PokeNirvash Posted April 10, 2021 Author Posted April 10, 2021 Also, I find it super suspicious that the Promised Neverland S2 promo didn't air once during any of the shows I watched, like it aired only during the Super rerun with maybe an encore during the Demon Slayer rerun. Like, does Toonami know it's shit and that's why they're pulling a Lazzo and limiting the promo's airtime? 12:00 - Dragon Ball Super #110 - Goku Enkindled! The Awakened One's New Ultra Instinct! - TV-PGL 12:30 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #13 - Children of the Forest - TV-MAL 🤬 1:00 - Food Wars! The Third Plate #7 - The Academy Falls - TV-MA 1:30 - The Promised Neverland #13 - Episode 1 - TV-14LV 2:00 - Fire Force #44 - Weapon of Destruction - TV-MA2:30 - Black Clover #145 - Rescue - TV-PG3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #336 - Kabuto Yakushi - TV-PGV3:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #23 - Hashira Meeting - TV-14V Quote
EmpressAngel Posted April 11, 2021 Posted April 11, 2021 Titan- Aw shit what is this. Oh fuck you, Zeke. I can't wait to see Levi kill him. Levi is the best. Sasha's family is so nice. Cook guy is nice and I'm glad he cares about Sasha's family. I miss Sasha. Oh hey, it's the main characters. Booze! Casual racism ahoy. The hell kind of excuse is that, he needs help shitting his pants? Gabi, still the fucking worst. Kill them, cook guy. Falco is a good kid but damn does he make bad choices. Yes I know she's a child soldier who's been raised to be hella racist but I still hate her. We all loved Sasha. You keep her name out of your fucking mouth before someone knocks your teeth out. Everyone needs a hug. You're a good dude, Sasha's dad. Don't worry I hate you enough for everyone. FUCK HER UP, GIRL. Aw shit the wine is poison. Oh FUCK you, Zeke. Falco just can't catch a break. Don't feel bad about yourself, I absolutely would have murdered that child too. I always forget this ginger fucker exists and I hate him. Goddammit Eren this is all your fault. Food Wars- Man this guy just makes my skin crawl. Wow what a surprise, this guy's a douche. I do enjoy the cooking bros. No way, you're suggesting a food war that's totally unexpected. I have no idea who any of these people are and I truly do not give a shit. Oh no, the poor little rich girl will lose her hiding place while everyone else just flat out loses their home. Whelp, sucks for y'all. I'm constantly surprised every time Erina isn't acting like a total bitch. Yeah sure, let's flash back to the festival that was literally a week ago. Cry harder I have zero emotional connection with any of you. Call your hot dad for help. I still want him to lose and suffer. So why did y'all vote to make the douche the boss anyway? Yeah sure evict them all, who give a fuck. Promised Neverland- I've heard enough about this season to know I'm going to be disappointed. Oh shit that's a big monster. I think our compass is broken. Ray you're supposed to be smart, don't make people scream and draw attention. Hey check out this weird pen I'm sure it won't be important. Huh, that's different. "TOUCH ME" is a weird message to leavea bunch of children. I miss Norman. Those sure are some suspicious sea anemones literally nowhere near a sea. I still don't trust Phil and you should just leave him. Hi there, monsters. Oh that ain't good. Nah man I don't think that's perfectly safe. Goddammit Emma! Well that girl sure looks ominous. Man these demons kinda suck at their jobs. Is Emma still dying here? This little girl is a friendly demon isn't she. It's fine, she's a nice demon who won't eat your face. Fire Force- I love Arthur he's so goddamn stupid. Oh hey it's Maki's brother. Remember, use Tamaki as a human shield. Juggernaut is a good boy. Tamaki, still worst girl. And then everyone blew up. Zombies, you say. Oh fuck it was this guy's last mission before getting married, he's screwed. OH FUCK, it was this guy's last mission before having a new baby, he's screwed. "My life flashed before my eyes and it was pathetic, so I'll be fine." He immediately died. This is actually hilarious. What even is his body. This entire squad is ridiculous. Whelp, that's no way to get ahead in life. Titties. Go ahead and kill Tamaki, it's fine. Once again, look at Tamaki's tits while she goes through a near death experience! Oh hey Shinra. Oh hey, not Shinra. Oh dang she's pretty. Juggernaut is a good boy. Good thing he has all those layers. Clover- Is the filler over yet? 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted April 11, 2021 Author Posted April 11, 2021 Only three more months! ATTACK ON TITAN - That woman with the hat looks awfully familiar... Oh shit that's Conny's home village. Stupid sexy Titan Pieck and her bedroom eyes... No shit they meant nothing to him, he never even knew them. If only Levi knew how many fangirls he had on this side. YEAUH. [Too Many Cooks theme starts playing] D-Did he just black out for a second? What I want to know most is how Niccolo would fare at Totsuki Academy, at least when the old director was in charge. You can't say no to free wine, except for this specific bottle apparently. Beat his ass, Jean. "What is that guy's problem?" Sasha's death, that's his problem. And now he's got two more problems. He connected the dots real quick. For fuck's sake Gabi, if there was a time for you to shut up, it should have been thirty seconds ago. Welp, Falco's dead. Finally, she realizes she fucked up completely. HE'S GOT A KNIFE! "I can handle her killin' my daughter, but callin' her a she-devil is a step too far." She entered civilization, and stole the first potato she could find. You're a good man, Sasha's dad. That there, Gabi, is something we like to call, "turning the other cheek". Something blondie here clearly doesn't give two shits about. Ah yes, the classic chain reaction cry. Cannibalism's gotten weird in the past few decades. MORTAL BOMBOCLAAT. I was expecting the "breaking news" to be Eren's great prison break, but Zachary's death by exploding chair works too. Levi's beaten the shit out of him for so long, killing him should be at least one step short of a cakewalk. Not gonna lie, all those flashbacks superimposed on the trees is a very neat effect. SHIT COUNT: 4 for act 1, 2 for act 2, 6 total. Damn, Yelena's to blame for at least half of the shady behind-the-scenes shit that's been revealed these past few episodes. Maybe ingesting a certain amount causes paralysis, and the amount in the wine was small enough to avoid that but big enough to allow for Titanization. Yes but not exactly, is what he's trying to say. Let Gabi die, it's what the fandom wants. "Just like someone else I know." "You rang?" Goddammit Floch. I hate you but the reaction face game ridiculous. Eren's just sitting there, bleeding out onto the tablecloth, kinda makes you wanna shit yourself and play dead like Gabi's thinking about doing. If only all Asian animation studios had hilariously awesome names like "Yakumo Crack" and "Curry Jotaro". I'm no huge fan of the dialogue-free next episode promos using the Japanese language track, but I like that you can hear the female seiyuu in Armin's ancillary noises. FOOD WARS - It's easy to forget that this cooking academy has normal classes. Speaking of, does respecting Soma's decision to sit front-row count as self-insertion? Open secrets are a real pain. God I wanna throw that Eizan kid down a flight of stairs so bad. Oh no, not the clubs! (Having been on my school's quiz bowl team, there's definitely some sincerity in that statement.) The phrase "Central" also takes me back to my high school days. You can just hear his approval rating dropping from here. Even if his words do sound decent on paper... I had a feeling they'd bulldoze Shiomi's building first. FUCK EIZAN AND HIS MAIN CAMPUS ASS LOOKIN' FACE. If there's an opportunity for a Food War with the Ten, expect Soma to take it. Well no shit they're not happy, the new rules suck. I'm curious to what this guy's cooking is like, since all we've seen is his business savvy. I just know Skewer Wolverine's gonna lose this one. He bribed the judges, that's the only way this premature outcome could make sense! "I meant to snap them in two, but this works just as well." You underestimate Soma's resolve and stupidity. Punch that fucker in the face for me, flashy suit man. Everything just seems so sterile now. This is a rare one-on-one interaction. Even this technically private dinner feels oddly sterile. "Wow, way to make me feel bad about passing on the first try." I remember back when the stereotypical background characters were the only ones in this show I got murderously pissed at; now it's pretty much Eizan only. And here are some clips from the hot springs OVA that never got dubbed. Tonight's theme is chain reaction cryfests. Like I said, don't underestimate his resolve and stupidity. How nice of him to make some food for them all before leaving. Soma don't give a shit about what you think, you're just main campus trash. AW YEAH BEST GIRL RINDO'S HERE. Thank god, someone needed to physically harm this douche. As I thought, she's just going along with Azami's bullshit to see how things play out. He looks like a nerd, sounds like a nerd, but sits like a real gangsta. Even Rindo knows Soma has way too much resolve and stupidity in him to simply bend to Eizan's will like those skewers. Aw shit, here come the thugs. Soma looks ready to pop a cap in this wigga's ass, his home country's gun control laws be damned. TOP THREE BILLING: Soma, Eizan, second best girl Yuki. Nice to see Sentai's sorta following FUNi's former lead with this. PROMISED NEVERLAND - Aniplex's logo at the start of the episode; that's a first. That one kid's face is so fuckin' tiny holy shit. Bet you weren't expecting giant hell-beast spiders when you ziplined off the wall into that forest. At least the opening theme's decent. I wouldn't touch that plant if I were you. "Get a load of these big ass trees!" He says he's fine. I remember her leg getting broken, but not her hand getting busted up. It still disturbs me that, despite being younger than Norman or Ray, Don's balls were the first to drop. I'll confess, the William Minerva stuff was the least memorable part of the first season; really easy to gloss over if you could believe it. And then the pen was a holographic projector. "T-O-U-C-H..." Canopus? The secret code for that page is MRB, whatever that translates to. This is almost like the code they used to decipher Jiraiya's final message. That one kid with the ONE reaction face kinda looks like Norman, if you squint hard enough. Whatever you do, don't eat those plants; they might be poisonous. But what in the world are sea anemones doing on land? Whatever it is, that would explain the land fish and flying fish and maybe that kraken-looking motherfucker they run into later on. I'm kinda glad I know about this Minerva dude again now, since he seems to be the main motivation for this entire season. You can't convince me to put wireless buds in my ears. It just doesn't seem right, and would give ignorant people the wrong idea. The CGI for these land-sea creatures is actually pretty alright. Again, why this one's face so tiny? One second you're running with the fireflies, and literally the next you're running from some hell creature that suddenly phased into existence. The CGI for this thing, though, seems a little on the uncanny side motion-wise. "Run like heck and don't look back!" Not really a bullhorn, but a decent try. Tactical advantage: DENIED. That one demon dude sounds familiar. Crispin Freeman, I think? That bandage is looking pretty saturated, you sure you're alright, Emma? Welp, she's dead. And also sick, on top of that. Suspicious girl is suspicious, you can tell just from the strange glow. HE'S ON A HORSE. And now he's in a mystery cave. Oh Emma, you have no idea what shit he's been through in the past couple hours. In conclusion, you're in the hood. Impossible, there's no way you'd meet Minerva so early in the season. Hood girl sounds somewhat familiar too, though I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't an industry veteran. How perceptive of you, Ray. I have a feeling this is gonna end in a "not all demons" message. I had a feeling if it wasn't a vet, it'd be Lizzie Freeman as hood demon girl. And oh yeah, I forgot that Tatum does L.A. dubs now. FIRE FORCE - Oh no not this cold open again. 😩 These poor saps who have to deal with Arthur's chuuni delusions. I do enjoy Maki's brother, he's my kind of character (male). SUPERSTAR~. I've really come around to Juggernaut since the China arc. Neat, she's wearing pantyhose this time. 20 bucks says they get ripped during the fight she's bound to get into. Or maybe she'll just lose them now so the animators can save on digital ink, sure let's go with that. Welp, they're all dead. TOO MANY INFERNALS. Oh hi Ritsu. 'Scuse me while I kiss the sky? It's almost like they showed that guy's backstory before he got allah ackbar'd as some kind of twisted joke. And this guy too. And this guy also. All these senseless minor character deaths are reason #54 why Fire Force is far from being as good now as it was in the first episode. Though I will admit, they're makin' me laugh. "Is this because that me from another universe took over that cooking school 'cause it better not be!?" Thank god he's built like a gag character, otherwise he'd be fucked. I like Special Eyes Gunman Josuke, I hope he gets outta this alright. 🤜🌲 Aw fuck, I knew checking ANN to see what episodes he was in after this one was a bad idea. (That is, none of them.) Congratu-fuckin-lations, Dominatrix White-Clad from the OP, you're already proving yourself to be just as bad as Hibana was in her first impression. I'd be more appreciative of your opening spiel had you killed literally anybody else as your intro. Welp at least I managed to predict correct on the pantyhose thing. She's actually proving herself to be worse than Hibana with every word she says and every action she takes, even though it's practically designed to cater to my niche. THANK YOU SHIN-uh, I mean, Juggernaut. And the unmasking would've been a lot better had Toonami not spoiled it a month ago with their new bumpers. At least we still have more Hajiki in these flashbacks, I guess. OH MY GOD JUST SHUT UP ABOUT YOUR GODDAMN FIRE WHIP I WAS PAST THE POINT OF CARING THE MOMENT YOU FIRST SHOWED UP AND KILLED HAJIKI YOU CUNT. 🤬 Dang, he actually got nicked that time. I sincerely hope she dies. "Why can't I stop him?" Because he is the epitome of my burning hot rage. [slow applause] The lesson to be learned from this episode is, Fire Force really needs to stop with the dominatrix-type characters. If Hibana's first impression fell flat, Orochi's only impression left a crater the size my home state. She had her chance, and she blew it. Now let's never speak of that rotten bitch again. BLACK CLOVER - Is this walking stick guy ever gonna show up in the show proper, or is he just avant-exclusive? Funny how of all the people in this week's Toonami who have the potential to piss me off, these bozos aren't even in the top 3. I wonder if the rest of the Black Bulls know what's going on; I assume they do, since they're spying with everyone else. RABBLE RABBLE. I do like how Dumbnutsio is cooperating with all of them, if only because he doesn't believe vigilante justice works. I just noticed their transceivers look like flashy toy microphones. Over 100 episodes with their squad, and Asta's still called "the kid". What the heck were Yuno and the others doing out at sea anyways? It's insane how much of a following these filler guys have developed. Could be drugs, or it could be wine spiked with some dude's spinal fluid. Oh shit, she's got followers. Between those two, Asta definitely has more patience. Nope, still not top 3 most anger-inducing of the night, though the crowd has some contenders that could qualify were they not backgrounders. #55: the pettiest supervillain ever. Not the tool of execution I was expecting them to use. That dude who cast the first stone is totally full of sin. Lotta weird audio pauses in my shows this week. OH MY GOD THERE'S TWO OF THEM. "Get that Read or Die shit the hell outta here!" My dad just heard Asta screaming from the other room and asked if it was Naruto. DOUBLE AT FIELD. And now the moment Jack's been waiting for. These two seem awfully calm for suicide burners. You a dirty sumbitch, Kabwe. Nice of you to join us, Yuno. That's one big-ass smoke bomb. Huh, I don't think anyone's tried stealing his grimoire before, shame that filler characters got to it first. Oh well, at least Gauche will be happy that Marie's safe. The grimoire simply houses his swords. Never giving up and physically training like a madman all day every day. It's kinda weird seeing Gauche not attack Asta while they and Marie are in the same room, but it's kinda nice, in an extremely off-base kinda way. I know you're trying to make yourself look less shady after all that went on, but maybe you should've brought your mask with you, Vangeance, for appearance's sake. Well shit, that twist came outta left field. That's the biggest cast list I've ever seen for this show. SHIPPUDEN - OH FUCK SURPRISE OPENING THEME. It's been a good long while since we've had one of these crop up. 😄 Did Itachi always have that many cracks on his face? Okay, so these nuns and orphans are all medic nin for hire. Oh Orochimaru, for all your fucked-up experiments you're one actually of the more likable villains on the block tonight. Oh crap, the nun used to be a spy. Weird question, but does being voiced by a certain VA count as charisma, because I don't hate listening to Danzo being a shady prick. And of course Orochimaru would threaten them with child abduction. And that's how Kabuto started down his current path. Oof, now that's what I call irony. It's entirely possible it was his mother, but it's also possible it was just a doppelganger. The whole thing seems awfully ambiguous to be cut-and-dry like they're treating it. Frickin' K-pop groups are infecting our commercials now. They truly are an unstoppable force. SUDDENLY OROCHIMARU. Welp, there goes any sense of ambiguity. Ah, so this must be his first hideout, if he's speaking as if it's the only one. That lamia in the tank disturbs yet intrigues me. You a dirty sumbitch, Danzo. Kabuto #2's nose looks all wrong for him. This boy has a lotta rage in him, and a guttural part of me respects that. I went into this expecting Kabuto's backstory, but learning the exact moment Orochimaru decided to desert the Leaf is a welcome surprise. Oh yeah, they mentioned him being involved at Kikyo Pass back in the Chunin Exam arc. And now we know the rest of the story. 1 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted April 17, 2021 Author Posted April 17, 2021 One word: aromatics. 12:00 - Dragon Ball Super #111 - An Extra-Dimensional Ultimate Battle! Hit vs. Jiren!! - TV-PGV 12:30 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #14 - Savagery - TV-MA 1:00 - Food Wars! The Third Plate #8 - The Alchemist - TV-MAS 1:30 - The Promised Neverland #14 - Episode 2 - TV-14DLV 2:00 - Fire Force #45 - Enemy Contact - TV-MA2:30 - Black Clover #146 - Those Who Worship the Devil - TV-PG3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #337 - The Izanami Activated - TV-PG3:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #24 - Rehabilitation Training - TV-14DL Quote
EmpressAngel Posted April 18, 2021 Posted April 18, 2021 Sometimes I wonder what the Binging with Babish guy thinks about Food Wars when he's not obligated to shill it for videos. Titan- Don't save Gabi let that other girl stab her. Fuck you, Eren. He's the woooorst. I don't really understand this Ackerman special family power thing but okay. Oh FUCK you, Eren. Beat his ass! Mikasa needs a hug. Fuck it just let him get himself killed. Use Gabi as a human shield. Levi is the best. I'd also hate to deal with Zeke completely sober. I got a bad feeling about this. Oh you piece of shit. Ohhh that's not good. Levi vs 30 titans almost seems like a fair fight. Oh my god this dumb bastard really thinks Levi won't still kill them. Levi's gonna need a hug after this. IT'S LEVI TIME MOTHERFUCKER. Yeah sure, turn into the thing that he's the best at killing, that'll help you. Fuck you, Sasquatch. Nah you should probably kill him now. Oh hey Seitz guy. Shut up, redshirt. I continue to hate this guy. Everyone sucks. And then he died. Levi doesn't fuck around. I hope he broke those glasses just as a bonus "fuck you" to him. Food Wars- The only ones I give even a fraction of a shit about losing their home are the food bros. Oh no, the kids have a water house whatever will they do. This chef is supposed to be threatening but he sounds like the stereotypical math nerd that would get shoved in a locker. Blah blah blah he's super talented whatever, I'm gonna bully this dork for his lunch money. I hate that this show always makes me hungry. I still have no idea why I'm supposed to give a shit about this girl at all. I think what I hate most about this show is that Soma is literally never phased by anything and is always a smarmy overconfident bastard. Okay, you had me at cheese. You like Krabby Patties don't you, Squidward? I hope Erina's shitty dad gave the school janitors a raise for dealing with all the jizz. Erina still being an ungrateful bitch. Obligatory COCK joke. That's some real big talk considering all someone would have to do is take a hammer to your cookin' hand. Promised Neverland- Did you eat my friends, little demon girl? Thanks, armed demon guy. It's cool, they're vegans. I like these two, this won't end well. I accept whatever weird demon god you worship as my personal savior. Wait what. Kids I think your book was wrong. "And some weird, weird humans tried to fuck us." Aw hell we're just on the wrong side of the planet. They're taking this awfully well. This is going way too well. Seriously, just leave Phil behind. Monsters aren't my fetish but, I mean, this guy is real Husband Material for anyone up that alley. Okay I enjoy everyone dragging Ray. I love these kids. This is going waaay too well. Oh, it's really pretty in daylight. Fun time hunting trip with Uncle Demon. That plant is cool. Oh shit I didn't even notice the plant back then. I miss Norman. Oh no, they were terrified and definitely suffered. At least the flower's pretty. Fire Force- Juggernaut is a good boy. Oh no he's not wearing enough layers. If only someone strong like Maki were here to carry him. This is not my fault. Holy shit is Tamaki actually going to do something useful for once? Shut up dude your sister was great. Oh no, you have to fight a badly-themed wrestler. Oh hey Shinra. Ah, it's this asshole. Never trust a man with a plague mask. LET MY WIFE FIGHT GODDAMMIT. Oh that ain't normal. I dare you to read the disgusting horrors of my mind, asshole. Yeah, I can believe that bugs came straight from hell. I love my idiot son. Shit, GUN doesn't work. Okay I kinda hate her brother now. Aim for his dick! I kinda love this villain. Oh my god fuck off your sister's a grown goddamn adult. At this point I almost want her brother to die. RIP best villain. Meanwhile, Tamaki being worst girl. Aw hell it's the Klan. And nothing of value was lost. HEAD. Hiii Vulcan. God I love Captain Sexy. PUNCH. That guy's headbutt attack is cracking me up. Yes yes, you're goddamn terrible and you should feel bad. To be fair, he does look stupid when he runs. Oh shit y'all better run. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted April 18, 2021 Author Posted April 18, 2021 ATTACK ON TITAN - "Just like someone else I know. And speak of the devil, there he is now!" I don't recognize those numbers. This is easily the most emotional Mikasa has sounded ever. It's one thing to read a spoiler, but it's another to see it play out and make fuller sense than on digital paper. Hey, I don't remember Mikasa ever getting any headaches! Now he's the one on the other side of the pen. Eh, it kinda loses something when you take out the "always"... "Curse my bodyguard instincts!" ARMIN PUNCH. And that's why he failed to crack the top 10 at graduation. Shiganshina? But we were just there! That certainly sounds like a plan alright. Hard to believe a whole month has passed in-show; out-of-show, I can understand, but... Nice hammock there, guy. Normally running and screaming would be the opposite of an effective attack strategy, but this is Zeke we're talking about. It's raining Titans, hallelujah! Surprisingly, I have no objections to the coma plan, and I base that entirely on the "only the CEO can tell me to open the door but I'm not gonna do it even though you are the CEO" clip. When you nut so hard the whole squad feel it. I know Zeke's to blame for all these Titans, but I'd be lying if I said that squad didn't bring it on themselves. Losing his entire squad four times over has really fucked Levi up emotionally. These Titan running cycles. CAN'T SLIP BY THE LEVI. You can't have a Hiroyuki Sawano soundtrack without random rap inserts. Oof, now that is what I call savagery. FUCK YEAH LEVI. 😆 By gawd, he's got no nose! SHIT COUNT: 2 for act 1, 2 for act 2, 4 total. Ugh, random twitching jaw. Nice to see that even though so many characters have changed, Shardis is still the same hardass as always. Goddammit Floch. Ha, you suck at shooting more than you thought you would. Again, goddammit Floch. "Damn, wasn't expecting them to go full Office Space on me..." Bitch you look like a cut of wagyu steak. "I'm not cleaning that up, no matter how much I want to." Correction, that is savagery. Ah, so the glasses were a sentimental thing, like with Kabuto. Oh shit, unabridged Zeke backstory next week. FOOD WARS - If only anyone in this show had the guts to punch this main campus-lookin' douche in the face. For a bunch of hired thugs, they really suck at the whole "breaking and entering" thing. Soma keeping his head up works just as well, if only because it pisses this dude off he can't even speak. It's gonna be the most goddamn aromatic gyoza you'll ever eat, so much so you can't even bring yourself to vote the other way! Rindo is the best. "You say something, fucker?" This guy's so repugnant even Kunugigaoka main campus would think he's going too far. Oh if only they had thought to bring raincoats! Oh, I almost forgot Erina and Hisako were even there. Ah shit, the glasses are comin' off. Yeah, yeah, suck the guy's dick more, why don'tcha? SLOW AND LOW. Buuuuuurn. "Intellectual ganster" does describe his look pretty well. Even as a little kid he was a total dick. "No other man is more suited for such a title!" Except for this guy. Huh, that's kind of a creative way of going about it. Of course she's gonna eat some, it's not like this episode has an explicit sexual content subrating for no reason. All I see is this guy bending himself backwards trying to justify his bought vote. Not gonna lie, I do like the rice dome. Cowmangai? I understand we're well into where the manga's food advisor dropped off, but at least it's still sounding like it makes sense. In other words, he's chickening out. 