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"The end of Lupin the 3rd"


...but is it REALLY the end? Find out tomorrow night at 1:30 AM!


Only Toonami!



after those last two eps I'm not really sure what to expect so lets just let whatever happens happens :|


"If Italy is the land of love, then licklicklicklicklicklicklick."


Wait, Lupin. Who said you could change the opening quote!!


funny story it's always been a running Gag that Zenigata is in love with Lupin



it's probably why Zenigata has an exaggerated handsome face with a cleft chin and long lashes


pops. you're determined, but he's outsmarted you too many times for you to be so confident


You're both been at this for like 5 decades. You'd think by now he's learned. Meanwhile lupin is turning more and more into Jesus.

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