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After showing that naked 13 year old's ass...  I think they can definitely show Highschool DxD, Freezing and Highschool of the Dead.

and Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt

Oh and don't forget Neon Genesis Lupin the thirdgelion :|


I misread this post at first and thought you meant they were playing the 3rd Eva movie.  Don't scare me like that!


and Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt


Demarco flat refused to air that one.  Don't know if it was because of content reasons or because they didn't like the show, though.


that I forgot how weird the last two weeks of Toonami have been



jesus what's gonna happen this saturday? whut


Let's see.


- the ending of an amine trainwreck.

- two underage minors gavanting around an RPG unsupervised.

- a gorilla wanting to rape a little girl on a boat and then getting killed, followed by a killer doll

- Fuckin amazing OUTLAW STAR b*******!!

- Lupin III suddenly having the power to connect with dead people through dream realms.

- Two Dragonball shows.


Demarco flat refused to air that one.  Don't know if it was because of content reasons or because they didn't like the show, though.


I think he said it's too racy to be on TV even with the censoring.  Also probably the same reason he won't air Fairy Tail- he flat out doesn't like it.


Demarco flat refused to air that one.  Don't know if it was because of content reasons or because they didn't like the show, though.

All I remember is that someone asked when they were airing PSG on the Tumblr back when they openly answered questions, and they said they weren't airing it. Demarco hating the show, as far as I'm concerned, is just 4chan memes.


Demarco flat refused to air that one.  Don't know if it was because of content reasons or because they didn't like the show, though.

I'm airing more on the side that Toonami just thought it was shit rather than them avoiding it for censorship reasons


it IS a terrible anime


nice OST though


Fred Luo, who isn't nearly as much of a rapist as you think he is.

I mean he's infinitely more positive than any of the more recent Gay characters Toonami has shown



but he still flirts with a child and will ultimately be forced to marry a woman at some point in the future because he's too much of a wuss to stand up to his parents and have them cancel the marriage arrangement



Yes but considering I just saw a monkey getting aroused by a naked 13 year old girl in the shower, I think they can air this stuff and choose not to.


All I remember is that someone asked when they were airing PSG on the Tumblr back when they openly answered questions, and they said they weren't airing it. Demarco hating the show, as far as I'm concerned, is just 4chan memes.


Oh yeah, that's right.  He did flat out say they weren't airing it, though, which is unusual.


I think he said it's too racy to be on TV even with the censoring.  Also probably the same reason he won't air Fairy Tail- he flat out doesn't like it.


I don't know about not liking Fairy Tail, but I remember Demarco remarking on a Pre-Flight episode that he never even watched it before, though Gill had seen some.  Given the amount of requests, it seems kind of silly to take such little interest in it.  Maybe they were just prioritizing other shows.  I mean, it wasn't due to some limit of long-runners we had imagined, as they added HxH and two Dragonball shows.  Though I'm not sure why they wouldn't heed those requests but give in to Tokyo Ghoul fans... years after the fact.  And I find it hard to sit here and honestly believe that they "like" Tokyo Ghoul.  Maybe it's like GXP and they just watched a few episodes without really understanding what it was.  The first episode of Tokyo Ghoul is pretty good.  Either way, the idea of them not airing shows they don't like is stupid.  Should you not air things that don't fit the block?  I agree with that.  But not airing something your fans want because you don't like it?  Come on.


Yes but considering I just saw a monkey getting aroused by a naked 13 year old girl in the shower, I think they can air this stuff and choose not to.


It's obvious that Toonami has managed to gradually get away with more and more stuff in terms of extreme content on the block since it's come back.  I think at this point they could probably get by with airing Panty and Stocking - I say with complete speculation having not seen the show.  Whether they want to or whether anyone gives a shit at this point, is another story.


I'm airing more on the side that Toonami just thought it was shit rather than them avoiding it for censorship reasons


it IS a terrible anime


nice OST though


Maybe.  I haven't seen it, so I couldn't say.  I do know it was all the rage a few years back and Toonami was being bombarded with requests to air it at that time.


Maybe.  I haven't seen it, so I couldn't say.  I do know it was all the rage a few years back and Toonami was being bombarded with requests to air it at that time.

Teen Titans Go! is softly based on PSG so that should be a decent description of what's wrong with it



granted it's far more sexual (though TTG! has it's moments)


Teen Titans Go! is softly based on PSG so that should be a decent description of what's wrong with it



granted it's far more sexual (though TTG! has it's moments)


Bullshit it is.


Panty and Stocking is a deliberate criticism of Japanese purity culture filtered through stuff like Ren & Stimpy and Invader Zim.  One episode is a full on homage to “Zim eats Waffles.”


Then again, it has a lot of male on female sex, so that’s probably why Mochi dislikes it.


Oh yeah, that's right.  He did flat out say they weren't airing it, though, which is unusual.


There were a ton of requests but the extreme sexual content (plus getting burned on the far inferior Super Milk Chan) probably made it a no go.