😝 I don't know if I'll venture into a theater to see this movie, but if Toonami gets Demon Slayer S2, I'm definitely watching it first. Eh, cheese on wings just doesn't sound right, even if it probably exists out there somewhere. Huh, so they actually do plan on trying it, aromatic or not, if only out of spite for Soma. This dude's face game is nothing short of ridiculous, but for it to turn red on top of that... that must mean something. THIS IS ABSURD. Aromatics, motherfucker, I toldja. COCK A MOTHER FUCKIN DOODLE DOO. Ketchup's an overhated condiment, and I refuse to take that statement back. And as ridiculous as it being the game-changer is, the multitude of complements it triggered does feel more down-to-earth. Strange, yes, but never a dull moment. Oh Erina, you so tsun-tsun. If there's any food that's acidic, it's tomato. It took all of that dude's willpower to so much as pick up that gyoza. Choke on it, Eizan. 😁 One down, nine to go. PROMISED NEVERLAND - Soundin' kinda creepy and repetitive there, SARA. These OP credits look like they're missing some names. These guys seem pretty chill for demons. Itadakimasu, latom, thanks for the grub, and what have you. "It's good... and that concerns me." I'm not sure I'd equate the brain to flesh, but hey, you have your terminologies and I have mine. I forgot why the whole "30 years ago" thing is so important; maybe because it's around our present time in relation to when the show takes place? His necklace looks like some kind of nonbinary gender symbol. Racism: like a bisexual, it goes both ways. This must mean Grace Field House is the titular "Promised Neverland". "My god, a million years..." CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. Tonight's theme is freedom, apparently. Wild demons somehow sound more dangerous than domesticated demons, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was the other way around. The three Cs: cutting, cooking, and collecting. I never thought Gilda of all people could be so intimidating. And everyone's giving Ray shit too. Next week, Zeke fuckin' dies and yet we feel sorrier for the horse that was collateral damage. Food Wars has nothin' on Ray. YOU GOTTA HAVE A MONTAAAAAGE. Those opposable extra fingers they have are disturbing, but not as disturbing as their hand-feet. Keep an eye out for raining Titans, you two. Hello, ferret. Aim between the eyes, gets 'em every time. Or go for their eyes, that works too. Shit, that's the same flower they put in Conny and Krone. The first kill's always the hardest. Not sure if humane. Poor girl aged five years in five minutes. FIRE FORCE - Upon further reflection, I think I'd have appreciated Orochi more had I not cared so damn much about Hajiki surviving. Still, I blame Okubo, because who else am I gonna blame besides myself? His arm's off, but besides that he's decent. You're a good man, Juggernaut. Sucks you're probably as dead as your fellow squadmen are, Ritsu's puppetry notwithstanding. Hinawa, your way with words isn't helping your case any. Great, they not only brought a dominatrix with them, but a gimp too. And a bulletproof gimp at that. They freaked out because they knew they were dead meat, especially around the protagonist such as yourself. GIOVANNI'S BACK, BITCHES. Lemme guess, he's filled with lots and lots of bugs now? Meanwhile, Maki's bored. Now that Hajiki's dead, I don't really care if any more 2nd Company redshirts bite the dust. Wait what he can read minds now? I've never heard that theory before now but I can believe it. I'm getting real sick of all these audio cut-outs, Spectrum. GO ARTHUR GO. And then he was the Exterminator. Can you believe that the KissAnime of American cartoons doesn't have the Black Dynamite pilot up for streaming anywhere on their servers? Just thought I'd point that out while it was still fresh in my mind. CROTCH. It's official, Takagi doesn't know shit about what his own sister is capable of. OH YEAHHHHHH. I kinda love this crazy son of a bitch. SIDE CHESTO. Is Takigi pyrokinetic too because he looks rather confident about blocking those blasts with his bare hands. Shut up, Takigi, nobody cares what you think. GO FOR THE JOINTS. You put up a good fight, Iron. Just sock this ignorant fucker in the face for me, Hinawa, whatever gets him to shut up. Meanwhile, Tamaki's losing even more clothes. And she's still getting ryona'd something fierce too. DYNAMIC HEADBUTT. Nice of you to finally join us without proper setup, Vulcan and Iris. FUCK YEAH OBI. Dosukoi~. Tamaki is so useless, even she can't deny it. Look on the bright side, Licht, at least you run better than most Titans. Goddammit why am I laughing at this. I liked Ritsu better when she had Inca around to balance out her own personal brand of crazy. BLACK CLOVER - LET'S DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN. Surprise, the medicine was actually poison. The only thing dumber than their new group name is the upside-down mask, which hardly makes even any aesthetic sense. Ohhhhh, they're supposed to be fangs... Okay, so that's how the magic-impaired factor into all this. MIST MACHINE. A similar situation to Asta, but with more weight training and less nun fetishism. You'd think getting stabbed would count as moderate violence, but what do I know, I'm not actually S&P. And back to the plot at hand. I keep forgetting that village's name. That was an concerningly long cut to black. Chairman Chin-mole. It's good to have connections. Check out Finral's lazy eye in the back. Thanks for all the help, old lady. "I recognize that bride!" That's a strange analogy, but not an inaccurate one. A package deal, like Samurai Champloo and Paranoia Agent, or Akame ga Kill and Parasyte. I'm so used to Gauche being a stubborn ass I'm not all that pissed at him anymore about it. (Still the second-worst Bull in my book, and the objective worst overall.) That running hideout animation is still so bad. Sometimes I forget that Zora's still helping them out, sort of. "Yeah, you better keep walkin'..." Kids who physically accost their mothers are just the worst. There were so many other places before that point that would've made for a better end to Act 1. Ah, TOM and sidescrollers. He loves them, yet he hates them, yet he loves them still. Like I said, so many better places. Now we'll never know what Asta said there... "Dang inclement weather!" It's like The Mystery of the Druids, only Devil Believers... SHIPPUDEN - At first he had nothing, and now he has everything. I feel like we've gone through these flashbacks before... They're stuck playing ketchup, and there's nothing worth eating to squirt it on. So much for their impregnable barrier. Bone flute: my new favorite silly synonym for a penis. That giant snake monster form still freaks me the fuck out. Lotta flashbacks this episode... TSUTOMU OHSHIRO SAKUGA SPOTTED. Oh no, he stabbed himself in the face. Finally, we get to see what this Izanami's all about. Right after the commercial break, that is. I think I've finally grown past Rick & Morty, but then again, I was never a superfan of it to begin with. Dirty pool, Kabuto. Man, Toonami really sucks at cutting things to commercial this week. HAHAHA WIPEOUT. Aw shit hee's been assimil-or maybe not. "This feels like deja vu all over again." Goddammit Kabuto stop being visually creepy. Congratulations, you can see again. Let's do the time warp again and again. Stuck in an endless battle he has no hope of winning, if that's what Izanami does then that's really damn metal. Even if it does feel like a Bites the Dust rip-off... Sucks to be you, Kabuto, you and your already diseased state of mind. "Oops, the episode ended early, so here's the Tailed Beast counting song again." Quote
PokeNirvash Posted April 24, 2021 Author Posted April 24, 2021 When I was young, I had always dreamed of being an architect or an urban planner. And when I got out of grad school last year, I hoped I'd start my post-college career as an entry-level civil engineer or an urban planner, without having to go into retail. As of this week, I am now working part-time at an office supply store. And you know what? I'm perfectly content with that. 12:00 - Dragon Ball Super #112 - A Saiyan Oath! Vegeta's Resolve!! - TV-14L 12:30 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #15 - Sole Salvation - TV-14LV 1:00 - Food Wars! The Third Plate #9 - Hunting the Stragglers - TV-MAS 1:30 - The Promised Neverland #15 - Episode 3 - TV-14V 2:00 - Fire Force #46 - Plot for Extinction - TV-MA2:30 - Black Clover #147 - Prepared to Die - TV-PG3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #338 - Izanagi and Izanami - TV-PGV3:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #25 - Tsuguko, Kanao Tsuyuri - TV-14LV Employment statuses may change, but anime is forever. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted April 25, 2021 Posted April 25, 2021 Just get out before the holidays. God abandons the retail worker on Black Friday. Titan- Fuck you, Zeke. Remember, racism is bad. This is not gonna end well for any of you. Nothing to worry about, just a regular old dance club. It's hard to believe their dad got multiple women to sleep with him. He won them over through sick baseball skills. Oh wait no, he sucks. This is some Endeavor parenting. I'd feel bad for this little bastard if I didn't know what he grows up into. Ya gotta squeal on your folks to save your own ass, kiddo. Shit he was actually kinda cute for a bit there. "The founding titan can fuck with our DNA" sounds like a real bad time. Sterilize everyone sure is a plan alright. Jesus his poor son. You, uh, probably shouldn't trust Eren with that. So his glasses really are just for the aesthetic, like a fucking tool. Well this is depressing. Hug it out, bros. Here, take my old baseball. I'm still waiting to watch Levi murder him. WHELP. Joke's on him, Levi is too angry to die. Food Wars- I'm rooting for the bros and no one else. So did the redhead chick vote to install Erina's shitty dad? Does nobody care that this whole shitshow is partially her fault? Knockers Babe is a good nickname. Everyone else is still totally fucked but who cares. Oh, they'll be fine as long as they have a world-class chef in their club who can beat one of the top 10. Put on clothes you disgusting fuck. Erina, still goddamn terrible. I hate everyone. Soma is absolutely about to get into another food war. What kind of monster tires to kill the chocolate club. I'm constantly surprised that the nerd douche is a student and not a 40-year old man. I'm trying real hard to give a shit about any of this but it's a struggle. What a surprise, Soma tries to start another food war. Oh, it's Alice and Discount Sasuke. I hate Alice and Discount Sasuke but I think I hate the central kids more. Promised Neverland- I still don't trust Phil. I miss Norman. The nice demons are absolutely going to die, aren't they. This is a monster boyfriend who would treat you right. Surely that amulet won't come into play for anything later. Uhhh dude you okay there? Goddammit monster dude, I trusted you! Demon fight, go! Whelp, you're fucked. Sweet, free bunker. This is a nice bunker. Thanks, weird old dude we've never seen before. This place is nicer than my house. Play Freebird! A secret room inside the secret bunker. A secret passage inside the secret room inside the secret bunker. That is a nice bathtub. Things are going way too well, something has to go wrong. Y'all can just not go back for Phil. And now shit goes wrong. Oh that's ominous. Sorry, wrong number. Fire Force- BEAT HIS ASS, BOYS. Man that guy creeps me right the fuck out. To be fair, half the time I long for death with every fiber of my being. I keep forgetting Sho exists. Uhh did they give that boy a lobotomy? Leave that poor kid alone. Oh it's gonna be fun seeing him wreck this creepy bug weirdo. I love this dumbass. Aw shit we fucked up. Fuck you guy, I hate the sun. Oh right, shit's about to blow up. I don't know enough about explosions so I'm just gonna assume Science Dandy is correct on this. Use Maki's brother as a meat shield. This would be a great job for my girlfriend Maki. LET MY WIFE FIGHT. Date me, Captain Sexy. MY WIFE! Punch your brother in the face. Plese don't kill Captain Sexy. Use the other captain's skill as a battering ram. Maki continues to have absolutely zero competition for best girl. Eat shit, zombie lady. God I love my wife. Arthur's ultimate power is just not thinking. BEES. So are y'all fucking or what. Oh hey, Juggernaut's still alive. He's got a potato's will to live. Maki is best waifu. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted April 25, 2021 Author Posted April 25, 2021 If I keep the job that long, I'll try to avoid a shift on that day if possible. ATTACK ON TITAN - Push that janitor off the roof! On second thought, push all these Marleyan assholes off their roofs. It's Jaeger family tradition to lag behind the rest in basic training. Yeah, "social dance club". 🙄 I recognize those pictures! TFW your dad is too much of a nerd to bother with outdoor activities. Damn you Magath and your tough love... As I thought, glasses dude was the former Beast Titan. "You heard nothing." Like I said, Jaeger family tradition. SHIT COUNT: 1. Sometimes the best test subject for your research is yourself. I like this guy, he makes a lot of sense, plus I'm expecting him to die this episode so there's a 50% chance I won't get pissed off when it happened like the last two times. Wow, Eren's dad's pushier than he made it sound like he was, no wonder Zeke ratted him out. "You're building alive!" Venture Bros. did it first. Okay, "they never loved you" is a step too far, I think. Uh-oh, the first sign. Hey, I recognize all those kids! Annie's such a loner. Marley deserved that plague. Push that janitor off the roof, Zeke, it is your destiny. I expected the whole sterility discussion because spoilers, but the former Beast Titan's tragic backstory is super-rough. The wife may have deserved it for being as much of a hateful bitch as that asswipe of a janitor, but not the son. Not the son. Unfortunately for all of us, the Founder's power now belongs to Eren. Speaking of whom... Watch out for them Jaeger Brothers. I bet Levi wanted to kill that janitor just as much as I do. WITNESS ME! Mmm, smells like horse bacon. FOOD WARS - It's like a '60s race riot over there, only with none of the '60s or any of the race. I was never a fan of the "backwards 3s for eyes" gimmick. Finally, an answer to what the hell Isshiki was doing during this whole thing. "Serves ya right, a-holes!" Well said. At this point, the fact that he won should outweigh the stupidity of him accepting the challenge to begin with. Yes in your room. We saw that one dude with the fiery hair from the OP in the background a grand total of once, when are he and those other two gonna be relevant? Ora Cola: it's like Hetap, only a JoJo reference. Who else mentally autocorrected "Nakkers" as "Knockers", hopefully I'm not the only one who did. He's a shonen protag, of course he's not satisfied. He was one of the four who didn't vote in favor of Food Fascism Dandy taking over the school, no way he would've sold you guys out that honestly. The Food Wars have been saved, but Totsuki itself will require a little more time. They had no idea he was a nudist, did they. Oh man, she was so sheltered. Treat the machine like you would a high-end oven, buttons and all, and you'll be fine. That Stagiaire they went through really did wonders for their acquaintanceship. Oh hey, the other two guys besides Erina and Isshiki that didn't vote yea. That's our Rindo, being based as always. Oh hey, there's the dude from the OP, I had a feeling he'd show up this episode. A rubbernecking they will go, as they say. Even the closed-captions think it should be spelled "Knockers Babe". Still not a fan of them flashing back to OVAs that weren't even dubbed. The checkerboard pattern of that cake, though, I am a fan of. Just the mere sight of Soma is enough to make that Eizan douche seethe, I love it. Oh hey it's those other two from the OP, plus one extra. These background characters are gonna lose hard. And they did. Nothing screams tryhard or inferiority complex more than a flashy character design come up with by some bored teenager. Nice of you to join us, Superior Knockers Babe and Second-Worst Sasuke. "I've got half a mind to stab you in your pathetic heart with my cooking! Hell, even a knife'll do!" Too bad for you, Ryo's the one doing the dominating here. TOP BILLING THREE: Soma, Rentaro, Takumi. At least you got her to say something, that's a start. Ryo's gonna pleasure you with that fish, whether you like it or not. PROMISED NEVERLAND - They're on a demon horse. We don't like to talk about Norman, it makes everyone too sad. I blame the gradual change in appearance on interspecies breeding, like most horny-minded individuals like myself would. Almost exactly one week, what apropos timing. "Thanks, Obama." Nice rock formations. The run-hide-fight method works every time, even if I didn't exactly implement that the moment it counted. I'm sure that amulet will be better explained in the manga. Well this conversation is certainly disconcerting. Remember, kids, don't live like nomads, not if you want a demon to eat your face. Well, at least he's just as likely to kill his own kind as he is the other. "Are we there yet?" "No..." "Are we there yet?" "No..." "Are we there yet?" "NO-oh wait yeah we are." Maybe the coordinates are for the other world, or perhaps you have to go down to find it. For the smartest kids, they're really thinking kinda stupid. That one kid has gone full Saitama. As to be expected of the brightest one, thanks Ray. Like I said, you gotta go down. Gotta love creepy underground passageways. It's a crazy world out there, where dogs own cats as pets, smart technology is literally dumb, and that one black couple is continuing to argue over deodorant. On the third episode, she said "let there be light". If that's food it does not look appetizing anymore. Kitchen, bathroom, storeroom, adventure park... This place has everything! Nice to see ragtime music hasn't died out. SECRET TUNNELLLLLLL. And another! And another! Nice Shawshank pose there, kid. Those, boy, are tears of joy. It's all just a little too perfect, if you ask me. I do love me some well-composed piano music. Time to spy on Mama. They're nowhere close to the minimum consumption age, so they're fine for now. Try sticking your finger in there, maybe something nice will happen. Congratulations, you found the secret pay phone! The others, meanwhile, found the secret shrine to the Beatles. "Bababooie Bababooie." Ooh, surprise music video! It's probably here to fill the extra time left by the shorter-than-average duration for noitaminA programs. FIRE FORCE - What the hell is with those weird boots the White Clad have been wearing anyways? You say all that like you're absolutely ready, but you're still two Pillars short. Now you're just sounding like a Fullmetal Alchemist rip-off. So that's what he's been doing all season! Feminization and cuckqueenery; a rare fetish combination. KICK HIS ASS SHINRA. Oh Arthur, you foolish boy. God I love me some good ol' cathartic violence. So I take it all this rambling doesn't mean he's the Seventh Pillar. Thanks for the lesson on demolition procedures, Science Dandy. Yeah, definitely sounds like Maki's our only hope at this point. Hinawa's still the best. Kick his ass, Obi. As glad as I am to see her, the suddenness of her appearance just screams season 1 levels of pacing. Kick his ass, Maki. Sucks to be Tamaki. She may be just as crazy as the rest of the White Clad, but I'd still bang Ritsu. I still think I might've missed something about Maki's brother being a pyrokinetic. Sibling power + sweet sciencey magic = the day is saved, somewhat. Cute duck-and-cover Iris. Suck it, Giovanni. Arthur follows true shounen law: the stupider you are, the more powerful you can get. Man, this is some Aburame Clan bullshit. Oh well, at least some guys from Company 2 survived. It'll be a while until he completely understands, but at least he partially understands. It was a test by circumstance, let's leave it at that. Oh good, Juggernaut's fine, relatively speaking. "Shame about Hajiki, though." Those eyebrows...! It's been a while, so Maki's gag about overreacting to being called a brute isn't as bad as it was last time. Random Hibana is random but much appreciated, especially after She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. Gonna go see the Demon Slayer movie after all this, so don't mind if the comments for the last two shows seem a little rushed. BLACK CLOVER - We're never gonna find out what this avant-title guy's all about are we. FUCK YEAH WIDESCREEN LETTERBOXING. Just take care not to stare at it too long. She's self-taught, just like all the pros. You can just tell those two are fucking. Thanks for the primer on strong magic regions, narrator, I can't remember if they were explained this thoroughly before now. Yami can't hear you, the rain is too loud. Damn, that has to be the loudest Asta's screamed in a while. "The Talk no Jutsu always works!" Bet you regret wearing short sleeves on this journey, huh, guy. Yep, they're totally fucking. STOP, ASTA TIME. I blame Rupert Murdoch's brats for this. Congratulations, Asta, you're now the god of a crazy religion. It sounds weird hearing him talk about things like he's an expert. But unlike you, he managed to turn things around, and had more going against him than just the "no magic" thing. **coughnunfetishcough** Long story short, she's gay and evil now. RABBLE RABBLE. Bullshit, you knew they wanted the devil's power the moment it turned out their motivations weren't what you thought. There's also the whole wanting to marry a nun thing, but that's a whole other type of pariah entirely. "If only we were all plucky shonen protagonists." If that's what you're into, go right ahead. Nice of you to finally join us again, Yami. SHIPPUDEN - MINDTAKER OOWEEOO. Sasuke don't get it. In short, this is how Bites the Dust works, only with the overlap being between the start of the loop and every time someone new gets exploded. It means it cancels out the Izanagi, obviously. I'll give him this, it's a less stupid way of explaining it than Danzo's "it's like a dream, man" nonsense. Oh boy, Uchiha flashback time. Now that guy was certifiably crazy. And so was this guy. "It resulted in the most Uchiha deaths in a certain length of time, until what I did, naturally." Oh shit I'm starting to see color in this black and white. WAIT A HOT SECOND IS THAT THIRD CRAZY GUY KIRITO!? I fucking love that log substitution stunt. And so the loop is set. Visual prowess is bullshit, but it's interesting bullshit. What a simple and obvious escape method that only the stubborn would refuse to take hold of, even with full consideration. Yeah, Kabuto has become quite crazy over the years. So in short, Izanami's like therapy without the medical bills. Of course there's another one. Pobody's Nerfect. Something something Naruto's the other side of the coin. "Damn, fell right into that one!" You made a mistake the moment you made yourself known as the "Ninja Info Cards" guy. Meanwhile, random shinobi. Oh dang that's the kid from Kabuto's backstory. He grew up surprisingly normal. "Just call this my redemption phase." And there he is. Meanwhile, Tobi's just standing there... menacingly. [ゴゴゴ] Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 1, 2021 Author Posted May 1, 2021 Time for yet another reminder who the worst girl (who isn't a total psychopath) in Fire Force really is. 12:00 - Dragon Ball Super #113 - With Great Joy! The Fighting Freak Saiyans' Battle Rejoined!! - TV-PGLV 12:30 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #16 - Above and Below - TV-14LV 1:00 - Food Wars! The Third Plate #10 - Dance of the Salmon - TV-MAS 1:30 - The Promised Neverland #16 - Episode 4 - TV-14V 2:00 - Fire Force #47 - Firecat - TV-MA2:30 - Black Clover #148 - Becoming the Light That Shines Through the Darkness - TV-PG3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #339 - I Will Love You Always - TV-PGV3:30 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba #26 - New Mission - TV-MAV Quote
