA SAKUGA SPOTTED. Lupin characters are the best at dodging bullets. Zenigata’s the only one who has a feeling Lupin’s behind all this. GUESS WHAT, MY ASSUMPTION WAS RIGHT. And so Goemon finally meets Nyx. FUJIKO’S TITS. I did not expect her prey to have a Southern accent. Turns out he duped not just Nyx, but literally everyone in MI6. Oh man, the whole cavalry’s here. And in comes Robson with the getaway vehicle. That’s cold, Robson, stone cold. HE’S HULKING OUT. It’s only a priority one if Mizuho Kazami says it is. I never knew I needed to watch Berserker!Nyx in action as much as I did. That notebook is serious business, apparently. The deceased Japanese man was Rebecca’s old boyfriend all along? I might’ve known! Clearly he’s one of their members, Goemon, don’t you pay attention? Oh right, you’re not even in this season half the time. BELIEVE IN LUPIN. It’s none of your business, Zenigata, no matter how much you want it to be. Because it ain’t a real investigation unless you’ve got a magnifying glass. If you don’t like this show, then I pity you with extreme prejudice. >( NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ah, slow-motion, where the rain is nearly spherical. I assume he means the people who ostracized him. Way to kill the mood, Orochimaru. ITADAKIMASU~. He killed him with a single stare, now that is gangsta. “Hate had caused me to go berserk.” Yeah, hate tends to do that. That and he loves thinking about boobs. Visual jutsu are too hax, so maybe that “Rinnegan causing peace” thing has some legs to it. Those outfits look like they inspired the Akatsuki’s garb. Because screw the Mist and Cloud, am I right? HANZOOOOOOOOO. DANZOOOOOOOOOO. I know I should be taking this seriously, but damn that eyeshadow. <3 Well that happened quicker than I expected. “MY LEGS! MY JUTSU!” He’s awakened his hardcore edgy side. Amazing how he aged a whole decade in just a few minutes. These episodes end way sooner than I expect them too. That must be the power of Naruto-level pacing. OUTLAW STAR So I assume all the episodes start with little expositionary segments on the technology of this universe? Those arms are the exact reason Outlaw Star’s director was hired to helm IGPX. It’s a nice-looking ship, sure, but it ain’t the one that was advertised. Oh hey, it’s that symbol on my wallpaper for this month. And then things got really psychedelic on the computer’s end. Holy crap that’s a weird effect he gave her voice. Even the computer’s in love with Melfina. Oh goddammit Jim. FUCKIN’ PIRATES. Here, have some gratuitous Melfina nudity. “She’s nuts to get wet,” they changed it to on CN. (Not their wisest edit…) Heh, he said “anal”. That sure sounded like a stock sound effect. BREAK INTO THE DOCK. Don’t mess with the vacuum of space, natch. Huh, so Melfina is communicating telepathically. That’s weird. Gene Starwind never plans ahead, but he’s decent at improvising. SHIT COUNT: 1. Thanks for the unintentional assist, MacDougalls. Between the multiple rings per ear and the fluffy mullet, Ron is not nearly as threatening as I thought he’d be. His brother, meanwhile, needs to calm the fuck down. Didn’t expect Gene to recognize that ship from his PTSD nightmares. True, Hilda is hot. “…you damned dirty outlaws!” OH YEAHHHHHHHH. Prepare for the basics of CQC! Take that, old man. Well shit, that ain’t good. That really ain’t good. Well, at least it wasn’t a pointless sacrifice. Not now, Gene’s mourning. TITLE DROP. Okay I assume the first girl in that hyperrealistic ED montage is supposed to be Melfina, but I’m stumped on the rest. COWBOY BEBOP It kills me how Hakim went from looking like Ichigo to a barely light-skinned Blaxploitation character. I watched this episode so much when I was younger, I could probably recite it from memory if I had Ben’s phony intellect. I really should’ve used that Welsh Corgi comparison that one time Dandy brought in an alien worth only 2 Woolongs. It saddens me that this is the only time Want it All Back is used in the show. (Really, I could say that for most of the memorable songs for any episode they appear in.) Speaking of kids, let’s see what the former protagonist of Victory Gundam is up to. Is “seems that way” all this guy can say? (Bullhorn.) I love that old man and his fortune-telling bird. “I knew that. I was testing you.” Great line. ;D SHIT COUNT: 3. How ironic, that they crash landed in front of the police station. Still one of my favorites after all this time. THIS WEEK’S TOONAMI EXTRA PLUS VARIOUS LOCAL AND NATIONAL COMMERCIALS That new Uncharted game looks pretty good, I can only hope the badass female leads aren’t misandrists. I prefer my burgers with good ol’ Ohio tap water, thank you very much. Alternatively, raspberry-flavored light lemonade if I’m eating out at Five Guys. Why are Rick and Morty being chased by what looks like Brook meets the Crow? I wouldn’t mind Goku advertising Coke Zero, even though I prefer water and raspberry lemonade as a burger-adjacent beverage. Flatliners doesn’t sound like a movie that should subject their protagonists to existential horrors, just have them deal with the consequences of one flatlining session gone horribly wrong and be done with it. “Water! My one weakness!” I am offended by this anti-cable commercial, sure I may like having more than just local stations and Netflix, but I am not that grossly stupid. I still have no idea what Replicants are supposed to be, though that’s probably because I’ve never really seen Blade Runner. And that’s why I never use my cell phone for anything besides making calls. Big guns: the most literal metaphor of them all. I only just found out this month that the original IT adaptation was a miniseries instead of a movie, does that mean I have brain problems? When all else fails, just blame Krillin. “It’s 6 A.M. Do you know where your children are?” Because Interdimensional Cable 2 kinda sucked, especially when the family gave Jerry shit for wanting to take them to the zoo. Like, what the fuck was that? ??? That cat’s been hiding in your house for 75 years. Remind me never to channel surf at [as]’s place. If you hate bullying with a passion, then you might be a future Marine. Don’t fuck with Papa Piccolo. [i think angel’s gonna sue somebody] Quote
PokeNirvash Posted September 23, 2017 Author Posted September 23, 2017 Tonight on Toonami, Piccolo steps up to take Goku's place after his ring-out by Bizarro Frieza, our heroes cook up an impromptu plan to keep Babidi and Buu from destroying the Capsule Corp building, Polnareff finds himself trapped in a hotel room with the Devil (just like that movie, 1408), the real One-Eyed Owl shows up and wreaks total havoc upon the CCG attack forces, Genthru meets up with Team Tzesguerra with the likely intent of screwing them like [DISGUSTING SAO REFERENCE REDACTED], Lupin's investigation into the late Wataru Uraga's notes takes him to some very weird places, Naruto finally gives Nagato the answer he's held off on for far too long, the Outlaw Star crew return to Blue Heaven only to find an irate Aisha Clan-Clan waiting for them, Spike and Jet take a trip to Space Vegas for some good ol' fashioned gambling, and Eren lets Reiner and Bertholdt know just how much he hates them. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #33 - Surprise, 6th Universe! This is Super Saiyan Goku! - TV-PGLV 8:30 - Dragonball Super #34 - Piccolo vs. Frost: Stake it All on the Special Beam Cannon! - TV-14 ... 11:00 - Dragonball Super #34 - Piccolo vs. Frost: Stake it All on the Special Beam Cannon! - TV-14 11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #133 - Hold Majin Buu in Check! Limit: Super Saiyan 3! - TV-PGV 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #8 - The Devil - TV-MAV 12:30 - Tokyo Ghoul Root A #11 - Deluge of Flowers - TV-MAV 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #67 - 15 x 15 - TV-14 1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #13 - The Dream of Italy, Part 2 - TV-14V 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #174 - The Tale of Naruto Uzumaki - TV-PG 2:30 - Outlaw Star #5 - The Beast Girl Ready to Pounce! - TV-14L 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #3 - Honky Tonk Women - TV-14LV 3:30 - Attack on Titan #34 - Opening - TV-14LV Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted September 23, 2017 Posted September 23, 2017 DRAGONBALL SUPER Huh, I didn’t even notice Satan brought his dog along. But which Frieza death was more painful: getting sliced into pieces and exploded, or just getting exploded? JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS DIO must feel disappointed, knowing his biggest fangirl is an old hag. HUNTER x HUNTER ...Killua... That had to be the shortest Hunter Exam ever. LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE FUJIKO’S TITS. COWBOY BEBOP I really should’ve used that Welsh Corgi comparison that one time Dandy brought in an alien worth only 2 Woolongs. THIS WEEK’S TOONAMI EXTRA PLUS VARIOUS LOCAL AND NATIONAL COMMERCIALS I still have no idea what Replicants are supposed to be, though that’s probably because I’ve never really seen Blade Runner. I only just found out this month that the original IT adaptation was a miniseries instead of a movie, does that mean I have brain problems? Bee is a good doggie and can absolutely be trusted to behave in the seating section, so long as no one threatens Buu or Mr. Satan. Which time? I know he technically didn't die the first time on Namek, but yeah. I would be, but if her constant praise gives Dio a big enough ego boost (like he needs it), then it might suffice for him. It might be, but I would like in-show confirmation of that. Were that the case, it would give Ang more reason to brag on one of her precious boys. Not necessarily the high point of the episode, but certainly worth noting again. You're right. That would've been a good parallel to draw. If you care about something which could be considered a spoiler (but I wouldn't, as it's part of the setup for the movie's universe), Replicants are artificially created humanoids. I was never really able to discern how much of them is mechanical, but they do have above-human strength and endurance, so I would think that they are at least partly machine. They are examples of artificial intelligence which are: 1. not Three Laws Safe, and 2. advanced enough to pass for human in most interactions. However, it is, for some reason I don't recall, illegal for a Replicant to attempt to pass for human, but they do have a built-in lifespan which would prevent them from living a full human life. "It" was one of several Stephen King stories turned into mini-series in the 1990s. I forget your age (20-something-or-other), but you may not have been born yet for most of those, so it would be understandable if you were unaware. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted September 24, 2017 Posted September 24, 2017 Jojo- Polnareff's entire wardrobe is garbage. Okay Avdol giggling is adorable. Why is this kid still here? Poolnoodle you asshole. I volunteer to share with Avdol. I got a bad feeling about that creepy puppet. He ate everything in the mini bar, not even Joseph is rich enough to cover that. Well that sounds cheerful. They're all idiots here. That was surprisingly easy. His body's gone, nothing suspicious here. Owww. NEVER TRUST PUPPETS. Oh my god, get those nasty underpants off your wounds. God I would listen to Avdol read a phone book, preferably naked. Dude forget the key just get out of there. This entire thing is someone's fetish. RIP that guy. This is disturbing. Ohhh that's gonna leave a mark. Keep blindly stabbing you might hit something. Polnareff is dying while meanwhile everybody shit talks him upstairs. Well this fight could really be going better. RIP Pol's balls. He insulted his hair. It's a good thing Joseph is filthy rich because this room is gonna be a bitch to clean up. Shut up, puppet. God, this dub is a gift. Poor Poolnoodle. Thank god Joseph has the most powerful stand of all that can solve any problem, Shitloads of Money. Punch the TV! Oh sweet you found the porn channel...oh wait that's just Dio. Nooo not the TV. Kakyoin was already brainwashed and evil, maybe the magic TV people just didn't get the memo that he's fixed. Ghoul- Please kill them all, giant demon sewer baby. I feel nothing, show. Oh good, more people I don't give a shit about. This show has all the charisma of a dead possum behind a Wendy's dumpster. How the hell did none of you ever realize that there's two of those things when they look totally different? I mean you could notice that the wet diaper of a main character was wearing an eyepatch but nobody ever noticed that the giant hell monsters have varying numbers of eyes? Is it too much to hope that these two just kill each other already. That weapon looks hideously impractical. Show you are just wasting your time trying to build any kind of emotional connection with me here, I feel nothing but weary apathy. Mother of fuck it's only the halfway point. For some super elite warrior soldier, this girl sure sucks ass in a fight. Is one of you finally fucking dead? I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANY OF THESE PEOPLE, PLEASE END ALREADY. Jonathan Joestar died after eight episodes and yet this sorry excuse for a protagonist is still holding out after what feels like 900. Oh hey it's his friend dude. We lost One Piece for this and I will never not be salty about it. Oh what the fuck. Hunter- Some of these cards seem terrible. I got a bad feeling about this trade. Well that went awful for you guys. These dudes are having a really bad day. Meanwhile, my kids are doing great. Get that side hustle business going, kiddos. Start beating everyone's ass, boys. That cheap necklace is really coming in handy. Oh right those guys from back there. Good luck with that. I did not expect that to work at all. Oooh it's pretty. Go to hell, random lady. I do appreciate the amount of jiggle on this bitchy lady's boobs. Shock the shit out of her, kids. Eat shit, jiggle bitch. Oh no don't let jiggle bitch die she's the only fanservice we get here. Oh hey she can be a reasonable person after all. This guy seems nice I fear for his life. Hiii another cute lady. This is where Luffy shows up, right? Lupin- Jigen's gotta be pretty confident to bet a pack of smokes. Fuji his dreams are usually about your boobs. Dreams sure are weird. Dude she looks 14 please don't bang her. Buddy I am way too dumb for deep philosophy just speak real words. I have no idea how this is supposed to make sense but sure let's just go with it. My brain done broke. Bang your wife, Lupin. Rebecca needs a hug. Oh hey that guy's still crazy. Now how the hell did he program that in her voice? When in doubt, just set shit on fire. Wait what you weren't even married at all? He could have been banging Fujiko guilt-free this entire time! Batman would be proud of that gattling tie. I love that butler. Never tell me the odds! Oh come on you're the main character you can't die. Now let's have a quick detour into the physiology of sewer rats. So he definitely got mind swapped, right? Aw crap that wasn't supposed to happen. Zeni's the only one allowed to catch Lupin. JUSTIN PERSON, I GET IT. Get my checkbook, we are gonna get drunk as shiiiit. Naruto- Yeah no shit your friends are all dying when they're throwing themselves at super powerful ninjas. Nothing brings harmony like gratuitous porn, dead guy knew what was up. You probably should have just killed them. Please no more flashbacks to this douche's sad childhood. I don't really want to know how exactly this small child cured his writer's block for his porn novel. Best move in a fight, whip your balls out as a distraction. I guess he does have a point, if he just nukes entire villages then no one will be left to be at war. "Ohh, so I've been an asshole all along." Yeah yeah we get it Naruto's childhood sucked we already know that. Sasuke's not even in this arc! Wait, you know how to write to begin with? This entire damn show is pain, man. Well that was a lame as shit way to end a fight. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted September 24, 2017 Posted September 24, 2017 Jojo- Polnareff's entire wardrobe is garbage... Kakyoin was already brainwashed and evil, maybe the magic TV people just didn't get the memo that he's fixed. Ghoul... How the hell did none of you ever realize that there's two of those things when they look totally different? I mean you could notice that the wet diaper of a main character was wearing an eyepatch but nobody ever noticed that the giant hell monsters have varying numbers of eyes? ... We lost One Piece for this and I will never not be salty about it. Hunter... I do appreciate the amount of jiggle on this bitchy lady's boobs... Oh no don't let jiggle bitch die she's the only fanservice we get here. Oh hey she can be a reasonable person after all. Lupin- Jigen's gotta be pretty confident to bet a pack of smokes... Zeni's the only one allowed to catch Lupin. Naruto... Nothing brings harmony like gratuitous porn, dead guy knew what was up... Yeah yeah we get it Naruto's childhood sucked we already know that. :-D and I hope so, respectively. Good point. I think Shinohara said something about it the previous time they fought Yoshimura in the present day of the show, but they attributed it to the Owl simply getting older. Plus, I can't say I blame you there. I would have liked to have seen some of the upcoming things I'd heard about in snippets. Yes, we're all glad for the jiggle and the turn to be less acerbic than she initially was. A carton, not a pack, and darn right Pops is. First, I can't refute that. Second, I would say Nagato's was worse for two reasons: 1. he grew up in an active war zone, and 2. he had years of living with his parents before they were murdered. He knew exactly what was taken from him. Naruto never knew his parents growing up, so he never had more than a distanced understanding of what wasn't in his life compared to the other children. DBS - I liked seeing Chi Chi rush to Goku out of concern. Frost seemed like such a nice guy after the fight. It's a shame he's actually as despicable as Frieza, if not more so, because he deceived people into thinking otherwise by putting up a respectable front while orchestrating calamity. It has been a while since we saw the Special Beam Cannon, or as it was called in the manga in the fight against Raditz, the Light of Death. I also wasn't expecting Piccolo's extending arm move. Thank you, Jaco, for spotting Frost's use of a weapon. However, given the striking similarity between Piccolo's and Goku's sudden wooziness, I would go even farther and vacate Frost's win against Goku as well. Depending upon the rules, Goku might not be able to fight again, but it would make the score 2-1 for Universe 7, since Goku had his win against the golden bear, Piccolo had his win against Frost via disqualification, and Piccolo would've forfeited his next match. Thus, Vegeta v. Frost wouldn't be an actual match, since Frost can't take a spot after losing unless one of his teammates surrenders his/its spot in the lineup to him. I still want to see Vegeta whup Frost, though, since he was cheated out of his win against Golden Frieza. Yes, I remember that Goku had to intervene to prevent Earth's destruction, but Vegeta was still cheated. DBZK - Goku was right. Trunks needed to stop gawking and get back to his task of securing the Dragon Radar. I remember the dialogue being different in the DBZ version of Goku's explanation of Saiyan power levels, and frankly it was better. Also, the transition to Super Saiyan 3 took longer. Mr. Satan bit off far, far more than he could chew with his boasting to the public. JoJo: SC - Jean v. Devil guy was not the most visually appealing fight. Plus, they were both unnecessarily crude in their language. The guy was also wrong. Jean didn't attack him when he had done nothing to Jean. He hid in the room waiting for Jean and proclaimed both his status as a Stand user and his intent to kill Jean and the rest of the Joestar party. Jean knows that Stand users have lethal supernatural powers. After a threat of deadly violence, he's under no obligation to wait for the guy to deploy the deadly power before he acts to defend himself. In fact, the Stand was already present and visible in the room, though Jean wasn't aware it was a Stand at the time. Some other issues I had with the fight include the nature of Jean's leg injury. That looked like a slice which could've severed his Achilles tendon, meaning he wouldn't be walking very well, if at all, on that leg. He'd have trouble making from the balcony to the bed, even. Once he was trapped under the bed, I'm fine with him having trouble using Silver Chariot effectively, but the Devil guy should've been in a similar boat, because even if he could remotely see through his Stand's eyes, he would've only had sight in one eye due to the wound Jean inflicted, meaning his depth perception would've been compromised. The Devil guy also completely botched his attacks on Jean in three ways. First, if he could tell that Jean was centered under the bed, then he should've concentrated Devil's spear stabs on a 1-foot square in the center of the bed to inflict damage to Jean's torso. Enough stabs in that area, even from behind, would be deadly. Instead, the Devil guy tried and failed repeatedly to stab Jean's head. Second, the beer would've made the soaked bed and carpet less flammable, due to the comparatively high water content. Yes, the liquor would've increased the flammability due to the amount of volatile hydrocarbons, but, again, the beer would've diluted that with its excessive water. Third is that he didn't attack the relatively defenseless Silver Chariot to inflict wounds on Jean indirectly. We also must consider the concern about the capability of the spear to stab Jean through the mattress and box springs. The springs