I don't know about not liking Fairy Tail, but I remember Demarco remarking on a Pre-Flight episode that he never even watched it before, though Gill had seen some.  Given the amount of requests, it seems kind of silly to take such little interest in it.  Maybe they were just prioritizing other shows.  I mean, it wasn't due to some limit of long-runners we had imagined, as they added HxH and two Dragonball shows.  Though I'm not sure why they wouldn't heed those requests but give in to Tokyo Ghoul fans... years after the fact.  And I find it hard to sit here and honestly believe that they "like" Tokyo Ghoul.  Maybe it's like GXP and they just watched a few episodes without really understanding what it was.  The first episode of Tokyo Ghoul is pretty good.  Either way, the idea of them not airing shows they don't like is stupid.  Should you not air things that don't fit the block?  I agree with that.  But not airing something your fans want because you don't like it?  Come on.


Tokyo Ghoul doesn't sound like the same instance as GXP.  Remember, GXP was pushed 2.5 hours later into the night because Demarco shit the bed on the realization that it wasn't at all what he thought it was, and Toyko Ghoul just moved around because of other acquisitions.  They would've buried it by now.


I saw that ep where he said he never saw Fairy Tail. I let out a for-real, audible yell at the screen.  It had been requested for at least two years!! He had ample time to just see ONE episode!!!


Teen Titans Go! is softly based on PSG so that should be a decent description of what's wrong with it


.... Mochi, sometimes i wonder about you.  In what way is PSG IN ANY WAY BASED on Teen Titans Go?!!?  >:


.... Mochi, sometimes i wonder about you.  In what way is PSG IN ANY WAY BASED on Teen Titans Go?!!?  >:

other way around


Teen Titans Go! is the one trying to emulate PSG


hence the PSG esque artstyle




the simplified art in musical numbers



and the sex related humor




edit: for that matter TTG!'s opening theme is similar to PSG's




for that matter there's a few eps where they shift into a more anime-like artstyle as well


much like panty and stocking do when they transform





Do you have evidence that TTG is using PSG as THE ONLY inspiration?  Or is that your opinion?


I knew that Teen Titans got its style mainly from FLCL.

it's not the only inspiration


it's also very obviously mimmicking the powerpuff girls


the ACTUAL powerpuff girls not the new version


Bullshit it is.


Panty and Stocking is a deliberate criticism of Japanese purity culture filtered through stuff like Ren & Stimpy and Invader Zim.  One episode is a full on homage to “Zim eats Waffles.”


Then again, it has a lot of male on female sex, so that’s probably why Mochi dislikes it.


That makes more sense.  This is why I don't base anything on anything Mochi says.  Same reason I take his "spoilers" with a grain of salt.


Tokyo Ghoul doesn't sound like the same instance as GXP.  Remember, GXP was pushed 2.5 hours later into the night because Demarco shit the bed on the realization that it wasn't at all what he thought it was, and Toyko Ghoul just moved around because of other acquisitions.  They would've buried it by now.


I saw that ep where he said he never saw Fairy Tail. I let out a for-real, audible yell at the screen.  It had been requested for at least two years!! He had ample time to just see ONE episode!!!


I don't think you understand what I'm talking about.  I'm simply saying they didn't realize how shitty Tokyo Ghoul is.  Yeah, Tokyo Ghoul didn't do bad enough to get pushed way back in the night like GXP, but that just means it was the right kind of shit to do well on Toonami.  I mean, it obviously has an audience.  Though I wonder how many were watching it to make fun of it, like we were. :D


Yeah, that was ridiculous.  At that point, I gave up any hope of them getting the show, and felt stupid for waiting to watch it for years in hopes I could watch it new on Toonami with everyone, and started watching it on my own.  I've also given up on the whole idea of "saving shows for Toonami" over the past several months, as it's obvious they can't be counted on to get many in-demand shows of note anymore.  They're slaves to those stupid, easily manipulated fan requests, and other silly practices, like putting on a show "they always wanted to air," "gotta have a Gundam!" etc.  Blah.


I don't think you understand what I'm talking about.  I'm simply saying they didn't realize how shitty Tokyo Ghoul is.  Yeah, Tokyo Ghoul didn't do bad enough to get pushed way back in the night like GXP, but that just means it was the right kind of shit to do well on Toonami.  I mean, it obviously has an audience.  Though I wonder how many were watching it to make fun of it, like we were. :D


Yeah, that was ridiculous.  At that point, I gave up any hope of them getting the show, and felt stupid for waiting to watch it for years in hopes I could watch it new on Toonami with everyone, and started watching it on my own.  I've also given up on the whole idea of "saving shows for Toonami" over the past several months, as it's obvious they can't be counted on to get many in-demand shows of note anymore.  They're slaves to those stupid, easily manipulated fan requests, and other silly practices, like putting on a show "they always wanted to air," "gotta have a Gundam!" etc.  Blah.


It has so much of an audience even today, to the extent that Japan is making a live action movie of it! -_-


It has so much of an audience even today, to the extent that Japan is making a live action movie of it! -_-


Yup for whatever reason the Japanese like it. But keep in mind they have really weird taste. I mean... they're still not tired of Detective Conan after 900 episodes and 20 movies.




I have also been very busy this week, thus my absence.