EmpressAngel Posted May 2, 2021 Posted May 2, 2021 Next week we get the return of a character who's both the best Sasuke and by far the prettier Tamaki on the block. Titan- Fuck you, Zeke. Hey so what the fuck was that. It's real easy to agree when everybody is holding guns on you. SYMBOLISM, YA GET IT? I mean, it sounds like he was absolutely right for not trusting you. Zeke sucks and is the worst, lady. Meanwhile, everyone is having a bad day. Maybe he's just a massive douchebag. Someone punch this lady. Aw man they even threw the cute cooking guy in jail. You shut your fucking mouth about Sasha. I love the cooking guy and his immediate reaction to always kill someone for Sasha's honor. Gabi, still terrible. Oh hey Packmule. Well Zeke just survived a damn missile at point blank range, can shooting Eren even kill him? I like Packmule. Your life is a lie, Gabi. Sorry Armin they're gonna take your balls. Go ahead and turn into a titan, kill the little brat for all I care. Falco is a good boy. Yes this is all your fault and you should feel bad. I'm rooting for Packmule in all this. OHHHHHHHHHHHH. Aw fuck here we go. LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLEEEEEEE. Food Wars- Maybe I'll luck out and they'll just kill each other. I could not give less of a shit about any of these people. I don't mean to brag but I can make some pretty good instant ramen in a microwave so who's the real super chef here. Big deal I'm also an expert at gauging heat which is why I own that unreasonably expensive Endeavor figure. This is a sad, pathetic attempt at a fire user and I do not approve. Sugarfree salmon ice cream sounds goddamn horiffic. Meanwhile, Erina being unlikable. At least he wears clothes when he's sneaking through the ceiling, I guess. Okay that sounds pretty good. Laser fish. Here have some fish oil. I find imitation fire boy personally offensive and I'm glad he lost. You had me at bacon powder. Promised Neverland- Exposition dump, go. Well that seems weirdly easy. Oh, I just noticed that Emma's ear is still bandaged. Sweet, free birds. This is going far too well. I could go for some pancakes. Time for a fun hunting trip with all the small children. Have some fish. Okay the fish is walking. Good luck, kiddo. And then the kids died. Oh hey, Mom's still alive. Goddammit Don you're gonna get them all killed. You can just leave Phil. Whelp, everything's gone to hell. Are they human, or are they dancer? You have to save the veggies! That kid's eyes are way too close together and it's distracting. Pocket sand chair! Time to pull a Home Alone, children. Well that's terrifying. Well now you've just pissed it off. I forgot she has a bomb in her heart. Surely this will end well. So what was the point of that secret room with all the freaky writing? Fire Force- Hey there Captain Sexy. Hibana, still awful. Look at her titties, dammit! Kick his ass, Konro. Well, that was quick. I'm not entirely convinced that we're not in the hellish alternate world right now. Never trust an evil fire demon doppleganger. My doppleganger and I would get distracted by porn and never manage to kill each other. Oh hey Beni. You're gonna have to explain it to Arthur about seven times. Oh this is gonna be fucking painful. Yes yes you're goddamn terrible and should be ashamed of yourself. On the bright side, the annoying little girls are unlikely to set off her fanservice shit. Okay I love the kids shittalking her. And then he killed them. Show I literally don't guve a fraction of a fuck about Tamaki's backstory. Oh it's that douchebag. Remember that time she got the shit beat out of her but we were supposed to enjoy her clothes getting wrecked? Slutshaming is not cool, kids. Everybody wants to be a cat. So what the fuck is even the explanation for the lecture lure existing? I really wish this series could decide if the unwilling fanservice is supposed to be a funny, sexy thing for the audience to enjoy or an actual problem that negatively affects her and should be taken seriously. 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 2, 2021 Author Posted May 2, 2021 I, for one, am looking forward to everyone's new delicious brown rabbit waifu. ATTACK ON TITAN - Because Levi is crazy like that. Random luggage girl. OH MY GOD JC A TITAN. This is the weirdest unbirthing porn I've ever seen. I don't ever remember Shiganshina having a castle-like fortress, but then again it has been four years. This armband system seems awfully familiar. Marleyans are dicks, especially that asshole janitor and his stupid grandkids. As for Yelena, I don't know whether to like or hate her, just that I love hearing her speak. He can, but you'd all be vaporized in the process. We get it, Jean, you've still got the hots for her. SHIT COUNT: 1. Dammit Onyankopon, I thought you were cool! RIP THAT FUCKER'S FACE OFF NICOLO. 🤣 Dear god the laugh I let out when Yelena brained that guy was so loud and insane even I was caught off-guard by it. Thanks, Yelena, that asshole deserved it. Meanwhile, Gabi still sucks. "...to lure out any spies who've infiltrated the walls." And speak of Eldia, there's one of them now! Class 1-B sucks save for a select few, but good on Shinso for finally getting into that hero course like he always wanted. God Eren's become a badass, even at his most unlikeable I like this crazy son of a bastard. Pieck is also a strong contender for best girl that's new to this season. I love that ever since she killed Sasha, Gabi's just been suffering non-stop. Again, fuck Marley. It's peaceful in that you can die on your own terms instead of violently like all the deaths up to this point. Though Jean has a point with the whole "nothing but old geezers" thing. "Watch out for them Jaeger Brothers." Might wanna get a tissue there, Armin. Dang, Eren's really thought things through. He got bashed in the face with a bottle of hooch and the rest is history. Yes, Gabi, it is your fault. A pathological liar, just like my other uncle. Oh yeah, the fake beard. DEATH FROM BELOW. But the real question is, who exactly was it she was pointing at? MUH LEGS. In conclusion, Pieck's motivations are complicated. In the end, it's all about Reiner and how much he wants to fucking die. Sorry, no next season preview for you! FOOD WARS - I've missed Second-Worst Sasuke's smacktalk. Okay, so you pronounce it ki-NOH-kuni instead of kino-KOO-ni. But hey, at least they aren't bribing the judges like that fucker Eizan did. Who knew cooking devices could be so goddang complicated? Plus they look like rectangular prisms, which makes it extra pretentious. Educational and informational. Am I the only one that keeps hearing her pronounce the Rs in this dude's name as Vs? "It's like that constant heat of his gets transferred to the food that he's preparing." My thoughts exactly. SHINY SHINY. It's an amphibian that's often mistaken for a reptile, but that's not important right now. I don't need you to explain obvious cognates to me unless they're false ones like "embarazada" or "baito" (Spanish for "pregnant" and Japanese for "part-timer"). Leave it to the Japanese to make salmon of all things an ice cream flavor. So does that mean it's technically dairy-free? LOOK AT THIS TEENAGE GIRL'S STRIPED PANTIES DAMN YOU. Soma doesn't know what that word even is. Now for an oddly peaceful moment with Erina. CEILING ISSHIKI IS WATCHING YOU MASTURBATE. I do appreciate all the obscure food history this show manages to pull out of the archives. Fuck yeah, the wave motion gun. I had a feeling Megumi was a white panty girl. [sigh] Fucking tie games... And then it was the Magician's Secrets Exposed. Suck it, Runny. Though Kurokiba's metaphor works just as well. HE DID IT FOR YOU, POPEYE. The animators can't decide on how they want the old guy's face to look, it's actually kind of distracting. Surprise pockets of flavor are fucking great. That feel when Sasuke uses Naruto's catchphrase. This Indian dude acts like a true Frenchman. Who else heard "no better than Prozac"? TOP BILLING THREE: Soma, Ryo, Old Judge Dude. PROMISED NEVERLAND - Turns out in the manga there was a dude in the shelter who holds Emma at gunpoint while ranting about how having friends will get you killed; not sure if that bodes better or worse for them than the "Help!" wall. "I can't come to the phone right now, so leave a message after a beep." It's not exactly an unprecedented reveal, but it's still nice to get all this context. I feel this message is mixed. Dammit, I was expecting him to spell "futile". I feel like your order of operations is more than a little ambitious. If only Norman were here... January 2047? Wasn't it 2046 last season ago? Silent montages set to music are way superior to silent recaps set to music. (Just another way in which Full Metal Panic! disappointed me.) PANCAKES. Don't be a vegan, Gilda. You mean you didn't notice all the land sea creatures crawling all over the place a couple episodes ago? Clearly this hunting issue could be solved with protective gloves. YOU ARE THE WEAKEST LINK. This looks like a job for the idiot boys. And also Ray. When Food Wars are done to determine which dish is less likely to kill you. Maybe that too is a recorded message? Meanwhile, at the old Mansfield correctional facility that was used as the set for Shawshank... The unkempt long hair look works for Isabella. That one girl with the messy hair's voice does not match her look at all, I'm sorry. There goes Michael Bay again with his explosions... I was expecting demons, not a frickin' mini-SWAT team. Tiny-face Rossi, that's what I'm gonna call him. You should probably put that flower down if you know what's good for you, but then again you are a demon. HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT. Life is like a game of tag: you'll be 'it' eventually. If only someone was here to point a pistol at his head and fire without warning. And down the cliff he goes. Thanks, poorly CGI'd spider creature thing! Oof, right in the eye. I guess if you want children beaten, you have to do it yourself. The promise of unmodification and the secret bonus helps too, I guess. Wait, was this what the start of episode 1 was actually foreshadowing? FIRE FORCE - Most of what he said was crazy talk, but this was the important part. Personally, I think Konro being in contact with Adolla makes sense; he has that problem with his back, which if I remember right is reminiscent of the issues Joker and Burns have with their eyes. Before anyone asks, no, I wasn't referring to Hibana when I said "worst girl". Actually, I'm coming around to her stronger than ever now. The both of you make excellent points, but let's just see how this plays out. Again, this show could really benefit from a marathon-style rewatch. SAMURAI STYLE. As I thought~. By that logic, could Uncle Reaper's tephrosis also be the result of contacting Adolla? And that "old wives' tale" wound up the basis for this little show from '09 called Kurokami. Lotta good use of color this episode. Could be a matter of worthiness vs. unworthiness. Oh, Waka. In other words, GO BEYOND, PLUS ULTRA! Was that a chess metaphor, or more like a shogi metaphor? And that's why this episode is called what it is. Ehhhh, those bumps don't look that delightful... You know that big wheel keep on turnin', Proud Mary keep on burnin'. It's more of a "fuck Orochi and her rotting corpse" story, when it comes down to it. OH FUCK NO I HATE THESE LITTLE GREMLINS. But is it regular tag, or Promised Neverland tag? YOU DON'T JUST CASUALLY SAY YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE WHEN YOU DON'T REALLY MEAN IT, THAT PISSES ME OFF. God these imps make me so mad. Not sure what kind of training this is but OK. Translation: "Where are you, Zenitsu?" Now way that was five seconds. >_> Neat, Tamaki backstory. I bet that girl goes Infernal in the next two minutes. Oh wow, that was less tragic than I was expecting it to be! MY STARS. I had a comment here but I wound up losing it. Cat vs. fox. Bitchy packs of teenage girls are the worst, even in a world that's mostly on fire. SLAP FIGHT. The ridiculousness of the Lecher Lure makes me tilt my head more than anything else. CATSENGAN. Say what you will about the Lure, but that is some prime wordplay, as to be expected from the masters at FUNimation Entertainment. "Oh my, how did I get up here?" Arthur: a king, a knight, a samurai, and now a Jesus allegory. BLACK CLOVER - Huh, different cold open this time. I bet these two would've fucked already if not for the one's husband. Even the show knows they're most definitely gay for each other. More like Breeding Mountain. The voice on that woman sounds way wrong. TUG OF WAR MAGIC. A bird and a salamander, technically. "That nice chubby guy that makes doors!" If that's what you wanna call him... So many pocketbook grimoires. Suddenly an ice dragon, and just as suddenly a commercial break. "I gotta find out who killed my son." Don't lose your way, Jason Statham! So how many people are gonna let themselves get eaten by the beast like they're Heaven's Gaters? Magic: it saves lives. And so does breaking a giant rock with your forehead, if you're as crazy as Asta. Between this and Qwaser, what is it with anime calling characters silver and then giving them power over mercury? This battle makes it feel like the whole filler arc was a just decently structured excuse to have Yami, Fuego and Nozel triple-team a kaiju made of ice. "Talk? But that's what that magicless boy wanted us to do!" Open sesame~! Honorable Judge Stick-in-the-Mud. So that's how you pronounce "assuage". A commoner and a commoner with no magic. It was more a case of ignorance than of apathy, yet they still remain the biggest problems with today's youth. "Was this guy in a forest fire or something?" It's good to have a little faith every once in a while. And that just leaves the lesbians and their cohorts. Nope, no allahu ackbaring for you. Dumbnutsio's still a douche, but I too am surprised he sentenced them to "death by exile" as opposed to just "death". As long as it means their destination's anywhere but here, I see no reason for him to relent. If only everyone of your lowly state had Asta's infinite resolve. "It won't be us, but it'll be close enough." NOW KISS. Neat, in-episode ending credits. And in the end, she was right, at least about the husband. Because it no longer involves our protags, we'll just let them do whatever they want, consequences be damned. SHIPPUDEN - Right, I keep forgetting about the big Madara fight. Maybe she's getting sloppy because she just got impaled twice, ever think about that? I'll be honest, I like Onoki the most out of the Five Kage, even taking Gaara's Heel Face Turn into consideration. I also really love watching all these combination jutsus in action. Can't beat Madara hax, no sir. Okay, now it's a true Susanoo. "Take that, topography!" That's enough action and hopelessness, now back to the cave with the Uchiha Bros. and Snake Boy Jr. You say that you hate it, but it doesn't really feel that way, you get what I'm saying? Poor Kimimaro didn't even get to do anything worth insight on, even in the filler episodes. Their bodies lit up the landscape like a bunch of cars with their high-beams on, and I don't mean that as a metaphor. He's gonna do the forehead thing again isn't he. Never mind, guess he's just gonna do that instead. Finally, we get to experience Shisui. Eyeballs in Naruto work differently from eyeballs in real life, I've come to accept that for some time. Ironically, the Third wasn't for the idea of wiping out the entire clan from the onset, like what the others made it sound like. As I thought, everything was Danzo's fault. Tobi's mask looks better with the tiger pattern than that weird spiral texture. Also as I thought, killing their parents was just as painful for Itachi as it was for Sasuke. My only memory of the entire massacre the first time it was shown on Toonami was my surprise at knowing Sasuke's house had a CRT TV; just thought I'd remind y'all of that. Oh, so he didn't do the forehead thing after all. Just a... different forehead thing. 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 8, 2021 Author Posted May 8, 2021 My Hero Academia: now with slightly less worry about getting trapped in a seemingly unending loop of out-of-place reruns! Meanwhile, someone is going to die brutally on the season finale of Fire Force, at least I assume so with a rating like that. 12:00 - Dragon Ball Super #114 - Bloodcurdling! The Explosive Birth of a New Super Warrior! - TV-14L 12:30 - My Hero Academia #89 - All Hands on Deck! Class 1-A - TV-14V 1:00 - Food Wars! The Third Plate #11 - Der Weiße Ritter der Tafel - TV-MAS 1:30 - The Promised Neverland #17 - Episode 5 - TV-14LV 2:00 - Fire Force #48 - Signs of Upheaval - TV-MAV2:30 - Black Clover #149 - Two Things We Need to Find - TV-PG3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #340 - Reanimation Jutsu, Release! - TV-PG3:30 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #1 - The Other Side of the Sea - TV-MA Quote
EmpressAngel Posted May 8, 2021 Posted May 8, 2021 6 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: Meanwhile, someone is going to die brutally on the season finale of Fire Force, at least I assume so with a rating like that. I'm just going to preemptively state that whatever happens is not my fault. 1 Quote
EmpressAngel Posted May 9, 2021 Posted May 9, 2021 Hero- I swear I'm trying my best to kill Endeavor. Hawks is my boyfriend. I hope they have to babysit again. I'm sure those shadowy figures in the OP won't be important at all. Momo did you really need to make an entire cart. I love my dumbass boyfriend. "Hope I don't die!" Oh hey, they're the villains. Anxiety Sasuke is a goddamn mood. Nejire is so cute. MIRIO NO. Boy just yeeted himself off a bridge. Just let him go home. Mirio in the river is legit cracking me up. I love my kids. Anxiety boy is a good boy. THE BOYS ARE HERE. They just stole that car and made him power it. RIP Suneater, you were the best Sasuke and the best Tamaki on the block. Hey there Garbage Dilf. One of you date me now. Aw shit is Bird Boyfriend evil. Honestly Dabi is kinda just a visual approximation of what my curse probably looks like. Food Wars- And now, an objectively worse Sasuke. I don't care about their backstory, show. Erina, still awful. Alice is actually one of the few tolerable characters in this show sometimes. I don't care, show. I'm always really annoyed, snobby glasses dude. I sure can't wait to watch Megumi painfully bumble her way through this. I'd probably like this guy more if he was in a show that I hated less. Why does Erina even bother going to class when she's the super best awesome chef ever. Genuinely surprised Megumi didn't fail and have to get saved by Soma. Sorry dude I only have room in my heart for one good anxiety boy and you'll never beat my boyfriend's boyfriend. Look, look at their tits and ass! It's nice to see Erina almost realizing that other people matter. Gee I'm sure this is gonna end well. Maybe I'll luck out and they'll kill each other. RIP Bambi. Wait what. Call your hot dad to beat his ass. Promised Neverland- Welcome to Monstertown. It's good to hear that the farms are getting attacked. These monsters are really bad at recognizing the children right in front of them. There's just more soup! Seriously, just forget about Phil. Emma needs a hug. Aw shit who's there. I sure hope that thing is blind and nose-deaf. Wait, the what temple? At least this old man demon seems nice. Well that's a horrifying prayer. Thanks, old man. Meanwhile, dying little demon kids. Feed them Phil. I love these two boys and their fish. Oh I got a bad feeling about this. Whelp, this was going far too well. Damn these kids can jump. It's a trap. KNIFE. I feel sorry for their little demon kids that are gonna die now. OH SHIT MY BOY'S ALIVE. Fire Force- Man I hope I don't get a boyfriend killed in the next 30 minutes. And then Beni forgot about the boys and killed them. Beni's just having a good time here. That has to be a record amount of clothes for Tamaki to keep on. Captain Sexy is indeed strong as fuck and I love him. Man I sure wonder where all that pent-up rage came from. And then he just straight up fucking killed them. It's a shame that ol' Wingding Eyes here does nothing for me because he'd be prime boyfriend material. Hibana, still the worst. Oh hey, it's the doctor lady. It's a good thing the doctor lady is right there. Naked ghost mode, go! Aw hell this is gonna be traumatic. Uhhh you okay there kiddo. Oh that guy's definitely about to die. I'm kinkshaming Grandpa. Yikes that's a rough way to go. He was too horny to kill himself. I don't think Shinra's okay. Hiiii Ogun. Man did they really call his death a jackoff accident. Konro's definitely going to die. Oh hey Sho. Hiii Captain Sexy. Shit's getting weird with that girl. Was that the moon from Soul Eater? This better be hinting at Arthur and Excalibur teaming up. 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 10, 2021 Author Posted May 10, 2021 Thoughts didn't come on Sunday because I worked a really long shift that day. Still, they're here now, and that's what matters. MY HERO ACADEMIA - How nice of them to recap last season's finale for those of us who forgot all the specifics beyond "Endeavor almost fucking died but still emerged the victor". Dang, what happened to your voice, Eraser? Suck it, Bakugo. JAPANESE FIRE DRILL TIME. He said "hypothetical" villains, that's proof this is only a test. I still love Midnight but I'm not too sure about keeping her as my waifu right now. Neat, the episode titles have an official seal of approval now. Also known as, "Team Scares Small Children". (Hey, Jiro's earlobes are nightmare fuel to somebody.) Goddammit not another audio glitch. That second one made it look like Mineta got pummeled for almost nothing, so I'm not too mad about that one. I do like Bakugo calling those he looks down on "extras"; it's good to copy when ineffectual background characters act like dicks for no reason. I still think Todoroki should follow Deku's lead and make his hero name "Icy-Hot". Oh hi Mirio. "Another explosion!?" Must be Bakugo. I'm surprised they actually approved that overly long (and partially foreign) hero name. I had a feeling if Mirio was involved these two would be too, and I swear the show promo had nothing to do with it. 😏 No heroes, only starches. Major props to Oreos for not only putting out a gluten-free cookie, but making it technically dairy-free as well. It's amazing how recognizable Lindsay Seidel's voice has gotten after having Ass Class, Gridman, and Titan all on the block at once. Goddammit Mirio. Parasyte Dandy sounds throatier than usual, must have what Eraser's got. Hey, I recognize that face in the water! I'll confess, I forgot Hagakure was even there. He has a tail, that's his entire gimmick. Saving the best for last with Bakugo, I see... >_> Shit like this is why people hate you as a protagonist, Deku. Oh yeah, Kirishima's here too. And Kaminai also, I guess. KING EXPLOSION MURDER, GO! Goddammit Bakugo. The explosion's shaped like a skull, that boy knows not the meaning of subtlety. Who's the robot? Fun ending theme concept, crappy attempt at cleanly shortening it. Endeavor without his flames on is a weird sight. Go away, Dabi, nobody likes you. Especially not Endeavor. Hawks, on the other hand... ehhhhh? MOMENT OF ZEN: Yesterday, there was a customer at my place of work wearing a mask with All Might's grin as the design. I think I was the only one in the store who got the reference. Next week, All for One finally gets his backstory episode. FOOD WARS - Food Fascist Dandy's here, looks like the party's over. A flashback within a flashback, couldn't have put it past this show to pull something like that. We're never gonna get Megumi and Meat-Meat fighting those ringers from Central are we. Don't go kidding yourself, Erina, you care more about her than you think you do. I'm now convinced that Food Fascist Dandy is secretly a Zoldyck; he has the hair, eyes, and borderline mental illness for it. That was a strange and sudden case of mood whiplash. Soma and Takumi smugly smirking at one another while Megumi's shaking nervously behind them, I feel like that triple-reaction could be exploitable. I agree, she should really grow her spine back. I don't think anyone needed to see that. Count yourself lucky they're still allowing you to break dress code, Soma. Random Kojiro. Annoyed that he's complimenting you behind your back? When the faculty is so rebellious they have to bring in fellow students as substitute teachers. The remains of my college fund say that Soma steps up to assist this guy. Bullshit you weren't aware, he's the only one dressed differently than the rest! Wow, those two have some great chemistry between them, no homo. Random middle-aged people. NOW YA FUCKED UP. For what it's worth, your kayfabe is flawless, so I doubt anyone but your closest acquaintances know of your nervous condition. The answer is nope. Only now they think to fix the show from the inside. SHIMAPAN ALERT. Just bang already you two, you're in the right environment for it. Nothing involving Food Fascism Dandy is "perfectly natural". Oh Erina, you're much too tsundere for your own good. "Why are we hiding from them?" Natural instinct. Soma's even more insulted at his personal style being brushed off than the whole recruitment attempt. Leave it to Soma to walk his way into a Food War he wasn't even planning on proposing. At least the penalty isn't expulsion or giving up cooking forever like the last couple of Food Wars. I might have tried venison once in the form of a meat stick, but I can't say for sure. So does this mean those three are the judges (if they get caught)? Or as some might say, he's the Food Whisperer. It's not so much "goodbye" as it is "see you later". Foodgasms triggered by scent alone, amazing. He's gonna cook that chipmunk in back. When Soma's more focused on the greater plot than on his cooking, you know shit's getting serious. As long as he doesn't touch America, I'm fine, but hopefully things turn out different prefecture-side. I don't think anyone needed to see that again. TOP BILLING THREE: Soma, Erina, Tsukasa. PROMISED NEVERLAND - This episode was the last one the series director worked on specifically, so expect everything to go downhill without hope of return after this week. Nothin' to eat in this town but bugs and pickled kid heads. Okay, so the masks are more a widespread cultural thing. Now that group is obviously disguised humans. The masks on those two guys are awfully colorful, I expect them to be important. Thank god for Minerva's books that their list of herbs makes locational sense. At least the moody music and visuals are making things at least interesting to watch still. Did that black girl's hairstyle change? And that one girl's hair's down, that seems new. "I could eat soup every day!" If the type of soup is changed up often, yeah. So who's the tall guy that was accompanying them again? You're never truly prepared for everything, there's curveballs all over the place. Second-Best Sasuke says don't be so damn emo. At least they're smart enough to know they'd blow their cover even if they tried not to. Wait, did Don's hair get longer? INTRUDER ALERT, INTRUDER ALERT. Way to spoil Snake Blum's return, promo monkeys, but then again, we expected this after Boruto confirmed his survival. An old traveler demon man with sight issues. I think you're the only one who uses this place for its intended purpose anymore, guy. How to converse in sign language without actually knowing sign language. I doubt we'll be seeing atmosphere of this level, so I'm just enjoying it the best I can. That encounter went better than we all expected. That's the one upside of demons, that can tolerate human foods just as much as they do human meat, unlike those edgy-on-purpose Ghouls. DEMON RIGHTS. That one kid demon looks like one of those frickin' microbe creatures. I wonder who that posse is... Snotfish are surprisingly cute-looking, for slimy land animals anyways. I told ya they'd screw up somehow. Y'all know you're Naruto running, right? I sorta get what's going on, but don't really have the capacity to put it into words right now. Welp, they're dead. Surprisingly easy to kill demons, it turns out. NORMAN LIVES! FIRE FORCE - Oh boy, I wonder who's going to die this week! /partial sarcasm. Best stock cold open narration is baaaaack, and it's more ironic than ever! "God, I'm sexy." Nice bulges, guys. Tamaki looks nice in a yukata; I do not expect it to stay on for long. At this point, the excess torture regimen is just hilarious. Yep, I think that's all of them. MAJIDE TIME. I don't know who this "Nakala" is, but he sounds terrifying. I like how his eyes have become the markings inside them when in hysterical strength mode. Arthur's all outta juice, that's a first for him. So what you're saying is, they should save the oxygen that's still in their muscles for later. On the other hand, ohhhhh so that's how tephrosis works. I swear, my utter disappointment with She Who Shall Not Be Named has really made me start to genuinely like Hibana now. The fact that she hasn't called anyone gravel lately really helps too. "I've seen enough ukiyo-e paintings to know where this is going..." All these survive-or-die experiences, and it's only now that Shinra's feeling the fatality of it all. Wait, did he always have that scar on his chest? Suddenly flashbacks. And 3D effect colors too. SURVIVE OR DIEEEEEEEEE. Kinda strange that they'd advertise the bonus battle at the end when they spend most of the film fighting Not!Vic on the train. This woman's nice-looking, but they really could've found a better voice actress for her. Oh, so that's where that scar on her hand came from. (Again. Repeated marathon viewings is the ideal consumption method for this show.) A stigma called masochism. Oh, so is Hague the one that's gonna die? I like this chick better than Orochi, and she doesn't even have a whip or an obviously sexy uniform. Yep, he's gonna die. Oh yeah, whistle guy was with the 4th too. And dead he is. (Really, I'm just glad Konro made it out okay. 