and the wire framework to which they're attached are metal barriers which could deflect or block the spear strikes. If that wasn't enough, we have to consider the length of the spear. If those were a standard mattress and box spring set, then, the spear would need a minimum length of 16 inches to penetrate the mattress and box springs and be able to stab Jean while Devil could still have a very small amount of handle (one inch or less) to hold, but that's not what we saw. We saw the spear, on an angle, stab into the floor when it missed Jean. Had some of the bed's wooden legs not been sawed, a vertical strike to do that would require the spear to be at least 26 inches. Even if we grant a reduction of six inches for the sawing, Devil didn't look like it would've been much more than 18 inches tall (the reduced height of the bed), if that tall, meaning its spear would (wisely) be taller than it, but it didn't look like that was the case. Thus, I'm unconvinced that Devil's spear would've been able to reach Jean through the bed, and I'm almost certain it would've been incapable of reaching the floor like we saw. Oh, and the stab through Devil's head should've been enough to kill his User, but that wouldn't have been a sufficiently gory sight for the custodian to find, so we got the slashed mess instead. While the Speedwagon Foundation lawyers may have gotten Jean out of custody, I feel like he'd have trouble legally leaving the country. It's interesting that Joseph can use Hermit Purple on a television, but it is strange that something with the name "television," which is to say it enables you to see something which happened far away, would send the information taken from Dio to them as an auditory message. Oh well. I also have trouble believing that Noriaki is a traitor waiting for an opportunity to strike. It's a good thing that the Joestar party is backed by the Speedwagon Foundation, since there's going to be a substantial charge for the damages to Jean's room. TG: Root A - Well, crap. I'm glad that Juzo is still alive, but I'm disappointed that Shinohara had to sacrifice himself to protect his partner. Shinohara was a good dude. I'll miss him. This Arima guy was badass. I must wonder why they didn't bring him out sooner. I can understand if they want to save someone of his skill for the really strong opponents, but if other well-equipped and highly capable Investigators are dropping like flies, then they've lost a lot of combat potential gambling that those guys would be able to handle an opponent or group of opponents. Frankly, seeing the CCG's casualties after the intervention of Aogiri made me think that they'd have meetings like on a regular basis. Well, crap. Seido died, too. It sucks for Hide that he had to see that, but at least he got away alive. Amon and Ken still are fairly evenly matched. I'm fine with that, provided Amon survives and only his newly-improved quinque was wrecked. I was surprised that Yoshimura isn't dead yet, but I already knew from reading spoilers that Eto was also a One-Eyed Owl, and was thus Yoshimura's abandoned daughter. The same spoiler reading also told me that her human identity was author Sen Takatuski. I can understand her recovering her dad's body so as to deprive the CCG the opportunity to make a very formidable quinque from his kagune. If she could tell he was still alive, I can also understand her taking him to try to save his life, to have a heart-to-heart with him before he dies, or to have vengeance upon him. Any of those things make sense depending upon how she feels about him and what he did. What I don't understand is why her voice gets such a higher pitch as Eto or One-Eyed Owl Mk. II. Plus, the MAL pages indicate that her normal form is tiny - under 5' and about 97 pounds, but she made it look good at the end there. HxH - I know that it's possible to pause the show and read all the information on these cards as the boys and Biscuit get them, but I haven't been doing it and don't plan to start. Frankly, I've barely caught some of the names. That said, one of them did stick out to me: Levy. It looks like Levy can be used regardless of whether someone has their book out or not. If that's the case, then that's exactly the kind of power which could retrieve Neon's power from Chrollo without him using nen to summon it. The only concern is whether the indiscriminate nature of Levy would translate to someone using the corresponding nen power, which is to say whether they could extract her power specifically by intention or it would be up to luck. Somewhat related, it strikes me that the books in Greed Island are similar to Chrollo's power, being able to capture and store powers. However, his power is better, because he can summon and put powers back into his book repeatedly. I hope Team Bomber runs afoul of the P.T. The Bombers are shady, ruthless, and despicably underhanded, and not in any semblance of the fun way. I may have been too harsh on Ging and his friends. Between the revelation that the sick villagers weren't actual people but a group of cards which were a quest that required a specific card to clear and that the woman in the city by the beach wouldn't talk about the quest for the card unless a party of sufficient size arrived using Accompany, then it's possible there are no actual people on the island other than the players. The residents may all be NPCs. If that is the case, then that objection to what Ging and company did would have no merit. However, if even one resident, other than Razor and any cohorts he may have, is an actual person who wasn't a player at some point, then the objection stands. Concerning Razor and his 14 devils, I feel like any group looking to clear the game will need to defeat more than one of the group which created the game. I'm not sure how many creators will be involved in this challenge, but I don't think that Gon will be so lucky as to face Ging and have the discussion he wants to have with his father. I feel like Gon's concern about the limited number of cards for ones with low conversion limits will come into play. I doubt the show would have him bring up such an obvious concern after this long without it being important later. I don't blame Killua for getting into an argument with the redheaded woman. She did have quite the attitude. However, she also had quite a rack, so I'd be willing to overlook her rudeness here if she doesn't keep it up as the story continues. Lupin - I'm fine with Lupin deciphering the book. I'm not sure about it inducing an interactive dream with a manifestation of the dude's consciousness, but eh. At least we learned what happened to him - he was murdered by spies, because he wouldn't cooperate with their efforts toward mind-control and/or creating super-agents like Nyx. Speaking of Nyx, he may not be a cyborg, but he has been altered to increase his capabilities. I feel like the comparison to a rat means that his lifespan was shortened by this procedure. Heh, Rebecca never filed the marriage license. I like that Lupin took this in stride and still honored the guy's wishes by destroying the research before it could be gathered by MI6. As for Lupin and Nyx being "in custody," I would disagree. They had been immobilized by the snipers, but they were not yet secured. I would be surprised if Nyx survives, since he was shot twice. I'm just glad for Lupin's sake that Zenigata was able to secure Lupin's transfer into his custody via shrewd negotiation. Oh, and something very different and even more sinister comes to mind when I hear the words, "shadow people." Shippuden - Wow, there were a lot of flashbacks this episode. I'm fine with something Nagato said inspiring the protagonist in Jiraiya's first novel, and I like that the story inspired Naruto and his response. It reminded Nagato of the optimistic outlook he once had that the world could be changed for the better without oppression. The two students combining to fulfill prophecy has a nice feel to it. I'm curious as to what Nagato is going to do with that giant Enma thing he summoned. We know that it restored/replaced incapacitated Pain bodies. Maybe he's going to use that power to heal and resurrect anyone who died in the attack on Konoha. OS - Swanzo did Gene a good turn by calling the work he and his crew did repaying what he owed Hilda. From here on, Gene does get a tab, but he makes efforts to pay it when he can. Yep, Aisha suffers from Goku-itis, getting weak in combat when she hasn't eaten. It makes some sense, but the decline in energy shouldn't be that dramatic or sudden. The Ctarl-Ctarl may not truly be immortal, but they are very durable. I had forgotten that they're a form of werecats with the moon phases. While I'm not wild about the super-long catgirl ears, Aisha's screechy dub V.A. is a bigger turn-off. Still, the rack is nice. Melfina may be an artificial person, but she's still very nice and well-mannered. The pirates having bands with established territories which they'll defend against incursions by other bands is an interesting facet of the story. I like that it keeps the pirates who were after Hilda from immediately pursuing Gene and crew. CB - Faye sure knows how to make an entrance. Casino "security" really did make a bad choice in striking Spike. Thankfully, he's not the man he once was, or they would all be bleeding on the floor with multiple bullets in them, and he wouldn't even need to use his own sidearm, which he may not have had on him due to carrying being prohibited in the casino. Instead, if any of them were armed, he could take the weapons from them for use. Spike's just that good. Jet and Spike smiling at Faye with their faces pressed against the front window of her zip craft is still funny. AoT: Second Course - Reiner's mental schism is tough for him, but, as Eren said, he's not exactly the biggest victim here. Sure, he, Annie and Bertolt may have been sent to wreak havoc before they knew better and ordered to insert themselves into the society they devastated, but the real victims are those who had their lives ended or upended. It's a shame we don't learn what makes Krista so special in this season other than her lineage. Surely that's not all that's going on there. Surely. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted September 24, 2017 Author Posted September 24, 2017 Lupin - I'm fine with Lupin deciphering the book. I'm not sure about it inducing an interactive dream with a manifestation of the dude's consciousness, but eh. At least we learned what happened to him - he was murdered by spies, because he wouldn't cooperate with their efforts toward mind-control and/or creating super-agents like Nyx. So you’re saying Nyx is the result of MI6 using Uraga’s research for their own means? How very interesting… DRAGONBALL SUPER Goku lost a fight, cue the dramatic orchestra music. Yes, let’s all blame Krillin. I highly appreciate your emotionally concerned response, Chi-Chi, but this still doesn’t make up for your bitchery fifteen episodes ago. He may have lost, but he did so with dignity. Pretending to be okay with his loss isn’t a good façade for you, Beerus. Piccolo is surprisingly chill about this. That poor ref. Oh, so that’s how Jaco got over there. Ouch, right in the knee! Shadow clones? I can’t… believe it. GUM GUM NETZOOKA. I love how super-confident Piccolo is right now. Oh crap, now he’s seeing the world all squiggly and stuff. TECHNICAL KNOCKOUT. I really do enjoy Jaco, I can’t see how Mochi thinks he’s the worst. Frost, you a busta. BOO THIS MAN. Vegeta’s got this. Shame Piccolo wound up being useless in the end, though. “Your voice annoys me.” Take that, Greg Ayres! TOP BILLING: Frost. DRAGONBALL Z KAI EXCALIBURRRRRRRRRRR~. Capsule Corp? Oh no, Bulma’s parents are there! Babidi only barely got cut off by the OP. Goku, you ignorant. “Oh man, now we have to stop them!” Goten’s a good boy, unlike that Tobi. Please punch that fucker in the face already, Goku. PEEK-A-BUU. Oh no, Buu’s become self-aware. Meanwhile, Mr. Satan turned a scared group of people into a pep rally. HAIL SATAN HAIL SATAN HAIL SATAN. Satan, you ignorant. Trunks, meanwhile, is just stupid. Oh boy, time for one of the most iconic parts. I know the dub changed the wording here, BUT THIS IS TO GO EVEN FURTHER BEYOND! When you bust a nut so hard the whole squad feel it. GRATUITOUS YELLING. You’re the man, Goten, deal with it. He can see into infinity. Ladies and gentlemen, Super Saiyan 3. Even Gohan can feel it, and he’s in another galaxy entirely. It’s fun watching Buu get hurt. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS In which Polnareff scares a police officer out of forcing him to pay an unreasonably high littering fine. I thought I saw something suspicious racing on that elevated freeway, but it was just a bunch of regular cars. Showering in safety is the best kind of showering. That’s a real nice view of the pool he’s got there. Room service, there’s a STAND user in my refrigerator! Well that was easy. OR MAYBE NOT. Has masochism gone too far? Aww shit he got his skin sliced off. If I were Polnareff, I’d chuck that doll out the window. NOBODY KNOWS~. And now bondage has gone too far. We Chucky now. Grotesque as fuck. Good job guys, making sure the loli’s out of danger. AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY. NOOOOOO NOT THE WINE. It’s only been five minutes. What a waste of perfectly good beer. Now he’s taking ballbusting to levels even those who desire castration that way think are too much! Oh Jesus that bulge. ::: FUCK YEAH POLNAREFF. SHIT COUNT: 2. And that’s why he’s the true protagonist. Not the kind of thing you wanna see in a toilet stall. Reality sues, and its name is the justice system. CHANNEL SURFING NO JUTSU. This scene appeals to me in ways you couldn’t imagine. Oh goddammit Kakyoin. You have now reached Channel Zero, where we interrupt this 24-hour marathon of Candle Cove for this message from our lord and savior, DIO. That was the best creepypasta ever, eat your heart out NoEnd House. NAME CHANGE OF THE WEEK: Devo the Cursed to Soul Sacrifice. TOKYO GHOUL ROOT A Welp, Shinohara’s dead, what’s the point in anything anymore. REVEEEEEEEEEEENGE!!! It’s raining CGI minor characters! Torching the animated franchise and running is all Aogiri Tree’s good for this arc, apparently. I still love Mado Jr. and her whip. SHIT COUNT: 1. Oh well, at least Marude’s okay. The visual nihilism these past few minutes has been pretty strong. Really, Kaneki vs. Amon is the only fight that really matters at this point. Kaneki’s motivations this season have been a total mystery. Okay, that’s a pretty sweet-looking power-up. Yeahhhhh I doubt that dildo-gun’s gonna do any good against the masked man. Welp, Hide’s doomed. SUCH NIHILISM. At least this fight’s still pretty cool, and the music ain’t bad either. If you have any heart, show, make sure Mado Jr. makes it out of there alive. DOUBLE KO, THERE IS NO WINNER. That guy over there is waiting for Godot. Oh hey, CCG members who are actually competent at not getting killed right away. Just one sight of a man without lips is enough to send the Ghouls running away like little bitches. It ate Yoshimura? Well that’s pretty fucked up. Whatever you’re hoping to find there, it ain’t gonna be. You failed to protect one of them, that’s enough to justify how much you suck right now. But hey, you made it there, so points for you, I guess? Oh hi Hide. SURPRISE POST-CREDITS STINGER. Turns out the One-Eyed Owl was a cute girl and also Yoshimura’s daughter, by the way he’s still alive somehow. HUNTER x HUNTER OH YOU GOTTA HAVE A MONTAGE~. I miss Bisky’s pigtails. Oh shit he brought decoys. You’re an idiot, Evil Blonde Todd 2.0, who wouldn’t like a free lunch? And then he screwed them over like Sugo would’ve screwed Asuna had Kirito not intervened. “Strip of Beach” sounds like an awesome card. BRAIN BLAST x2. It’s kinda sad that only now am I finally understanding the concept of trading cards. But even then, it’s too confusing for my mind and its preference for anime and engineering-related pursuits. Ah yes, the village of sickly ninjas. Turns out they were cards all along. FUCK YEAH JEWEL RING. Confound that Genthru, he drives me to drink! I’m having mixed feelings about this redhead girl. Say what you want, but Killua bickering with this chick just makes me smile. Well that turned out alright in the end. Awesome, cheat codes. Strip of Beach still sounds awesome. ;D That is one depressed NPC. Man, screw that Razor guy. Aw crap, it’s Big Bubba. LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE Lupin can’t make head or tails of these notes, but at least he’s trying to get somewhere. Finally, some English text! What the shit the text got all rainbow-colored and floaty. “I didn’t know Lupin had dreams!” Everyone has dreams, Fujiko. Oh hey, pixelated boobage. And look, teenage Rebecca with her natural hair color! LUPIN THE VOYEUR. This is all too deep for me, but I can totally vouch for the whole “create a world” philosophy. Oh no, Nickelodeon slime! Huh, so his name isn’t Wataru after all. It’s Lupin’s first dream, of course he’s gonna act all weird because of it. The secret to immortality is writing a book containing everything about your consciousness, apparently. This is so fucking weird and complicated, I love it. ;D Giant insects, giant insects everywhere! Those look like barbiturates. Well this got depressing in a hurry. What beautiful visual direction. I love the license plate gag, another thing that means more to me than the rest of you. Holy shit has Nyx been driving all day? The password is “The Dream of Italy”. Now for some literal torching of the research and running. What a badass, that Lupin the 3rd. It was an arranged car crash, the worst kind! So much for having her sign the divorce papers, then. Ah yes, the Itachi tap of affection. A BULLET HIT LUPIN, SHIT JUST GOT REAL. Fuck yeah, he’s recreating his famous run! Fool, Lupin doesn’t need legs to escape! See, I told you he didn’t need to escape with his legs. And then MI6 killed them both. Zenigata, you stubborn fool. Dammit, I was hoping his real name was Justin Time! All in all, it was a downer of a midseason finale. Are the police just allowed to run STOP signs like that? NARUTO SHIPPUDEN At this point, I’m not sure if he wants either peace or war. DÉJÀ VU I’VE JUST BEEN IN THIS PLACE BEFORE. Well whaddaya know, Naruto’s immune to the Talk no Jutsu, as I expected. Peace is only impossible if you want it to be. That’s a really comfy-looking abode he’s got there. “I wonder what my main character’s name should be,” he said as he looked at the narutomaki slice in his king-sized bowl of ramen. She did, and you did, but not under the circumstances you would’ve liked. And then he self-inserted himself into the book. The ability to use words in such a manner that the recipient looks deep into themselves and rediscovers the humanity behind their evilness. That is the power of the Talk no Jutsu. And it’s not bad, not bad at all… Time for a flashback to… not-so-good times. Oh hey it’s the GANTZ ball. That image looks like a homoerotic fanfiction just waiting to happen. FORESHADOWING FLASH. Well that’s certainly a thing. OUTLAW STAR Aisha a cute. A CUTE! Huh, so Swanzo isn’t a robot. I’m not sure if he’s speaking while biting his lip or if they forgot to paint in his mouth. MENACING GENE. The color should be red, so it can go faster than all the others. “I’m not mad.” Yeah, but you definitely look it. Holy shit Jim is short. Aisha’s name still sounds nothing like I thought it should’ve been pronounced. Serious answer, comical reaction. MOOD WHIPLASH 101. Well that escalated quickly. Yes, Jim, we know she’s a Ctarl-Ctarl, tell us something profound for once. It’s just so easy to understand why everyone loves this chick. All that buildup, and it was for nothing. Oh no, why are they blue? “MY GOD IT’S FULL OF STARS!!!” Artificial or not, they’re still pretty flowers. Melfina is just too adorable. <3 SHIT COUNT: 2. SUDDENLY AISHA, AGAIN. Melfina may be best in this show, but Aisha comes in a close second. Well that was anticlimactic. She’s outta calories? Someone get this girl a Derodoro Drink! FUCK YEAH CHINA BUFFET. A very close second. ;D She’s flexing her muscles for you, ya giblethead. ELECTRO SHOCK. Seriously, just one over infinity away from being tied with Melfina. Gilliam, you’re great. I don’t know how to feel about this Fred guy, just from the way you’re talking about him. Something tells me this he did something to Jim and Jim does not wanna relive it. Poor Aisha, but hey, she brought it on herself, and that’s why she’s only number two. COWBOY BEBOP Faye’s introductory scene is just perfection. Eleven floors of nothing but bathrooms, I love these background signs. You gotta love space gambling. Swallowing cigarettes and poker chips, Spike is a grade-A madman. I just love a protagonist who can kick ass like it’s nobody’s business. Big Shot always comes on at the most convenient times. I like to think she actually was descended from Romanies, but played that slice of heritage up as a sort of bluff. The last time someone listened to their dreams, they got shot by MI6. You gotta love these missile animations; one of the very few things worth watching Eureka AO for. (Emphasis on “very few”.) Hopefully they get some cash after this go-round. COMMERCIALS AND EXTRAS You’re free to cry all you want, but I for one am excited for season 2 of IBO. Those singing ingredients for Chobani will never not disturb me. Holy fuck Beth is just the worst. Huh, Toejam and Earl is still a thing. Eh, at least the dancing couple up there looks happy. “You cannot cheat death.” Shut the fuck up, you’re not in Final Destination. #NotMyJuniorBaconCheeseburger. Taco Bell’s ideas for alternative shells are getting worse all the time. LEFT TWIX AND RIGHT TWIX ARE THE SAME GODDAMN THING YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES. These Kia commercials with the hamsters are getting weirder all the time. MUSIC VIDEO OF THE MOMENT: Between this and him coming out as a socialist, I think Demarco’s got brain problems. In all fairness, he only took out that gym because he was being treated like shit and those treating him as such deserved to die like the little monkeys they are. “This will be the real deal” indeed, that beat looks better than the rest. Is a fried egg taco shell really that stupefying? I can’t wait for Vegeta to show why he’s the greatest. BIRD BIRD BIRD BIRD IS THE WORD. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted September 30, 2017 Posted September 30, 2017 So you’re saying Nyx is the result of MI6 using Uraga’s research for their own means? How very interesting… LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE Are the police just allowed to run STOP signs like that? COWBOY BEBOP Eleven floors of nothing but bathrooms, I love these background signs. COMMERCIALS AND EXTRAS You’re free to cry all you want, but I for one am excited for season 2 of IBO. ...him coming out as a socialist, I think Demarco’s got brain problems. That was my interpretation of Lupin talking about rats having a sense of time dilation; the chemistry or synaptic architecture of Nyx's brain was altered intentionally to heighten his senses and reaction time. Uraga's research seemed like it could've been relevant to that. Not unless they're responding to an emergency or in an active pursuit, no. I never bothered to look closely enough to find that. I'm cool with the next season of MSG: IBO coming next week. Socialism fails to recognize the laziness of a lot of people and/or overestimates the willingness of people to work for the good of others. As a philosophy, it's far too optimistic. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted September 30, 2017 Author Posted September 30, 2017 Tonight on Toonami, it's Vegeta's time to shine as he gives Frost the beatdown he deserves, Goku shows Buu (and everyone else) the power that comes with Super Saiyan 3, RERORERORERORERORERORERO, the 15-man party goes up against Razor and his pirate crew in a sports competition (we Davy Back Fight now?), it turns out not even getting arrested will stop Lupin from a good challenge, Nagato seeks to set right what wrongs he made in the Pain Arc's anticlimactic finale, the Outlaw Star crew return to Sentinel III to get weapons from Gene's fabulous supply guy, a family of eco-terrorists threaten to wreak havoc on Ganymede after Spike and Jet capture their matriarch, and Ymir's backstory spoils the manga for everybody still in the dark. But most importantly, Tokyo Ghoul finally ends tonight. It's been a long, hard 24+ weeks, but we finally made it through the other piece of moldy bread sandwiching in the delicious contents of One Piece's four-year run. (For those of you not keeping track, the other moldy bread slice was Tenchi Muyo! GXP.) Next week marks the return of Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans. Some say it's worse than season 1, but after Ghoul, anything is a welcome respite. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #34 - Piccolo vs. Frost: Stake it All on the Special Beam Cannon! - TV-14 8:30 - Dragonball Super #35 - Turn Your Anger Into Strength! Vegeta's Full-Bore Battle - TV-14L ... 11:00 - Dragonball Super #35 - Turn Your Anger Into Strength! Vegeta's Full-Bore Battle - TV-14L 11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #134 - True Worth Beginning to Show: The Treacherous Buu! - TV-14 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #9 - Yellow Temperance - TV-MAV 12:30 - Tokyo Ghoul Root A #12 - Ken___ - TV-MA - END 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #68 - Pirates and Guesses - TV-14DLSV :painfap: 1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #14 - The End of Lupin III - TV-PGLS 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #175 - Hero of the Hidden Leaf - TV-14V 2:30 - Outlaw Star #6 - The Beautiful Assassin - TV-14L 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #4 - Gateway Shuffle - TV-MALS 3:30 - Attack on Titan #35 - Children - TV-14LV Quote
EmpressAngel Posted October 1, 2017 Posted October 1, 2017 I mean, he's not my type but I'd be a fool to turn that tongue down. Jojo- Oh you are about to have a bad day, random mugger. Uhhh hey Kakyoin you okay there? BAH GAWD, HE'S BREAKING HIS SPINE. Since when were you friends? To be fair, I'd definitely break somebody's back on a bad day if I had that kinda arm strength. I am uncomfortable. I would also take an excuse to grab Jojo's sweet buff arms. Hey guys I think something's wrong with Kakyoin. Damn Kak what that mouth do? That's not normal. Thank you Jotaro this was getting awkward. I DON'T THINK THAT'S KAKYOIN, GUYS. Dude you already fought a monkey with a magic boat, how is this hard to believe? Oh no he's hot. Well this could be going better. I hope that's not his jerkoff hand. I like how this sentence actually makes perfect sense. Oh hey Kakyoin. Avdol asking the real questions here, why are you sunbathing in a full-length wool uniform? Sorry Jojo you're gonna have to cut your hand off. Aw shit fire just makes it worse. This poor kid's getting traumatized for life. A bizarre entrance, you say. I'd be lying if I said I've never honked my own boobs. OH NO NOT THE DOG. Why does this show hate dogs so much? Yeah buddy I think he gets the point now. YES THE SECRET JOESTAR TECHNIQUE. RIP that guy's beautiful face. Punch him harder, Jojo. Oh shit that dude killed Poolnoodle's sister. Oh you asshole. Is he close enough to just punch him in the dick? Ball-less little buttmuch, god bless this dub. IT'S JUST A PRANK, BRO. Oh good the annoying kid's gone. Back to my previous question, damn Kak what that mouth do? Goddammit the kid's still here. Ghoul- I hope this show ends with a nuke going off, killing everyone involved. I'm guessing he's about to eat his friend and not in a good way. "Remember when that dude tried to eat me, and now you're friends with him?" Oh for fuck's sake how are these people not dead yet? I'm not sure who all that blood's coming out of but I hope it's the styrofoam-flavored main character. Yeah yeah we get it this is all very sad and emotional can we just wrap this shit up already. You're a fucking cannibal zombie, how did you not smell gallons of blood pouring out of your friend? Shit's on fire, yo. You were wrong lady, school is lame. Why are you running straight towards the fire you goddamn dingbat? Sooo y'all gonna eat that perfectly good kidmeat? Oh hey that one dude's here. He's right, watching all your friends get brutally murdered and your home erupt into flames is great for building character. Wow I sure can't imagine a better use of screentime than showing this sack of flour walk across the street for several minutes. This show was bad and my life is objectively worse for having watched it. Hunter- Protect jiggle bitch at all costs, I can't keep losing fanservice. GUM GUM-wait wrong show. Gon is such a good kid. Don't fuck with a kid who was literally raised by a family of abusive killers, buddy. Ass shot. Oh fuck is this a Davy Back fight? ORA ORA ORA ORA-wait wrong show again. That was way too easy. Just let Killua take care of everything. Kick him in the dick, Biscuit! I'm not really understanding the point of losing everything. Nooo jiggle bitch don't go. Well so much for that plan. Please god don't call Hisoka. Aww come on kids don't fight. OH NO HE'S HOT. I am very uncomfortable. Never trust Hisoka, y''all. Bisky no this is a terrible idea. I'm glad they're smart enough to hate him. Thank you random fanservice. This town gives me the creeps. Kill him, kids. My children are brilliant. Oh fuck you, clown man. Narrator are you insane, you never trust Hisoka. Lupin- Christ Lupin you look awful. The hell is this theme? Wait did that song just say "I'm searching for someone I can satisfy on my knees" or am I going crazy. Okay this guy is definitely Jigen in disguise. Jailbreak, denied. Lupin why would you tell him that how is this part of your plan? Dude how did you even get that mask I'm not following your train of thought here. Zeni you might have a serious problem here. You really should have confiscated his sleeves too. Okay maybe that other guy wasn't Jigen. Whoever gets to monitor Fujiko is the luckiest man in the office. This is a trap. Zeni where are you getting that food from? Stop hitting rocks, Zeni! Just admit that you're in love with him, dude. Good job you finally beat that rock. Now can it be rescue time? You're a good dude, Zeni. Poor guy didn't even get to bang his fake wife. Zeni needs a hug. Lupin what the fuck. That is some impressive art there. And then Zeni died. Oh hey, Nyx isn't crazy anymore. I'll make it up to you, Fujicakes. Is..is that a pillar man? This ED sounds like a discarded Backstreet Boy track. Naruto- Aw fuck, Kakashi's actually dead? Oh wait false alarm. Sorry dead people, you can't escape the show that easily. Shikamaru knows this is bullshit. Really, one lecture from an obnoxious teenager and this guy gives up decades of vengeance in twenty seconds flat? Impossible, no god would intentionally allow this to exist. And now he's a mummy. I mean I get it, killing everyone in Naruto's village is an admirable goal. Y'all are acting real friendly for people who were trying to brutally kill each other like 40 minutes ago in-story. Haha, Naruto got fat. All these people are lying, I would expect a grand total of six people to have any faith in him. To be fair, he was a bother and a loser. You can praise him all you want, I'm still gonna hate every second this little bastard's on screen. Go ahead and recap the entire goddamn show. Okay why didn't they just end the damn show right here. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted October 1, 2017 Posted October 1, 2017 Jojo... Avdol asking the real questions here, why are you sunbathing in a full-length wool uniform? OH NO NOT THE DOG. Why does this show hate dogs so much? Ghoul... You're a... cannibal zombie, how did you not smell gallons of blood pouring out of your friend? Hunter... Kick him in the dick, Biscuit! Lupin... Whoever gets to monitor Fujiko is the luckiest man in the office. Is..is that a pillar man? Naruto.. You can praise him all you want, I'm still gonna hate every second this little bastard's on screen. Okay why didn't they just end the damn show right here. School, not wool, but it’s still a good question. The answer is because natural redheads have a tendency to sunburn easily. Also, perhaps the author had a bad experience with a dog as a child. Sorry, show, you’re on your own here, because I have no good answer for this perfectly legitimate question, and if the answer is that Ken could, then it raises the even more pointed question of why he did nothing to try to save his badly-wounded best friend’s life. It would have been within the rules of the competition. Agreed, and we can only hope not, since so many people in this show smoke that they would have trouble controlling their breathing to generate enough hamon to fight him. He does do some legitimately impressive stuff later, so maybe you’ll be able to set aside your hate for a few moments when that happens, and it would’ve been a personally satisfying end for Naruto, but it would’ve left so much else with the story unresolved. DBS - Vegeta ringing-out Frost with one hit was good. The extra barrier did seem odd, but I failed to recognize that it would limit Vegeta's aerial capacity, making him an easier target to hit. Also, once the machine-man started his fire attack, yes, it would raise the temperature of the air in the chamber, making it more difficult for Vegeta to breathe. The machine-man was more durable than I thought he'd be, but I'm curious as to whether breaking him would truly be considered killing him. If he can be repaired, then it shouldn't be. I take issue with the idea of the machine-man being naturally capable of fire-breath. He clearly drank something fiery or molten during the episode. If that is the source of the fire-breath, then it clearly would not be natural, since he would be incapable of generating the fire-breath without that material. I guess it could be argued that the hot substance was analogous to food for him, though, and in that case I would reluctantly allow it. DBZK - Super Saiyan 3 Goku v. Buu was fun to watch. However, from what was said in the Dragon Ball manga about Grandpa Gohan being brought back for a day, it doesn't make sense that Goku using more of his energy would shorten the time he has on Earth. He would just be fatigued after that kind of exertion. Babidi got no less than he deserved, but it's a shame no one thought of a quick blast to kill him before Buu was revived. The energy transfer had to be mystical, so with the removal of the caster, the spell just might have ended. Oh, Bulma. You should've thought about where the Dragon Radar would be either before sending Trunks or as he was in transit. JoJo: SC - I've given up trying to remember the names of these enemies of the week or their Stands (not that I was trying terribly hard in the first place). Dude's power slowly digesting things is gross and horrifying, but his ability to use it to disguise himself is disturbing as well, although that could also be the dude's crass language and behavior. Dude's Stand being invulnerable to cold and fire sounds pretty overpowered to me, but at least Jotaro was able to straight up beat the guy, presumably to death. I'm glad Jotaro got a little information about the Stand-users coming for them out of the guy, including that Jean's target is among them. I have no idea how Dio would have the money to pay this assassin $100 million, but that is a lot of motivation to finish the job. It didn't fit with the previous comments, but that poor doggie. Also, the dad must've been really tired to sleep through S.P. tearing off the door of the cable car. Bad joke too soon, Noriaki. Also, Anne has herself a crush, it seems. TG: Root A - I was completely mistaken. I thought through the episode that it was Ken bleeding on the floor, but it wad Hide. D-: This is perhaps the most distressing way I've been wrong in the show, since that was a lot of blood for a human to lose, and when we couple that with the slowness of Ken's walk back to the battle site, it's almost a certainty that Hide died of his wounds. I'll admit that I don't think I got the point of the flashes of Ken's hair being black. Was it supposed to be symbolic of him acting as his human part, grieving over his dead friend? I also don't know why Anteiku was burned or who started the fire, Hide or Ken. Regardless, Ken took his sweet time getting out of there. Yep, the conflict between ghouls and humans sure wrecked the lives everyone at Anteiku. I can only hope that Hinami can cope with losing so many more people in her life. Sure, she's physically safe, but it would be rough emotionally. I didn't expect Shinohara to be clinging to life still, but I’m glad he isn't definitively dead. There's hope for him yet. I wouldn't think that Amon is dead, but Akira's despondency makes me unsure. Leaving us hanging regarding Sen and Yoshimura was cheap, show. The sound of Arima opening his quinque case after Ken laid down Hide's body coupled with Arima standing alone after the credits with his intact quinque standing in the snow in front of him leads me to believe that he defeated Ken. Whether Ken is dead or was taken alive, I can't be sure. I know there's a Tokyo Ghoul: Re series, but I think that follows a different half-ghoul, and I'm not sure whether there's more story between this and that. I guess time (or reading spoiler-laden material) will tell. In all, I think two good things came of this season. First and foremost, Hinami made it through alive and (physically) well. Second, Touka studied seriously and thus has improved her academic prospects. HxH - It looked to me like Razor's cohorts were actual people. With that in mind, Killua dousing the one dude's head with booze and lighting it with his electricity should've horribly wounded the man, but I can give that a pass in the interest of keeping the content at a PG level. As for the nature of the challenge, it was wise of the group to use this excursion to gather information once they saw how outclassed the first guy was. Still, it's a crummy rule that the same group can only challenge once. Also crummy is that the cohorts didn't seem to be savory people, and I have my sneaking suspicion that they wouldn't be satisfied with running roughshod over a town of only NPCs. Thus, I still hold on to the idea that there may be a population of actual local people being oppressed in this game. I'll admit that I was wrong when we have definitive proof to the contrary, but that would likely have to take the form of a statement to that effect by Razor or another of the game's creators, and I'm not sure I'm ready to trust them yet. Sure, Razor told the truth that the group simply had to leave when they lost, but that's just being honest about the nature of the challenge. Admitting to victimizing a local people would be a little more serious statement. So, Biscuit is a dirty older woman, drooling over the naked Hisoka like that. Plus, that was shameless exhibitionism there, Hisoka. Still, I must admit he is ripped and his hair looks better down. As for his lies, his bungee gum power did come in handy to hide his contact with the P.T. I agree with Killua 100% that Hisoka needed to walk in front of them. All the NPCs in AiAi are taken straight out of harem games/shows and love sims. In a way, I'm glad that Gon was innocent enough not to fall into the game's side quest trap with the cute glasses girl NPC. Lupin - Dang, Fujiko. The guy(s and gals?) doing surveillance on her had the best assignment. I'm fine with Lupin coming up with several ways to escape, and I liked that Zenigata was always there to intercept him. As for his last gamble, it was inventive to use p.o.v. artwork, but it would require him either to be close enough to the slot in the door to block Zenigata's view of the artwork or be lying on the floor at the exactly right spot to align with the art every time Zenigata checked on him. However, I see three problems with this plan. First, it's a good general rule that a person, even with low levels of activity, would starve to death after about one month, and Lupin's hair and beard growth would indicate to me that he was there for longer than that. Second, even if Lupin drew out this plan by eating a little of his food, he would still have very low energy, meaning by the time his opportunity came, he might not be physically capable of escaping, either by stamina or muscle capacity. Third, all that rotten food in the cell would attract flies, like we saw, and that coupled with 1. his lack of bathing facilities, 2. poor nutrition, and 3. his lack of an apparent heat source in the cold would make him highly susceptible to disease and expose him to a disease vector (the flies contaminating the little food he did eat and crawling on him, especially his lips). Also, where was his water source? I saw his squatting toilet, but I saw no source of potable water in the cell for him. Zenigata shouldn't have been trapped in the cell for long, because he did have his phone to call for help, though he might not have the best signal in the cell. However, we could consider that Zenigata had a tougher time during Lupin's incarceration, since he was also trapped, in a sense, on the island and had to live in a tent. Zenigata would also have limited human interaction in the form of Lupin and the people who delivered the provisions to the island. It wouldn't quite be solitary confinement, but it would much like it for Zenigata. Once Lupin did escape, it would take him weeks or months to get accustomed to eating again and regain his stamina and soundness of body like we saw. Think of Al after his body was retrieved from the Gate in Brotherhood. Wait. Nyx survived being shot by two snipers? I didn't expect that, but I'm cool with it. He is a mostly decent guy. Who’s that guy, why did MI6 have him and why is he naked? Shippuden - Okay, I was right. Nagato used one of this Rinnegan powers to restore people to life. That was decent of him, and almost heroic, since it cost him his life. Konan quitting the Akatsuki since she was only there to help her friend achieve his goal is fine with me. I liked Kakashi and Sakumo reconciling during Kakashi's brief death, but I liked even more that Kakashi was revived. Hooray! Shizune is back, too! Calm down, Ino. This isn't that kind of show. I'm fine with Sakura hugging her teammate and friend, but I would've liked Hinata hugging him even more. The flashbacks to past events and how they changed the perception the other villagers and ninja had of Naruto did serve to provide context for the slow change in how others thought of him, and it was plausible that they would change their sentiments in such a fashion with time in response to what he did. OS - Fred was right. He has his business to consider, regardless of his feelings for Gene. However, back off of Jim, Fred. He's still a kid and will still be in two years. Yes, Suzuka is pretty, but it's amazing how much power it would take to create a roof-shattering shockwave with a wooden sword. I'm not sure about the terms of Gene's arrangement with Suzuka. This is at best a stop-gap measure, so something more lasting will need to be established eventually. Still, Gene has a point that it would be easier to protect himself than Fred. CB - The Space Warriors are hypocrites. Wildlife is worth preserving, but murdering people is no problem. That is to say the lives of animals are worth protecting, but not those of human animals. The look on Twinkle's face as Spike tried to break open the virus ampule is still fun. Shame on you, Faye, for haggling when the fate of (tens or hundreds of?) thousands was on the line. I can't blame Jet for not knowing at this point, but when Faye was in h.s., hyperspace gate travel was still relatively new and expensive, meaning it wouldn't be part of public education curriculum. Plus, "I don't know and have no opinion" is still a great line. AoT: Second Course - Seeing it this time, I couldn't help but laugh at Eren trying to fight Reiner. In other words, the attack at Shinganshina may not have gone as planned, since one member of the titan-shifter party died before getting there. The breach of W. Maria was still successful, but humanity may have unwittingly dodged a bullet by the three remaining titan-shifters being unable to act on part of their plan for after the breach since they lacked the person Ymir ate. Thus, a shifted titan may well have saved humanity completely unawares years before Eren discovered his shifting power at Trost. If my suspicion is correct, then the power of the king, which once subjugated humanity, has saved it more than once in the course of the show. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted October 1, 2017 Author Posted October 1, 2017 Also, perhaps the author had a bad experience with a dog as a child. IIRC, Araki has dogs get brutally killed in the show often to show how assholish the villains are. They did it with Dio all the way back in season 1, and they did it with Yellow Temperance now. It’s also worth mentioning that while Kars actually saved a dog from getting killed, he was still enough of a dick towards humanity to prove himself incorrigible. DRAGONBALL SUPER In a way, that exchange was Greg Ayres’ way of responding to all his haters. You can’t not love Vegeta when he’s dubbed like this. Fuck yeah, unique camera angles. WAN PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANCH! And then it turned out Monaka wasn’t that strong after all. Whis, you’re a cheeky bastard and I love you for it. That was clearly over 100 ties, why hasn’t the Quartz-Parchment-Shears god from Regular Show shown up yet? Meanwhile, Frost is still a conniving bastard. You’ve pissed Jotaro Kujo off, now you die. Automagetta? That robot man’s voice and dialogue makes it very hard for me to hate him. LAVASALIVA. I heard an F-bomb, who else heard an F-bomb? And then Vegeta fell victim to smoke inhalation. CHUGGA CHUGGA FUCK. TOP BILLING: Bullshit this time, because it’s Goku then Goten at the top. Also, Magetta has no voice actor. DRAGONBALL Z KAI We TV-14 again. Holy shit, SSJ3 Goku does have no eyebrows! Was that a dinosaur back there? And, of course, they’re super-nonchalant about their possible doom. Goku looks like a practicing boxer, punching Buu like that. I blame Goku for that specific piece of property damage. GUM GUM ZOOM PUNCH. Buu knows a good opponent when he sees one. Now’s not the time for snack breaks, Mrs. Briefs! Such nonchalance. Your cheering sucks, Babidi. And then Buu was a Paper Mario character. This fight’s starting to bore me, and yet I can’t look away. Bulma, you fool! Videl, meanwhile, is a lifesaver if there ever was one in a situation this medial. So Roshi poking Videl’s chest is more objectionable than him directly groping 18? Sure, why not. Meanwhile, more boring action shit. Buu sounds like a monkey. Nothing’s more powerful than the Kamehameha. Or maybe it was Roshi’s breast-poke and that massive hole in Buu that pushed it over. Whoop, there goes [iNSERT TOTALITARIAN COUNTRY HERE]. Nice, Gohan’s getting better at handling the Z Sword. What’s with the Pinocchio nose. At least I can somewhat understand her intentions, as foolish as they may be in hindsight. “Oh, and say hi to Frieza for me, too.” That’s the power of Instant Transmission, baby. Okay, so it’s Roshi’s breast-poke, the hole in Buu, and Babidi getting strangled and later having his head blown off. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS Make that coconut milk instead of coconut water and you make a very solid point. Holy shit, Kakyoin really hates pickpockets. This guy’s gone full Seryu Ubiquitous, so much so that even Jotaro is disturbed. Was that a freaking Beatles reference? If anyone’s had a bad day today, it’s Polnareff. Dude got tortured by a killer doll and spent at least an hour in holding, that’s way worse than getting your wallet stolen. MFW Kakyoin ate the Beatles. Only idiots with no taste don’t love coconut. Huh, so Jotaro went for the ice cream after all. No, not the ice cream! It ain’t RERO RERO, but it’s good enough. 30-second rule! Not even Jotaro was expecting his jaw to get all fucked like that. GAZE UPON MY HANDSOME MANLY FEATURES. These JoJo villains sure love their vulgarity. She could see all of that? Turns out the real Kakyoin was sunbathing (while dressed) this whole time. “Good freakin’ grief.” NO WEAKNESS. Is that kid’s mother a prostitute? “That’s certainly a bizarre entrance.” “Yeah, well, this is a bizarre anime.” It’s not the kid’s mother, and it’s not a prostitute either. Damn, what’s wrong with me today? SHIT COUNT: 2. Welp, so much for the dog. Twenty bucks says he only said the wrong surname to match the lip flaps. JOESTAR SECRET TECHNIQUE: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! > Smart thinking there, Jotaro. GAH MY SEXY NOSE. I’m surprised he hasn’t gotten Jotaro to lower his guard yet. FUN FACT #1: Centerfold’s original name is J. Geil. The latter name suits him better, actually. These assassins are somehow less likeable than DIO. “DO I FEEL LUCKY!? DO I, PUNK!?” WATER PUNCH. It’s nice that Yellow Temperance got his comeuppance and all, but what happened to the single dad and his kid? Turns out Kakyoin actually does lick cherries like that. FUN FACT #2: Yellow Temperance’s STAND user was named Rubber Soul, which probably explains the Beatles reference earlier. Huh, I just realized there was no narrator this episode. TOKYO GHOUL ROOT A Meanwhile, in Kaneki’s happy place… Heh, “space cadet”. Welp, so much for the happy place. You think Hide knows that Kaneki’s part-Ghoul now? He knows, and he’s actually okay with it. Hide confirmed for best character. “I’m warning you, it might not taste very good.” “Hey, even if it’s bad, it’s still better than actual food.” Ah yes, I remember that time Nishio was a total prick. Hmm, so Shinohara isn’t dead yet. Well, at least Marude’s alive, and that’s what truly matters. Oh yeah, Sera’s voice is alive too, that’s just as good. As for Amon… yeah, I’m not sure what happened to him either. This is actually quite a nice scene. And then the mood got ruined. (To be honest, I thought Kaneki was the one bleeding real bad, not Hide.) Weird, the sky got all red and shit. Kaneki torched the franchise, and yet, he isn’t running! Red tears are the edgiest. Okay I forgave this show for a lot of crap but I call shenanigans on his hair going back to black like that. Oh hey, a flashback to slightly younger Touka. Because nothing brings in customers like attractive tomboys. We funeral marching now. I would’ve been so mad if that rubble had crushed Touka, but thank god it didn’t. The burning Anteiku is an extended metaphor for what this show has become. SUDDENLY YOMO. Cool, a piano cover of the OP with subtitled lyrics. Oh, so the hair color change was symbolic. Okay, regardless of whether or not I like or hate this, that Unravel remix was 10/10, I actually teared up a little listening to it. And so the white-hairs finally meet, their altercation cut due to budgetary reasons. “…That was my favorite teacup.” REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “This show was bad and my life is objectively worse for having watched it.” Maybe, but at least you’re finally free from it. As for me, as far as the Pierrot series I’ve watched (even the incomplete ones) go… the Toshiyuki Tsuru episodes of Naruto and Shippuden > Bleach canon > Yu Yu Hakusho > Yona of the Dawn > Naruto Shippuden > Naruto canon > Level E > Tokyo Ghoul > Bleach movies > Bleach filler > Neo Ranga > Naruto movies > Convenience Store Boyfriends > Mew Mew Power > Tokyo Ghoul Root A > Naruto filler > Bleach episodes 358 and 359. That’s right, Root A is worse than a 4Kids dub, but still better than Naruto peeing on Ino, and way better than that time Tsukishima supposedly used Book of the End on MILFboss. 7.9/10, might watch the manga tie-in OVAs. HUNTER x HUNTER We all four subratings now, this gonna be good. Unlike those pirates’ stupid hats. Man, not even two minutes onscreen and I want this guy to die from indigestion. Stone cold, Killua. Sweet, their headquarters is a community gym. GRATUITOUS MAN-ASS SHOT. Dat female pirate. <3 NEN BOXING. Regardless of who won or lost, that was pretty cool regardless. Wait, so they’re losing on purpose? Hey, if it’s for the good of the mission. Bitch move, boobs lady. At least Goreinu’s a cool guy. Oh, if only you knew how many Troupe members were on the island already… These kids are so tsundere for each other. A WILD NAKED HISOKA SPOTTED! He still looks surprisingly more attractive with his hair down. Oh, Biscuit, you’re incorrigible. “…But I don’t wanna delay my fight with Chrollo any longer than I have to.” Welcome to the wonderful world of hiatus, Hisoka. That sure is a legitimate-sounding lie. I love it when Hisoka gets all comically reactive alongside everyone else. WE SHOUJO MANGA NOW. To the City of Brotherly Love! BAD STARE BAD STARE. If Hisoka collects enough Spell cards, he’ll be a Magician for real! I don’t trust that background noise. “My glasses! I can’t see without my glasses!” Oh hey, a magical girl anime protagonist. MEANWHILE, RAPE. And then Killua had a/n Eureka moment. I bet you anything he hid the Troupe’s names with his Texture Surprise. EXACTLY AS I THOUGHT. Hisoka’s stance varies, depending on what side of his you’re on. LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE Cool, new opening quote. Italy really does look like a hooker boot from several thousand feet above. Now that is a remote prison. Damn, Lupin looks like hell. Cool, new Italian opening theme. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “Wait did that song just say "I'm searching for someone I can satisfy on my knees" or am I going crazy.” I think they were actually singing “I’m searching for someone who can satisfy all my needs,” but I wouldn’t blame you for guessing that. Don’t you think the death penalty’s a little harsh for a serial thief? “How will Lupin escape from this maximum security prison?” You ever see The Shawshank Redemption? Well, it’s kinda like that. Okay, it ain’t exactly Shawshank, but it’s close enough. Zenigata’s standing in the bucket of a construction vehicle, now I’ve seen everything. Lemme guess, he escapes through the toilet this time. Literally makin’ love to the camera. I love how Zenigata’s taken all possibilities of escape into consideration. That’s a lotta chains. Maximum security where the security is a single man with a lot to prove. Oh crap, he put surveillance on the others. You can’t not love Fujiko’s rack. <3 Mmm, beef stew. Or maybe it’s curry rice. What a waste of perfectly good food. I assume this is some sort of hunger strike. Sometimes I feel like Zenigata is a little too prepared. And then he learned that chasing after Lupin was more worth his time than actually succeeding. For a second there, I thought he was shaving with snow. Even Rebecca’s busy doing her own shit. OR MAYBE NOT. As for everyone else, they were expecting he’d be out by now. I don’t know about Lupin, but I’d eat Zenigata’s cooking. CRAAAAAAAAAAAP. Hm, so he was actually worried about losing his own personal reputation, the moment he no longer had an opponent as worthy as Lupin. Could this possibly be the end? The answer: no. No it is not. The possibility was touching while it lasted, but HOLY SHIT ZENI GOT PLAYED. There’s no pussyfooting around it, that plan was genius. So much so, that even Zenigata has to admit how impressive it was, even if it wasn’t to Lupin’s face directly. Oh good, Nyx is still alive. The universe may end, but Lupin’s legacy won’t. Meanwhile, sudden plot developments at MI6? It’s Rip Van Winkle, only without any clothes. REPLY TO ANGEL 3: “This ED sounds like a discarded Backstreet Boy track.” Hey, if you’re looking for legitimate Backstreet Boys anime themes, try looking up the OP and ED for this show called Hanada Shonen-shi. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Meanwhile, in Kakashi’s afterlife… Man, the Leaf Village were real dicks, it’s kinda fitting in a weird way that Kakashi became Naruto’s sensei. Kakashi is a good son. And then the dead started coming back to life. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. “I can’t believe it.” It’s a shame that lines like that are the only time we’ll ever hear “Believe it” in this show. Reminder that Konohamaru was actually useful for once. And then Nagato pulled a Kaneki and randomly lost all the pigment in his hair. “What, more and more?” Clearly, he died and came back to life. What more needs to be said? REPLY TO ANGEL 4: “Really, one lecture from an obnoxious teenager and this guy gives up decades of vengeance in twenty seconds flat?” The Talk no Jutsu is too complicated to properly comprehend. He makes a very fair point. So does that mean Jiraiya’s God? That tree was made from six billion individual pieces of paper. Weird question: you think all the other Pains’ hair colors were orange as part of some tribute to Yahiko, since he had that same hair color? And then Konan became a wanderer. Nice paper bouquet. That’s a nice-looking memoriam, it’d be a shame if someone stole that book and flowers. Naruto’s had a rough day. SUDDENLY KAKASHI. Cool, a victory party. The only people who thought positively of that punch were the NaruSaku shippers. Thank you for your wise words, Guy. “You know, I could almost fall for him.” Three paragraphs up, near the end, and you’d be having second thoughts like that. Shino, that was a hilariously terrible pun. I regret not rewatching Neji getting an uppercut from below with all of you. Definitely a step up from how Naruto got the one-up on Kiba, that’s for sure. ::]:: The Hyuga bloodline will be unstoppable with his spawn. And then there was that time he headbutted Gaara into submission. Oh god, Sasuke’s got yaoi hands. The irony is, his failure to rescue Sasuke actually made Sasuke look bad. And that’s how Naruto went from being a pariah to a hero, in a nice concise series of flashbacks. It’s amazing how Iruka feels like a main character in spite of having so little screentime. You know, the Toonami run could’ve ended with this episode and I’d have been 100% fine with it. OUTLAW STAR Check it out, another hot woman. DAT ASS. B} SHIT COUNT: 1. Well, at least the landing was successful, even if it was that close to failure. Did he just say “West Virginia”? Damn, Sunrise’s HD masters sure have a nice quality to them. Sometimes I feel like Jim’s eyebrows are too thick. Not even a minute onscreen and I already love Fred, no homo. Good, so Earth still exists in this timeline. I wouldn’t blame him for assuming it wasn’t a joke, or maybe that’s just Japan’s natural tendency for accidental homophobia. Clearly that means Fred really is gay for Gene. Oh hey, it’s that lady from the opening. Man, these minutes keep getting shorter and shorter. Well that was a fun fight sequence. Gene really knows how to reverse haggle. Poor Fred. Damn, she certainly showed up fast. And damn, is she really good with that sword. I love that shot of her slicing the truck in half. :-D Those rock formations look an awful lot like a forest from a distance. FEUDAL DISROBING MANEUVER. Wait, Gene has a sash collection? Now that’s… suspect. YOU’RE DEAD BECAUSE I SAY SO. Well that settled itself quite nicely. I’m good at math but sometimes all this money talk gets super-confusing. SO SUE ME. In the end, Melfina’s still the cutest. :catsmile COWBOY BEBOP Do that morphin’ for my endorphin. So were Spike and Jet the only survivors of that shootout or what? It’s a good thing I’m rewatching this, because I’m enjoying all these English signs. Rabid monkeys are scary m-effers. I do like that one brother messing around with the sea rat squeaky toy. It’s gotta be more than coincidence that they ran into Faye like they did. Amazing how nipple-less nudie pics count as explicit sexual content, but then again, it is a children’s network by day… TRUMP CARD COUNT: 1. Even after ten years, I still don’t like her teeth. You say “wasteland area”, but I say “shoal zone”. WE WANT NO DIRTY UNIVERSE. Huh, Spike’s voice came out delayed there for a second. “Aw, shit! It split!” BULLHORN. I love that little lesson on hyperspace logic. Spike just screwed all of them over. Looks like Faye’s part of the crew now. “I don’t know and I have no opinion.” Another good line. It always gets me that Ranlsa complained about shows like GXP being disrespectful towards women, and yet she insisted that Spike was the one that shot at Faye while she was in the shower instead of it being the other way around. COMMERCIALS AND BUMPERS AND SHIT I have a feeling IBO season 2 is gonna be a little more convoluted than season 1. The new Colonel sure loves slapping that guy’s ass. Apparently I’ve reached that point in life where humorously terrible things happening to people in my age group come off as less funny and more mean-spirited. The disappointment in knowing the season finale (at first glance) isn’t about Evil Morty is only slight less than Summer calling Jerry a “racist sexist beta male” for literally no reason. The world isn’t ready for Tim & Eric playing a lesbian couple. I don’t watch Walking Dead, so this means nothing to me. Because it ain’t Dragonball Pooper without at least one fart joke. You know what would make horror movies more watchable? A kickass soundtrack that you just wanna dance to. Do not attempt, because like any sane person would do any of that shit. AN UGLY DAYYYYYYYY~. On a more positive note, I love me a taco party. (That sounded gross, didn’t it? ) Nobody expects random queso that doesn’t look like proper melted cheese! That Asian kid’s full name is “Mongo Wrestling Alliance”. MUSIC VIDEO OF THE MOMENT: Unless they pull another miracle like Out of the Black, I’m gonna start valuing Naruto over these weird terrible promotionals to apologize for the fallout with DOOM. Hell, this specific music video looks and sounds worse than Tokyo Ghoul. R.I.P. Hideyoshi Nagachika. At least you died from a bleeding wound in the last episode instead of getting eaten by a not-yet-developed Nishio in the second. :catsad Quote
OwlChemist81 Posted October 1, 2017 Posted October 1, 2017 In other words, the attack at Shinganshina may not have gone as planned, since one member of the titan-shifter party died before getting there. The breach of W. Maria was still successful, but humanity may have unwittingly dodged a bullet by the three remaining titan-shifters being unable to act on part of their plan for after the breach since they lacked the person Ymir ate. Thus, a shifted titan may well have saved humanity completely unawares years before Eren discovered his shifting power at Trost. If my suspicion is correct, then the power of the king, which once subjugated humanity, has saved it more than once in the course of the show. Wow, that is absolutely amazing, obvious, and yet I hadn't considered it before! Offhand, I'd say you're right. Marcel was his name, right? I wonder how he would have factored into the plan by being able to use his Titan-shifter abilities. And it also seems to confirm that humans who are transformed into Titans have to eat other Titan-Shifters to be able to Titan-Shift themselves back into humans again? If that's the case, then Eren just got lucky, since if the digestion were completed, there would be a Santa Claus Titan shifter instead. It also begs the question as to why Marcel couldn't transform inside Ymir like Eren did, but then again we already know Eren is special even among Titan-shifters! Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted October 4, 2017 Posted October 4, 2017 DRAGONBALL SUPER I heard an F-bomb, who else heard an F-bomb? DRAGONBALL Z KAI Goku looks like a practicing boxer, punching Buu like that. TOKYO GHOUL ROOT A The burning Anteiku is an extended metaphor for what this show has become. LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE You can’t not love Fujiko’s rack. <3 NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Weird question: you think all the other Pains’ hair colors were orange as part of some tribute to Yahiko, since he had that same hair color? COMMERCIALS AND BUMPERS The disappointment in knowing the season finale (at first glance) isn’t about Evil Morty is only slight less than Summer calling Jerry a “racist sexist beta male” for literally no reason. I didn't notice one. Yes, and I liked it. That seems a little harsh, but not entirely inaccurate. I believe that everyone can agree on that. Most likely. It also served as a form of disguise for some of the Pain bodies. Recall that Jiraiya had encountered one of the others (the girl one, I think) previously, but, by his own admission, he didn't recognize her at first, likely due to the change of hair color and the facial piercings. I actually watched or heard most of an episode of Rick and Morty last week while setting the upcoming week's recordings on the dvr (most things I record on a later-in-the-night re-airing, so as to let others in the house record things in prime time if they want and still watch something on a different channel), and it was set in a place called The Citadel, which is evidently populated entirely by Mortys and Ricks from across the multiverse. As this is the only episode I've seen, I asked someone at work about whether Eyepatch Morty was essentially Evil Morty (a black eyepatch surely would mean he's the evil one, right?), and he told me about that Morty appearing in Season 1. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted October 7, 2017 Author Posted October 7, 2017 Tonight on Toonami, Vegeta continues his struggle against Magetta's seeming indestructibility, Goku gets right to teaching Goten and Trunks fusion while a leashless Buu wreaks havoc upon the rest of the world, Polnareff leaves Team Joestar to search for his sister's killer as they arrive in India, season two of the better Gundam to air on Toonami Swim opens with a flash-forward some several years to what Tekkadan's been doing on Earth and Mars, Gon and the others meet with Team Tzesguerra in the hopes of recruiting them for their rematch against Razor, Lupin tries to solve his present money troubles by stealing what else but the Mona Lisa, the twenty-one episode Flashback Filler Hell begins with a look into Iruka's first days as an Academy instructor, Jim and Melfina keep themselves occupied with odd jobs while Gene learns how to launch the Outlaw Star vertically, Spike's criminal past comes back to bite him following the assassination of his former boss, and the Scouts finally catch up to Eren. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #35 - Turn Your Anger Into Strength! Vegeta's Full-Bore Battle - TV-14L 8:30 - Dragonball Super #36 - An Unexpectedly Uphill Battle! Vegeta's Great Blast of Fury! - TV-14 ... 11:00 - Dragonball Super #36 - An Unexpectedly Uphill Battle! Vegeta's Great Blast of Fury! - TV-14 11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #135 - Silly Looking? Drilling the Fusion Pose! - TV-14 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #10 - The Emperor and the Hanged Man, Part 1 - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #26 - New Blood - TV-14L 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #69 - A Heated Showdown - TV-14V 1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #15 - Don't Move the Mona Lisa - TV-PGLV 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #176 - Rookie Teacher Iruka - TV-PG 2:30 - Outlaw Star #7 - Creeping Evil - TV-PGD 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #5 - Ballad of Fallen Angels - TV-MALSV 3:30 - Attack on Titan #36 - Charge - TV-14LV Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 I'm going on vacation starting Sunday morning, and I need to leave before I would typically have this done, so I used an existing dvr recording, dvds and C-roll to watch everything but DBZK (I didn't find the episode I needed on C-roll) ahead of the broadcast. Sure, the C-roll episodes were subs, but that's fine for the purpose of writing this ahead of time. I do intend to watch the episodes through Shippuden when they air, but I'm posting what I have now. Thus, the whole post is full of broadcast spoilers. If you care, don't read it until after watching. DBS - I'm willing to allow the machine-man using a solidified piece of his lava-spit as a club, since it did come from his body. It would only be fair for a technicality like that to be balanced by the technicality of Vegeta being safe by landing on a piece of the platform. However, yes, it would strike deeply at Vegeta's pride that he needed the referee's determination to keep the match going. The machine-man's race being especially emotionally fragile is an odd quirk and must be terribly inconvenient for them. I'll agree with Goku that exploiting such a weakness to win would spoil the challenge for he or Vegeta. Piccolo would be pragmatic enough to take the easy win, but he might apologize later. That's the softening influence of Kami there. While I must admire Jaco's quick thinking to get out of headlock range from Bulma, I pity poor Oolong for being substituted there. DBZK - *Content to be viewed during the block.* JoJo: SC - All I know about Calcutta is that it is densely populated. If the Joestar party is looking to avoid confrontations, this would be a bad place for a layover, since it would be more difficult to isolate who in a crowd was controlling a Stand were our group attacked. However, Avdol probably liked it, because it was crowded like Cairo and thus reminded him of home. Haaa, a pickpocket got one of them. In the restaurant, I was somewhat surprised the toilet wasn't a squatter. I also would've been just as surprised as Jean that they used pigs for sanitation. I've heard of something similar to it for industrial pork farming in the past (I don't know if this practice is still in use), where the top level of a multiple-floor hog house features pigs that get only feed. The levels below them eat the poop of the level above which falls through grating in the floor, and that works nutritionally due to the comparative inefficiency of a pig's digestive system, meaning there is still substantial nutrient content in the poop. Of course, the lower levels do need some inclusion of feed, since nutrient content is removed by each preceding level. However, feeding pigs with excrement can increase the risk of diseases, and especially parasites like trichinae. In industrial pork farming, this risk is mitigated by using anti-parasitic medication as well as antibiotics, but that is unlikely to be in the medical regimen of the restaurant's patrons, so I would think that if they do eventually eat those pigs, they would need to cook it really well for safety. The mirror dude Stand-user is the man with two right hands. Jean deciding to part ways here said to me that he was too headstrong to listen to reason. In his emotional accusation, he didn't consider that Avdol running from Dio was part of the reason that he (Jean) isn't a mind-controlled pawn right now. In the scene where we meet the Emperor and Hanged Man Stand-users, it struck me that the Emperor guy laid it on thick when he was conning that girl. Well, crap. Emperor is a Stand that's a gun. That feels like cheating on the author's part in how dangerous it makes him. The Hanged Man user was still in danger, since the head of a cobra still can bite and is connected to the venom sacs. Fortunately for him, Hanged Man is fast. Jean was lucky (or is it unlucky?) that wandering around and asking random people actually got him a lead. When he faced Emperor guy, it made me think of the phrase "don't bring a knife to a gunfight," or rather a sword in Jean's case. If Emperor felt like cheating before, the bullet also being part of that Stand made it ridiculously overpowered, since the guy can curve the trajectory of the bullet. I would think that would mean that the bullet must also be able to slow its velocity to react to what the user sees. When Avdol saved Jean, it stuck me a positive sign of his character that he would put himself at risk for this rude hothead who abandoned the Joestar party to rashly seek his objective. The only truly surprising part of Emperor and Hanged Man teaming up to take down Avdol was that Hanged Man could use even a rain puddle to attack. Of course they were worried the most about his flame powers, and now he's out of the way. As Noriaki plead in vain for Avdol to respond, Jean said bad stuff about him, but all along he was sobbing for Avdol. I'm disappointed but not surprised that Ang's curse has struck again. At least she still has Grandpa Joseph and Jotaro over whom to fawn. MSG: IBO 2 - It looks like we had a short timeskip. Maybe it's just her different hair, but Kudelia looks older, and so does Orga. Mika and Atra look the same, though. Iron Flower is now a proper part of Teiwaz, which is good for them, since it reduces the likelihood that McMurdo would scheme against them like we saw in the first season. Good. Cookie and Cracker are getting educated like Biscuit wanted. Their classmates were insensitively tactless, as to be expected of children their age, in talking about Biscuit. The Martian public may consider Iron Flower to be heroes who fought to improve Mars' situation in the organizational structure of human civilization, but to Cookie and Cracker, Biscuit, this hero of battle, was their beloved brother who they'll never see alive again. With that in mind, it's perfectly understandable that they would be hesitant to let Mikazuki go investigate the car bombing along their route. The agreement Kudelia and Makenai reached regarding the mines has been prosperous for Mars and Arbrau, but the destabilization following the exposure of Gjallarhorn's corruption lead to more small conflicts, which means more suffering and more enslaved orphans. Yes, some of the orphans joined Iron Flower, but others are likely in the clutches of pirate groups like the Brewers or worse. The newbies to Iron Flower don't fill me with a lot of hope for their battle prospects, but we're seeing them as new cadets. When we met the original members, they were already trained and had some combat experience. D.I. Shino struck me as a funny development. The veterans were right to chastise the newbies regarding the Alaya Vinjana (sp?, and which I think I'll just call A.V.) system. It is a device implanted in the spinal cord. The operation carries the risk of nerve damage (read: paralyzing trauma) in the operation alone, Mikazuki is a walking example of the dangers that using it pose. His gimped arm only functions when using the A.V. in Barbatos (or presumably any other similar mobile suit as well), and that's from too much feedback from Barbatos coming into his nervous system. I like that Dante's practice, which the newbies attributed to the A.V. interface, was in a mobile suit that doesn't have it, meaning it was his piloting skill alone. Anyway, the new blond dude looks like he'll be important, but some of the others strike me as cannon fodder. Poor Azee, Echo, and Lafter. While I'm glad they're around for fanservice, their training duties keep them away from Naze. Kudelia's meeting with the slimy dude didn't go his way, so he hired pirates to embarrass/kill her. That seems like an overreaction to me. Unfortunately, the pragmatism of child soldiers is a real thing. As long as any size consideration for operating a weapon isn't an issue, they're perfectly capable of using firearms and the like. They may not have quite the endurance of an adult, but those looking to use them usually don't want protracted battles, so it's less of a consideration. Psychologically, the children's incompletely developed brains make them more likely to show a lack of empathy, meaning they will be utterly ruthless on the battlefield. Even those who've been in battle and seen friends die are less likely to hesitate like an adult would. One of the lasting effects of exposing youths to the horrors of war is that it can warp them for life, engraining a grim and brutal outlook on world. HxH - I like that Team Tsezguerra decided to join forces with Biscuit, the boys and Goreinu and figured out how to make use of the info. In the jump for Tsezguerra to prove himself, it was completely expected that the boys would jump way higher than him. I'm fine with them finding six scrubs to meet the party requirement. In the matches, I liked that actual boxing skill beat cheap tricks. After our alliance won some other matches, the big dude in Razor's Devils had enough. It was pretty harsh that him indirectly revealing that Greed Island is a physical place in the world meant that Razor would kill him. However, learning that the Devils are 14 death row inmates diminished my outrage a little from a consequences standpoint. However, it raised my sense of injustice in that some Hunters who wanted to make a game were given these prisoners. How did Ging and co. get permission to enslave these people? Yes, it could be considered that their prison(s) had simply changed, but in the process, one man was given lethal authority over them. After seeing that, the scrubs understandably fled, but Goreinu can make nen beasts like Razors nen men, so 8-on-8 dodgeball was still on. Regarding the rules, a lot of them struck me as unusual, but logically consistent. I don't understand how a player who is out of bounds is allowed to receive and make passes with players inside the lines. I don't get the ricochet rule making the second person hit out as well or the second person catching the ball saving their struck teammate. I would think that the ball is dead after hitting the first person, but at least that was balanced by a ricochet hitting one of the thrower's teammates saving the opponent and putting the teammate out. I'm fine with the "back" rule putting a player back in the game, as well as needing at least one team member in the court to use it. I don't understand how catching a thrown ball not would not make the thrower out. That was a rule in every game of dodgeball I ever played. *Aside: I once played something the gym teacher called, if memory serves, absolute dodgeball. When a player was hit, they would sit on floor where they were hit. A thrower would do the same if their throw was caught. Players on the floor could grab any ball that came within reach. They could either pass it to a teammate (note that the sitters would still be in the playing area) or throw it at the opposing team. If a ball thrown by a sitter hit an opponent, the sitter would be allowed to stand up and move. I'm less certain about this, but I think that if a player on the floor caught a thrown ball, they would similarly be back in the game and the thrower would be out. However, I think that sitters simply reaching up to block thrown balls was prohibited; it had to be an attempt at a catch. The game would be over when one side had no standing team members.* I take issue with Razor letting our alliance have two hits. To me, that would mean that our alliance had a total of seven at the end of the episode. I would think that each eliminated nen man should count as one, and Razor said as much. Goreinu hit two, and Hisoka hit one. The guy Razor killed was credited to our alliance, and the rest of Tsezguerra's men got three (boxing, bowling and basketball). Under that scoring scenario, the match wouldn't need to end for our alliance to get their eight points, and I would like that smug sense of superiority on Razor's part to bite him. I'm fine with a nen switch with White Goreinu being allowed. I would also allow combining and separating combined nen men, provided the number of active players on one side of the court wouldn't be exceeded, meaning Razor can't use "back" to bring in a nen man and separate the combined nen men before one other nen man or he is eliminated. When our alliance found out Razor is a Game Master and Gon mentioned Ging, I got more ammo to use against Ging. Ging told Razor, a person Ging knew to have lethal power, not to go easy on Gon. That is beyond being a bad parent. That is acting with depraved indifference to his son's life. Were Gon to die at Razor's hands, I would consider Ging an accomplice in the death. Sure, Ging probably had in mind that fighting someone truly strong would toughen up Gon, but it could also cripple OR OUTRIGHT KILL HIM, WITH GING'S BLESSING!! It doesn't seem to matter to Ging which happens! From what I've seen so far, Razor is certainly trying to kill these players (oh hai thar, Kayaba). His attacks not killing players is solely dependent upon the players' ability to defend themselves. Gee, what a fun "game" you have there, Ging and co. Oh, and Team Bomber is really close to getting all the specified slot cards. The P.T. needs to do something soon if they are going to intervene. Lupin - First off, this is my first time seeing the Japanese OP for this installment of the Lupin franchise, and I say the Italian ones we've had on Toonami were inferior. For one thing, the classic theme is used in an altered score. For another, daaaang, Fujiko. As for the ED, it's better too, because it it focuses on a pretty lady who looks oddly reminiscent of Fujijo, but her boobs, while sizeable, don't seem quite large enough. Hi there, Fujiko. I like her going undercover as assistant to someone trying to rent the Mona Lisa. It also gave the group a way to make some money. The "plan" to steal the painting on display was a clever ruse full of skillful misdirection. I also liked Fujiko's motorcycle skills. However, when it came time for Goemon to cover Lupin's escape, the police and Zenigata sliding down the glass roof could easily lead to a fatal fall. Thankfully, Pops survived. I liked that he kept searching after the announced heist "failed" and thwarted Lupin again. This isn't the first time Fujiko double-crossed the guys, and it likely won't be the last. Lupin paying her what she paid for the street artist's version for his share of the mansion she bought with her payout was funny. Still, since the guys were instrumental in her plan working, she should at least let them stay there rent-free. While I had heard that there was an earlier version of the Mona Lisa painted when Da Vinci was younger, I didn't remember its name. The street artist being the escaped man and somehow (Clone? Resurrection? Implanted mind a la Rebecca's lost love's work?) Da Vinci were both unexpected twists. I like that another crooked aspiring politician was thwarted by our group's intervention, even though that was only a pleasant side-effect of their actions. Shippuden - I'm okay with spending some time with Iruka thinking on the past. It was low of Hiruzen to guilt Iruka into being Naruto's homeroom teacher so Naruto wouldn't be expelled. Iruka's parents died in the Nine-Tails' attack on Konoha. It's hard for people to separate the kid from what's sealed in him in their minds, but it must be especially so for Iruka. That he was able to move past it is a good mark on his character. As for the other instructor's advice, not letting Naruto rile him is probably the best thing Iruka could do. Yes, Naruto was obnoxious, but the random women calling him "that thing" was terrible. Then they had the gall to complain about Hiruzen not being considerate of them. Of course Sauce was good at the exercises. He practiced with Itachi, a/an (future) Anbu agent, before entering the Academy. Meanwhile, Naruto wasn't very good, but he is still a student just learning these skills. It's amazing how young Shikamaru and Choji looked. The ramen shop proprietor (I don't know if his name is Ichiraku, but I'm inclined to call him that in the future when I mention him) is a good dude to have compassion on Naruto. OS - Of course the pirates after Gene and co. are headed by the de facto leader of all the pirate guilds. Why not have to go up against the baddest one the show can throw at them? It's unsurprising that Suzuka came after Gene. Thankfully, she seems to have a beef with pirates, so she defended Melfina and was willing to put Gene's death on hold to fight pirates with him. Gilliam was rather sensible to throw curves at Gene in simulations. Figuring out how to deal with problems, even unlikely ones, is a crucial part of preparedness. Thanks for going out and making money the reputable way to cover living expenses and docking fees, Jim. If we consider that Melfina reminds Jim of his mom, it's completely appropriate that he would protect her from Gene's sleazy behavior. Gene dropped the ball with the cute waitress. He could've said Melfina was a crew member on his new ship, and he would be truthful in saying so, because that's the extent of their relationship so far. CB - Thank you, show. Sooooo much jiggle from Faye in her sexy red dress. I think it really stuck Faye just how badass and amazing Spike's skills are when he cut off the man holding a gun to her head in mid-sentence by shooting him in the head. Then she saw more of those skills as he proceeded to gun down several men armed with automatic weapons using his pistols. In the time since I last saw this episode, I took the opportunity to rent a 92FS at the range. Now I not only recognized the magazine from that experience as Spike loaded it, but I got to hear that iconic recoil. It sounds just like it does in the shows. AoT: Second Course - I still would like to know which happened to Erwin: the titan that bit his arm eventually crushed through it or he cut off his own arm to free himself from that titan's hold. While Mikasa's murder-eyes were terrifying from the danger she posed, the almost crazed look in Armin's eyes as he told Bertolt the (likely) lies about Annie being tortured to rattle him was also disturbing. Carla was a nice lady and a good mom, and the titan that ate her deserves what's coming to it, even if it had no concept of what it was doing when it killed her. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted October 8, 2017 Author Posted October 8, 2017 I can hear Angel's screams of anguish from where I'm sitting. