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What do you think will replace JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2 on 4/29/17?

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Assuming no pre-emptions, JJBA Part 2 (Battle Tendency) has 16 more weeks left, which means that it will end on 4/22/17, which means that there is potentially a free slot on 4/29/17. What do you think Toonami will fill that slot with?


  • Just keep going with JJBA Part 3?
  • SimulDub of Attack on Titan Season 2?
  • How about Lupin III Part 4?
  • Or maybe something else? (comment below)


Edit: I thought JJBA S1 was 25 episodes; turns out it's actually 26. So I've edited the dates above; my bad!




Also, methinks Toonami's not going to have a featurette this week since FOUR shows will be debuting new OPs: DB Super; DBZ Kai FC; JoJo; AND Gundam Unicorn!!


It will be major horseshit if whatever's next in the JoJo line isn't ready by then. JoJo has over 100 episodes with all the parts that are out right? It should be continuously on Toonami until mid-2018 at least.


Whoa, whoa, slow down there, buckaroo. Why in the shit are we already discussing a schedule change that isn't going to happen for nearly four months?


I'm not answering this right now. Let's just enjoy the next few months of anime shows without any worrying. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.


Samurai Jack Season 5, so Ranlsa, wherever she may be, can finally shut the hell up about it.

she's probably attending a Klan meeting with her parents

It's an almost factual prediction that it's gonna be Attack On Titan.


Sam Jack's gonna extend us a slot.

I mean yeah, we're gonna get AOT 2 at some point

Titan, then Stardust...if Toonami doesn't write JoJo off as a failure. 


Which they should do with OP first.

I like both Jojo and OP



I can understand why people wouldn't like One Piece due to it's history, but I can't really understand why Jojo is doing poorly considering a fucking Meme was based on it


It will be major horseshit if whatever's next in the JoJo line isn't ready by then. JoJo has over 100 episodes with all the parts that are out right? It should be continuously on Toonami until mid-2018 at least.


I'd actually prefer if they'd give JoJo a bit of a break before they move on to the next part.  Not that I don't like JoJo, but having some other shows cycle through the lineup would be nice, too.


I'd actually prefer if they'd give JoJo a bit of a break before they move on to the next part.  Not that I don't like JoJo, but having some other shows cycle through the lineup would be nice, too.


Eh, considering I only watch 3 shows and one of them's JoJo I can't agree. Get rid of Shippuden for that cycle thing, not that they will of course. Expansion would also make sense, but that too won't happen. Unfortunately Titan is definitely getting JoJo's spot. I honestly forgot it was a thing when I wrote that post. 



JoJo's not catching on because it looks and feel different from the usual anime and is very campy.


All in all - it's an odd (albeit awesome) show. And Americans either like DBZ, action packed shows with cutting edge looking characters... or edgelord crap.


JoJo's not catching on because it looks and feel different from the usual anime and is very campy.


All in all - it's an odd (albeit awesome) show. And Americans either like DBZ, action packed shows with cutting edge looking characters... or edgelord crap.

I like Campy........of course I'm gay and we kind of Invented Campy
Eh, considering I only watch 3 shows and one of them's JoJo I can't agree.


Fair enough, then.


Get rid of Shippuden for that cycle thing, not that they will of course.


I do wish Toonami would get rid of Shippuden, especially since it's so very far behind the actual dub.


Expansion would also make sense, but that too won't happen.


Admittedly, I do find myself longing for the days of 11:30 to 6 Toonami again.  If only they would have managed the back slots better perhaps we would still have them.


Unfortunately Titan is definitely getting JoJo's spot. I honestly forgot it was a thing when I wrote that post.


Not a fan of AoT, I presume?


Not a fan of AoT, I presume?


I don't despise it or anything, but I do consider it the most overrated anime of this decade. To this point anyway. One Punch Man, which also has a sequel coming and will undoubtedly air on Toonami, is high up there too. I'll watch both, or at least plan to, but moreso due to a sense of obligation than enjoyment.


JoJo's not catching on because it looks and feel different from the usual anime and is very campy.


All in all - it's an odd (albeit awesome) show. And Americans either like DBZ, action packed shows with cutting edge looking characters... or edgelord crap.


So it's a failure.  But if it's cut, then so should Naruto and OP.


I like both Jojo and OP



-but I can't really understand why Jojo is doing poorly considering a fucking Meme was based on it


Most of those memes originate from parts beyond this season and I can imagine most people being put off because they didn't see a certain "thing".


I wouldn't write off Jojo as a failure yet, there's still 16 eps left. It won't have a Kai type ratings comeback but the ratings for that double Jojo night inspired some hope in me.


I also wouldn't mind if they cut Shippuden but understand why they keep it around, what really bugs me is OP even though I like the show. Mostly because of how no matter how bad its ratings can get it's still the only show on the block with complete immunity from cancelation.


Yeah, I wouldn't go that far but does anyone else think that's kinda fucked up? I worried about it before when it was pushed back further and further down but One Piece has definitely built up a faithful audience over the years on Toonami and isn't going anywhere now. It's just that why did I have to worry about eps of HxH and now Jojo ceased being ordered over OP when both shows are doing better than it does currently? I don’t want to accuse Demarco and the crew of being biased or say One Piece is a problem when it isn't, I just thought the logic of that was kinda screwy.


Yeah, I wouldn't go that far but does anyone else think that's kinda fucked up? I worried about it before when it was pushed back further and further down but One Piece has definitely built up a faithful audience over the years on Toonami and isn't going anywhere now. It's just that why did I have to worry about eps of HxH and now Jojo ceased being ordered over OP when both shows are doing better than it does currently? I don’t want to accuse Demarco and the crew of being biased or say One Piece is a problem when it isn't, I just thought the logic of that was kinda screwy.