🤜🌲) It's a little something we like to call "blue fire". BWAHHHHHHHHH. (I think that's how the sound goes.) And now they're dead, at least in spirit. He knew before anyone else, and that is the true power of Adolla. Also no masochist would go so far as to take their own life, as it means they'd miss out on future pains they haven't experienced yet. Oh, so he does redundancies that involve different words too. I don't think that's how you pronounce "devotee". Jesus tapdancing Christ is that what Yona really looks like!? You've missed so much this season, Sho. Aww nice, an advert for the second ending theme made it into the show. I love shameless self-promotions like this. Except the third because they suck and were basically just Giovanni running things solo. FUCK YEAH BEST OPENING THEME TIME. So does this mean Lisa's not gonna stab them in the back like she outright told them after all, because I better fucking hope it does. Meanwhile, Haumea's having the most intense orgasm of her life. HOLY SHIT IS THAT THE MOON FROM SOUL EATER!? REPLY TO ANGEL: "This better be hinting at Arthur and Excalibur teaming up." Or better yet, Arthur's sword becoming Excalibur. Definitely a step up from season 2, even Tamaki's Lecher Lure was more tolerable, season 3 when? 9.25/10. BLACK CLOVER - Okay, so we're still doing this cold open. I've come to accept that walking stick dude is just some rando. As I thought, they called her Nero all last arc in the hopes that people would forget they were pronouncing Secre wrong before now. Looks like a magical girl transformation wand, I wonder if they did that on purpose. As far as the anime's concerned, this filler arc definitely existed. But you know as they say, the more things change the more they stay the same. Careful, Yami, smack the boy's back too hard and you may end up unlocking his hysterical strength. I personally think she looks better in her casual garb than in her royal uniform. Ah crap, someone used a Death Note on her. Yes, this is still partially a Secre episode. Don't be a dick, Gaja. Ah yeah, that's the physical appearance I prefer. She could really lighten up on the klutzy movements tho. "Speaking of stomach issues, it's about time for my 4:00 meeting, if ya get what I'm sayin'." She can't see without her glasses! Especially when they're broken like they are now. Get your beaver teeth away from those lenses! And it's alive, didn't expect that to be a possibility. I do like how he's attempting to make an effort not to think with his dick so much. [slams the easy button] Whoops, it broke. Maximum charm points. IT ATE THE BONES. And then Asta was Tsurikichi Sanpei. That is a very mob face he's got on. Dangit Asta, don't touch the fur! Be lucky he just bit your hand and not something more sensitive. [we have come to terms] And in the end, it was all for nothing. Or maybe not, since she now has countless spares to choose from. Look on the bright side, an attempt was made. Leave it to Yami to be the best at what he does and thensome. "Is that all I am to you, just some living skeleton key?" She recognizes that diary! You do know that's the Devil Banisher side of the mask, right? What a surprisingly quaint and tolerable interaction. I don't know why this guy that speaks like Sal from Futurama wants to beat David Copperfield's ass, but I love it. SHIPPUDEN - Oh yeah that mummy guy's still on the run. No one cares about your masturbation habits, Deidara. "No fair, I didn't even get to do anything!" Itachi's redemption arc has finally started to pull through. Deidara: a troll 'til the very end. I do like how they recognized not having Tsunade see Dan one last time after so many other Reanimation reunions would feel cheap. And now it finally reaches the war room. "Which company managed to pull such a thing off?" The one that had nothing to do with your guys. And there he goes, the real coolest guy. He didn't even know Roshi's name. Does that count as a Bullhorn? I'm thinking that might count as a Bullhorn. You can't not love a last great act of defiance. I had a feeling the Toonami-Crunchyroll Alliance would pull through with this. Now to wait for them to secure the rights to Mob 2. Nevermind, looks like this is a regular act of defiance. "Wait, how'd I do that?" Is this arc the first time we've dwelled on Tsunade's relation to Dan without also dwelling on her relation to her brother? 'Cause I actually like it better this way. Clearly it's because he's OP as fuck. And also because Kabuto's a scrub that should've stuck to his precious Ninja Info Cards. A clan is Scottish in origin, a village is between 1,000 and 5,000 persons, a shinobi is just a fancy weeaboo word for ninja, and you are the worst Sasuke on the block. Nice of you to join us again, Suigetsu and Jugo. Your brother put a stop to it, you just stood by and watched. Madara, Madara, Madara. It's called that because he attacked the pinky toe. He copied Bee's catchphrase. OH SHIT NOT BE-wait that's a flashback. Now this... this is present day shit. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 15, 2021 Author Posted May 15, 2021 (edited) Everyone's favorite underhanded snake boy is back on the block! 12:00 - Dragon Ball Super #115 - Goku vs. Kefla! Super Saiyan Blue Beaten? - TV-14LV 12:30 - My Hero Academia #90 - Vestiges - TV-14V 1:00 - Dr Stone: Stone Wars #1 - Stone Wars Beginning - TV-14LV 1:30 - Food Wars! The Third Plate #12 - Those Who Strive for the Top - TV-MAS 2:00 - The Promised Neverland #18 - Episode 6 - TV-14L2:30 - Black Clover #150 - The Maidens' Challenge - TV-PG3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #341 - Orochimaru's Return - TV-PG3:30 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #2 - Midnight Train - TV-14L And so is Orochimaru. Edited May 15, 2021 by PokeNirvash 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 17, 2021 Author Posted May 17, 2021 Huh, normally I'm only first to comment on Angel's B-Day weekend. No matter. MY HERO ACADEMIA - Normally it takes about half a commercial before the show actually starts on the DVR recording. "This ceiling is mocking me." Well at least Dabi's sudden appearance makes sense now. FUCK YEAH MIRKO TIME. It may have only been a minute of screentime, but that's good enough for me right now. Goddammit I was hoping they'd leave squiggly Midnight out of the Toonami OP cut. Hawks may be a double agent, but even he has standards. Not sure if secretly evil or just so happening to work with villains. Oh good, he's just a triple agent. What an edgy name for a Quirk. Speaking of edgy, Dabi might wanna get that bleeding stitch line checked out. The giant facial scar look honestly works for Endeavor. Hawks always thinks ahead. That's our Endeavor, murderously angry when the situation doesn't call for it. That accident sounds like the reverse of that one I heard about where a limo with eighteen people rolled over and everyone died. That line isn't gonna sound dated in two weeks or anything. >_> Oh yeah, I forgot all about Class 1-A being confined to campus. "Now you know my pain." BASTARD COUNT: 1. This dude makes the absolute most sense, and yet he still comes off like the kind of person who thinks redemption arcs don't exist in real life. I actually kinda miss the days when Todd was in everything. At least Todoroki acknowledges the existence of Endeavor's redemption arc, but only if he sticks with it. That's a good sign, I guess. What a rare sight, Mineta not acting like a pervert. Oh hey, it's All Might's mentor. I would've liked her better if she was visually introduced before All for One gloated about killing her, and if that forced smile wasn't repeated as often as it was. "I recognize that voice! John Swasey!" Derick Snow's voice is also amazingly recognizable. Metas? As in, Metatronda? The scariest thing is, AfO has a point. I'm thinking "Meta" was what they called Quirks before that proper noun came into being. I wonder if that comic book hero looks like All Might on purpose. Even OfA thinks Deku's moving too slow with his power progression. As I thought, it was Stephen Fu mimicking Derick Snow's voice. Fuck off down a sewer and die from sepsis, Monoma. Ohh, so that's why MHA came so early on my recording; surprise music video segment. I do love me some Aesop Rock, even though I've only ever really listened to "None Shall Pass". DR. STONE - Normally I enjoy the different fonts they use for these remote recording advisories, but am I the only one who thinks Dr. Stone's is lazy for using Arial instead of something a little more unique? That's the snake boy I was referring to in the schedule post. Gen's freeze-frame expression looks so cheerful compared to most of the rest. THAT'S AD-BAY. And now you know the rest of the story. Such sarcasm. He could knock a grown man's head off with a single punch. Senku rules, Tsukasa drools, that's those kids' motto. We makin' astronaut ice cream this season, bitches. I feel like an OP should've gone here. So really, you're making combat rations. I love these little character infographics they come up with for these various projects. When you flex so hard your clothes explode right off your body. Nice igloo, guys. You could kill a man with those icicles. Educational and informational; it's not just for Y7 drivel anymore! That's one way to make the power of teamwork look not-lame. Just add water, and presto! RAMEN PARTY. Ohh, so the space ramen was actually an Ishigami family original creation. Sexy Taiju and Yuzuriha. As for what she's like, you'd have to ask Taiju. Music's a powerful thing, but not powerful enough to stop a war against a bunch of insane Zoomers. Everyone's favorite snake boy, indeed. Are you suggesting a suicide pact, because it sounds like you're suggesting a suicide pact. "Lucky for you, I'm an atheist!" Oh Chrome, you eavesdropper. Obviously C, he's this universe's Dandy, with all the charisma that comes with such a status. Gen's lady voice puts most abridgers' to shame. This plan is so evil it just has to work. NO ONE EXPECTS FLOOR CHROME. I ain't Southern in the slightest, but I do like using the word "y'all". Filling the plot holes comes later, as it should. I can't wait to see Chrome meet Taiju and Yuzuriha, if that's what this is leading to. These cast credits aren't lined up right. That's some beyond-20/20 vision you got there, Kohaku. Hee, the rabbit's peeking out with them. And awayyyyyy we go. How cruel of TMS to stick the full opening theme at the end of the episode, and how equally cruel of Toonami to have that portion run over the DVR limits. It's at times like this that I can only blame Demarco because it's the simplest thing to do. (But seriously, this first full listen to the OP sucked so hard I rewatched it online for a more contiguous experience. They even left out the fucking show title, those bastards!) Still, I've missed this show and I'm glad to have it back on the block. FOOD WARS - Kojiro's a cool guy, for someone who expelled a student for using the wrong conditioner. Thick thighs save lives, but these are deer thighs and no one's life's at stake, so really I only said that just for the sake of it. "Got a little secret up your sleeve, Soma?" "I called it 'that', didn't I?" Even Erina thinks Soma pulled a smart move, and she normally doesn't admit anything of his to be good! Look on the upside, it's something to use in his next food battle. He took out the portable grill, shit just got real. I don't need no exposition to know it's a good match for wild game. TASTE THE MEAT AND THE HEAT. And I see he's learned something about making easily attributable dishes after the Fall Selection tie-breaker. Get it, because it's French. Well you guys were visible half the time, he was bound to notice you eventually. As I thought, they're the judges. The only upside is that they'd basically be destroying only Japan's food economy. Tonight's theme is clothes bursting off for the sake of delicious food. And here's some male pelvis bone fanservice, for the ladies and gay men. I'm pleasantly surprised by how creative these ingredient match-ups continue to be, even as we're at the point the series should be on the verge of derailing. Her most flattering comment yet, but not quite positive, as to be expected from Erina at this stage in the game. Fuck yeah, berry sauce. What a surprisingly wholesome foodgasm! Holy shit I could actually have this dish. Even Soma admits that he's been beat, not a good sign in the slightest. Ohh, she almost chose Soma. I'm torn whether to view this "draw" as cheap or a relief, but I do agree that Soma in Central would be bad news for Central. As a contrarian, I feel more of an urge to ship Soma with Hisako than I do either Megumi or Erina. The goal is distant, but what that means is that it's within perceptible reach, at least from my perspective. Huh, so they managed to fit Megumi and Meat-Meat's battles against the Central ringers into the season after all. And Greg Ayres won too, but what good is that win if we didn't even get to see it? Hayama has been rather sparse lately; maybe he went back to India? SURPRISE, IT'S FOOD FASCIST DANDY. Because if there's two things he's not, it's fun and pleasant. What a lame dude, taking his wife's name instead of keeping his own. (Am I allowed to say that sorta thing now?) He may be in charge of the entire school, but in Kyokusei, what the dorm mother says goes. This guy's easily the most blindly overconfident main villain on the block since Naraku. I had a feeling Soma's dad would be his role model. And now Erina knows. Also, 10/10 implementation of the ED intro. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ TOP BILLING THREE: Soma, Erina, Hisako. SURPRISE FULL ENDING THEME FUCK YEAH. "It's nothing more than- [DVR SAYS NO]" I feel like I missed something important during the five seconds between recordings. Luckily the show's generous enough to fill in the blanks for us with its shounen-class repetition. PROMISED NEVERLAND - Oh hey, Norman's in the OP now. You saw him get shipped out, but you didn't see what happened after he went past the gate. Sometimes I forget they're supposed to be missing an ear. "So... you gonna introduce us to your friends?" I feel that this was expounded on in greater detail in the manga, but I don't hate the approach they're taking with it here. He had it easy compared to the rest. Like I said, read the manga. Don thinks he get it, but he don't. And that level of planning is why he was shipped out first. Soundin' awful Zeke there, Norman. Ray casts doubt. Trading out one set of amenities for another, that's the nomad way. That thing looks like an eye. When it comes down to it, her feelings on the matter are mixed. Shoulda cut to commercial there, programming monkeys. It was then that she realized the promise actually made a lot of sense. "We can't let Norman know we befriended a demon, let alone two." Dammit Ray. Her problem is she lets herself be controlled by her emotions too much. They do come off as anomalies, come to think of it. "GET IN MAH BELLEH" is their way of life. Ding dong, Avon calling. I like that one girl's hair, as little sense as it makes. Jalen K. Cassell's voice is also a recent one that's surprisingly recognizable. You can tell he's smart 'cause of the stitches on his head. A lot can change after a year of human experimentation. He's frosty and bossy. Frossy. Barbara's giant meat leg she's eating on reminds me of one of those big-ass turkey legs I regret not getting when my dad and I went to see Red Fang at Rock on the Range in 2017. (The food from the local German restaurant's food truck I got instead was really good though, so it balances out.) BASTARD COUNT: 1. Demon: tastes like chicken, if it was on the Broodwich. Ooh, forget the bastard count, we're really leaning into coarse language if we've got goddamns in the mix. (Remember when [as] used to bleep that word?) ...I'm conflicted and scaroused. That there is the difference between regular activists and radical activists. Much better to reason with the former than the latter. I knew he'd have a problem with them bringing up Mujika and Sonju. Oh shit he knows them. And apparently tried to take Mujika's life at some point. Thank you, shorter-than-normal noitaminA runtimes for putting the DVR fuckery to bed. BLACK CLOVER - And now we're back to the usual avant title. Aw fuck it's a worst girl episode. But hey, if it's about her making an attempt to become more tolerable, I guess I'll watch it for reasons besides being a completionist. That squiggly mouth is still stupid tho. True strength comes from being yourself, and yes I'm aware that sounds corny as hell. Finally, Noelle can flaunt her royalty beyond the usual reminder of her status. Glasses Noelle a cute. I appreciate you trying to help, Gordon, but maybe dial back the wide grinning a bit. If only those baby steps weren't so goddamn horrifying. Yeah, voodoo dolls tend to do that. Starting simple: literally! It's lines like that that would make you the best couple if he didn't have the nun fetish. Gauche, I know you're uncomfortably close to your sister and all, but even you must know there's a limit to being a siscon. It's a good thing Angel's skipping this 'til they start adapting the manga again, because this scene would make her wanna die more than any one of Gauche's other scenes. THERE'S NOWHERE FOR YOU TO DODGE NOW. A wild butterfly has entered the arena! And apparently hypnotized her into following Gauche's every word. I wonder if whoever wrote this episode had a doujin in mind when they came up with it... TURTLE POWER. Thank you, random butterfly. Why the hell am I laughing at this, I watched too many episodes didn't I. Some progress has been made, and that's what really matters. We get it, you hate Andrew Jackson. Meanwhile, Char's embracing her inner Kunoichi with training of her own (and while I'm writing up the first episodes of season 2, too!). That big one's just exhausted from having to do exercise in general. The last words he said to her: "no fat chicks". Oh Sol, if only you knew the joys of being given the D. (Then again, it's possible that's what turned you lez in the first place.) Of all the things heterosexual you could have called gross, nightly phone calls are some of the least sensible. Chibi Yami sounds like a South Park character. That wedding picture could be a template for something. Come to think of it, I don't think Jam's drawn any Black Clover characters yet. A combined attack of a different kind, maybe. That's one way to get her in Yami's pants, I guess. Don't mind me, just an interrupting telephone call with no relation to the plot. Stupid sexy Yami. OR IS IT? I have a feeling Vangeance is gonna win this battle royale. SHIPPUDEN - Yeah, Kabuto ain't the man he used to be, and not just 'cause he's half-snake now. Unfortunately, she's gonna gain a lot of weight in the next ten to fifteen years, but hey, I won't judge. (She was actually kind of cute in her chubby Boruto form.) The birds love Jugo. It wasn't stopped 100%, but for the most part it has. I mean, he came back to life temporarily during the final battle with Itachi, so I wouldn't put it past him to return a third time. The All-Knowing what, Sasuke, the All-Knowing what!? Orochimaru just wanted infinite knowledge, destroying the Leaf just so happened to factor into that goal at the time he decided to do it. Oof, he's gonna feel that once he's out of that genjutsu. Oh yeah, I remember that scene from season 1. HE BACK. And he's on the neutral side! Well, generally speaking. "Great, he still sounds like a total pedo." Still don't know who or what these All-Knowing Something-or-Others are, so a little exposition on that would be real nice right about now. At this point, Sasuke just wants to know the truth. And now Kabuto's back to normal, hooray I guess. This new FOX animated series about annoying and weirdly sexual talking pets looks like shit, but then again so do most recent FOX animated series. Meanwhile, the Gedo Statue still looks off with all its eyes open. So Sasuke did succeed that time, but only by meeting the bare minimum. I'm not surprised Kurama knows about the Ten-Tails, since it's supposedly a Tailed Beast also. "Those bastards ate my stomach lining!" This dude sounds like he knows Kakashi awfully well. Heh, sick burn on Guy. 😏 Oof, that does sound world-ending. This plot sounds an awful lot like Instrumentality, but you know what they say about everything being an Eva ripoff. And somehow this episode got away without a dialogue subrating? I just realized the Gedo Statue looks like a whiny child who doesn't want to listen to their parents to the extreme. 1 Quote
EmpressAngel Posted May 17, 2021 Posted May 17, 2021 14 minutes ago, PokeNirvash said: Huh, normally I'm only first to comment on Angel's B-Day weekend. No matter. I straight up just forgot to hit the submit button on the post because I'm a dumbass. Hero- Garbage dilf sure looks good in a hospital bed. Fight for my love, boys. BUNNY WAIFU ALERT. Oh why is this doing things for me. False alarm, bird boyfriend isn't evil. Surely Hawks having to play spy against the villains will go well for him. Uh hey there jerky boy you okay there? Either of you, please date me. Awwww baby Hawks has an Endeavor doll. Cats hate Aizawa. Natsuo is cute. I'm gonna fuck your brother, Shoto. Jesus he's built like a goddamn fridge. I'm gonna fuck your dad, Natsuo. What happened to your brother? Fuyumi is best girl. That kid became a meme. I actually really like that all the siblings have different feelings about their trash dad and how much they're willing to interact with him. You're garbage and I'm gonna kill you. Meanwhile, remember our main character? Well this is new. Oh shit it's the old users. OH SHIT IT'S HISTORY TIME. All for One seemed good on paper but boy howdy did things go wrong with the execution part. #1 was a good boy. WHAT. Dr Stone- SCIENCE BOYS, GO! I love my good science boy. Gen is having fun. Remember when Tsukasa fought a bunch of lions. Fuck yeah, space food! MY MELON DAUGHTER. I like Kinro's real glasses. Fuck yeah, space ramen! Instant ramen, the gift that's kept all of us alive at some point. I don't understand anything either, Suika. Oh sweet, they adapted the water wheel for it. Don't worry just add water and watch the magic. Awww his dad. How dare you doubt my Screaming Good Boy. Senku-Taiju fusion is damn cursed. Awwww Melon Daughter likes the music. I love an underhanded scheme! Psh, god. Can we go with B. Hot Chicks? How the fuck. HOWDY Y'ALL. All aboard to hell! So uh, what are y'all gonna do after that when all of the bloodthirsty fighters expect the Americans? Chrome is a good boy. Oh shit is that his dead sister? Oh right, the pink girl's still here. Ooh what's the super science gadget? IT'S A PIPE BOMB! I'm excited. Okay when do we get the tank. Food Wars- I hate both sides but I always hope I'll get to see Soma lose and suffer. Don't you dare insult garbage convenience store snacks. Not pictured: me shoveling dry offbrand Cap'n Crunch into my mouth while I shittalk these professional chefs. Hey, you girls wanna do anything of value this week? "Destroy all of Japan's restaurants" seems like a bafflingly shitty idea. Bitches love chestnuts. And then frollick around the meadow with Bambi. Shut up Erina nobody should like you. Vote for the other guy so Soma loses. Oh for fuck's sake, this was entirely pointless? Are the only emotions Soma has really just smarmy confidence and frustrateddetermination because that's kinda super boring. Oh hey, Megumi actually managed to do something on her own for once. I hate you, creepy dad Dandy. Beat his ass, grandma. Are we supposed to be surprised that he lived in this building? Was Soma's hot dad also there? What do you mean this grown man doesn't have a deep, unbreakable connection to this specific building he lived in 20 years ago. Was Soma's hot dad being his hot dad supposed to be any kind of twist? Promised Neverland- I'm just happy my son is alive. Awwww look at my kids. Oh shit that's horrifying. Mr. Smee, eh? Wait what. Huh, that's a nifty little drug you figured out. Norman needs a hug. This sounds way too good to last. That sure was a long exposition dump that I didn't entirely follow. Emma you're a good kid but I don't really feel much sympathy for the race of child-eating monsters. Ray does not give a fuck. I wonder how the nice demons stayed okay without human meat. Oh hey, new people. You can tell he's the smart one because he wears a suit. Oh no Norman broke. "Hahahaha, he has trauma!" So the demons are edible, I guess. And then shit got weird. Neat, drugs. Oh shit he knows them. WHAT. 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 22, 2021 Author Posted May 22, 2021 THIS JUST IN: Turns out reruns at the front of the block are terrible for ratings (no shit), so tonight will be the last night (for now) that Super headlines the block. 12:00 - Dragon Ball Super #116 - Signs of a Turnabout! The Autonomous Ultra Instinct Erupts!! - TV-14L 12:30 - My Hero Academia #91 - Clash! Class A vs. Class B! - TV-14 1:00 - Dr Stone: Stone Wars #2 - Hot Line - TV-PGLV 1:30 - Food Wars! The Third Plate #13 - Advancement Exam - TV-MAS 2:00 - The Promised Neverland #19 - Episode 7 - TV-14LV2:30 - Black Clover #151 - Clash! The Battle of the Magic Knights Squad Captains - TV-PG3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #342 - Secret of the Transportation Technique - TV-PGL3:30 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #3 - The Door of Hope - TV-MA Quote