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 I can hear Angel's screams of anguish from where I'm sitting. WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO ME Jojo- Joseph asking the real questions, where can you get a burger. I love Avdol and I hope he doesn't die. TOO MANY PEOPLE. Indoor voices, Joseph. What in the hell. I would not trust that toilet. Well that's terrifying. That gratuitous French cracks me up. You gotta kick his ass, Poolnoodle. Goddammit Frenchie you're gonna get yourself killed. Listen to Avdol he's smart and attractive. If Polnareff doesn't want your company I'll definitely take it. You asshole I'm gonna kick your ass for him. Y'know what fuck you go ahead and get yourself killed. And here's some weird dude riding an elephant. Girl you could do better. This cowboy dude seems like a douche don't trust him. Ohhhh this guy is creepy as shit. His power is a gun that's hilarious to me. I don't like Pol's odds here. Ohh this is probably not gonna end well. Hol Horse is a stupid name. He's got a point, Polnareff's kinda dumb as hell. They're both dorks. THE BULLET IS A STAND. Avdol no he's not worth it. Ohhhh I got a real bad feeling about this. It's too early in the show for him to die, I think to myself asn I completely forget about Jonathan Joestar. WHAT THE FUCK. Aaaaand I'm crying. I hope Kakyoin's right and he's just knocked out because I can't lose another one. THIS IS BULLSHIT. Hold me Joseph while I cry. Fuck you Poolnoodle this is your fault and I hate you. At least I still get to keep him in the ED. Gundam- Oh right i forgot that Famous Amos died. I hope we see more of the harem boat this season. So shit is still completely fucked for these kids then. Shut up, random boy. HAREM ALERT. He looks good in that suit. Oh hey that one lady's still here. Hiiii hot main wife you're still my favorite. I love Harem Man he's the best. She's done well for herself. Oh right Chips Ahoy has sisters. And then shit exploded. I'm not really sure what kind of timeskip we've had here, is Orga still jailbait? I feel like half these kids are gonna die. Meanwhile, douchebags. I'm glad Geass is still here. This girl annoys me already. Did you say meat where's Luffy. Oh good we finally get back to the main point: shirtless jailbait. Oh these kids are idiots and they're going to die. So did Mika ever get his own mini harem? Hunter- Jump good! Don't trust Hisoka on this. Constant punching, go! Bowling seems like an odd game out here. Kick his ass, Killua. And then that guy died. Well that was an easy win. Aw fuck it is a Davy Back fight. If you can dodge a nen you can dodge a ball. I bet these kids are great at dodgeball. Come on you babies I'm pretty sure there are ways to get yourself disqualified without getting your head destroyed. Oh yeah he was an asshole you were right to kill him. Hey can you tell Gon about his asshole dad? Gon's dad confirmed for worst dad. Monkey clones, go! That seems overly complicated. I feel like the ref is gonna cheat. This is going way too well. Ohh you're gonna die. Pretty sure this guy just broke several ribs. No shit the small children are gonna be better at dodgeball than you. Do not trust Hisoka but use his psychotic bloodlust to your advantage. Oh what the fuck. Use Hisoka as a human shield! Kid lost his shoes. Lupin- Hiii Fujiko. I feel like if you stole the Mona Lisa you wouldn't be able to actually sell it, since who's gonna buy something that's such an obvious crime? Which of these dudes is one of the gang in disguise. Zeno no you're not gonna break that-oh hey it's Lupin. Why are you still wearing that mask? I'd commit a crime just to get Fuji to give me a ride. Oh it's Jigen. Guys the building probably has a ladder. Hi Goemon. Lupin if y'all are out of money how can you afford all this shit? Huh, I wasn't expecting that. That seems downright cheap for the painting. Damn it Fuji you've screwed us all. Aw shit you better hope that's real. TABLE, PROTECT US. Hiiii Fuji's boobs. This is obviously not shady at all no sir. I like how Jigen's hat just appeared out of nowhere. Oh hey Zeni. I have no idea who has what anymore. That dress looks great on Fujiko but it'd look better on my floor. Is...is that immortal Da Vinci? Naruto- Hell no I might be back in five months. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 Jojo... I love Avdol and I hope he doesn't die... Frenchie you're gonna get yourself killed. Listen to Avdol he's smart and attractive. If Polnareff doesn't want your company I'll definitely take it... Y'know what... go ahead and get yourself killed... I don't like Pol's odds here. Ohh this is probably not gonna end well... Avdol no he's not worth it. Ohhhh I got a real bad feeling about this. It's too early in the show for him to die, I think to myself asn I completely forget about Jonathan Joestar... Aaaaand I'm crying. I hope Kakyoin's right and he's just knocked out because I can't lose another one. THIS IS BULLSHIT. Hold me Joseph while I cry. Fuck you Poolnoodle this is your fault and I hate you. At least I still get to keep him in the ED. Gundam... I hope we see more of the harem boat this season... HAREM ALERT... Hiiii hot main wife you're still my favorite. I love Harem Man he's the best... I feel like half these kids are gonna die. Hunter... Gon's dad confirmed for worst dad... Do not trust Hisoka but use his psychotic bloodlust to your advantage... Use Hisoka as a human shield! Naruto- Hell no I might be back in five months. Yes, Jean's rashness lured the rest of them out into the area the enemy Stand-users picked for the fight, and he should feel guilty and sad for getting Avdol killed. Also, a question for you, Ang: does this mean you're going back to being a thirsty Joestar slut? Yes, the Turbines are fun characters, especially Amida and Naze, and the several Turbine Mrs. are nice to see. I'm not sure about that. We don't have confirmation that Ging actively tried to murder Gon shortly after his birth, yet, but it could be coming. Plus, Hisoka can indeed be useful when he's not trying to murder or rape Gon. I wouldn't blame you, but I intend to watch. Filler comments should be simple, at least. Oh, and I won't be back until Sunday a week away, so there's no telling when those comments will come. DBZK - I'm not sure what it is about Otherworld that would enable Goku to use Super Saiyan 3 for longer periods of time, but eh. Again, the softening influence of Kami probably made Piccolo more willing to demonstrate the fusion pose sequence, but Vegeta would certainly resist doing it. Yep, Buu still loves destroying things, even without Babidi telling him to do it. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted October 8, 2017 Author Posted October 8, 2017 As you could probably tell, I stayed up to watch the whole block tonight (well, all but Titan), so here are some quick comments. DB Super - I still think that text-to-voice generator that voiced Magetta said "fuck" instead of "thunk". DBZ Kai - The Fusion Dance pose may be silly-looking, but not nearly as much as Buu trying to seduce that one chick. JJBA: SC - Welcome to India: the land of curry, disease, too many people, and pigs in toilets. Refer to my comment towards Angel above for more. MSG: IBO - I did not expect that new girl at Gjallarhorn to eat that butterfly. It was weird but kind of adorable. HxH 2011 - Funny how SAO has more rape attempts, but HxH actually uses the word. Razor, you a busta. Lupin III - So the old dude who escaped from MI6's underground lab was Da Vinci after all. Let's hope this show does better justice towards him than the worst Futurama episode ever. Shippuden - It's tough, seeing young Naruto get shit-talked by his peers after present Naruto finally earned their respect. Oh well, at least Hinata's still cool. Outlaw Star - Gene and Suzuka kick ass. Melfina is still best girl, I understand (but don't necessarily approve of) Gene trying to grope her. Cowboy Bebop - Ballad of Fallen Angels: what more needs to be said that hasn't been said already? Quote
EmpressAngel Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 Also, a question for you, Ang: does this mean you're going back to being a thirsty Joestar slut? His body's not even cold yet, have some respect! Also that depends heavily on how open Joseph and Suzy's marriage is because I bet at 70 she could still kick my ass. Quote
OwlChemist81 Posted October 8, 2017 Posted October 8, 2017 JJBASC: I'm not going to resort to spoiling myself, and I haven't watched ahead, but I have a theory that Avdol isn't really dead. Remember, Kakyoin's Hierophant Green can manipulate other stands--well what if it can also assimilate them? Fake Kakyoin--A.K.A. Temperance--was defeated last episode, but what if HG got an ability to briefly have the same power? I can't put my finger on it, but I believe somehow Kakyoin is using a fake Avdol to emotionally manipulate Polnareff and teach him a lesson, because he WAS feuding with Avdol before! Also, this is Part 1 of a 2-parter. Just doesn't seem to make much sense that Avdol is dead in Part 2, does it? The only thing that doesn't gel with that theory is that Kakyoin had a bad feeling about the confrontation with Horse and Hanged Man. But maybe the real Avdol really had nothing to do with that? Quote
Blatch Posted October 10, 2017 Posted October 10, 2017 I have heard that Avdol was thought to be dead but then came back. However, I have no idea if it was in regards to this two-parter, or later on in the show (second cour) when a couple of the protagonists actually die. So onto this week's Toonami... I mainly focused on JoJo's and the Gundam IBO premiere, though I did tune in partway through DBZ Kai. Buu somehow morphing into a hot jock was hilarious. For the former of former set, good times. Shows can be pretty formulaic but still a lot of fun, as Stardust Crusaders has shown. This is probably the most insanely contrived road trip in the history of anime, and I have to wonder how deep DIO's bench goes. But it's all in good fun. The pig at the beginning seemed to just be thrown in so the audience could assume they were the stand user, but then they brought in two new guys who look pretty awesome. I like Hol Horse, especially for his dub voice, magical guns, and even magical-er Stand bullets. And as for Centerfold, I have to tell you... if attacking via mirrors as well as any sort of reflection isn't an existing trope, it should be. I like the idea in general. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted October 14, 2017 Author Posted October 14, 2017 Tonight on Toonami, Vegeta shows Cabba what it really means to be a Saiyan warrior the only way he knows how: by beating the everloving shit out of him, with Goku's time on Earth almost up it's up to Piccolo to finish teaching the boys fusion, Polnareff's battle with Hol Horse gets even more difficult than it already is when J. Geil Centerfold joins the fray, Mikazuki arrives to help Tekkadan fight off the invading enemy forces with an upgraded Barbatos, the deadly game of Nen dodgeball continues as Gon formulates a way to beat Razor, Lupin infiltrates an Italian high school to retrieve a personality-altering diamond he just stole, young Naruto tries his hand at scare tactics-based revenge against a few of the several students who don't like him, Gene's poisoned and the only way to get the antidote is to hand over the Outlaw Star to the Kei Pirates, Spike and Jet's next bounty proves younger and more dangerous than they could have expected, and Eren gets two-fold revenge on a certain Titan without having to do any of the killing himself. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #36 - An Unexpectedly Uphill Battle! Vegeta's Great Blast of Fury! - TV-14 8:30 - Dragonball Super #37 - Don't Forget Your Saiyan Pride! Vegeta vs. The 6th Universe's Saiyan - TV-14 ... 11:00 - Dragonball Super #37 - Don't Forget Your Saiyan Pride! Vegeta vs. The 6th Universe's Saiyan - TV-14 11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #136 - Bye-Bye, Everyone! Goku Returns to the Next World - TV-PGL 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #11 - The Emperor and the Hanged Man, Part 2 - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #27 - In the Midst of Jealousy - TV-14 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #70 - Guts and Courage - TV-14V 1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #16 - High School Undercover! - TV-14LV 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #177 - Iruka's Ordeal - TV-PG 2:30 - Outlaw Star #8 - Forced Departure - TV-14L 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #6 - Sympathy for the Devil - TV-14LV 3:30 - Attack on Titan #37 - Scream - TV-14LV Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2nd Gig replaces Titan next week, Samurai Jack season 5 marathon the week after, and the Aqua Teen movie in the DST slot the week after that. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted October 15, 2017 Posted October 15, 2017 Jojo- Fuck you and your stupid name, Horse Boy. STOP SHOWING ME MY DEAD BOYFRIEND, GODDAMMIT. No let Poolnoodle stab him. Aw fuck the mirror guy's still here. Yes it is his fault but I can't hate him until he avenges Avdol. Christ he's awful. Way to fuck it up. Kakyoin where did you get that car so fast. YOU JUST LEFT HIS CORPSE IN THE STREET GO BACK AND GET MY BOYFRIEND YOU ASSHOLES. Oh I'm so glad you learned your lesson but it would have been great if you didn't get your friend killed. THANK YOU, KAKYOIN. Come here Joseph we can hug each other and cry over our loss. No dude, you are an idiot but that's beside the point. Aw shit he can go anywhere with a reflection. He'll be fine it's not like he got shot in the goddamn face or anything. I don't know anything about light and reflection so I'm just gonna assume this makes sense. You're gonna have to stab out this small child's eyes. Stop trying to be cool it's too early in the episode for you to win. That's surprisingly smart of him to figure out. Good now stab him. POLNAREFF NO YOU STUPID FUCK. Oh he is real creepy looking. Whelp y'all are screwed start stabbing out eyeballs. Jesus he's gross please kill him already. POCKET SAND. Avenge my dead boyfriend! Cut his dick off before you send him to hell. I forgot 2% Horse was still here. The old Joestar technique. THANK YOU JOJO. At least he got a funeral. Stab him good. Goddammit woman you could do better! Okay I hate him but he's cracking me up. Well hey at least you got a cute girl out of the deal. Oh shit what now. At least I still get to keep Avdol in the ED. Gundam- I hope Mika continues his tradition of giving absolutely zero fucks. I have no faith in any of these new kids surviving. Never trust a shady old rich man with a butler. Orga looks real good in that suit. You go to a child mercenary gang and didn't think you might die? I love the harem squad I hope they get back to their husband soon. Aww she made her a friendship bracelet. OH GODDAMMIT WHY IS HITLER BACK. What are you up to now, Geass? Fight the pirates. Thanks Godfather now go eat a cannoli. Don't call him Shirley. This company works surprisingly well considering it's run by a bunch of schoolkids who never learned how to read. "It tastes better than garbage" is the highest compliment you can give someone's cooking. Mmm, real chicken. Oh dude you are gonna die. Kill him, Mika. Could somebody just throw this kid off the roof already. Ewww, that looks painful. Kid don't waste good meat. Kid you're a dumbass and your plan is going to go horribly wrong. I have no idea who these people are. Is every Gundam series required to have some douche in a stupid mask? Hunter- Dodgeball gets real intense sometimes. I got a bad feeling about this guy's odds he seems too confident. And then shit immediately went awry. Just let Hisoka murder everyone. Thank god Hisoka is apparently a limbo champion. I am immediately uncomfortable. Damn your stupid impractical fancy clothes! Don't worry Gon I'm not good at math either. Come on kids don't fight just beat some thugs. Good luck here kids, I have no idea what you're trying to do. Gon doesn't fuck around. That's not good enough he's out for blood now. Wait where's Hisoka I get worried when I can't see what that fucker's doing. Take all those pent up daddy issues and punch a hole right through his chest. Aw boo he didn't die but at least Gon is happy. Thank you Hisoka, a sentence I never thought I'd say. Oh no how is my adorable child hurt? KILLUA NO WHAT HAVE YOU DONE. Oh that's not good, hands are important. Ohhhh that looks painful. Please stop hurting yourselves! Okay but never trust Hisoka anyway. Please heal Killua's broken hands immediately after this. Every time Hisoka giggles, I'm filled with a sense of dread to the very bottom of my heart. Lupin- I want that diamond. I'm guessing Fujiko's gonna need that rock and I don't blame her. NO NOT THE DIAMOND. Thanks, Jigen. Glasses, they'll never suspect a thing! Aw crap it's a bomb. Yes, being killed is usally not good. Lupin were you just walking around with a fake Harvard diploma for emergencies? Yeah that doesn't sound suspicious at all. Fuck off, Ricky. At least you got a porn mag out of it. This is a very weird episode. Seriously, just tell Fujiko that diamond's here and she'll take care of the problem for you. Why do you nerds have a bomb anyway? Oh my god these idiots. Quick, hit him with the mop! I don't know what the hell is going on but I'm enjoying it. Guys, Jigen would be happy to shoot these guys for you. Okay but were did the diamond-powered time bomb fit into this plan? Aw fuck it's Ricky. Uh hey Lupin maybe you wanna step in here? Thanks, surprise Jigen. Oh hey Zeni. I'm pretty sure the Ultimate Chicken already got killed off in Jojo. Now give that to Fuji in return for all the blowjobs you could ever want. NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING. Things ended well for teacher. HI FUJIKO. Sweet Jesus. Thank you dolphin! :fap: Quote
PokeNirvash Posted October 15, 2017 Author Posted October 15, 2017 I have no idea who these people are. Seeing how they just appeared, I wouldn't expect you to. From what I can tell, the dark-skinned and facial-haired guys are two of the seven patriarchs that run Gjallarhorn, and the girl is being trained by both of them. DRAGONBALL SUPER That whole opening scene came off as too awkward even for this show, between the random watermelon eating and equally out-of-nowhere squabbling between Beerus and Champa. I completely forgot Yamcha and Chiaotzu were even there. Careful, Chi-Chi, your unlikable side is showing. Heh, it’s the classic Vegeta pose. :-D I love that Vegeta didn’t object in the slightest to Cabba calling Goku his friend. Like a hackysack player. “Screw the rules, I have my pride!” You can mess with a man’s planet, but you don’t mess with his family. And just as Cabba learnt what it means to have Saiyan rage, Vegeta learned what it means to regret something. Not to say he isn’t proud of himself in spite of that, though. Yamcha sounds kinda brain-damaged today. “You’re blue.” Da ba dee, da ba di. Three wins in a row, that’s the most Vegeta’s ever been useful since the Cell saga. TOP BILLING: Goku, which I heavily doubt. DRAGONBALL Z KAI A PG episode of DBZ Kai without violence? Inconceivable! “Even if we can fix things with the Dragon Balls, we don’t wanna see people suffer!” You make an extremely solid point, Krillin. Oh, that poor rural community doesn’t know what’s coming to it. Holy shit where did all those people come from. We MTV Cribz now? This where Majin Buu makes Majin Poo. Meanwhile, Chi-Chi’s having night terrors. It’s only been 15 minutes? Earth was the last place I would’ve expected to run on Namek time. As usual, Goku gives no fucks. And then you scream like you’re trying really hard to take a dump. “What happened to your eyebrows?” Piccolo’s got two other people in there to remember the Fusion instructions for him, he’s got this. Oh goddammit Chi-Chi. >( Videl being the only one who knows what’s up. A Namek minute can only last for so long. “Remember when we used to go out there and do stuff?” I want those Mr. Satan playing cards. Welp, that’s another bit of brain damage for him. IF YOU ARE CAUGHT CUTTING IN LINE, YOU WILL BE SENT STRAIGHT TO HELL. See, Videl told y’all Gohan wasn’t actually dead. Oh, Dabura. Too soon… JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS Huh, no opening theme this time. I know it’s been said already, but the Hanged Man’s power is pretty freaking cool. So we’re just leaving Avdol’s body for Jotaro and Joseph to find then, right? “That’s for letting your emotions get the better of you.” Just as I expected. The cows in India look a lot like camels, I see. “Remember that this is reality, not fantasy.” What kind of anime do you think you’re even in, Kakyoin? Tell me. HE’S HIDING IN THE CHROME OF THE STEERING WHEEL. And they say Stardust Crusaders is a terrible part, I’m really enjoying it thus far. He looks handsomer and blacker than I expected. Of course it isn’t him, his left hand is normal-looking. There we go, there’s the ugly sonuvabitch I remember from the OVA. Eh, I’d say your STAND has more weaknesses than Yellow Temperance, even if they only number one. HEADS, POLNAREFF WINS. TAILS, CENTERFOLD LOSES. Ain’t revenge great? Oh yeah, I almost forgot about Hol Horse. He has no idea Centerfold’s dead, does he? He’s using the Joestar secret technique. And then he got knocked the fuck out. Didn’t expect that girl from last episode to have any relevance now. And that’s how Polnareff learned the true value of teamwork. That’s the weirdest-looking pimple I’ve ever seen. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON BLOODED ORPHANS It’s been forever since I’ve seen the Barbatos, what makes the Lupus upgrade so different from the original? Oh shit they have escape pods. Say what you will about the show’s quality but damn do I love those opening themes. “We kill, we pillage, we plunder. We don’t rape, though; gotta have standards.” Why is this fat bastard still alive. Oh that Dante, he thinks he’s a main character. So the new name is Teiwaz’s fault, then. Mikazuki/Kudelia/Atra is my OT3. Oh crap, Hitler’s back. And apparently he turned to the pedo side. >_> Never trust a Char, at least not 100%. I still have no idea if McMurdo’s a good guy or a bad guy. I assume this kid with the scar is supposed to be important in some way? Too bad this dude isn’t in some other Gundam series, where it takes way less requirements to pilot a Mobile Suit. :-D That Mikazuki misunderstanding. Geez, that’s an infection if I’ve ever seen one. I’m serious, if I have to look at that one more time I might actually gag a little. Masked man intrigues me for non-fetishistic reasons. All these English cast members, and we still don’t know who voices that black lady working for Kudelia. HUNTER x HUNTER Razor opened his eyes, just for a second, shit just got real. Gon looks a little like his father with that forehead bandage. The grin on that gorilla. That was a good move, but apparently not good enough. Clearly that dodgeball is some type of STAND. This situation does not arouse Hisoka one bit. Oh wait, now it does. Clothing counting as fair game is even bigger bullshit than getting out for swallowing the ball! That looks painful. Holy shit Gon looks really buff, and of course, Hisoka likes it. FIRE PUNCH. I assume this next move is gonna be a Hamon punch instead, because he’s breathing noticeably now. HISOKA’S BONER IS MAXIMUM. SUNLIGHT YELLOW OVERDRIVE! Thank you, Hisoka. Those are good points, but what about Killua? He’s only the “most gravely injured” because most of his family is dicks. Damn those hands look nasty, Killua’s lucky his pain tolerance is as high a it is. I’m liking the instrumental version of “Reason” playing here, reminds me of the theme song instrumentals they used in the ’99 series. Hisoka is unpredictable, that’s why he’s their trump card. LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE Zenigata doesn’t wanna admit it, but he’s missed this. RANT OF THE WEEK: “No doubling on a bike” and “no taking motorbikes to school” are the stupidest Japanese laws. Thank god Italy doesn’t follow either. That has to be Lupin’s thinnest disguise ever, but hey, if it works...So I assume he’s the bumbling married guy of this group? “Nothing in the world is more important than the needs of the students, especially the female one.” Off to a good start, I see. Forget the missing diamond, that hamburger has to be days old. Lupin is the best teacher. Be careful, the Hanged Man could be hiding inside that diamond! Either Lupin’s smart or these teachers are so stupid. I wouldn’t say he always gets it, case in point: Fujiko. Oh hey, it’s Lil’ Slugger’s bat before it got all busted. SHE’S ALL ABOUT THE BASS. I think this is my new favorite episode, I just can’t stop smiling. Turns out the blackmailers are just a bunch of average mafia guys. She really has an encyclopedic knowledge of criminals, doesn’t she? These teachers are idiots, but the redhead is cute enough for me to forgive that. I bet you anything he just fires up in the air while screaming at the top of his lungs a la Point Blank. This feels like something out of another manga entirely. And in comes Lupin with the out-of-nowhere save. Only Zenigata would think the “Ultimate Chicken” is a legitimate item worth stealing. Holy shit, I did not expect that random curse out of nowhere. In the end, a winner is Fujiko. Did that song just say “How many times I get drunk?” Now that’s just poor English! NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Yesssss, nostalgic music. Noooooo, asshole children. I bet that orange hoodie was the prototypal version of his famous outfit. “I don’t like the way he’s sticking his tongue out for no reason like that…”I hope that shopkeeper died in Pain’s attack. Still, free mask, that’s always a plus. Well, at least those kids are assholes to each other and not just Naruto. Good news is those kids got theirs, bad news is he unknowingly gave Iruka a surprisingly mild PTSD attack. Is that Patrick Seitz as Iruka’s dad? Excellent show of restraint there. #JinchurikiLivesMatter. Man these are the ugliest kids I’ve ever seen. How many times do you think Kakashi’s read that book? FLASHBACKS WITHIN FLASHBACKS. Naruto getting along with other kids? Well, that’s some progress. Shikamaru’s dad’s a pretty chill guy. I can’t wait to see Toshiyuki Tsuru’s reimagining of this scene about 300 episodes from now. It’s awfully lonely living alone, but not when there’s ramen to be eaten. I never really understood that sleeping cap of his. That’s an uncharacteristically wide door for his apartment. It was unlocked THE ENTIRE TIME. Shikamaru is the only kid smart enough to know that the village’s treatment of him is pretty fucked up. And that’s why Shikamaru’s the best. We Stand By Me now? What jerks those three are. Thanks for calling them out, Shikamaru. TODAY IS SELF-STUDY. OUTLAW STAR I was always under the impression that the narration accompanying the Dreams MV was specially made for it. I guess not, but damn is it cool regardless. Well that was an easier solution than expected. Remember back in the day when anime protagonists had no junk? Oh shit, the pirates have robots. Turns out Jim hates Fred for more than just the pseudo-pedo flirtations. OH SHIT THEIR ROBOTS CAN FLY. Throwing robots like it’s nothing, Gene really is the protagonist we deserve. Buddy, you couldn’t even comprehend the shit she’s able to do with that wooden sword. Screw the port authority, he has space to explore! They can’t place him under arrest if the take-off’s successful, they know that, right? “My journey’s finally beginning.” And it only took you 8 episodes. I can’t believe I never watched this show before now. Not two minutes in air, and they’re already under attack. I can totally see why they hired the director of this show for IGPX. Goodbye, Sentinel III, and thanks for all the fish. COWBOY BEBOP So what’s the context behind Spike getting his fake eye, anyways? I almost forgot about Faye eating the whole can of dog food. Back when the phrase “baby hipster” wasn’t pretentious and annoying. I never realized Jet’s conversation with Fatty came this early in the episode. Once again, a smaller bounty leads right to a bigger one. I can’t believe I didn’t pay much attention to the plot back in the day. All this Engrish. Oh hey, actual English to follow it up. I like this dark music, very [as]-friendly. TOO SOON. Thank god hyperspace travel doesn’t exist IRL. You mean like the newspaper comic? Is this an Evangelion rip-off? I do love the red sky on Mars. Yeah, this episode definitely foreshadowed the events of the finale. Well, at least we know now that exploding him won’t work. That advanced aging deal is so unsettling. BANG. One of the union aliases in the credits is “Chick P. Garbonzo”. BUMPS AND COMMERCIALS These rundown promos could really be written better, but damn if I don’t enjoy the idea behind them. I remember seeing another Alexa commercial between the broken sink and female MLB fan ones, why don’t they air that one on this station? For fuck’s sake, not another Saw movie… ::: Baby Driver is my movie of the year, but that’s probably because it’s the only one I’ve seen this year. That was an oddly sweet video game commercial. Super Saiyan Blue is so powerful, Monaka broke kayfabe just to react to it. The show promo itself was meh, but that music accompanying the live-action jellyfish footage was 11/10. I feel they’re speaking all stilted on purpose; must have something to do with that white-haired OC. This feels like the same commercial but with different words. Something seems unnatural about that black cat... As long as it’s edible (and gluten-free and dairy-free), any pizza will do. Holy shit Demarco stop with the creepy violent depressing music videos already and air something you don’t like instead, that’d be way better than this crap. Snoop Dogg x Martha Stewart is the last pairing I expected for anything, especially a VH1 special. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted October 21, 2017 Author Posted October 21, 2017 Tonight on Toonami, Vegeta's impressive series of straight victories is put into jeopardy when he goes up against the captain of the 6th Universe's team, Goku scours the near-whole of Otherworld in search of Gohan, Joseph goes to the doctor to figure out what's up with the weird growth on his arm, Tekkadan reluctantly teams up with Gjallarhorn as the battle against the Dawn Horizon Corps nears, Gon and Killua work together with Hisoka to bring an end to Razor's game of Nen dodgeball, Lupin finds a lost dog while on a vacation with Jigen and Goemon, according to Wikipedia "Naruto runs into three female ninja" which is enough to sell me on the rest of the episode, Gene and Jim take on a job to get some cash for maintaining the ship, do not fuck with Spike when he's trying his damndest to cure his hangover, and a terrorist situation at the Chinese Embassy gives Section 9 the chance they need to be officially reinstated as a government entity. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #37 - Don't Forget Your Saiyan Pride! Vegeta vs. The 6th Universe's Saiyan - TV-14 8:30 - Dragonball Super #38 - The 6th Universe's Mightest Warrior! Engage the Assassin Hit! - TV-PGLV ... 11:00 - Dragonball Super #38 - The 6th Universe's Mightest Warrior! Engage the Assassin Hit! - TV-PGLV 11:30 - Dragonball Z Kai #137 - Gohan Located! Intensive Training in the World of the Kais! - TV-PG 12:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders #12 - The Empress - TV-MAV 12:30 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #28 - The Battle Before Dawn - TV-14LV 1:00 - Hunter x Hunter #71 - Bargain and Deal - TV-PG 1:30 - Lupin the 3rd: The Italian Adventure #17 - Lupin's Day Off - TV-14 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #178 - Iruka's Decision - TV-PG 2:30 - Outlaw Star #9 - A Journey of Adventure! Huh? - TV-PGV 3:00 - Cowboy Bebop #7 - Heavy Metal Queens - TV-MALS 3:30 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd Gig #1 - REEMBODY - TV-MAV [kayabuki 2030] Quote
EmpressAngel Posted October 22, 2017 Posted October 22, 2017 Jojo- Sorry your son was such a piece of shit, lady. Oh god your face. FUCK THIS CAT. Shut up Poolnoodle you got my boyfriend killed. I bet Avdol would have liked this place if he wasn't fucking dead. Ewww that's gross go see a doctor now. Well that's creepy. Joseph you fought a fucking god and you're scared of a a scalpel? Ohhhh that's not a good thing. What in the hell. What in the hell. Could you try hamon on it? Thank god Joseph is rich enough to buy his way out of this. Okay maybe he's not rich enough to buy his way out of this. Aw crap it's growing limbs. Heeeeee it's the OVERDRIVE. Whelp hamon doesn't work you're gonna have to cut your other arm off. I love Joseph so much. Meanwhile, Polnareff fucks it up. Pol you got my boyfriend shot in the goddamn face because you dwell on the past. Joseph is having a bad day. Where the hell did it get an entire cabbage? WHERE DID IT GET A CHICKEN? Stop calling him daddy it's creeping me out. Ouuuch. He's getting a lot of use out of that metal hand, thanks Kars. OH NOOOO. They're bizarre, you might say. Polnareff you stupid fuck. Where's Jotaro I bet Star could just rip that thing out with brute force. Drown your disgusting arm growth! Whelp he's fucked. Joseph is the best and I love him. Oh hey, he doesn't have to bust up cameras anymore. YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT YOU GET BETTER WITH AGE. I'm gonna fuck grandpa. Pol deserves this for getting Avdol killed. Where have you kids been all day? The keys are stuck in his hair. Aw crap now you're in a Stephen King novel. Gundam- Snickers and Cadbury are having a good time. I love the harem wives so much. I'm sure these redshirts will be fine. Shit is already hitting the fan, good luck kids. Always a great plan to use the children as human shields. Are y'all fucking yet? And then everyone died. Quick get the wives in an escape pod immediately. You and your ugly beard can eat shit, buddy. Kill them all, Mika. I'm fairly confident that nobody from the first season is gonna die so early. Dude you have a target painted right on your forehead did you really think that was a good omen. Harm wives are the real MVPs here. The claaaaaaw. Man it sucks to be these small children. Better restock Mika quick, shit's getting rough out there. Mmm, sandwich break. Thanks for the backup, Geass? CRUSH YOUR ENEMIES, SEE THEM DRIVEN BEFORE YOU. Whoever's job it is to name Gundam characters needs to be slapped. Scythe arms, go! Hunter- Ohhh that can't be a good thing. Use Hisoka as a human shield! Good job, how many organs did you three rupture. I do not like Hisoka's position there. I'm pretty sure being trained from birth by the world's greatest assassins probably had something to do with it too. Oh damn he was just dicking around earlier. Ging is not proud because he is a terrible father and doesn't deserve Gon. Please don't explode Killua's hands. Aim for his dick! Oh goddammit. Gon might be dead. I'm very uncomfortable with Hisoka groaning like that. No goddamn way, you're pulling my leg here clown boy. Reminder to never trust Hisoka. Now please get these kids some medical attention. Of course he's not here, being within city limits of his kid is a slippery slope to actually being a decent parent. It's nice to know that he's a great father figure to people who aren't his own goddamn child. "Here convicted murderer, fight my kid to the death I think he's in fifth grade." We came here for treasure, you asshole! He didn't come here for the cards, he's gonna go jack it to the memories he made. NEVER TRUST HISOKA. Aw crap what now. Oh no tell me jiggle bitch isn't dead. Kick his ass, kids! My poor kids need a break. This random man they've only known for about 45 minutes is a much better father than Ging will ever be. You can always try calling in your hot dad for support. Lupin- Just a couple of bros hanging out, nothing weird gonna happen here. Where did this dog come from? HIIIII FUJI. Sorry Jigen, Lupin can't resist those boobs and I can't blame him. Hi Zeni! I hope Goemon keeps that dog. Afternoon, hoes. Hi Zeni, again! That's a lot of smokes. Aw crap you forgot to get gas. I love this dog. GOEMON NO. Save the dog at all costs. I could stare at Fuji's boobs all day. What the hell how did you lose her. It's a wiener dog how far could it have gone? Me too, lesbian dog. This guy's having a good day. Goddammit Zeni just let them take the lesbian dog home. And then he died. Fuji is in hell. Beard maintenence is very important. Is it a hot bitch alert? Sorry Goemon you got cockblocked by the dog. Aw shit not again. Good job you failed. Oh god you're not gonna ramp some shit are you? YEEEEHAAAW. Poor dog. Oh nooo. Goemon finally gets some sushi. A happy ending for the lesbian dog is the best outcome. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted October 22, 2017 Posted October 22, 2017 His body's not even cold yet, have some respect! You're right. That was too soon. Reply out of sequence with only the old stuff. I'll probably get the new stuff some time in the coming week. DBS - I liked Vegeta pushing Cabbe the way he did to tap into Super Saiyan power, and that he explained the trigger afterward, insisting that Cabbe do it again. I also liked that Vegeta chastised Cabbe for giving up during the fight and challenged him to seek not to equal the power of someone stronger, but to surpass them. I like the idea of Vados and Whis working together to repair the ring. Hit sounds dangerous, but I really liked that Vados promised him a hexahedron if they win. DBZK - Shame on you, Buu. There were already several nice houses in the area you leveled, and you made that weird building with its impractical entrance from soylent clay in their places. That's plain wasteful. The interior also was aesthetically lacking to my consideration. Still, Buu on the john was worth a smile, and talk about a power nap. Good on you, Videl. You were right and everyone else was wrong. As many times as the Z fighters have suppressed their power to single digits to avoid detection, I would expect them to allow the possibility that Gohan was hiding while recovering or was simply unconscious instead of dead. He did have a lot of "toughen him up" beatings in his life, so it makes sense he'd be hard to kill, even for Buu. Goku was considerate enough of King Yama to let him know what was happening on Earth and to expect way more people to die. JoJo: SC - The Hanged Man being light sounds neat, but that isn't the way light works. Anyway, Jean found two creative ways to get the kid and the beggars to look elsewhere and slice the Hanged Man while in transit. Centerfold was a vile scumbag and got what he deserved. Hol Horse was a coward, but he was prudent to leave a potential 4-against-1 fight before it truly started. As for the princess chick covering his escape, I find that hard to believe. Each member of our group is built like a wall with enough muscle mass for two people. Any of them should have been able to pry her off or shove her away in time to go after Hol. Oh well. When some blood from the girl's wound hit Joseph's arm, I immediately thought that was a highly suspicious thing to show us, so it doesn't surprise me that something is in him now from her blood. While it doubtlessly is nothing good, I am curious to know exactly what it is. MSG: IBO 2 - Mikazuki having broken something on Barbatos already seems to me like an excuse by the writers not to spend time on cool mecha battles with him in it in favor of padding episodes with talking and drama. I feel like Iron Flower is stretching themselves too thin, since they can't allocate adequate equipment to both the effort against this pirate group and the Earth Branch to deter trouble there. What is wrong with you, Hash? You know from your fellow orphan's experience that the A.V. surgery isn't always successful and that the consequences of failure can be drastic, but you want it anyway without even having trained to pilot normally. You could have an amazing natural knack for piloting, but you won't know until you try it. Give normal piloting a chance before insisting on such a drastic step. Also, you messed up, boy. Raising a hand to Atra in Mikazuki's presence is a fine way to get a lot of broken bones, or worse, so you need to rein it in before he does it for you. Between the phrases "human debris" and "industrial waste," we see that there is a very cold and callous attitude prevalent in the society regarding human life and suffering. I think some alternative, though longer and more accurate, terms could be "orphans of violence" and "debilitated victims of medical misadventure." McGyllis was still plotting against Gjallarhorn, or at least the other Seven Stars, in his contracts with Iron Flower, and there was jockeying amongst Gjallarhorn forces for power and prestige. Whatever. Julieta helping Ioq out of respect for their common mentor is fine. HxH - That rule is crap. Biscuit's dress extends far from her legs. The ball striking and ripping her dress shouldn't put her out. I could understand if it was a graze to her shoulder that didn't actually hit her, but this is malarkey. Also malarkey is that the game isn't done yet. If each of Razor's nen men is worth a point, then our group has enough points already to win. At least our group eliminated the combined nen man before he could be split, and since Razor used "back" already, the combined nen man, who is outside the court, can't be split to get another player into the game for Razor, since the split would happen out of bounds, and that nen man would instantly be out. Goreinu being able to switch a nen beast with another person is indeed a peculiar and promising power. I'm glad that he didn't get killed. However, I feel like they missed a couple things. First, couldn't Razor (and Black Goreinu) be disqualified for being on the wrong side of the court? If so, then Goreinu missed a chance to win, provided he and Black Goreinu could survive to Razor being alone on the floor. Actually, even if being on the opponent's side of the court is allowed, Goreinu could still use this to win by having Black Goreinu be outside the court when switching with Razor, because then Razor would be out of bounds with no one left in the court for his team. Even if they didn't do that, then all they would need for an easy out on Razor would be to switch him when Black Goreinu was directly in front of someone from our group with the ball with Black Goreinu having his back turned to that player and said player being in on the plan to hit Razor in the back, or back of the lower leg, and let the ball fall to the floor, making Razor out. Good catch, Hisoka. However, I'm not sure why he didn't use nen to protect his hand. Also, good use of Bungee Gum. Yes, Gon's supercharged nen punch was powerful and got a couple outs, but I have no idea why Killua didn't simply hold the ball on his palm or balance it on a single fingertip. Not only did holding the ball the way Killua did wreck his hands to the tune of needing a lot of rods to hold the fragments of bone in place for months while the bones mended, but it also cast doubt on Gon's ability to direct the ball where he wanted it to go when he hit it. Plus, even if protective nen wasn't an option for Killua as per the explanation, I don't know why he didn't do that "harden" thing that he did with his hand back when he pulled Johnness' heart out of his chest. It strikes me as the author pointlessly injuring a character in an attempt to up the ante or show how powerful the attack is. Lupin - Even for this show, this premise struck me as far-fetched, but I don't really mind. I can fully believe that Lupin would chase the person into whose backpack the gem fell, but it would stretch even his resourcefulness and contacts to build a fake identity in such a short time. As for his supposed educational methods, the pretext of confiscating contraband in order to search for the gem was plausible for his cover. I don't understand why the group of teachers would agree to leave with the gangsters and meet them again in a week, let alone the idea the teachers had to build a bomb in order to kill the gangsters. For one, a bomb puts them at risk as well due to the speed of the shrapnel and the pressure wave itself. For another, as Larry's co-worker once said (paraphrased) at a show that the co-worker was watching, "go to the police. Why does nobody ever go to the police?" I feel like they would intervene to stop a death threat against a group of teachers if they didn't pay extortion money to a mafioso. As for the basis of the mafioso's claim, um no. He was walking through too close to the seats if the teacher standing up struck the guy. Plus, he could see what was happening in front of him, so the onus was on him to avoid the incoming person, who quite reasonably couldn't see behind his own head. Also, the "compensation" was way, way in excess of the pain and cost to replace the lost tooth. Thankfully, Lupin and Jigen did intervene to help the teachers and get the gangsters arrested. I'm glad the hoodlum student wasn't able to go through with the cold-blooded murder of his teacher. I'm perfectly fine with