On the side note of the Teen Titans and Teen Titans GO especially. I hated these shows, especially GO. I understand it was a lose reinterpretation but goddamnit don't make a mockery out of the comic like that, it was not a comic with a ton of comedic elements and certainly not a comedy oriented comic.


How someone can take:




And turn it into:




American networks apparently think that kids only like randomness stupidity shows and/or comedy shows. My early childhood was in the 90s, so perhaps I'm a bit biased, but I think the major networks could take a few ques from Fox Box, and Nickelodeon's Saturday Morning block from back then. Just saying.


Network: "Its not our fault. The ratings are the best they ever been since TTG premiered for us."




Network: "Its not our fault. The ratings are the best they ever been since TTG premiered for us."




I can't stand it, I don't even watch Cartoon Network much anymore, and it's not just because I've gotten too old or adult for it. It's because the shows they put out are just bad plot-wise, annoying and overly memey, or the animation/character designs/style is awful. This is true of much of the American cartoons past about 2005ish. There is also literally no action-oriented content. Which is why I watch Anime almost exclusively now in terms of animation. Don't get me wrong I would watch comedy cartoons... assuming they were good. I miss the days of good shows with good character designs, interesting plotlines, and actual adventures without characters just walking around doing completely stupid shit and then laughing about it. The last one is ok, but not as the entire basis for a tv show, cartoon or otherwise.


Look at some of the first successful American cartoons, for example, Looney Tunes and Tex Avery. They had plenty of nonsensical and silly shit going on, but it was at least followable, the characters didn't just walk around and say stupid crap for an hour with no plot or character development. I would watch shows like Adventure Time, and while it had funny moments and amusing episodes, it just always made me think in the back of my head "This isn't memorable". 


I can't quote or even describe any scene from shows like that, and it is indicative of a serious writing problem, a lack of art design and animation techniques, and complete lack of in-depth character development. You get characters which are just vessels for conveying funny jokes to the audience instead of actually doing something in personality that is unique to them. The last show I can remember Cartoon Network airing that qualified any of those things would be Chowder, I mostly stopped watching CN sometime during the middle of Adventure Time, for previously stated reasons. I miss shows like Ed, Edd, n Eddy or Billy and Mandy which were great in all of the aforementioned categories. And you know how that is significantly evidenced to me? I can deffinitely remember and even quote multiple scenes from those shows, which are still hilarious to this day. I can do that with some of Chowder, but it was around that time that the quality of shows really decreased significantly in American Cartoons during any primetime hours.


The 90's was the death of the plot oriented action cartoon, along with one of my favorites Exosquad. The culprit? Oprah Winfrey.


Skip to about 10 mins in





Yup for whatever reason the Japanese like it. But keep in mind they have really weird taste. I mean... they're still not tired of Detective Conan after 900 episodes and 20 movies.


Fairy Tail is very popular here though too.  You can see it in the demand for the show to air on Toonami, the amount of discussion it gets around the internet, prevalence on streaming services, etc.  Funimation wouldn't have kept dubbing if it wasn't profitable.  Just never got an American TV airing, unfortunately.  Thanks a lot Demarco!


Fairy Tail is very popular here though too.  You can see it in the demand for the show to air on Toonami, the amount of discussion it gets around the internet, prevalence on streaming services, etc.  Funimation wouldn't have kept dubbing if it wasn't profitable.  Just never got an American TV airing, unfortunately.  Thanks a lot Demarco!


If anything I'd say FT is more popular in the US.


The thing fucking Toonami right now is that Demarco is unable to grasp the concept between something that's super popular in Japan, and something that the US actually likes. Japan likes TG. We don't. Japan still loves Gundam. The US sure doesn't.


Japan wasn't big on Elfen lied or Trigun. The US loved that stuff. Japan hated the second season of Rosario Vampire so much it killed the franchise. US loved it.


Fairytail had US hit written all over it, Demarco just plain blew it on that and MHA. The only things I can even think of that he's done right lately is OPM and AOT S2 ......even though S2 was pretty disappointing that's not really his fault.


If anything I'd say FT is more popular in the US.


The thing fucking Toonami right now is that Demarco is unable to grasp the concept between something that's super popular in Japan, and something that the US actually likes. Japan likes TG. We don't. Japan still loves Gundam. The US sure doesn't.


Japan wasn't big on Elfen lied or Trigun. The US loved that stuff. Japan hated the second season of Rosario Vampire so much it killed the franchise. US loved it.


Fairytail had US hit written all over it, Demarco just plain blew it on that and MHA. The only things I can even think of that he's done right lately is OPM and AOT S2 ......even though S2 was pretty disappointing that's not really his fault.


That needed to be enlarged. Not sorry.  I can't do more than up this post once.


.... except, not getting MHA hasn't because of DeMarco shitting all over it. It's just that Netflix put a ridiculously more expensive bid on it than Toonami, which they can do, so they can't use it!


.... except, not getting MHA hasn't because of DeMarco shitting all over it. It's just that Netflix put a ridiculously more expensive bid on it than Toonami, which they can do, so they can't use it!


But when did Netflix grab it? Wasn't it during S2 when it was already established  as  a huge hit?

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