EmpressAngel Posted May 23, 2021 Posted May 23, 2021 Hero- Previously, shit got weird. You must need more cheese. Tiny All Might, still the size of a truck. Nana was so pretty. Sorry kid, even All Might has no idea what's going on. Surely nothing bad happened to Todoroki's mysteriously absent sibling. Everyone loves milfmentor. Don't make it weird, All Might. Oh hey purple kid. Oh sweet, new costumes. NO CAPES. Aww she's jealous. And here comes Douche Rogue to ruin the mood. Okay that kid's head is really a damn manga panel. Shut up. Thank you Aizawa. Purple boy, surprising no one! Good luck, purple boy. Why is he wearing Aizawa's scarf? Surely this isn't gonna make One for All go all screwey again. I wanna see what happens when Douche Rogue touches Deku. Shinso is a good boy. Haa, he thinks he's getting through this without making friends. Iida broke. I love the Nezu Jail. Good luck kids I believe in you. And then he was mini Bane. Okay but what's your type in women, Midnight? Oh hey, plant Jesus. Y'all probably should have noticed the giant monster guy running towards you. Oh shit he can do that?! Damn that's a cool mask. Dr Stone- Bring me my screaming idiot! I'm with Magma, just kill the scout. LOOK AT MY MELON DAUGHTER. Thank god Kohaku runs fast. Kill the bitch! Go with her, they have cotton candy. Oh hey Senku. Close your eyes if you don't wanna lose 'em. Thanks, MechaSenku! Joke's on you, Senku's only interest is science. Fucking gymnastics. Whelp, Kohaku's out. Aw fuck she figured it out. Oh my god look at that puppy. Oh sweet, magic UV gun. Ohhh it's the pretty rock Suika found. I vote you behead her. Kohaku is a good girl. Sorry, wrong number. Aw hell she's gonna realize she's covered in sparkles. It's a good thing both of them bothered to learn morse code back in the day. SURPRISE, BITCH. I'm shipping the girls and you can't stop me. Enjoy your instant ramen, you earned it. Goddammit Chrome. Ohhh that can't be good. I mean, Magma does have an extremely valid point. They can live without hands! Oh hey, Senku's grave. Goddammit Magma. MY SCREAMING IDIOT BOY! Awwww Taiju. If the pandemic taught us anything, it's that you could sway so many people to your side if you just start making toilet paper. Food Wars- Can hot dad come back now please? Just fail them all and save yourselves the time. You still suck, Megumi. Oh what the fuck does Erina want now. I don't think he gave a fuck how you voted, you dingbat. Hot dad is by far the best character. We're all horny for dilfs. Now that she knows he's got that sweet family background, maybe she'll be less of a stuck up bitch. I hate his smug douche face. Throw as many sad childhood flashbacks as you want, you're not gonna get me to like her. I hope one of them recorded her being genuinely impressed with another human being for once in her life. I wonder how many of these cooking techniques are legit and how many the author's just making up. Oh no, god forbid she eat something inexpensive. It's an egg you ungrateful bitch. I do not like the baby chick orgy. What a shock, you can make good food that does't cost obscene amounts of money! Okay her actually finishing the meal like a normal person is the most surprising thing in this show. Smug asshole vs elitist bitch, I don't know which of them to hate more here. You're all making eggs today. Every time they call her "Erina Poo" I die a little inside. I don't care, show. All of you, get out. Promised Neverland- Dang she's old as hell. This is some kinda magic vampire demon shit. She doesn't sound evil at all though, what's with the name. The rich are terrible, regardless of species. Emma is the best. Oh yeah sure, just capture all of them. In their defense, I'd lose my shit if I had to give up cheese. Great, just go all the way back to the farm and break into the human gate. You're cute kids, people will love you. Oh wait shit, he's dead? Emma needs a hug. Scratch that, all of them need a hug. Emma no that sounds like a super bad idea. Everything is about to go horribly, horribly wrong. Well this lady is crazy as fuck. Aw shit they're all dying aren't they. What the FUCK is that. Let those kids eat. Now all the kids are mad at you. Ray, giving zero shits. I forgot, does everybody else know Norman's alive? You suck, Norman! Uh you should probably not take all the oldest kids just in case you all die. Whelp, Norman's dying. Show how dare you remind me how good the first season was. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 24, 2021 Author Posted May 24, 2021 Good news, everyone! After a long, hard year out of college looking for work while living the NEET lifestyle (until I got a retail job, anyway), I have finally managed to secure full-time employment in my field. Feels good, even if the uphill climb of paying rent and other adulting stuff will be considerably steep. MY HERO ACADEMIA - I think we've seen this dream twice already. AfO's so old he comes from a time when Quirks were called something else. QUIT MOCKING ME BONES. Aoyama's PJs. I assume All Might isn't in there because he's still alive. They wanted you to get good already. And that's just another reason why he's the protagonist. Okay, starting to feel more comfortable seeing All Might's mentor in these flashbacks now. "Sorry, got lost in the past for a bit there." I assume that red-headed kid in the distance there is that "Toya" Todoroki's brother mentioned last episode. (Also, that Black Clover shirt. ) Okay, so All Might was in that dream, I just couldn't recognize him. Relatively new and alive is right. ...You gonna eat those sandwiches? Wait, was he talking about Deku's mom in that flashback I don't remember happening? Quit putting ideas into the fangirls' heads, Eraser, this is a country where shotacon's illegal. Oh hi Shinso. A day so busy, it's gonna span several episodes. Okay, so all these outfit upgrades are just seasonal adjustments. That would definitely explain why Bakugo's showing less skin than usual. I'm at the point now where Bakugo's hate of Deku just makes me laugh. Yep, she's got talent, all right. EAT SHIT AND DIE, MONOMA. And stop JoJo posing, nobody wants to see that. Who else wants to throw this kid down a bottomless pit of no return? THANKS ERASER. Tetsutetsu is the best Class B guy. This tired office lady seems pretty cut-oh shit it's Birdgirl. Holy shit his dream about the vestiges foreshadowed Shinso's return. Say all the edgy crap you want, you're still better than Monoma. Gee, Shinso, two matches? One good vs. another good, one evil vs. another evil, in the end it's just training. Oh, Bakugo. Deku looks excited to be on the same team as Uraraka again. "Tell us more details about your Quirk!" "I bet girls kinda dig that smirk." Does it count as a Bullhorn if it's said by two different people? Fuck you, Monoma. He kept it in hammerspace, all shonen protags have one. This is the part where I'd normally get excited about Midnight showing up with some degree of relevance, so just pretend I am instead of telling you I would be. Don't be a dumbass, Kaminari. GRATUITOUS ASS SHOT. Gotta love pigeon. Jeez, how many of Class B besides Monoma are total dicks? That goes for you too, Kekkaishi guy. Shinso's a pretty cool guy, mimics voices with his mask and doesn't afraid of anything. Hold up, that speech bubble headed kid has a voice? DR. STONE - My mind's still kind of blown that despite being advertised as a main character alongside Senku, Taiju's been missing for half the series at this point. SHOW US THE SERIES TITLE ALREADY YOU COWARDS. Oh Magma, you truly are the Corkus of this show. A one in ten billion chance, you mean. Girl fight... denied. Don't fuck with professional gymnasts. Because you're too attractive to be taken seriously as a villain, that's why. H-HAYAI. Science lasso, go! It flashes and it bangs, hence the name. Oh Mecha-Senku, you're a terrible role model. What the fuck is this "Print Goku" you speak of? [one Google search later] Ah, it's color screen printing. That falling Kohaku in the background. Oh well, an attempt was made. Was that Magma's toady she knocked out? Oops, maybe not. Don't you just love it when characters use their brains to figure out things the audience already knows? Fuck yeah, black lights! It's only because of Titmouse and the staff member they have directing it that I'm even a quarter of the way interested in watching Star Trek: Rick & Morty Edition. Great for identifying semen stains at crime scenes! Yea to using the front of the sword, nay to skipping straight to beheading. RING RING. Thank god they have these graphics for those of us who can't keep up with the pace of the dialogue as quick. "Shit, did I just fall asleep?" Curse you, ritualistic hygiene! Heh, Gen calls him "Senku-chan". They don't know what texting is. Gen's underhanded tactics strike again! 😁 TIMBERRRRRR. It wasn't easy, but it was successful, and that's what truly matters. And so the journey continues. Welcome to the wailing wall, population oh so many. Magma says, "It's murderin' dismemberin' time!" Wait, did Gen know that guy? I never would've guessed Gen would be that humble about himself. How nice of him to make a grave for such a worthy adversary. Or maybe it was made up by someone else. Damn you, Dr. Stone! That kid must be the insanely good hearing guy. Speaking of whom.. OH MY GOD HE COULD'VE DIED. It's easy to forget that Taiju's insanely strong. What a tearful reunion, and it isn't even face-to-face. FOOD WARS - Anyone else find it strange that they're still using the Lunar Festival-centric bumps when we're well into the srs bzns part of the series? Ooh, color swap! And just like that, Erina's worldview got turned on its head. NEW OP TIME, LET'S GOOOOOO. That's right, they made this season a split-cour just so they could give the second half its own fancy sub-subtitle. This really isn't Tsukasa's day. Sounds good on the surface, not so much after considering where our protagonists stand. I like to think of it less as a "death sentence" and more a "declaration of war", but hey, it's your funeral if you really want it to be. Meanwhile, Soma's just acting based like always. I'm not expecting this surprise visit to end in sex, but I have no complaints if it does. Like I said last week, even Soma knew he was beat. Her life was boring, until Soma's dad made it interesting again. I know sunflowers are supposed to be a common thing across anime, but I can't help but think of Champloo when I see them. And then Food Fascism Dandy came in and ruined everything with his Darwinian ideas. Huh, wasn't expecting that to come out of Soma's mouth. Hisako, I know you care about her deeply and all, but just chill for a moment. I turned on the closed captions for a moment, and I'm glad I did 'cause I never would've caught that line about the 3D printer. Come to think of it, Erina hasn't fallen victim to his experiments yet. It's something only those who've suffered forced foodgasms by metaphorical tentacles can understand. Cooking can be fun and games, even when it's all about winning. [shudders] "Butter her up"... I was waiting for her to flash back to that episode. (Hard to believe that was only less than two years ago we saw that...) In the end, it all comes back to the eggs. He freeze-dried those eggs just like the Kingdom of Science freeze-dried their ramen. I'm inclined to agree, eggs are a stupid easy dish to make, one of the first I've made in fact. Who knew bell peppers could be so expensive? Cheap does not necessarily mean low quality. I'll confess, I was never a fan of the foodgasms that involved chibi Somas. And who knew eggs could be so deep? "I bought these eggs cheap... on purpose!" Only an elitist would think like that. Do you want to act like an elitist all your life, Erina? Cooking: actually, it does count as a form of gambling. She can't believe she ate the whole thing. Shut it, Azami's spirit. You're kinda forcing her opinion a little too hard there, Soma. That's a strange way of saying "I liked it, now leave me alone". He picked the wrong day to wear no sleeves. I wasn't sure about that speech at the start, but it wound up good in the end, and impressive too, coming out of Erina's mouth. 👏 👏 👏 TOP BILLING THREE: Soma, Erina, Megumi. Finally, consistent Fo'xtails on Toonami. I will forever question why FUNi didn't just make their own shortened version of the Dimension W ED when they were on the damn production committee for the show. PROMISED NEVERLAND - So what you're saying is, Mujika is Rule 63 Demon Jesus. I doubt solving the problem another way will be as easy as spiking the higher ups' food supply with Mujika's blood Zeke-style. Aristocracy is a bitch. He who controls the meat, controls the universe. "I can't have any deus ex machinas getting in the way of the year of hard work I spent putting this plan of mine into motion!" Eh, you'd think different once you found out about Sonju's desire for the ultimate in "wild game". That's a poor comparison, Norman, everyone could just move on to their second-favorite food and make that their new favorite. Bad news, your pen is outdated. TFW you didn't even need to go through all that effort to find an escape route. Honk louder, Emma. Your appeals to pathos won't work on him this time. Oh well, thank god for logos. KNOCK KNOCK. That must be ally #4. It's a neat-looking hideout, I'll give them that. "Convenient yet inconvienient" makes way more sense than "infamous yet forgettable"; whoever wrote that School Days review that said that was a moron. Chill, Barbara. Aw shit it's a migraine. Does anyone here know any faith healing, or at the very least possess a dick of above-average length? BASTARD COUNT: 1. Just say something that'll get them to wait a little longer for your actual answer, like that you have herpes. Once you kill a giant demon and keep the body in your basement, there really is no point of return at that stage. Not even the a capella version from their Futurama ep could prepare me for how awesome the full version of Sabotage was. Rock on, Beasties. Talk about food, and it'll only make your stomachs growl louder. You just gotta think like someone who has to deal with a militant vegan's bullshit all hours of the day. Uh-oh, the cannibalism's starting to set in... Now's not the time to be a buzzkill, Gilda. Of course he's coming, every team needs a token black dude. What convenient timing! Oh damn, now he's getting migraines. Scratch that, migraines and blood puke. And now for a flashback to technically better times. Or some type of mental vision, I'm not sure. Okay, I'm confident this is a flashback now. Crispin Freeman! What are you doing behind the Door of Foreshadowing? A Quiet Place is just as stupid a concept as Bird Box and everyone who likes it should be ashamed of themselves. BLACK CLOVER - This synopsis feels like it's ripping off this week's My Hero, all the way down to including "Clash!" in the title. Never mind, looks like a four-man squad version of the Royal Knights Selection Test, crystal and everything. Rill partook the last time a battle like this happened, so that's why he's sitting out. Dude's so lame he needs a teleprompter to give a speech. Magna and Sol both waving flags for their squads is further proof that they're meant for each other. Even Hage Village has a front-row seat to the action! And this guy has it bad for aged-up Charmy. Face it, you'll never be popular. 😲 Whoo boy, I do love me some good ol' fashioned Black Clover sakuga. And then they got divebombed. These guys are like cousins-in-law, right? I know Noelle and Mimosa are regular cousins and they're all a part of the same family tree, so... Ah, so he was conscious during his possession. Sekke is back, now the episode is funny again. Don't you mean, "ha-hottie"? You think a girl like this would be Yami's type? Trees, trees everywhere. Don't mess with Ferngully magic. **BLIP!** Oh shit, surprise eyecatcher! If only Mimosa was here to smack this fruit upside the head. Poor Yami, he's the only one in this show who knows anything about Japan. Oh boy, Yami vs. Yami. 🤣 Southern Yami is cracking me up something fierce. It'd be better if it was meltproof, but self-repairing is just as good. At least, until he unleashes his ultimate attack. STOMACH PUNCH. "Nothin' can kill Southern Yami!" Or all these other Yamis, from the looks of it. At this point, it's anyone's guess who'll win. ENDLESS E-JACK-ULATION. That one Yami has a pipe. That ultimate move is still sick as hell. An accidental and coincidental draw; the best kind of draw there is. Her jealousy senses are tingling! Random split-second Charmy. Double shit, surprise Clover Clips! Part of me wants to recommend this one to Angel because of double the Yami with none of the constipation jokes, but that would mean she'd have to put up with the other, less likeable characters, on top of having to view it on her own time. And a preview, too! SHIPPUDEN - I forgot about half of what happened on Naruto's side of things last week, but I don't expect any of you to fill me in, so don't bother. What could have been... In Naruto's case, it was synonymous with graffiting their monument. CHAKRABLOCKED. "You will not touch the statue or my mask!" Oh god, here come the bloody tears. Neat, he's making a Tailed Beast Bomb like he did the Rasengan way back when. (I wouldn't be surprised if he had done that before, this show is so frickin' long.) Nice dildos, Guy. Dildo nunchucks, what a cool yet slightly suggestive ability. Black hole jutsu... denied. Tobi's secret is that he's in his phasing mode all the time. Neat, the mask managed to crack. And it was enough to break his concentration, too! "Wait, where did my kunai go?" Bad news, Bee, we're gonna have to cut your Tailed Beast's hand off. I have a feeling Kakashi's managed to figure something out. "There's something I wanna text. Please lend me a cell phone." Well this is obnoxious, no wonder Netflix shitcanned it, and no wonder [as] hasn't fought for shared broadcast rights of season 1. I do love watching these characters coordinate attacks with one another. THE RASENGAN VIRUS IS ALREADY INSIDE YOU. Needless logic: only one ability per person, used in a multitude of ways to make you think it's two or more attacks. That is very interesting and intriguing, so much so that I don't care if it's bullshit. "Welp, got no use for this sleeve now." Kakashi Hatake, that is very scientific. As he suspected, it's Obito's eye. This guy acts like he's living in the Berserk universe. BASTARD COUNT: 1. Kurama's mad. What a cool guy, that fox. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 29, 2021 Author Posted May 29, 2021 Who, who? Who, who? 12:00 - My Hero Academia #92 - Make it Happen, Shinso! - TV-14 12:30 - Dr Stone: Stone Wars #3 - Call from the Dead - TV-14LV 1:00 - Food Wars! The Third Plate #14 - The Totsuki Train Heads Forth - TV-MAS 1:30 - The Promised Neverland #20 - Episode 8 - TV-14LV2:00 - Black Clover #152 - To Tomorrow! - TV-PG2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #343 - Who Are You? - TV-PGV3:00 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #4 - From One Hand to Another - TV-14L3:30 - Dragon Ball Super #117 - Showdown of Love! The Androids vs. the 2nd Universe! - TV-PGV [i really wanna know] Quote
EmpressAngel Posted May 30, 2021 Posted May 30, 2021 Hero- Good luck purple boy I'm rooting for you. Sweet talky mask thing. I absolutely could not be trusting with the ability to brainwash people. Lightning! And Froppy with the win. I hope there's actual air in that air wall. BUGS. She has the power of God and anime on her side. It's okay kids you did your best. This counts as kissing. Vlad no you're getting too into this. Awww look my purple son is making friends. I kinda love Plant Jesus here. Triple Froppy combo attack! Oh shit I forgot she could do the mucus thing. MY BABY ACADEMIA. That's a lot of vines. Apocalypse Beast is a much cooler name. Ride the lightning, bitches! Aw crap they found the pointer. Sorry Sparky, the important thing is you tried. Brainwashed! That was a surprisingly smart move on Kaminari's part. Uh Shinso you might wanna run. I need a flashback of Aizawa teaching him how to use that scarf. Surprise, not a trick! I love it when somebody hits a dude with another dude. Good job kids I'm proud of you. Haaa, they used her to catch the others. Dr Stone- I don't trust these people. Oh no, this lady's onto them. Quick, start fucking so she'll leave! Awwww look at my screaming good boy. I'm gonna cry. I'm Senku. Okay you might wanna stop screaming. Good plan, he's already dumb and doesn't know anything. Remember to use Magma as a human shield. Y'all might wanna get out of the dry, loud grass. Magma no! New plan, set shit on fire. It's fun when Chrome has a good idea. Run faster, nerd! Look at that guys, he made a little swirly thing out of copper! This is one angry lady. Joke's on you, Taiju's face can take a real pounding. Howdy y'all. I love Taiju so much he's so fucking stupid. We got her. Oh no this is gonna suck when she figures out it's fake. Turnin' to stone wiped mah dang memory! Thank god he's a genius. Just tell her it's rude to ask about your boob size. Aw hell, you're caught. Good luck, boys. Oh dang, you got her on your side anyways. Sorry lady, his only love is science. I like her. Food Wars- The bros continue to be the only students who aren't awful. I hate you, creepy dad Dandy. I don't care about any of this, show. I do love potatoes. I want Soma to keep blowing this off and then fail. I still hate you and look forward to seeing you fail. I miss hot dad. Why are all the girls out here without pants or leggings or anything? It's convenient that every semi-important character is grouped together. This is clearly a trap, you idiots. What a surprise, you got the shittiest salmon. Go get in the river and track down your own fish. Don't worry, these three will carry you two losers so you don't have to do anything yourselves. I don't care about this, show. Surprise bitch we caught a decent fish. You dumb shits are wasting time being all smug. Alice is by far the most tolerable person in this family. Don't worry, I feel no joy in any of this. I always forget that one boy exists. So when does the demon attack this train? Jesus fucking christ stop knocking on her door you obnoxious bastards. Of course it's warm, are you unfamiliar with the concept of a thermos? Just fuck already. Promised Neverland- Here, have a dad. I don't trust your dad, Norman. I guess this is better than being eaten? My dumb ass would have been harvested for meat in 10 seconds flat. Oh hey, it's the rest of his gang. Whelp, Norman's dying. Where'd you get explosives, kiddo? How did you institute this mass breakout? I feel like there's a whole lot of information missing from this flashback. Meanwhile, this game of Where's Monster Waldo could be going better. I hate that thing! It's gonna suck when they find out Norman's dying. Demon horse tracks, score! Fuck that thing. Oh hey, it's your friends. Well that thing sure went down easy. Aw hell it's not dead. Everybody get on the demon horse. Aw hell here we go. I do feel bad for the little demon kids. You're a dick, Norman. Aww the little demon girl's name is Emma. What a surprise, they're just like us. Norman what the fuck. "Wait, am I the asshole here?" Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 2, 2021 Author Posted June 2, 2021 I feel like it's been forever since I've seen the Toonami intro animation. MY HERO ACADEMIA - I don't believe in "copium", but I will say that Monoma is freebasing it more than even hardcore druggies know to. I WAS PROMISED A FULL OPENING THEME, TOONAMI, SO WHERE THE FUCK IS IT. I kinda love that Deku's being used as the metaphorical example for Shinso's Quirk. Little late to be freaking out there, Kaminari. HOI JOSO KETSU. Way to go, guy and girl. The animation this episode is super fluid, almost too much. Oh, I forgot that guy's Quirk was used during the Sports Festival. Careful, you almost punched him in the dick there; his voice sounds Greg Ayres-ey enough already. Beast dude's surprisingly nimble. Team Kirishima's blasting off agaiiiiiiiiiin. [twinkle] "Don't you nerds know basic math?" That's a cute sign. You're in regular jail, Kekkaishi Guy, try not to make it a horny jail on top of it. Okay, now the odds are even. Fuck you, Monoma. That Shinso really is a pretty cool guy. "I'm smelling triple! Nine Asuis!" I don't really like Ibara's vocal gimmick, too overly formal. Nope, not even gonna. Of course Deku and Mineta would be the ones chatting about Tsu's secret ability. And here's a flashback to explain what I mean by that. Thanks, show! And now for a random Gunbuster Science Lesson. With a pretentious speaking style like that, no wonder they called you an "Assassin" during the Sports Festival. What the hell does that name even mean? Everything about Ibara's hero shtick pisses me off, especially the throaty vocals to her theme music. BURRRRRRRN. Chinese Guy's Quirk would be the coolest of the four, if not for Kekkaishi Guy appealing to ACTN obscurity with his powers. Finally, someone shut her up. It's possible you have an idea? AIYAAA. Gotta love those double kicks. Oh hey, I remember this screensaver! ERASER STYLE: CONCUSSION ATTACK. Now that's a finisher. Teamwork, fuck yeah! Considering he was missing for two seasons, I wouldn't be surprised. I liked it better when she wasn't trying too hard to have Jerusalem Syndrome. Yeahhhhh Vlad totally isn't biased. DR. STONE - For someone obsessed with killing all adults, Tsukasa sure did revive a lot of middle age-looking guys, unless being expendable is their purpose... Careful with that death stare, girl, they might end up noticing. Remember when the show tried to make us think Taiju was the main character? See, I told you they'd notice you eventually. This man knows not the meaning of subtlety. They aren't exactly manly tears, but they will do. I AM SENKUUUUUU. And still no show title! What the fuck is wrong with you, FUNimation? Ruri knows what's up, compared to everyone else. "Is it the anniversary of the guy's death?" Wouldn't be surprised if it was that long since he faked it. You don't know how well Senku knows this guy. Oh hey, they're still in the vicinity. Magma sure became enjoyable after getting his ass beat once. That's a bingo~. 