Fujiko ending up with Lupin's loot through no intentional action of her own. That great overall figure, and the amazing rack in particular, deserves whatever treasures someone or some animal wants to throw at it. Shippuden - First, the optimism. If we consider Iruka, he's the first step toward Naruto being accepted and acknowledged by the people of Konoha. Iruka's parents died in the fight against the Nine-Tails. He was older than Sauce when Itachi killed the Uchihas, so Iruka likely would've had an even deeper connection to his parents. He admitted that he knew intellectually that Naruto had no role in the attack, but he couldn't help but see the threat which killed his parents when he looked at the child. Many of the adults in Konoha likely have a similar story of loss, so Iruka is the case in point. When Hiruzen approached Iruka about being Naruto's instructor, I think the idea was that if Iruka could overcome the resentment and trepidation that was common from the people toward Naruto, then there would be hope that his example could, with time, lead others to that same end. Between Kakashi's advice and Iruka realizing his duty both as a shinobi of Konoha and Naruto's teacher to protect him as a citizen of Konoha and his student, respectively, I think that we'll see Iruka start to make that turn next episode. Now, the negativity. The people of Konoha were jerks. Naruto did nothing, initially, to warrant their disgust and hostility. Yes, it became a self-fulfilling prophecy; they treated him like walking trouble, so he eventually gave in to childish mischief and lived up to that assessment. If anything, the people were both insulting their former leader (doubting the capability of Minato - the Fourth Hokage, a.k.a. their revered champion - to contain the threat of the Nine-Tails with his sealing jutsu) and maligning his son, who did nothing but passively assist his father in stopping the rampaging Beast. The guy at the mask shop was especially rude, since he not only accosted a child, but kicked out a prospective client for simply looking, with his eyes, at the shopkeep's wares. There were also the jerk classmates. Sending Naruto on the ghoulish mission of robbing a corpse in order to join their group aside, they sent him into harm's way in order to do so. They also had their "test of bravery" thing, which was going into a military graveyard, a place meant to honor those who laid down their lives in the service of Konoha, at night. Graveyards around here have a limitation of visiting only during daylight hours, so I would expect the same to apply here. However, I will admit it was also in poor taste for Naruto to play the part of a ghost when they did that. Going back in a more positive direction, Shikamaru was a good kid. He was observant back then, too, so he noticed how the adults tended to treat Naruto and asked Shikaku about it. From what I saw, Shikaku modeled the spirit of the collective decision as it was intended regarding Naruto; he treated Naruto as just another kid who didn't warrant any special attention. The idea was for the adults to keep Naruto's jinchuriki status secret from him and the other children, which is sensible, because that is information which enemy ninja could and would use. However, due to the aforementioned resentment, many, if not most, of the adults ostracized him, spoke ill of him in hushed tones, and gave him the proverbial looks which could kill. Whether they knew it or not, they set him up to feel the kind of resentment and anger which could act as a trigger for the Nine-Tails, so they're lucky Naruto directed his response toward sadness and confusion rather than hate. Anyway, back to Shikaku and Shikamaru, I think that Shikaku's proper model of a response produced the intended result in Shikamaru not considering Naruto to stand out more than his pranks would warrant, and I feel like the same would likely be true of Choji and Chouza. OS - I'm not sure about Melfina drawing out the poison in Gene, but eh. I'm guessing that the spaceport authority wouldn't believe that our crew needed to leave immediately because several pirate ships were on the way to take the Outlaw Star and kill them. Multiple external camera feeds would be helpful in a combat situation for the added information, but it might be too much for a single person to track. Oh well. We'll just accept that Gene is an amazing natural talent. CB - Spike's flashback dream to his eye operation makes me doubt what he later tells Faye about losing one in an accident. It looked to me like the eye being held open was fine. That makes me think it was extracted to be sold on the black market and he was given an artificial eye to replace it as part of his compensation. I'm doubtful that Wen would be able to manipulate a handgun adeptly enough to fight off Spike, even for a short time. First, we know that Spike is very skillful with firearms, so even if Wen had many more decades to learn to use his pistol, he still may not be a match for Spike's aptitude. Second, we must consider that Wen had a child's body, so he would also have child-sized hands. True, he could use a small-caliber pistol, but that might not be able to cause the damage to physical structures, like container corners, that we saw. Wen's hands may not be able to operate a pistol with a large enough bullet to do what we saw his bullets do. Comparing the fits of my .22 and my .38 in my hand, my hand wraps well around the grip of the .22, whereas the .38 simply fits well in my hand, meaning my fingertips aren't at the front of the grip like Wen's were. For Wen to have a properly-sized pistol to a large enough bullet, his hands would likely be too small to operate the weapon effectively, especially with one hand like we saw. Perhaps he had a custom job done to make the grip as shallow (front to back) as possible, but it didn't look like that was the case. AoT: Second Course - While it was nice to see Mikasa show her sentimental side to Eren, the other Scouts fighting for their lives and Hannes being eaten in the background did dampen the mood. I would still like to know three things. First, can Eren still titan shift? Second, what was in that basement? Third, did the person controlling Squatchy get to the basement and take all the materials there already? Quote
PokeNirvash Posted October 22, 2017 Author Posted October 22, 2017 HxH - That rule is crap. Biscuit's dress extends far from her legs. The ball striking and ripping her dress shouldn't put her out. I could understand if it was a graze to her shoulder that didn't actually hit her, but this is malarkey. “Bigger bullshit than getting out for swallowing the ball,” indeed. DRAGONBALL SUPER Vegeta’s stance seems a little relaxed, but that’s just me. Hee, the scuff marks on his upper lip look like he’s trying to grow a mustache. Telling Vegeta to surrender is like trying to convince a feminazi she’s using the word “misogyny” wrong; it just can’t be done. [insert immature thoughts here] Great, now I forgot Videl came with them. “Well, I suppose… SUCKERPUNCH!” And, as I thought, Gohan isn’t there. SENZU BEAN! In all fairness, by “messing with time”, he means time travel and the ensuing fuckery with it. Whis is the best. Thank you, Piccolo’s super hearing. I feel like this is what would happen if Goku went up against The Wo-oh right, I can’t make that reference now. Eh, it’s not like Goku hasn’t died before. DO YOU FEEL LUCKY? Goku makes fighting tough guys look way easier than it is. DRAGONBALL Z KAI Ah, shut up, Kibito. Oh hey, foreshadowing of Goku becoming the main character again. Boot camp instructor Piccolo. We, the cast of Dragonball Z, do not condone child violence; we do, however, find it hilarious. Does this count as Krillin ownage? I miss the days when souls actually looked like humans and not amorphous white things. There are food trucks in Otherworld? Fuck you, Buu. “What’d you do to me?” “You’ll see.” I get it! And then Buu learned the power of human compassion. Buu prefers to be paid in food. If only that poor adorable child knew that milk was made of people. Apparently the flying car won’t save you from total destruction. 18 trying to help Krillin win at cards is also adorable. <3 ONE SLIIIIIIIIICE! Huh, I never knew Gantz came in cubes now. YET ANOTHER BLUNDER COURTESY OF OUR SUPREME KAI, FOLKS. And, of course, the Saiyans don’t really care as much. Oh hey, it’s Old Kai. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS Okay, as far as the bizarreness in this series goes, this is actually quite bizarre. I’m not sure he was either of those things, old lady. I’m also not sure if I should call this an overreaction or a proper response. Varanasi? Never heard of it! I agree with everything Polnareff said about stupid people… because it’s exactly what I wanted to hear. “Take a step back and look at the whole horse”, you mean. All hail the Ganges River! That teratoma on Joseph’s arm isn’t looking too good. Eugh, that’s even more bizarre than the old DIO fangirl taking on her son’s fatal injuries to prove a point. Joseph is afraid of needles? That’s news to me. Well that sure took a turn. Oh shit, the teratoma’s sentient! “No way, this thing’s got teeth!?” Of course, it’s a teratoma. OHHHHH NOOOOO! Is that teratoma flirting with him? That’s a stupid plan, that sounds nothing like Joseph! Even if all of that information may be true, even the “liking younger women” thing. FUCK YEAH HAMON TIME. Or maybe not. “Shit, Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Wait, that’s me!” One of my several OCs has a book for Polnareff, it’s called “She’s Not That Into You”. Well, at least he doesn’t care about how much of a slut she may have been before now, potential STDs aside. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “Pol you got my boyfriend shot in the goddamn face because you dwell on the past.” True, but now that the guy who killed his sister is dead, he no longer needs to dwell. Now that’s a sickening crunch. Thank god it was just food. That teratoma’s a girl!? Sure as hell doesn’t look it. Quick, to the nearest camera store! [kung fu noises] Welp, so much for that book. Check it out, a sacred cow. Speaking of, where has Jotaro been this whole time? Lemme guess, it breaths gills next. Or maybe that. Joseph, you brilliant bastard. > He did it! He did the thing! And then she killed the mood in more ways than one. Sucks to be Polnareff, I guess. And all this time, Jotaro and Kakyoin were off doing their own thing. Heh, the keys got stuck in his hair. ELLO, GUVNA! MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS Since when did this show have a narrator? It’s amazing how a few years and a change of clothes increased Kudelia’s sex appeal just like that. I like the graffiti in the cockpit, very Toonami-esque. I knew the OP was going to be cut this way, and I am not disappoint. Shut up, Merribit, your interjections didn’t help last season, and they’re not gonna help now. That’s a nice ass. It’s weird seeing Mika smile. Now that is dirty pool. That offended Gjallarhorn officer. Nice to see that I still can’t comment properly during the action sequences. Wait, where’d Blonde Kirito get the nosebleed from? Sandwich break. :beer: Oh hey, it’s those guys. Masked man is bored with this shit. I’m not sure if the Arianrod fleet are working with Tekkadan or against them, guess that means this really isn’t that memorable in comparison to Unicorn, or something. HUNTER x HUNTER Yeah, this is more volleyball than it is dodgeball at this point. Killua isn’t super-comfortable in this position. I gotta say, that’s a pretty good strategy. ANIME CLICHÉ #144: The protagonist always holds back at first. Alright, this is shaping up to be an awesome finale. THE PROPERTIES OF BOTH RUBBER AND GUM. And thus the day was saved, thanks to Hisoka of all people. Razor’s a pretty cool guy, even if he is a convicted murderer. Ging is definitely the Akihiko Kayaba of this universe, down to the voice. Killua is the most redpilled character in this arc. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “He didn't come here for the cards, he's gonna go jack it to the memories he made.” I don’t know, but you managed to make that sound both heartwarming and terrifying. “Do you know who this is?” Lemme guess, the Fairy King Oberon? First he almost rapes Asuna, and now this. It’s official, Todd should no longer be allowed to play fully-immersive video games. And to further my traumatizing SAO allegory, now the littlest AIDS patient wants to kick his ass like Kirito did. Gon showing sociopathic tendencies? He truly is his father’s son. Three weeks in real time, or one week each for all members? I never notice the bloodstain on his headband makes it look like the Japanese flag. Whatever happened to that black dude with the freaky worm on his back? LUPIN THE 3RD: THE ITALIAN ADVENTURE I bet it was the Japanese guys’ idea that they hit up a sushi place for dinner. And apparently we have a dog guest starring in this episode. There’s never a bad time for Fujiko fanservice, it’s part of the reason she got her own season. Is that the mother from Hairspray? Even Jigen thinks that Lupin thinks with his dick too much. Lupin may take vacations, but Zenigata doesn’t, apparently. (He could really use one.) I don’t know about that Jigen, even after Lupin actually was arrested, Zeni still made it a priority to make sure he stayed behind bars. Come to think of it, that car is awfully tiny. “Good work, Dog-san.” The one time neither of them expected the other. Those are some big cartons. Now we’ve gotta walk to the sushi bar! Why am I surprised that Goemon can’t tell the brake and accelerator apart? FORGIVE ME BILLBOARD SAMURAI -SAN. He got out of the bathroom that fast, huh? I thought he was gonna call her “overweight”, completely forgetting that he can’t even see her through the phone. You know, I think I’m fine with the potential difference in Goemon’s voice. Oh my, the dog loves porn. More importantly, it loves girls in general. THAT’S THE WAY LUPIN THE THIRD ROLLS! Hooray, gas and free grapes! GOOD GRAVY. And then Jigen accidentally caused the ridiculously fatal thirtysomething-car pileup from Final Destination 2. Even Fujiko is disturbed by this woman’s obsession with her dog. That attempt at small talk. owo You can’t spell Goemon without the letters in “moe”. Fujiko with that shirt and that hat is a pretty attractive combo. I can’t believe I held out on watching Lupin regularly for so long, this show is amazing. And of course, the dog ran away on purpose. Eh, even so, all was good in the end. Except for the sparklers in the sushi, but that’s Goemon’s problem. Way to rub it in, Jigen. In the end, a winner is Josephine (a.k.a. Goemon II). NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Oh hey, Iruka found him faster than I expected. Even alone in his house, he feels alone. Say what you will about the Sexy Jutsu, but it’s an effective escape maneuver. “I see weapons and blood, but no corpses. Weird…” Dammit Naruto, you can’t eat raw eggs, especially when you don’t know how long into the gestation period they are. Sometimes I forget that Iruka and Naruto are a lot alike in a number of ways. And that’s how those two first met Kakashi, apparently. Poor Choji, didn’t even get his snacks. Eh, they’re no Kinky Kunoichi, but they’ll do. Fuck yeah, hidden traps. “OH SHIT I DON’T REMEMBER THIS STEEP SLOPE!” HIROYUKI YAMASHITA SAKUGA SPOTTED. Oh boy, Kakashi and his theme music are here, now things are gonna get awesome. SYNERGY! And so Iruka’s pre-series character arc has been realized. So Naruto saved the village before, and it was completely by accident. Ah, so it’s all thanks to Iruka that Naruto wants to become Hokage. That’s very deep of you, flashback filler. “Yeah, he’d definitely be about that height by now.” Meanwhile, random happenings with the Takatsuki. Considering Jugo’s still in shota mode, I doubt Angel’s too hung-up about missing this one. Oh boy, more plot-related stuff. It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it. OUTLAW STAR Jet Black, asking the real questions. Cool store-away technique… denied. If I watched Outlaw Star back when it first aired on American television, Melfina would probably be my first waifu. That wake-up method. Ooh, homemade French fries. I can’t blame Gene for getting distracted by the smell. Shut up, Jim. Wait “dinner”? I thought they were having breakfast! So “bitch” no longer counts as moderate language either, huh? Okay then, more fries for me. Is that edamame? Jim is so tsundere this episode. That female-painted Gilliam. I’m starting to think they pronounced Toward wrong, or maybe it’s pronounced wrong on purpose…Suddenly an eating contest? Melfina is best girl. <3 Is that the pendant from HxH? Tell me more about this data-less guy you’re after… Lemme guess, Zomba’s the guy with the ladies all over him. Or maybe he’s that handsome-looking gent. Aww yeah, battling in an abandoned church. “Easier said than done”, my foot, that looked pretty easy to me. Well that turned out alright, in spite of the sudden revival tactic. 2000 won is still plenty, don’t be so tsuntsun about it, Jim. Oh hey, Suzuka’s got fangirls. I wouldn’t complain, at least you guys have money now. Next week, they’re off to the space races! Also, the MacDougalls are back. COWBOY BEBOP I just love this show’s music, because who in their right mind wouldn’t? Oh, so this is the episode where that cat came from. There’s just something amusing about Faye frowning over that sundae while a waitress in a mascot suit passes her by in the background. She looks way too sexual to be hanging out in a family restaurant. Turns out the bounty of the week was Woody Allen all along. That’s the freakiest looking tattoo I’ve ever seen. Huh, the egg landed on his crotch; didn’t catch that one. Note that this is the only time Spike attacks someone not with the Syndicate with the same level of seriousness he gives to the Syndicate. And Ein’s eating bean sprouts for some reason. I do enjoy those three old dudes. Eh, I wouldn’t call him a liar, he never denied being a bounty hunter, now did he? I’m not too big on that waitress’s voice, but her “I told you just now” always puts a smile on my face. :-D Jet can’t catch a break whenever he isn’t narrating for Outlaw Star. Sarasvati, you say? I love the decorated insides of these trucker cabins. Hey, that picture ain’t of Lovely Kirara! Ein walking with the gravity on. Well, so much for that guy, but who really misses him? A slow-speed escape from certain doom. That whole method of blowing up the obstacle to their escape was simply amazing. The scene at the very end was nice too, moreso than I can put into words. GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2ND GIG That opening theme always gives me a nostalgic feeling inside. I will never forget that this episode was the source of that image of the Minister of Home Affairs that inspired everyone on the old ASMB to call him “f00gz”. This refugee crisis plotline setup seems way more relevant now than it would’ve back in 2004. Those comments aside, it feels good watching 2nd Gig again, now that I’m purposefully trying not to fall asleep during it. The fact that this episode had a lot of action helped. (Also, it was the first TV-MA anime episode to air on [as], before even the infamous Evangelion episode 18.) COMMERCIALS AND JUNK “Mountain bike juice delivery?” That’s it, Geico needs to quit screwing with fairy tales. Fuck yeah, another T.I.E. There’s something a little off about that cat lady. I always love their music videos, but I feel lie this one is a little more foreboding than the rest. I feel like TV shows and commercials are in a war between whether or not war should be portrayed as “completely hellish” or “hellish but worth it”. I’m probably the only one who thinks the Jack marathon is only a thing because of the Blu-Ray release. Thrak and Brian is the best friendship. Chex Mix did it first, Reese’s! Meanwhile, Noruk and Harry is the best rivalry. Volkswagen, you are officially redeemed for acting like Jetta drivers are their own race. Okay, so that’s what PC Principal sounds like. Random Space Dandy commercial is random and hilarious. (I bet that’s the dog park they built around FUNimation HQ in that terrible company review that one intern wrote.) That random Jotaro in the desert. Funny how DB Super is off for a week, and Champa’s the most impatient to get to the next episode’s events. I missed this Rocksteady song. 40% of food in America is wasted, most of it by my little sister. I can’t believe I’m slowly getting used to Big Mouth’s ugly art style. NOBODY CARES, LOGIC. This guy has no idea what a hippo is, does he. If Superman’s not in charge of the Justice League, does that mean he’s the leader of the Super Friends? Quote
PokeNirvash Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 Knock out the Halloween/Daylight Savings birds with an Akame ga KILL! marathon as the stone for one year, and suddenly Halloween's a recognized holiday for marathons. Well, at least this marathon has the excuse of being a tangential tie-in to the complete series Blu-Ray that came out last week, so enjoy season 5 of Jack for the third time, unless you're boycotting marathons on principle. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #37 - Don't Forget Your Saiyan Pride! Vegeta vs. The 6th Universe's Saiyan - TV-14 8:30 - Dragonball Super #38 - The 6th Universe's Mightest Warrior! Engage the Assassin Hit! - TV-PGLV ... 11:00 - Samurai Jack #53 - XCII - TV-14V 11:30 - Samurai Jack #54 - XCIII - TV-14V 12:00 - Samurai Jack #55 - XCIV - TV-14V 12:30 - Samurai Jack #56 - XCV - TV-14DLV 1:00 - Samurai Jack #57 - XCVI - TV-PGV 1:30 - Samurai Jack #58 - XCVII - TV-14V 2:00 - Samurai Jack #59 - XCVIII - TV-14V 2:30 - Samurai Jack #60 - XCIX - TV-PGV 3:00 - Samurai Jack #61 - C - TV-14V 3:30 - Samurai Jack #62 - CI - TV-PGV Quote
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