I much as I do like One Piece, you're entirely correct.  DeMarco has proven time and again that he's willing to go to bat for One Piece, regardless of how well it does on the block.  Do I think that's a terrible thing?  Well, not entirely.  At the end of the day, Toonami is DeMarco's block, and he can program it how he sees fit.  One Piece, for all the moaning about the ratings for it, doesn't do terribly for it's slot.  Personally, I think One Piece and Shippuden should be gone from the block, but that's not gonna happen, unless both of them start hemorrhaging ratings fast.


Most of those memes originate from parts beyond this season and I can imagine most people being put off because they didn't see a certain "thing".


I wouldn't write off Jojo as a failure yet, there's still 16 eps left. It won't have a Kai type ratings comeback but the ratings for that double Jojo night inspired some hope in me.


I also wouldn't mind if they cut Shippuden but understand why they keep it around, what really bugs me is OP even though I like the show. Mostly because of how no matter how bad its ratings can get it's still the only show on the block with complete immunity from cancelation.


Most, maybe, but not all. The most famous one "You thought it would be JoJo, but it was I, Dio!" happened in Episode 1, for crying out loud!


Yes, that night was good and quite hope-inspiring. Hopefully DBZ Kai FC and Gundam Unicorn will boost JoJo Part 2's return Saturday night!


Yeah, I wouldn't go that far but does anyone else think that's kinda fucked up? I worried about it before when it was pushed back further and further down but One Piece has definitely built up a faithful audience over the years on Toonami and isn't going anywhere now. It's just that why did I have to worry about eps of HxH and now Jojo ceased being ordered over OP when both shows are doing better than it does currently? I don’t want to accuse Demarco and the crew of being biased or say One Piece is a problem when it isn't, I just thought the logic of that was kinda screwy.


I dont see the logic off your concern for HxH or JoJo. If they won't cancel OP,  then they won't cancel the other shows.


So in other words - none of the shows are doing bad enough, thus no cancellation. Thats pretty simple to understand.


OP isn't getting special treatment. There;s no grounds to say that it sticking around is proof for that, because they never really cancel ANY shows anymore. I dunno if you haven't noticed, but you don't really need big ratings to stay on a after-hours anime block airing on Saturdays.


I dont see the logic off your concern for HxH or JoJo. If they won't cancel OP,  then they won't cancel the other shows.


So in other words - none of the shows are doing bad enough, thus no cancellation. Thats pretty simple to understand.


OP isn't getting special treatment. There;s no grounds to say that it sticking around is proof for that, because they never really cancel ANY shows anymore. I dunno if you haven't noticed, but you don't really need big ratings to stay on a after-hours anime block airing on Saturdays.


Most of my anxiety came from what Demarco said on the HxH preflight, if the audience doesn't like it then it won't run for 148 eps. I thought that it was a realistic possibility, why would they keep a deadweight show for 3 years in a 12:30-1:30 slot? But now that you brought it up I've realized that this kind of thinking is pretty nonsensical, if it seems like the audience still comes for OP then what's the worry?


Yeah, you're right.


I always did, but it's ultimately the best show to hold down a 2:30 slot, it doesn't have to be swapped out and pulls decent enough ratings to not worry about it, so I was wrong there. I had the idea crossed my mind a few times but I can't help imagining the worst so that certainly takes away some of the unease.


The audience doesn't come for OP.  DeMarco has said in numerous interviews he's gone to bat to prevent the show from facing its well deserved cancellation.  Other shows lack this luxury.


The audience doesn't come for OP.  DeMarco has said in numerous interviews he's gone to bat to prevent the show from facing its well deserved cancellation.  Other shows lack this luxury.

to be fair Toei is probably paying them to keep it on the air


which might be why Toei's animation has been inexcusably bad since Toonami's revival, paying to keep OP on the air is eating into their animation budget


The audience doesn't come for OP.  DeMarco has said in numerous interviews he's gone to bat to prevent the show from facing its well deserved cancellation.  Other shows lack this luxury.


He's said something similar to that once which you continue to take outta context.


And again, no show on the current AS Toonami has been cancelled. So this whole "OP gets special treatment compared to the other shows" is non-sensical. They don't cancel anything.


I mean IBO preformed meh, and they still bought another Gundam series.


That's a retarded theory and you know it.


Maybe just maybe OP is doing fine because you don't need groundbreaking ratings at 2 :30 and it performs well-enough there.


But he won't listen, because then he can't trash on OP. Instead he'll refuse to look at the fact the dub is already well into the time skip (meaning 500+ episodes in, which is ridiculous and wouldn't happen if the show was a failure in the states) and pretend it's a failure here while only citing Toonami as the reason it's a "failure". While again ignoring clear evidence to show why it isn't.


In other words, his hate-boner for OP is too strong and he can't control himself and starts spewing putrid shit from his mouth. Lol



The only shit here is coming from your endless attempts to fellate Oda.  Look, I don't need it undubbed.  I just want it off Toonami so it stops wasting space.


The only shit here is coming from your endless attempts to fellate Oda.  Look, I don't need it undubbed.  I just want it off Toonami so it stops wasting space.


Nope. Nope. Nuh-uh.


The only shit is your views when it comes to this subject.


Also, who cares what you want. My point was with how far along the dub is, among other things (movie coming to theaters, doing really well on Crunchyroll and HULU, being prominent in stores that sell limited anime merchandise) your annoying view that it's a "failure" has no ground. It just isn't DBZ. Nothing is. Doesn't mean it's a failure. It's time to admit this.

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