😂 And then Magma was All Might. You know things are gonna get good when a character has a brain blast. Arson, arson! A little too literal a flash. "I'll kill you if you die!" says the meathead. I've always been somewhat of a minor fan of Mahk, so I do appreciate his breed breaking into the mainstream through Boston Cousin Guy. Record player: complete. Yeah, she's definitely gonna be a tough one to convince. Look at Taiju take all those punches, what a chad. "Okay, but if what he says is 'card games on motorcycles', I'm punching you right in the dick!" TRANSGENDER TRANSFORMATION SEQUENCE. Sebastian is the most generic servant name ever, so obviously he's making it up on the fly. I'm not sure if Taiju really believes this or if he's just really good at playing along. Oh man, this chick knows a lot about her. And that flashback would explain why. Welp, looks like Gen's gonna die. TEN BILLION RECORDS SOLD. We getting mathematical up in this shit. Lemme guess, the second question are her bust waist and hip sizes. Called it~. Of course Senku would know that, being a teenage boy once and everything. I miss White Russian Seitz. Hey, there's nothing wrong with a 60-centimeter waist. More like deep it-shay. That /a/ screencap was right, Nikki is best girl. Recorded media really is the greatest double-edged sword humanity ever invented. New teammate, acquired! FOOD WARS - And so Erina begins her ascent from a plain ol' stuck-up bitch to somewhat resembling of a proper tsundere. Not a bad cut for this OP, Sentai's actually pretty good at truncating TV sizes. Of course Food Fascist Dandy would appeal to those main campus fucknuggets without any effort in the slightest. We goin' to Hokkaido this season, fellas. Teacher Erina's kinda doing things for me. It's easy to forget that Meat-Meat started out as one of her lackeys. Hey, when the stakes are as high as they are at Totsuki, it's best to prepare for anything and everything. The dudebros do seem like remedial school types. That was all before she learned you were your dad's son. FACE-FIRST SNOW ANGELS. Snow's been a rarity for them all their lives, let them have these five minutes. Oh yeah, Yuki's gonna be semi-prominent this episode. (Anyone paired with Soma usually is.) Yes, what about Akira? And Erina's stuck with four members of the fanclub she probably doesn't know she has. I think I recognize her from one of the earlier episodes. Special lectures outside of the protagonists' knowing, that is some real Kunugigaoka-level underhanded tactics. That tears it, your team's dish will have to be vegetarian. I wanna smack this bitch across the face with a purse full of toner cartridges. Thank you for wiping the smirk off that old bag's face, Erina. The guys are just posing all regular, while Alice knows the show's real audience with hers. These main campus fucknuggets all deserve to die from food poisoning. I'm coming close to just throwing an entire printer at this cunt's head. Thank god Soma and crew put the fear of god into her with the sight of a single fish instead. ALL COOKING IS SCIENCE! Damn, I got so caught up in the excitement I forgot to comment. Oh yeah, the first episode had him make something with mostly spoiled ingredients as the obvious options too. He is the protagonist, it's no surprise he'd act like he's the one in charge. Teacher Erina is now regular Erina's STAND, and you will show her the respect a STAND user deserves. Part of me was hoping the titular "Totsuki Train" would just be a metaphor. At least they all get to ride in luxury instead in the very back. I've heard enough about hentai doujins to know where this interaction would go in some fanfic's interpretation. The Japanese sure do love their body massage machines. STARE AT THEIR BOOBS. Everybody Loves Erina. Even as the show quality starts to decline, character development marches on. TOP BILLING THREE: Soma, Erina, Salmon Hag. PROMISED NEVERLAND - OH MY GOD IT'S CRISPIN FREEMAN. Heh, Norman has no idea what to think about actually being adopted instead of killed. The direction and framing for this whole sequence is still pretty neat and expectant. Oh, so they're trying to break his brain, then. PILLS HERE. Even at his most dickish, he still has an odd sense of charisma to him; that's the power of the voice. Communication via Rubik's Cube, not sure how that works but also neat. I know they're just fast-tracking through manga material here, but montages like this are my jam. I should know, I've written two of them for my own stuff. "Aw shit, there goes my tuberculosis again." So are you playing chess against yourself or... Yep, he is. And boom goes the dynamite. Okay, the conditions she lived in sort of explain her radical mindset, but it doesn't make me any less disturbed by it when she lets it loose. An early place to cut to commercial, but an appropriate one. Delta marks the spot. Or maybe not. (Bullhorn.) Run for your lives, it's bad CG! Ah, so that's where it was cut originally. Yeah, Norman's too mentally and physically fargone to stop now. That's their horse! Kindness can't survive, not without a little cruelty. He can be your angle or your devil. OH YEAHHHHHHH. You just have to hit as many eyes as necessary before you can consider it defeated. Awwwwww crap. Nevermind, thanks Sonju. She's already on the ball and she didn't even need to know the details. And boom goes the dynamite. Again. Well this is already terrifying, even if they are a bunch of humanitarians. Oh hey it's those two kid brothers. This background song sounds two steps away from being ALI PROJECT; what does that say about this season in general? I'm still curious to know what the Unknown Sad Sack's deal up there is. "I go to the pharmacy for five minutes, and then this happens." Now this is cannibalism. MARTHAAAAAAAAAAA. Memes aside, I'm actually surprised that old dude wound up playing such an involved role. And he's "evil"-blooded too, that sure is convenient yet interesting! At this point, I'm just enjoying watching Norman's crisis of conscience play out. Well that sure is a visual. If I was running these credits, I'd have credited "Granddaughter Demon" as "The Other Emma". BLACK CLOVER - "Along with the Wizard King, the Captains are revered as great role models." Even if they aren't really the best people deep down. Happy dance. I love that dude's magic aquarium. True, it's been a long while yet at the same time not too long. I like to think the first anti-bird swarm Asta experienced was how Nero found her excuse to stick close to him. That "pointless existence" comment did feel a little forced all things considered, but it's nice to see he's rolled the dickishness back a good bit. Gee, why does Yami get two attendants? "You win a broom, and you win a broom! Everybody wins a broom!" Friendly reminder that Yami was planning on taking Asta in from the start but withheld his vote to see how he'd react to widespread rejection and his follow-up to said reaction. These two have good chemistry, if not for the nun fetish I'd just tell them to make out already. Shut up, Bell. Funny thing, I was just thinking about Asta and Yuno being a more believable friendship-rivalry than Naruto and Sasuke earlier today. I wonder if Gordon speaking more audibly was the result of the ADR director telling his VA he was speaking too quiet in earlier episodes. Well this is technically filler, can't have too many status quo changes before we get back into it. Sounds like someone's gonna be on the crapper all night. "Here's your necklace back." Oh yeah, the dude with the conspicuous CG chains. One year in show, three years plus change out. PARTY TIME. For all this show's faults, and there are a lot of them, I really do like it. SHIPPUDEN - Ah, so Naruto's now his former subordinate. "Gah, my tentacles!" Oh crap, those are the same chains he used on the other beasts. B's not rhyming, that means this is really serious. And Kakashi's bleeding from his special eye, same deal. Turns out the poof was just a secondary decoy. RIGHT IN THE MASK. Oh hey, I recognize some of those young people! Even the ones I haven't seen the younger versions of before. Don't have any thoughts about young Anko, don't have any thoughts about young Anko... That's one way to do the Heimlich. To be Hokage, that was his dream. Even as genin, Asuma and Kurenai totally had a thing going on. And then Kakashi won the Chunin Exam, even though I know it doesn't work that way now. I assume that invitation's for a party to celebrate Kakashi becoming a jonin? At least, that's what I think I can tell from some of the characters on that sheet. I'm surprised the dub cast remembered that Vic voiced Obito over two hundred episodes ago. "Your dad did nothing wrong, Kakashi." Shit, that sounds like it went more than skin deep. Sharingan, fuck yeah. And that's how you do a reveal that's obvious but no less lacking in impact. That's right, Tobi was Madara was Obito all along. Not now, Sasuke, we're busy dealing with your relative of unknown association. Naruto doesn't know who that is, but Kakashi and Guy do, and that's all that matters. Flashbacks to flashbacks, sasuga Pierrot. "It's no u se, this rock is too giant!" IRRELEVANT. It's so surreal hearing Tobi's voice say such things in a serious manner. "You let Rin die" made it into the dub without any changes, huzzah. KURAMA-BLOCKED. Nice of you to join the reunion, Madara. If there's one thing I'm grateful Boruto's first 52 didn't spoil for anybody, it was Tobi's true identity. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 5, 2021 Author Posted June 5, 2021 Great Scott, Food Wars, not another episode about French cooking! 12:00 - My Hero Academia #93 - Operation New Improv Moves - TV-14 12:30 - Dr Stone: Stone Wars #4 - Full Assault - TV-14LV 1:00 - Food Wars! The Third Plate #15 - Joan of Arc Arises - TV-MAS 1:30 - The Promised Neverland #21 - Episode 9 - TV-14LV2:00 - Black Clover #153 - The Chosen Ones - TV-PG2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #344 - Obito and Madara - TV-PGV3:00 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #5 - Declaration of War - TV-14LV3:30 - Dragon Ball Super #118 - Accelerating Tragedy: Vanishing Universes - TV-14LV Quote
EmpressAngel Posted June 6, 2021 Posted June 6, 2021 Hero- I hope we get to keep purple boy. Calm down, Midnight. I can't wait to see Douche Rogue try to copy One for All and have all his limbs explode. Bakugo gonna Bakugo. The robots are fun. I love my kids. Mushroom girl is adorable and I'm rooting for her. Dark edgy boy vs darker, edgier boy. Tetsu4 is Kendo's #1 fanboy. Our bird's been birdnapped! I miss Hawks. HI BOYFRIEND. He makes bird puns, I love him. Oh my god he really hired Tokoyami because they're both birds. Date me, Hawks. Aww look at my bird boy go. Together they make one whole bird. Man it's gonna suck when I inevitably get Hawks killed. Sparkleboy your entire thing is shooting light out of your gut, you can fix this problem. HE CAN FLY NOW. This is cool. Now beat the shit out of him. Mushroom mushroom. Dr Stone- Suddenly modern AU. I kinda love Nikki already. Meanwhile, Chrome and Magma being murdered. Taiju is best boy, please stop punching him. Hey Chrome you okay there buddy? Magma you goddamn idioit. It's a trap! Oh yeah I'm sure this'll end well. You can just shoot Magma anyways, it's really okay. Fuck you, Kars! Chrome honey, shut up. I love Kohaku so much. Not to doubt our fearless leader but I have some concerns about this plan. Time to build a wagon, folks. WHAT. Senku can you even drive? I'm glad the old man is having fun with all this. BEES. Today I learned you can make an engine out of crayons. Ohhh, it's not a real wax engine. Stove car, go! Chrome who? Meanwhile, cut to Chrome being murdered. Oh my god Chrome no. You people don't even have soap how are you even still alive. RIP Chrome and his nuts of steel. Chrome is a good boy. What a twist! He even put a license plate on the car. Oh this is fantastic. Food Wars- I hate you all and hope your plane crashes. I guess some of them got fired and I don't remember if we knew that or not. Not to brag but I make a mean mac n' cheese. Where's the unhealthy amount of cheese, old man. Wow what a shock all the characters we know are grouped together. Don't worry Megumi just sit back and let the others carry your incompetent ass through the challenge. Just steal someone else's ingredients while they're gone. Soma continues to be a goddamn insufferable cunt every minute he's on screen. Potatoes are indeed a gift to the world. How is the expert chef sabotaging them so fucking stupid about the food he's in charge of? It's literally all potatoes. Wow what a shock all of them passed with flying colors who would have guessed. Maybe a meteor will fall down and kill them all. For fuck's sake girls put on some pants it's the middle of winter. Erina, still awful. Everyone's kidnapped. I hope the train crashes. Oh fuck off, girl. Oh, it's him. Promised Neverland- Well Norman I bet you feel like a real asshole now. Look I know he's your friend but one of you needs to beat the shit out of him on principle. Surprise he's dying. Uh hey kids remember the town full of mindless hungry monsters here? That arm was just holding you back. Oh right, he has the magic blood too. Here just drink this mystery syrup and it'll all bhe fine, no big deal. Fuck you, lady. Oh yeah I'm sure this change of plan will go over just great with your crazy gang. Cool, let's just stand here for a vague exposition dump instead of showing us these mystery people. Well that sure was a fast change of heart for all of these people. Mujika is the best and I genuinely love her. Gee, who could have guessed that trying to genocide the ruling species would backfire and hurt the other kids who still live on the farms controlled by that ruling species? I feel like I'm not gonna follow much of what's about to happen but here we go. Goddammit Norman this is all your fault. I love that old demon grandpa. Here, have this chunk of garbage I've been carrying around. I'm sure we've all eaten meat we shouldn't have at some point. Well that sure is a convenient guide for solving literally every problem our characters have right now. What a shock you're being betrayed. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 6, 2021 Author Posted June 6, 2021 MY HERO ACADEMIA - Hey, the full OP's back! I love this electric idiot. Uh, I'm pretty sure "not forgetting this feeling" is the exact opposite of "moving on". Still, good advice all around. Goddammit I really just can't not enjoy watching Midnight. 🥰 Fall down a flight of stairs and snap your neck, Monoma. I probably would've said the same thing about Bakugo three years ago, but times have changed. I like those eye-shaped buttons on Parasyte Dandy's shirt. Though for some reason, it's more painful this season than it was in previous. Thank you for telling us why this arc exists, All Might. Not even Monoma's classmates like Monoma. Check out the synchronized posing on the B Team. It's a little something us Americans like to call "pigeonholing". Kendo really is one of the only decent people in Class B. "This is a black thing, isn't it?" I probably won't, but I'd like to use that "biased commentary" image the next time Anime News Network acts like it's excluding part of the greater fandom with their opinions. I agree with Tetsutetsu, death to Monoma. Unfortunately, some of them appear to be following his lead in doping on whatever "Class A sucks" drug he's continuously injecting into his bloodstream. REVELRY IN THE ABYSS. Wrapped up like a deuce, another runner in the night. Now that's what I call edgy. I'm not used to Tokoyami without his cloak, but he looks kinda cool without it? Now this is a 2020-relevant motivational speech I can get behind 100%. Finally a flashback to Tokoyami's internship days. Hawks makes heroing look so easy. So you admit that it was mostly a joke. He was one of the stealth MVPs of the Sports Festival, so it makes sense. "Nothing beats a bird's eye view." True, which is why it was so disappointing when Bing Maps got rid of that feature; and the 3D option for Google Earth just isn't the same. SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT. Eh, I like the name "Vantablack" better. Can't Stop Twinkling can't stop screaming. I'd say he's actually "jumping good", but yes, he can fly. Deku, your inner nerd is showing. Whup, things are getting trippy now, and no one's even ingested anything yet. Ah shit, she's come down with Monoma fever too. DR. STONE - Might not wanna scream that so loud, Taiju, someone's bound to hear you. At least it's on the more convincing side, if only by the skin of its metaphorical teeth. As I thought, they have to take out the guy with the super hearing first. AND THE SHOW TITLE'S STILL MISSING! That idea's so stupid it's brilliant! Oh man, he almost lost his ability to reproduce. So in a way, Magma's idea is playing out as intended, even with Chrome taking the lead. HAWAII SMASH! Baaad sense of hearing. Yeah, wave that white flag of war! Huh, Ukyo's a surprisingly decent dude, for being on Tsukasa's side. The entrance to Tsukasa's cave quarters is an architectural masterwork, and the architect is nature. What animal are they harvesting their coat fur from, anyway? Lions? From sorcerer to scientist. You say that like "lioness" isn't more flattering a title than "gorilla", and believe you me, it is. I like their jail setup. Don't be a pussy, Ginro. He's gonna re-invent the wheel! RUNNING IN THE 5700s. The more comprehensive the blueprint, the better. Wobble wobble. BEES. I knew crayons were made of wax, but lipstick too? Recycle tech to make more tech, now that's putting the environment first! It's an engineer thing, I wouldn't sweat it. "Oh shit, we gave them the wrong hostage!" Sorry, Chrome, but the magic of photons ain't gonna save you this time. You say you hate warlords, and yet you are one. Curious! That's our show, Chrome's dead, good night. Thanks, Ukyo. THANKS, TSUKASA? SHIT COUNT: 2. Double thanks, Ukyo. Car parts, acquired! And then car acquired! I was not expecting to see Gen with a bowler hat on when I woke up this morning. Or Suika in a tiny suit. Magma looking like a mafia enforcer, though, I'm not surprised by in the slightest. FOOD WARS - Quit whining and conquer your fear of flying. I still wanna know what wool hat guy's deal is, especially since he's one of the few to outright say no to Food Fascist Dandy's machinations. Hey, more additions to that ending shot! I've only seen this guy for ten seconds and already I wanna throw him in front of a train. On a more positive note, it's nice to see Meat-Meat's following Soma's example by breaking the assumed dress code. But what about Ichiraku Ramen? This dude and his strict limitations makes the hag from last week look like a downright sweetheart. Not sure if Alice's different suit design or Sadatsuka's hat count as dress code violations, but Miyoko's qipao and Ryo's jacket-vest are definitely non-regulation. Only the highest ranking letter for the God Tongue. And as expected, they all get last dibs. That bastard, he took the local weather patterns into consideration! I hope you choke and burn on that brandy when it goes down the wrong pipe, you elitist douchenozzle. What a creative on-the-fly use for tomato sauce. It appears that this show is trying to get me into Erina now, and I hate to say it but it's working. That's right, cower in the face of their minimalistic approaches. Isn't it false advertising to call a Japan-native potato Irish? Yeah, they're worthy of a passing grade as much as you're worthy of my foot in your ass. As a fan of potatoes, I would honestly try that dish, the three days of migraines associated with my oddly specific gluten allergy would probably be worth it (if I had enough Advil to get me through it). With that comparison, I bet her haters are just waiting for the scene where she gets burned at the stake. Guys, it's just soft-serve ice cream. You never know what you'll find in a hole-in-the-wall diner. Hisako's really grown to be my favorite toady character in anime, at least one better than that shallow bitch Hououmaru. Did she just say "au revoir"? Even she's calling her Meat-Meat now. Her fangirling's so strong I'm actually tempted to headcanon her as bi. Wait, so that manga was Megumi's? Damn, that Soma/Erina doujin I read made me think they were Zenji's instead! And that's how Erina learned the meaning of casual friendship. They may have forgotten the whole "branching routes" thing from last episode, but I didn't, and that's what truly matters. TOP BILLING THREE: Soma, Erina, Megumi. What a predictable bunch. Bags, bags everywhere. Rindo is best girl, eating with her despite her allegiances is in my opinion worth it. Based on the first two rounds, I'd say the likeliness of unfair play is really high. Holy shit I legit wasn't expecting this twist. But the question is, which member of the Ten did Hayama replace? PROMISED NEVERLAND - Cannibalism and tumors, cannibalism and tumors everywhere. Considering he's been coughing up blood at random intervals as of late, better for him to die a martyr than waste away doing nothing, at least according to some people. Just in case the metaphor from last episode didn't make sense. Norman doesn't even know what he wants anymore. Tonight's theme is friendship. Are you sure, 'cause from what I saw all the drugs they "pumped you" with were ingestible pills. "On second thought, maybe degenerating all demons was a poor idea." It's okay, he'll grow another one. Kewl. In which Mujika and her followers fix everything Norman and his posse broke. Face it, Barbara, you too were a children once. To be fair, they didn't start giving him drugs until after he left Grace Field. Like I said, friendship. "The only thing they'll have to worry about now is putting out all those fires." But as luck would have it, they've jumped out of the fire and right into another, different frying pan. Meanwhile, looks like Isabella got promoted. Though I wouldn't call her "Grandma" until Ray has a kid of his own. I dunno, sounds awfully ambitious. If you're greenlighting another Lambda Project, why not just go one letter ahead and call it the Mu Project? Damned changing industry standards! Lucky for you, Phil doesn't need a drug to be super-smart. Emma, meet Emma. When you lose enough precious fluids, all humanoid species tend to blur together. When you've gone full vegan but actually care about inadvertently alienating your friends and loved ones with your beliefs. Like I said earlier, the more comprehensive the blueprint, the better. That is so the Farm System, creating a cure for terminal experimentation disease and withholding it from the people who actually need it. "We must go, our people need us." Same name. STOP SNITCHIN'. The last two episodes have no credited screenwriter, so I'm gonna enter those ones with trepidation. I don't even know who the main character of this fucking movie is supposed to be. BLACK CLOVER - Finral has a last name, y'know. I'm honestly surprised he isn't sending Yuno out too. Though passing up on that offer is a Yuno move. That feel when the ghost who possessed you once did your abilities better than you ever could. Send in Jack, and you'll have an international incident right off the bat. Finally, he snapped out of it. Plus your squad's been doing great this past year, so who knows, maybe you'll actually get some non-pity decorations this time! Or maybe not. Oh, Sekke. You're a real failure of a character. Eh, I'm not sure if I'd call her the "calm" type. Hell, even she doesn't admit it. Dammit Char, you of all people should know that she's no straighter than a Mobius strip. Plus her breasts looked the best they've ever been during that battle. "I appreciate the promotion, but no thank you!" Thanks for the pep talk, Fuego. What a show-off. Asta would get promoted too, but he's still technically on trial, so none for him. The best thing about Bell is that nobody likes her. Oh god, he's even picked up Sekke's habit of stretching the truth beyond its elastic limits. You suck, King. Ah, so Asta does get a promotion after all! Or not. Like I said, he is still on trial. You can always pawn that medal if you're short on cash. Sucks to be Finral. Your resolve is much appreciated, Virgin Street Punk Dandy, but the answer's no. Or not! The Four Amigos (and Two Amigas). Not now, Langris, he's having a moment. SHIPPUDEN - SURPRISE FULL OP TIME. AGAIN. Seriously, this is the first time a single Naruto OP's been played in full more than twice on the block since the English-exclusive OP for season 1. Oh yeah, Kakashi doesn't know that Madara's back. Yeahhhhhh that's putting it lightly. [OP should've gone here] Oh shit, I didn't know she got bisected. Nagato wound up being pretty based, especially for one of Vic's characters. Uchiha hax, son. "It all started when I was born..." Considering how powerful he is, I wouldn't put it past Old Man Madara to be the personification of the Grim Reaper itself. Does he realize that he's missing an arm yet, because I don't think that he does. God I love it when Pierrot does sakuga. This man's definitely an Uchiha, he's emo as fuck and is disappointed Obito isn't the same (yet). Is half this episode gonna be flashbacks to that two-parter, 'cause we went through the same song and dance last week. Like changing a lightbulb. "And what are those tubes coming out of his back?" As I thought. Wait a tic, is that what happened to the First Hokage? I'm surprised he still has his other leg. What hopeful music to accompany what's essentially the beginnings of Project Tsukinome. If only coming back to life was as easy as you think it is. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 12, 2021 Author Posted June 12, 2021 (edited) Once upon a time, there was a man. On 7/18/2020 at 3:10 PM, Top Gun said: In which Shippuden wasn't satisfied with sending us to hell metaphorically so it decided to do so literally. And his words are truer now than they were then. Believe it! 12:00 - My Hero Academia #94 - Foresight - TV-14 12:30 - Dr Stone: Stone Wars #5 - Steam Gorilla - TV-PGLV 1:00 - Food Wars! The Third Plate #16 - Revenge Match - TV-MAS 1:30 - The Promised Neverland #22 - Episode 10 - TV-14LV 🚨 (WARNING: SO BAD NO SCRIPTWRITER WANTED CREDIT FOR IT) 🚨2:00 - Black Clover #154 - Vice Captain Langris Vaude - TV-PG2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #345 - I'm in Hell - TV-PGV3:00 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #6 - The War Hammer Titan - TV-14LV3:30 - Dragon Ball Super #119 - Unavoidable? The Ferocity of a Stealth Attack - TV-14LV Also, on account of my new job and the gradual moving process I'll be making to account for it being an hour and a half away from where I am now, my extensive "spaz review" thoughts end with the post above. I'll provide quick blurbs for tomorrow's offerings, and maybe for the next few weeks until I can reliably watch shows live without disturbing anyone, but that'll be it. The move to the live watching threads in our Toonami sub-forum may very well be permanent in the coming months. Edited June 19, 2021 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted June 13, 2021 Posted June 13, 2021 Goddammit TG! You gotta do whatever works best for you. Work kinda has to come before yelling at cartoons. Hero- I love this edgy boy fight. I already love mushroom girl. That's a lot of mushrooms. Aw shit that was a really good plan. This kid is like if Rohan and Koichi combined their stands. Okay that's actually really cool. The translator thing is a really good question. Man her hands are strong. Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora. Tetsu4 is a good boy. [Shipping intensifies.] Momo not that I don't appreciate the titty cannon but that may not have been the best use of your resources. Sparkleboy's been kidnapped, again. You okay there Invisigirl? And then Momo straight up blew her up. Flash grenade, go! Sweet, free lootbox. Awwww, Edgy Boy 2.0 likes Shroom Girl. REVELRY IN THE DARK. Time to catch some invisible hands, manga boy. CAPE. I'm proud of you, kids. Well that's horrifying. Uh kids remember that this is just pretend and you're not actually trying to kill each other. It's okay kids the important thing is you tried. Dr Stone- I still love that they put a license plate on that thing. And then Magma got hit by a car. SMAAAAAASH. All aboard the Sciencemobile. Meanwhile Chrome is trying his best. Gen's the only one who can drive. It's fine, we're making tires. Today I learned you can make tires out of bamboo. Oh my god look at that thing. Awww grandpa. I love that old man. Joke's on you old people, he only made that thing to flex his science boner. "We're old as balls, we don't give a shit if we die." The bird is a spy. Do not let Ginro drive that thing. Hills, our one weakness. Uh you okay there Senku. MELON DAUGHTER NO. Oh my god I love her so much. I'm on board for Magma's murder plan. Holy shit are they building a tank. Okay sure let's just go with paper. MECHA SENKU. That still doesn't seem that strong. Did you know wood exists. Today I learned paper is strong as hell. I think that's the first time we've ever seen Senku scared. FUCK YEAH, TANK. Aw hell it's booby trapped. "The next greatest threat is a fucking tank." I hate that Kars is actually smart. Whelp, time to invent a missile. Food Wars- Your thirty year old professor who looks 12 must be so disappointed in you. Don't sweat it dude I'd also betray the shit out of these kids the first chance I got. Oh right, that guy exists. BEAR MEAT. I'm disappointed that they didn't have to fight bears to death with their bare hands. I know bear meat is dangerous because it tends to be full of some parasyte that fucking kills you and I really hope they were too lazy to check for that. Oh hey, these assholes came to give him spice. So are we supposed to like this Rindo bitch or not? I don't care about any of this, show. So you're saying he turned into a total douchebag. Bear burger, order up. Somebody's about to fuck a bear. Promised Neverland- Here we fuckin go I guess. Sure let's just go with this. I don't think it's gonna end well for this particular asshole. Seeing a 30-something year old lady referred to as grandma just makes me feel so old. Phil knows what's up. I love my wholesome demon daughter. Phil's going through some shit right now. I don't trust any plan that relies on goddamn balloons. Surprise, they knew you knew. I know these are smart kids but you gotta really feel bad about yourself when you get bamboozled by a bunch of 12 year olds. I'm not a monster fucker but I know plenty of monster fuckers and Sonju is prime husband material. Fuck yeah, spam! Ray wailing on that guy with a pipe is unreasonably funny to me. Good plan putting him in charge he's what like five? Surprise, the asshole was a triple agent or something, who gives a fuck. Fuck yeah, tag! Okay maybe Phil isn't evil. I'm sure this big reunion would be a solid emotional payoff if they'd bothered to make us give a shit. Well this was going too well. Wait is this asshole Crispin fucking Freeman? Oh shit, Mom's not evil. Again, I'm sure this would feel like a solid payoff if they'd bothered to set it up decently. Okay yeh sure supportive demon army why the fuck not. "What is going on around here?" is a real valid fucking question for this series. Well I've never been more disappointed in Crispin. 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 13, 2021 Author Posted June 13, 2021 I've really come a long way, haven't I. MY HERO ACADEMIA - I was almost disappointed in Kendo for buying into Monoma's belief that Class A ain't shit compared to them, especially when she's the one constantly whacking him for being such a consistent douchenozzle. But then I actually watched the episode, and suddenly her actions made more sense than they did in the promo. Not bad, either team. I consider you both winners, even if it was a technical blowout for the B team. DR. STONE - I completely forgot that Suika had a stealth mode, nor did I have any idea that paper could be made from grass and not just wood. I've got a feeling Chrome's gonna make a hacksaw out of that rock wall and use that to escape his cell. FOOD WARS - Unfortunately, a mysterious digital recording error in the first minute my DVR copy of the episode has made trying to watch it not worth the effort, so I'll be seeking this one out on my own time. PROMISED NEVERLAND - Is it wrong that I don't hate this episode? Sure, it sucks that we didn't see the storylines leading up to certain important moments, Emma trying to Talk no Jutsu Ratri to their side is easily her stupidest move yet, and the lack of a credited screenwriter is indication enough that there's something objectively wrong with what was put out, but everything, from Vincent acting the triple agent to Isabella using her promotion to complete her Heel Face Turn, I personally enjoyed in the moment too much to really regret going through it all. My favorite part: the guys who were actually for the demon genocide plan getting to kill some as a booby prize for getting Talk no Jutsu'd out of it! BLACK CLOVER - The only thing more surprising than Langris straight-up resigning - a strangely canon move for anime original content - is that he wasn't as big a dick to Finral as he normally is. I'm still holding back on calling it a "redemption arc"; you have to go a certain length before it can be taken seriously. SHIPPUDEN - Ironically, it was one of the best episodes from this sub-arc. My man Hiroyuki Yamashita, he ain't no Tsuru but he's an above-fine director in his own right. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 19, 2021 Author Posted June 19, 2021 As for that Food Wars I missed, I got around to it and, as usual, enjoyed it. There was something kind of fun about seeing them talk about New Orleans like it's some obscure place. 12:00 - My Hero Academia #95 - Match 3 - TV-14 12:30 - Dr Stone: Stone Wars #6 - Prison Break - TV-14LV 1:00 - Food Wars! The Third Plate #17 - Walking the Tightrope of Umami - TV-MAS 1:30 - The Promised Neverland #23 - Episode 11 - TV-14LV 🚨 (WARNING: ALSO SO BAD NO SCRIPTWRITER WANTED CREDIT FOR IT) 🚨2:00 - Black Clover #155 - The 5 Spirit Guardians - TV-PG2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #346 - World of Dreams - TV-PG3:00 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #7 - Assault - TV-MA3:30 - Dragon Ball Super #120 - A Perfect Survival Strategy! The 3rd Universe's Menacing Assassin! - TV-14L Next week, we trade out one trainwreck for another, depending on what your personal definition of a trainwreck even is. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted June 20, 2021 Posted June 20, 2021 On 6/18/2021 at 10:02 PM, PokeNirvash said: 🚨 (WARNING: ALSO SO BAD NO SCRIPTWRITER WANTED CREDIT FOR IT) 🚨 Oh this is gonna hurt us all ain't it. Hero- Still waiting to see Douche Rogue get all his limbs exploded. Shroom is best girl. I love those little robots. Kendo is best girl. The quietest All Might. Just tell him you like him. It's fine, he's fine. I love my angry little bastard son. Happy Father's Day, Garbage DILF. Ohhh I got a bad feeling about Touya. Oh no you've activated his dad-induced PTSD. I miss Iida's cute brother. Meanwhile, Hardboy 2 punches things. Pony is goddamn adorable. This is the saddest looking villain. Hiiii Garbage Dilf. Jesus fucking christ he's thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. Aww, kids like him now. I'd also like to team up with him. SHOTO. Good job kiddo. And Meltman, with the power to...melt! He's got spiral power. Horns! Sorry hardboy but he already got the shit beat out of him by Endeavor for years. Oh shit look at fast boy go. Jesus fucking CHRIST Iida what the fuck. Boy just bites down on a goddamn towel in the middle of a forest and rips out some appendages. Dr Stone- The plan is RAM THAT SHIT. Poor old man's gonna miss his sweet gorilla tank. I hate that Kars is smart. Hello there new hot lady. Meanwhile, Chrome tries his best. Remember, don't trust cops. Wow this murder cop character has already aged like milk. Time to learn how to make smoke signals, Chrome. I'm surprised they don't just make him shit in his cave. Hot damn, that's good luck! Well the important thing is you tried. Could he not just untie the string holding the bars together? Oh sweet, free battery. And then Chrome blew everyone up. Yeah he totally just used the sticks. Remember, fuck cops. Quick, be stupid! Are you gonna cry yourself some water? Oh right, sweat is a thing. Make Senku proud, boy. Oh hey that actually worked. The bear is a lie. Oh shit look at him go. Less talk more run! Bad move, should have tried polevaulting. Hit him in the dick and run! Oh no, his boneitis! Gee if only you assholes had soap. Called it. I'm proud of him. Whelp, Don't scare Suika like that. Y'all might wanna get in the tank and run now. Food Wars- I don't care about this, show. Okay I care about this, show. Maybe he did it just because he's a dick. Oh come on, she couldn't get barred from every restaurant on the planet. Button your shirt you weird weird boy. He hated you in the Lunar Festival you ditzy bitch. My stream broke for about five minutes here but I don't think anything mattered. Oh shit it's the twins from The Shining. Kids just wait til you grow up and learn how to appreciate dilfs. "Don't worry, I hate that asshole too." I can respect a man who simps hard for his wife. Kentucky Fried Bear sounds even worse than regular KFC. MORE BEAR. I'm pretty sure "bear gravy" means something very different in some places. KUMA SHOCK. Still hoping to see him lose and get expelled. I'm uncomfortable watching the middle schoolers have multiple explicit foodgasms in this episode. Promised Neverland- I'd like to get off this ride please. How dare this show squander Crispin. He does look uncannily like an adult Norman. "I thought it was great that we were raising babies as demon chow!" Oh, his brother was Minerva. I sure am glad we're spending such a solid chunk of this episode on this guy's backstory who we've known for like five minutes. Uh dude the eating children part is kinda the sticking point here they're trying to change. And nothing of value was lost. Am I supposed to know what the hell any of this is? Why would you invite them they literally fed babies to monsters. Uh I kinda still hate them. No hard feelings we all forgive you, except for all those kids you straight up fed to demons. I'd say it's too soon in the episode for the happy ending to start but fuck if this season knows anything about pacing and plot progression. Sure this makes as much sense as anything. Ray, giving no shits about anything really. Oh good, these assholes I don't care about are staying too. I irrationally hate that one kid with the distractingly tiny face. Hey Emma, remember when she snapped your leg like a fucking twig? I do really like this song, you get exactly one point for that. We're really just doing a big slideshow for the entire third act here, huh? I guess Mujika became god. Mujika/Emma OTP. Is this how you end a series? Does the bus run through here? So did they ever tell us where these kids are even coming from? Like, is there a fuck farm somewhere with grown adults pumping out babies constantly to supply the child farms? I know I've used this joke before but visual depiction of TG forcing me to come back to Black Clover against my will: Clover- I'd like to state for the record that TG is dragging me back into this show kicking and screaming. I also wish Yami were here every moment of this show. I only have the vaguest memory of these water people. Charmy continues to be one of the few bright spots in this shitshow. With your powers combined, I am Captain Planet. Throw as many fire dudes into this dumpster as you want, it's not gonna make me like it any better. I hope they all die. The fuck is this, bootleg Sesame Street? Thanks lady I bet you could be less helpful if you tried really hard. This show can't even make me like the fire dudes how does it fail that hard? I forgot that weird art kid exists. I genuinely enjoy Charmy. I don't remember if we knew this lady was cursed or not. The giant lesbian water goddess is one of the least terrible characters. Wasn't she not allowed to say the name of the demon who killed her mom or else she'd die or something? Stop screaming you jackass! Oh thank god Yami's here. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 20, 2021 Author Posted June 20, 2021 Everyone but me, but whatever you do don't @ me on that. MY HERO ACADEMIA - I swear, Monoma, one of these days you're gonna be shanked in the parking lot behind a Denny's and no one will cry for you at your funeral. Tetsutetsu, on the other hand, is easily the best boy of Class B, no contest. And it looks like Endeavor's redemption arc is continuing to go smoothly, good for him! And finally, I read that there was going to be something gross at the end of this episode, but when I found out it was Iida pulling out his shin-mufflers, I felt extremely underwhelmed about it. Clearly my definition of "gross" is different from most people's. DR. STONE - I don't know what's considered the most foolproof prison break in fiction, but Chrome escaping the Tsukasa Empire with just some plants and a piece of smuggled contraband is definitely up there with some of the best. And as much of a bastard as he is, I kinda like Yo, reminds me of my policeman OC only slightly more murder-y. FOOD WARS - I'm not the craziest about the "twins that are varying degrees of creepy" trope, as my extreme disdain for the twin lolis from Fire Force can attest, but I can totally see the appeal in Cilla and Berta. Then again, I'm probably just saying that because I like their designs, especially the sweater/overall skirt combo. (Also, their foodgasm bear-girl outfits are easily the most kemonomimi costumes I've seen on Toonami in recent memory.) PROMISED NEVERLAND - I was fully prepared to take my first comment back, but surprise surprise, I didn't dislike this one either. It's almost as if people telling me a show's going to be bad and no one will like it is enough to make me like it when I actually sit down and watch it! Even if my feelings aren't primarily out of spite! Still, this season was easily inferior to the first, and could've used an extra episode to better explain the ending slideshow. So I'm only going to give it an 8/10 on my horribly skewed scoring system, which is comparable to a 6/10 by normal people standards. BLACK CLOVER - Based on the promo and how this episode ending, I'm thinking next episode's gonna be a Yami and Mereoleona one. Oh, and this one was kinda alright too. Virgin Street Punk Dandy is just as much of a loser as Dandy Prime, if not moreso. SHIPPUDEN - Welp, so much for full OPs every week being a thing. And for seeing Vic talk to himself. Oh well, at least we got the Akatsuki's complete origin story out of it this week. YASHAHIME PROMO - Okay, so not only do we have a TV-MA blanket rating for this show, but they're pixelating out the featureless boobs on the enemy she-demons. I'm actually more concerned about what this is insinuating than I am the show's actual writing quality, but then again, that's to be expected from someone with such specified interests as mine. Quote
OwlChemist81 Posted June 26, 2021 Posted June 26, 2021 I really need to start lurking this thread again... Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 26, 2021 Author Posted June 26, 2021 (edited) Eh, you really aren't missing that much. 12:00 - My Hero Academia #96 - Match 3 Conclusion - TV-14V 12:30 - Dr Stone: Stone Wars #7 - Secret Mission - TV-14LV1:00 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #1 - Inuyasha: Since Then - TV-14LV 1:3- Food Wars! The Third Plate #18 - For Someone's Sake - TV-MAS2:00 - Black Clover #156 - Awakening Powers - TV-PG2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #347 - Creeping Shadow - TV-PG3:00 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #8 - Assassin's Bullet - TV-14LV3:30 - Dragon Ball Super #121 - All-Out War! The Ultimate Four-Fold Union vs. The 7th Universe's Total Offensive! - TV-14 Edited July 31, 2021 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted June 27, 2021 Posted June 27, 2021 Hero- Gotta go fast. Goddamn look at him go. I always forget tail boy exists. NYOOM. I love my kids. I love Tetsutetsu he's so fucking dumb. Hardboy 2 is doing surprisingly well here. Aw shit you've activated his daddy issues. I swear I'm trying my best to kill Garbage Dilf. Uh kids remember this is just training and you're not actually trying to murder each other. FOOM. Meanwhile, Pony is still goddamn adorable. Oh hey, tail boy's still here. Whelp, there goes tail boy. And then Todoroki burned them both to death. Goddammit mudboy! FUCK YEAH, IIDA. Well kids the important thing is you tried. So it's a tie then? Shut up Vlad. Kinda rooting for the adorable horse girl here. I wasn't actually expecting a tie. Here, grandma's got candy for you. Iida is a good boy. Remember next time, just fucking burn them to death from the start. Mudboy's face is goddamn terrifying. Fuck off, douche rogue. Bakugo's about to murder that girl. Dr Stone- It can't be Taiju he's incapable of being quiet. Oh hey, meet our car. Science is magic. Oh, what's Yuzu up to? Nikki is the best. The fucking accent never stops being funny. AMERICA, FUCK YEAH. These people are all gonna go ape shit when they find out the truth. Aw fuck that guy. Whelp, you're fucked. I still don't trust Ear Boy. I like her new outfit. Oh shit can she patch people back together? I hate you, murder cop guy. Correction, I am cautiously optimistic about Ear Boy. Fuck you Kars nobody likes you. Aw hell they're gonna find the phone. Oh my god look at that thing. Sure this sounds legit. Senku's bizarre helmet is cracking me up. They finally get to see each other again! HUG MY BOY. Eat shit, Kars. I'm concerned that Kars could definitely punch that tank to death. Yashahime- No seriously, why is she dressed up like Colonel Sanders? Why does she have Kagome's last name? Spoiler alert it's Kagome. Damn if that music isn't a real nostalgia bomb. Aww Sango's kids are cute. Give those kids some snacks. Just an ordinary four-eyed owl. Oh shit that's right, Kirby died. Well I think you solved the mystery of the missing heads. I'm pretty sure most of the returning characters didn't get recast but they still sound weird. Whelp, that could have gone better. Oh hey Sesshomaru. I like that they're explaining who all the characters are as if anyone watching this doesn't already know. Oh goddammit Shippo hasn't been violently murdered yet. Oh hey Rin. Everything is always Kikyo's fault and I'm not entirely convinced she's not going to pop up in this season. Goddamn if hearing this nerd scream WINDSCAR doesn't take me back. You may not have the wind tunnel but at least you can jerk off now. I hope Shippo dies. FUCK YEAH SANGO. Oh hey Kaede gets to do something. Goddammit Kagome! Man they're really milking those nostalgia titties on this episode aren't they. SIT BOY. And then everyting went straight to hell. Moroha is immediately best girl and I will have no arguments. Oh hey, four-eyed owl again. I am disappointed that this ED isn't as good as the old Inuyasha ones. If we don't get an Escargot Pudding episode I'm flipping a table. Food Wars- I don't care, show. I hate the creepy orgasm twins. Eat shit, Soma. So is he expelled now and the show's over? You son of a bitch how dare you get my hopes up like that. Wait the nudity thing is actually happening for real? Please stop showing me the slutty middle school kids. Goddammit don't fuck with me just expel him. I hate all of you. I somehow care even less than I did before, show. Where the hell did you come from, jailbait professor? I disagree, being with these people is a fucking act of torture. Everybody moves into the only dorm building left. This guy looks like the smarmiest basatard. Did everyone else get expelled because that's fucking hilarious. Wait did Megumi somehow not get expelled because that is some bullshit. Clover- TG's not here this weekend and thus nobody's around to force me to watch this dumpster fire of a show. 🎉🎉🎉 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 27, 2021 Author Posted June 27, 2021 9 hours ago, EmpressAngel said: Clover- TG's not here this weekend and thus nobody's around to force me to watch this dumpster fire of a show. 🎉🎉🎉 Shame, you missed Yami vs. Mereoleona and Patrick Seitz finally getting a role. You can skip next week though, it's yet another goddamn recap. MY HERO ACADEMIA - The moment I found out this one was a draw because spoilers (OH HOW I HATE THEM), I had a feeling a time limit was going to come into play. DR. STONE - Not too much to say here either, but I like how they adapted Gen and Ukyo talking to each other in English as them just whisper-speaking, and especially how despite being a mass murderer, Tsukasa at least cares about the comrades his side has lost, unlike that snake Hyoga. YASHAHIME - Once again, knowing what I'm getting into at face value hasn't stopped me from thinking positive when putting the process of actually watching into practice. But even then, there's no denying that as far as Inuyasha goes, Yashahime's debut episode is a strong start. By focusing more on the previous characters engaging in a self-contained plot with the next generation's plot serving as mere window dressing - otherwise they wouldn't have bothered with having Kagome narrate - this really felt like an anniversary special more than a sequel premiere. It was great getting to hear the old cast too! Even Kirby Morrow in what wound up being his final anime role. Thus, I won't give his spirit a hard time about Miroku's lines sounding the most stilted. FOOD WARS - But honestly, this one was my favorite of the night. Ridiculous? Objectively, yes. Enjoyable? Subjectively, also yes. Soma's win, while obvious in hindsight, didn't feel like an easy one to accomplish, especially since he presented his dish first, a practical sign of forfeit in the Food Wars universe. And him doing it all for Akira was so homoerotic (nice to see the studio behind Descendants of Darkness still has it) that it's more than appropriate that this one made it in on the last weekend of Pride Month. Sucks about all the others predictably failing though. LOL at Zenji's defeat being summed up by his glasses shattering. BLACK CLOVER - But then again, the animation for it wasn't all that great, and there was too much focus on the other side for the whole experience to really be worth it. Besides, Spade Seitz will have his time to shine once the transition back to manga canon is complete in two weeks, plus whatever change FUNimation needs to keep a consistent simuldubbing schedule. SHIPPUDEN - When all else fails, just blame Danzo. Chances are he was behind it in some capacity. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted July 3, 2021 Author Posted July 3, 2021 (edited) I miss the days when bare, nipple-free demoness titties weren't even enough to constitute a 14 set. 12:00 - My Hero Academia #97 - Early Bird! - TV-14 12:30 - Dr Stone: Stone Wars #8 - Final Battle - TV-14LV1:00 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #2 - The Three Princesses - TV-MA 1:30 - Food Wars! The Third Plate #19 - A Declaration of War - TV-MAS2:00 - Black Clover #157 - Five-Leaf Clover - TV-PG 🚨 RECAP ALERT 🚨2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #348 - The New Akatsuki - TV-PGLV3:00 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #9 - Brave Volunteers - TV-14LV3:30 - Dragon Ball Super #122 - With His Pride on the Line! Vegeta's Challenge to Be the Strongest! - TV-PG Edited July 31, 2021 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted July 4, 2021 Posted July 4, 2021 It figures that the week I skip Black Clover would be the week when people I don't hate get screen time. Hero- It is time for the Angriest Rowdy Boy. Boy what is your head. On the bright side, there'll be plenty of room for Shinso in the hero course after Bakugo murders four students. Shut up Vlad. Aizawa, here to ruin your fun. Thank you Kendo. I love my angry bastard son. Here, everybody take a bottle of Bakugo's sweat. Oh, she's Buggy the Clown but hot. Glue boy creeps me out. That boy is a damn pokemon. Wait did Bakugo just willingly help another person? The biggest twist in this arc is that Bakugo has discovered the concept of teamwork. Suck it, Douche Rogue. There he go. It's a trap, again! And Weldman, with the power to...weld! SUGAR PUNCH. I love my kids. And then King Explosion Murder murdered everyone with explosions. Here have a sweat bomb. Jesus that was fast. I'm proud of you, kids. You have received Aizawa's approval, be very proud of yourselves. It's not your fault, nobody expected Bakugo to play nice. "Friend" is kinda overdoing it. Eat shit, Monoma. Don't let Bakugo hear you compare Deku to him. Do your best Shinso and the rest of you can choke. Man i hope Douche Rogue blows his limbs off in this fight. Good luck kids you're gonna need it. Dr Stone- Hi Bambi. Wake up Science Boy it's time to save the world. Fuck you, Kars. Just let Magma kill people. Senku's weird helmet is ridiculously funny to me. "Oh fuck is that a tank!?" I'd follow Senku into hell with absolutely zero questions asked. Oh man, revive a World War 2 history nerd and have them explain it to Magma. Taiju is best boy. Now tell me you rigged that tank to self destruct. BOOM. Oh SHIT that is cool. Hi hot lady. Titties. I respect her. Nikki is best girl. Plan B, just beat the absolute piss out of them. God I love my screaming good boy. This went surprisingly well. HUGGING, FINALLY. If you spill that, we'll have to kill you. Why am I about to cry over this. RIP gorilla tank. Well that was quick. Science is so fucking cool. Aw shit they're coming. MY GUN POWDER. Y'all better start running right goddamn now. I hate that he looks so cool. Okay that "follow him into hell" comment is coming true way faster than I expected. Aw fuck the jig is up. Whelp that's it, show's over. Oh no don't make Taiju cry. FUCK YEAH, SCIENCE. Remember, use Magma as a meatshield. Gen's only here for the free Pepsi. I forgot these two met before. You know nerds can't run fast. Yashahime- Let's all pretend we don't know who Sesshomaru fucked. Uh kids the meadow's on fire. And then she died. Well that's new. How the fuck is that cat still alive. Oh hey, Kagome's brother grew up generically cute. I give her five minutes before she gets into a fight. I hate that outfit and that is a poor excuse. I see you in the back there, discount Kuwabara. Break his arm, he'll learn a valuable lesson. Moroha is already best girl. Uhhh you two know your parents are bff's right? Kohaku also got generically cute. Uhhhhh you two know you're cousins right? METHINKS MAYHAP WE MIGHT HAVE CHANCED THE CENTIPEDE. Oh dang that's cool. Whelp, ya fucked that up. Hi there, Crispin. If you touch that adorable child you're going to die. Why do you have that sword? How the fuck is grandpa still alive!? Well now she's gonna have to kill you all. Fuck it, use your powers and then kill them. Shut up child. RIP centipede, again. Man how did both of you blow it within like five minutes? I don't think trees should glow like that. There they go. Family, literally giving no shits. Wow that sword was a piece of shit. Food Wars- Are we supposed to like Rindo at all? How the fuck is Megumi the only one who passed. I hate you all. And nothing of value was lost. Soma, continuing to be an insufferably smug bag of shit. Oh yeah I'm sure asking your festering anus of a dad will work out. What a surprise your festering anus of a dad is still a festering anus. I miss Soma's hot dad. HI SOMA'S HOT DAD. I am rooting entirely for hot dad and absolutely no one else. Shut up Megumi. You can just admit that you agreed to it because you're also horny for Soma's dad, just like everyone else. Fuck off, Megumi. I'd be the worst at this I lose my shit the moment someone walks into my kitchen. It's amazing how tolerable the gross food thing is when it's coming from a hot middle aged dude. Meanwhile, Erina is still insufferable. I'm gonna fuck your dad, Soma. Everyone's horny for cooking dilf. You had me at mashed potatoes. And then Megumi pissed her pants and cried. You deserve a better kid. Yeah just waste time writing notes to each other instead of helping at all. Maybe you dumb shits should be contributing here? Clover- Is this shit really going into recap already? It's been like two episodes! I'm definitely rooting for Possessed Evil Seitz here, may he murder everyone slowly and painfully. 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted July 10, 2021 Author Posted July 10, 2021 (edited) Welp, the moment of truth has finally arrived. Black Clover's finally back to adapting manga canon after a mix of anime original content and legit filler to help naturalize the transition-slash-allow the manga to catch up. It's all important stuff from here 'til the end, so don't miss it, no matter how much you'd prefer it if you did. 12:00 - My Hero Academia #98 - That Which is Inherited - TV-14 12:30 - Dr Stone: Stone Wars #9 - To Destroy and To Save - TV-14LV1:00 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #3 - The Dream Butterfly - TV-14LV 1:30 - Food Wars! The Third Plate #20 - Erina's Devotion - TV-MAS2:00 - Black Clover #158 - The Beginning of Hope and Despair - TV-PG2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #349 - A Mask That Hides the Heart - TV-PG3:00 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #10 - A Sound Argument - TV-14L3:30 - Dragon Ball Super #123 - Body, Soul and Power Unleashed! Goku and Vegeta! - TV-PGLV Edited July 31, 2021 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted July 11, 2021 Posted July 11, 2021 On 7/9/2021 at 10:05 PM, PokeNirvash said: It's all important stuff from here 'til the end, so don't miss it, no matter how much you'd prefer it if you did. Truly there is no end to my suffering. Hero- Oh hell this can't be good. You keep your throbbing to yourself, buddy. That is also my ringtone. Well that's not ominous at all. Shut up Douche Rogue nobody cares about your inferiority complex. Jjiro confirmed for best girl. Please punch his vocal cords out of his body. I hate you, Douche Rogue. Her quirk is cool but her hero name is stupid. Uh yeah I think it's safe to say they figured out your location. You leave my angry bastard son out of this! Oh fuck you, kid. WELL THAT'S NEW. The time has come! Uh Shinso you might wanna run. Hey Aizawa you might wanna get in there and stop this shit. HUGGING. Awww tiny Ochako. Now kiss. Little help here, Purple Boy. Quick, just say All Might sucks or something! Helloooo new boyfriend. Deku tell your vestige to call me. SURPRISE! That's a lotta quirks. Slapping works too. Goddammit not now, Douche Rogue! Aizawa just wants to see his purple son fight. Dr Stone- I love my science boys. Could y'all not just scoop up some of that gun powder on the ground? Taiju, do your screamy thing again! If you're lucky you've got quality poop. This is the most intense shit-based moment I've ever seen. FUCK YEAH MY BOYS and also Magma. And then everyone died. Yay, Chrome helped! FUCK YEAH, SOAP. Tsukasa's group sure survived unreasonably long considering they don't believe in soap. We are all fodder for some nerds. Oh SHIT. I love my screaming good boy. Uh hey whatcha looking at. BOOM, BITCH. That'll fucking do it. You think these guys know what half those words mean. Oh hey, Ear Boy's okay. Dude your face, no wonder you wear a mask. You're gonna have to launch Kars into space. Oooooh there's a tragic sister backstory. Well this is depressing as shit. Never fight someone right at your dick height. Why am I crying. Goddammit Senku. The hell have you got to lose here, Kars. Awww good they saved the tank. Taiju is a good boy. Surprise, you're an asshole! You could just selectively revive people without smashing the shit out of the others. DYNAMITE, GO. Neat, I didn't know that. Yashahime- Your sword sucks. LASER SWORD. Bitch just kill that thing. Towa kinda sucks. Now shove those pearls back in your eye sockets. Moroha is best girl. Did Kagome never tell her kid that she had a last name? Do they not know they're cousins? How is Kaede still alive, they don't even have soap back then! I don't think that's an accurate lion fact. Boom, snake to the face! Y'all might wanna run. Hey girl meet your grandma. Goddammit you idiot child! You chose an objectively worst host, demon. Careful, she's got a rock! Don't worry, she's just gonna stab that little girl in the face. The rock thing shouldn't be so funny to me. She's got weaponized ambien. The phrase "Lord Inuyasha" sounds objectively wrong. Wait, did Kohaku never know about the time travel thing? His wife is way too chill about all this. Wait how do you just not sleep? The hell is a dream butterfly? Fucking butterflies. Food Wars- Is it too much to ask for a meteor to fall on everyone except Soma's hot dad? Maybe I'll get lucky and this train will go off the rails over a cliff and there will be no survivors. I don't care about Tortellini's flashback, show. You had me at cheesy potatoes and you lost me at sardines. You gotta learn how to fucking wing it, bitch. That crepe sounds horrific. Give me hot dad's clothes blasting off or get the fuck out, show. I am forever disappointed. You all tie as losers. "And Megumi was also there in the background." Fuck you, food Dandy. Dude's just skiing down a mountain in a suit like he thinks he's fucking James Bond or something. Rindo fucking sucks. Man, hot dad is awesome. Well that's some bullshit. Couldn't she just cook like shit and give them a free win against the douche squad? Christ just shut up. Clover- I don't know who this guy is but I hope he dies here. I hate that this show has unreasonably good OP's considering how shit the rest of it is. At least if you all die, you don't have to be in Black Clover anymore. This is the worst version of Howl's Moving Castle. Is it too much to hope that he gets crushed by that thing? Wait since when can he fly? Bad idea, lady. Was there a timeskip while they were training or something? This lady is a real downer. I still don't care, show. Blink, motherfucker! I'm rooting for the giant snake here. RIP giant snake, you were a real one. Noelle, still the worst. Green boy, still a gross horny bastard. Mimosa, still needs higher standards. The rest of these losers, I still don't give a fuck about. You're free but unfortunately you have to live in this series. Kill them all, evil Seitz. This girl has treats and Charmy's gonna eat them. Oh I am definitely rooting for him to destroy the world. Aw hell, what now? Quote
PokeNirvash Posted July 17, 2021 Author Posted July 17, 2021 (edited) Pardon the trendy vernacular, but the new Black Clover OP slaps. Just thought I'd share that with you all. 12:00 - My Hero Academia #99 - Our Brawl - TV-14S 12:30 - Dr Stone: Stone Wars #10 - Humanity's Strongest Tag Team - TV-14V1:00 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #4 - The Gateway to the Past - TV-14 1:30 - Food Wars! The Third Plate #21 - He Who Clears a Path Through the Wilderness - TV-MAS2:00 - Black Clover #159 - Quiet Lakes and Forest Shadows - TV-PG2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #350 - Minato's Death - TV-PG 3:00 - "Toonami Interstitial" - TV-MAV3:15 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #11 - Deceiver - TV-14LV3:45 - Dragon Ball Super #124 - A Storm-and-Stress Assault! Gohan's Last Stand! - TV-PGV Been too long since we've had a proper stealth premiere. Edited July 31, 2021 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted July 18, 2021 Posted July 18, 2021 Oh, agreed. Black Clover has unreasonably great OPs compared to literally everything else about this show. Hero- Kiss each other you adorable kids. Douche Rogue, still the worst. Uh Aizawa you really might wanna get in there. Try not to kill each other, kids. I was wrong, Mineta is by far the fucking worst. Guard your tits, girls! No just let him grab you and blow all his limbs off. BOOOOO. Gunhead Martial Arts are really paying off for her. Rare sighting of Ponytail Dadzawa. Awww Aizawa really did teach him how to use his scarf. Deku tell your vestige man to call me. Oh sweet he's already getting better at using it. Don't worry this isn't a trick, he really has no idea what he's doing. Shut up Douche Rogue. Forever disappointed that he didn't explode all his limbs off. And then Deku died. Nobody calls you that, tubby. I love my kids. It's okay Shinso you tried your best. Suck it, other kids! "Midoriya, what the fuck?" Midnight's having a great day. Bet ya hugged him real hard, didn't ya? Aizawa is best dad. Dr Stone- I hope they fix her. And then Taiju blinded him. Taiju is a good boy. Yaaay it worked! Awwwwww. Well girl that's a complicated question. Why am I crying. I want her and Suika to be friends. Oh hell no you stay away from her. Ohhhh this is not gonna go well. Shit, she's free. Oh goddammit it's the cop. Oh you son of a bitch. No don't leave your sister with that asshole. YOU SON OF A BITCH. Owwww. Alright what kinda science magic can we pull out to help this. Senku you're built like a wet noodle what are you gonna do? And then they died. The real surprise here is that Senku managed to drag another person out of the river. He looks so weird with his hair down. I forgot he's technically divorced. Dude that's not what happened with the stone magic. He wanted a peaceful world, fuck him! Aw hell he's got some flash step shit going on. He's gonna need those fingers! BIRDS, GO. Tsukasa turned out to be a decent dude in the end. That's a real nice idea but you're going to die in like two minutes. I love that they're just bros now. BOOM. Goddammit just die. I hope you got armor under there. Whelp he's dead, show's over. If he's gonna die anyway he might as well take you out with him. Oh shit. RIDE THE LIGHTNING, BITCH. Now quick, harvest one of his lungs. High five! Yashahime- That cat is goddamn immortal. Moroha has literally zero competition for best girl. So where the fuck is Kagome anyway? Teacher Crispin doesn't care about your time traveling drama. Where the hell did she learn to play a violin? Stocking up on modern snacks, as you should. Is that Kagome's bike in there? It's funny that they worry about changing the past when Kagome could not have given less of a shit about taking things back with her. Oh the stories he could tell you about those days. Uhhhh how do you not know Kagome, the fuck happened to your parents? Is Kagome dead? Did all of our old main characters die offscreen? You probably shouldn't give that thing your magic eye pearls. OH WHAT THE FUCK KIKYO. I always knew that bitch wasn't gone for good last time! Look kids it's a real long story we don't have time to get into it right now. What's this, an actual plot? Does Moroha even know she's related to them? The hell is any of that supposed to mean? Is Sesshomaru's wrong path his decision to boink the fifteen year old that he half-adopted as a small child? I forgot she has a light saber. FOOT, GO. I can't believe that thing actually worked. Is that the fucking Shikon jewel. Moroha/backpack OTP. Sesshomaru kinda fucking sucks. Food Wars- Hi, hot dad. Long story short, literally everybody is horny for Soma's hot dad. Okay so Erina's dad was always a creepy little fucker. I don't care that much about his pre-dilf days, show. Yeah yeah I get it, he's the best and beat everyone, and then he got jaded and lonely at the top, blah blah blah. Sad times in Flavortown, folks. Are you drunk as fuck, eventual hot dad? I absolutely don't really care about your school days. So who'd he fuck? How dare you give me an entire episode of hot dad but then make him too young for me to thirst over. Clover- Swole Asta looks objectively wrong and makes me uncomfortable. I hope they all die. I choose to believe queen swirly eyes and her big titty giant sea witch are lesbians. Charmy continues to be the single bright spot in this dumpster fire. Is that a goddamn bidoof in the hot spring? For the love of god somebody get higher standards. Noelle, still fucking terrible. I want to watch all of you die. Charmy is the only bitch in this series that I respect. I still hate you, Tinkerbell. Oh what the hell now. Yeah sure whatever he's a prince now. Special- Holy shit, a music video on the block that's actually legit good and not a joyless obstacle to suffer through between episodes? I never thought I'd see the day. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted July 24, 2021 Author Posted July 24, 2021 (edited) Normally I dislike apocalyptic media, but I'll make an exception for a band as highly regarded and unquestioningly metal as Iron Maiden. 12:00 - My Hero Academia #100 - The New Power and All For One - TV-14 12:30 - Dr Stone: Stone Wars #11 - Prologue of Dr. Stone - TV-14V - SEASON FINALE1:00 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #5 - Jakotsumaru of the Red Bone Palace - TV-14V 1:30 - Food Wars! The Third Plate #22 - To the Site of the Final Battle - TV-MAS2:00 - Black Clover #160 - The Messenger from the Spade Kingdom - TV-PGV2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #351 - Hashirama's Cells - TV-PGV3:15 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #12 - Guides - TV-14DV3:45 - Dragon Ball Super #125 - A Commanding Presence! The Advent of Top the Destroyer! - TV-14L Edited July 31, 2021 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted July 25, 2021 Posted July 25, 2021 Man, that was a really short season. Hero- Good job Purple Boy! Mineta is in fact the worst. Shut up douche. Oh hell no don't let that douche near my daughter. LOOK AT MY BABY. I would die for this child, absolutely no questions asked. Meanwhile Bakugo tries to kill Deku. Don't be mean he's nothing like All for One. I love these hardboys. FUCK YEAH, STEW. Todoroki is trying his best to connect these dots but he's missing half of them. God I wish he'd choke me next-wait, I mean what? Ooooh, is there a tragic backstory for Aizawa on the horizon? LOOK AT MY BABY, AGAIN. Goddammit Monoma you are completely fucking useless. I love Fatgum. Someone please hug my daughter. Heee Froppy hibernates. Good luck kids, do your best. Oh hey, shit's going down. This seems like a lot of effort just for a couple wallets. You are the pros, boys! Ha, they're all starstruck by All Might. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. I would have just let that lady get killed and that's why I could never be a hero. Aww, All Might still gets to save somebody. Ya did good, kids. My automatic reaction is that I hate Slidn' Go. Dr Stone- Beat her ass, Kohaku! Tsukasa meanwhile is not okay. I'm with Magma, just kill him. At least nobody's trying to kill them anymore. Nikki is best girl. Hell yeah, it worked! It's okay dude, deadlines don't exist anymore. Senku you really don't have to bring back Goku. Fuck you, cop. Just stare at that lady's giant boobs for comfort as you die. Tsukasa really did turn out to be a surprisingly good dude. How well can you do a lung transplant? Well, glue works too. Y'all should really probably kill that guy. Good news buddy you're gonna get stoned! Okay Yuzu how good are you at sewing open wounds. It's fine, just have him bite down on a shoe. I want his sister and Suika to be friends. Now it's yoru turn to go into a coma! Jesus christ dude. Good luck, y'all. Can we just give him the dirty cop's lungs? Everyone's so excited and meanwhile Tsukasa's just laying there trying not to die yet. Oh that thing is uncomfortably coffin-shaped. I'm not saying I'm shipping it but I'm not not saying it. He fought a gorilla too?! Yeah those were like, three good days before you turned into an asshole and decided to kill him. "Mario is 10 billion percent tripping balls" is not a sentence I expected to hear today but here we are. Whelp, time to cry. It's boatin' time. PIRATE SENKU. I'm gonna guess whatever happened was America's fault. Yashahime- LIGHTNING. Hoot hoot motherfucker. Moroha continues to have zero competition for best girl. Hey Kaede why don't any of these kids know about their parents? Oh I do not like the creepy boneless corpses. Is Sango dead, show? Everyone loves Kilala. Oh good, because everyone wanted to see what Myoga's doing. Oh fuck please tell me that's not our new Shippo. Setsuna sucks. BONE COW. Just give the dogs some bones. Jesus christ what the fuck. Oh sure we can't get any of the OG crew to appear in present time but we get all the Myoga we could ask for. I'm never gonna remember these names. Moroha is the best. Myoga just tell them they're cousins, they're never gonna figure it out for themselves. Towa you're a goddamn idiot. Well that's metal as fuck. Do we really need to flashback to what she said literally 90 seconds ago? Skeletons don't count as people. I also get way more cool when I wear good lipstick. SHE DID THE THING. Jesus christ Towa either grow a pair or figure out a way to go home. Hi, obvious Miroku. Food Wars- I hope everyone dies except hot dad. I hate all of you. Shut up spice boy. Shut up dimestore Sasuke. Who the fuck is this idol girl? I hope that guy at least keeps his pants on. Well, at least he has a decent plan for when they lose. I hate this girl more than most of the others. Blah blah blah I don't care. Lemme guess, all the tickets were soba. Allez cuisine! Today I learned how few fucks I give about how soba is made. I hate you, Soma. Get that boy some ritalin. I'm not even your family and I'm ashamed of you. Oh, is he actually gonna do something besides be annoying and get naked? Clover- Swole Asta is physically repulsive. I hate you, Tinkerbelle. Meanwhile Asta's just a random dumpster baby somebody tossed out. This series fails so hard it has multiple fire users and I wouldn't fuck a single one. She looks exactly like every other female character in this series because the author can only draw one lady face. I'm still rooting for evil Seitz to kill everyone. How does this guy have these memories from his father when he just said that they never saw each other again? Oh what the fuck now. Kill them, evil guy. Oh, it's dimestore Griffith. Tonight's theme is skeletons, apparently. Yuno broke. In addition to being a regular prince, wasn't Yuno also the reincarnated form of that dead baby elf prince? I feel like that makes even less sense now since he's from an entirely different country and wasn't born anywhere near the elf territory. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted July 31, 2021 Author Posted July 31, 2021 THIS WEEK IN POKE'S ADVENTURES IN ADULTING: I got an apartment. Moving in in about 2 1/2 months. Starting then, I'll resume my sharing of thoughts but only in the episode discussion threads. Except for this one: Urara Kawashima is shit and if any Food Wars character deserves death it's her for becoming an amalgamation of all the villain-cocksucking protagonist-shitting-on Main Campus assholes that I despised back in season 1. And also for looking like a Kei Mizuryu character that doesn't get any. 12:00 - My Hero Academia #101 - Have a Merry Christmas! - TV-14LS 12:30 - My Hero Academia #102 - Off to Endeavor's Agency! - TV-14V1:00 - Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon #6 - The Cat Juan at the Old Temple - TV-14V 1:30 - Food Wars! The Third Plate #23 - For the Sake of Kyokusei Dorm - TV-MAS 2:00 - Food Wars! The Third Plate #24 - That Which Makes One Strong - TV-MAS2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #352 - The Rogue Ninja Orochimaru - TV-PG3:15 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season #13 - Children of the Forest - TV-MAL3:45 - Dragon Ball Super #126 - Surpass Even a God! Vegeta's Sacrifice Strike! - TV-14L Merry Christmas in August 4.0, ya bloody legends. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted August 1, 2021 Posted August 1, 2021 My two favorite things in life are Christmas and dilfs so this is a great night for me. Congrats on the whole adult thing. 1 Quote
EmpressAngel Posted August 1, 2021 Posted August 1, 2021 Hero- Fun story, we're supposed to know exactly what happened in Deika City because there's an entire arc set there that the anime just decided to leapfrog over and come back to later. You okay there, Fuckhands? Bakugo is surprised to have friends. Haa, they cut him out of the interview. That sure sounds like a lot of destruction. Is that the demon from The Exorcist. I love that Endeavor's fanboy became a meme in-universe. Hi, Mt Lady's ass. Todoroki has no idea what's going on. I love my kids. I'd find "Shut your trap and trust me!" to be comforting if I was stuck in a crisis. Deku is trying his best. Oh no you made the mistake of asking him about All Might. Oh hey, he put out a single noodle of that stuff. All Might's looking rougher than usual. I'd also rather wrap up in Aizawa's scarf than sit in a chair. Well that doesn't sound ominous at all. HO HO HO MOTHERFUCKERS. Everybody's got a different ball on the end of their hat, that's cute. I dont't think he's going back to the guy who died. Uh where's Jeanist? CHRISTMAS ERI OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. Oh my god she doesn't know holidays she's too precious. Oooh can she fix Vault Boy soon? Tokoyami no. Awww they got each other's gifts. ERI NO. Next up, GARBAGE DILF HOOOOOOOO. Hi boyfriend! It's me I'm in the show. I'll make good use of you, Hawks. Uhhh you okay there Jeanist? Best Jeanist controls clothes so I choose to believe Hawks had to fight him naked. Hey Hawks whatcha got in that big bag there? New OP is a real banger. Awww Mama. I want Deku's All Might scarf. I hate you, Sliden' Go. I already dislike this shady dude with the laptop. It's okay Hawks I can't handle real coffee either. Hiiiii garbage dilf! Date me you piece of shit. "This'll be great for you, Bakugo. You've both got a personality like a dumpster fire!" There he go. WELL THAT'S OMINOUS. It's too early for this shit. I wonder what his budget is for clothes he destroyes running into battle. Shoto I'm gonna fuck your dad. Hi Hawks! I mean, the crazy guy's probably got a fair point about Endeavor. Do you have a moment to talk about the Lord? I still don't know how Hawks wears shirts. Hey Endeavor why is our boyfriend acting strange? Damn I wish I could read. "Man I hope he can read." OHHHH THAT'S OMINOUS. This ED promises me sad Hawks backstory and I'm here for it. I don't remember making so many horny comments involving the word "daddy" when I wrote this thing but I sure had to remove a concerning amount of them. Yashahime- God I love Moroha. Don't share the reward with your cousins, they suck. How is she charging that thing? "You hurt my butt's' feelings" is a pretty great line. Goddamn kid. I'm sure those are just normal cats and not demons or anything. Welcome to Crazy Cat Lady Village. She's the best. The most adorable demon invasion. And then everyone died. Towa sucks. Calm your thirst, girl. You should probably not trust that guy. Moroha thinks your taste in music is shit. Just find a bunch of ghost dogs to take care of it. FUCK YOU, CATS. Monk dude's totally evil, you goddamn idiot. Just fill the hole, hole filler. Cat demons have nine lives. In a surprise to absolutely no one, the monk is evil. RIP ghost cats. You're dog girls how are you losing to the cats. Moroha is the best. Goddamn furries. Fine kill the dumbass monk see if I care. Great Myoga that's real helpful but Inuyasa's not here right now is he. I kinda hate Towa. That's a lotta skulls. Food Wars- I'll watch it but I refuse to put forth the effort of writing about it for an hour. I hate everything and I want them to suffer. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted August 7, 2021 Author Posted August 7, 2021 Babe, it's the first weekend in August, time for your annual DC schedule switchup! 10:30 - Harley Quinn #1 - Till Death Do Us Part - TV-MALV 11:00 - Harley Quinn #2 - A High Bar - TV-MALV 11:30 - Harley Quinn #3 - So You Need a Crew? - TV-MAL 12:00 - Harley Quinn #4 - Finding Mr. Right - TV-MAL 12:30 - Harley Quinn #5 - Being Harley Quinn - TV-MAL 1:00 - Harley Quinn #6 - You're a Damn Good Cop, Jim Gordon - TV-MAL 1:30 - Harley Quinn #7 - The Line - TV-MAL 2:00 - Harley Quinn #8 - L.O.D.R.S.V.P. - TV-MAL 2:30 - Harley Quinn #9 - A Seat at the Table - TV-MAL 3:00 - Harley Quinn #10 - Bensonhurst - TV-MALSV 3:30 - Harley Quinn #11 - Harley Quinn Highway - TV-MALV 4:00 - Harley Quinn #12 - Devil's Snare - TV-MAL 4:30 - Harley Quinn #13 - The Final Joke - TV-MALV [yes, dear] 1 Quote
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